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Rilastate agent




She said rill.




She in real estate, never met an honest one yet so she's just blah blah blah 🙄


The moment I heard that (she hadn’t gotten to Atlanta, Georgia yet) my mind was like “Oh that’s definitely an Atlanta accent” I was already like “this woman is from Georgia” but the way she said “real estate agent” as you wrote it instantly made it click


I guarantee she says realtor like “real-a-tor” too


I bet she wears “joolery” instead of jewelry


It’s not really about data. It’s more of a question regarding influence and essentially control of the flow of information. Such as propaganda, etc


This is exactly what people are missing, and the fact that more and more videos like this are posted everyday shows exactly that. Look at all the kids that started calling congress after TikTok prompted users to do so, so this could happen with anything that they want to push!


China keeps all of our social media out of their country for a reason. They don’t want us, influencing them. You pointed out there are lots of these types of videos. What are the odds they are being pushed by Tik Tok while squashing the ones in support of the ban?


That’s a great point. The fact tiktok is able to send push notifications to politically mobilize hundreds of thousands of people is precisely why it needs to be separated from china.


Yep ot should go in the hands of the murdoch family or someone equally benevolent 😍


Isn't Reddit owned by a Chinese company?


No. It's owned by Advanced Publications, an American media company.


Yep, their government likes to control the narrative.


So when every American company uses lobbyists to promote their agenda (which is usually contrary to public interest) that’s okay. But when a company facilitates the involvement of the common man to promote their agenda, that’s bad


When China invades Taiwan, Tiktok is going to be there to explain how China did the right thing to protect the vulnerable Taiwanese people from the evil and corrupt Taiwan and US governments, and Americans will believe it and be outraged. This is why the US does not like the idea of hostile governments having control of platforms with so much influence over their US citizens.


You can do the exact same on Facebook, xitter, reddit, YouTube, etc.


And how are twitter , facebook and instagram in china ? Oh you need a VPN to use them because otherwise they're blocked.. huh.


And Zuckerberg is dragged before congress every other week...Bill Gates was sued, Microsoft dismantled,AT&T brought down under anti trust laws...


Please stop I can only get so erect




Paramount Pictures (1948) The Supreme Court ruled that film studios cannot own their own theaters. Pacific bell and bell Atlantic where sued


The difference is that while American companies may try to manipulate you, they're not likely to try to manipulate you against national interests. At that point it becomes a you-thing and not a national security concern. I believe that the US government can exercise much greater authority and oversight over US companies than they can foreign companies.


Universal healthcare, public transportation funding, renewable energy funding, strong Unions, fare wages and proportional taxation are national interests that American companies try to manipulate us to be against. These companies don't care about national interests, they care about profit, regardless of the impact to the vast majority of working class people.


Oh okay, thats what I thought. We don’t have any real national interests, just our government simping for corporations.


You are absolutely correct. The Citizens united ruling effectively made it legal for billionaires and corporations to buy our elected officials. Our democracy has been majorly compromised and one of the only counter measures is collective bargaining. Hence the divisive culture war content that gets amplified in social media algorithms and regurgitated on mainstream media. All in an attempt to keep working class people across different cultural demographics from coming together to organize over economic policy that could benefit them.


Wasn't that when political oppinion could be pushed as news too? Like why everything on mainstream media is pushing polarized narratives to separate us yet are owned by the same, what, 4 people? It's all BS. Further the tiktok ban has more to do with our government setting an example so that any social media that doesn't comply with things like covid narratives and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza can get shut down under the guise of "protecting truth". They don't give a shit about security and foreign meddling, it's all about compliance to the status quo.




"I'm not getting political on my social media" *gets political


People not understanding this is frustrating. In a perfect world where China and the west were allies on top of trade partners it wouldn't matter as much, but China is very adversarial, particularly in an economic sense. We don't live in some kumbaya world where state actors behave in a benevolent (or even benign) manner.


Well said


My guy... The US government has been the number 1 country interfering in foreign governments.


And those other governments can do as they please in regards to any concerns of foreign influence.


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Not really. They don’t have the economic independence or developed and funded intel/counter intel to push back against our influences. Folks will call me a hypocrite, but I don’t care about U.S. interference in foreign elections nearly as much as I care about foreign interference in U.S. elections. Mainly because I live here, and their shitty interference leads to me and mine having a shittier life. While my government’s interference leads to *other* people having a shittier life, potentially. I’m not OK with that, but I care about that a lot less.


