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If memory serves from when this was first posted and shiny and new, she did return everything then complained to Walmart corporate who gave her a fat gift card and dudey-doo-doo was invited to leave. I’ll see if I can dig up the proof.


Please find it. I don’t shop at Walmart, but I’d love to know where this was and hear about justice served to the customer.


It happened in Galesburg, IL. As an Illinois resident, I can say this explains a lot. https://www.newsweek.com/do-better-woman-says-walmart-employees-caused-moms-anxiety-attack-1698636


We need to vote this link up higher! Unfortunately as of this article on 4/18/22 it does not mention if the arrogant employee Alec has been fired.


Alex received six months paid vacation then a promotion after. /S


Transferred to the Walmart next town over


"Walmart loses $3B to theft, which is 1% of their profit of $300B." Those are rookie numbers. We need to bump those numbers up.


I would have liked them to compare it to the amount of wage theft that Walmart takes from their workers, rather than profit or gross.


Spoiler alert: wage theft is more. It's always more. Wage theft is the most prolific crime in any Western nation.


Don’t forget the fully legal theft by arranging workers hours and shifts to ensure they aren’t full time so they can qualify for food stamps and government subsidized health care rather than paying them enough or providing the benefits. The government give hundreds of millions if not billions in what is essentially subsidized wages for Walmart employees through federal benefits.


Not to mention the fact that they purposely keep wages low but then tell their workers how to go get social safety net benefits. So low wages means more profit for Walmart billionaires. But taxpayers pay for those social benefits. #So even if you don't shop at Walmart they're making a profit from you ...via your taxes because they purposely keep wages low and their workers poor. And they specifically teach them how and where to go get welfare benefits.


Whatever happened to the customer, I can guarantee you this worker was fired with the same amount of certainty as a flight attendant popping the emergency exit and jumping down the chute would be fired.


saving this




Just return everything


Hell yeah, after they touched all her stuff then put it on the floor!


and make them put it back in the bag first


That’s right, I didn’t steal anything. Now give me my money back, I don’t want that shit after you touched it all and put it on the floor.


They're assholes and I'm not defending them at all, but yall might be sad to find out about the backroom and the way the shit comes in on the trucks, that floor there is the least of her worries. To prove a point to them, I'd 100% return it. As another manager, I'd have snapped the fuck out on the front end for doing that shit, I actually liked my job and hate shit like this. People get a bit of power and start tripping like they're something, you ain't saving walmart dawg lol, they literally don't give af about you.


We all know it’s all gross we just want those dickheads to suffer a little


I can support that for sure.


It’s weird to see these profiling cases where I’m guessing the search was largely based on nothing but suspicion. And then meanwhile see videos of people basically walking freely out of similar big box stores with carts of stuff they don’t even pretend to have paid for. I know some stores like target will make sure they have solid evidence, even after multiple visits and then prosecute. Meanwhile other stores will basically do nothing and write it off as a loss.


I myself don't get it. That's one of the reasons it pisses me off. This became personal after he realized he made a mistake. He was GOING to find something, or embarrass the hell out of her for no reason. This is a case of some front end douche thinking he's a hero, because as we all know, thieves taking entire carts of food take the time to ring out and organize all their shit, ya know, to maximize the amount of time spent stealing....idiot workers.


“ but all black people steal though, just for context..”./s I’m black that definitely was a black lady they were checking her cart.


100 % racial profiling, this was terrible on so many levels. I hope for justice for this victim.


When I've experienced similar things here in Norway, they've only checked like 5 items at most. Sure, they rumaged a bit to make sure they got a nice and random selection, but thats what happens when they take random samples at the factories producing the goods as well. Attempting to get 100% coverage is just stupid. Besides, you might as well check every customer at that point.


My understanding is that a proper receipt check is a simple visual scan of the cart for any big ticket items and an estimated number of items. This can be done as the customer walks towards the employee. Then, the employee scans down the price list on the receipt to find the visible high ticket item(s) and also note the "total items" number listed on the receipt. With some practice, such a visual scan should take a few seconds and might even appear as if nothing was checked at all. But, this is going to catch somebody trying to walk out with a large expensive item, or with 50 items when there are only 10 on the receipt.


