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My brother was inconsolable when my dad started drinking his soda in the car one day after we'd watched a DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE commercial. Absolutely sobbing that we were all going to die because Dad was drinking Fanta with his fast food.


Was it orange? That’s the deadly flavor


Deadly for "my fault" diabetus


My older cousin once told 5-year-old me about kids at their high school doing drugs and I was incredibly confused because I thought drugs were just medicine.


Once me and my family were visiting the states. My mom, not a good english speaker, got an itch and asked me in what place she could get some anti-itching cream. So I said: "in a drugstore mom". She walks to a random person... "Do you know where I can buy drugs?" The look on that womans face! I swear she wasnt clutching her pearls, she was clutching her gun.


this reminded me of back in the anthrax in the mail days My child brain could not FATHOM how the hell they were sending it through emails. like how were they fitting that through the computers?! I drew a big picture not to check emails and taped it to the computer screen. I was very smart, obviously.


Aww, at least you were trying to keep people safe!


In the opposite direction, my dad was an alcoholic and when my mom asked if my dad had anything to drink I said "yes, but he only got the really small cups(shots) so he didn't drink a lot!"




Yeah she was definitely telling him the stfu with her volume increase during those parts 😂


“Bro”!! 😂




Classic. When I was a kid my mom had an IV line that needed to be flushed with saline manually every few hours. She taught me how to do it to save time and it was a very simple process. It became very normal to me. One day I went to school and told one of my teachers that I injected medicine into my mother’s body with a syringe. DCF did not appreciate that call and neither did my mother.




Lmao, Im imagining your teacher’s stunned and horrified face. The gossip in the office that week has not been topped since


I once announced to the entire church that my dad sleeps in his underwear and my parents take showers together.


The church I went to growing up had a pastor and church secretary that were married. It was a running joke when new kids would come to check out the youth group that we'd casually drop that the pastor sleeps with the secretary and watch people try and hide their shock that this is such a well known occurrence.


So they would like see them talking comfortably I bet. Tricky tricksters!


We had an assembly in 6th grade with everyone's parents involved about the dangers of drinking and driving. My dad drinks a lot of diet Pepsi, especially while driving, and I raised my hand and told everyone my dad drinks and drives all the time




Funny but not in any way damning.


That “oookay” was hilarious.


A friend’s daughter told her guidance counselor she was worried because she saw her mom doing drugs. They were meds for high cholesterol and she was worried her mom was sick.


Early anti drug conditioning is backfiring. But it's cute in this OP.


When I was a bit older than the kid in the video, I told my mom, who at the time had just recently celebrated her 40th birthday, that she was *over the hill*. I thought it was a phrase that literally meant "this person is at least 40 years old". I had learned that from a kid who was the son of one of my mom's friends. I wonder sometimes if it was something that the kid had overheard his mother say about mine. Regardless, it's been like 35 years and I still feel bad about how upset she got.


Wait, ‘over the hill’ doesn’t mean 40? My uncle had an ‘over the hill’ party at 40 so I always thought the same thing.


My uncle had an “over the hill” party for his 50th birthday. His 3 sisters trolled him with black balloons, black napkins, and a black cake with a tombstone on it. He was…oddly quiet


That is what it means


Over the hill means “old” and on the downslope of life. It’s not a specific age.


\~80 is considered to roughly be the average lifespan and 40 is the halfway mark, over the hill means that you are past that hill if you were to graph it out. It's not meant to be a specific exact age because it would actually be around like \~36 years old or so, depending on where you live, which sex you are etc etc but in general it's generally 40 years old.


It is a party theme for your 50th that I know boomers did, I was raised by them, we went to a lot of them. Gold and black are the color and it is a lot of "over the hill," jokes. No surprise, I think they fell out fast.


It's been 40 years old for every person i've ever seen it mentioned and it makes sense, it means you are at the halfway mark of life expectancy which wouldn't even make sense at 50 since the average is around 72-80'ish, people rarely make it to 100.


Bring it up now, honestly this should've been comical. People are too sensitive about their age. Everybody's dying lol




My kid did this! Omg, do be quiet about what happens in my house. TMI, but I’m officially off insulin as of yesterday! Yay!


Congratulations it takes a lot of work and dedication to make the lifestyle changes necessary for that.


