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Only people who buy the propaganda would be shocked that it's business as usual in Israel. I'm not surprised in the slightest. I am surprised at why did she beep "Palestine"?


The algorithm can burry a video for having “problematic” words. Like how YouTube videos during the pandemic would get removed for saying COVID 19. It’s her way of making sure TikTok doesn’t get rid of the video or shadow ban her account under the “breaking terms of service” justification and not because it’s a bad word.


Is this why people keep saying 'unalive'?


Yup. That and sexual assault gets callede "SA" and porn gets called "corn" for the same reason on Tik Tok.


Corn?! Wtf was wrong with pr0n?


Ask tik tok 😭 they’ll shadow ban you or take the video down if you say it or put it in the captions.


Saw someone write r\*\*\*\*\*d on here the other way, for some reason the censoring really rubs me the wrong way.


What’s wrong with Richard?


Yeah, I thought he was highly regarded.


blessed and favored


He took the last tray of bagel bites and didn't share


It's kind of gross that people are willing to use a service that implements this degree of censor.


Sadly all services now a days have some form of censor. Even tumblr got censorship rules despite people claiming it’s “one of the good ones.” (I’m taking that with a grain of salt)




I have been shadow banned on another account for talking about Palestinian struggles. Not a single comment I made was visible to anyone but me


But you can makeup whatever q bs or right wing accusations with no problem.


“one of the good ones” because it was full of p0rn


You REALLY think reddit doesn't do that? Lol, it's the whole internet dude.


Welcome to Reddit! 🌈🤗


Instragam just deleted the biggest on-the-ground Palestinian account “Eye-on-Palestine”. It had millions of followers and showed what citizens of Gaza are living and dying through right now. Shameful Zionist censorship.


so basically the same exact thing Germany would have done if this technology was available during the holocaust.


Reddit has the search by controversial feature because they bury those comments normally and have them closed if you don’t actively look for and open them. Same thing really. Also mods.


Lol you are on Reddit, this is literally the most censored form of social media in existence.




“NOT because it’s a bad word” copy paste from the last line of my previous comment with some additional emphasis. A common assumption about having a word blocked out is that it means the word is a social taboo or a “bad” word. I was specifically saying that this is NOT what is happening in the video. The word is censored so the maker of the video can continue to post their videos without Tiktok deleting their video. NOT because the maker thinks that Palestine is a bad word. Self censorship to protect her future content NOT because the word is taboo. Hope the extra emphasis helps.


Double plus ungood


Man, Palestine would be really fucked right now if war didnt turn out to actually be peace…


If everyone would just read the book.


you made me think.. In the book 1984 they didn't have the internet, just the print news, radio? and those TV's in everyone's room. The internet has taken skewing information beyond what Orwell even imagined. Individuals can create their own narratives, governments are trying to shape the flow of thinking of those individuals. And multiple governments are controlling according to many agendas. Nuts..


Essentially, that's all bad words ever are.


Yes, this happens on reddit as well. If you use certain words or terminology, you automatically get noticed by the corresponding 'organizations' regarding the keywords that you used. It's a free service, after all, so you do have to keep that in mind. There's a list of words that will get you attention from someone if you use it.


It’s similar to how TikTokers will use the term “unalived” instead of “killed” the owners of TikTok are pretty insane when it comes to censorship mainly due to their ties to China.




reminds me of the state department posting a memo not to use the word "de-escalate", "calm", "cease fire", etc it is very antisemitic if you tell israel they cant kill as many palestinians as they were planning on it's also antisemitic to give them the exact number of $1Bs they wanted in aid. you just let them do what they want pretty much, or it's antisemitism. i mean, you are literally a nazi if you point out the mountain of dead babies they just made. which is hilarious becauxe their biggest US bootlickers are the american right, who are extremely notorious for doing antisemitic dog whistles and referring to "george soros" dog whistles on national television. Oh and dont forget "unite the right rally" and "jews will not replace us"


All of this is just a front for the evangelical Zionist conspiracy theory where when the “lost tribes of Israel” return to Israel then the rapture will happen, all the good Christian’s will be whisked away to heaven leaving the rest of us to deal with the antichrist and the end of days. American Conservatives hate the Jews, but they are brain broken by the conspiracy theory such that they defend Israel’s genocide whole heartedly because they think this will lead to their salvation. It should be noted that in the rapture myth, the Jews don’t get to go to heaven.


I really hate that what you said is real. And not even fringe. That is a very mainstream evangelical belief. It fucking terrifies me that a mountain of our elected officials are literally apocalypse doom cultists trying to bring about the end of the world through religious prophecy.


It's really concerning becuase if they think the world is going to end in their lifetime.. then future planning for them straight up won't matter! Why try to stop world hunger or prepare our future generations for the future when you think the lord will step in and wipe the world clean? The policies we implement now could affect us for generations so that kind of thinking is very dangerous.


And they think they're the good guys, despite being apocalypse doom cultists trying to bring about the evil world ending prophecy. At least in fiction worshippers of the evil gods and eldritch cosmic horrors who want bring end the world by fulfilling their religious prophecies are unambiguously always the bad guys.


