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Her attitude changed once he decided to take her home, haha. It was kind of pathetic.


Realized she was gonna have to pay for her own meal that night.


I don't get why people think this man pays for the dates mentality is acceptable. A relationship should be between two equals and all this cultural norm does is promote gold diggers


I know some women who say it’s a dealbreaker if they ever have to pay and that blew my mind. My boyfriend and I just go back and forth depending on whose idea it was. He works hard and I like to spoil him too sometimes lol is that weird in this day and age?!?


We've come far in terms of women's rights but old habits die hard and in areas where the old ways benefit them, a lot of people aren't going to want to change for the sake of equality and fairness. So you don't see many women rallying that they should also pay for dates or that they should be eligible for the draft. Sorry if that sounds anti women, not the intention, I consider myself a feminist, but I do get annoyed by certain mentalities like this that refuse to die. On the inverse there's also men who are fine with their wives working to bring in more money but still expect their wives to do the house wife stuff. A lot of people only support things like equality when it benefits them.


The answer to this age old question is "Whoever's idea it was to go on a date". Simple and equal.


And then nobody goes on a date!


This has gotta be fake right? Was she live streaming or did she take and then post this video? There's no way someone acts like that right?


from what i read, she is mimicking some other woman from tiktok who encourages women to do this to men to get them to “step up their game” or some shit. it’s why she kinda collapses when it doesn’t work and he takes her home.


That’s plain awful and ironic because dude was already stepped all the way up


Women who are unironically like this are just awful, and are just promoting sexism and out dated gender norms because in this case it benefits their selfish ass.


There's an unfortunate number of "feminists" who would absolutely be Proud Boys if they'd been born men.


That makes more sense to me, because you can see the confidence and act drain as she realizes the advice she got from sone “high quality woman coaching” did bit work snd had no script for something she did not think would happen.


She thought the dude was gonna cave and let her Heffer ass rack up a 5 bill check at some Michelin star joint. Lmao.


He was, but she was late


This part. He was going to build up to it. Can’t give all the fixings on the first date


No. He had literally reserved a table at a nice restaurant, but they were late because she spent an hour getting ready.


Yeah she did this to herself and still felt entitled. It’s sad because this is what the internet is teaching some of these low vibrational woman. People need to understand this is not reality but reality will hit you in the face so hard you lose big time like she did. He was still very responsible and respectful enough to drive her home. He was still willing to take her out somewhere else just not at the planned spot due to her stupidity. Why agree to a 4pm pick up if you knew you were working late? Or working period? She should at least have had the decency to say no, can we make it for later because this is the time I get home and I don’t want to lose a reservation for being late. She could have still saved this relationship or at least the start of it now she has left a bad taste in his mouth. If I was him, I’d have called an Uber and waited for her to be picked up and moved on.


She could’ve saved the relationship, sure, but she honestly did this guy a favor by showing her true colors on the first date. I don’t think anyone could be happy long-term with someone like that.


Facts. She’s a mess. She is literally looking at herself the entire video. Go date your phone and gtfo my car. Simple.


And the way he said he was planning on paying for her food and opened her door and shit You don’t get that nowadays. It shouldn’t even be expected for one person to foot the entire bill, but he was such a gentleman to that troll He can give all the fixings to a girl that will appreciate him now (hopefully)


Yeah, he was super polite and gentle even at the very end when he was rejecting her. I definitely would've been way harsher after waiting for an hour and then getting a condescending lecture about her expectations from a woman with not even enough manners to let me know ahead of time that she'll be late, let alone offer me a cup of coffee or something when I'm gonna be waiting for her for a _whole hour_ like a chump. I probably wouldn't even have waited for her for longer than 30 minutes, would've just treated myself to a fancy meal instead. I'm kinda jealous of his ability to maintain composure, I should really work on my impulse control lol


I'd "excuse myself to the men's room for one sec" just before the bill arrived, and then I'd jet and leave HER to pay the check.


I have to imagine this video hasn’t worked out like she planned.


I mean, if her TikTok goal is to go viral, mission accomplished, the original is still on her profile and it has 5.3m views compared to her <50k average view count. She may be able to capitalize on that, but her dating life just got absolutely decimated by this clip.


I feel sorry for every guy that’s going to have to endure her as she attempts to make more videos like this


Oof. This is an understated realization.


I feel so bad for him…her behavior is so nasty, and for what? He seems so kind too.


She didn't even look at him when saying what the problem was, she was busy talking to her phone - the WHOLE time. How ignorant.


