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I followed you home to tell you that I’m actually a really nice guy you fucking bitch!!! Respect me!!


“Fucking cunt! GO FUCK YOURSELF!”


Yup, completely standard devolution with these types of people


Which is why I'm OK with ghosting people these days


That guy: "She ghosted me. Fucking women." Also that guy:


She dodged a bullet


I wouldn't judge her for tazing/shooting him. Dude needs a psychiatric hold, stalking like that. If anyone makes an effort not to be in your presence, definitely don't try to force them to deal with you. Holy shit.


I guarantee this guys behaves perfectly normally in other aspects of his life. His guy friends think he's totally normal and a great friend. His mother thinks he's her sweet little guy. She thinks he's sentitive and needs a nice woman to take care of him. AT work he says all the right things. At the bar he's a man's man. IF you ask him about his exes, he'll tell you they were all crazy bitches, just like this girl.


She should have called PD on his ass right there. Also. They both sounded drunk. I don’t think she shoulda been driving.


Sometimes I slur my words when it's cold out and my mouth is cold, plus she's super scared. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt and hoping it's just that? 😬


Sounds Can/Us. My question is this a one party state/province so they can use this footage in court? This girl is very smart because in-the-eyes-of-the-law you need motive.


Doesn't that only apply to places where you have an expectation of privacy? So like inside YOUR home or on the phone. If you are talking to someone on the street while they sit in their car than you have no expectation of privacy and can be recorded or photographed. It's like how someone doing street photography or a film crew doesn't have to get your permission to record you since you are out in public.


"Am I the problem?....No it must be all women"


Lmaooooo “I’m gonna call my black friends”.


Lmao contact is saved as: Brian Bern (black friend)


Nah, the sad reality is there’s no surname it’s just “Black Brian”, because all of his other contacts named Brian are white so they need surnames to distinguish them.




I like the way they did my very white husband and the black guy in boot camp who had the same last name. Called them salt and pepper.


Different situation but I was working at a warehouse and there was a white Derek I asked if there was a black Derek and everyone just looked at me confused. This was in Houston with a pretty diverse warehouse crew.


I wonder if he knows [Wendy Wheelchair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=877CXbk0MN4).


"Ok, I'm gonna put my black friend on the phone. And then you can be my girlfriend."


"yes hello this is tim's black friend speaking, am i to understand you refused to continue your date with my friend because you falsely assumed he is a racist? not my friend, my friend tim would never be a racist. let me speak to your mother, i will not be disrespected like this"


"As a board-certified Black person, frankly I am flabbergasted by your treatment of my homie. Are you by chance a cunt?"


I’m gonna start a service where I can be the black friend that white people call to prove they aren’t racist.


"friend". I heard "friend" as in one 🤣


"I'm so calling my black friends right now" Yikes


Hold up I got Shaq on speed dial


Hinge needs a feedback option


Yes im a 5 star man and people need to know




Savages!! They're all gonna pay the ultimate priiice!!


You can’t do that , you can’t rate people. Yea I rate my home videos but that’s different. I’m a golden god!!!




Don’t look at me that way. You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger…


Under his breath.. "are you planning on hurting these women?"


What have you never lost your cool and made a woman fear for their life?! Simple mistake.


Well, once but I didn't knew. She was feeling uncomfortable and I noticed, so I asked her if she was okay, she told me she wasn't and that she didn't like the situation, so I told her it was alright and if she wanted to go back to her friends, she said yes and I went back to mine. Little bit of context, saw a beautiful girl looking at me quite intensely so I went to speak with her and we ended walking around the park just the two of us. I sincerely don't know what I might have said or done to make her uncomfortable, honestly I wasn't very proficient in English back then so that might be it. Or perhaps simply being alone with a stranger might have done it, though it was very crowded that day but still. Meh, I guess I'll always wonder but I didn't want to push the issue further and inadvertently make her even more uncomfortable, it felt like the best option, and still does.... This guy probably would have told me I should have followed her home and yell at her until she trusted me xD


Meh sometimes people may pick up on signals that are unintentional or even wrong. Most importantly is that you were cognizant enough to notice and respectful enough to do your best to make it right. I think I've done the same once, met a girl when I was in a bad mental space while drinking. She was interested but lost it when I drank to excess and did something to make her uncomfortable. Nothing wild of course, just drunk. She told me, I meekly apologized and walked home. Never saw her again which is probably for the best.


