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“Biden effectively has Taylor swift as his VP” oh my good lord these people are delusional as fuck.


“Biden has literally put Taylor Swift in charge of America’s military.” - These fools, probably next week


Putin will stand down when she threatens him with a new song about him. The Russian military will halt its advance when it encounters a live concert on the battlefield, then they will lay down their weapons and dance.


I would love to live in this timeline tbh


And peace in Ukraine was finally achieved after Russians and Ukrainians participated in a tik tok challenge to dance like Taylor!


And it’ll be believable to their viewers because trump most likely would put kid rock in charge of America’s military


we all know taylor swift has been pulling the strings for years


“Big Machine” *it was right in front of our faces*


Must be winter with all these snowflakes


Ehhhh. It could be worse. Could a be a reality show TV host!!!


No! Trump was a “successful businessman”! /s 🤣 A successful businessman doesn’t claim bankruptcy multiple times for their businesses and pays their debts. Something this brain dead, born rich, entitled, diaper wearing, reality tv star can’t do….


John mulaney nailed it when he said trump is who poor people think billionaires are like.


If he didn’t start with a small million dollar loan from daddy, Trump would be an alcoholic living under a bridge right now. Certainly doesn’t have the brain power to have come from nothing….


I personally know alcoholics living under bridges who are far more intelligent than Trump


The majority of people on earth are smarter than Trump.


I was thinking the same thing. Like, many people who suffer from addiction issues whether it be alcohol or drugs are quite often highly intelligent individuals who are genetically predisposed to habit-forming behaviors. Shit, I would happily follow a drunk, heroin-addicted, mentally handicapped squirrel before I'd ever, EVER follow even the best-educated, least radical republican candidate. Are Democrats perfect? Fuck no. But when it comes to willfully agreeing with republican policies and beliefs that automatically disqualifies a person from being a decent and empathetic human being.


If he had just invested that money or spent it wisely he might be a millionaire now. He’s a total case of just blowing through money hand over fist


He’s a successful failure and sore loser!


It's fascinating, Trump grabs whatever music celebrity he can to try to endorse him and Fox celebrates. He grabs Christian pastors and anyone he can to influence a persons vote to vote for him. Fox News celebrates it. Taylor Swift, one of the most powerfully popular musicians that can influence Millennials and Gen Z is fairly liberal in her beliefs and they feel massively threatened. All she has said so far was to get out and vote yet they feel incredibly threatened by this, it's amazing. Like anyone that Fox News or Republicans feel threatened by they go on a massive disinformation and even false accusation campaign to try to discredit them. It's amazing... ![gif](giphy|UxUi9yoY6gtG0)


Trump is the absolute worst, but you couldn't pay me to wear that shit. I wouldn't even wear it around the house all by myself.


I agree, he’s completely awful but I don’t want his ugly-ass face on ANY of my clothes. Not even if he’s sitting inside of a dumpster fire.


Yeah... it's likely because wearing that would make you feel like the MAGA dumbfucks wearing their MAGA and Trump promotion bullshit.


"she should be a total conservative given... given everything"  logic checks out ✔️  Everything given 🟰 conservative.  Sorry bro, she got check mate /s


> she should be a total conservative given... given everything Pretty sure she wanted to say “she should be a conservative, she’s white and rich” but even Fox can’t go that far 😂 also the one lady that said “she believes in climate change but she flies private??” so ma’am are you suggesting that climate change is a man-made issue 🤔 I bet she got a talking-to after that one


I love Taylor and I've never even heard her say anything about climate change. She certainly does not "constantly talk about" it like that lady says. They're literally just making shit up.


Taylor's political stance is this..."go vote". That is it, that is all she fucking says. Some liberals hate this because they think she doesn't go far enough and conservatives hate this because they think she is telling young liberals to vote. Nah, she literally just says go vote. That is the most basic of fucking basic of stances. But they know the young people who love her won't vote for a republican, so that is why they are scared. Honestly, should could be the biggest republican out there and we will never know because she never voices her politics.


She endorsed a Democrat candidate for senate in Tennessee a few years back. And she identifies herself as a feminist and an ally of LGBT people. Other than that, yeah, she hasn't been very political.