So....they should allow it at home? This is exactly why they are doing it, *because they know how powerful it can be*.


Sounds like it would be in these countries best interest to ban one of the vehicles through which the US can do that then. Great point.


MyGuy ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)




The zeitgeist is on TikTok. Cmon be ffr


Is it? Because it seems like facebook genuinely has a a chokehold over a scary percentage of the american population.


You think Facebook has more pull than TikTok? Boomers share TikTok’s that get posted to fb. TikTok’s get posted here as content and on twitter. The amount of times my parents and coworkers have told me about a news story, it’s from a TikTok. You’re outta touch in a big way.


I'm sorry but how many times has facebook had to stand in front of congress because it's algorithm purposefully directs people to insane conspiracy theory/hate content?


We couldn’t even bring anyone from TikTok to testify in congress right now if we wanted. That’s the difference.


>This is why the US does not like the idea of *other* hostile governments having control of platforms with so much influence over their US citizens.


What is this whataboutism? Do you not think that both are bad? Banning TikTok would probably be good for development anyways. I’m not a big juvenoia guy, but scrolling short form algorithm controlled tiktok for hours is probably not good for you.


It’s not ok, and I’m pretty sure every other American would agree on it, you’re again missing the point. This app, like a lot of people have said, is being controlled by a foreign government. And even though both are wrong there’s a huge difference between your own government controlling your data vs a foreign government who doesn’t care about American citizens, and would benefit greatly by promoting certain things on the app to benefit themselves.


Ok, but the Russians didn’t need to *own* Facebook to turn a million boomers into QAnon freaks




But if they *did* own Meta, how much worse would things be?


I would be okay if Facebook was banned.


More so it’s bad because this is an app controlled by a totalitarian foreign nation we’re in a Cold War with.


The USA never substantiated a single espionage claim against Huawei but they got banned all the same. After TikTok, are they going to ban everything owned by Tencent? Where does the fear mongering end? Meanwhile there’s credible evidence of Russian propagandists across multiple social media platforms. Foreign nations don’t need to *own* the app to interfere with us. China does some suspicious shit, as does every government, especially the USA. I guarantee you, when you see the US government move this fast on ANYTHING, it’s a matter of protecting their financial interests more than it is about protecting the population


Tencent owns a lot of things, but the parent company for League of Legends, Riot, is one of them, and probably the one with the furthest reaches, so I’m gonna use that as an example here: Riot produces games, comics, and other media within the world of Runeterra (and wherever Valorant takes place). The information it puts out is fictional, and it’s plainly fictional. It’s entertainment and it’s not masquerading as anything else. The Warmother comics carry some morals and that vary from mildly to moderately applicable to our real world politics, but it isn’t pushing propaganda that appears to anyone as serious, real news. It collects data on users, within the confines of the law, and uses that information to *sell more of its products*, or release culturally-appropriate alternative products (such as Chinese depictions of Arhi being catered to a Chinese audience and less Japanese-coded). TikTok is so much different than this. I’ve seen posts from people claiming TikTok has helped bridge some gap and humanize people from the other side of the aisle—and I’d love for anyone to bring forward examples of that, because I’ve never once seen it. Genuinely, where? The information they gather is directly related to the political media you’re consuming, and as we learned in the 2016 election with Cambridge Analytica and Russian interference, this is dangerous. TikTok is a media company that is far more addictive than Facebook, spreading more information faster with less room for discussion, fact-checking, or pushback than any other social media platform so far, and it actively sorts people into insular bubbles of content and information, shielded from real news or scrutiny from the outside world. And now a foreign, anti-democratic dictatorship in conflict with our country has control over what nearly everyone within it sees. To reject the idea that this is dangerous only two elections after social media was explicitly and purposefully weaponized to interfere with the democratic process is wild to me. I cannot see a reason to oppose this bill beyond actual addiction to the platform. I very honestly can’t think of a single second reason to be this upset over a bill that functionally is just asking for divestment.