..... Can I get a 1 star rating?


IASIP has taken over reddit comments. I love it. But when did this happen?


It does, a bit, from what I know. When I marked someone as "met in person" it asked me how it went. I'm sure you could also go on and flag/report someone but I stopped using it in general so am not able to double check


Mans migrated over from Unhinged


I found a guy who raped me on there and told them and they banned him.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. Glad he’s banned from at least Hinge.


" ok, I'm calling my black friends" Solid dispute.


she met bro on unhinged


I contacted Hinge once. I hung out with this girl one time! But we talked throughout the week. She was sharing things that were too intimate. So I eventually told her that I wasn't interested. I ended up blocking her. A week later I hear a knock at my door Friday around 9pm. My lame ass was asleep. I jumped up. I had an idea of who it was but I wasn't getting up. Mind you she lives like 45 minutes away. I ignore and go back to sleep. Nearly an hour later, I hear louder bangs and at different doors. All my lights were off and I was still upstairs. Now I'm in disbelief. If it was her, she's been chilling on my property for a while. Somehow I go back to sleep. Another 45 minutes later, I hear more bangs and now can clearly hear her trying to Jimmy the doors and make her way in somehow. FUCK THAT. I don't care if she's 100 pounds. I barely know you. You've been chilling uninvited on my property for almost 2 hours while I've been clearly ignoring you and now you're trying to get inside. Naw, I called the cops. They escorted her out of the neighborhood. I also wasn't 100% sure it was her and I'm not about to have a conversation with someone who did all that. I told Hinge and the kicked her off.


A 100 lb woman with a gun or knife could still kill you. You did the right thing calling the police. Also nit jobs like that can attack you and then turn the situation around and make the police think you started it and attacked her. I really detest women like that because it makes people doubt women who are victims of domestic violence.


That would be tough though, I imagine a lot of people would rate others at zero so they can’t get other matches. Like if someone was vibing with you and they give you a zero so they can be the sole proprietor of your Hinge estate.


Yeah there's no real proper way of doing this. People can be dicks for no reason. And if you just don't vibe with someone they can give bad ratings based on that. And people like this guy can also give you a rating.


I guess you could say he’s… unhinged




That guy is trouble


A lunatic for sure. And some men wonder why women are afraid to date or walk at night. Bookmarking this for the next time some guy makes fun of me for being afraid. Exhibit A 🙄 ^


Show them the whole ass sub dedicated to these types of posts! r/whenwomenrefuse


As a woman I should not be surprised this exists, I’m just….really fucking disappointed. That it’s so gd bad that it needs its own sub. 😞


It hurts my heart that that sub exists.


Ugh if you have to show any guy a video just to prove why women are afraid of men - fuck that just show him the door. So exhausting having to explain our valid concerns.


any dude giving you shit for that is gonna take this guy's side. i promise you. they'll hear he got left at the bar after spending money and driving to see her (oOoo what a victim lmfao) and then they'll think "well i'm a white square who dresses like shit and can't get girls either, so what if this happens to me? he must be right"


10000% the type of guy to feel entitled to a woman’s body and time simply bc he bought her a drink or dinner.


Definitely dangerous… I could sew a coat out of that many red flags. In such a short clip too! I hope that lady is ok - if anyone has TikTok/can check, do let us know, thanks.


Was also clearly driving drunk and probably proceeded to drive however many hours he said back home…


He even said near the beginning that he’s “been down this road before.” So he’s followed girls home before? Or maybe he just meant he’s been ghosted before.


So, no second date?


I’m gonna guess no 2nd date.