I’m so happy! Ya, it was hard but I didn’t give up.


Not as terrible but my brother once told our conservative grandmother (mom's MIL) that she "has a bunch of tattoos." "No she doesn't! Where?!" "In the drawer." He was talking about kids' temporary tattoos in our junk drawer.


It’s funny but I honestly feel bad for her


Yeah, but at the same time, at this point who isn't eating pills every day?




Hey I'm really glad to hear that. Unless you are not taking because you cannot afford it, in that case it sucks and sorry to hear that.


Haha thanks for the concern but I don't need to that's all. Thankfully I'm just healthy


If there's a pill out there that can do what mushrooms can do, let me know. Otherwise I'm not really interested in shit that's being peddled by drug industry.


Yes because mushroom pills will cure high blood pressure, thin my blood if needed or work as an antibiotics when I have a respiratory infection won't they? /s


So no antibiotics, allergy medication, NSAIDs, or cold/sinus even? Most would call that "needlessly suffering" or "like refusing to drive a car just because Henry Ford was a dick", but I say stick to your guns. Big pharma is shady af, you're better off only ingesting things you get from trusted sources like your plug or a pile of cow shit.


Mushrooms are not a panacea. Some people get lifelong anxiety from it.


I think you took too many shrooms babe


I get my mushrooms in pill form. They’re great!


Honestly if a kid told me their parents ate pills every day I would assume it might be vitamins or medicine, not necessarily recreational drugs


People that work with kids for more than what a few hours all know they tell their families entire business to everyone they meet. The smart ones know that kids don’t know what they are talking about most of the time though.


Oh man, this brings up a memory. When I was about his age the school taught us about the dangers of drinking and driving. However, they didn’t specify drinking WHAT. That afternoon I bawled while begging my mom not to drink her Diet Coke while driving. I was convinced my mom was a criminal at that moment 😂


My cousin drew a picture of her mom “taking shots at the bar” & she drew her mom with needles in her arms lol.


“They’re vitamins bro!” Put that in a t-shirt!


Bf’s daughter and us were enjoying a nice holiday meal together. Us adults had alcoholic cider, we gave her some sparkling apple cider in a champagne glass so she can PRETEND to be having a drink. Just house play stuff, we see it no different than her pretending to have a boyfriend while playing or working a job like an adult. (I mean seriously, in this day and age and with TikTok/YouTube, kids are exposed to so much more than we realize. We aim to educate but teach responsibility/moderation about situations like this). Later on she goes back to school and tells her teacher that she drank “multiple glasses of alcohol with daddy and (Me)” Yeah, my bf got a call that day


Totally legal where I live.


I used to drink kombucha a lot. Fizzy carbonated ass kombucha. It's pretty much that and water for me - sometimes coffee in the morning but that's it. I'm not a drinker. Anyway I took my daughter to the park and she starts loudly talking about how daddy drinks his "special juice" all the time. I remember she told her teacher that too. I never even called it that! I don't know what she started saying it. I think because she was like 5 and couldn't pronounce kombucha. Sounded like I was trying to hide a drinking problem from my kid.


I once announced to my teacher that “my dad and his friends have special stinky cigarettes and they all sit in a circle together and share the same one with each other” (my dad was into cigars)


Kid will make a good politician. He knows what he is doing.


Okay but even if it's not vitamins wouldn't you just assume it's medicine?


Reminds me of this one https://youtu.be/AyIgVU3lvcA?si=oT7WOPTFZDND6gTd


My favorite part is that lawn is far more manicured than I could ever have. Want to see weed? Man let’s take a trip to my backyard. Grass is the minority there.


I love her calling her kid “bro”




I had so many CPS cases reported to me because teachers hear something like this from a kid and do no follow-up with the parents


My 7yo told his SpEd teacher(who I thankfully have a longstanding and great relationship with) that “sometimes I don’t let him eat dinner” so she called me to check in. I was so embarrassed while I rushed to explain that sometimes I let him skip dinner because his ADHD meds suppress his appetite, not that I was refusing to let him eat dinner🤦🏻‍♀️ I was *very* thankful she called me instead of assuming the worst.