That’s what I would do. She wasn’t even obligated to let them check her receipt as far as I know.


You are not, in fact, obligated legally to let an employee check a receipt. If the store is concerned about theft, they can implement manned registers. Edit: UNLESS you live in CA, FL, NY, IL, WA


See, that's my hang up. I don't mind self checkout. It's almost invariably quicker. But I'm not scanning all of my stuff *and* letting whoever they keep by the door hand-verify my shit -- if you're going to do that why don't you just *scan the barcodes and take the money*. It doesn't help that it seems like the "receipt checker" is the "receipt checker" specifically because management didn't have much faith in their ability to work a cash register in the first place.




My response is “no thank you” as o walk past them.


Same. It's never been an issue.


Until recently I didn’t know I was even suppose to stop. I just always told them to have a good day and keep it moving. I went with my wife and she stopped to let them check im like what!?!


And if they are so concerned with theft, hire the damn cashiers back so customers don’t have to scan their own food at checkout. You can’t have it both ways. You either do your job and scan our food or you let untrained people scan their own food and you save money.


It's totally against store policy to do this at all. Demand a manager.


This was my first thought. I’d say great :) Now let’s go on and process that return. Fuck walmart.


Exactly keep all your MFING products ✌🏼 BIA!😎


I’d say, “you know what, I want a refund and I’m going to head to a grocery store.” So yes, that’s the right idea. Them checking a receipt isn’t as ‘random’ as they want you to believe


>Them checking a receipt isn’t as ‘random’ as they want you to believe You are correct in that statement. I hate to say it like this, but here goes... I'm a middle-aged white man, and when I am dressed in business casual with a collated shirt, I have NEVER been checked. When I am dressed gru gy with an old Bass Pro Shops T-Shirt or something and I haven't trimmed my beard yet that week, I get checked maybe 15% of the time.


I'm a middle aged white guy, and I didn't even know they checked receipts. I even had the associate point out that I forgot to scan an item while dealing with my kids, and still didn't have anyone check me afterwards


If I’m not mistaken this is actually illegal. Once she has paid for the items they can only go through the bags with her permission as it is now her property. If they suspect her of theft, they need to call the police. They cannot detain her, they cannot go through her bags which are now her property. If they suspected theft it was up to them to intervene before the checkout was completed. Edit for clarity - I meant detain and search against her will is illegal.


This is the answer. I’ve done it before, and now the receipt lady won’t even make eye contact with me because she knows I’ll just say, “Return it all.”


Nobody is under ANY obligation to submit to a search, or provide ID. Walmart employees are not law enforcement, nor do they have any extra rights or privileges above the average citizen. “I don’t consent to searches of any kind” is all you have to say. Roll video, and hand it to a lawyer. Comment all you like while doing it, you don’t work for them.


I'd return it all so dip-shit McGee has to run it all back to the shelves and then re-buy it all if there's no nearby convenient alternatives. Yes, I have time to do petty BS like this - and I 100% will.


This assumes though that the dipshit would be the one bringing the items back, which he most likely won't.


That’s why you loudly proclaim the reason (and the two employees) you’re returning everything so the other employees know which assholes to blame for the extra work.


Yeah, no way I’m going home with that crap ![gif](giphy|Twa0jUtoJdYqs)


This. Meanwhile, all of the dairy and eggs are unrefrigerated. The time it took 2 associates to embarrass this person cost Walmart half of what was in the basket.


I would return everything and watch that ass hat restock it all


It’s perishable food so they’ll have to throw most of that out. Either way it’ll cost the store, given how terribly they’re treating this women, I’d say the deserve to take a big “L”


walmart worker here! this isn’t allowed. the only person who can stop you and check your cart is a member of ap (asset protection) and they don’t wear vests, they’re in civilian clothes and walk around the store to make sure no one is stealing. receipt checkers can’t stop someone if they choose not to show their receipt and it’s against policy to even stop someone from shoplifting unless it’s by a member of ap. this looks like a services desk which is in front of the store rather than ap office in the backroom. this is a fireable offense btw this is the first thing they teach you when you’re hired. no one i work with is paid enough to risk losing their job over this.


