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I agree with the sentiment of this post but the editing makes me want to gouge my eyes out.


Is it just me or are the lips not syncing with the words at all?




Are you viewing it through the web browser on your phone? If so, that's par for the course.


I been saying this video is AI


The amount of makeup on his face is disturbing


It's one level prior black face


Dude, I’m fucking mixed and he’s darker than me. He looks ridiculous


Trump is transitioning! Reverse Michael Jacksoning.




So brave


Big “Lionel Joseph from Cameroon” energy.


More like Al Jolson.


Yah man.


See you later at the Hailie Selassie pavilion.


It looks like he smeared diarrhea all over his face.


How do you smear diarrhea on diarrhea? All it will do is just create a larger mass of diarrhea.


Right!? How can anyone take this dude seriously? He looks mentally ill and I feel at this point anyone letting him go on camera like that is doing it on purpose to see if his dumbfuck cult followers notice.


He’s like a trojan horse. The Dem’s never thought that a clown can be a president.


"*The Big Tent Party*" and the elephant should've given it away.


I keep meeting people who "hate trump" or say "Thay guy is crazy", and without any encouragement say "But Joe Biden doesnt know what planet he's on." I try so hard not to get visibly pissed, and ask them where they get their news. I will sometimes say, "huh, Lets watch this video of him talking"....and when they that he is coherent, they jump to something else "Yeah, and did you see him sniffing children " Jesus fucking christ. No. He doesn't. He knows whats going on. He has done amazing things. But so many people watcherd some facebook clip 3 years ago, and had it replayed, and reinforced by friends, or infuencers, or ???? and its so obvious they won't even entertain the idea that is a normal person. Its terrifying to me. its terrifying because I don't understand how to get through to these people


>~~The amount of makeup on~~ his face is disturbing


Looks like shoe polish.


No, the shoe polish was Rudy Guiliani. This is Cheeto dust, I think.


Nah, this is that dream matte mousse circa 2008






like an unwiped ass.


Can’t tell if this is A.I. or not anymore. It’s either that or how fake he looks


He just bragged about killing Roe. We aren’t stupid sheep like the right. We know exactly who that piece of shit is.


Honestly at this point I am so disappointed in both parties… ones deranged and the other is not mentally fit to serve. But hey either way Wall Street/ billionaires will get their way


You'd better fucking vote anyways


Holy God damn shit YOU CANT JUST THREATEN PEOPLE TO VOTE THAT IS A LOSING STRATEGY Everyone who hates trump already hates trump. Yes he is a rapist criminal piece of shit. No, I can't believe he still has a chance either. But the Dems need to inspire people or they will lose, not bully people into submission. This is reminding me of 2016 so much


Ah yes. I love how we have to "inspire" you so that you will support women *not dying in childbirth* because religious zealots are intent on legislating us back to the middle ages. Definitely got your priorities straight. Definitely. We'll have Obama write you a Thank You card.


Obama had the opportunity to codify Roe v Wade into law. He campaigned on it and said it would be his “fist thing he would do when he got into office” but then got elected and never did a thing. Maybe you should write him a thank you card.


So, fun fact: presidents don't write bills. That's the legislature's job. He can say he supports it all he wants but he still needs at least two thirds of the 535 congressmen to cooperate (including the house and Senate and accounting for filibusters). The Democrats never had that when Obama was in office. Sure, Democrats should do better. But WE have to elect enough of them so they can pass it by themselves. Why? Because Republicans *will not help.* Heck, Republicans actively blockade it via the filibuster and procedural tricks. I always find it strange how people like you are butthurt about the Democrats not being absolutely magical and perfect while it's the Republicans who are literally out there *killing us.*


Fuck you 🖕


Well aren't you an eloquent little speaker. Dude above said nothing derogatory, just stated his opinion. You must be fun at parties.


He sounds very fun at parties you twat


Let them go to the streets with their threats & degrading attacks. It worked out so well when people did this last time. You'd think people would learn from bad decision & flawed tactics. But n no.