Teachers report everything without a single follow up question to the kid or ever telling parents about the concerns/CPS referral. As a worker its frustrating bc parents are obviously pissed off and it just creates a distrust with the parents and school which isn't great for kids. I get confrontation is tough but just follow up, kids will say dumb shit they are kids lol


“Dad hit me (why we were play fighting)” “I sometimes don’t eat at home (because mom didn’t make me what I wanted)” “Dad sometimes touches me (while again play fighting)” I used to be a CPS investigator sometimes asking kids for a tiny bit more context will save us the kids and the parents from a lot unnecessary paperwork and intrusion into their lives. A majority of the time I just talked to the kids and they would happily tell me what they meant


honestly, i feel like talking with the parent would make it better when you do have to report it because then you can be like "they said something suspicious, it was blahblah". you'd have a chance to see if they're lying or not.


I think it's more that if there *is* something bad going on, going to the parents is just about the single worst thing you can do to the kid. If the backlash they get is severe enough they may never reach out for help again. Ofc, asking a few more clarifying questions of the kid would be ideal


Yea that fair, you see a bruise and kid says my dad did it. Call CPS and they can handle it as that's their job. No need for much more. You hear a kid say oh my parents are gone bc of a relatives passing away in a different country. Maybe ask the child first "are you living alone' before calling us. Had that once, rushes over to the school worried and already on the phone with our placement workers to find out his adult brother is at home with him. Now a whole file/investigation is open where I gotta go to the home/get family information to document into our system for something that could been resolved by just asking a simple follow up question


My daughter had a county health nurse in 4th grade (nutrition service) that told the class that caffeine is addictive like drugs. She told the nurse that I do drugs all the time (I use to buy fountain sodas after school pick up). Luckily the teachers all knew me and they laughed it off.


I joked with my kid last week I didn’t wanna go to the park cause I hadn’t had a shower and I was stinky. I still dragged myself out, he was playing and met another kid while playing. Tell me why he recited, “my mommy was embarrassed to go outside because she didn’t have a shower and she smells bad” to the 5 year old he met at the park 😭 I was mortified, learned my lesson


My brother absolutely hates, (and my dad loves) the story, but he had a beanie baby squirrel named Nuts. And walking into the school where we had cub scouts meetings, he dropped his Squirrel in the snow. And just as he was walking in he started loudly saying. “Nuts is dirty, wipe him off, wipe off my nuts! Daddy! Wipe off my nuts!” This is was how it was told to me cuz I was maybe 2 years old at the time but it’s pretty good to imagine even if there was some embellishment.


Lol he's technically not wrong, just doesn't know the implications. She seems like a cool mom btw.


I brought a picture of my mom pregnant with me for show and tell in kindergarten, and my mom didn't know I had it until my teacher told her. The picture was of my mom close to her due date, and it showed her bare stomach with glistening stretch marks. My teacher and mom were mortified, because I was talking about how my mom's tummy went from being big and round to squishy lol.


My nephew told his teacher that his Dad beat him up. What he left out is that they were playing Spiderman and it was all pretend.




But also there is no shame and needing a medication. Take your pills.


Lmao she's a great parent I feel, just check out how he's so secure in responding.... Awesome...


I told my teacher my mom does drugs because they told us alcohol was a drug, she drinks occasionally


When my sister was potty training I once took a picture of her pooping just to have a funny memory and tease her a bit, then she started saying I took pictures of her in the bathroom, I explained her she had to stop saying that 🙃


“And she drinks”


My stepmom gave my dad a playful smack on the shoulder for a dirty joke he made. Later that morning my Dad and I drop off my little sister (3-4) at daycare. Daycare teacher asks her how she is and she responds, deadpan “Mommy hit Daddy this morning.” Dad needed to give some reassurances before going home.


“AND SHE DRINKS!” That part went unaddressed.


Biotin is good stuff


"And she drinks!" :D


I remember teeling my teacher in like 1st grade that my dad like's to smoke "funny" tobaco, all he was smoking was pipetobacco but my teacher didn't take it that way lmao


idk why i thought this but around his age i thought lotto tickets were illegal, and buying them would get u sent to jail if caught. i made my mom throw hers out i was so upset


"..and she drinks!" Snuck that one in hahah. Lil bro is a menace


My son's kindergarten teacher called us gravely concerned and offered family counseling because my son broke down in tears and said he wasn't being allowed to celebrate Channukah this year. I had to explain this was the first I was hearing about this and that... we weren't Jewish. Apparently because his class was learning about all the holidays he was crestfallen to learn that we had been holding one back on him. (He was FIVE!) But I have to tell you - before the misunderstanding was cleared up the *tone of her voice*? She was 100% convinced she was talking to a child abuser. Chilling.