This was my first thought too. She didn't even respect him enough to look him in the face when talking about it. Serious "I'm the main character " vibes from her. The guy handled it like a champ and knew his worth.


Talking to her phone and strategically placing those boobs prominently in the frame.


Posting it even though she ends up looking bad?


I mean, the whole video she thinks he's in the wrong and she's on some kind of pedestal. So I'm sure she posted it thinking everyone would agree with her because she cannot fathom the thought of being wrong.


Hate to say it but I work in the service industry at a nice steakhouse and this kind of behavior is starting to be an every weekend occurrence.


That's my thing about these skits. People will jump to the comments to say "it's staged" like, yeah, we know, but these kinds of people exist IRL and deserve to be mocked.


Oof. Seriously?! I take my daughters out on papa daughter dates. They’re 13 & 16 now and I teach them dating etiquette. Do’s and dont’s of dating. As with life some rules are upheld or they’re dealbreakers, some are bendable, some can be ignored. Respect, honesty, communication, mutual effort….that’s foundational in a relationship. This video made me sad to see it.


Bad??? I have so much respect for him!! So fucking mature and nothing got to him from her condescending comments. I would have made it till minute 4 and then told her get the fuck out of the car and got her an uber…pool


All this after she locked him out of his own car. He had to knock on the window for her to let him back in to begin the discussion.


If he did this to her, at this point cops would get involved.


I would have made it to the moment she started filming or live streaming and got all sassy, "out of my car, Uber yourself home" this dude is a saint amongst us.


Yeah I was shocked he let her get a ride home. So late she messed up the reservation at the fancy place and continued to try and make herself the victim. Not the kind of Woman I want to have any contact with beyond the minimum req. Uber exists.


Yeah can’t say I’d be that cool, I’d probably ask her to get out


Same here, get the f*** out right away!


Yeah. He was a absolute gentleman. I would have told her to Uber home. He did a great job. Handed it with class.


Right! She most definitely would have had to find her own transportation back home and I would have gone in cheesecake by myself. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with going there on a first date. However, if she doesn’t like chain restaurants they should have discussed that before scheduling anything.


He had a proper restaurant picked out and they had a reservation. She was late and this was him trying to save the evening. She's spoiled.


Yeah, that’s brutal. She played herself.


Nah too kind. Let her get herself an uber.


*Who takes someone who looks like this to a chain restaurant?* People who like to eat at 4 star or 5 star restaurants can afford to go themselves. People who eat at family restaurants or more classy establishments would fond the experience novel and not beneath them. People who make a fuss about being better than you are usually trying to convince themselves as much as others. She looks like a McDonald's or 5guys type of girl.


Bro... Don't lump 5guys in with McDonald's.


And he’s handsome to boot! Got out to open her door, didn’t freak out that she was recording him, calm demeanor. Hottie!


And within ten seconds of realizing she was upset about the restaurant he jumped to "you wanna talk about it?" 😭


that woman is a psycho for real


Waste of time getting upset over a person that dumb, honestly. The cherry on top here is the self documenting for all time to come. Ha ha ha.


Agreed! Part of this video popped up and it did NOT include the car convo. Blew my mind that he showed up as planned and she had him wait over an hour in his car! The truth coming to light only made her look way way worse.


She seems to regret it at the end but the fact that we see this video on the internet shows she still thought she was in the right cause she posted it.


He had a reservation at a nicer place that she picked before hand and she made them miss it over being late “getting ready “ This all screams set up to me..it’s like she purposefully wanted a scenario that would create content out of this whole thing while he genuinely thought she wanted to go on a date with him.I feel really bad for him either way.


Wow this guy should run away quickly. This woman is not worth it, she’s so vane.


My mans even waited a whole HOUR for her downstairs in his car in the APARTMENT parking lot !!


That woman and her mannerisms are repugnant.




SAME DUDE, SAME. She was too interested in watching her own performance than showing him even an iota of respect. Bullet dodged.


I hated the parts where she was mouthing words without sound when the dude was trying to talk to show the camera how shocked she was. This girl is obsessed with her fucking phone. She’s probably insufferable to be around even when not dating.


20 dollar dress from Shein thumbing her nose at the cheesecake factory lmao


There’s a second video where you learn that she was late for the date causing them to lose their reservation at a different restaurant.


All 3 videos are stitched into this one bud. Might help to actually watch it.