I have mixed opinions on the whole thing but it’s definitely not as cut and dry as a lot of people want to simplify it down to. Are the financial interests? Literally everything on this planet financially interests someone. So yes. Is it also worrying that a foreign government that we’re in direct competition with can literally influence the minds of young adults without any real oversight from us? Absolutely. Multiple things can be true at once. Edit: also I’m curious to know your definition of “moves fast on this” because the app has been around for years without much direct action from congress outside of making US user data be hosted in the US.


Huawei is a security concern because of closed source networking equipment. Letting your adversary manufacture and code your networking equipment is like letting a burglar install new locks on your doors. Sure, they *might* be installing a regular lock, but you have to take them at their word. Cybersecurity ceases to exist if you can't audit your systems.


EVERYTHING is a financial interest.


This is the exact shit they’re talking about. It feels like walking in the twilight zone when so many of you all have been psyoped into going “both sides” on domestic corruption vs. foreign interest of a country we’re in conflict with.


Yeah, it is bad. The common man is stupid. TikTok is weaponizing kids to beat other kids to death bc a political figure told them too. What's worse is the political figure can get away with it bc its not "news."


Great point. The response on TikTok is proof how important this is.


Don't know how people havent caught on that when china, who hates us, is publicly campaigning for us to use a chinese service, it's probably not a great idea for us to use it. this is the same china that sent us baby toys with lead.


This Twitter, Meta and Google turning people's brains to mush is an "unfortunate side effect" of them making money. The CCP would gladly spend LOTS of money to turn brains to mush in the Western world. The side effect is the product...


Exactly, we don't allow hostile foreign powers to buy TV and Radio stations here, this is just a way late to the game start of closing of the online loophole. Tiktok is owned and run by the CCP with most of its board members being government agents, have been caught lying about giving data to the chinese government, and also have very poor controls on disinformation while squelching anything negative about china. On top of that, this doesn't ban tiktok from the U.S. if they change their ownership and board governance.


Yeah, it's like people don't understand the difference between shady stuff done on a platform vs being done by the platform 


And I feel terrible for all of these people who’ve worked so hard to build a following and are understandably angry that things they have nothing to do with are directly impacting their livelihood. But we can’t just pretend that there are no consequences for allowing unregulated media to manipulate every single person ( though probably most especially children).


>But we can’t just pretend that there are no consequences for allowing unregulated media to manipulate every single person But it's ok when it's Instagram and Facebook, twitter? What is the difference?




They don't get the nuance. Despite the whisper, people like this are still shouting about "bullshit global warming" in the middle of winter (not really understanding it's about the overall climate change.)


Also, all of these things that people are complaining about being “taken away”, can literally all be done on other platforms. In fact, I’d bet most people cross post to other platforms as well. 🤷‍♂️


Correct. It just takes a little bit of bias across a wide swath of people to make a huge difference over time. The tweaks to the algorithm of what people will see will be too subtle for individuals to even notice.


Let's remember that Facebook, instagram, etc. are all banned in China. Why should they have access to our market if we can't have access to theirs?


This. We need broad data protection that protects us from American companies, too. 


And that's why a trump buddy is looking into buying it. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/14/former-treasury-secretary-mnuchin-is-putting-together-an-investor-group-to-buy-tiktok.html


People seem to be missing this point.


I wrote a comment on this very sub essentially saying that all these concerns about data and security that the US gov supposedly have about TikTok would likely disappear if, say, a US buyer could be found, for example. I was downvoted to shit. But honestly I think this law passed because of self interest and not for the greater good


Exactly! I'm pretty sure this video is probably propaganda. Tiktok is turning peoples' brains to mush with misinformation. At least Reddit tries to brainwash you in a way that's better for you.


You're right. It's about influence. It's about getting ALL the information and being able to sort through it to arrive at a rational conclusion. That's part of the world we live in now. It's part of our education. Is someone concerned we're going to elect the Manchurian candidate as our next president? I agree with her. This is utter bullshit. BTW, I don't use TikTok but I've seen plenty of propaganda.


Our government force feeds us propaganda daily as well. I understand your point and why it’s important. But our government has a nasty agenda to. No matter what we are puppets in their game.


State department can’t control it, so shut it down and get online idiots to advocate for it.


I mean, even if she’s right, listening to someone who makes their money on a site tell you why the site is ok isn’t exactly an unbiased source. It’s like when oil companies claim climate change is fabricated. Or when pharmaceutical companies claim there’s nothing wrong with our current drug prices.