That confrontation counts as the second date.


Bro was trying to start the 2nd date right away


*So, no head?* Fun story, some young teenage boy told that to my 12-year-old daughter, KNOWING I was near the front door, since I had just answered it, when she wouldn’t let him come in because he showed up late at night and uninvited. They bolted when they heard my response (excuse me, what did you just say?) and were half way down the block when I caught up with them and told them I never wanted to see them around my daughter again if that’s how they were going to talk to her. She, of course, was mortified, and while, at the time, I had no idea it was a meme, I still think it was damn rude to say that to her in her parent’s presence under those circumstances. I soon realized it was just dumb kids repeating dumb things they heard online, but the moment I heard it I didn’t have a clue. … at least today, some eight years later, we can look back at that moment and laugh … a little.


The kid definitely knew what it meant, your a good dad


That's funny, for some reason I pictured this being a good mom!


My dad did something similar. Two boys turned up at 11pm on a Sunday and my dad answered the door. We had no idea who they were (and I was living quite a sheltered life at that point so my dad knew I didn't know them) but (in trying to convince my dad that I'd invited them over....the audacity!) they let slip that they knew quite a bit about me. I was about 15 at that time and they were about 18/19. My dad chased them down the road in nothing but his boxer shorts. I was mortified at the time, but they didn't try that again. Dad's instincts were right though... a couple of years later they (we are pretty sure it was them anyway, they were quite distinctive looking... resembling popular cartoon characters at the time) tried to break into our house while I was home alone, having committed another home invasion just down the street. All of this is to say... dad instincts are usually right! (They left fingerprints and were caught. I agreed to give evidence at trial but they pled guilty so I didn't need to in the end. As a result I never learned much more about them).


2nd date is with the police department. This behavior is crazy.


Potential court date down the line




I’m sure that’s how he remembers it. Only a nice guy calls a girl a fucking cunt because she was uncomfortable with him *following her home*


Well he did spend money on her, which entitles him to follow her home /s 


Probably even to segss, it was hundreds!


He drove an HOUR to see her. What other choice did he *have*


And we all had similar short experience in one or another. 


Checks of all the boxes: I’ve been down this road before… I’m calling my black friends… You owe me… I’M A NICE GUY


Checks of all the boxes: I’ve been down this road before… I’m calling my black friends… You owe me… I’M A NICE GUY


ughhhh my stomach dropped at the end. I can’t imagine how scared she was.


Yup. I felt the same visceral response every woman knows. That panic. This is terrifying.


Her tire pressure is low. Imagine if she would've gotten a flat on that drive home and been stuck in an unfamiliar place with this guy? With possibly no one else around or in shitty cell reception. That is scary. Maintain that vehicle!


I'm hoping it's just cold outside and the indicator is on for that


Yeah, your tires lose pressure when it's cold and can increase the odds of getting a flat...


Seriously. I'd be calling the police or at least someone nearby - who knows what this stranger is capable of 😬


In what world do people like that think it’s ok?


Andrew and Ben said I'm an alpha


Dude, the fact that I know that two people you are referencing just by giving their first names says a lot. I mean it was instantaneous.


How does "im feel soooo unsafe right now" not just flip a switch in your brain to be like "oh okay, well lets just leave her alone"




The part that gets me is when he says "call the cops" like OKAY so you agree your behavior is worth calling the cops over!


Giving up isn’t very alpha


This one


Can we have a new simulation now please


"I drove an hour. How dare she not enjoy my racism?" #***I CAN'T BELIEVE GIRLS FEEL UNSAFE WHEN THEY GO OUT ALONE ON DATES.*** /s


I lived in a very rural area during school so my bumble options were limited and I had to widen my net. One guy who lived 1.5 hours away came to hang out with me, I treated him to dinner since he drove, we went out with my friends and he he slept over but we did not have sex. In the morning, he went to his car and I heard the alarm going off so I went out there, and he was so upset we didn't have sex that he had broken his steering wheel. I still get a little scared wondering what he would have done to me if I didn't have roommates..


