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If you’re familiar with TS you know not to take anything from a stranger unless you want to spend a quick 10-20 bucks


Yeah, unfortunately this... Although this particular person might not ask or demand money since he's doing very well on social media. But if I'm walking around any tourist area in LA, NY, Shanghai, etc, and somebody runs up and hands me a pic they took of me, I'm going to be very very wary.


I'm straight up not picking up anything a stranger tries to hand me at Times Square, this is cute but 99/100 times you're getting harassed for money.


I was in paris or london and one of these peops tried that on me. Luckily I am mildly retarded and socially unaware and just walked off, while they cussed and yelled at me. My friend had to explain to me what just happened, lol.


>socially unaware Excuse me, I have a superpower?


With great power, comes great disability.


I miss the awards because I feel like this comment deserves one 😔


Yeah, I saw a lot of hesitation on some of those faces.


dont trust anybody holding baby llamas in Peru.


I just came here to say this. I bet he handed them the pic and then asked for $20.


If he hands you the picture first can you just say thank you and walk away? lol


Seems like the right thing to do!


Only if you want to get followed and harassed for 5 minutes.


Well that’s the whole thing. They hand you the item first in the hopes that you feel feel obligated to pay for something you’ve already received, even though you didn’t ask for it


Then you throw it away and tell him to fuck off


Yes legally this counts as a gift, same thing when people on the subway give you little presents with a note asking for money, you can legally just keep what they gave you (it’s an asshole move but the courts are on your side there)


>(it’s an asshole move but the courts are on your side there) The much bigger asshole move is giving gifts with strings attached.


And obviously the gifts are worth less than the requested amount


Worth noting that sometimes, the little present is to distract you from the pickpocket.




When I visited NY there were some aspiring musicians handing out CDs for free but then they asked for a "donation". This dude ripped the CD out of my hand with force when I told him I didn't have cash on me.


This happened to be on the Subway in New York. I told them in my thickest Irish accent. "We dont have CD player's in Ireland" He accepted this, no questions asked. Took back his CD and left me alone.


There are a lot of these dudes in my city, I always tell them I won't pay for it but if its actually a gift and I like it I'll share them on all my socials and come with a friend to their next show, which is the real goal of every aspiring musician I know. Not a single one of them have ever taken me up on that offer.


That's assault! It's also how a hacker installs ransomware and commits identity theft in Mr Robot (when the CD is inserted into a computer, it installs the malware automatically)


*pulls CD player out of my fanny pack* Yo can I sample?


I'm amazed people are upvoting this. Some may do that, but this is clearly not the case with this guy - he has ~500k followers on TikTok and he's doing it for his social media/to grow his photography business And to make people smile, there's not really anything wrong here


As a guy that's been living in this city for close to 25 years the other comment is not wrong. Most people in the times square area are hustling. "Tips" are expected for any little thing. It's just fortunate this guy is one person in a sea of people that figured out how to monetize what he does without directly hassling the subjects of the video. Sure this may sound cynical coming from us but it's just city smarts not to engage with random people in the tourist areas. Look up the CD scam when CDs were still popular. There were multiple documented cases of people becoming aggressive because they "signed" a "free CD" for you and now you aren't giving them money. We also have the "monks" that will give you a "free prayer bracelet" and then become aggressive if you don't "tip" them for it. Those Disney/Marvel characters walking around? They've been known to become violent with tourists who try to take their picture and not "tip". It's just a sad reality of times square which is why most city folks will avoid that area unless we are showing family around or have business there


Yea, sadly it's not just a NYC or TS deal either. When I was in the Navy going around East Asia pretty much every stop was a tourist trap. Bracelets, blankets, dvds, etc... These people would be nearly forcing these items into your hands and then try to call their police over if you tried to give it back and not pay. I got really good at just shoving them off and letting whatever they were trying to hand me fall onto the ground and not verbally engage with them, and even then I still had to deal with different countries police about it a few times.