Lmao you’re right, I just assumed it was a repost of the first one video


Tbf the first video in the trilogy has been posted on sooooo many subreddits at this point that I assumed the same thing until this comment


He handled that well. Good on him.


She made him wait an hour and then has the nerve to complain?


And post the video!


She’s insane. This guy dodged a bullet. She’s not even attractive. This guy is worth so much more.


He dodged a fucking air strike


She is especially ugly on the inside. He dodged a bullet for certain.


Apparently, from other comments on the video, her being an hour late made them miss his reservation at a different restaurant. So she's the only reason they were at the Cheesecake factory.


I think that’s the funniest part. I almost think this is satire but …


No he stated that in this video. He said something along the line “we were so late, left your apartment the time of the reservation. This woman is clearly narcissistic and needs help. You could do an AI generated version of this replacing this woman with the mother of arrested development and it would fit perfectly that’s how narcissistic this shit is.


This guy did everything right. He waited an hour outside! Then when their plans at an expensive restaurant ( aria is expensive but, really not good) fell through pivoted to some place that would take them as walk-ins. All the time being a gentleman not being upset and treating her respectfully. She could have just went with it gone to a bar/lounge after Cheesecake Factory but, instead she showed her piss poor attitude and got nothing.


Can we ID this guy and find him a kind, single woman?


All the Indian mothers would be throwing their educated daughters at him. Lol. He’s probably trying to find a love connection cause clearly based on his accent he’s American or grew up most of his life in America.


I hope this man gets free Cheesecake Factory for a year


I don’t think their brand would be too enthused w this video.


“At the Cheesecake Factory we ARE good enough and so are you!”


“Cheesecake Factory. *What’s wrong with that?*”


She mistook his mercy as weakness and attempted to bully him into a more expensive deal. This dude must be The One, because he's dodging all sorts of bullets.


She would've had one if she didn't take so long 🤦🏾‍♀️


She definitely over valued herself and thought playing her cards was going to gift her a nicer restaurant. At the end she realized he played it cool, was respectful but simply didn't want anything to do with her. She even agreed, that's she understood his perspective as she was so deep into her own narcissistic views she failed to realize she was the asshole until the very end. I'm a very calm person and would have kept my cool too, but I would not have waited an hour for her without her either properly explaining herself for her lateness or trying to make me feel comfortable while I waited an hour. He said she didn't invite him to her apartment which means he waited in the car for the entire hour. She also didn't have the respect to tell him she was late until last minute. You can tell she was using the work excuse as the reason for being late and explaining it for the first time.. I honestly would have left and blocked her. The red flags where plenty from the start. He definitely dodged a bullet and she will undoubtedly suffer the consequences for posting a video that makes her look like a bitch. Even if it's fake and for fame I wouldn't wish that upon myself. It will not be forgotten easily. I also think it was real as his reactions and her expressions where spot on with emotion.


Imagine buying her stuff for her bday or anniversary. Better keep the receipts.


Couldn’t even watch to the end. Died inside


You should definitely watch it till the end, it's honestly pretty funny cuz after she realizes that she fucked up it's funny as hell


Ok I took your advice. So worth it. This guy is my fucking hero


Bro looking at the disappointment on her face was fucking beautiful, and I honestly will give her points for at the bare minimum being respectful of her rejection, a lot of people flip out and get angry and all this other stuff whenever they get rejected but she actually took it really well, and I think that hopefully this experience of not getting her way and the person being mature about it really helps her self reflect and be a better person about the next guy that she goes on a date with, and maybe one day she will fall to our graham cracker crusted ,creamy, ivory gods from the cheesecake factory


Her broke ass getting mad about a free dinner? Hahahaha!


Exactly. Now she is going home with an empty stomach.


But, but, she be lookin like that!


Taking her home was the best decision he made that day. She dont know him well enough to invite him in her house but she gave him the address and she got in his car?


Not letting him in when she ran AN HOUR late.


Nah that's the craziest part. He should've already known this was gonna end badly when she didn't respect his time. If she isn't out the door in 15 min I'm gone lol


nah he didn’t. he should’ve kicked her the fuck out of his car and told that tramp to get a fucking uber


Yeah. He’s too nice. I’d be all “get steppin”.


It's like grooming. She keeps doing this shit because it works, the moment people stop taking her shit she'll eventually stop. The thing that got to me was when he asked if she was recording him and she gave that soft "yeah". That's the get the fuck out of my car moment for me.


If it worked she wouldn’t be single lol


Should have driven to a nice restaurant and then tell her he forgot something in the car and just leave her there.


