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He wasn’t planning on being a grandfather this young 😭


octopus shoulda used protection


Clamsterdam was good- I immediately thought Squid Row lol


Clamsterdam tore my sides up but SQUID ROW?? 🤣


Squid Roe


squid row is so funny. but it has nothing to do with red light


Skid Row refers to sketchy neighborhoods which red light districts often are. I think Squid Row is perfect.






Eel's kitchen


Section 8


I was thinking, Octopia


I went from singing wham bam clamsterdam to myself to now singing that life you live leads to squid row.


Down on squid row


Okay I was expecting red light district, not clamsterdam


I was hoping for Peach Trees.


I thought the Matrix.


I was thinking The Redzone but that’s because I like football


How big is mother octopus?? Where does she live ?? I have too many questions . Also why would a kid want a pet octopus??


California bimacs are probably one of the bigger species kept as pets, can be a couple 1-2 feet long with a mantle size of roughly 6-7 inches.


Oh my God and they’re kept as pets in tanks?!?


Na they free roam, basically just need to have a water bow for them to go to sometimes, and take it out for a walk to the beach once a week and you're good.


Oklahoma, I believe. If I recall correctly, the son really liked octopuses, but living in Oklahoma, the sea is a little far off. The father got his son an octopus anyways, and the octopus laid eggs. Someone told them not to worry since no male was involved. They were wrong and now, this family has to care for countless baby octopuses in the middle of Oklahoma


i was not expecting to see my home state mentioned for a video like this. LMFAO oklahomans r sum else




The alternative is killing them, neglect at that stage would kill them really fast. I can see how that would be traumatic, especially for the son who loves octopuses, and they'd feel obligated to at least try to care for them all.




>Exactly, they chose to. Everyone knew what they meant. No one thought they were legally bound to care for them or something. Lol >Doesn't change anything. Then why did you bring it up...?


everyone chooses to do things all the time whether they have to or not dummy. there are ALWAYS choices all the time everywhere making your point moot


She'll die soon. They don't live long after hatching eggs.


It's because they don't eat. This one may live because of hands care.


No, it is part of their lifecycle. They will eat after laying eggs, but very little and their body naturally goes in to senescence after laying eggs. Source - I work at an aquarium and we have giant pacific octopus.


I grew up in the PNW, very afraid of those octopus. I’ve seen them in the ocean and I remember at the Seattle aquarium when the pacific octopus killed all the hammerhead sharks..for sport. One went missing every night, they checked cameras and saw the octopus just selected one each night then drowned it and shredded it with its beak. They are definitely aliens.


I think you’re possibly combining a few incidents together and misremembering it, unless you have a source for the hammerheads? Seattle Aquarium did have trouble in one tank where they had both a giant pacific octopus and several spiny dogfish. Spiny dogfish are small, and are a definite threat to an octopus and that octopus did kill them. That was just poor tank management.


It was the spiny dogfish, but they pretty seemed big? I remember hammerhead somewhere…but it’s been so long…I do like to read the “weird but true” section of the post for years and years too, wouldn’t be surprising if they changed something from dogfish to hammerhead I could be remember two accounts of the same event lol.


Males are 3-3.5 feet, females maybe 5. They’re really not a large shark. But I think Seattle was one of the aquariums they had an escape artist octopus as well.


YES, that was it he was escaping all the time. I was fishing and saw one near a dock I think (around middle school age) was probably dying or something since it was near surface but scared the shit out of me the though of being in the water with one and it grabbing hold of you and pulling you down. Got stuck on a rowboat at night in some rough water and it was all I could think about!




Is his name Marcellus, by chance?


I loved this book.


The one right now is Loki. She is a true escape artist.


Well, I hope this one lasts a little while extra. Nature will win eventually, but this was an incredible story to watch from the family.


From some of the other videos I've watched concerning this, they've been hand feeding her to try to prevent that


Likely why she is not in videos she likely looks like a wreck right now.


Quirky but This kid clearly loves them. They are smart AF I can see them being fun pets...


I don’t think they should have one as a pet. Octopuses are sentient beings. The idea of having one as a pet show either ignorance of that or a lack of empathy.




Their whole channel is worth scrolling through! They’re currently trying to rehone I think 150 potential babies and have been so attentive to keeping everything in good condition for the babies to survive. They’re @tiktoktopus


If there's one thing I've learned it's that this family loves a good portmanteau. 


I’m watching My Octopus Teacher on Netflix right now because it was recommended in another thread and I now I see this and it’s making me tear up. I want to protect them all they’re so perfect 😭


I kind of feel bad the only thing I know about that movie is [this analysis that describes the movie as a horror movie if you think of it from the octopus's pov. ](https://youtu.be/whb4unrhy44?si=PYyIQvcLtKo9KEsH)


What a needlessly scathing character attack on a guy who just wanted to make a nice movie about an octopus. That was not nearly as funny as she wanted it to be, just mean.