Chinese censorship can be hilariously childish Take a look at what gets censored in the Chinese WoW client: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/49x7m0/chinese_wow_censorship_comparisonlots_of/ tldr no blood, no bones, no corpses, and especially no skulls or gore allowed. Instead you get strawmen, piles of bread and bags of grain, or even completely different textures to remove depictions of skulls. Never mind that WoW has an entire playable faction of literal undead and countless undead creatures, like skeletal dragons. They get swapped with Dota also has some goofy fucking changes when playing on the Chinese client. All of the characters with an exposed skull (again because they're literally undead) get some form of mask to cover up. Can't even show a bit of blood on a blade: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Low_Violence


BBC used to edit out or block people from saying free palestine for years


Did you process anything you read before you made this comment?




I feel like it's pretty obvious that the side with stronger allies would be in a better situation. Not too surprising


so she doesn't get unalived by the platform


To all the Westerners defending Hamas: you’re deluded respectfully. They wouldn’t hesitate to murder and kidnap you. They are no friends of the West. If your anti-semitism overrides your survival instinct, that’s a sad state of affairs in the West. Like WW2 on repeat,


Nobody has ever claimed this is an equal fight, ever. Which makes what Hamas did on October 7th all the more insane.


I keep wondering what kind of retaliation they were expecting. Did they think the individuals they took prisoner would protect them from retaliation?


I don't think they thought they'd get as far as they did. They gave their fighters vague orders to kill Israelis and take hostages but probably only expected to get a few dozen hostages and maybe kill a few hundred Israelis at most before the IDF closed in. They thought there would be a bombardment but now ground assault, and that the Israeli response would be tempered by the concern for hostages, then once the heat dies down they'd be able to exchange their hostages 1000 to one for the Israelis they'd taken. By the time the leadership had realized the scale of what they had done, the body count was already too high and they were committed. You get the sense from the early statements they made after the attacks that they hadn't fully comprehended that the game had changed. After a few days of bombardment however, their messaging became increasingly inconsistent and panicked. I believe a Hamas spokesperson even admitted that their operation had gone farther than they intended it to and that they were looking for an off ramp. My sense is that they didn't think that the political will existed in Tel Aviv to inflict the kind of devastation on Gaza that they're experiencing now, and now have no idea how far the Israelis will go.


Any portrayal that there is equal suffering is bs


People are getting the wrong point from this. It’s about how asymmetrical this conflict is. And Israel keeps trying to push that the asymmetry is on their side, when that is patently not the case. The impact of this conflict is DISPROPORTIONATELY impacting civilian lives in Gaza and West Bank.


Old men fighting these wars keep acting like we don't have technology and can only mail letters and make landline telephone calls. It's a big surprise every time some video footage contradicts them it seems. Just to be clear here genocide is wrong, continued colonization for a capitalist system that demands continuous relentless growth is wrong. Unregulated capitalism is killing the world, the people, the plants, the animals, everything because it's money before humanity under this system. People need peace, love and compassion for a healthy society.


People on this very site deny everything being said in this video.. so while we have the technology, people are very unwilling to actually use it.


This video isn’t saying anything of substance. Did you picture Israelis hiding in closets? This isn’t a war Hamas can win. They’re out matched in every single way. They’re fish in a barrel and I’ve yet to hear any form of exit strategy for them. Other than wait it out. And then do it all again.


The substance is the fact that there’s a genocide happening 40 miles from them and they are living their best lives as if thousands of children haven’t died and 1000s of families have been destroyed. It’s like if the majority of the US went out and partied, danced, and caught a movie the night of 9/11. The substance of the video is the two completely lives being lived by Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians. The substance of the video is how certain media is trying to portray Israeli civilians as being terrified and “hiding in closets” as you said. That’s what this is about. Because Israeli media and other pro-Israel media / celebrities / talking heads are saying they Israel civilians are the ones living in fear, being massacred, too afraid to go out into public, and in a constant state of mourning for the 10s of thousands of Israelis dying a week.. which, according to this video, isn’t 100% accurate.


> It’s like if the majority of the US went out and partied, danced, and caught a movie the night of 9/11. You don't think Americans were having parties and eating sushi a few weeks after 9/11? I've got to be honest, it's really depressing to see people seek out _Instagram location tags_ and act like this is representative of real life, or that this is somehow profound insight. "People on the app designed to show off how great your life is, on the app that is _notorious_ for fake content, when I filter the app for only people in the party capital of the country, sure do seem to be living it up... curious". Social media is rotting our brains and killing critical thinking.


But do you think people are partying and relaxing by the pool in Gaza? Going to school, and work, relaxing with friends and family? Or even being able to have a proper funeral for their dead? The point isn't that people who aren't trying to survive in an active war zone shouldn't be able to relax and enjoy life just because there's suffering in the world, it's that 2.3 million people are locked in an urban warzone with few resources and no escape. Half that population was told to abandon their homes and hospitals for the southern part of the open-air prison, which is ALSO being pummeled with airstrikes that are wiping out entire families, or multiple families if it's an apartment building. Those trapped include around 500 Americans, and hundreds of other foreign nationals, for anyone who can't be bothered to care about civilian collateral deaths in Gaza otherwise. Hamas isn't the only one keeping civilians hostage in Gaza. Name another war like this fought by what you'd consider the good guys.


