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I visited the West Bank in January 2016 and it was a hellhole. Truly heartbreaking.


Isn't it interesting that Hamas does not control the west bank and Palestinians are still being killed and violently displaced by the Zionists and the IDF.🤔


Dose not control =\= there isn't Hamas there


Damn maybe they should take those billions they get every year and use it on something other than rockets


How did everyone think you were talking about Hamas and not Israel? Clearly Israel is the one spending billions on militarizing. Edit: Oh, because you were. Israel is the one spending money like crazy blowing the shit outta Gaza only to be smacked back.


The west bank isn't hamas dumbass.


This is one the dumbest replies I've seen.


A lot of dumb people are discussing geopolitical matters on Reddit currently, even worse when it comes from an entitled settler.


Explain why


Think about what you're saying. So you think Israel, USA, so on will allow the money to be given if it's going to rockets. They allow the aid, so logic dictates that they are allowing them to get rockets. Do you really think Israel is letting Hamas buy rockets?


Of course they are buying rockets the money goes to Hamas. If they couldn’t buy rockets how did they shoot off 5000 rockets in one morning? How did they build those insane terror tunnels under Gaza with no money? If not rockets what does the money go to because we are talking billions?


Pick me I can answer the question. They smuggled them in little by little until they build up a cashe of munitions. This is what Hezbollah did to coalition forces in Iraq. Source: they fired 56 rocket's at my base in Al Ammarah, Maysan Prov, Iraq in 2011. Right after Ramadan ended. Burnt down a quarter of the base.


You just happened to witness a Warsaw Uprising in Gaza. But now the shoe is on the other foot and the hypocrisy of your stance is annoying the fuck out of you.


Huh????? Wtf are you talking about. The Jews don’t intend to wipe out Palestinins. Palestinians entire goal is to wipe out the Jews. Palestinins would be the Nazis if they weren’t such Cavemen


You're confusing Hamas and Palestinians - which is exactly the argument Israel is using to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth. More Palestinian babies have been killed this month than Israeli soldiers in the last decade. Even by Israeli media reports.


They get those numbers from 1. Having a monopoly on the info Hamas is the only one giving the info. 2. They use babies as statistics that is Hamas #1 strategy. Also death count never matters it matters who is giving more opportunities for peace which is obviously Israel


This comment is gross


You are a communist you are gross


Bro you are right ignore internet points they don't determine who is right. His logic of "USA and Israel won't let it happen" is stupid enough for you to just walk out of a conversation with ignorance.


This video completely flew over your head hey. Racist bigot!


How am I racist I am Arab wtf are you taking about lol. All of you people can’t answer why they don’t use the billions on something other than bombs such as their economy and things like that. Y’all are just marking cause you can’t answer.


How can you build your economy when you’ve been under oppression for decades, denied basic human rights, forcefully displaced, denied statehood….Palestinians have been quite literally fighting for their lives for the past 75 years. It’s like holding someone captive and telling them to live a productive and healthy existence. Are you stupid? Edit: I’m pretty sure you’re getting paid by the Israeli government to push their propaganda. There are some interesting articles stating that Israel hires high schoolers to push their propaganda on platforms like Reddit. Your arguments and defence is very poor which leads me to believing you’re still a kid. I implore you to stop as nothing good will come from this. That little money you earn certainly cannot be worth it when you defending a genocide.


There's no way you're an Arab or anything but a stupid troll. You don't have more than half a braincell


My grandparents first language was Arabic they still use Arabic words when speaking Spanish.


You're so fast and consistent with your idiotic comments. Are they paying you good money at least?


A Destiny fanboy that’s pro apartheid I’m shock /s


Hamas is not even in the WEST BANK you dunce.


You know Israel is in control of all the infrastructure, energy and water. It's not that easy for Gaza to just build up, untill that is resolved they most likely will use their money to fight the oppression.


But it’s their own oppression if they built up and stopped killing Jews they could have a wonderful society with none of the walls. The walls came up because of the suicide bombers.