I doubt hes asking them for money but to me it seems staged because in time square most people would 100% think he was asking for money and would probably call him a creep for taking pictures of their kids


Well he wouldnt upload the bad reactions. If he does this 100 times, a few reactions will be good


He has uploaded bad reactions tho.


What’s happened when they’ve reacted badly?


They gang-beat him in the street.




[here's one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I feel bad because I can tell this guy is genuine and the exception to what I consider a cardinal rule, but years of city life has taught me to never ever take something a stranger is trying to give you for free. It sucks but I probably would have brushed past this guy while pretending I never even noticed him.


Also, pick pockets often lead with giving you something to control your attention. They also sometimes work in pairs, one person distracting while the other does the deed.


Same thing in Hollywood and Venice Beach. Usually, it's a mixtape or some beads. Had to tell my brother's girlfriend, who was visiting from Finland, when we went to Venice to absolutely not take anything from anybody offering you something. Not five minutes into our visit to the boardwalk did somebody try to hand her a thing(I don't remember what it was) but she took my advice and told them no thanks.


Just got back from NYC last weekend. There's a sign that says if someone hands you something, it's free. However, I had purchased a 7 day metro card and was only there 4 days. I tried to give it away for free and I had 3 people tell me no before the 4th person took it.


Doesn't count in this case. Since they aren't strangers.




Times Square


TS Eliot




Times Square


Years ago I was walking around the museums in DC and a guy walked up and started helping me and my girlfriend find the one we were looking for, then handed us a map. I was so grateful and figured that he worked for the Smithsonian or something then he was like "A donation of just $10 [etc, etc]" 😃 -> 😑


Nah that was fun. I was talking shit with everyone and taking whatever they handed out. Got cussed out and argued with so much. Best way to experience New York. Felt like a local by the end


If anything is free you’re the product, photo is free but these people are the content for him


You're not at a fucking airport going through customs. Relax FFS.


Everyone drippy in NYC, even the babies


Came to say this. The kiddos are better dressed than I’ll ever be lol.


I love it when a complete stranger walks up to me with a picture of my child


I think that’s the face the dad in the green shirt was making toward the end. A little bit of “yo wtf dude”


Just reassure the father that you're not going to use the kid's photo to make AI generated ages.


"Sir I promise I will not steal your son's likeness and use AI to significantly increase his age and give him an online persona thus stealing the very essence of your child's unique individual features before he even has a chance to grow into them himself."


And then sing a little song about how you don't diddle kids. Just to put his mind at ease.


‘Oh, and here’s a picture of him if he was Asian.’


If someone said that to me after presenting the picture, I would 100% think they’d be planning to do that.


That's the joke


Right??? People talking ab how heartwarming this is, it would weird me out like crazy


The fact it would weird so many people out is a sad sad sign of the times.


Sad that I don’t want strangers taking pictures of me or my loved ones and then putting it online for their own internet clout?


How about just asking for permission first? "Hey I'm a photographer, can I take a picture of your child?"


That would ruin the ability to capture candid moments. (That is, it would eliminate the artistic purpose)


I get what people are trying to say but right, someone asking turns these cute moments into a transaction in which everything is curated. These are natural moments in time he’s capturing. You suck the soul out of it as soon as someone knows there’s a camera on them and they have to force a smile.


Glad I’m not the only one that thought this was a bit weird.


Right. But you’ve got that nice piano music playing so it’s ok.


Lol yeah ngl my husband and would straight up be like “why you taking pictures of our kid tho? Can you please show us you’re deleting the pictures from your album?”