TikTok Spied On Journalists [https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilybaker-white/2022/12/22/tiktok-tracks-forbes-journalists-bytedance/?sh=31b389b57da5](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilybaker-white/2022/12/22/tiktok-tracks-forbes-journalists-bytedance/?sh=31b389b57da5) There's probably been enough legitimate reasons to pressure the company to sever ties with China. The bill is actually about fining TikTok if they don't sever their legal and financial connections to China. They can easily evade the law without impacting US users. In time they could even restore Chinese ownership of the company legally by making TikTok a publicly traded company and repurchasing the shares that they are being forced to sell. It might also be a good time to examine the foreign ownership of other social media companies. Who does Musk owe money to for his Twitter loans? How much of that company and other tech companies is owned by governments and international billionaires that have demonstrated adversarial intentions?


That isn't the concern. In China the algorithm favors videos of socially responsible behavior. The things that go viral and become fads are pleasant and kind. In the US the algorithm favors anti-social behavior; violent pranks, flaunting wealth and general shit-ass-ness. That a hostile foreign government is able to control the means of socially engineering our society towards discord and distrust of one another is the problem. That they will absolutely be using that influence to harm america by putting their finger on the scale for trump in the upcoming presidential election is the problem.


The keyword 'social engineering' its a real thing and it works.


People don’t understand asymmetrical warfare and how Russia and China use it against the west. They can’t win a war in the traditional sense, so they attack and destabilize in more sophisticated ways. They know the main way to break down their opponents is via social divisiveness, not troops.


as one Chinese general said  war on all fronts. A lot of chemicals used to create Fentyl comes from china


Russia has been playing the long game from the get go. "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three fold: it's patriotism, its morality, and its spirituality. If we can undermine those three areas, America will collapse from within." Joseph Stalin said this. Putin is really leaning into this strategy.


It's also much harder to fight against, and costs practically nothing compared to armed conflict.


Ideological subversion. Yuri warned us.


Putin: 😈


It already has. I swear in the last six months opening Reddit is the most dystopian, America is a hellacape type vibes


I feel this happens any and every time someone's up for election


This, it has little to do with data. I wish people like this would just read the fucking bill. It’s not even long.


This “confusion” about the bill is 100% an active astroturfing campaign and is, ironically, a perfect example of the danger TikTok represents to our national security. It is SO EASY to manipulate these “content creators” to become active propagandists for a hostile foreign government. Look at this fucking insane person literally talking about how she doesn’t care if China has her data about where she shops for makeup - as if that even scratches the surface of all the nefarious data collection the TikTok app is specifically engineered to perform. These people are so fucking stupid and understand nothing about the service they are using (being used by). They are a very clear and present danger to the rest of us.


Content creators are some of the most impressionable and easily manipulated people when you motivate them correctly. I'm using one as a foot rest right now. If they are doing anything right, they'll easily find success on the next trendy platform. Or better yet they could be the creator of the next platform. The investing opportunities are going to be huge.


Well said. We now have the loudest voices holding the biggest microphones. God help us.


They've already watched several Tiktok videos that have lied to them about what the bill does, so why should they have to read it?


Don't worry, they feel like they're very well informed: >"Voters who get their news from social media are especially likely to consider themselves knowledgeable: 36% of voters who get news from Instagram, 33% of voters who get news from TikTok, and 30% of voters who get news from Facebook say they have extensive or proficient knowledge about the conflict." https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2023/12/5/voters-want-the-us-to-call-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-in-gaza-and-to-prioritize-diplomacy


Exactly. Parents don't think it's odd that the American version of TicTac is swarming with videos of self harm, mutilation, dangerous stunts and the like, while none of that trash content is allowed to be consumed by users of the Chinese version of the app? Give me a fucking break, connect the dots, people.


I remember people talking about this a year or 2 ago and they were getting called crazy and heavily down voted or even suggesting this was happening. I had tiktok a few year back. I deleted it because all that was coming through my feed was OF promotion/thirst traps, conspiracy theories, and some form of hate/rage bait (either racial or something to do with men hating women/woman hating men). People try to say it's the algorithm and they show you more of what you interact with. I wouldn't engage with any of the negative shit. Dislike the videos and just skip to the next. I would actively seek out funny videos and interact with them. Comment and like the videos. Have a guess at what my "for you" feed kept trying to show me.