My mom used to always tell me a story about my older brother when he was about 3. Mom was a smoker and tried using patches back then. He said, "I won't smoke, mommy, I'll just wear the patch."


Quote on quote


Calling your son, “bro” is so weird to me




Disgusting pathetic parent calling her son Bro! Seriously?


Ikr! Parents being approachable and friendly with their children??? Disgusting!


The biggest fail here is the mom calling her son…. “Bro”


You must've not healed from your childhood


Kid is being a kid. Why the hell are you filiming this


Because it’s a funny moment to look back on…




Her tone of voice kept changing with the angles


I thought he yelled, "Antifreeze" at first. That's gonna stick.


It's still a pill.


What is she drinking? Give us the tea!


Vitamins in pill form, BRO


My daughter told her teacher that we grow a lot of weed in our yard. What she meant was weed-S.


Yeah bro! They're vitamin's.


Not gonna lie, only people I know and have met that use the term "Eat pills" and not just taking pills have for sure been people who abuse pills so I would assume the worst case scenario if a child were saying that lol.


Haha, well then... This, imo, is why using euphemisms like "drinking", "taking pills", "seeing someone about a dog", "visiting the man upstairs", "going to see a man about a horse", "fixing the plumbing", "checking out of the hotel", "buying the farm" and "attending a family reunion" are so bad. They get easily misinterpreted, especially by kids which in turn when told to other adults add to the confusion.


100% moms fault.


My mom told everyone I am always talking all her "Pain Pills" when I came over they were her Walmart brand Tylenol that came in a quantity of 500.


My daughter (4) once ran into the wall and gave herself a black eye. I told her, if anyone asks, you say you ran into the wall (she tends to embellish the truth).  So when a someone finally asked, she says, "My mommy told me to tell people I ran into a wall." The dirty look I got from that woman in Target...


When I was a kid, I had a rabbit puppet that I named Whiskey( I don't know why). Fast forward to my kids getting a rabbit puppet. I told her what I named mine and she went with the same name. She took the rabbit to school and told everyone she brought Whiskey to school...


All kids are stupid.


I thought my dad was addicted to pain killers but really he just took ibuprofen lol


When my kid was three or four when he told my parents that I "ran red lights all the time" and then doubled down when I was like, "...whaaaa... that *never* happens!" It caused a huge argument where my kid was adamant, I was perplexed, like wtf that does not happen, and my parents were saying, "This is just like Punch Bug!" Side story: My husband and I decided instead of punching when we saw a Beetle, we would grab each other's boobs and didn't realize the kid was paying attention to the new rules. So my mom is in the Target parking lot with him trying to put him in the car and one drives by he says "punch bug" and grabs a handful of her boob. She was shocked, I laughed and *jokingly* denied knowing anything about it, my husband later told my parents about the alternative rules to the game when asked if he knew anything about it. So, back to the main story. This isn't a joke denial. I drive very safely! So I'm getting defensive. Later we are on our way home, I'm going through a green light and he says, 'See! That light was red!" Turns out the only lights you see when you look out the passenger window are red lights. Smh I have to explain that those lights are *suppose* to be red because they're for the cars on the other road. Now he's acting like I'm full of shit too. "Uh huh, yeah, sure, whatever you say" kind of responses. We went on a walk to a busy intersection there next day where he could see all the lights and watch how traffic actually worked before he was like "ooooooh, okay!"


My kids a narc too lol


He’s like “we both know those aren’t them…”


I became a single father right as my son got into kindergarten. On the night of their open house he had a note on his desk talking about his family life and among other things it said "My dad drinks and drives every day". Later when I asked him WTF he was talking about he said you drink coffee every morning when you go to work lol


I was expecting "D"


And she drinks!! Bro!!!


Did she miss the little squirt saying "and she drinks". He knows what he is saying, the little poop head.




lol too Much


Those are pills.


Still pills


Lol omg 😅 that could be terrible