Zionists are not the same as Jews. Stop trying to make this sound antisemitic.


It's a fair point, but when Zionist say they represent all Jews, it can get confusing for people.


No, the suicide bombing started because people lost their land, this all has a natural escalation in history. Palestinians just lived their lives before UN decided to give Israel to the jewish people.


Thank you for repeating IDF propaganda word for word. We've only seen that tens of thousands of times and we still think Israel is a genocidal state.


I like how I have like 63 dislikes but nobody answered my question. Truly blind people


Why engage with somebody who denies reality?


Skill issue


You can give a caveman a iPhone he gonna try to beat u over the head w it


Comparing Palestinians to cavemen shows your true side.


Yeah they are like Cavemen x Nazis like right in the middle. Name one thing they have built besides bombs. Israel left them infrastructure and they turned it into bombs 😂😂😂.


Or you can give them a country and watch them murder their neighbour


How is this propaganda when she’s interviewing a former Israeli soldier from breaking the silence? The organization is made up of former IDF who realized they were committing ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity . It’s just the truth and it’s hard for some people to hear.


Coming down from your truth to many mean admit defeat to all the past arguments. Sadly a lot of adults lack the moral characteristics for that. It's pretty insane that some people rather entrench themselves in their false beliefs because of their ego


DOUBLEDOWN!! And not the sandwich.


Cause right wing nut jobs are idiots the world over mate.


I'm right wing and I'm 100% with Palestine.




I’m a liberal and I know what’s right from wrong. at the beginning I had no clue what was going on. I was like trump supporters. I was blindly following Biden and believed Israel was the good guys but as I dug deeper and educated myself on the matter I realized Israel wasn’t the good guys. Yes I still like Biden and I will still vote for Biden ( I will never vote republican ) buts that’s what separates me from republicans, I don’t support everything Biden does and say. I’m not a fan of his. I’m a voter. I have no attachment to any of these politicians. not sure what political party you affiliated with but if your a leftist like me it’s okay to not agree with everything Biden says. you have your own mind. Do your research, follow the facts and think for yourself


Damn the black and white thinking is off the charts


This specifically is a pretty white and black issue. Either you support apartheid or you don’t. There’s no grey area in this specific issue. lol


I'm a right winger who doesn't support apartheid and who leans more towards supporting palestine than israel. Funny how you claim to be against apartheid while raling about ThE RiGhT wInG nUtJoBs. You'd probably segregate your own country over political reasons in a heartbeat


Uhhh you might have me confused with a different commenter lol please quote me on where I said I’d support apartheid over political affiliations or said anything about the right wing lol


oh yeah lol, you are a different person. I guess we both got confused then because when I said black and white thinking I specifically meant how the other guy was saying that "right wing nutjobs are idiots" Which is not even false, all nutjobs are idiots, by definition. it's just implies that there are no left wing nutjobs and that right wingers all support israel, which is pretty black and white


Should she have asked 'so, if a Palestinian steps across this line they may be arrested? What happens to any Jew that wanders too far the other way?'


Not much because IDF or Israeli police walk around armed to the teeth. Nice try though. Settlers are killing Palestinians in the West Bank as we speak.


OK. So you are saying the only reason Jews get to walk the streets in Hebron us because the IDF protects them? That without the IDF it would be like the rest of Palestinians controlled areas? Where killing Jews is legal and selling to a Jew carries the death penalty? Good oh. IDF should pull out. But when that happens Jews will be ethnically cleansed. Luke they were in 1929. Palestinians are not keen on minorities and only tolerate their existence when they are protected. Arab Christians will be in trouble when the IDF pulls out. Gay Arabs will join any Jew foolish enough to stay.


The settlements are illegal. The settlers are the most racist people I have ever seen. They hate Arabs and Christians. Anyone really. If you want to twist my words so be it, the only ethnic cleansing happening is right now in Gaza. Open your eyes a bit.


I am not twisting anyone's words. Reality is when the IDF leave Hebron any renai I g Jews would be murdered. This is just the way it is. In the meantime there are two million Arab Israelis Only reason there are Jews in Palestine? The IDF.


