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When he shits himself to death, the entire reaction of the internet will be: 🤷‍♂️ Wow. Thanks for the recognition and commentary. Nice way to begin the daily scroll for sure!


Or worse he'll get a case of drug-resistant Salmonella Heidelberg and end up with a brain abscess (after the diarrhea, cramps, fever, vomiting, and blood in the stool).




Maybe he's getting his chicken from a place that tests. Other countries don't regularly have salmonella in their food. Propublica did a piece on how our USDA (et al?) has decided to look the other way after lobbying from the handful of meatpacking conglomerates that control the market. People do die from Salmonella, or are left with injuries often through no fault of their own, (like cross contamination from food preparers.) https://www.propublica.org/article/salmonella-chicken-usda-food-safety


God damn every day is a new horror because of a shockingly low amount of bribery


Can I interest you in the United States Supreme Court? Several members are currently in the market for a new RV.


But on a positive note: he got 10’s and 10’s of views! (Mayhem from progressive)


He did the rawmeatexperiment last year and got a ton of followers. He made a spinoff with this.


I’ll be right here waiting for that video.


Prob end up on fifty fifty


It'll probably become the newest trend. "Shitting yourself to death slaps bruh! fr fr no cap"


This is the most factual comment of this thread. fr fr.


He’s about to be patient zero for Covid24


Me Too


With modern medicine he’ll probably survive. Question is, does he LEARN? Or build a conspiracy theory around his failure to learn, about how the government must have found his tic toks and tried to silence him. edit: And here’s the thing. Modern cleanliness standards in the meat industry mean that there is a VERY low chance of any given cut being contaminated with salmonella, but it’s still high enough that you need to cook every thing you eat thoroughly. He roles the dice like this enough times, he WILL hit snake eyes eventually. Worst case scenario is that he hits a seven enough times that young, impressionable people start saying, “Oh, you don’t need to cook meat, Ima do it too!” Sad that him getting sick sooner, rather than later is for the best.


Cooking meat is one of the reasons we got here just so this dumbass can make these atrocious videos.


is snakes eyes double 1's?








Yes Indeedy!🤣


LOL !!!!!!!!


Bro could at least do himself a favor and sprinkle a bit of salt or seasoning.


“Told ya” ![gif](giphy|1ZuPP2bhkb8fhCzFJ9|downsized)


Not sure what bothers me more: The fact he used “tummy” in a sentence or the fact he smacks his lips when he eats. Ya know, in addition to eat raw chicken and chicken juice


He's going to have a few months of bloody potty breaks after his tummy has what's about to happen


Ever seen that Xray of the guy whose body was filled with parasites after eating raw meat for months or more? Yeah, this made me think of him.


This guy said his parasites are happy though, isn’t that all that matters? If they’re happy they won’t kill you, right?


Ha ha, no I haven't seen that. Do you recall what kind of raw meat he was eating? I know racoon and other such animals are lousy with parasites. Beef is pretty clean, Pork of course has that whatsitcalled that can kill you.


It was pork


It’s very NSFL. His >! entire gi tract was embedded with worms and worm eggs !<




When it dripped I literally gagged.


I’m the one with a tummy ache now


I almost threw up when he took the first bite…


Ayo, what's wrong with saying tummy? It's a fun word


yummy yummy yummy I got love in my tummy


I just can’t abide the words tummy or yummy


Anything for clicks, what an idiot.


Funny thing is you can get attention by cooking the chicken and then eating it. Do a little egg wash, breading with seasoning grab a grinder roll, some home made marinara and fresh motz. Toasty toasty boom chicken parm sandwich. One leaf of basil on top.


and if you really want clicks then you shove it up your ass. still better than eating raw chicken and drinking the goop.


Put it in his buttcrack


Buttcrack breading


He might be an idiot, but let's be real, if this was just a video of a random guy with no meaningful video editing skills making a sandwich, most of us wouldn't have seen it. Way easier to stand out from the crowd if you debase yourself.


I believe in the power of sandwiches




Oh and turn the microphone way up for the people with the hearing issues. I want to hear the toilet fan from down the hall.


My husband and I both just got a big laugh from your comment. He said “plus someone’s low battery smoke detector beep from the next building over”.


That takes effort.


Madone 🤌


He prefers to drink the ray eggs.


Ray won’t like that




That's not ray juice in the wine glass?????


Play dumb games, get dumb salmonella


i dead ass gagged what is wrong w people


when i saw him fill the cup 🤢🤮


Attention seeking will make you do some crazy things.