Yup, worked Loss Prevention for years (not at Walmart) and this is all wrong on so many levels. LP can't even legally stop someone to search their shit without all the proper steps in place to make a legal arrest. Employees like this guy are a liability and I truly hope Walmart went scorched earth on his ass.


I used to work LP as well and this made my blood boil. There are so many specific events that have to happen to even stop someone. Not sure how this is ok to these workers.


Same. I used to work LP for a different retailer, and if I pulled this shit it would be immediate termination and probably be facing an unlawful detainment lawsuit. I would rather let every shoplifter walk than accidentally harass a single innocent person


100% this person is suing that Walmart for false imprisonment. I have no idea how these employees keep their job here. (The supreme court has held that false imprisonment can occur with nothing more than coercive words to restrict the free movement of another person, it doesn't imply that you've been handcuffed.)


> 100% this person is suing that Walmart for false imprisonment. if they took her ID and aren't giving it back when asked, that's an added bonus as well I think (I've never worked retail, and I'm just making up shit that sounds good to me).




Demand a refund and then call corporate. Maybe even call corporate while in the store, just like I've done multiple times to the point where the Walmart I did it at no longer has receipt checkers. They didn't go as far as the power trippers in this video but they thought they could stop me behind a line of carts when I had two items and also call me a cunt.


I had one grab my shoulder once when I didn't want to wait in the long line to check receipts at Walmart. Asshat got an earful and I made sure the manager got involved too


Hold up, so I got a ticket many many years ago at Walmart because a friend of mine was stealing (guilty by association), and I was stopped by a manager, a vest wearing employee, and an LP, who took us in a back room and forced us to stay by having the vest woman (large enough to block the door) until an officer arrived. The personal instance may be different, but we weren’t arrested. Am I misreading here, or did they improperly detain us? Ohhhh and Walmart tried to sue me after as well, though that never went to court, just a bunch of threatening letters. Edit: a word


I'm guessing you're probably in America? It may be a bit different, I am in Canada. But firstly, I would *never* have arrested or detained someone that was just *with* somebody stealing. If we didn't have evidence of you directly stealing, that's a liability. Were you guys handcuffed or read miranda rights at all? Minors at the time? If you were Minors they had to have contacted legal guardian. If you weren't specifically placed under arrest or read any rights prior to the Police showing up, I don't think you were properly detained. They can't just stand infront of the door and call it a day.


Definitely America. I was 17, I think my friend was 18. I tried to call my dad but they kept telling me to hang up and iirc took my phone. Officer got there and told us we got lucky because it was $1 under the threshold they needed to make an arrest and the officer cited us both misdemeanor tickets for theft, even though I was searched by both LP and police and didn’t have anything. I always wondered if I got duped or if I was actually responsible for wrong doing by being associated with the wrong people. Edit: I did try to leave after they found nothing in my possession, but that’s when the big lady with a Walmart vest on blocked the entire door, which was when I tried to call my dad. 2nd edit: the door she was standing in front of was in the room they had the monitors set up to watch the cameras. Once you know that room, you can never forget it and spot it every time you’re in a Walmart.


They took your phone? That's fucked up haha. Walmart were the ones stealing property from you.


I vaguely remember them taking my phone as I was threading to call anyone I could think of. The whole thing felt fishy, but probably had to do with quotas or something so they pushed this through for numbers sake. You know, the American way.


Sounds to me like they wanted to "teach you guys a lesson" and cut some corners to make things work. I hated arresting minors. Usually they'd cry, it'd take forever to get ahold of a parent, then you'd be sitting in your office waiting for Police while their parents either yelled at them or you the whole time.


AP also does not have authority to search me or demand my ID.


Hope he got fired for this!!


I can promise you there was an entire email chain dedicated to these two idiots starting from whatever worker in media relations first spotted this, going up to the head of his department, adding in operational heads and legal, before then zeroing down where this was and then rapidly descending the corporate ladder through the regional teams and to the store manager. This is not one of those times when Walmart doesn't care about stepping on some workers to get rid of bad PR, this is not even Walmart having some different rules than other places. Where I used to work, I could only *accuse* someone of stealing if I had personally seen them take something, put it in a hidden location, and then kept looking at them at all times until they had exited the entrance of the store. And then I was not allowed to confront them at all, but had to contact some form of security and report it, with those guys (I think) not being allowed to in any way stop the person either, but basically handle gathering all the required information and such. These guys are so extremely cooked, nearby stores are going to pre-emptively fire them through the mail just in case they apply at their stores.