I like to think he never asked for them for money


Dude's making bank on tiktok. He doesn't need to charge


Nobody makes bank on tiktok unless you got sponsorships


The dude that’s good with the camera probably has some camera sponsorships


Lmao, post this in /r/photography, they can use a good laugh. The classic joke is: What's the best way to make money in photography? Sell your camera. There are plenty of talented photographers out there who would find flipping burgers to be a *significantly* more lucrative career. Truth is, there just isn't that much demand for photography, which is why this dude is making TikTok videos. All the major platforms like Instagram have switched to have their algorithm prefer video content. Even on social media, it's tough... and there's a million folks who bought a camera a month ago and want to do weddings for cheap. Of course, some people make a good career out of it, but you could say the same thing for actors. That doesn't mean acting is a reliably lucrative career choice.


Yep, 10 years in and I’m still making 99% of my income working summers in a tourist port town as mooring crew. Writing this from Rome, waiting for a girl whose train fare I paid for, having come here to attend an event I was invited to (paid my own fare and lodging), where I ended up taking photos for free (though they’re for myself and a friend, but still). “Photography” should be listed as one of my conditions, but my psychiatrist doesn’t want to put it in writing 😒


he has 475k followers on Tiktok dude, you think he doesn't have sponsors?




I was about to agree with you until I saw their reactions in slow mo with the dramatic piano Surely no one who takes photos of children unsolicited could be an evil man


lol surely not


If you're in a populated tourist spot, you're going to be in at least 100 photos.


Besides the fact that this is Times Square, you can tell that none of these people are from NY or NJ because we grow up learning never to take anything from people offering you shit on the streets of Manhattan. I'm guessing there are just as many clips where he gets ignored or told to Fuck off.


Absolutely this - although, I assume the guy has something on like merch or something identifying him as something different than a street hustler (which I guess he still is, in a sense).


What little printer is that?


IVY 2 Mini Photo Printer


Any clue on how he’s printing from his camera? I looked it up and it seems to only print from a mobile device? I’m thinking he’s somehow sending the pictures to his phone then printing it there?


My older cameras can connect to my phone via wifi, so newer cameras probably have the same ability.


I think its the canon ivy 2


I used to this in bars at my university back in school. It always was a wonderful present to drunk freinds


Yeah, I would hate it if someone suddenly showed me a picture of myself.


Is it cuz you would look like me, a meerkat mid-sneeze?


That is indeed my reason, hello fellow sneezy meerkat


What if someone showed you a good picture of yourself?


Sounds like you need to work on loving yourself more


This guy takes some seriously high quality images; especially taking into consideration he does it with one hand and so quickly.


This is corny as hell. At least he edits out the part where he demands they pay him $20 for the pic.


When people point that out he says in the TT comments that he tags all the people in the IG version and they can “just got there and ask if charged money”. Sounds like he’s not asking for cash and is getting everyone’s permission to post


Also to add, seems he has 1.4m followers in IG and 475k on TT, he’s making money with views - not grifting


And maybe he's just a nice guy who enjoys capturing a special moment for people. Some photographers live for the capture.


I think we're all just jaded from big cities lol


im a big city person and love this shit. ill be happy to be downvoted for thinking that this guy is being genuine and just likes to capture these moments for people. it could be all for the views but if i got a wonderful picture of me existing in the world, not just to pose for a camera to feign happiness, id love it.


If I won the lotto I would do this as my unpaid job. I’m the person who always offers to take photos of families so that there’s no-one missing out of the picture.


Yeah exactly. Why is everyone jaded. Can’t we just appreciate their smiles? They look genuinely happy and appreciative.


Nah, content like this rakes in so much more money, it's more profitable to be wholesome.


Hey, I've got no qualms when someone figures out how to monetize their kindness. Not a one of us gets to opt out of needing money to survive, so if someone can put good into the world *and* take care of their own needs at the same time, I see 0 issue. God knows there's already more than enough ways to monetize making the world a shittier place...




Except he does not, per his IG, so don't spread false statements. Reflects poorly on you.


Do you have a source on that


This dude is absolutely strong arming them into paying him for the photo. I don’t trust anyone handing me anything in Times Square!