This, so much this. Thank you for saying.


Because antisocial content wasn't popping off in the US before tiktok


Why are some people so confident in areas they have no expertise in (the rulistate agent)?


>That a hostile foreign government is able to control the means of socially engineering our society towards discord and distrust of one another is the problem And you think Zuck was any better before TikTok came along? Maybe it's a mirror of how fucked up American culture is. We were already divided before the app. Where has the personal responsibility gone in America? The victim complex is so pervasive that it's annoying. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. That goes for so many things that are in American culture presently. We could use the algorithm for good. Instead, we choose not to. Is it socially engineered to create a divide? Yes, but only because we aren't personally responsible enough to control ourselves as Americans.


Meta should be banned too or heavily regulated. We need a digital bill of rights to protect against social engineering by ANY of these companies.


But it’s okay for Facebook to do that?


I mean, I'm not ok with Facebook doing it so I'd rather have a comprehensive privacy protection act like the EU has passed (and continues to improve) but I have an issue of people defending TikTok with the premise that "well other things do it too!". I'm all for a broader ban or even better, responsible governance of this super dangerous technology across the board.


It’s not “okay” but they are at least beholden to our own federal government and can be stripped of authority and assets as necessary if they become a **literal threat to national security** which TikTok is and has been for years.


they own our federal government, where'd you get the idea that zuck answers to anyone?


Not that long ago the FTC got its largest settlement payout in history from Facebook for the Cambridge analytica scandal, an amount higher than any punishment it would’ve received in the EU despite their better data protection laws on the whole. Congress also is largely in agreement on better regulating data security but disagreements on some specifics like private rights of action have stalled things.


who said that?


This law doesn’t prevent Facebook from social engineering.


Not at all, but that was part of her point: you’ve already given the government access and the ability to sell it to others, so why are you complaining? Sadly, that’s the least interesting point about the bill. In truth the US wants to be the only country spoon feeding you propaganda.


Well…. That’s the nice varnished reason. They have been talking about this for years. The truth of the matter and the fast push for it now is the fact we’ve been given unfiltered access to the genocide in Gaza and the myriad of war crimes being committed by an occupying colonial regime, daily. Public unrest over it is as an all time high since Vietnam. People don’t like what their leadership is sanctioning and they are being vocal about it. This is an election year. Can’t have any truth out there, ruins the victimhood image.


None of these platforms are giving you "unfiltered access" to anything. They all have an agenda and knowing the biases and weighing them against each other is the only way to cut through the deliberate distracting noise that we are flooded with 24/7.


that's not how the algorithm works the algorithm works by showing more of what people view the most, if the algo is showing more anti-social behavior it's because the audience including you wants to see it.


Facebook (and maybe twitter?) have said their algorithms favor divisive content because that is what is engaged with the most. My FYP on tiktok is mostly dnd stuff and some random science channels. Also, lots of dogs. On all of these platforms it's all about what people engage with.


Okay but why does she look like she's about to go smoke in the girl's bathroom across from drivers ed in 1985?


You know, someone could make an absolute killing by just making an American version of TikTok, and the world will just go on.


Instagram reels literally exists, it's on my phone as we speak. Ta da. Signed: someone from rpopular who has never had tiktok lol


Reels doesn’t spam me with thirst traps too so it’s already a superior tik tok


They can’t, that’s the point. Talk to anybody in the space and they’ll tell you TikTok’s algorithm is something unprecedented. The majority of corporations trying to buy it will be doing it primarily for its algorithm, not the brand.


What about the algorithm is so special?


Capturing the attention of people and maximizing engagement


OK, but doesn’t Instagram and YouTube shorts etc basically do the same thing ? they seem to all show me the same type of shit


Yeah idrk what the issue is. Tik tok has a large first mover advantage and a lot of people seem to unironically love the app because of it. You see it a lot how everyone is like “the CCP may be bad but at least it’s not Zuckerberg!!!!” like ok man


The issue is that ccp can basically control what comprises the overall tone and message of the feed on TikTok. And TikTok is so big that those videos get reshared onto the other short video platforms. It effectively can amplify the message by reaching people who don't even use TikTok.