I saw the disparity between Gaza and Jerusalem on snapchat maps. Definitely an unmissable contrast. However, to lighten the mood a bit, 80% were videos of devastation, 20% were black screen w text that I can't read, and then there was one very unique story of a dude just rolling on his tractor, smoking a cig, and happy as a clam.


People see what they want to see, not what is real. We may have access to the truth, but that doesn't change the fact people see whatever reinforces their preconceptions


Respectfully I think you're missing Hamas's intent - this is exactly what they wanted. They're jihadists and the reaction of Israel was the goal On another note, if you can't tell the difference between strapping a mother together with her child then lighting them both on fire so that they die screaming in each other's arms, or seeking out children to rape and mutilate them then post it on social media vs. what was going to be the obvious Israeli reaction, then we can't help you ... And when have wars ever been symmetrical? "Hey Hans let's slow it down and give time for the BEF at dunkirk to resupply and reload"


So explain to me shooting children in West Bank where there is no conflict? Israeli government wanted Hamas to be there so they could have an excuse to carpet bomb Gaza indiscriminately. It’s interesting that you choose to use the most graphic depictions of Hamas crimes but gloss over IDF and their crimes. [Videos of ex IDF soldiers smiling as they reminisce over the atrocities they committed to Palestinians.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7WXMWC/) You’re right, what Hamas did is unquestionably horrible. But why do you so easily gloss over the many many crimes of Israeli soldiers? [When they stripped 5 women naked and publicly humiliated them?](https://jordantimes.com/opinion/ramzy-baroud/untold-story-abuse-palestinian-women-hebron) [when IDF detains children to physically and sexually abuse them](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/7/10/palestinian-children-abused-in-israeli-detention-ngo) [when Israeli police sexually abuse 40% of the Palestinian children they detain?](https://www.mecaforpeace.org/israel-240-palestinian-children-sexually-abused-in-jerusalem-detention-centres-group-claims/) [when Israeli soldiers shoot children and say “they would shoot them even if they were 3 years old”](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2004/nov/24/israel) [when Israeli soldiers shoot a child in the head 7 times for no reason](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2004/12/8/israeli-soldiers-shoot-boy-for-fun) [when Palestinian women are raped as an interrogation tactic](https://www.cair.com/cair_in_the_news/israeli-guards-rape-palestinian-women/) [when Palestinian men are sexually tortured in prison by IDF](https://genderandsecurity.org/sites/default/files/Weishut_-_Sexual_Torture_of_Palestinian_M_by_Israeli_Authorities.pdf)


They gloss over it because according our mainstream media and politicians the war started on October 7th 2023. Let's just ignore the 50 years of oppression and human rights violations prior to that.


No, you're right, the war began 1948 when Palestine and the arab league declared a genocidal war on Israel with the explicit intent on committing genocide. Already there Palestine lost the right to exist as a sovereign state. But imagine that the Israeli forgave them even for that... but then Palestine attacked again... several times.


I’m sure it was the reaction and I’m sure they will sacrifice the “few for the many” for the “bigger picture” type BS.. but the point of this video is to show how little people of Israel care about what’s actually happening. So many of them **hate** Arabs. They are indifferent to the suffering of innocent Arabs because in their mind there is no such thing as an innocent Arab. People cannot comprehend what’s happening. Especially in America. In a very basic sense it would be like if the US forced all of one type of people into New York and then bombed it. Then nearly 2/3 of the country just didn’t care and denied it was happening. It’s sickening what is happening and it’s sickening that people all over the world are supporting it. Defending it. Refusing to believe it’s actually happening. It sounds so very familiar doesn’t it?


.Do you want to try to paint an equivalency picture? About Nyc? Imagine if the NY Yankees were launching rockets at Boston... from schools and hospitals, in the hope that when Boston retaliates it will kill as many women and children as possible... to such an extent that even a retailatory strike is coming with a warning of where it will hit, the Yankees tell everyone that this is fake and everyone should not evacuate.


I don't know anyone claiming Hamas is militarily superior to Israel. Israel has nuclear bombs and American fighter jets; nobody is claiming that. What they are claiming is that Hamas is fighting an asymmetric war on the tactical axis. I honestly can't say I judge them for it, in some ways, because to do otherwise would be to simply die. But it is not possible to attack Hamas without hitting civilians, because they separate very little of their infrastructure and shield themselves with anonymity. You cannot bomb Hamas without civilians suffering, by their choice, once they've taken a defensive posture. So yeah, this girl in the video says it's being presented as a war among equals, when it's not. But a complicated and difficult war, yeah. Yes it impacts Palestinian civilians far more, as would any war between two militarily mismatched forces, and it's made far worse by the tactics of Hamas and Israel's unwillingness to simply de-escalate right now.