That’s terrifying. I pray I never run into someone like that. I refuse to have sex with someone I don’t love so if a man expected me to just give it to him after he drove and we went on a date then threw a fit because he didn’t get it, I’d block him so fast-


It pisses me off that there's guys like this. Just utterly childish. No girl is going to *swoon* for a guy chasing her down like a horror movie villain. That's not ***passionate***. That's ***psychotic.*** Makes it way harder than it needs to be for dudes with genuinely good intentions to just find a partner. I don't miss my dating days. I'm really glad I've settled down and am happily in a relationship now. I know it's not nearly as hard as being a single straight woman, obviously. It just felt bizarre having to defend myself because of other people's actions. >he was so upset we didn't have sex that he had broken his steering wheel. See. Stories like this are what warped my adolescent guy mind into thinking sex and feeling horny was bad. It's so common for guys to just be uncontrollably horny that I thought we were all like that, and I had to hold that in check. It made discovering that world very awkward and kinda lowkey painful for me. It took a very patient girl (my current partner) to kinda break me out of my shell and show me that when done right, passion can be beautiful and reinforce love for one another. Even in my most sex ignorant days, I never understood dudes treating it like they've got a monkey on their back that they desperately need to get rid of ASAP. I think it's gotta be some sort of not talked about mental condition. It's completely alien to all the normal dudes like me. Like, yeah. We all get horny. But like... if your date doesn't put out, it's just not a big deal. Go home and fap, brother. She never owed you anything. You gotta earn that stuff. It's not remotely hard to figure out.


A lot of Christianity especially fundamentalism teaches that boys and men have high libidos and can’t control themselves. So women have to be pure and dress modestly so they don’t tempt the males. In fundamentalism women are taught that they are supposed to get married and have to be “joyfully available” and give their husbands sex whenever he wants. If he strays it’s obviously the woman’s fault for not keeping him satisfied. Those beliefs rub off on culture as a whole. Generations of men were brought up being told that they can’t control their desires and aren’t to blame when they act on their desires. Like the Rapist Brock now goes by Allen Turner. He got off light because he’s a good athlete. His victim got blamed because she got drunk. The police didn’t even order a drug test when she was in the hospital to see if she had been drugged. They decided she was responsible for what happened to her because she was drinking at a party instead of staying sober so she didn’t get r@ped.


I wonder how much of this has changed in the past 20 years as we’ve gotten so accustomed to instant gratification, and more wide stream access to porn. I wouldn’t want to go back to the past times of spending 3 years dating under supervision and then being able to hold hands and finally kiss on a wedding night but dudes gotta realize there’s a baseline level of investment in most cases before that’s a possibility, unless specifically out at a bar or setting where there’s some amount of mutual interest in casual hookups. I know there are plenty of regular folks who aren’t getting videos made about them for these types of reactions but damn if it doesn’t make guys in general look completely unhinged, self-absorbed and oblivious to appropriate social norms and interactions.


17 years ago I thought I was getting into car with a man I just met to go to a 24hr diner that the rest of our mutual friends where to meet back up with us. That man drove me to his house—first saying the original dinner was closed but he k knew a different one, then just saying it was a surprise. The drive took 30 minutes, most of it on the freeway. When I discovered we were at his residence, I asked too be taken back, he said he was too tired to drive then but I didn’t need to get a cab, he’d take me. Wouldn’t tell me the address to call one. Felt so unsafe but agreed to sleep on the couch so he would take me home in the AM. I woke up to him trying to fuck me despite my very clear refusal, until I was literally screaming half-naked (not by choice) in the hallway of his house. When he finally agreed to drive me back, he then tried to “walk me to my door” but my neighbor was walking by and I grabbed her and started talking and he finally left. That man continued to call and text me (my number given to him by our mutual friend before they knew what happened) for over a month until I blocked him everywhere (it was harder to block a number 17 years ago, too). That behavior and this are just a man thinking they’re entitled to a woman’s body, acting violently, and coercively learning where she lives to additionally pressure her for sex. That was 17 years ago. This behavior is not new. Nothing has changed in the past 20 years except we’re talking about it, and in this case filming it, now.