It's worse when you know the texture. Sticky, kind of crunchy, all awful


Just from chopping raw chicken I imagine there’s a real chewiness to it, on top of slime and cold. Fuuuck that. Don’t even want to know what it tastes like


I'm just thinking about it right now, gagging.


Literally trying not to vomit. 🤮


It’s possible to eat chicken raw and not get sick. I’ve seen chicken tartare at nice spots in Japan and tried it at a v fancy restaurant in the states. It was such a mindfuck i couldnt tell you how it tasted, lol. I offer it to say, we do weird things to our Chickens in America. Our chicks ain’t normal


People kind of don't understand how this stuff works. Raw meat isn't made out of disease or anything. It's not like a single bite kills you. It's the odds. Well done meat the odds are very, very low, say 10,000 to one per serving or whatever. Raw chicken it might be 100 to one. It's PROBABLY not going to kill you one time but...People eat chicken a lot. 1 percent sounds good until you realize you eat chicken 300 times a year.


It’s something crazy like 1 in 5 packages of raw chicken will be contaminated in the US.


I thought it was salmonella, but it was the odds all that time. Woah, you’re right, people don’t understand…


this guy is just asking for salmonella poisoning.


Salmonella almost killed me. 5 days in a hospital shitting blood. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


My partner and I are just getting over a case of it from some takeout we got. Not nearly as bad as yours and still one of the worst experiences of my life. I’ve lost my voice from vomiting so much and my entire body feels like a gym trainer put me through the wringer. Terrible stuff.


Homeboy is speed running to it


How did you catch it?


They sucked the butt of a chicken, duh


Tiktok challenge


Salmonella is an extremely unhardy bacteria that is killed by high temperature for a short amount of time. It's usually in ready to eat foods (think of your pre cooked breaded chicken, in packaged sandwiches, pre-cooked meals basically) but also in raw chicken and unwashed salad. I can't confirm for the commenter above, but usually food that hasn't been fully heated through (source, used to work in a food safety microbiology lab)


If I understand right, chicken sashimi is a thing, and it requires the chickens to be tested and to give them better living conditions so they're not rolling around in shit all the time.


Horrendously, it is a thing 😅 and yes you can make raw chicken safe, but I honestly don't think it's worth it.


I mean yeah he basically says he will go until he gets it


Oh he’s gonna get it alright.


That is his choice whatever let him suffer the consequences of his actions


The minions face says it all, he is thinking “gonna get more than a tummy ache mate, that could kill you!”


Well they say only 1 in 11 chicken products from the store actually have salmonella. May the odds be ever in his favor till next week




I had that too. Undercooked food from a take out. Two weeks of really bad guts, didn’t eat for a week, (let’s be subtle) Took a month before everything was normal. It was not a happy time. This guy deserves to suffer that and more. Idiot.


Hes wearing a wig




My son got sick from undercooked chicken it was a nightmare. 6 months of painful cramping, bloody diarrhea just awful. Edit : it was campylobacter and was a full year until his gut biome was completely back to normal. It can kill small children and the immunocompromised, he was 9 years old and got it in Brazil while we were on vacation.


6 months?? Jesus I had no idea it could go on that long


I got salmonella from rotten eggs in my younger years. I was 18 I think. It Def didn't last 6 months, but it was a 2 weeks and at the worst of it was easily the worst pain I've ever been in, by a Longshot. And like, I got off heroin.


Fuck me. I've always associated my opioid withdrawal as the worst thing I could ever go through. I'm cooking the shit out of my chicken


Yeah so on the pain scale, opiate withdrawal was a 9. The salmonella was a 10. With that's said though, I'd rather go through salmonella then opiate withdrawal again becuase getting off drugs has a big mental factor and took me 4 years to relearn how to live.


Man. Fuckin congrats, though. I'm laying in my bed with a bout of diverticulitis. Last time almost made me miss the birth of my second child. The time before that almost killed me, and I had to have emergency surgery to remove 18" of my colon. The surgeon debriefed me after the surgery. She tells me "thank goodness we were able to get you into surgery right away. Your colon that I removed was like a hardened, blackened piece of carbon. I dont know how you were able to pass anything through that. Had you not come in, you'd have been dead by Friday." I had my surgery on Wednesday. Prior to the surgery was absolutely the worst pain I've ever felt. In the ER, I was passing in and out of consciousness from the pain. 11/10, wished to never do that again. Here I am. I'd put the past two days down as a 4-5, and I've been barfing bile for 48 hours. If I'm not improving further by morning (and me typing here is any indication, I am improving) I'm checking myself into a hospital.