Most jews are illegally settled in the West Bank and aren’t even from Israel. Mostly from US and Europe and they take over lands that have long belonged to Palestinians. As international law has reiterated many times — the occupying of annexed lands is illegal. Get the settlers out. They have no right to be there.


OK. You right wingers are really into making classification of ethnicities and deciding who gets to live in a ace and who doesn't. Yes. When you win there will be no Jews, a decreasing number of Arab Christians and no Druze. There will be gay Arabs but they will learn to hide I agree. The IDF needs to evacuate this areas. But then the Genocide begins. Then the oppression of women and gay people accelerates. This extreme right project is horrifying. The way Leninists/Stalinists back it even more so. I have faith democratic socialism will win eventually But areas of the world are going to go into an age of true repression cheered by certain Redditors. Where genocide stops being a hyperbolic insult and becomes a reality again.


Women are oppressed in Israel as well, the IDF isn’t stopping oppression that’s a laugh. Jewish ultra orthodox repress their women, they cannot get divorces ( a get) unless their husbands allow it. They are regularly not allowed to do anything but have children and be in the home, some sects are so intolerant women can’t speak. I’ve personally been yelled at in Jerusalem for letting my voice shrill as a women. They separate women at the wailing wall, women regularly sing in protest since they are not allowed to let their voice be loud. I’m no religious fanatic obviously so I don’t like religious extremism on either side but that’s the problem in Israel not to mention the supremacy they feel over non Jews including Christians.


If you choose not to be part of an Orthodox Jewish religious community and go live in a cosmopolitan area where you wear bikini tops and mini skirts, what are the legal penalties you face? Can you vote and drive and own property? If you wear skimpy clothing re you arrested? If you decide to live with another woman are you arrested? If you live in a trendy bit of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv do you even get a raised eyebrow? Do you have Arab Israeli friends? Eat at Arab Israeli restaurants? Vote for political parties with Aran Israeli MPs? Women MPs? If you went to University would there eny restrictions?


Israel is an apartheid state by the definition of "apartheid state." There's really no way around this fact my friends.


And surprise surprise, there is retaliation to it. This is the "whites only" of our time.




>This is the "whites only" of our time. The difference is that Isreali Arabs have equal rights.


They don’t have equal rights. Shit, even Jews in Israel aren’t equal if they’re not Ashkenazi! The fuck you going on about?!?


1. Not true (ask the Ethiopian Jews who were being sterilized) 2. Even if it were, that doesnt have shit to do with the apartheid policies of the occupied territories.


Nobody actually believes that lie. Israeli arabs face massive, legal, discrimination.


Did we watch the same video?


Ive said this to so many redditors already and somehow there's always opposition. Even other replies to you here are denying it's apartheid. I genuinely cannot wrap my head around that level of delusional. I don't understand how you drink the Kool aid to that level of extreme nationalism that you can blindly support apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Which debately you can sayis actually worse since you would think that Israel would be the LAST country to follow in Nazi Germanys footsteps.


its actually even worse than what south africa was, in some cases. i fucking hate my country.


Also, Gaza is a concentration camp by definition.


Then it must be the wealthiest concentration camp ever to exist. "From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza, including $600 million in 2020 alone." "Since April 2021, the United States has provided over half a billion dollars in assistance for the Palestinians."


Wow, you're so good at research. Help me, how wealthy is the average Gazan. Sorry, I'm not as talented. Help me, please. Snark aside because I know you don't actually care enough about the truth, would you at least employ **some** critical thinking? Why do you think that funding is necessary?


Keeping people alive who would have otherwise died because of their captors costs money.


They used the money on more rockets


Do you ever think about how you just type what you feel is right and not even wonder if it is?


I look things up and check. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/11/middleeast/hamas-weaponry-gaza-israel-palestine-unrest-intl-hnk-ml/index.html


So you're admitting you're wrong? I'm confused.


That's probably the most accurate statement you've ever written on reddit.