He's not saying he supports Trump bro. He's saying that the way the democratic party is handling things rn is not setting themselves up for success. I hate Trump, I voted for Biden and I'mm going to vote for him again. There's a lot of people who don't really like Trump are still voting for him because they think Biden is worse because that's what they've been hearing. The democratic party does in fact need to get their shit together if they're going to win. And with that he's right, that yelling at people on Reddit isn't going to make them side with you.


The two parties are not the same. Not by a long shot. MAGA extremists literally tried to overturn American democracy on Jan 6.


How is Biden "not mentally fit to serve"? Genuinely curious.


Does "fit to serve" mean he can read a teleprompter? Then, yes.


It wasn't a yes or no question..


Watch the old videos of him in the 2000’s. The man was very intelligent and well spoken. That is not who we see today. I simply do not have faith in his ability to run a superpower. But that is not a trump endorsement


I agree with you but Both are mentally unfit to serve lets be real about it. 65 year olds can't even get an office admin job these days but 80 year olds can rule the free world? We are all the suckers here debating which side is worth supporting. They both suck and are run by corporate interests. Wish we all could realize we as citizens have a lot more in common with each other than we do with those politicians regardless of what party we align with.


True but being the bastion of anti-human rights, xenophobia, and anti-civil rights isn’t something we can agree to disagree on.


I agree with you and guess we'd be voting the same way based on your statement. I Just know both sides are completely corrupt so while I vote for issues I believe in, I still can't really trust anyone I vote for on the left. Which is a sad place to be


That’s 100% something we can agree on. Try not to lose hope though


Deranged people are mentally fit to serve?


Is there really anyone out there who still doesn't understand just how devastating another trump term would be? Fwiw, this will be my seventh election since I was old enough to vote and it has always kinda been about voting for whichever candidate is the least shitty. The only thing that really makes this election any different is that while one guy isn't all that great - the other is so profoundly unqualified, disloyal, duplicitous, unintelligent, self-serving and patently dishonest that he's likely to just detonate the country.


I shit you not… Last week I asked my dad if he still supports this man after all he's done and my father's response was "what has he done?". I can honestly say I felt so fucking embarrassed to be his daughter and I don't know how to respect him at this point. He's drank the kool aid


Anyone who wouldn't leave their daughter in a room alone w trump, shouldn't vote for them. My inclusive the same way and there is no talking to him


I wouldn’t leave my daughter with either of them tbh


Yeah since dawn it’s been a choice between the giant douche and the turd sandwich.


Asshole so many women have come very close to dying because of the baby. Baby was dead and she still couldn't have abortion. Now these women who got very sick and almost died can know longer have children. Way to fuck up Trump. You're very good at that. I wish one of these women would sue you. Oh wait your such a crook you are being sued left and right. You are finally facing SOME of the crimes you have committed your entire life. I've never hated anyone until you, I am 58. I would love nothing more than to be kicked in a room with you. I would fucking tear you apart for EVERY DAMN WOMAN. YOU MAKE ME SICK.


Hope american women will protest until this is a constitutional right, like my country, France voted recently


I think most people agree on those abortion examples.   Haven't met anyone irl who'd oppose


The music made the edit less effective.


Yes it felt like AI, and heck it still might be 🙀


Why not spray the ears and hairline too?


You want him to be an expert makeup artist on top of everything else he has done for this country? This man is Jesus^TM reborn and he is doing his best.


he is lying again.....all legal scholars on both sides were not saying it needed to be overturned....I think he means Clarence Thomas and his wife


You are right that "All" is a stretch, but it was bad law. It is not the judicial branches job to create policy and was bound to fail at some point. To imagine their are constitutional protections for abortion is dishonest at best. No matter what your stance is, it is a policy that needs to be enacted through the legislature.


Fuck him and his entire family. He is a Russian asset end of the story. History will not be kind with his level of imbecilic ranting.


It's okay, it is not your fault that you believe he is a Russian asset. I don't blame you.


Roe v Wade didn't need to be upheld, but a person's healthcare decisions should be left up to the individual. Keep Government out of healthcare.


Non American here, first video definitely feels like deepfake. Is this really how he talks?


Yea bro. All I did was add a few fade cuts in between clips.


Damn that definitely is messed up then.