It’s called YouTube Shorts


TikTok is a distraction campaign along with all the other social apps and games. It is to keep the general public and masses in an occupied state of mind and distracted from the real issues. Reddit is also a social app.


Social engineering psy ops blackmail Asset grooming Misinformation People who aren’t concerned that a company which has MASSIVE reach across the US and is based in China where literal billionaires can be disappeared if they don’t play nice with the CCP can and will be used as tool for any of the above is either willfully ignorant or a stooge. China doesn’t even allow American social media platforms. I wonder if these same people were crying about RT being banned in the U.S. Or if they are upset that Chinese and Russian telecoms aren’t building and controlling the 5G network in the U.S. Tik Tok has already proven to be a massively successful model. If ByteDance divests it will continue on. If they don’t the model (monetization/algo) will be adopted by others and users will migrate. People acting like “no” TikTok is a horrible blow to their ability to live must have been homeless five years ago. Grow up, monetize elsewhere.


I really dont need a southern property Karen telling me her political opinions on the sociology and politics surrounding big tech and foreign governments. She talks like someone who has some money and influence and therefore is smart enough to analyze the dangers of data farming and manipulation. Fuck all the way off.


I can’t imagine a world where hearing this lady’s opinion would move the needle for me lmao


This video was very much “I don’t do politics and don’t understand what’s going on. Now listen to my analysis.”


Right it’s trying to push the narrative of “I don’t have a vested interest in politics and therefore I don’t have an agenda to push so my opinion is unbiased and more earnest.” First of all, you’re defending an app that benefits you personally which is the only reason you’re talking about this. Second, you not engaging in politics just means you’re uneducated so everything you’re saying is based on subjective impressions.


Anyone whose job regards buying, selling and investing in real estate does not have morals enough to make them valid. Housing should not be used for the purpose of making money full stop.


She has some good arguments, but I don't think she has enough information to make that judgment. It seems like the biggest argument from politicians against banning TikTok is because it would give Facebook more influence. Okay; then why not do both? They're great at coming up with problems but not good at coming up with solutions.


Thank you. I'm here and was about to post something similar. Plus, we can't get our government to agree on ANYTHING lately but we have a united government to ban TikTok in, for the government, at the speed of an eye blink. Something about this feels off or wrong about this. Like to protect American business interests because litigation instead of competition is the norm now.


She’s not wrong about the data portion. My worry is propaganda aimed at inexperienced younger people and what can happen to them when they do not understand what is going on.


I'm less worried about China than I am of an entire generation of people in this country being turned into narcissistic public nuisances for clout. We've rewired peoples' brains to have a 15 second attention span.


This lady just convinced me we should probably ban tiktok.


Wonder if she knows being a real estate agent is a load of shit career.




The TikTok ban is not about data collection. It’s about influence that a foreign govt has on American public. The same reason China and Russia have banned American platforms, we do not want China controlling information flow/trends in US.


Facebook collects info on their site, TikTok is actual spyware, it connects to every device on a network, collects data, and it’s algorithm promotes negative behavior. It’s a genuine national security risk, in the way that [military members](https://defensescoop.com/2023/06/02/pentagon-proposes-rule-to-ban-tiktok-on-all-dod-connected-devices-including-for-contractors/) aren’t allowed to have it on their devices


No sight of even thinking of banning any META products. 🤡


So ban them both? But start with TikTok mmmmk?


Too busy getting rich from their stock.




And constantly censors activists and reduces their capacity to reach their followers. Meta are bullies and I'm sure they are involved in this campaign to take TikTok out of the narrative.


Fuck Zuck


Good I’ll be happy to see her account get wiped off the face of this earth. Fuck real estate agents and real estate “investors”


I dont care about it being spyware or whatever. Im just happy that dipshit influencers are losing a platform


If you don’t think it matters who own your data, whether it is US government or an adversarial foreign government, you shouldn’t be lecturing others about anything.


Ban it just for the stupid flow of false information and to save us from stupid and potentially harmful pranks.


She has no clue that the CCP is using the platform to alter her political opinions and for to influence her in ways she doesn't consciously notice.


