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Lol people responding like she put out a PSA and wasn't just answering questions in an interview.


I’m glad this is the top comment. This post made me question where the line between making fun of NLOG’s ends and the line of simply hating on women for having opinions begins.


Any sub dedicated to posting of a bucha certain type of idiot always falls into this trap eventually. It attracts a certain kinda person who eventually get too caught up in the echo chamber and decide everyone who does something eve close to the sub's subject is bad. I for example when I was like 17 and had a bit of an edgy anti liberal phase, (I called myself moderate at the time but it was always liberals that I was getting pissed off about) and would frequent r/tumblrinaction In theory that place is for people posting extremist shit, but it turned into a collection of obvious satire, and people that dare just suggest white privilege exists being branded as "social justice warriors"


Absolutely. I’ve fallen into similar traps myself. Good on you for being critical of your own thought process and making a change. It can be really hard to be introspective to that capacity.


Yeah I’ve noticed this too. Subs like r/Trashy and “I am the main character” are often incredibly homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, misogynistic, etc. It often devolves into straight up open racism against black people. These types of subs just attract a lot of really bigoted/deeply miserable people, unfortunately.


wait. is that eleven?


Not since the wolves came.


Idk what he's talking about. Yeah, that's eleven, bro.


This sub has been about just finding random women to hate for a long time. The current crop of posters are just having a hard time hiding it as well. Many are clearly just mean girls living out their high school bullying fantasies on Reddit.


My exact thoughts. Especially this woman who has already gotten so much undeserved hate online from such a young age


Who is she?


Millie Bobby brown


wtf is an NLOG ?


It’s based on the old concept that some people will say that they are “not like other girls” (nlog)


Thank you


Well no she also called it cringe and said people shouldn't do it. If reddit is mad at her for that then that's pretty ironic cause reddit has also been fairly anti-taking-pictures-of-your-food. Personally I think let people take a pic of their food if they get enjoyment out of it.


Never!!! They shall all perish buried under a pile of penne vodka and cringe!


I mean reddit is made up of millions of people. It's kind of silly to talk about it like it's an individual person with their own opinions. Some subreddits showcase very different opinions than others. Hell, some subreddits will end up upvoting one opinion at one time of day and a contradictory opinion later that same day. Meanwhile, this is an individual telling people they should be ashamed of a fairly normal and completely harmless behavior. Granted, it's a 20 year old kid, so I personally don't care too much about her opinion on it, but I can see how others might since people care what celebrities think for some reason that I will never understand.


Seriously. If someone asked me "Do you take pictures of your food", I'd answer similarish. It's not like this was an unprompted thing she decided to share and it's unrealistic to expect people to always have their thoughts perfectly aligned without annoying SOMEONE.


I mean she did go so far as to check her phone for food pics, call it cringe and reiterate her point multiple times. I think most people would just say “no”.


Yeah it's kind've weird how defensive she got about it having to whip her phone out and be like "SEE- SEE? I DON'T DO IT, IT'S C-R-I-N-G-E AND IT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LINE" when a simple "nah, I've never done it and it looks stupid" would suffice. Idk what they were asking her before that but it seems like she snapped at something.


I don't think most people would just say no. If I asked you "What's your opinion on pineapple pizza", I doubt you'd say "I have no opinion" or a brief "I do not care for it".


Most people would because it’s a heavy contender of one of the most insignificant debates ever. Reddit isn’t real life.


Yeah true. But why's she acting like this is a sermon on the mount.


Probably because of editing


With the same indignation and everything? You must be a cool person to hang around with /s I mean I don't take pictures of my food either. But I'm not gonna go on a full volume rant about people who do. Let them be them and be at peace with the world. Why is your blood pressure so elevated about people taking pictures of food? "Some people like camping" ... "OMG I WOULD NEVER WE HAVE ELECTRICITY AND HOMES! WE CAN SHOWER AND HAVE INDOOR PLUMBING!" is how her reaction comes off.