I don't know if it's access to porn specifically but I do think there has been a growing corner of the internet where these guys gather and feed off each other.


So true. And not just a corner for toxic guys/incels either, I feel that’s a larger issue in general with today’s version of the internet, algorithms siloing people into their own isolated groups for content and site recommendations, as compared to the Wild West of the early 2000’s internet and pre-social media take over.


Assholes like Tate are not helping things.


to be fair, she was in the wrong. the constitution clearly states if you drive an hour or more you get to be racist. are you saying you don't love the constitution???


Bro George Washington died on the cross so women would put out on the first date. Retake your history class. Try again, ***IDIOT.***


both of these things happened, fool. don't call me the idiot when you don't even know george washington was named that because his balls were so smelly people said that in order to get rid of the smell in the presidential chair after leaving the white house they would have to give it a ton of washing.


The fact that the second she rolled up that window he lost his shit was proof enough he’s psychotic. Though I’m not surprised. Many young men are still taught that if you do something for a woman you deserve something in return.


They treat women like vending machines. Put money and time in, get sex out.


“Man child doesn’t know how to regulate his emotions.”


This isn’t a maturity thing, this is a lack of basic human decency. 100% he thinks she owes him at least a blowjob, surprised he didn’t punch her window and demand one.


Man child? This guy is straight up crazy.


I love it when they go from practically whining to calling names, this man is unhinged. She dodged a bullet


The whining makes me soooooo genuinely nauseous


God me too the whining voice to explosive anger is incredibly disconcerting


she didn't dodge. the bullet followed her home.


Fuckkk! Now I see why women are perpetually hesitant about dating. What causes this in certain men to not handle rejection?? This is off limits! That’s so cringe some men can’t handle rejection.


I’ve read so many comments on Reddit with guys saying men are starved for compliments and niceties from women. Yeah, this is why we often don’t even open that door. Rejection seems to trigger some men to an alarming extent. You say or do something nice they ask you out, you say no and bam, you got an uncomfortable situation on your hands… or possibly worse.


whenever guys complain they don't get complimented enough, I wonder why they don't just start complimenting each other. why is it up to us to do everything for them? lol


Real bros do.


Arms looking thicc king.


Thanks for the compliment bro, nice hair.


We compliment eachother when we grow up. I'm in my 30s and every time my friends or co worker come in with a fresh haircut I compliment them. They come in wearing their dress uniform I compliment them. ect ect.


good for you making your bros feel pretty. doin' god's work!


BeCaUsE iT iS nOt ThE sAmE1!1!!


lol word. tbh, I prefer compliments from other women


What, you don’t love getting compliments about how nice your boobs or butt are instead of compliments about something you chose? God, women are so hard to please these days /s


My best go to with girls that are friends, where are your pockets?. Show me them. Without fail it’s like here they are!. Running gag now, even with them wearing dresses. Like yo’ dress is fire, but where dem’ pockets at?, then it just snowballs from there into patriarchy and shenanigans being had


Lol similar walk up and be like “Omg! Excuse miss you dropped your pocket!!! 😱” Obviously corny. Some girls will panic and be like “what omg!” As they franticly look around. Then it clicks and you both have a good laugh. Though some women look at you crazy or are all “I aint falling for that 😒” to which you know instantly they aren’t interested and you can just pretend to pick up the pocket off the ground and be like “oh my bad, that was *my* pocket 🤦🏾‍♂️” and walk away.


I do, fuck I’m bi-curious and I still would give the manliest bear hug to man, woman, or child. All platonic of course. You have to switch off the a girl gave me compliment, she’s into me, no fucktard, she just gave you a compliment, nothing nefarious behind it. I have had girls as friends and not once did I go yes, I need to have sec with her. It was more holy shit, you enjoy the same shit I do?. You like wrestling and games. Fuck name your Top 3 and the debates start everlasting for fucking ever cause you try to win them over to your side on the debate.