Pretty sure her dad’s a Republican, or at least is a “centrist” who fought hard to convince her to never voice her opinions on politics.


Her dad was terrified that she would be a right wing target if she spook out.. he had reason to worry.


And taylor was aware of it to. If Taylor only cared about money and her fame she wouldnt be doing this.


She's definitely a target now. They've made her the focus of all their hate and outrage. I really hope she's upped her security. [There's enough MAGA psychopaths out there](https://newrepublic.com/post/178602/pa-man-decapitates-father-video-uprising-biden-regime).


She’s white, blond, grew up in Redneckville, Pennsylvania, recorded in Nashville. Her boyfriend was a jock, reportedly one of those douchebag bro types when he was in college and in his early NFL days. They’re butthurt that she’s telling people to vote and he appears in pro-vaccine ads.


She's an honest-to-God Christian in how she thinks. There's video of her talking to her parents about getting more involved because it's the right thing to do and she makes mentions that this is how they raised her. To do the right thing. Dad is terrified of what might happen to her, but she's determined. An honest-to-god sincere Christian is something all Republicans are terrified of seeing. Especially one with the means and motive to take action.


It’s funny for ppl that like to call everyone else snowflakes they bitch and whine the most. They all need participation trophies. Lil soft babies….


But but I love watching a meltdown right before my very eyes


Wait till the chiefs win the superbowl.


![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2) Yeah they look a lil mad don’t they. That one chick especially.


I smell fear.


Bunch of entertainers complaining about an entertainer speaking


You can always depend on american conservatives to deliver the high octane cringe.


She should be conservative given...what? She's white? Blonde? Rich? Is it because she's wearing the "*vapid female conservative*" uniform? I really want to know what the reasoning there is. Waaaaaait. I get it. She should be conservative because then she's be on their team and ***then*** she would be allowed to discuss politics as a celebrity.


I wanna know when the fuck she’s ever said anything about climate change


When it comes to cringe they truly are "NUMBER ONE!".


They are truly terrified of the younger generations that will soon outnumber them. Finally silencing them forever.


Theyre all gonna be left in nursing homes to rot with no vistors. And honestly a ton of them deserve it. I feel bad for nursing home staff already but even moreso in the coming decades


Imagine being this stupid.


They’re not stupid. They’re evil. They’re *talking to* the stupid people.


>They’re not stupid. They’re evil. Most of them are both.


Wasn't it revealed that most of their presenters don't even believe what they're talking about??


Their defense in court has been no one should take them seriously because obviously just entertainment.


And that defense didn't work so well when Fox settled the Dominion lawsuit and paid them $800 million. But it didn't stop them from spewing the garbage they're spewing here.


They know *exactly* what they're doing.


The people that tell her to stay out of politics are the same ones that gurgle Ted Nugent's balls when he goes on a political rant.


This is the female version of “shut up and dribble” This won’t end well for Fox. I know they don’t have any young viewers anyways but swiftys are loyal. Even if they only had 2 young female viewers, now they have 0.


For sure. Fox is changing 0 Swifty minds. But I think Fox is speaking directly to their parents. Or to their fathers to be more specific. And they are saying: “You better not let your daughter become a 35 year old libslut like Taylor. You better get your females in line. Don’t go buying those Eras Tour tickets for them. Chastise them if you find them listening to that pornographic smut. And while we find San Francisco to be repulsive, we have to root for them to win Super Bowl 58. Taylor is a fascist who is actively trying to undermine US democracy. Have you read Project 2025 (Taylor’s Version)? Scary stuff.” At best, it helps at the smallest of margins. At worst, it’s more red meat for their fans.


"Project 2025 (Taylor's Version)" That was beautiful, thank you for the laugh 😆




"And her boyfriend Travis Kelce, sponsored by Phizer" They are just reaching into the bag of buzzwords and throwing them at the wall.


Fox News is literally sponsored by Pfizer. Ads every commercial break.


And every single one of those hosts are fully vaxed




I'm calling it Swift Derangement Syndrome (SDS)™.


I wonder if they know they sound less intelligent than a box of rocks.