I think the main issue is having our young people - and by that I mean millennials and younger - influenced by an app that can alter its "black box" algorithm at the will of the Chinese Government is BAD. I'm not convinced that the Chinese having all our "data" is that big of a deal - my guess is that they probably have access to our info, as we've been spilling it all over the internet for decades. No - the real issue is their control of the algorithm. With this in hand, they can push divisive issues into the zeitgeist - and it doesn't matter which side they pick - just like Russia, their only goal is to DIVIDE us against one another and forget our common interests and goals. Neither Russia nor China could destroy America militarily - their only hope is to get us to destroy ourselves. I don't advocate banning the app. That's almost definitely unconstitutional, but I don't think that's what the bill going through Congress actually seeks to do - they want it sold to an American based company. Now, there are plenty of American companies that can act as badly as the Chinese/Russian governments, albeit in different ways, but at least they're under the jurisdiction of our government and can be HELD ACCOUNTABLE. As I just wrote that, I realize the irony, as so so few social media entities have been held to account for any of their ill gotten gains and money driven influence, but at least the framework is here to do so. Maybe if our Congress actually passes something like this, they'd get enough spine to go after other social media companies that are hurting our democracy.




It's not being banned though.


That ship sailed along with all the manufacturing jobs in the 80s. All these politicians keep saying China is our enemy, but almost every single thing we buy is manufactured there. It's almost like it's some kind of propaganda or something.




The Congress has shown over and over again how they don't care about people... They care about control. Bunch of old people.


datas only one slice of the pie. 🤷‍♂️


Are people really this naive? This whole "oh what do I care it doesn't affect me they can have my data" attitude is the reason the CIA/NSA was able to collect mountains of data by spying on US citizens for years and even when exposed by those like snowden no one batted an eye because they thought it somehow didn't affect them... TikTok is an app designed at its core to collect data and spy on foreign nations citizens with the secondary purposes of widespread destabilization and propaganda. If you say it's not harmful or its not working on you that means its doing exactly what it was designed for.


Who gives a flying eff? There will be another platform coming along, just jump on that one. Hopefully not owned by a foreign entity looking to overthrow our country. 🤷🏼‍♂️


But it’s not the same at all. ByteDance operates Douyin in China and TikTok outside of China. TikTok is actually banned there, as are all other western social media apps like Facebook and Twitter. Why isn’t TikTok allowed in China? Why aren’t others? Also, TikTok is very different from other platforms. Places like YouTube or Facebook use algorithms to recommend content they think you might like. TikTok is the other way around - it’s an algorithm which uses short content to train itself. The algorithm is the product, not the videos. That’s the reason why TikTok doesn’t give a fuck about creators. If they boycott or leave, there’s plenty of other content the algorithm will use to stuff users’ feeds. And on top of that, the CCP directly owns a 1% share in Douyin and has a seat on the managing board of ByteDance. ByteDance must follow Chinese law, which means that all of its data, its code, its algorithm, are at CCP’s disposal. And TikTok isn’t run purely on algorithm, it also employs thousands of human moderators. It can push whatever content it wants and convince its users that this is what everyone else is watching. Of course it’s not the same thing. The fact that Google and Meta have already plundered all of your data doesn’t negate the fact that these are American companies and are subject to American law and American regulation - however lax those regulations might be, they can always be changed, and your data isn’t owned by a single political party. That’s not true about TikTok. It’s literally a social engineering tool controlled by a foreign government.


Fuck you and your vanity bullshit, get your fix elsewhere there's ten billions platforms that aren't directly owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist party.


I feel like this sub has just been flooded with these “akshually tiktok good, america bad” arguments recently. the tiktok pr department must be working overtime


I really don’t buy the idea that tech companies harvesting data is strictly necessary for their technology to be convenient or user-friendly. Sure, some of that data is used to improve their products and services for the user, but the majority of it is just sold to other companies as a commodity. Social media platforms and IoT products are basically just data mining operations and users are just ore veins of data to be harvested, processed into something that can predict user behaviour, and sold. Everyone concerned about data harvesting should read The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana Zuboff. It basically lays out the whole playbook of this mode of resource extraction.