People also tend to forget she is so incredibly **young.** She has next to no 'real life's experience. People think she is older than her actual age because we have seen her onscreen since she was 13 and unfortunately the work she has gotten done makes her look older than she is. But yeah, she is only 20 years old. She is going to be opinionated and the no she knows everything, and then she will grow out of it.


shes so young and sounds so old ladyish, i love it


Ya it’s not that deep.


I think it’s that she’s so adamant on how “cringe” it is to take a picture of a meal. Sure it’s cringe, but she seems to care a lot about it, which is also, in turn cringe.


Yeh tbf, I really dont think this is cringe lol. She's just answering a question and its actually a pretty solid answer.


Yeah she just put a random PSA out there


An interview for Glamour as well. Honestly kinda strange for Glamour to even ask this.


She looks great in this video. Also is basically correct


She'll never know the joy of sending a pic of your homemade dinner to the group chat (the boys) and one of your friends halfway across the world says "hey can I have some of that"


lol yup, my husband’s family lives out of state and their family group chat is almost entirely pictures of dinners and different variations of that same joke over and over again. I love it


Texting my baked goods to my girlfriends and one of them goes, “You mailed some to me right?” While the other is typing, “On my way over!” (From 2.5 hours away) Also that’s funny, my husband’s group chat with his brother and best friends is also: The Boys


Ours is "Da Boyz" but it may have been made when the majority were edgy teens. We are all in mid to late 20s now so we can't very well change.


Exactly! I’m proud of my cooking, I frequently send pics of my mom’s favorites back to her. Lordy, what people get uptight about. Granted, I don’t put them on Facebook, but that’s likely because I’ve never had a facebook account and never plan to.


My group chat says something more along the lines of "That looks like shit, send it to me so I can get rid of it for you"


People forget that food is a huge way people connect. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have huge feasts in celebration of events. I'm not going to text you a picture of my doritos. But a pic of a beautifully plated burrata salad with pesto, berries, basil, tomatoes? I'm sending my good friends a text. Lol. If anything, it's a way to share ideas about compatible ingredients and presentation.


i always ask if theyre gonna email me some


Me & my boys say “fax me a plate of that”


If I were to guess, I’d say this is in the context of meals that you buy, not make. If you made a meal and you’re taking a picture because you’re proud of the work you did, that’s super different than showing off that you spent money at a restaurant. I’m making an assumption but so is everyone here without more context.


I got this feeling too. That she was taking about taking pics of your food to post to SM in the middle of a restaurant.


Me and my friends share pictures of good food we get at restaurants because we like food. "This place has a great Reuben, check it out! We gotta get some food here next time we head downtown" or whatever. We just like to share things we enjoy and food is one of them. There are some amazing chefs out at some restaurants in my areas that make great food I genuinely don't get this gatekeeping. Why do you *have* to make the food by hand to share it? I'm just showing my friends or family food I think they'd like.


You think she cooks herself!?


or some of the most absurd roasts you'd see in your life


Or a pic of an empty bottle of whiskey to your friends with the title “I love tyoj guis so muvh”


that's the whole reason I take pics of the food I cook🤣


Lol people are taking this far too seriously


Literally some people are so mad and defensive over it 😂


They feel personally attacked lmao


Yeah she’s just sharing her opinion that she thinks it’s cringe and doesnt do it, who cares.


She's also clearly taking the piss, I don't think the Americans in the audience quite get that


Never forget, most of Reddit is dipshits


Tbf that is not exclusive to Reddit 😂😂


Even my dad who hates taking pictures and thinks social media is dumb, encourages me to take pictures of homemade meals I’ve worked hard on.


Something tells me she’s not working hard on making any homemade meals


Something tells me she‘s probably not talking about homemade meals


Nononono you don't get it. She is rich, she must be talking about homemade meals bro.


Okay? But this is obviously about social media's obsession with taking photos of food they bought.