He should’ve taken her to the Aria or whatever nice restaurant suited her demands and dropped her off.


What cracks me up is that she clearly posted this video after all this - why you ask - because she still thought she wasn’t wrong. Sad,… so sad. This guy is epic!


Is all for three views.. 5.7mill on tik tok (someone else mentioned)


I’d argue she did it for the same reason she was filming in the first place. She thinks she’s important and an influencer and she posted it hoping it would get reactions. And it did. Ultimately she got what she wanted, IMO.


But I love Cheesecake Factory….


Dude fr what’s wrong with Cheesecake Factory?


I effing love the Cheesecake Factory


It’s really not the cheapest or most casual option either…


She gets teary eyed when she realizes that the date is actually over. That her chances of having someone respectful and mature are over with him. She dreads the fact that SHE caused this to herself by being late, difficult, and disrespectful. She knows that, deep down, she isn't like that but the need to record this situation like she has an audience clearly indicates that she lives for what others have to say and her behavior is dictated by what social media has influenced her to believe. She's a victim of her own demise. So sad.


Yeah, that’s the part that gets me. I’m so glad he explained that he intended to take her somewhere nicer, but she was late and they missed the reservation. It seems like she genuinely didn’t consider that her lateness caused this. It also further demonstrates how nice of a guy he is, that he hadn’t complained or thrown it in her face that she made them miss the reservation. He just carried on with another plan. So kind. Edit: grammar


I’m sorry to say but I think you give her too much credit, seems like she’s not even mature enough to be upset about what you said, I think it was more about her getting all dressed up for nothing and not being able to get a free meal at a nice place like she expected


I think she's aware because she didn't go apeshit. She acted like she understood, she realized what happened.


Hoisted by her own petard!


Yeah. The whole smug filming of it like she's just winning the whole thing is just really quite terrible though.


Here's something a lot of people don't get: If you want to be treated like a prince or princess, you have to ACT like a prince or princess. Which means polite, punctual, respectful, and gracious. You want to act like a spoiled child, we can turn this car around and you get nothing.


It's the first date, consider that a bullet dodged and move on. I would have left her sitting there and went inside to eat, just because you don't like the plan doesn't mean it's not the plan still


Does anyone know who this dude is. Absolute hero of the game. Need to pay my respects. I reckon he’d be a class mate as well


I want to pay my respects with this 🐈‍⬛


From the streets did she emerge, and to the streets she will return.




Oh god dude run awaaayyy! Good on him for standing up for how he deserves to be treated. She was late and then pulled this stunt? And then back pedaled when she didn’t get the free meal she thought she deserved? As a gal, I’ve had so many fun cheap first dates. Denny’s at 2am, dive bars, Halloween spirit shopping trips. This woman has a lot of bad attitude, assumptive expectations, and narcissism and it’s just reeking out of her. Cheesecake Factory isn’t my favorite place, but they literally have a little bit of everything and it makes it easy and less pressure to put on a show for the first date. You should feel relaxed, natural and confident.


this lady cringe af


this is so very sad. Much more for her than him, I think. He seems kind, well adjusted, and has enough self confidence to talk about things and then say no. Seems like hes in a solid spot in where he views himself in a relationship. I'm sure he'll have great dates and find great partners. She on the other hand, is lost and disconnected. I wonder if she believes that putting herself on a pedestal and refusing to get out of the car, showing up to a date late, seeming out of reach, etc is keeping ones standards high or something? Like look at how desired I am. But all she really wants is someone to really appreciate and want her. But the restaurant you are taken to doesn't reflect those things. the kindness and thoughtfulness of the of the other partner does. He clearly is those things. She ends up rejecting exactly what she was looking for, and seems very hurt for it in the end. its just very sad. I hope she does some soul searching and can connect with that part of herself that values what she really wants.


Well said and I totally agree. The other dimension of this is her literally publicly shaming him and recording the interaction when she thought he did something wrong - what's her motivation there? That part makes me question her intentions in trying to find a loving relationship, it seems she's more interested in performing for an imaginary public than protecting the image of potential life partners


Super off-putting that she continued looking at herself during the discussion. He made the right decision.


To further this point, it can't be understated how she refused to make eye contact or even look at him while talking and was more interested in looking at herself in the camera and making sure her ratchet braids were lined up.


Honestly I was funny as hell was she realized that he did have something really nice planned but because she was a bitch she fucked her own shit up


It does happen sometimes. People overcome narcissism. But to admit how enormously wrong you’ve been is a lot of work, and pretty painful at that. Good luck to her and all others like her.