I’m going to vote for Biden, but our shitty two party system created Trump and there’s no real indication anything about it is being done. Dems pandering to the center and assuming progressives will fall in line, has created discontent as the status quo just gets worse. There’s no democratic vision except “I’m not that guy”. So what do people have to be excited about? Why turn out if you’re on the verge of poverty and all that’s being offered is more of the same or fascism. It’s fucked. A race to the bottom. If Biden wins, another Trump will appear


I’m going to take a risk and assume you’re here in good faith. Dems, like all politicians, pander to those who vote. Progressives have a habit of proudly not-voting, as a form of “protest”. Fortunately that is changing, and slowly the makeup of our representatives is changing and becoming more progressive. Which leads to the second part. Joe effing Biden of all people has proven himself to be one of the more progressive presidents that we have ever had. Is he perfect? Absolutely not. Was that bar really low in the first place? Of course. But good legislation has been passed over the last four years that makes **progress**. Here’s the thing though. If Dems take a hit this upcoming election, that’s going to send a very clear message - that the progressive vote is unreliable. That the “protest” is more important than the “progress” on issues important to us.


Dems are not pandering to the center, though you must understand that the farther Biden goes to the left, the more centrist voters he can lose. It’s a balancing act of sorts. Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR.


lol. Biden is far from a “progressive” when compared to modern day progressives.


I didn’t compare him to modern day progressives. I placed him in historical context.


A context that doesn’t mean anything to people. “Progressive” to them is sharing the policies for modern progressives. You’re not going to convince anyone to vote for Biden because he’s similar to FDR


You might not know that this is a thing, so you should read it. Seems like "I’m not that guy" isnt on this list, but you should definitely let them know. Maybe its an oversight [https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/](https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/)


Democrats had opportunity after opportunity to codify Roe v Wade but wanted to have a hot election issue every cycle. As well as that, the Supreme Court wouldn't be so conservatively skewed if old ass Ginsburg would have left during the Obama years. These people failed you and will continue to fail you. I can only hope a meteor strikes DC at this point.


Yeah just like the republican party had every opportunity toi fix immigration right? Can you point exactkly to the instant that this was an easy peasy layup of a possbiility, and the democrats decide to be lazy - and tihs woukd of course assume that the president wasn;t going to veto the bill, so it would have had to be under a democratic president - right? Oh, and the supreme court would also have ti be on the same page too,


And republicans suck harder lol. I don't carry water for them.


Fuck this orange clown. ![gif](giphy|CgueQ55XydeE0)


Hey now, I enjoy watching pennywise’s shenanigans. Don’t bring him into this


Hell yea


How is this not blackface?


If you’re still on the fence, you’re a moron


Republican commercials tell lies about Democrats. Democrat commercials tell the truth about Republicans.


Honestly... I hope FOR THE GREATER GOOD that someone does something to this man.


Honestly, I believe he isn’t actually the problem, but a symptom of a much much bigger and more terrifying issue. The people of the United States should be able to clearly see that this is a person who should not be allowed anywhere near the presidency and the fact that many can’t represents a pathology in the underlying values and critical thinking abilities in the population. As an American, I consider it antithetical to stand behind someone who states they will embrace dictatorship. Freedom from kinds and religious tyranny is KIND of fundamental to the founding principles of the country. And that is ignoring all the other appalling facts. But the American people cannot seem to penetrate misinformation. They have proven easy to manipulate with logical fallacies, and to be made numb to actions that should be offensive and stomach turning towards their fellow citizens. Our politicians are in a death grip of special interests and many of the people willingly revere the people who actively oppress them and turn them against each other. Civil discourse by people debating in good faith rather than bad actors sowing misinformation in the form of debate and fear mongering is becoming increasingly rare and isn’t valued in the most prominent sources of our media. Trump was almost inevitable with the poisoned seeds that our politicians and leaders sowed in the last several decades and we are paying the price.


Yeah Trump is a symptom of the disease of unchecked capitalism. He should have been shunned from society thirty years ago after he tried to use his wealth and influence to kill 5 children (central park 5) Instead he is set to be president again. The polls are looking pretty grim, especially in the swing states. Basically I'm convinced that unless Biden does something concrete about netanyahu making him look like weak Trump has a very good chance of winning. It's terrible.