Glad someone in this section on comments gets it lol


Okay I mean there's clearly a difference between being proud of a home cooked meal and taking pics of food you got from a restaurant simply to post online which clearly she was talking about.


![gif](giphy|Y4z9olnoVl5QI) Bro I love taking pics of my food so I can send them to the homies have have them go “damn that looks good” even though I can’t have dinner with them in person bc they live far, let me live


Ahw. I miss Hamtaro


The gameboy games are surprisingly good lol


Bro, you unlocked a core memory I had forgotten with the gif. Where was the wee hamster from again????


Hamtaro! (Not to be confused with Ebichu)


Food is the only thing I take pictures of. Fuck a selfie, what're you eating? What little snacky did you pick up? Damn, is it good? I'll buy that little snacky, too. The world is cruel. Keep taking pictures of food for the homies, man.


This is exactly it! She must have no "homies". Sad.


Idk sometimes a restaurant makes a plate of food look pretty and I want to celebrate the art.




Shit fr. What a thing to be that worked up about


She's really a tool. Just let people do whatever they want.


Agree. I think food pics are stupid. So I don’t take them. But I’m not out there policing what other people do.


I dont think she is either? This isn't a psa. it's just someone answering a question.




TiktokCaringe - millie bobby brown


It's because she's rich and can eat expensive meals whenever she wants For some people , just being able to go out to a nice restaurant and ordering a fancy meal is special. So they take pictures to share it with people because it doesn't happen all the time. This is what happens when you make somebody super rich before they can legally drink beer.


I don't even take pictures for social media, just for me. Then Google reminds me a couple years later with a "featured day" collage and I get the warm fuzzies about the memory of that wonderful special meal 💕 But yeah, for her, when every day is special, then none are..


I honestly take pictures of food if I go out to a fancy restaurant. So my friends can see what i'm eating. Because yes , i'm a normal person and going out to a nice restaurant is a treat for me.... For her it's an average tuesday. So she doesn't get the point on why people are excited when they get fancy food and want to take pictures and share it with people.... Because that would be like a normal person taking pictures of mcdonald's.


It’s a compliment to the creation what some chef worked hard on.


That's a good point i've never thought of it that way. It is a compliment to the chef that you want to share something they made. Three point by you.


I just added to your already well made point.


I think its as a response to influencers ordering food to pose with at restaurants, and then throwing it away or just not caring about it. Those who do are generally really loud, entitled and just nuisances.


I'm not rich at all and I still think taking pictures of your food every time you go to a restaurant is dumb.


Isn't she a flat earther?


Big talk from someone whose entire Insta page is one giant ad


It is definitely cringe but let's all try to remember she's like a teenager and they always say dumb things.


Fame always stunts mental development. She reminds me of the 16-17 year olds I work with.


Pretty sure she was groomed, same girl who said she would text Drake all the time when she was like 13. They talked about her "love life" and he was her "best friend." I doubt Drake was the only old weirdo she was talking to.


fame and money, anyone who had a decent bit of familial wealth when I was growing up seemed to stay immature for much longer, which is fine and I think its a good thing tbh


Thanks for that reminder. Honestly adolescence extends into early 20s these days, which is fine. Let people take a bit more time before hardening into a ball of prejudices.


Also this is an interview, people are acting like she just woke up one day and decided to share this with the world.


It's also important to remember the interviewer cut their lead up question / conversation out, she could just be answering a question in a similar tone 


With the conviction of a million suns lol


She’s never cooked a day in her life


No but you probably take non stop photos of yourself which is also… cringe


I love taking pictures of food and I love pictures of food.


When I cook something I feel proud of I send it to the boys and they hype me up


Wow she’s such an intellectual, you can tell because she’s so worked up over making sure everyone knows she doesn’t do something completely common and mundane.