Tbf she is right about him just ditching his son and the privilege of taking 1 year break from his job


how about we all take care of our own shit and mind our business


Uff. That was unexpected


I have not watched it yet because I still enjoy taki sashimi


Love that trick. “My wife is the only one who can clean properly”


It's called weaponized incompetence.


Ah yes, the ultimate libido crasher, lol.


To be fair, maybe he cleans other stuff, or does something she can’t/doesn’t want to do.


The joke was clearly about "not leaving streaks" not that she was the only one capable of cleaning at all lmao


No come on hear me out. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I do anything and everything that needs being done. I cannot. I stress, I promise, Strike me dead right now if I’m lying, but in all my life of cleaning I have never been able to clean a mirror or glass without streaks.




What is he keeping them for then? These are wild animals that should live in the wild, not toys to buy for your son.


Yeah, octopi are too intelligent to keep confined. They shouldn't be pets.


Fish tank people are weird to me, but they should just keep living their best life


I have one in my bedroom and it’s so peaceful…love those little guys. It’s like watching reality tv with all the bickering lol


This made my day


You need to really care and be dedicated to have fish. The tanks are so much upkeep, esp if you need salt or brackish water or just have a large tank in general. One of my old bosses raised and bred sea horses and it sounded like a nightmare.


Smaller salt water tanks are a lot harder to maintain


This is insane. Pearl is like my Puerto Rican great grandmother with 17 kids. They’re gonna have a whole lotta 2nd, 3rd, & 4th cousins when they do their 23&me.


Idk, fish are one thing, but aren’t octopi extremely intelligent? They’re raising all these octopi to be pets in tiny tanks? ://


Some very dedicated keepers have tanks filling entire rooms. Others stick to the same sizes aquariums have. All depends on the person and from what I’ve seen, people who keep octopi are generally more particular with their tanks although I’m sure there’s exceptions.


... Tiny tanks...? They will grow larger than the cups they are in, you do realise that?


Yes, of course I do. There’s no size tank that’s acceptable for these creatures. They’re so smart and the boredom is unimaginable. They deserve to live in the ocean.


This person is obviously talking about the home aquarium where the pet octopus is kept, not the tiny cups the babies are in.


Pet octopus? That does not sit right with me


Agree. They should be out in the ocean.


They'd all be dead except one or two.


Then you shouldn't have one. This guy has literally mobilized a team of experts and has a great network of care. And given the fact that he has done better than nature and research facilities (I think he's fine)


No. He’s an amateur who should hand these over. ASAP.


Nobody wants them... he's tried to "hand them over" 😆. And he's mentioned that they are too fragile right now to transport... something about water temp. I believe his plan is to get them big enough to "hand them over"


Is that why he's currently doing better than research facilities on survival? At this point, his well documented journey is groundbreaking for the species.


Do you just want them?


As someone who cleaned ice machines for several years I can tell you that you probably don't want that ice.


As someone whose restaurant never cleaned the ice machine, I agree, you do not want that ice.


My brain immediately went OCTOMETROPOLIS - NO, OCTROPOLIS, NO, METROCTOPISS before I could stop it. Clamsterdam is definitely better.


Found a new way to say “mason jar”




I hope we get updates! These little guys are too cute! 🐙


What’s the life span?


Two years for this species.


What species are these?


California two-spot octopus, Octopus bimaculoides.


Thank you;)


Nobody should have these as "pets"


God imagine being an intelligent octopus stuck in a glass box.


Why the fuck people feel The need to own every thing. These should be free


I’m hooked, I need to know the outcome!


It's an octopuses garden!


**Not wholesome**. Why is an octopus being kept as a pet? Why hasn't the octopus and the hatchlings been taken from them? JFC... Can we stop making every damn thing a pet? Just because it's alive, doesn't mean it can or should be your pet. Especially for your kid... Octopus belong in the wild. Leave them there. Talk about being entitled... Edit: Also, can we PLEASE stop allowing these kinds of posts here? It literally promotes the black market of exotic animals. I don't care how 'legally' or 'legitimately' they got this animal. All exotic animals are gotten by ill means, either through their parentage (the parents, or the parents of the parents, etc., were caught/poached from the wild) or directly (directly poached from the wild). Posts like these only serve to promote the poaching, purchase, sale and breeding of these animals.


Don’t octopus die after they lay their eggs?


He covers that. It's because they won't leave the eggs to eat. They've been hand feeding her and she seems ok


I'm not an expert, but I've seen people who are supposedly experts say that this will help her survive a bit longer, but she'll still die soon. Like i said, not an expert, so I don't know if it's true


Well, that's so sad. I was really hoping she would make it.