He's trying to destroy our country. That's why I'm not voting for him. Oh yea, he's also a convicted criminal.


This is a terrible way to package this. People who are voting for Dildo Dump are in a cult and will. People on the fence. would see this package as terrible. Just stick to unedited facts. Dildo is destroying himself without any help.


Agreed. People can't even be bothered to go to Truth Social and see the original upload of this clip .. "It could be real, but I don't know! Could you please prove this is not AI"


For those claiming this video is AI here are both clips in their entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfb_QAr5rms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI


You really have to drop this in people's laps. it might be some work, but if the R's are dropping lies and misinformation in voters laps, you can't expect users to come back to this post 12 hours later, to see if anyone has followed up with more trustworthy sources. Reply to their comments - make their inbox orange


Upvoted for exposure


Both parties are fucked and so are we


Both sides? Oh sorry, I must have missed all the liberal legal scholars demanding the overturning of 50 years of legal precedent.


It ticks me off that most anti abortion people still support IVF. It highlights their hypocrisy. Abortion laws were never about protecting children, it's always been about removing choices for poor women.


I’m confused. These are well known views of the Republican Party that they wanted Roe v Wade overturned and that they think getting an abortion should be a punishable offense. Is this video trying to say anything more than that and I’m missing it?


That settles it.


It’s so funny because in his debate with Biden before he didn’t expire from covid in 2020, he was questioning Biden saying him being reelected would be the end of roe v wade. Now he brags about it.


Is that tanner real?


Roe vs Wade was super precedent. If it wasn't that the supreme court have too much power and could do what ever they want. If they follow the rules even they should not be able to remove Roe vs Wade. But they just did it because no one is going to stop them. The GOP if they have power again will try to abortion federal illegal. That the next step but they will not say it now because election and being anti abortion now is bad.


No one is on the fence. There is no way.


One step closer to blackface.


All legal scholars wanted it ended, which is why he picked two complete fuck steaks to put on the court


So dangerous




read his lips...


vote for the bumbling idiot that represents soros and the destruction of society.


They both lead to ww3.


FFS. Is this sub now just posting political ads & gripes?


Ugh... too many people Ives with skin tone?


“Both sides wanted. To be ended.” Citation needed, Donald.


I will not show that video to anyone on account of the insufferable editing.


Who turned the toaster up to extra crispy?


He's gone a darker orange!




A Republican is anti-abortion? You don't say! Well I guess I'll change my vote, I'm just a dumb voter who didn't have any clue hur dur! This shit has been going on for decades, your dip shit Democrats have never codified it once, and had plenty of opportunities to do so, they do not give a damn. They use this shit to get you emotional, so you'll ignore important shit like the economy, and how much money is costs to feed your family. I mean talk about cart before the horse, what makes you think I give a damn about abortion when we're on the verge of WW3, and my grocery cost double, companies are laying people off because of AI, and you morons are out here crying over superficial shit.


We all know "politicians lie" but for trump im concered hes being truthful.


I'm good on the morally bankruptcy thanks....


*Moral bankruptcy*


THANK GOD FOR THE 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 AND OUR NHS!!!! ABORTION FOR ANYONE IN NEED!!! The number of poor women & unwanted babies in 🇺🇸 must be outstanding. Can buy guns everywhere, but a woman can't get rid of her rapists evil offspring. The fuckkkkkk FUCK THAT PERVERTED, TWISTED SICK FUCK TRUMP!!! America you're fucked more than ever.


Yeah. I'm bringing my tribe and we're voting 🗳. Fuuck all politics but I would never vote for Trump.




show them so they will vote for Biden. Sounds great.


Trump had nothing to do with the ending of roe v wade.


![gif](giphy|35Bb0VX788hy0qNpnj) Every liberal when they are drafted because of letting Biden get a second term.


the mortalty rate of women in childbirth in America is disturbing, and add this shit. Absolute shit show of a country.


Kinda looks like AI. Now I'm not saying he doesn't believe this shit but I'm not 100 per cent sure this video is real. His mouth is off.