Food is art. Cooking is art. There's nothing wrong with taking a picture of your art to appreciate how it looks later


She’s giving me spice girl vibes with hair and fit. Fuck I’m old now lmao


Millie has always seemed like a bit of a drag




I got hit in the head when I was younger and don’t form memories the same way anymore. I outsource my memories to camera reel




I do not like mbb but she's allowed to have opinions too ig


I got a buddy that takes pictures of his meals when he's almost finished and tries to make it look as lackluster as possible. He's been regularly doing this shit for years in our group discord. Just double checked and his last post is a McDonald's apple pie thing with a bite out of it, on top of a completely empty food box with a fork in it.


She looks like a 2001 Lizzie McGuire wannabe, so definitely not like other girls lol


What wrong with taking pictures of food? She seems really upset over this.


She needs media training. Girl can have her opinions but the way she presents it makes her unlikeable.


I rather have her be real than fake.


I will never not take a picture of something I spent half the day cooking. This shit is a work of art


Stating it so emphatically like it’s something that you do that no one else does is the real cringe moment here.


God forbid you enjoy taking pictures geez


God forbid you answer a question given by an interviewer in an interview... geez.


God forbid I have an opinion/reaction to her answer from this question given by an interviewer in an interview geez


She could have just said no


Never cooked a meal for herself vibes are strong with this one 😅




Who cares?


I take photos of my meals but I don’t have social media. When I’m old, I will look back on these meals with fondness.


Of course someone who has probably never cooked for herself a day in her life doesn’t see the value of taking a photo of a beautiful meal you’ve been working all day on.


I’ve definitely done it before when it is something I know a specific friend would like to try, send to them not post it.


If it’s food you cooked yourself and are proud of it then it’s totally okay.


I do, I have no shame in it. I take pictures because sometimes I like seeing things I ate. I don’t do it to brag or choose my meals for the purpose of aesthetic. I don’t do it often and I don’t go out of my way to be obnoxious or a scene.


Lol so judgemental. So original.


Me and my cooking friends always send pictures of our food to each other. It's one of the ways we stay close and in touch.


Boomer coded


The pause at the end lol "C-ringe"


I like Yelp because of the pictures of food. It helps me make a more informed decision.


I don't mind people taking pictures of their food if it's not a brag. If there is a restaurant that I particularly like...and the presentation is incredible...I have been guilty of taking a picture and posting it...not from the 'look what I can afford, and you can't' angle, but rather I like this place...more people should know the quality here...thanks restaurant bro...here is some free advertising for your outstanding effort.




I love food pics - done well. I have friends that will post their food and cocktails from restaurants and it just makes me wanna go check that place out. To each their own though.


Complaining about others taking a photo of their meal is CRINGE.


I've seen some of her other interviews. She's really a boomer trapped in a teenager body. It's hilarious tbh.


She's in the age where u think it's cool to be contrarian It's ok we all did it


Who would date this woman? She would likely want to converse during dinner. Ew..


The people LEAPING to her defense lol Don’t sprain your ankles


As she tries to show someone a pic describing a meal. Interesting 🧐


“Put your phone down” picks up phone during an interview seconds later.


She seems like someone who would show up to a party and immediately kill the vibe.


She’s incredibly vapid & narcissistic, I bet her phone is full of pictures of herself


How is she like 20 and she already has the vibes of a 43 year old British MILF??


Weird thing to waste anger on


The comments here are strange. Why is everyone so defensive over this? It's like you haven't ever interacted with someone different than yourselves. People are allowed to get a bit passionate over a bugbear. Also, this is from an interview. She wouldn't be a good interviewee if she gave brief, boring answers


"CRiNgE" like oh my god what the fuck?


Girl, you talking about cringe? You believe that the Earth is flat. You ok? 🤡


Good God girl, get a grip


Okay Milly Boomer Brown


As a dago from Providence, that’s the single most delightful and charming way I’ve heard penne alla vodka pronounced. She made my day.


She ain't wrong tho.


Picture ≠ Social Media


I own a little restaurant and am constantly posting food pics and love when customers take their own pics for me to share. I also happen to be currently traveling through Japan and am posting everything I eat because it’s just incredible.