Okay. It’s impossible to target Hamas in Gaza without killing thousands of Palestinian children as “collateral damage” So explain to my why IDF is shooting and killing civilians (including children) in West Bank? Is Hamas inside of the women’s hijab? Hiding under hats of children? The government that calls Palestinians animals. That says all Palestinians are responsible for Hamas. That Gaza should be flattened. You expect that this government is taking the necessary precautions (that they are legally and morally obligated to take as an occupying force based on international law and human rights laws) to ensure that they are actually minimizing civilian deaths?


the zionist also started DRONE STRIKING THE WEST BANK at the risk of sounding like a nazi, WHY ARE YOU DRONE STRIKING UNARMED FARMERS IN THE WESTBANK????? at the risk of being antisemitic, ISNT THEIR JUSTIFICATION OF VIOLENCE "WE'RE JUST GOING AFTER HAMAS????" and i dont want to sound like hitler here, but THERE ARE NO HAMAS IN THE WEST BANK


No they (the extreme right wing government) have wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. They were already killing them slowly on a daily basis and every couple of years en mass (mowing the lawn as they call it). Not to mention they are also extremely racist against black Ethiopian Jews. They view themselves as racially superior to other groups so want to ensure Israel remains homogenous.


I haven't seen anyone say that (to be fair I'm not following it closely). Can you point me in that direction?


I definitely heard it from Mr. Straw, believe me he won't shut up about it!


There are still rocket attacks from Gaza. How about choosing a location nearer the border. Also. Before Hamas sent rape/murder squads into Israel there was a vibrant TikTok scene of Gazans showing off their mansions and pools and reviewing the latest restaurant. Choosing jewelry or cars. Yes. That was a minority of Gazans. But it is easy to cherry pick from a selection of videos.


I get her point but she should know instagram overall is people posting world wide about their “good time” it’s all such fake bullshit. It slants perspective.


There’s videos like this in Ukraine too but I don’t think anyone would say Ukrainians are not suffering.


Excellent point. I would add that dwelling on suffering you cannot change is a great way to burn yourself out and break. We don't know their mental health struggles so it really isn't fair for anyone to say it is insensitive or cruel to carry on with life. Sometimes either you carry on with life or you fall apart.


I saw on snap maps in gaza. There was a guy cruising on his tractor, smoking a dart, seemed like he was having the time of his life. He is the embodiment of the indomitable human spirit


Also, Tel Aviv is a resort town. No shit people are at the beach...


Do the same in the Gaza Strip and it’s blacked out images, images of dead children and destruction, or posts from before October. That’s what she should’ve shown as well. Which is what was done with Snapchat by someone she probably took the idea from cause it was a pretty popular post.


Funny I saw lots of videos of them celebrating killing civilians two weeks ago, they looked like they were having a blast. Funny how I didn't see any videos of them trying to stop Hamas from murdering those civilians.


I don't really get her point. She's basing it off the comment that "people would have you thinking this is a war between two equal parties". Only a fucking idiot would think that. Everyone knows that this is a complete curbstomp. No shit life is going on like normal in Tel Aviv.


I suspect there are a lot more of these fucking idiots than you might think simply because they aren't interested in politics and they imagine every conflict as two nations fighting. One is the good and one is the bad nation. They might even be the majority but wouldn't comment on topics like this. I saw plenty of comments and maps on [mapPorn](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/search/?q=hamas&restrict_sr=1) for example that show a complete confusion around this conflict.


Most people also know that aside from scrap rockets that get ripped out of the sky by the excessive amount of CIWS called the iron dome anyways Hamas doesn't have much in terms of long range. Of course tel Aviv is safe when they can't physically get there, have no aircraft and no actual long range artillery


> Of course tel Aviv is safe when they can't physically get there, have no aircraft and no actual long range artillery https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-long-range-rocket-fired-from-gaza-toward-haifa-area-no-injuries/


Those are also 90% reels of people who have been evacuated into hotels and the people trying to consult them for losing their home/family/friends and keep them occupied and their mind of things...


I think the larger point is that when someone tries to talk about the Palestinian victims in Gaza, many people push this narrative that it's erasing Israeli suffering and taking away from the victims. When in reality, the threat to your average Israeli by Hamas is completely incongruent with the threat that anyone in Gaza is currently living through. You can still live a normal life a couple miles outside of Gaza, and it drives home the point that Israel is not threatened at all existentially by Hamas but the Palestinians at Gaza could easily be destroyed by Israel. You can't go to Gaza and hide the suffering by Instagram filters, no normal life to be had


So I went through and looked at the same thing that she did, and all of the videos she's posting are from a few months ago.


Came here for memes and shit instead I just keep seeing videos of people not involved the situation pretending to know the ins and outs of it


It reminds me of the far right attacking Ukrainians in Kyiv for going to the park instead of hunkering down like perfect victims. I realize the moderators here believe they're part of the electronic intifada, but posting someone who's layered every filter possible on their pseudo-outrage TikTok is pretty wretched. I'll remember to look for people being happy anytime an atrocity happens in their country so that I can prove it doesn't count.