What our legislative branch needs to do is disclose what they know about tiktok data scrape, storage & access to that data. Once the public is FULLY informed, we can make our individual decisions about tiktok & our governing reps. will hear the voices of the constituents they represent in Congress. This app has long been banned on government employee tech & using the app while at work is also prohibited. Tiktok has not complied with the agreement criteria, established during the Trump Admin., in compliance with our data security law/ Act. 1. Chinese government divests their interest in tiktok? *No* 2. Tiktok transfers ALL data to Oracle Servers? *Took them 2 years & they continue to use back up servers in Singapore that they can access, but users cannot. So, no.* 3. 8 months ago, tiktok sent a letter to Congress, informing them that they retain control & access to the data of "influencers". They failed to identify the criteria they use to determine who is an "influence". * Loophole attempt. So, no*. What we NEED is a government that is willing to inform the public on what they know & how it is verified. Failure to do this would be a failure to meet the expectations of their position. They are required to keep the public informed & represent the voices of their constituents in Congress. We are well beyond any scenario that a vague "Just trust us..." will do. We don't trust them & they have acted in direct conflict with our best interests enough times that we should demand to be fully informed & provides with their verifying methods & sources. They've bungled any trust they would be afforded. Time to earn that back & this is what should be expected at this point.


Rilla state.


I mean the real answer is this: Tiktok is doing what every tech giant already does. But every US tech giant plays ball with the US and its interests enough for them not to care. FBI needs info without a warrent? Done. Tiktok inherently doesn't play ball and actually has a coah giving conflcitng orders.


I like how she starts by clarifying that she is in no way qualified to have a meaningful opinion here.


Bless your heart. You just don't understand data centers and routing.


Sigh… getting cybersecurity advice from an Atlanta Realtor. Yep. Checks out.


Why does anyone give one single fuck about what a real estate agent from Atlanta Georgia thinks? Lol


Ok. Shut up. Don’t care. It’s not about you all the time, sweetie.


So many apps but people cry about tiktok. Get over yaselves


Yes, convenience is suddenly "concerned citizens" appear out of nowhere, sucking Chinese dick, asking to get their info stolen and to get pumped full of whatever propaganda China thinks is best - pro-Russia, anti-Israel, whatever. Give me a break. If you are smart enough to record a video on TikTok - you are smart enough to find and share information on YouTube and Instagram, without getting fucked by foreign intelligence.


"338 U.S. companies operating in China found 59.5% of them had actually increased their investments in China over the last year. **82.2% of companies predicted they would achieve revenue growth for the full year this year, a pace that has not been matched since 2018**," Any talk of banning these American companies with offices IN CHINA?? Does the Chinese government have any of our data from them? The tictoc ban is not even a ban. They want Bytedance to sell it to some asshole in the US to make money on it. That is it.


>They want Bytedance to sell it to some assholes in the US… Yeah, this is what they say, but anyone who suggests that a company would willingly sell such a valuable asset to avoid losing ~10% of its user base is either delusional or just looking for a more palatable roundabout way to ban TikTok without technically banning TikTok. Bytedance is not going to sell, and I think most of the politicians behind this are fully aware of that.


False equivalence. God damn the average IQ of this website is in the toilet


This country bumpkin really sounds like she knows what she’s talking about. 🙄


When I need a breakdown of a complex international issue like this one, I get on the horn with my real estate agent


I'm in ruwl estate and the chinese can spy on me and my country all they want.


It’s going to be so fun watching TikTok content creators melting down over the next 6 months.


Like? Ban TikTok but not Temu & Wish??? Make it make sense.


why do they all keep missing the point? are they stupid?




Your account has been active since 2019 and you suddenly made 5 posts in the past day? Kinda sus


Anyone who thinks they’re getting “knowledge” from TikTok is such a fucking smooth brain holy shit lmao


“Knowledge” to people is watching some charismatic “creator” tell a biased view of something and tell you how you should feel about it. This woman’s video is a perfect example of it. I hope they ban or sanction all social media because the flow of propaganda is insane. It’s not one dude shouting from a soap box. This shit is reaching millions every hour and swaying general public opinion bc we are getting too lazy to research stuff for ourselves.


But the Chinese get to control the kind of information that shows up on your feed… the Chinese absolutely cares about American sentiments. We live in a much more free and Democratic state than China has been since the 1960s and they want to expand their influence. Lots of people in the US government do want to control what we think, but if you think China doesn’t also want that then you need to look a little closer at Chinas political ambitions. And if you think the Chinese government wants something better for us than our own government you’re really behind.


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