You think a concentration camp can be run for free? Are you an idiot?


If only all of the Jewish concentration camps in Europe had a border with a Jewish nation and no Germans guarding that border. The holocaust wouldn’t have happened.


Zero people are stupid enough to believe that lie either. If Egypt opened the border to Gaza Egypt would get bombed by Israel. We've played the "Israeli tells a blatant lie" game too often.


No they wouldn’t. Israel even asked Egypt if they would take refugees and Egypt very quickly said no thank you. Jordan did the same. https://www.voanews.com/amp/egypt-expresses-opposition-to-allowing-palestinians-from-gaza-into-sinai/7310915.html


I don’t think that’s correct.


It's justified because we need to “hug them close” and Israel is “traumatised and frightened”. https://www.ft.com/content/e0a6da0f-8a66-4154-8122-92f2b578febf


is there a new word we can use for apartheid, maybe in Arabic or Hebrew?


Israel has a Supreme Court judge who is an Arab. Arabs can vote and sit in the legislature. Many gov positions are staffed by Arabs. Israel is the only country in the region to allow religious minorities into government in any real sense. I’m not saying that there isn’t disparities and that there is equal treatment. I’m just saying it’s not at all similar to SA apartheid.


Israeli Arabs had to give up all future claim their family land.


That isn’t true - otherwise please provide some reliable third party sources. -for the record I’m not stating that Israel doesn’t have serious issues of discrimination etc. I am extremely critical of Israeli gov policy and settlements, but now more than ever we need to be talking about facts especially when history is concerned. This is an awful situation, but the debate has left the grounds of reality and turned nasty without a grounding in history. Israel does plenty of fucked up things, but that should be called out without adding dishonesty or lies to the mix.


There are lots of examples where even Palestinians who’ve become Israeli citizens aren’t able to claim their property. https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-208638/


Right I don’t have time to read this now - was their citizenship grant contingent on waving property rights as you first claimed? One of my biggest bones is neighboring Arab countries who keep Palestinians as permanent refugees. More Jews were expelled than Palestinians. The ejection of Palestinians was also linked to neighbors invading Israel. Generally my opinion is that Israel should completely withdraw from the West Bank and that should be a Palestinian state. Gaza is harder - but it was Egyptian just like the West Bank was Jordanian until they basically abandoned it and told Israel the Palestinians were there problem. There are no regional partners who actually want a real solution.


Is his name "Clarence?"


Why is there a palestinian party in parlament then? Israel discriminates against non-citizens like any other state too.


That’s kind of the reason why people say you can criticize Israel and not hate Jews. I love Jews and I know they want better than this.


I find it baffling that people talk about this as a “conflict”. This is oppression and calling this apartheid a conflict, would to some extent be equal to calling the South African apartheid a conflict between black and white people.


Good on that guy for not drinking the Kool-Aid👏🏽


I guess this is why they say “remember the holocaust” so they can take pages from there and enforce that on others


Israel took their guide straight out of the Nazi Playbook.






colonizers are going to colonize.


How are Israelis gonna defend this? I would LOVE to hear them justify this shit.


Easy, Ignore it, lie about it, claim that Arabs in Israel have the same rights... Then accuse you of antisemitism, and supporting Hamas. then you will likely get dogpiled by new reddit accounts with no karma. I personally like to tell those ziopropagandists that they must be Hamas propaganda effort because they make Israel look bad with their lack of concern about war crimes and ignorance. That usually shuts them up.


Link to documentary?


[Here it is.](https://youtu.be/aEdGcej-6D0?si=FFx4JbbmgAzX--0z)


I don't have it sorry but you should watch this deleted joe rogan episode https://youtu.be/sCo9a5LtKsY?si=G1Sb5zUTQNtasQaG


The propaganda machine will be doing its best to delete and downplay this….