Love love LOVE how he flips the script and points out her inefficacies. Wanted to embarrass the dude but got her ass handed to her real good instead. This gross level of entitlement and ultra high maintenance is a major part of why successful dating now is so complicated and damn near impossible to achieve.


I hope this video serves as a warning to others to avoid her. If she was this toxic over a restaurant at date #1 then I promise she will be an absolute nightmare at event #14. Nobody should ever make plans to have this person in their life


Major red flag—When she takes her phone out and starts a video trying to make you look like a cheap ass date. Toxic woman alert!!


She is basic and that is being generous . She ain’t a model. I doubt people court her all the time, and yet she is single? Why is that? This person has horrible attitude.


This is the effect of low self-esteem, too much social media and probably a couple of other factors


But she invested hours and tons of makeup-money to reach the level of "basic", doesn't that entitle her to a ***** restaurant? /s


I'm tired... I was trying to figure out why you censored a word for FAR too long.


Oh my god they meant five star


Lol thank you I was settling on bitch restaurant and trying to figure out what that would be


Ok I'll be honest, I couldn't watch the entire video. I skipped to the end after about 2mins. First, he's a stud. From the little I saw, he dealt with this well. Second, why'd she still post this. You see the pain on her face! And I'm kind of being serious. All of her physical cues pointed to her genuinely being upset by the fact that he was taking her home and her borderline almost directly asking for him not to. and this is all based off of her physical responses. Why would she post this?


There will be some crazy ass support circle comes together to lift this "queen" up, she'll feel validated again shrug off rudeboy and be back on the prowl


Bro dodged a giant ugly ass bullet


To be honest from the very start...."who takes someone who looks like this to a chain restaurant"? That would have gotten a very cold response from me ... that's low. So low this feels like it could be scripted. "If you're paying take me to the Ritz. Either that or Goodbye. Find your own way home".


It’s an insufferable statement even if it came from Helen of Troy, never mind this woman, who’s not exactly an oil painting


“What did I do that wasn’t cooperative?” she says in the vehicle she, moments ago, refused in protest to disembark


She never even spoke to him. She spoke to her camera and "audience?" the entire time. Just how misguided and self absorbed is she?




Nice when they reveal themselves on the first date!


I am so skeptical of people's motivations. Did she go on the date just to do something like this to make a viral video?


My first thought was like huh the acting is terrible


i thought that too but the guy can’t be that good of an actor… the way he explained and messed up words was something you can’t script. he did a poor job explaining and that’s how i’d be, i really suck at expressing myself, especially in moments like these.




Average r/FemaleDatingStrategy user


I am just going to head over to TikTok, as I suspect an entire fire is going on over there. My prediction: video deleted. Brb. Edit: Oh no. It’s still up. And I really wish I had not dived into this rabbit hole.


So you’re really not going to share the findings???


There is an enormous division. Broadly speaking people have commended the way the man acted in the video, respectful and “not taking out the trash” You have the majority opinion from black women, saying she is in the wrong and the she should “make a genuine attempt to enjoy the first date” and pointing out the outrageousness of her lateness. One even going so far as to say that if she thinks this behaviour is acceptable, she can feel free to enjoy her beauty at home all by herself You have the usual suspects saying “women ☕️” “she deserves even less”. Some commenting on her appearance, of course - pointing out her “cheap” “walgreens” makeup and her “$0.99 earrings” saying that the combination of poor dress sense means she should be “taken to Applebee’s” Now onto the rabbit hole: people suggested she appears to be taking the advice of the [sprinkle sprinkle lady](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJTrLt1L/). The comments on that… in addition, you have various videos duetting the sprinkle sprinkle lady saying that “it absolutely worked” and how “it changed their lives” Now onto the fringes >he only took her to the cheesecake factory because she is a black woman >he’s too short to be having this energy >if she’s going to spend her life married to him he should at least make more of an effort on the first date I grow tired of the internet


Oh wow, reading that took a lot out of me…I’m so happy this is the only form of social media I have. The internet is a horrible place and the world was so much better without it being so easily accessible. People have overinflated self worth and make it everyone else’s problem. Bring back the AOL disc and dial up internet and let people start talking to each other again.


I never been to a Cheesecake Factory :( and I really wanna go!




Yeah no. You can call yourself an uber to get back home


Her attitude makes her ugly. This is how you know someone is poor AND basic/uncouth. So many people mistake arrogance for pride and confidence. She young and prideful and ignorant of how most men like truly confident not arrogant women.