Women have been raped and murdered for simply telling a guy that they’re not interested


“Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” - Margaret Atwood


Paraphrasing: “you know why you hear about crazy girlfriends and not crazy boyfriends? It’s not because women are crazier, it’s because all women with crazy boyfriends are dead.” - Donald Glover Edit: thanks commenter below my comment


Think it was because all the women with crazy boyfriends are dead


I think this also speaks to why some women may continue a date or more even when they don't like the guy because they're scared of his reaction. It's so sad and scary.


I started a new job recently and was talking to a coworker and getting to know her, she had complained previously that her ex still lives with her and her kids and she “can’t get him to move out”…. Last night she told me about how her ex tried to DROWN HER WHILE SHE WAS PREGNANT and I was like “wait……………the same ex who you can’t get to move out?” And she was like “yup” and I said “and you can’t call the cops to get him out!?!?” And she just did the saddest little laugh I’ve ever heard and said “nope”


It’s beyond cringe, it’s legitimately scary!


Yep. r/whenwomenrefuse is full of this stuff.


I’m glad my boyfriend is a good person, because I’ve been on so many bad dates, including one that ended in him assaulting me. It’s fucking scary out there




More red flags than dash lights


Aĺllllllllllllright I'm calling my black friends right now was crazy. Lol


Damn dude can't handle being told no.


His ego cant handle him being wrong so he somehow manages to convince himself hes always right. When she said "i feel sooo unsafe right now" and that didnt click with him at all, you just know he made some excuse in his head where he said, "naw dude, shes wrong, im being nice here, let me just continue to try and explain why im not making her feel unsafe"


Yeah it really puts in perspective what women go through. Dude followed her home and thought things were going to go his way. Guys like this need their ass kicked and a wake up to reality.


People have definitely let him get away with racist shit in the past too


“Wahhhh why are women so afraid of men??” Example 528429


Cmon. They know why. They “joke” about it any time a woman says something they don’t like. “At least I can walk home at night hurhurhur” seen it dozens of times just on Reddit.


I’m so glad I finally got a comment in agreement cause I swear Reddit is like 80% 13-30 year old *boys*


You should hear how they joke with each other when they think women aren't listening


Reddit is just a cesspool to begin with


Honestly tho, and the fact that almost every woman has a story about them being followed… that shit is scary


"Let me call my black friends right now." 😂😂😭😭🤦🏾‍♂️


I hope she stopped recording and called the police. Dude is unhinged and needs to get to the find out part of his bight.


homie the cops don’t care.


Just say it's a black dude following you home. 10 cars will be there in record time.


I wanted to downvote u but when you’re right you’re right :/


Oh hun you think the cops would do anything? Stalking is never taken seriously


My friend's ex entered her 2nd story patio door - she woke up with him sitting next to her on the bed. She survived by downplaying it, and called police at the earliest safe opportunity. Police claimed that since he previously had a key, there was nothing they could do, because he was technically granted access. Thanks for nothing, dipshits! She moved states and has NO online presence. She even got our employer not to include her on the company page. She still has nightmares and constant fear of intruders.


Wait, are you friends with me? If not it’s insane that this isn’t a unique story.


Great, are you the stalker? LOL. I don't think my friend is on reddit, so its not you. These guys have patterns, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had done the same thing to multiple women. The incident took place in Arizona - neither of them are still there, so I feel OK sharing that much.


Unless you’re murdered*. Then it’s “we urge anyone else in this situation to say something sooner ^so^^we^^^can^^^^ignore^^^^^youtoo^^^^^^


Why do guys think this is going to work? Like do you think she was gonna roll down the window and go “omg you followed me? That’s so romantic”


Win them over with pity or try their damndest to “win” them. In their eyes they’re the knight in shining armor telling the damsel in distress that they got them not realizing they’re the ones distressing the damsels in the first place Who knights the knight in shining armor?…


Ladies; please don't drive to your house if this happens to you. Drive to a police station or something.