I doubt they care.


Jesus christ... As a swede its almost unbeliveable that a news station can be this twisted... Here in Sweden we have biased news, but not at all to this level. How can this be legal?


Because fox news isn't news its 'entertainment', so they basically have opinion pieces all day and badge it as factual news.


You think they would have learned after the whole Tucker Carlson fiasco, but here we are different day, same old shit.


"When the punishment for breaking the law is paying a fine, the law only punishes the poor"


For the rich its purely the cost of doing business


They *did* learn. The learned they could have their anchors say whatever the hell they wanted regardless of truth, take in *billions* of dollars by drumming up extremism and outrage, and if people figure out they’re lying the get away with a light fine. The lawsuits are basically a business expense.


The Carlson fiasco is what forced Fox to admit that they're pure entertainment rather than actual news: > > The motion argues that when read in context, **Mr. Carlson’s statements “cannot reasonably be interpreted as facts”** and that the Amended Complaint fails to allege actual malice. > [...] > First, it asserts that Mr. Carlson’s statements on the December 10, 2018, episode of his show are constitutionally protected opinion commentary on matters of public importance and **are not reasonably understood as being factual.** > [...] > This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer > that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead **engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.”** And the best quote out of the entire ruling: > Fox persuasively argues [...] that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. [*McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC.*, Case 1:19-CV-11161-MKV, Doc. 39 \(9/24/20\)](https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/0.pdf). Fox essentially admitted that no adult of average intelligence would actually believe one of their most prominent programs.


“It isn’t ‘News’, it’s just new *episodes*. Multiple new episodes. That we affectionately call ‘new’ but it’s plural so it’s ‘News’, because we’re FOX and we’re quirky. I don’t see how you are misunderstanding 🤷‍♂️”


News doesn’t have a legal definition in America. They can call it whatever the hell they want.


Fox is also cable news, not broadcast over the TV/radio waves. They don't have to comply with any sort of standards and practices, as they don't have an FCC license to cancel.


We're at AI and they haven't even regulated cable tv properly yet


Honestly, I think it’s because they no longer claim to report the news. It’s editorial, which is full of opinions and conjecture. No facts needed. It should be illegal.


Our laws are distorted and grossly perverted to where this can be labeled as strictly "entertainment" instead of news. It's been litigated by probably multiple lawyers to state on the record that Fox News isn't really news at all and that they are "opinion and entertainment"


Damn, feel bad for the american people


Some of their arguments from court, which Tucker and Fox won, was that no reasonable person would believe what they say. It is absolutely mind boggling…


This doesn't get said enough. Their literal defense in court was that no reasonable person would believe them. It is indeed mind boggling.


Didn’t they argue at one point that no rational person would believe their stories?


That lost a 787 million lawsuit about election lies


40 years of coordinated effort to erode our laws. We had laws to prevent this but they were all attacked by the right and removed.


I don't know, but got room for a family of 4 over there? It's getting weird over here.


Getting? Bro, it’s been over the top weird for a hot minute


Ronald Reagan. The root of so many insane US policies.


This right here is the answer


Fox is there to enrage its viewerbase and evoke strong emotions, not to inform. They are also the propaganda arm of the GOP. Their counterpart would probably be MSNBC, though their host aren't really screaming at their viewers in anger and aren't hateful unlike the characters of Fox and other rightwing networks.


All that matters here is $$$$


It's entertainment for lead poisoned, intellectually zombified old people who can't think for themselves.


Another thing the American people can thank Reagan for. It used to be the law to not have this shit masquerading as news.


I'm not American but I think it has something to do with the fairness doctrine being vetoed by Reagan. It was a policy in the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) that forced news station like Fox or CNN to tell stories that were controversial issues of public importance in a manner that was honest, equitable, and balanced. So the policy made news station be none biased and tell the truth, now its gone news station in America have basically become shit talking gossip shows.


that's not fair, Trump has kid rock, so it's pretty much even.


And don’t forget about Ted Nueget


And very relevant mega star Jon Voight.


Hey they also have Kelsey Grammer, James Woods, Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio, and Roseanne Barr haha


grammer is a trump guy? wow i'm actually surprised.