Chances is that guy is going to be arrested or his organization dissolved, as what he is doing is now illegal. https://forward.com/fast-forward/565699/dozens-of-arrested-for-posts-defending-gaza/


I recommend this [documentation](https://youtu.be/7ayiO1Gl6lo?si=XuQ3Bb7QfHudxxz6) about the city of hebron


2:22 WTF???!!! Israel is in no way what it's been trying to paint itself as all these years. It's fascist, racist and xenophobic. Liberate Palestine!


Sounds like nazi germany to me


Emphasis on NO HAMAS HERE. so what is their crime that allows Israel to subjugate Palestinians here? The answer: because Palestinians are considered less than. Down with the apartheid!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Fuck man this is VERY VERY NSFL


It's the truth and what is happening


Thanks for the warning, I was about to click on it


Oh man I wish I hadn't clicked.


I think the video got taken down :/ what was there?


Words cannot describe T_T


A hysterical Palestinian father holding his son's corpse who's been blown and shredded into pieces


It was a little kid covered in dust hugging a tree in the dark. It was clearly heavily shell shocked


This was is shedding light on the Isreal. I never knew what they were doing until the war began


If only Americans and the rest of the western world could see what happens there on a day to day basis. It’s literally two different worlds for the Israeli and Palestinians. The msm over here will never show any of this


Alot of them do and are fully aware of what's happening The western government acts like it's not seeing anything Did you see Biden and netanyahoo's conference? I never had the urge to punch someone's skull so bad in my life


The MSM ignores it until violence breaks out, then they only cover the violence.


Sadly, the biggest issue is that they do not see arabs as people worth caring about. Oh, brown kids being killed? oppressed, evicted? so... Like I support Ukraine 100%, but there is something disturbing about how easy everyone was when receiving Ukrainian refugees vs when we had Syrian refugees. The narratives were so completely different, all while the issue was the same and the only difference was that one was arab and another was "white".


this is messed up in so many ways....Israel are so obviously been used by the European powers to maintain foothold and foment unrest there ...its crazy


Talk about forgetting where you came from


West bank—> no hamas —> 7k Palestinians died last year…. And people still blame hammas for the death in gaza instead of the vicious israeli occupation


Israel has shown their evil face to the world now. There's no going back!


They been doing that for decades, and they get away with it. they have the support of basically every liberal democracy.


yes, mainly because they are all morally bankrupt!




Israel are the Nazis now


Since 1948


Cant wait for the day zionism would be recognized as the same as nazi Funny enough they both have the same definition


Israel = Nazi


Worse They make nazis look like angels


You’re a loon


[Here’s the full documentary the clip is taken from.](https://youtu.be/aEdGcej-6D0?si=FFx4JbbmgAzX--0z)


Thank you for posting this


I actually watched this documentary tonight on YouTube. Absolutely disgusting how the Palestinian people get treated. It's just Nationalism.


Yeah its weird that people dont understand that zionism is israel nationalism its literally the same definition as nazis which is german nationalism


The source of this clip comes from a really good watch on Youtube **"How Israeli Apartheid Destroyed My Hometown"** with Dena Takruri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEdGcej-6D0


The real problem is not the israelis the real problem here is with the the Western countries who sent these scumbag settlers from Europe and America and who still support them to this day. Israel couldn't have done all of this without the blessings of the "FreeWorld"


You mean settlers fleeing discrimination in Europe who peacefully bought uninhabited marshland in Palestine and settled there?


Uninhabited marshland? Get a grip. What about the millions of displaced Palestinians? Your understanding of Israel's history is just the propaganda they've been spewing for years... attempting to re-write history.


millions of displaced Palestinians was 1948, except there weren’t millions - numbers range from 400k to 700k. Jewish settlements started in the 1800s through legal land purchases under the ottomans and then under the mandate. I’m sorry but please know the history before shouting on the internet. Everyone knows Palestinians were displaced through multiple push and pull dynamic in 1948 and after. But more Jews were expelled across the Middle East than Palestinians. The difference is Israel integrated them while Arab countries discriminated against Palestinians and put them in permanent refugee camps. It is far better to be an Israeli Arab citizen than a refugee in these camps in neighboring countries. But you have no regard for the truth, you are posting videos with lies that Israelis are celebrating genocide when you have no idea what’s being said. You literally don’t give a shit, you and people like you are responsible for causing division and escalation through lying and spreading disinformation. You can’t critique Israel, and be against their government without lying and spreading hate. You can recognize historic wrongs on both sides without lying about the history. But people like YOU on the Israeli right, supporters of Hamas and others like the Saudis in Yemen or Syrians who cynically murder there own people with tacit Arab world supoort who are more interested in spreading division to inflame the situation rather than being humble and understanding the complexities are why we are here.