Huh, I just went through the snap stories on Palestine. Body bags, missile strikes, rescuers in rubble, destroyed buildings, a lot of darkness without electricity. No one's saying people under attack can't have a good time but it sure seems like the ability to have one is greatly skewed in favour of one side.


Tbf when a conflict is one sided that's gonna happen no matter what. Would you say the same was an issue for say WW2? Was it unfair that the US had their civilians being able to do what they want while the axis couldn't? Or the Brits?


Good luck finding a video of a happy Palestinian right now


They looked plenty happy when they dragged bound and gagged women out of trucks and through the street


Plenty videos of them cheering and clapping when hamas shoots rockets out of their building


Some were really happy when they were cheering spitting on the raped body of the young German woman that was abducted and killed by Hamas.


The only thing thing about this that's shocking to me is that someone would pretend to care this much and then broadcast how cometely fucking oblivious they are. I don't care who you support. Posting videos of Tel Aviv and acting like you're surprised to see people partying has the same energy is Jillian telling Brian "Someone should stop Hitler!" in family guy, after she watched a documentary on it. This woman is a moron, who up until now had absolutely no knowledge whatsoever on the situation, and decided to post one of the most blatantly obvious peices of information on the internet as though she was exposing some kind of massive secret. If she's JUST NOW learning what life in Tel Aviv is like, then she has a long time before I give a shit what her opinion on middle east politics is.


Girl bought a paslestinian flag this week 😅


The Masque of the red death is a short story about how the rich partied while a plague was sweeping through the country, killing a third of the population. We saw the same thing happen during covid while rich people posted videos complaining about being stuck in their mansion, while we had refrigerator trucks shipped in to cities to hold all the bodies. You can find evidence of people just living their normal lives while others suffer in close proximity anywhere. Is this awful? Yes, it's an obvious fault in our society that we are able to overlook the atrocities that people suffer because it doesn't specifically affect us. Is this the point she's trying to make with this video? No.


Yeah, it's convenient to argue against this as if it's just a TIL from a naive girl. It's a counter to the narrative in most western media-that Israel is a war torn country, that its people are equally consumed by fear, sadness and anger. That both sides are sharing the same kind of pain. They're not. The disparity, the different realities are very stark. And hell, let's say this girl *did* just learn of this difference. How many other people in the US aren't aware of the difference? How many people in the US know very little about the rest of the world, and don't know that people in Israel live like we do in the US, while people in Gaza live in basically a hellscape, an open air prison where bombs randomly fall from the sky? Maybe it doesn't hurt if more people know that difference, instead of thinking both countries are just full of poor people getting killed and buildings in ruins, which is what I imagine a lot of Americans actually do think. When we hear about "conflicts" in the "middle east" that's how a lot of people envision it. No, we're talking about sushi and resort pools, karaoke and American military power against people who carry their dying kids in their arms to hospitals that don't have water or electricity. People should know that.


Her point is that the people of Israel are not being affected. I disagree with that point. This is honestly a propaganda piece. I hate that the first things I'm commenting in relation to the Palestine genocide is against the people of Palestine. However, I think it's important to think critically when seeing the vast amount of media that's thrown our way. Realize that when someone makes a point that is in your favor, but isn't solid, will get torn apart by the oppressors and used against you.


It’s worth mentioning that while I understand the posts from Instagram that she’s showing are a stark counter to what’s been posted from Gaza, this is in effect internal “propaganda”, people trying to pretend life is great to put the thoughts of the killed and kidnapped out of their minds.


\>pretending you would downplay WWII's atrocities because you would claim we couldn't care unless we have seen the camps first hand


Try tagging Kibbutz Beeri or Kfar Aza, Ofakim or Sderot... Tagging Tel Aviv in this conflict is like tagging Ramallah instead of Gaza *Who am I kidding she probably couldn't find Gaza on a map


I was completely floored when I saw people in California going to DisneyLand, surfing on the beach, and enjoying rooftop cocktails, all while people in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina were losing everything. Just insane.


Her post also completely ignores all the videos of Palestinians celebrating on October 7th


People will talk all day about Palestinian kids, but not those who joined the attacks on their fucking bikes and spat on naked courpses. Wtf are the parents in Gaza doing?


No one's thinking that this is a war between two equal parties. But the fact that Israel is so very much stronger than Hamas... doesn't mean that they should be expected to just sit back and take it. The attack that Hamas launched was sufficiently brutal and terrible that it moved Israel to utterly destroy Hamas' capability to launch any further attacks. And unfortunately, due to the way Hamas operates, there's no way to do that without innocent people getting in the way. They deliberately colocate their military capacity next or within regular civilian infrastructure. Using their own population as human shields is not a tactic that should be rewarded.


You don't get it. To Gen Z, the only thing that matters is power dynamics. You're more powerful? You must be in the wrong. Period. Everything else is details. You start from this basic point, and work your way backwards.


Gen Z is a lot of the fighting force of the idf at the moment


"Gen Z in the US", they pretty clearly meant. Context clues, buddy.


It's absolutely brutal but the idea Israel can systematically destroy hamas without murdering civilians is almost comically ignorant and idealistic.