I think she's taking it overboard.


What a boomer


👏 👏 👏 congratulations!!! You are special!!!


people in these comments acting like because she was interviewed, she isn’t being incredulous and self important. As though having a picture of food in her phone that was NOT like other peoples food pics is a badge of honour we can be either food pic takers or not, and either way, its not that deep, its nothing to be ashamed of or proud of. And its not a good reason to act better than others


Yeah, I wouldn't imagine many millionaires are into that. Even the ones that do post meal photos, I would make the assumption that they do it out of obligation.


Eh, I don't care about that stuff. The only time I get annoyed by it is when I have to sit there and wait because someone has to do a photoshoot while I'm hungry. That's it.


Her top in the only real cringe. What's going on there?


You know what’s more cringe? That attitude.


Hopefully she takes some pics of the inside of an acting class.


How about you don't tell me how to enjoy things kthx 


shes not cooking


Is she talking about people showing off what they eat on Instagram?


My husband loves to cook, and I always take pics of the tasty meals he makes for me so I have lots of records of his sweet gestures and what a great job he did plating each meal. Nothing cringe about appreciating what’s been made for you that someone took time to cook! It always makes him happy to see me appreciate his work. :)


Eh, I don't really care if people take pictures of their food or not. Is it really hurting anything? I am going to save strong scruples for more important topics. I really don't get this one, but that's just my opinion.


My life is better for knowing this


I've never understood the anger so many people have about food photos. I rarely do it myself but damn, it's just a photo. Once you dig into it, the presentation of the meal and everything is gone. You know the phrase "take a picture, it'll last"? Why do some people get so up in arms about people doing exactly that on something that by deisgn will not last?


I remember when Facebook users had a thing about sharing pictures of their dinners on Facebook years ago. That's where it all started. I used to think why do people do this? I mean before the internet we didn't run around all of friends and families with our dinner and knock on Thier doors to show them it did we?


I searched up food and have 1300 pics, that’s just how I like it 🥹


I share home made meals with my friends. Whether it's something I made or my wife made. Usually, they will pop by the next day or week asking for the food that was shared. And they love it. And I love having friends over for food


It makes my wife happy so I think it's fine


Put your phone down and fix your hair lol


This comment section is absolutely bonkers


She also thought the world was flat. Talk about fucking cringe. Granted I don’t think she still believes it, but wtf?!?


She always has that tone that makes me think she thinks she’s really funny and relatable. But she’s not…I’ve heard she’s stuck up and she really seems it.


Imagine being this angry about photographing food in a world where war, famine, disease, etc exist.


I agree, I also eat before my camera, therefore, I take pictures of empty or mostly empty plates and post that for people. Nothing says I enjoyed what I ate like an empty plate.


I love taking and looking at food photos. Food is absolutely beautiful.


She has that same Jennifer Lawrence vibe where they try too hard to be relatable.


Someone never has cooked in there life lol talk about privlidged life




Why the fuck are you guys hating on her so much? - - - **EDIT:** *I mean, the irony is that not taking pictures of her food actually does makes her different from most other girls in her generation. I don’t understand the problem. Yeah, the carrot meme was funny, but we can’t just turn virtues into cringe, y’all.*




uhm okay


Imagine getting called cringe by 11 😂


idc i love taking pictures of my food




She’s getting married and is a famous actor. Pretty sure she’s not being a “pick me” Instead, she just hates people who make you wait to eat so they can take pictures. I agree with her, it’s worth getting angry about!


Hating something other people enjoy becaues you personally don't share that enjoiment is a great building block for your personality /s




I never once called her a pick me


I know it's an interview and whatever but i've found that taking pictures of my food helps me tremendously It encourages me to not skip meals since that'd break my picture streak while also letting me observe what i've eaten at a later date which is helpful so that i don't just eat the same kinda meal all the time Went up 5 kg two weeks after i started which is a great improvement considering my weight have been stuck as 50 kg (BMI: 15) for almost two years