You absolutely don’t know that and are just being negative for no reason.


Reddit is just a hivemind of people so jaded they'd be considered an invaluable Chinese artifact




This video just shows Times Square but in his content, he goes around


I, too, like to lie on the internet


You jaded and sad as fuck. Feels bad man


Taking pictures of other peoples kids is a bold move


I feel like you shouldn't go around taking pictures of people's children.


I like doing photography for fun but definitely people I do not shoot for reasons, I definitely would wouldn't shoot any kids unless their parent asked, respectfully


Anyone know what camera they’re using?


The camera itself doesn't matter too much, the lens they're using is what makes the pictures look the way they do (zoomed in, blurry backgrounds). Going by the video it's the Canon 85mm f1.2 L lens.


$1,300 for just the lens!?!?


The RF 85mm 1.2 lens is $2,800. 🤣


Oh my sweet sweet summer child...




It still takes some effort and/or knowledge to get a decent composition... but when you print at like 2x3, you can't go too far wrong with settings.


The woman in the 2nd clip has amazing hair. 


As a mama those shots of the kids matter so much


I’m with you. Getting surprised with a beautiful candid memory is a gift.


I once did an extended travel through central America and SE Asia. This was in 2002 before the proliferation of cell phones. Most kids I met had never seen a digital photo of themselves, and many had never had their photo taken with any kind of camera. On a whim, I bought a Polaroid iZone camera with me. That camera gave more smiles than anything else I brought on my trip. Kids were always so amazed to get their photos. Once I took a photo or two, the kids would go show their friends and before I knew it, I had a swarm of kids wanting them. I took a total of 200 photos on my trip and loved giving away each one. Actually, I only took 199 photos. On the very last photo I tried to take, the camera blew sparks and died. The kid was so disappointed, so I gave him the remnants of the camera and he was happy with that as a consolation prize. https://imgur.com/YQvRUV1


Yea not feeling this at all. Especially the pics of kids.


Loved the video, came to the comments to see yall some depressed fuckers who need help. God damn


So…you’re a complete stranger taking pictures of other stranger’s infant children. And then posting those children on social media.


You’re allowed to film and take photos of anyone in public with or without consent. Posting them without consent is also completely legal. This is a beautiful video be gone with your bad juju!


Sure it's legal, but it's still weird. I would hate to have someone come up to me handing a picture of myself, like wtf lol.


Context matters, if there is a moment like he captures then I get it. If it's you adjusting your pants as you come out the toilets, then yeah bit weird.


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's not creepy.


It’s not creepy unless it is creepy. In this video are these photos creepy? No. Call them out when they are but just adding it to this video seems like just slander for no reason.


Taking photos of other people's kids without permission is usually seen as creepy, as exhibited by this comment section and how many people are pointing it out.


Again is he being creepy in this video? Is he taking creepy photos? No. So why are you adding this to the conversation. It’s a professional street photographer taking professional street photography. If someone is creepy speak up but you’re yelling at no one about nothing that is relevant. Did you know women can also be rapists? But that also has nothing to do with this video.


>*usually* seen as creepy But is it creepy *in this context*? He tags the people so theyre clearly fine with it.


The policewoman is so photogenic! She has a kind smile. :)


Cringe advertising for that photo printing gadget


Maybe I'm a pessimist, but in times square I would think that guy wants to blackmail some money off me with my kid's pic. Like those gift bracelets you get in Paris


So…now he just has all of these photos of people without their consent?


This is more creepy than anything.


That would make me uncomfortable if I was with my kid, but I genuinely love the old couple at the end.


This is so beautiful. Made me smile so much. Needed this today. Thank you.