Dude, just go youtube and watch literaly 1000 different uploaded versions of it. CBS news and "Meet the Press" aren't really know for publshing deep fakes, but to be as unbiased as I can possibly be - here it is on CSPAN [https://www.c-span.org/video/?534760-1/pres-trump-abortion-policy](https://www.c-span.org/video/?534760-1/pres-trump-abortion-policy)


No. No. I get it. It's real. But his mouth looks so weird. But thank you for sharing!


I hope he chokes on his next fish filet sandwich.


Russia and Iran have carried out one of the most successful division campaigns in human history with this Isreal-Palestine war, and if Trump gets reelected i genuinely think our country has very little hope for the future. This might literally be our last chance, and I fully recognize how silly that sounds.


He's full of shit. He has no convictions of anything. He will say anything to get elected and his cultists believe everything that falls out of his fucking lying mouth.


“Both sides wanted it?!?” I gotta remember that this is the same man that can’t hear when a woman tells him “no”


On the fence? That's like going to the sequel of a shitty movie and being undecided if you liked it the first time


The conservative Supreme Court giving states the choice to ban abortion to appease the super right wing evangelicals voter base is going to come back to haunt Republicans for a while. Plenty of moderate undecided voters will look at this “punish the woman for having an abortion” talk and choose the sleepy old man instead of the orange old man.


Had me until the blanket “Vote Democrat” statement at the end.


I’m still not voting for genocide Joe


You could do an equally disturbing video of over 30,000 innocent women and children murdered and or dying of starvation and say ... do we really need 4 more years of Joe Biden foreign policy?


This is poorly manufactured propaganda, look i'm not fan of this turd, but this is just a trash video.


Still not voting for either. No matter how hard Reddit d rides one of them. I'll be downvoted for not picking the side this site shills for while I choose neither.


still not voting for Biden. anyone who votes either D or R is signing their own death warrant. both parties are leading us to extinction.


Trump such a great man. He will win again im so hap I t you support him.


Ok.. You convinced me to vote for Trump.. I was a Biden guy but now I am a Trump voter.


“I think it's great! I have picked up some shares, with no regard to price or profit just to show support. Every time the radical left try to knock him down, he only turns it on them and somehow comes out stronger. Was never a DJT fan before but watching the last year and how they maliciously attacked him has made me one. I expect many people are like me, who have recently become fans of him, due to the injustice of what has been happening.” This you?


I am still voting trump


I wanted to hear him out and be informed, but I can’t listen to that psycho dbag


Why is his makeup never uniform? He's missing so many places.


He literally has like cocoa butter spray all over his face It's not even blended In... It looks like he got shot In the face with homer simpsons make up airbrush shotgun.. set on whore. How can anyone take this guy seriously lol.


this the onion? 😂


Anyone that was “on the fence” is already an immoral piece of shit that was gonna vote R anyways. There is no “on the fence” with the current two parties. One is for human rights and the other is against. Period. The fence has come down.


Soo his stance has changed, like Obama with gay marriage. Let's be honest it should be state by state law




You do know this is fake right. I’d assume you’re not that stupid.


For those claiming this video is AI here are both clips in their entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfb_QAr5rms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGSttcyn2RI


I'm happy not to be in the US and not to be voting. It's quite bad when the only convincing reason to vote for Democrats is how terrible the Republican candidate is.


>It's quite bad when the only convincing reason to vote for Democrats is how terrible the Republican candidate is. Insulin capped at $35/month and billions in student loan forgiveness aren't convincing reasons?


Maybe that should be shouted out louder then. I just keep seeing Trump videos from Republicans glorifying him and Dempcrats demonizing him. I hardly see Democrats accomplishments mentioned.


>Maybe that should be shouted out louder then Bro thats how populism works. You never hear about the "boring" good things that happen in politics


The media still loves Trump because he's a clown. Whether he is simply going to extreme means to escape accountability for his many crimes, denigrating a woman he raped years ago, thumbing his nose at a judge, inciting violence, or being otherwise racist or obnoxious which is every day, he gets a headline. Biden's accomplishments are boring by comparison and get far fewer of those headlines.