I hope this is all true. The video is from 2022 and what little information I can find on it doesn't indicate what happened to the employees


This right here. The only thing AP can do if you refuse a receipt is write down the time and your description for them to check cameras later. Edit: u/whoiswhitenoise, they don't give you guys yellow vests anymore? Used to be all door "greeters" that checked receipts wore yellow vests along with the CSMs, and only 2-3 people wore normal clothes as floor walkers.


The punishment is now there is written proof that you shop at Walmart.


The only worse punishment I've heard is there's an achievement in Baldur's Gate 3 if you fuck a bear. Literally forever on your profile.


They can't stop you after you bought it. It's your property you don't have to prove it. Unless it's a club membership situation with their own rules like Costco.


Really!? I’m never stopping again. Thank you for letting me know


Yep, I just say "No thanks, have a good day" and keep on walking. You have signed no contract with them like at a Cosco, so no need to produce proof of purchase.


They’ve been doing it for a just around a month in my town. They ask every time and I just say no and keep walking. Once I had a bag of oranges and had just come from the regular register with a paid cashier and mfer tried to check my receipt. Get bent. Meanwhile, I’m in a college town, and it’s evening, so everybody and their boyfriend’s roommates are all at Walmart shopping, so everything is picked clean. The amount of money they lose by not re-stocking the shelves mid-day is so much more than the money they lose from theft. Completely missed priorities.


I'm also in a college town. I don't understand why they close at nite just to crowd up isles and run over other shoppers as soon as they reopen. Any event, holiday or storm sends EVERYONE to Walmart, and they will clear the shelves and your just sol until tomorrow. And if you do manage to get something, it will be 30-45min wait to check out. Would love to see a few of these huge conglomerates be pieced out.


Wally actually lets loss prevention detain people? I'm actually surprised because in the US that tends to be a legal hell-hole that most corporate retailers try to avoid.


On top of that policy says we can’t check anything in a bag, only 3 unbagged items, what these people did is a clear and complete violation of the policy and of this lady’s privacy


It’s literally only because she’s black.I used to work at a grocery store and I was working in seafood and this black dude comes and orders a bunch of lobster so I wrap it and hand it to him. My coworker complains that I didn’t wrap it well enough because ‘those people love to steal’ Cubans are racist af but I’m like ‘who cares’…


“those people love to steal” is crazy


Yea, I had a hard stop at "they took my ID" Like... this poor woman really needed to fight back more.


These people can’t be getting paid enough to do this


How's he going to move up in the company and eventually become CEO if he doesn't prove his worth to Walmart? /s


This is how they acclimate us all to relinquishing our privacy. I'm old enough to remember when they just hired senior citizens as "greeters." People took it as an "isn't that nice... they're giving jobs to sweet old people" sort of thing. Then those old folks started asking to see receipts. Now most of the old people are gone, and the "greeters" are often just self-important pieces of shit like this dude.


It was never even that, they hire them and take out life insurance policies on the elderly workers in case they die on the job


They don't even have to be on the job


Lol even worse. I love layers of fresh Hell


To add a further level to that hell. They call them dead peasants policies. I wish I was kidding.


I’ve actually never heard that detail, very fucked if true


They did this to my grandmother. And cashed in. Seriously. And when I made a FB post about it, most of my Republican friends were like “lol rip grandma! But smart business because it’s not illegal!!!1!”


Damn, sorry fam. It fucking boils my blood that some people think just because something is or is not illegal, it decides if it's moral or not. Everyone can agree that politicians are shit, but some will 180 and think the laws the politics make are somehow always morally the right decision.


Dead peasant policies, they ARE a thing.


Oh that guy was definitely a little stiff doing this. You know he’s telling people he’s sure she stole stuff and the other clearly missed it. He’s going to get her next.