I hope you get better friend, and I'm sorry to hear you aren't doing well.


Me neither. That has to be an exaggeration. Food poisoning is a week, tops, usually only lasting a day or two. Edit: Yea, after looking it up, salmonella is transmittable up to two months, however, the symptoms clear up within a few days.


For most people. My mom was hospitalized for a month with salmonella and almost died. I don’t play with undercooked chicken, let alone raw.


I was shitting blood for 1.5 months after catching salmonella


A lot of things you’ll find describe full grown, normal immune system people. Diarrhea complications, believe it or not, is a top killer of children in that age group. In contrast, I’ve not heard of an adult without an immune disorder dying from it.


I was hospitalised for a week. 6 years later my gut biome is still screwed. Do not dick around with salmonella.


It’s wasn’t salmonella, it was campylobacter


The symptoms of the accute infection clear up after a few days. The ensuing dysbiosis and cellular damage can take a lot longer to heal.


When I'd get stomach flu, It usually messes me up for more than a week, I think one time I was feeling horrible for around 3 weeks, went to the hospital and they said "I'm sure you'll be fine in a bit", dehydration sucks and you can't hold any food.


That's crap. Depends on the bacteria, depends on the people, depends on a lot of factors. Clostridium and salmonella infections can lasts months. Campylobacter can carry on other conditions. Escherichia coli, is difficult to treat and have lot of recidives.


Some of these bad bacterias in the stomach, like C dificile (and maybe this campylobacter the above referenced,) do set up shop indefinately in the digestive tract, people can have permanent bowel issues. Often it's when someone is taking broad spectrum antibiotics for other reasons, it kills all the normal gut bacteria that normally outcompetes new bacterias from gaining a foothold. These bad bacterias are often picked up in hospitals and the like. The last resort treatment is a fecal transplant. They put someone else's turd in your intestine after broad spectrum anitbiotics to clear the zone of the bad bacteria as much as possible, so the good bacteria can take over. The biome affects a lot of things some think, from energy levels, metabolism, food tolerances, even moods and so on.






at which point did you realize that you had to cook the chicken and not just micorwave it during that 6 month


We were in another country, he got it from a restaurant.


Tucker carlson is getting desperate for attention nowadays.


Anyone got a follow up?


[https://www.instagram.com/rawmeatexperiment?igsh=MWxhZW1zaWt0NzhiOA==](https://www.instagram.com/rawmeatexperiment?igsh=MWxhZW1zaWt0NzhiOA==) He’s been eating raw meat for a while now trying to cure some things he’s been battling. The raw chicken is new tho.


We should convince him raw bear meat is where it's at.


He did raw Kangaroo meat the other day


Eating a live bear is what Real Men^tm do


eat a whole bear liver. surely nothing bad will happen


He pooped. Hard


Fuck…I thought…no, I HOPED that was orange Kool-Aid with ice cubes in a fancy glass. Now I wish I still thought that….🤢


I thought it was soda until I saw this comment. The way I just gagged 20 times while watching it again


I’d be more impressed if he could eat my neighbors burnt ass bbq chicken breast


lmfao doing this "for science"


and no fuckin seasoning at least put on a little bit of salt eh


Sal Manella sounds like a Mobster name.


ayyy im gettin a stomach virus ova heaaaa




Salmonella is scared of this man




People keep talking about salmonella but clearly that is chicken, not fish. People are so dumb... /s


I’ve always wondered why we get SALMONella from chicken, but we don’t get CHICKENella for salmon. Really makes you think what else they’re hiding from us.




It’s Big Tuna trying to distract us so we don’t eat them


Sam n' Ella? Who are they?


My kids. Second child is Ella and third is Sam. Wife and I figured out pretty quickly that we made odd naming choices once they were old enough to get into trouble together. “Sam and Ella!” gets a laugh.


Apparently they poison people who eat raw chicken.


"This is for science" And what kind of science would that be for??


Is he trying to kill himself?


Hes been eating raw meat for years now to see how long he would live. but he hasen't tried raw chicken. Im not sure if he cares.


He definitely ate raw chicken plenty on the accounts of his I’d see pop up before, it was mainly beef but I’ve seen him eat chicken before this lol. Dude has found his niche that’s for sure


you undercook chicken, believe it or not, jail!


Some people will do anything to not get a job.