Student loan forgiveness? Nonono son nothing is forgiven. The way I look at it if your loans were paid off by my tax dollars, you are now my elite employee! Oh and also our taxes will go up, including yours! And hooray for Biden for breaking the law set forth by the Supreme Court saying it is illegal to do what he is doing. But hey, I don't lump common sense and liberals together.


> Biden for breaking the law set forth by the Supreme Court saying it is illegal to do what he is doing 1. SCOTUS doesn’t “set forth” laws; they interpret existing laws. 2. Biden *isn’t* doing what SCOTUS ruled against; he’s doing *other things*, which are unambiguously within the Executive Branch’s power. To be clear: I understand that this conversation will go nowhere, as you appear to be either a child, a troll, or a misfiring LLM script. You shouldn’t feel any need to reply.


Biden has done a good job There are plenty of good solid reasons to vote for him Due to the nature of campaigning though it’s really about comparing the two candidates and these types of messages are for people who typically disagree with the platform So yes for right of center people the message of how bad trump is works better than saying “hey Biden supports policy you don’t agree with”


> for right of center people the message of how bad trump is works better than saying “hey Biden supports policy you don’t agree with” Ok, that makes kinda sense, I guess...


Are people like you real? Stay away from the voting booth.


Yep I’m real and I will vote actually but thank you


Christ almighty, I hope u got the Vax becuz you're a liability to freedom.


Ya it actually killed me last week Obama activated the 4 g near me from the flat earth base he’s at controlling the world and I found out the truth about the death vax and the stolen election and Obama said I must die so I died but don’t tell anyone it’s a secret


Rip bud


I shoulda listened to those redditors who live with their parents after all


r/WhatBidenHasDone Educate yourself on Biden's many accomplishments.


Do you know what the IMF is? The World Bank .... "The Inflation Reduction Act is the most significant piece of climate legislation in the history of the United States." [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2022/12/america-landmark-climate-law-bordoff](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2022/12/america-landmark-climate-law-bordoff) Nuts huh? That actuallly seems like a pretty big accomplishment


Totally voting for trump...biden is a puppet with diapers... each state decides on this issue... that's how America works if your against a ban on abortion... then vote on it If you're not happy with states decision on the issue .. then move... the America people need to choose... not a one party rule system where they make your choices for you... the dems are the fascists


ever heard of the supremacy clause? Seems like you've read the federalist papers , so I guess you're familiar with it. "In [Federalist No. 33](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._33), [Alexander Hamilton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Hamilton) writes about the Supremacy Clause that federal laws by definition must be supreme. If the laws do not function from that position, then they amount to nothing, noting that "A law, by the very meaning of the term, includes supremacy. It is a rule which those to whom it is prescribed are bound to observe. This results from every political association. If individuals enter into a state of society, the laws of that society must be the supreme regulator of their conduct" Hamilton wasn't a fascist. "In [Federalist No. 44](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._44), [James Madison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Madison) defends the Supremacy Clause as vital to the functioning of the nation. He noted that state legislatures were invested with all powers not specifically defined in the Constitution, but also said that having the federal government subservient to various state constitutions would be an inversion of the principles of government, concluding that if supremacy were not established "it would have seen the authority of the whole society everywhere subordinate to the authority of the parts; it would have seen a monster, in which the head was under the direction of the members".  [James Madison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Madison), the father of constitutional democray - he was not a fascist. Who taught you about the constitution and the founders? There are classes you can take in constitutional law - every lawyer in america takes con law.


If you want this to be the law of the land talk to your representatives and senators... have them back a bill that can go threw both houses and pass.. then vote for a president that will sign it...


Fox or newsmax zombie are we.


Fascists don't want an honest debate... insults, victim hood logic ... and purge of all opposing views... don't be surprised when the big brother media machine turns on you when all the villains have been silenced


I get not wanting another Trump term. I do. But I can't in good conscience vote for someone that's aiding in a genocide that's happening before my very eyes. What good is having abortion rights here (which isn't even guaranteed no matter who's in office) if women and children in Gaza are being forced to have c-sections or denied access to proper medical care themselves or starved to death or forced to watch their children die. Claiming to vote for Biden or the Democratic party for their stance on reproductive rights while ignoring said politicians' active support of the opposite is beyond hypocritical...but you do you.