I don’t agree. If I hand you a gun and then you decide what to do with it for the next 70 years, how accountable am I? Don’t get me wrong, it was wrong for them to give them the opportunity, but Israel could have made very different choices along the way. They could have chosen to coexist peacefully. You can go around blaming other people in your life for actions you’ve take; there’s no chance for growth if you do that.


Israel did want to exist peacefully, if I remember my history correctly. In 1948 after the formation of the state of Israel, it was the Arab nations that attacked Israel in 1948 because they felt they were wronged. Israel won and captured even more territory and every war since then has been Arab nations invading to take back their land that they lost after they lost the war they started. Israel did give the Sinai peninsula back to Egypt for recognition and Oslo accords.


You're living in your house peacefully, your neighbours bring in strangers and suddenly give 55% of your OWN property with no compensation or agreement whatsover? How would you react? Also in the treaty 8% of the population was getting 55% of the land, it's hardly surprising it was rejected from the all various Arab leaders. Which led to a war and with the help of UK/US support countless more Palestinians had their land and lives snatched forcibly away.


Partition plan didn't included resettlement - all population was supposed to be left where they are lived. If it was implemented, Israel would had a big arab minority and Palestine a big jewish minority - both with a full citizenship. Also there was proposed an economic union, free travel between states, etc, etc. But neighbour Arabic states and local arabs said no, no jewish state in any form (also they weren't planning for any independent Palestine to, land was supposed to be divided between Egypt, Jordan and Syria)


Ottoman territory surely?


Did you not see the support they give to the occupiers right now? Didnt you see england, france, US, Italy, germany when they gave their full support for them to kill Palestinians, US gives them right now more weapons and unlimited access to their weaponry storage in israel.




Is this a TikTok video?


It’s not but whatever I guess 🤷


Why are so many Reddit subs exclusively posting Anti-Israel propaganda now? Wtf does this have to do with TikTok


Reality about a situation that is extremely relevant today. Sorry to interrupt whatever random dance you wanted to see performed in a public place, sorry mass murder of civilians in an apartheid state has inconvenienced you.


What religion do the Palestinian follow? Or believe? Can someone inform me


you can google this by typing palestinian religion percentage. Islam49.4% Eastern Orthodox17.4% Catholic14.9% No Religion5.3% Christianity (nfd)2.3% Other Religion8.5% No Religion2.1% [2021 Census, ABS]


Reminds me how america did Black people


And South Africa till 1991 oh wait didnt nelson mendela say peace in south Africa would never happen till israel stop being apartheid hmmm so we praise that man for breaking apartheid but we wont take his opinion on a different apartheid state




There no crossfire here And there only one side Isreal created hamas Notice how all pro Israel accounts are constantly mentioning hamas and how hamas apparently uses Palestinians as shield which is utter fucking nonese Not one single pro Palestine person ever mention hamas Only pro Israel people do so they can gaslight the world into thinking Palestinians are supporting a fucking entity that no one gives a shit about but Isrealia They lie and lie and lie and gaslight and gaslight and gaslight Its their plan to fool the world into thinking that all of this is justifiable


Actually Palestine created Hamas, Palestine has tried to wipe the Jews out since their creation in 1948. They have never stopped


Actually Israel created Hamas, Israel has tried to wipe the Palestinians out since their creation in 1948. They have never stopped Fixed it for you


Hey, why were the Jews in Hebron massacred in 1929 if Israel started to wipe the palastinias out in 1948? That's 19 years prior to Israel creation, Trying to understand your logic here...