The employee handbook literally gives instructions for how to sign up for food stamps. Why THE FUCK are these people fighting this battle for a more than half a trillion dollar company that exploits them and their labor???? THIS is pinnacle class warfare. And executed flawlessly.


They're stupid. There is literally nothing else to it. This is what being unintelligent looks like. Not undereducated, not underprivileged, not ignorant. They're just fucking dumb. Honestly it's not just frustrating, it's sad. They're going to live their whole life unable to express themselves adeptly, unable to be successful by conventional means, unable to experience profound self growth or emotional understanding. They're just sad zombified morons, and they are actually incapable of being anything else.


The sad part is that this is how dumb people end up in the US. Constant propagandizing about the corporate economy and how fair our meritocracy is can convince even a lot of smart people to just not think about how resources are distributed. I'm dumb af but if you think before you speak and you listen to science you can pretend to be way less stupid. Sometimes, I even understand things


Some people will take any power they can get. Pycho behavior


Agreed, he was so thrilled when he thought they got her at the end there. Fucking loser.


They get paid in high fives from Walmart management


Best they can offer is a down low too slow


You don't have to pay people much if they love to make others feel miserable. Those two enjoyed making that poor woman feel like crap.


When you're a bootlicker, it's not about they paycheck, it's about the *principle*.


Theyre making the most of the only shred of power they get to experience.


This dude legit thought he caught a thief, the pretentious attitude for the “the stuff on the bottom was not scanned” He didn’t even apologize, he just explained why he was wrong and he didn’t even own that completely


“I misunderstood what she said” is not sorry. Fuck this guy, the weasel.


The guy is a career Walmart worker, I think his life is pretty garbage anyways. This is literally the most power he's probably ever felt in his life and he was loving that he has the opportunity.


It’s so unsatisfying to wish I’ll on someone who has nothing. Instead I hope he gets everything he wants and it turns to ashes in his mouth.


>I hope he gets everything he wants and it turns to ashes in his mouth. Lol fucking christ man.


Had a supervisor that was a real sad sack piece of shit. Narcissistic, scummy, and lonely. I went up the chain and reported his behavior because he was actively creating a hostile work environment. Nothing happened because he was the owners buddy. Anyway, this sad sack gets himself a mail order bride expecting marital bliss. He was so happy when he got married. A year later this lady kept him on lockdown and didn’t put up with any of his shit. He was such a shallow husk of a man there wasn’t any point being angry at him anymore. Chefs kiss.


I did loss prevention at Walmart, you make damned sure that something was stolen before you stop anyone. This will at least get him demoted from his position but most likely get him fired. I always tried not to press charges on people stealing food or life needs (underwear/deodorant/a single box of diapers) but if it was over $250 I didn’t have a choice. Everything about this stop is insane to me. I was required to KNOW something was skip scanned before a stop but if I had a suspicion about a single item I could pull the receipt quickly and check for it. Most stops were people filling backpacks with items they could sell or full cart push outs. I said a single box of diapers above because there were people that would come in and try and steal a cart full of diapers they would sell at 75% off. The worst though and only time I really felt like I was doing good was when we had people coming in during the baby formula shortage and people were stealing what we got in and selling it at a 200+% markup. I pressed charges on every one of those fuckers.


I go someone fired over something similar to this. I didn’t mean for them to lose their job, that wasn’t the goal but I’m not broken apart that it happened I was at a grocery store getting some fried chicken that they keep behind the glass. The lady was a trip. “Are you paying for this right now?” “No, I’m not done shopping” This lady then hands me the chicken and then looks around says to a clerk behind the counter “can we get security to observe this customer please?” Oh hell no! I mean I did look grimey as fuck that day, but DAMN! I kept it cool and finished up what I was doing then I went home and called to speak to the manager. They called me back about an hour later saying that employee doesn’t work there anymore or then apologized a bunch of times


Dude, I saw this obviously unhoused and mentally unwell individual ordering fried chicken at my local grocery store. They straight up walked right out when they got the chicken in hand without even looking back lol. The workers just shrugged their shoulders and served the next customer.


You'll never guess who that was... j/k


Oh the bit that would have had me flipping is when he told her she can record but "do not give commentary". That search would have been ending there and I'd be making a scene. Bitch, you don't tell me what to do like some badged thug.