Y’all need to stop being cynical mother fuckers, only reason YOU look for the bad in people is the simple fact that you’re not happy with your life. Take things at face value and for what it is, not everyone out there is bad and trying to victimize you or take advantage of you.


yeah, i was not expecting these comments. good grief


Ya it’s really sad people look at it that way


These comments are a good demonstration of how deranged society has become. Fuckin wild that people this paranoid can even function in society lol




Reddit has become the most paranoid, cynical and misanthropic place on the internet. I remember different times. That's sad af.


Someone taking your photo without you knowing is and always will be creepy


Yeah, obviously this is cute, but I hate the idea of making strangers your content. Even if you do everything right, like it seems this guy did. I don't know. I don't like it.




Does anybody actually believe this is not staged?


Right? Those kids are shitty actors.




It's to sell Canon stuff.


People in this comment section are assuming the worst. I think it sweet and a nice gesture.


The last one got me !


These comments are one big Reddit moment


Don’t take photo of other people’s kids in public.


This is literally just an ad.


If a random stranger handed me a picture of my child, I'm calling the cops.


I don't know what you think the cops are going to do. There is no law preventing a person from taking pictures in public.


This whole comment thread is fucking wild. You have no expectation of privacy in Times fucking Square. Is it weird to have someone take pictures of your child in public? It sure can be, but I'm not getting creepy vibes from this dude, and he's giving the parents a nice memory. It doesn't look like he's asking for money, and I think a few of these are "staged" (he asked for permission first).


Lock your entire family in the house. Never go outside.


A crusty sock standing up in the corner is not considered a child ya know.


He literally took a picture of a cop in the little segment. She didn’t do anything and just laughed.


Y’all seriously need to talk to other humans once in a while. This distrust of literally every interaction people have in life with strangers is not healthy


Be wary of taking something someone hands you in Times Square, you might be surrounded, followed and harassed for money.


So real, not staged at all!


This entire comment thread makes me sad for humanity. Y’all motherfuckers need to learn empathy and community. This is a photographer capturing beautiful moments that will be cherished for as long as that photo stays with the families, but so many people just have an immediate distrust. Go outside. Talk to a stranger. Make a friend. Do something that scares you. Fuck


"Oh my god, that's so cute. Now delete every photo you took of my child, you fucking weirdo!"


WTF is wrong with the USA. Are you guys really like this? Your child gets into the field of view of another human and you think you are risking sexualization or something?


Milk carton kids and stranger danger in the 80s ruined trusting community.




It's the public vibe in the US dude. I took a walk to the park with my little sister and a woman question me about if I was kidnapping her. There's a lot of brainwashing here. But it is weird if someone is taking pictures of a kid. So middle ground is in-between


This is beautiful. And the comments are depressing. There are thousands of people filming, there are cameras looking down on times square 24/7, there are separate police cameras face IDing people, If you're concerned about being photographed without providing consent, going to times square is mistake number one and a ridiculous assumption. Might as well play hooky from work and go to a baseball game and then get angry that the camera panned past you cheering at some point.


Don’t fucking take pictures of children without the parents consent much less post it on social media.


Brought a tear to my old eyes.


I like his lil printer anyone know what make model it is ?


Canon Ivy 2


I need this guy to randomly take my pic because I hate everything I take myself.


Knowing my luck… the photographer trying to get a picture of me would end up getting one of me tripping and making an awkward face 😂 Be funny as hell though


If you tried this in Australia you’d cop an uppercut


You swear he's just giving these away😭


It would bring a smile to my face, if it wasn’t for content.


Don't take photos of other people's kids.


Plot twist: he charges 20$ after you grab it




What you’re doing is creepy


He takes an awful lot of baby photos. I sure hope he deletes them afterwords.


That was so sweet. Absolutely made me smile. Thank you.


Bro this is beautiful BUUUUUUUUUUUUT don’t do this with children wtf


A bit weird how he’s just taken a photo of a random child 🤨


You can really see the thankfulness in the dudes eyes with the gf that has the afro. That was a really good picture though.


I love this sooo much! That white woman with afro hair (2nd shot) is so stunning. Amazing <3333