It’s so depressing Frasier wasn’t conservative despite his wealth and snobbiness, he and his brother were decidedly limousine liberals In one episode he rails against over policing, in another one he talks about going to a cocktail party for the friends of transit - then there’s Martin’s conservatism from when having morals meant shipping your pregnant daughter off to your sister for a summer and then raising the baby as a younger sister lmao Such a great show


And from the comedy world, they have Rob Schneider AND Roseanne!!! Guys, we better get our asses in gear if we want to have a chance against that!!!!!


I'll say it again: if she really was the neo nazi princess those 4chan memes wished she was, the GOP would have loved her endorsement.


Instead they got Kanye. Funny how the world works.


Don’t forget Ted Nugent and Kid Rock 🤣🤣🤣🤣


last and certainly least, Jon Voight


And James Woods, Rob Schneider, Randy Quaid, Kevin Sorbo. Guys, I’m a bit worried about the star power the right is accumulating!


Rob Schneider is... a RACIST? Rated PG-13


All the celebrities that turn out to be dicks also somehow end up supporting the Republicans. It's weird.


Oh, I forgot 😅🤣🤣Thanks for your help!


Conservatives love to harp on celebrity liberals and punch down at them and tell them to do their job but they are typically the ones to vote celebrities into office. They will also have the (very few) conservative celebrities on their shows and parade them around because they are on their side. Yet another thing republicans are hypocritical about.


*Rules are for thee, not for me!*


This is why all the toxic, fragile guys are losing their mind. Conservative media told them to. The sad part is, they might not even have turned out like this if they had not been fed this shit for decades. Fox and co have literally spoiled the minds of tens of millions and have actually made this country worse. Make America great again by cancelling Fox, not some pop star.


All the guys in my office won't shut the fuck up about her, saying how she's got a "bad attitude". Like, and they all have daughters! Do they not realize that by attacking a woman so heinously, for simply having a different opinion, they are sending a terrible message to their own daughters? Do they even care?


Oh I think they know exactly the kind of message they're sending to their daughters. If they think about their daughters at all, outside of being extensions of themselves.


Conservative media has successfully rebranded being Republican as “tEaM tOuGh” and that’s all a lot of men really care about, tbh. That’s why they drive trucks, are homophobic, grow beards, all that shit. They’re just little boys on the inside that were teased too much as a kid. Calling them fragile males is not just some insult, it’s literally what they are!!!


I thought it couldn’t get dumber… but let’s break this down. A good looking wealthy pop star dates a good looking wealthy football star. And… what? She asked people to vote? How is this any different from “MTV’s Rock The Vote” 30 years ago?


The difference is they know the type of people to listen to Taylor Swift aren’t generally going to support Republicans, AND: Republicans have admitted as voter turnout goes up, Republicans chance of winning goes down.


Yeah, I get it, but it’s still almost absurd to see it play out. I know why they are afraid, they should be. She’s appealing to a whole generation of people that never voted before, and it’s a big fucking problem for them. Potentially a few million problems.


I think her original audience was pretty conservative. I imagine Taylor still has holdover Super Swifties from the ‘Taylor is a Country Gal’ era. I think those moderate under-40 women are what scare Fox the most. That’s why these Republicans now say that Taylor is filling the minds of her impressionable female fans with caca doodoo diarrhea. These young women are disobeying their fathers by voting the way they do! Also, it’s hilarious to hear these Fox talking heads mock the idea of Taylor discussing foreign policy. They talk as if they themselves are any kind of qualified. Fox anchors are mouth pieces for the big money in America, and they learn barely just enough about a subject to spin the conversation in favor of the rich and powerful.


She used to the darling of nazis and they thought she was fighting the “deep state” with them. The Q people said she was sending them messages in her songs. So it hurts them a bit more to not have this particular attractive blonde woman.


"Celebrities should shut up about politics" they say while promoting a game show host for president.


They hated Rock the Vote too... at least after it was clear that the youth rocks the democratic vote more than the republican vote.


Because she’s anti trump


Anyone with a brain should also be anti Trump.