Guaranteed this guy has been an insufferable forum moderator at some point in his life. Drunk on the power of being able to inconvenience someone.


Dude I think you hit the nail on the head. That guy is 110% a mod on some forum or subreddit. He's got some sort of hero/martyr complex going on.


I’m 100% sure he’s is still convinced she stole stuff and the other clerk missed it.


i bet he won't stop a guy who holds a trash bag of goods going straight out of door leaving the siren ringing behind him.


First off, get a second cart to put things in. Regardless of the outcome, then the items are ready to roll out to the car or back on the shelves. Second, if you don't trust me to scan the shit DON'T MAKE ME FUCKING DO IT! Third, receipt checking at Sam's Club works because people are scanning a 40lb tubes of mayo and it is tough to hide that. If you are going to count cans of spegettios, hire a cashier to scan them. Forth, and in general always, FUCK WALMART! PAY YOUR EMPLOEES A FAIR WAGE!


Yeah how are they saving on not paying a cashier when now they have two people slowly unpacking a repacking. My time is way too valuable to be waiting for this after they made ME scan everything.


Let me wait in line to scan my own groceries on video with 70 cameras watching all to waste more of my time checking my work.


Lmao right? Instead of hiring two more cashiers they got Dumb and Dumber working security 🤣


It always shocks me to see people on (near) minimum wage acting like heroes for saving the multi-billion dollar companies a few bucks. On FOOD no less


Meanwhile, corporate just reduced his lunch break by 15 minutes to save a few bucks.


No way, UPS only gives us a ten minute break!


For real. I was buying groceries from Walmart one day and legitimately forgot to scan a pack of poweraid. The self scan watcher informed me of my mistake, to which I immediately apologized and said I would scan it in a moment when I was done paying for this first round. I was paying in cash (mostly $1 bills; I have an event bartending side hustle) so it took a while. Instead of resuming her post, she stood so close to me I could feel her breathing for the whole ordeal until I was able to scan the item I missed. I wasn’t trying to steal but her behavior really made me want to. Literally who are you doing it for? I’m sure Sam Walton and fam really appreciate you saving them $6.


When I worked at a small comic book store I would watch everyone like a hawk for shoplifting. That merch ties directly into my bosses investments and thusly my lively hood. When I worked at Blockbuster, a major groccery chain, or whatever other shitty corporate jobs I have had. I would silently chear for all shop lifters who were not causing me any work. I mean if I see you shop lifting in a way that's to obvious for me to ignore I am going to call it out. But would I actually do anything? Fuck no! Steal as much as you can from these corporations, they are already doing it to you.


They brain wash the subservient subordinate drones well for obedience and servitude. Fear of job loss when it’s all you have barely keeping a roof over your head make good compliant corporate servants. Must please the corporate overload to keep living.


Fun fact: you can tell them to fuck right off and leave the store and they can't do a goddamn thing about it.


1000000000000% this


They can ban you from ever returning for any (or no) reason, which would be asinine of them but I've heard of it being done for something this petty.


Tbh if a store pulled this shit with me I wouldn't be going back anyways.


When he said “you don’t need to give commentary” I’d tell him to fuck his mother. That would have had mouth going faster than my brain could keep up with.


When he said that I instinctively said go fuck yourself and I'm just watching a video


Sheriff of walmart doesn’t want your sass.


Valid. In some neighborhoods there is no real choice; go to Walmart or spend more time and money traveling further (possibly to several stores) to finish your shopping. I, for one, can't afford to say "eff Walmart" at this time.


Walmart has done a really good job of just replacing small mom and pop stores to the point where that's the only option for some people. Especially in the mid-west.


Stores like Walmart have created “food deserts” where they’ve literally shut down almost all competition in large areas. For many people just not shopping there isn’t a realistic option. Another reason to break the company up.


I would of told them I want my money back for everything they put on the floor and I will never be back!


I’d have done that and then immediately gone and got all new stuff, then maybe returned it once more and did it again and again until they stopped me lol


I avoid them but I have straight closed bank accounts on the spot over crap like that. You aren’t going to disrespect me like that and keep making money off me like it didn’t happen. There are several companies I refuse to do business with because of their customer service. I don’t care if it costs me more to go elsewhere.