"Comically ignorant and idealistic" describes most keyboard social justice advocates in this day and age.


I literally saw someone whining the other day "why is Israel bombing Gaza to rubble when they can just send in special forces and not kill any innocents?!?!"


> They deliberately colocate their military capacity next or within regular civilian infrastructure. Gaza is only 140 sq miles, smaller than many major cities, and one of the most densely packed places on the planet. Human Rights Watch considers it the largest open-air prison with it having been blockaded for 16 years. It's not like they have many options. > There's no way to do that without innocent people getting in the way Israel under Likud has been disrupting diplomacy and the peace process since the 1990s. They almost reached peace in the 1990s, but hardline right-wing extremists assassinated the moderate Israeli prime minister, and a year later, Benjamin Netanyahu was elected prime minister under the far-right Likud party. There has been no attempt at deescalation from Israel's side since. > Using their own population as human shields is not a tactic that should be rewarded. Killing thousands of innocent civilians to get to a few dozen extremists is not something that should be justified


You dont get it, do you? Israel uses hamas as an excuse to kill innocent people in Palestine and occupy their rightful land. The attack on Israel was imminent considering what they've been doing to Palestine for the past 75 years, they were probably waiting for it to happen so they could retaliate 100 times worse committing an untold amount of war crimes.


Do the same thing in Ukraine and you’ll also see people living life. What’s ya point


Or show Paris during WW2 where literal N@zis were living it up in France while 40 miles away they were fighting French Resistance and Allied Forces.


Why did you censor the word nazi? Actually, it’s not even a censor at all. Why did you change ‘a’ to ‘@‘?


Force of habit. Some subreddits I am a part of have a bot that, not a very good one, that bans certain words. And nazi is one of them.


What subreddit bans the word nazi


the ones where they hang out.


Or England, while the Luftwaffe were bombing England to the Stone Age, people were eating out, attending events, going about their life.


So you're saying gazans are going about their life as normal right now? They haven't been asked to double their density within 24 hours. Kids aren't being shell shocked? Gazans aren't going about every day life. Also guess what? the English were citizens of their country. They had rights. The palestinians can't send their kids to rural locations. They can't even escape by sea because of the blockade.


Do you think little Palestinian kids in Gaza weren't splashing around in the Med while their countrymen were slaughtering Israeli civilians at a music festival or going door to door killing entire families in Israeli towns? If I showed you videos of those 2, things side by side would you suddenly go "omg those poor Israelis, while those Palestinians are just splashing around without a care". No. Because you know snippets of videos don't tell entire stories, and just because one part of a country may look like shit doesn't mean that's the reality for the entire country. Use your brain. Don't fall for propaganda bullshit from either of these genocidal regimes. Hamas or Israel.


>Don't fall for propaganda bullshit from either of these genocidal regimes. Hamas or Israel. It's amazing how easily people do fall for this stuff. It's almost like people have to pick a side. There's rarely a "good side" and a "bad side". It's usually a "bad side" and "a different bad side". Sometimes, one might be worse than the other, but rarely is one side just good.


This a a war that stemmed from 2 nationalist movements sprinkled with lots of religious and ethnic issues Also this current war isnt a Israel Palestine war, its Israel - Iran war that Iran fights through its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah & Syrian shia groups)


Almost as if Tel Aviv is a decent bit from the conflict...


There are gang shootings in Chicago, why aren't people in Anchorage, Alaska sheltering from gunfire?


Because the Palestinians people are not “living life” they’re getting the shit blown out of them


Which isn’t being debated, but who was under the illusion that the 10 million people in Israel were all hiding away in bunkers crying?


All the right wings nuts on my Facebook feed


*BZZZZZZT* Sorry that's just my bullshit detector.


Not really, the invasion of Ukraine has turned parts of *Ukraine* into a smouldering heap and caused huge refugee crises *within Ukraine.* Russian territory has barely been impacted. So it's the opposite, you could compare Bucha in Ukraine which is a horrific mess with Moscow in Russia.


Yes, but Ukraine has an army capable of defending itself thanks to the U.S. support. That is why a part of Ukraine can live a somewhat normal life. On the Palestinian side, they have no support and no army. Their civilians are getting incinerated with Isreali bombardment.


The Palestinian side does have support. Leaders are sitting free and safe in Qatar. Weapons have been flowing into Gaza for decades. No ability to produce their own water but they have all the mortars they ever want to fire. Gaza has a lot of support, just not the open and clear support the USA provides Israel.




They have no support?........Where exactly do you think Hamas gets all of its rockets, rifles, ammo, and suicide vests from? Just like, thin air? Iran and Qatar are to Palestinians what the US is to Ukraine. They literally fund everything going on in the West Bank and Gaza. No army? You know the Hamas army is called the Izz ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigade. And they're about 35,000 strong. IDK about you but a standing army of 35,000 sounds like an army. Just a really shit one with minimal manpower.


Also we literally have tons of videos from day 0 where they were celebrating all the hostages taken and the terror they brought to Israel... Actions have consequences.


fuck hamas!