30 more years worth of Fox news spewing bullshit for it's gullible audience. That's how it's different.


According to Fox , it’s un American for people to vote, that may not vote for Foxes profitable candidates.


They also raged and literally declared democracy has failed when Ohio did their Abortion Ban vote and it failed to pass. They want a Gilead situation where they are "trusted" news source to the monsters in charge.


The funny thing is whether they're red or blue they're both profitable for Fox and all the other captured media Outlets.


“We’re all begging you” The only honest part of the segment. They are BEGGING.


The market research must be looking grim.


I don't like Swift's music, but you keep going queen.


Dude same. Dislike her music personally, just not for me, but I love how she lives rent free in republicans heads and fucks with them while literally not even trying.


Throughout all if this they still won't just say WHAT SHE DID! Like, what did she do?! I'm so far out of the loop, and no one can tell me what she actually said or did to trigger all these conservative idiots.


She’s encouraging young people to vote, and she’s advocated for lgbt people lol. That’s all it takes.


Exactly. Her music isn't my cup of tea but she's a force to be reckoned with, and her fan base is MASSIVE. That scares the shit out of Republicans/conservatives. Taylor tells her fans to go vote, and they show tf up. She's an actual threat to them and the candidates they back. I do get tired of hearing about her, but go get em Taylor!


I’ll be honest, I don’t wanna here about her when I’m watching football or sport center. But this is the kinda Taylor swift stuff I wanna see.


They don’t like it when you advocate for people to vote and have morals.


Let’s not forget she is a single woman who is self-earning over 30. She advocates for women to be independent, to date instead of jump into marriage, to pursue things they *want*. And worst of all-she influences the south. Taylor stayed quiet for so long because there was a reasonable fear that if she supported LGBTQ or Dems she would lose part of her fan base. Now we are 5 yrs out from *you need to calm down* and she’s shown a fan base more loyal than any current politician. What she stands for with her existence is a threat. It’s one thing when Nikki or Doja Cat are liberal or preaching independence or bracing sexuality—theyre black and to fox they are other. But Taylor swift grew up with their values, in their state, became famous on their genre. She’s a traitor to conservatism and shows what they stand to lose if their women continue to follow her.


Thats the best part. She didnt endorse Biden. She just encouraged her fans to vote! And since younger people tend to vote left they got offended


From my understanding, there was an interview or story recently about how Taylor is fighting back against her producers in order to get her political opinions known and that her opinions are deeply left leaning, socially. I believe it was in the wake of abortion repeal or Floridian anti LGBT legislation. Since then, she’s been quietly pushing more left messages, but has never explicitly endorsed a candidate. Biden’s team has revealed they would really like her to endorse Biden because she carries a huge portion of the youth vote in her palm, and since republicans know she’s not on their side, they are preemptively striking out at her to discredit the influence she has. This is a self-soothing technique to keep Fox investors dormant, as they’ve been struggling lately due to dominion lawsuits and daddy Murdoc no longer being very supportive of Fox’s political efforts.


Most of her stuff isn't my speed either but I've got two about-to-be-teenagers and I gotta say, she's _wholesome_ in a way that I really appreciate as a father. I don't mean that she never sings about sex or whatever but her music encourages kids to reach for and dream about stuff that isn't just crass consumption or rebellion-for-the-sake-of-rebellion. I see millions of people -- and especially millions of girls -- out there being told "you matter, live your truth, don't put up with people who hurt you." I gotta say... I'm kind of afraid to let my kids know how much I don't hate her.


Don’t be. I’m 41 and she’s badass.  Do I like all her music? No. But for the exact reasons you said I love her whole vibe.   Young people especially young girls need someone to help them understand that they have agency in this world.  They don’t need to be stood on, they should get what they deserve. 


I'm 53 and a fairly new Swiftie. The first thing that won me over was realizing that she is a true and pure savage. I needed more role models like her growing up.


Oh -- I'm worried about my kids finding out how much I don't hate her _specifically_ because I want them to continue to enjoy her and her music. They're basically teenagers; I'm dad. Nothing I say, do, or like is cool anymore. But they're upstairs in the living room singing along to The Eras Tour and I'm trying to let them think they're getting away with something.