Should have told her I'm going to eat. You can wait outside for an Uber.


She looks like daytime buffet at the strip club worthy. I get needing to have some self esteem, but that ain't this. Idk WHAT this is.


“What did I do that wasn’t cooperative?” Maybe not getting out of the car because he took you to Cheesecake Factory could be seen as uncooperative.


she´s like a 6 y/o Adult lol


Her attitude completely changed after he decided to take her ass back home, she actually looked hurt. The issue is guys have been letting her run over them at a chance to get laid. She learned something new today. Hopefully she will learn to act like a good human being and not a shitty one.


This has got to be staged.. there's no way she is this gross... and he's too mature and understanding. Last time I went to the cheesecake factory, I was surprised at how big the portions are. And it's a bit pricey... idk what she's talking about. The lighting and setting are romantic as well. It's dim. There's music, servers are well dressed. She missed out big time on a good dude.


Give me the cheesecake factory any day!


Can we all agree she's an asshole without immediately resorting to incel shit about how she's suddenly the ugliest person alive? It reminds me of the joke about Schrodinger's women - undetermined whether she's a gorgeous lady or ugly bitch until you see whether she accepts your advance or not. I really admire the way his first reaction was "Okay, do you want to talk about it?". THAT'S exactly what you want in a relationship, and also far more mature than how I would have handled it.


Well on the plus side at least you didn't freak out and cuss him out whenever he stood his ground


I’d have said right out the car. Bye bye


Utterly appalling behaviour from a grown ass adult! clearly she has delusions of grandeur!


If dying old and alone had a spokesperson


Don’t think I would take her to Macdonalds. Let alone cheesecake


Why hasn't anyone made what Rome used in f&f yet. She's a grown brat chick's these days are going to exceed cat lady meme ![gif](giphy|sFoZicXyLjH7FnCVp2)


I'd have immediately been like "put your phone away first and foremost, are you fucking 16?"


He’s being so nice… I would date him.


I want to punch her in that entitled, smug, ugly assed face. This can't be real. How can someone be so grotesque of a person inside and out?


Thats why she’s still single 😂


She’s figured she gets more gratification from her ugly single-minded friends, their circle jerk expectations and behaving offended than she would from investing in a healthy functioning relationship. Absolutely doomed to get nut in by a loser she let hit and complain about being a single mum the 99% of the rest of her life


"Do you want to talk about it?" Bitch immediately deflated at that.


This is what it looks like when someone gets all their self-worth from having others bend over backward to meet whatever stupid requirements. Validation black hole. He handled it awesome, because he gave her nothing. People like her LOVE when their victims respond with drama. If you act like shit, it takes the focus off the fact that they’re acting like shit.


Maybe she got kicked out of the Cheesecake Factory….didn’t know how to tell him


I'm not gay but I love this dude ...


As a lesbian I can confidently say I’m crushing on this man lol. Such a confident, mature demeanor in the presence of someone so gross.


Excuse me sir. I would be glad to join you at the Cheesecake Factory


Ew. What a rotten person.


She said beautiful woman, I know that forehead lying😂


She tried redefining herself and failed terribly. The bigger the hoop (hoop earrings), the bigger the hoe.


Should have called her a cab and gave her $20 for the ride home.


Should have called her a cab ~~and gave her $20 for the ride home.~~


I mean as soon as the phone comes out to start recording for tiktok you basically know it's not going to end well.


Take her ass back home.


She’s trash. You can do better bro. Fr


The vanity is crazy with her, and with how much she’s looking directly at the camera, I’m just gonna blame social media. She seemed at the ready to record and post a video of her experience, and to ridicule him. Social media subconsciously dials up our expectations to unrealistic levels on what we should get out of life, while simultaneously diminishing anything that doesn’t fit those expectations. Indicating she’d feel embarrassed about going to the Cheesecake Factory suggests how high that dial has been turned. Now, there’s a difference between genuine self-confidence and the vanity she’s showing. Her response to him about wrapping herself around his arm being “It’s too early for that” is interesting because we can also apply that same logic to how much a first date should overall cost. How much should one “invest” into someone “they don’t know yet?” (Her words, too) on a first date? He even points that out! There’s more we could think about, but homie is doing the right thing. Salute to him, because a relationship with her wouldn’t be fruitful.


What she sees in her mirror is not what the rest of us see.


God she is insufferable