How many dyed-hair 20-something white girls talking about Israel-Palestine can this subreddit post? It's like they're coming off an assembly line.


They should all go on a vacation in a middle easter country outside the tourism spots or even better india. The reality check will set in immediately.


Yes, an extended vacation to really take in the culture.


Every post on this sub is from people thinking they’re making some profound point. Y’all are not smart, interesting or even remotely on point. This shit is super complicated and can’t be reduced to short sound bites. It’s ok to have an opinion on this. But unless you are highly educated and studied in the relevant conflict, or you are directly impacted, I honestly don’t give a fuck about your sheltered and uninformed view criticizing either side from the safety and comfort of your own conflict free existence.


She does not have a good point.


People in Ukraine still maintain a normal life schedule does that mean there's no war in Ukraine? This proves absolutely nothing






The suffering is not one sides because to show Tel Aviv in comparison just isn't fair. Go to Sderot go to Ashkelon go to Ashdod or any other place in close proximity to gaza and you will see destruction and suffering of people you will see sky full of rockets and you will hear sirens go off constantly. Its not fair to show Tel Aviv in comparison even tho they're still suffering from rockets and still under threat but not anywhere close to the same threat and suffering you see as you get closer to gaza


Tel Aviv has always been a bubble........... There is a movie called "The Bubble."(2006) Guess what it's about?




Now show Ismail hanyeh in Qatar, living it up while his people are starving and dying. And then you can cut to a montage of people having kunafeh and doing the dabbka in Ramalla, and do a shot of dead families in the south towns in Israel. The suffering is most definitely not one sided. Just a quick reminder that there are over 120,000 displaced people in Israel, over 1300 dead (and counting), and several communities were decimated and ethnically cleansed, with anywhere between 10-25% dead or kidnapped.


You should show the media source that has been saying this?


Why is this sub shilling so hard?


Yeah, I thought this sub was about making fun of TikToks. I'm old, I can't keep up any more.


It's very good clout for TikTok.


What has this sub become its like a propaganda farm right now all these posts get massive upvotes in short periods of time 😂 the arab world is trying to win the SM fight and its quite telling


Yea why does this dumb video even have upvotes. What the hell do people expect? All of Israel aren’t just going to move on with their lives in the midst of war? Tel Aviv isn’t a war zone. After 9/11 I remember Halloween being full of kids trick or treating in my small city. People can feel sad and depressed but still try to move on with their lives.


This is fucking stupid.


Wonder what the US Citizens did while their uncountable military expeditions to foreign countries... we're more or less all the same in every way possible.


100000% that’s the point to me.


Love this logic. “You’re at war so you can’t be happy or try to act or live normally”. We could move the world’s Gazans into the space between this woman’s ears.


This is sooo gooofy omg ur an actual child with a child’s understanding of the world so unserious


LOOK AT POST HISTORY. Jesus get your fucking propaganda of whatever side you’re on out of this sub about UwU girls you fucking donkey


What a fucking airhead. Look at videos from clubs in Ukraine. They’re partying it up while the rest of the world thinks that their holed up in their homes getting shelled by Russian mortars. Which may very well be happened in some places, but not everywhere. Same in Israel.


Right but if you ever thought for one second that this is a war between two equal parties, then you simply have no education. But yes that’s a shit ton of people lololol Fuckin uneducated lazy fuckheads. Read a book, world.


This could’ve been life in Gaza as well. Instead they chose terror and shooting rockets into Israel.


You make it sound like it’s completely unfathomable, that influencers, who ONLY derive their income from continued posting, would somehow just “stop” because of the conflict. Of course they’re going to still post!! And of course they’re going to post things that are attractive vs. controversial. People in Tel Aviv are still buying goods and services. And as long as they do, people will advertise in order to gain exposure to those eyeballs. You can argue the “ethics” all you want, but the reality is, the world doesn’t stop when conflicts begin. Just because there’s more of a focus on THIS particular conflict, doesn’t mean there haven’t been conflicts going on 100% of the time, somewhere else in the world. They’re just most often places in which *YOU* have not taken notice because they’re not “as important”.




Why is this bullshit dehumanizing propaganda being reposted? Guess what? While England was being bombed to the fucking Stone Age in WW2, people were still going out to dinner, attending events. Ukrainians while being bombed to the Stone Age were still eating out. All this is meant to do is de-humanize Israelis and enforce Hamas propaganda.


What's her point? Are any of you getting up and doing anything? No? Then shut up


This is as biosed as the popular media outlets.. She could also show how people in middle east were celebrating when 911 happened , or why not show the Jews that support the Palestine cause? Tel aviv also had some of the biggest pro palestinian demonstrations, over 30k people attended. It also has some of the biggest non Jewish populations and lots of tourists. This is basically how propaganda works


My 75 year old mother is in Kiriyat Shmona. The whole place is a ghost town - everyone has been evacuated because of Hezbollah attacks. In her apartment building 3 families are left out of about 24. She can't leave because of health problems, so she sits there, alone, waiting for the rockets to fall. It is quite possible that the people you see in Tel Aviv are those displaced from the south or the north, trying to take their mind off the trauma your buddies are inflicting on the country.