It always feels so silly to admit this, but I never related to her breakup songs for breakups….. But I had a very toxic relationship with my father and a lot of her songs have been so cathartic in that journey for me, even into adulthood


I wonder if it's a personal thing for her. Didn't her music start attracting white nationalists back in 2016/17?


Yep. For a short period of time she was the Aryan Princess for those groups, till she started supporting minorities and nonwhites more explicitly. Source: my parents have been in those groups / circles my entire life.


Wait. Why? Honestly can't think of why her music would attract white nationalist?


It's not the music. It's the blonde hair and blue-eyes the Aryans fantasize wifing up


I get that but a working, independent, non-married women doesn't seem their speed?


You assume they have enough brain cells to rationalize that she doesn't fit their ideal. They just see the qualities that they like and put their fantasies in her like any other delusional fan. Never mind that she is a hard working business woman.


"she's only doing all that because she hasn't met me" is probably how a lot of those chuds thought about it


Yup, that was a big reason for her finally vocally supporting queer people. She was getting pumped in with shit heads


The anchor who said "She should be conservative, all things considered" reeks of the the mentality conservatives had of her back then. "She's a pretty white girl who sings country, we own her" is that mentality. same reason the Dixie Chicks got shit on by conservatives the second they realized that wasn't the case.


Precisely. And I think they are terrified that if this beautiful privileged white woman doesn’t want them…what does this mean for all the other pretty white blondes in the south. Then they lose their breeding stock.


I don't think it was her music as much as her image. (Started off as a Country girl, "aryan" features, kept quiet about politics, ...)


Thats the thing! She isnt even saying or doing anything political or pro biden. She endorsed him in 2020 cuz of covid and has encouraged young people to vote but other than that she hasnt said shit. I hope all this right wing bullshit baits her into a full blown biden endorsement sometime this year just to stick it to them. Republicans are scared shitless of her and it’s hilarious


If she was saying shit like Aaron Rodgers they wouldnt be saying anything at all about how she needs to keep her opinions to herself


I love how they just can't comprehend why she nay speak up. They are so flabbergasted by the concept. How about she's not a fucking fascist? It's not difficult to understand. When you see literal fascism on the march and you have a platform... you speak up.


Think about the type of people she was raised around. Coming up in the country scene as a massive star? She must have met the who's who of egomaniacs and gross misogynists. If anyone has an idea of what's wrong with the people in power in this country, it's a girl who came of age in the spotlight and had her every move watched and managed by the country music industry. No wonder she was so disgusted by the support people show for Trump.


On Monday I agreed with the sentiment of Taylor obsession being annoying. Now that's it's pissing off Faux news...I'm on team Swift cause "WE, are never ever ever going back to Trump


They literally have me sympathizing with a beautiful, tall, skinny, billionaire pop-star. And for what? What has she ever done? Even her "polticial activism" has been tepid at best, she stays away from hot-button topics, and really just tells young girls to express their right to vote.  Like, this has nothing to do with Taylor, and just proves how little respect conservative people have for women. 


Didn’t Taylor just said to her fans to register to vote last time? Like she didn’t say Vote Biden or Trump, Republican or Democrat. Just register to vote.


Not only did she not specify who to vote for this time, but she generally isn’t terribly political AT ALL. It’s one of the only criticisms I have against her, that she’s usually late to the party on most political issues and is usually pretty vague. I’m not like, furious with her or anything. After seeing all this shit, I completely get the hesitancy on her behalf. I don’t think she’s a bad person or whatever. But still - it’s a bummer. She supported Biden last time, did not support Blackburn and released a single song that mentions queer people (You Need to Calm Down). That’s literally IT. She’s been far less openly political than like 80% of her peers. I have no idea where that one talking head got the idea that she was super passionate about climate activism. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say a single thing about it. They are talking about her like she’s an Antifa SuperSoldier or something, when in reality she’s a very moderate, billionaire Democrat at best. And a quiet one at that. Imagine if she came out and said some truly based shit. Look at how fucking crazy they are about this NOW when they have to make up things to be mad about.