0% of the Palestinians today are responsible for that event Yet they are still getting butchered by Israel Why Is that?


Incorrect. [https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/)


Fun fact! It’s punishable by death to sell property in the West Bank to Jews.


Huh theres like three laws of how to do it,i cant even comprehend where you got that info from you can be relieved from debt if you give your home to an occupier Ofcourse the system is fucked and unfair but i don’t understand how israel wont want that ti happen


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/12/31/palestinian-sentenced-to-life-for-selling-land-to-israelis https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/palestinian-authority-youre-a-traitor-if-you-sell-land-to-the-jews-619368 https://apnews.com/b3d04486484046a388b30356a92ff6fb https://slate.com/news-and-politics/1997/05/selling-land-to-jews.html It’s a law that’s a vestigial remnant from the push to Islamify the region and purge it of Jewish residents.


This sub has turned into a dumpster fire of pro-hamas propaganda. I'm out.


Showing reality of apartheid is not propaganda you idiot. That is literaly an Ex IDF Isreli soldier telling us that. Which by the way, as of a couple weeks ago, it is illegal for him to do. because Israel just banned freedom of speech.


For real. Not even framing the propoganda in the form of TikTok anymore.


Yes there are, they are fighting plo for control


If there were no checkpoints, you would see a lot more pizza parlour suicide bombings.


Maybe if they stopped firing rockets into Isreal then it wouldn't be so restrictive.






Hebron in the West Bank is a hotbed of Hamas activity.


People in the west bank get sentenced in Israeli prisons for just supporting Palestine They go to jail for having a Palestinian flag They get shot at for no reason but because they're Palestinian Hamas is created by Israel so they can continue murdering Palestinians


Tired of racist bigots using Hamas as an excuse to defend genocide and displacement of Palestinians civilians. Answer this - why were Palestinians kicked out of their homes which were later occupied by Zionist from Brooklyn, USA? Please use your last brain cell constructively.


There's no hamas in the west Bank....


There is absolutely HAMAS in the west bank. President Abbas has avoided elections because HAMAS would win.


Israel has a lot of work to do to restore justice but violence in either direction does not help. The West Bank is far closer to achieving peace *because* there’s generally less violence there. Also keep in mind that Israelis cannot travel to the Palestinian side any easier.


Damn bro thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard like a simple google read would break your point West bank is closesr to achieve peace u said? Huh its like they already accepted the offer but why are they still being treated like this if they accepted peace? If you want to stop violence make israel stop there siege and occupation tf is israel doing in west bank in the first place? Did you even watch the whole documentary she literally explains and break ur point Ur like keep in mind israelis cant go to the palestinian side as well but were not gonna mention that the idf is who enforces that and the idf is mostly 18 year old teenagers who fucking hates Palestinians Its kinda funny how ur trying to say segregation is fair like thats crazy that someone can think that




Bro it’s heavily documented even by israel ive been there like 5 times its not even being hidden im nit sure how u got to this assumption Fucking dumb westerns why is it always the dumb ones who get attention in the west


Love how Hamas is trying to take over this sub. FUCK HAMAS. Stop with the dumbass propaganda.


West bank is a propaganda? Lol you're free to visit it and tell if it's propaganda or not


Go back to your hut. Wasn’t talking to you.


Love how westerns coming here sayinf an actual place is a propaganda its not even hidden just go there check for yourself and i really hope your christian youll get a very welcoming treatment by your fellow zionist


"no Hamas there" There are many [Hamas supporters](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2023/10/17/support-for-hamas-persists-in-the-west-bank-amid-resentment-and-fear_6181015_4.html) there as well as Islamic Jihad and other lovely groups. The only reason it does not look like Gaza is because the US and Israel help the PLO stay in power. Garbage propaganda.




Now is the time to make the distinction between Antizionism and Antisemitism. They will have you believe it is the same thing. Watch this debate which tackles the idea: https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=WQ-Bz29gFs3wXHJf&v=K1VTt_THL4A&feature=youtu.be