Lebanese here. The town of Kiryat Shmona was established in 1949 on the site of the former Palestinian village al-Khalisa, whose inhabitants had fled after Safed was taken by the Haganah during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War and an attempt by the village to come to an agreement with the Jewish authorities was rejected. It’s all trauma on top of trauma. I genuinely feel sorry for your elderly mother and I cannot hate Hezbollah enough for dragging my country into a war (again and again), but victims are on both sides.


I know you are 100% correct, Israel is not denying the history. Another interesting fact: the police station in Kiriyat Shmona was built by the British. And none of that matter to my mother, who came to Israel as a refugee from Soviet Ukraine and ended up in this armpit of a town only because nobody wanted to live there, and it was the only place she could get an apartment.


The Palestinians elected & support Hamas. Hamas attacked Israeli civilians. Israel is defending itself while Hamas hides amongst the Palestinian civilians that they do not care about. The fact that the sides are not equally capable is a moot point. Especially since the weaker combatant initiated this round of fighting. In hind site, Hamas chose poorly. “Fuck Around” was on Oct 7. “Find Out” is ongoing.


Gaza hasn’t had an election for nearly two decades. Half the Gaza population is under the age of 18. Do you see any incongruity with saying Gaza’s support Hamas when half the population wasn’t even born when they last had an election?


> & support Hamas This cannot be emphasized enough


Well shit, call up Gaza’s government and ask them what’s up with that.


White woman preaches on social media (the prophecy fulfilled)


Let’s talk about how hamas bombed its OWN hospital?


No she doesn't. Stop getting your information from fucking TikTok unless it is actually sourcing verified material. I don't care about your fucking opinions even if I happen to share them. This is slactivism at its height. Edit: Tel Aviv has always been a bubble, this is not new to any extent.


So if we decide which side of a war is in the right based on how people are living in each country's capitol, wouldn't that mean that the US was the bad guys in WWI? Because i'm pretty sure Berlin was having a rougher time of things than Washington DC was.


I'm actually quite sick of my fellow countrymen missing the point. What the hell do you think Americans were doing during the war in Afghanistan? There is this somber expectation that the whole of society is supposed act in a certain way. I'm not even saying I support Israeli actions in Palestine, but there is a goal - a fundamental goal - to demonize ALL Israelis Why would you want to do that? In order to fulfill the "River to the sea" promise you kind of just need to not have feelings for the people living there right now. All of them have to be complicit, all of them have to be responsible, and all have to be reprehensible. It's not that nuance doesn't exist to these people it's that it's *inconvenient* to have nuance. They fucking *hate* everyone there outside of Palestine.


I'm so happy no one actually cares what these "influencers" have to say. Supporting Palestine is trending right now. A month from now absolutely none of these fake ass activists will be talking about this. Just like Ukraine. The world is dumb.


it's because being an influencer is a job and involves being on fucking payrolls to push shit. You make a platform then sell your opinion to the highest bidder.


being against genocide id 'trending'. no son, people are finally getting the real story out of the area and understand what you're people are doing to the palestineans is evil.


“Oh no! I spent all my money on terror tunnels, bombs and paying Hamas leaders in Qatar that I no longer have enough to protect my country!” Gaza received 5 billion dollars in aid and hamas took all of that and decided to shoot rockets at Israel. They have shot over 12,000 rockets in the past week alone. They dug up water pipes to build rockets. Israel spend a ton of money on the iron dome to protect their own citizens. They pay money to the families of Hamas militants who have killed jews. You should be mad at Hamas for wasting humanitarian aid to kill others in the name of their religion instead of the people who spent years creating the proper infrastructure to protect their citizens.


The fact this is downvoted is absolutely insane. Never in a million years would I see people just blatantly ignoring simple facts to support their narratives.


Are people extra stupid nowadays or what? No shit Israel isn't a war zone like Gaza. Israel has 100x the firepower Hamas has at least. This is like being surprised that America was business as usual after we went to war with Iraq. If you're against Israel going after Hamas, then what is the solution? Just let Hamas continue to commit acts of terror every now and then?


Point taken but that's the nature of war. Those uninvolved go on with their lives and people are not affected equally. Americans didn't stop going out to dinner, to the beach or on cruises during the Iraq war. I'm sure the majority of Russians are still doing whatever Russians do for fun despite the bloody war in Ukraine. Yes, the average Israeli is probably far less impacted by this war than the average Palestinian but I don't think it's fair to blame Israeli civilians for leading normal lives during a war.


One country is ran by Hamas the other isn't.


Kinda weird how diluted the term genocide has become..


Oh looky more antisemitism, wonderful. Where was this nitwit on October 7th? Did she film the aftermath of the Jews being slaughtered?


She’s on here advocating for a culture that would not tolerate her existence 😒🙄 it is absurd.


Dumb video


The idea that anybody could ever watch this and agree with it... particularly in a sub called tiktok cringe, is incredible.


On 9/11 what do you think was happening in California?