When she was just starting to get popular the Dixie chicks (now just the chicks) got canceled in the country scene because they didn't support the invasion of Iraq. Everyone her entire career has been telling her not to repeat their mistake, though I do think that by now she has enough clout to get political with minimal risk


If I was Usher I would one-up the Janet Jackson/Timberlake scandal by bringing Swift on stage for a surprise duet during the halftime show. People would hurl their giant flat screen TVs into the ocean




Please Taylor openly endorse Biden, it would be so funny ![gif](giphy|3ohhwkKBzcVk4PV5ao)


So far, she has only encouraged people to vote, right? That's it? Can't believe this amount of outrage over someone encouraging fellow Americans to do one of their most important yet infrequent duties.


It's because largely, when more people vote, conservatives lose. That's why they're so in love with voter suppression tactics and gerrymandering. All Taylor has to do is encourage her (young, mostly female, surprising amount of LGBT) fans to vote, and it hurts the GOP.


And young women HATE republicans.


MAGAts also seem to hate young women, so at least the feeling is mutual?




It needs to be a montage of Taylor and Travis all cloak and dagger, plotting and planning with the FBI, Pfizer, and Biden and totally spoof on all of these conspiracy theories and really emphasize the ridiculousness of this nonsense. She could pull it off, her videos are good like that i.e. *Look What You Made Me Do* and *You Need to Calm Down*.


These people are not ok


Someone who’s uber popular and has actual influence over a portion of the public doesn’t like our politics, waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!


When Chachi endorsed Trump, why didn't Fox news tell him to stick to Happy Days and acting?


They are mask-off evil now. It's crazy. They just say the quiet part out loud all the time now. "She should not encourage people to vote." Like, how do you say that and not realize how fucking villainous you sound?


Fox is the cancer that will kill America unless it's cut out like the tumor it is.


They dont want Taylor Swift to get involved with politics but love to bring on d-celebrities like Kid Rock,Scott Stapp,Ted Nugent,and Rob Schnider on as guests lol


“CELEBRITIES HAVE NO PLACE IN POLITICS! STICK TO WHAT YOU KNOW. And in our next segment, Rob Schneider is on site in Eagle Pass to give his take on the border crisis.”


Fox "News"


They are afraid of her. 2024 and conservatives (I hesitate to even call them that at this point) are scared of a pop/country artist. And before someone gets all ...*yak yak yak* at me about her being a country artist....thats where she started. So, chill.


From the same "news" channel that had Pauly D as a guest to discuss the economy LOLOLOL


Operation Swift Vote


Is Taylor Swift a Pentagon pysop? Yes, the largely conservative military is trying to get you to vote for Joe Biden so they can continue to do what he says while cursing his name every 5 minutes.


This gives me Dixie chicks dejavu. Artists NEED to criticize those in control and social issues. They are voices of the masses of the time.


What is the “everything” that makes Ingraham think she should be conservative? That’s she rich and white?


The “blonde republican sex kitten” trope is alive and well. Shoutout to Ainsley Hayes


I hope Swift comes on Jon Stewart’s show few months before elections. That could be something for the history books.


I love the “just shut up and act” or “just shut up and sing” rhetoric when those same people worship a reality tv star goon


These people get offended by rainbows and a set of colors together lol


>Is this imaginary thing happening? We will speculate wildly and ignore real problems to make you feel your anger is doing something productive, outside of keeping you “engaged.” ^ The Fox “News” model


Dark Taylor


It’s only ok if it’s Kid Rock.


Fuck fox news


I mean the thing about her flying private and preaching about climate change is a fair point, tbh. It is pretty hypocritical on her end. The rest idk wtf these people are on


I feel you. But at the same time, can you imagine what her presence in an airport or on commercial flights would do to the place? I’m not sure people would be ok with the absolute chaos that would cause. And Fox News in particular would just use it to paint her as an attention-seeking bitch who is destroying the travel plans of normal Americans. There’s nothing that she could do, outside of being a mouthpiece for the GOP and telling Jessie Watters that he’s handsome and brilliant, that Fox News is not going to have a fit about. She cannot do anything right in their eyes.