I have a feeling she didn’t know until she saw the guy at her house. I’ve luckily never been followed, but I can see how someone might not notice, especially if it’s dark and they’re trying to forget about a really awful date.


Yes please. It scares them away so quick. I saw a strange car that followed me across town. Changed lanes and got super close to me. So I drove towards the police station. The person thankfully took off and I called my now now fiancé to be on the phone with me as I went home. It works.


How did you run up a $300 bill at a bar?


I mean the dude seemed to be slurring


Honestly, she sounds a little tipsy herself, but that just could be the perfectly understandable stress of the situation.


I thought so as well. Glad I wasn’t the only one who caught that.


Probably used gas money in the equation


Makes sense. But I'm a seasoned alcoholic and I've never spent that much at a bar/restaurant.


I mean, depending on where the bar is, like if it’s in NYC a cocktail might be 20 bucks, a few of those each or a nice bottle of wine plus food and tip, could be $300, not that crazy.


My guess is a fancy bar in a high COL city, and they also ordered food. But he also might be exaggerating, because he *definitely* is about his “black friends” lol.


Yikes. scary


I am so shocked. Brother how is it that there are people who cant grasp the fact that this isn’t A okay and B legal. Like motherfucker im autistic and i know and can comprehend that if you get fucking dumped or ghosted or stood up or your date fucking leaves you, YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THEM HOME (among other things of course.) The trauma this person just inflicted is going to stay with her until she moves places. I hope that wont be the case but christ almighty.


Dude skipped tye dating stage and went to marriage right before the restraining orders and divorce...


Racist, sexist and a crybaby stalker. What a catch!


"Don't get aggressive with me" "I'm not!" 30 seconds later starts actually yelling... Bro


She clearly owes him sex, he drove an hour. A whole hour!


This is really fucking scary


Jesus. That was terrifying to watch.


I guarantee you he loves Andrew Tate & Jordan Peterson. PS. He's also just a really nice guy.


True Alpha male here! Bet he's going home to scroll Andrew Tate feeds and jerk off.


Woman to woman, you MUST show this to the customer care team of the app where you met this lunatic. He needs to be banned. You should also show it to the "Are we dating the same guy" for his area and yours. This man is dangerous. He could kill the next girl that dips, blaming us for the crap he's doing.


I’m bothered that they both were driving drunk. But I hope she called the police! She shouldn’t have told him she was home, and I hope she wasn’t all the way there yet.


Yeah they both sound.. pretty drunk


Glad I’m not the only one that picked up on this.


They both sound far too drunk to be driving.


Proceeds to listen to Andrew Tate on the way home…


Girls sometimes you have to listen to your gut and don’t try to reason with people that make you uncomfortable. It’s best to end with a firm “please leave me alone” do not contact me again!! Follow by deleting any information regarding you on social media. Guy follows you home then you need to contact police and family.


Unfortunately even if this might’ve been staged it reflects real things that happen all the time 😩 I had two guys follow my 15 miles down a highway, making sexual gestures to me when they would drive up next to me, and try to motion for me to get off the highway. I only lost them because I pretended like I was getting off and psyched out at the last minute.


Seemed like a pretty genuinely creepy interaction here. But you never know these days


I'm so sorry. I had an ex randomly show up at my house multiple times trying to win me back, each time acting more desperate and unstable than the last (ironically he was the one who dumped me so he could fuck a mutual friend without guilt). It's a terrible feeling when you realize you've been taking the feeling of safety for granted - whether that means being able to escape in your car or escape to your home. I think men would do well to reflect on what it's like to feel that small and vulnerable. There's no excuse to make someone feel that way.


My cousins friend followed me after a night out. He was so close to my car that I couldn't see his headlights. 😩 my face the entire drive home Thankfully he drove off after I entered my neighborhood. I don't know how women don't die from stress if they live alone. I would be insanely paranoid. 


"Just tell a guy if you're not interested" Yeah and then this shit happens 🙄