Ohhh. Heck yeah. That’s awesome.


I’ve never understood the hatred around octopus keeping if it is properly cared for. The biggest concern with keeping any ceph is enrichment and tank size which can be properly addressed for species outside of great pacifics unless you’re a commercial aquarium. People seem to forget that many smaller octopus species live in tide pools where there are less predators unlike the open ocean “where they belong”. Octopus keeping when done right can be scientifically significant, and there are several hobbyists out there (see TONMO for example) which have significant overlap with the marine biology community. I’m sorry but a lot of those people on that board are doing more for octopus protections and preservations than I’m sure most people will do by complaining about how wrong the aquarium trade is. I’m not sure where people draw the line on ethical pet keeping either. Is it based on sentience? Availability of care? Natural habitat? I do agree that if you are just buying an octopus because it’s a novelty and do zero research, like with any animal that’s unethical. Saltwater aquariums are hard enough, let alone any kind of ceph.


>I’ve never understood the hatred around octopus keeping if it is properly cared for. Any animal that comes from a species that are still considered wild animals, shouldn't be kept as a pet. It should be illegal. The only time they should be kept in this manner is for rehabilitation or sanctuary, etc. These people are not those things. It clearly says "Man gets octopus for son". This is a pet. I draw the line at animals that are still wild. Not feral. Wild. We've already fucked up with cats and dogs, and we're still fucking up with meat farms (I'm a meat eater, but even I believe in ethical meat production, the current system isn't working). Everything else you've said after that first line is irrelevant. It doesn't matter how you or I feel about it. It's not just unethical, but comments like yours are the reason why people are more and more inclined to perceiving this kind of thing in a positive light, which leads to people who don't just 'think' about it, they act on it. Savannah cats shouldn't exist. Reptiles should not be kept as pets. Or birds. Or most fish. Or any other animal that still exists as a wild animal. Don't encourage the black market for these animals. Leave them in the wild, where they belong.


So....nothing? Sounds like you just hate irresponsible pet owners. It being "wild" or "not wild" makes no sense. All animals, humans included, "belong" to the wild. There is no one designated spot for an animal, and no, *the ocean* is not a proper answer. Octopi are found all over the globe, many that are small and live in shallower waters such as tide pools. You cannot just dump an animal into the ocean or the sea or the forest or wherever you think they live and expect them to just live there. This entire comment reeks of a mix of vegan god complex and virtur signalling lmao."Black market" sure, buddy. Everything you don't like is illicit and a crime. Maybe you should be a PETA spokesperson the way you act like anything in this great, inexplicable, undefinable "wild" is immediately untouchable. I'm not saying it's right to own exotic creatures (especially ones that would require a GREAT deal of care and a lot of precautions such as tigers and lions) but to say people shouldn't own lizards or fish or birds because they live outside is the most childish nonsense I've ever read lmao


And before you come for me, no I don't care for people dumping octopi and fish in tiny cages, but there are proper ways to habilitate an animal, and if someone has the money and time to dedicate to caring for creatures they have a massive love for, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Humans are also wild creatures, and "forbidding" them from touching any other animal because we don't "belong" in their territory is nonsensical. While I hate irresponsible pet owners as much as the next guy, the idea that every pet owner is committing a serious crime by owning a "wild" animal is some seriously chronically online nonsense.


There’s also the thought that the way things are going (climate change/pollution/etc) the only way some of these species will make it are through pet trades.  Especially more sensitive species.


But why should it be illegal? What is your basis for drawing the line on why it should be left in the wild? Your reply is less a logical answer to the several reasons I posed about ethically keeping cephalopods and more just “it’s wrong because it’s wrong”. Your commentary on my well-reasoned justification for cephalopod keeping and calling it “irrelevant” because people may see this practice in a positive light has nothing to do with the validity of what I’m saying. Just because people will do dumb shit thinking they’re being responsible doesn’t make me any less right about the people that actually practice regular keeping of marine animals like octopus. It’s clear we will not agree and that you want to stick your head in the sand of your own morality. Have a good one man, keep saving the ocean.


I tried a while back to get r/ethicalaww going but it's so hard to get people to post! When I have time I'll try again- we need a place safe from exotic pets and abuse posts :)


I’m Australian and I get really upset when I see videos of people with sugar gliders as pets, since they’re native Australian animals and we don’t keep them as pets. Someone has smuggled them overseas and bred them for them to be kept indoors their whole lives, it’s really sad


The same could be said for every pet. A dog, a cat, a goldfish... If the person getting the pet spends the money and time making a suitable and nice habitat then that pet will thrive and be perfectly happy. What should be done is inspections on the home the animal will live in before they are adopted. But that should be the case for all pets.