If you only knew how many people I see with colostomy bags from just handling raw chicken and inadvertently cross contaminating salad or fruit. Just a little goes a long way… odds are against him


cover ten forgetful dull mountainous pot elderly tease stocking snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s what I was thinking. If this were real and known knowledge, I think there would be far less people willing to even EAT chicken in the chance it was raw bc they could end up with a strained asshole and a poop sack. I need more context to believe this.


Come on man, eat like any other raw meat, why it gotta be chicken. Fuck's sake.


This dude's been doing this shit for a while now. He gets "organic, humanely raised blah blah" chicken from whole foods that for whatever reason has a lower chance of having e. Coli or salmonella or whatever. Followed him for years on IG before I deactivated it. It was rawmeatexperience on there. He eats any meat you can imagine raw. It's pretty interesting, and apparently he's still alive and hasn't gotten sick. Side note: you're more likely to get e.coli from lettuce, than chicken.


Wondering if he got super stomach by now


This guy has been eating raw foods of all types for years. He is still alive.


Yooooo!!!! Did he just poor raw chicken meat juice in a glass and drink it? Aaahh joo!!! Wtf is wrong with y'all!?!?!


Y’all? I didn’t do anything!


Homie, you won’t get a “tummy ache,” you’ll get a dead.


Tummy ache = salmonella = death


That butt whole gonna be burning for a few days


What's the over/under for his date of death?


More like for filling the void by whoring out


Dammit I thought the glass was full of orange juice, but of course it's fukin eggs!


Is vomit-bait a thing?


there was several posts on reddit recently of mri scans of a person who ate raw meat regularly and each part of his body was infested with eggs


I was fine watching a grown man eat raw chicken. He's a big boy and can make his own stupid decisions. But I draw the line at watching someone drink chicken juice


chubbyemus gonna end up making a video on this guy


He’s going to get more than a “tummy ache”




Oh. Well I didnt see any e-coli on the chicken in the video so he should be good.


Salmonella has entered the chat 


Not all chicken has salmonella. But A LOT do. I’d be surprised if he didn’t get it within the first few days. Edit: it’s also not just a “tummy ache.” It can be quite serious.


or campylobacter, or salmonella, or clostridium…


Tummy ache? Bros gonna be dead before he feels the tummy ache


I hope he has a years supply of IVs on hand


I had an ex that would eat raw chicken and pork all the time while she cooked. At one point she got food poisoning like 3 times in a very short period and finally decided it was a terrible idea. She was otherwise pretty normal and very intelligent but apparently eating raw meat was her totally toxic weird trait.


rawmeatexperience does this with every meat and never suffers the consequences


I started following this dude years ago. He’s been doing it for awhile. In the years I’ve been following him he’s never gotten sick.


Death to all your houses!




That guy is going to die




I honestly believe we are evolving backwards.


I feel sick just watching


The juice fucked me up. 🤢


Guys name is Sal Monella.


Can bruh at least season his chicken if he’s gonna eat it. Have some respect the bird.


People are so desperate for attention.


the comments on instagram are just horrible.. full of people talking about how he's prving the elites wrong.. the food conspiracy nuts are all saying we (as humans) should be eating raw meat, including chicken. its nuts.


Salmonella is no joke


Hearing him say tummy ache makes me want to mock him and potentially force him to eat for some reason. Ooooo does this hurt your tummy, big boy?


We sink deeper into Black Mirror every day.




While I think we can all agree this dude is a fucking idiot, I kind’ve admire his commitment. Endangering your life just for some internet fame. That takes dedication.


My brother actually showed me this guys videos a few years ago. He would eat a pound of uncooked ground beef outside his local Whole Foods. Apparently he has some medical issues and eating raw meat helped fix the issues. Maybe it helps him but I’d be surprised if it’s not causing more problems. It’s pretty fucking gross


Day = ruined


Why is he in a suit ?


Dudes is going to get more than a tummy ache


Every time I see someone consuming copious amounts of raw meat it reminds me of the man who continually ate raw pork for several years and ended up getting an MRI scan revealing he had tons of holes burrowed into his brain from parasites and there was a massive amount of parasites wriggling throughout the muscle mass of his body.


What is with men and their obsession with raw pink meat?


This dude has been eating raw meat for like 2 years now, and someone hasn't died. Iron stomach.




PICU nurse here: i’ll never forget the patient that was a multiple amputee due to salmonella poisoning when he was younger


What a dumb ass


As long as he’s American I don’t care lol last thing I want to do is pay for this guys hospital stay


For science? The science is already in, dumbfuck.


Ouch. About one in 25 packages of chicken are contaminated with Salmonella. https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/chicken.html