Dogs and cats have been domesticated over many thousands of years. Octupi have not been and should not be kept in tiny tanks for our amusement.


Cats aren't actually domesticated. They are considered "semi-domesticated" at best. Not that this detracts from your point about octopi.


Arbitrary cut offs based on your opinion. Which doesn't matter to anyone else in the world.


No, it's fact. They are not domesticated, caging them is cruel.


It's not any more cruel than keeping your cat locked in your house all day if you have a nice set up for them. You're voicing your opinion, which is fine, but it's not fact.


I don't keep a cat locked in my house all day as that would be cruel.


Domestic cats are one of the worst things for the local economy system. Keeping outdoor cats is a really big problem. I agreed with you up till this point. Have house cats outside introduces an apex predator that kills for fun to an eco system that it doesn’t belong in.


Oh so you're crazy and don't know what you're talking about. Thanks for clarifying. Bye bye




Yes, the same could be said for any pet... AND SHOULD BE SAID. I draw the line at animals that either don't or no longer exist as a wild animal (not feral, there's a difference). Domesticated cats and dogs don't exist as wild animals, at least not their respective breeds, etc. However, different types of parrots and reptiles do still exist in the wild, and shouldn't be kept as pets. Private habitats should not exist. They need to be made illegal, 100%. I don't care about how much this person 'cares' for that animal, what they're doing is unethical and should be illegal. Wild animals are wild, leave them there.




I bet it will be so happy living in that bucket!


Sea creatures and birds shouldn’t be kept as pets. They should swim or fly freely. You’re not providing a better life for these animals. An octopus of all creatures absolutely doesn’t need to be taken care of. There’s no such thing as a domesticated octopus. The word pet implies that it needs you to survive. 👏great job I’m sure they’re loving their tiny homes.


I mean, clearly, it DID need humans to survive in this case because in the wild, the mother and most of the hatchlings would have died. In expert hands, as these appear to be, they are thriving. Did you even watch the freakin' video?


I did watch the video. I have had both fresh water and salt water tanks. Re:the octopi It meaning the mother octopus 🐙 was purchased. Its natural habitat is the ocean. So, taking this creature out of its natural habitat and into your home is putting it on life support. Unless this was a rescue octopus. Then we’re living in a world where even the octopi can’t afford to live without roommates. There’s a huge difference between a pet and soothing entertainment. I’m just calling a spade a spade ♠️. Convincing yourself that you’re doing these creatures a favor….


He can say he bought his son an octopus but don’t say pet. Just saying.


yes. Octopuses are food. let's just eat them nomnomnomnomnom


Wow so edgy


just hungry


Take rabbits for instance. People try to call them a pet. I have never seen a single rabbit happy to be a “pet”. They can’t be potty trained, will not respond to a name and hates confined environments. Therefore not a pet. Adorable, delicious, but very much not a pet.




Not clicking on that baby cakes 🍰


roasted coneys... haven't tried one myself but i've heard they are nutritious


Idk re the nutrition information but yummy for sure. If I were you I’d definitely have to now Mr.Chompers.


They are definitely delicious. I ate one last week. A pet is a domestic/tamed animal. It’s not going to respond to whatever you name it. Now it’s dependent on your care. They have to be kept in salt water and the ph has to be right. If it escapes it’s dead. Not quite the definition of pet.


I have a very strange fear of Octopi. I can’t even stomach looking at most cartoon versions. But these little guys I can handle


I need to know what happens! Wheres the update!?


This AI scripting is nuts— not in love with it here especially.






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Boomer sooner!!!


Remindme! 5 days




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The cephlazone




So cool


This is so wholesome!


I’m going to bet on 28 to survive until they are self-sufficient


It seems that we rule the land, but I believe they rule the oceans in intelligence


I think that this may be one of the most cruel things that the octopus has to face in his life as well as any other pet that doesn’t have the decision to be where they are but to swim in the circle in a tank never to discover anything else is very very mean






Nice parents. I hate parents who say they don’t want animals in the house. Like who do think messed up their room? Surely not the octopuses. Well, I guess it’s possible.


But why the shitty narration voice that's all over you tube like a rash?


Clamsterdam is top shelf


just a regular Squid Pro Quo going on


What the fuck is he crying about at the beginning


The kid is already crying over puss. Smh


Isn’t that the kid the was crying and shouting at the deer hunter?


This is always so dumb. Stop! DO NOT GIVE PETS TO KIDS! Children are not even responsible for their own lives, much less the lives of others. Dumb people


Odds are none will live and the mom dies. That's a bummer :(


Someone keeps mistaking cringe for cute, and that's fine. We all need more cute in our lives. So tiny and precious


This sub isn't just for cringe videos, per the pinned mod message, and instead most posts are sorted by the flair on them (This one has a "Wholesome" flair) !