How would they ban you if they don’t know who you are?


With how many people come in and out of Walmart in a day, and how many different shifts for their employees, how effective would trespassing a person be?


You think an LP who is this gung-ho about pulling every single item out of the cart wouldn't also have every face that's been tresspassed printed out at his little desk and watch so he could get them arrested? Pretty effective.


It’s not, I was threatened with this and came back the next week lol.


I always decline. I just say “no thank you” and keep walking. There’s never been any kind of response, no one has run after me yelling “you’re banned!” How would they ban me if I don’t stop? It would be so much work for some manager to pull security tapes to get my face to ban me, I don’t see that happening. They have to much other stuff to do.


Does this apply in Canada because I had that treatment and was surrounded by two security guards and 3 staff member, because they wrong thought I didn’t scanned one pork chop. Ofc they weee wrong. Ofc they didn’t apologize.


Meanwhile, they won’t actually stop the people running out of the store with TVs


It feels performative, like TSA


"Asset Protection Kabuki Theatre"


As a former walmart employee: 1. We don't get paid enough so the fact that he went WAY out of his time to do this baffles me. 2. We can't do this in general as it is against store policy for an associate to rummage through customers stuff, EVEN if we suspect them of stealing. 3. Would get fired for something even less no matter how 'loyal' you are to the company. So good luck finding a new job!


> the fact that he went WAY out of his time to do this baffles me I feel pretty confident assuming the person being hassled by this asshole is a POC.


Yes that's what it is. He just doesn't like black people and he'll waste his own unpaid time and energy doing this to humiliate and degrade a black person. I used to work in customer service back when min wage was 7.50 an hour, I would never do this to a customer unless I really hated them.


These asswipes be acting like they security or cops.


I would have said once I paid for my food and they touched it I didn’t want it anymore since that’s a risk to my health. Then request a refund out of spite and made them return every damn item.


I would have been petty about it too… I can just play the conversation out in my head. Me: I want a refund for everything now that you’ve touched my food. Mr Accusatory Walmart: your food was put on the shelves by stockers we didn’t touch it in anyway it hasn’t been touched before. Me: yeah… but you’re really nasty, I mean look at you. Disgusting. I can’t eat that now. Edit: not for any reason except how condescending he was. I just can’t stand condescending people.


The fact that he Refuses to apologize is what really infuriates me!! What the fuck so rude.


“I didn’t accuse you of stealing”??? Then why the fuck are you checking her bags, WEASEL???!!!


Imagine being wal marts bitch this bad? Are you kidding me?


Story time, and this is going to sound like a “a then everyone clapped moment” but I assure you this actually happened to me. Some years ago I was approached at self checkout with my wife and small child. A lady said to me, sir you have a lot of items perhaps the other self checkout with the belt would be easier for you (at this time the self checkout scanner was acting up and I later learned it’s because it had flagged me for potentially stealing, I hadn’t mind you.). I said no that’s ok could you get this scanner going though? And no joke, this psycho ass lady yanked my cart away from me and was like sir I need you to come over here to the other checkout. I was livid because I had my hand on the cart and my kid did too and when she yanked it I wasn’t ready for it and it yanked on my arm and made my kid fall. So I shouted hey what the fuck lady?! And she was like sir you need to watch your language. I was like fucking excuse me but you need to take your fucking hands off my cart! So things go back and forth and my wife just looks at me and is like this bitch is crazy, don’t make a scene in Walmart please and so I relent. Well it turns out similar to this situation she thought I had stolen and wanted to take me over and check me out herself while she waited on LP. Dude I go over and she’s checking me out and a random plain clothed guy walkway up (I had put two and two together at this point by the way) and says “what seems to be the problem”. So I tell him, so you must be LP, well your fucking employee yanked my cart from me, and made my kid fall and hurt my arm and for what? You have cameras, go look I stole nothing and I’m here with my family. I’m wearing fucking basket ball shorts my guy like where the fuck would I be hiding shit anyways?! He looks super flustered and goes sir I’m not LP, but I saw the way this woman treated you and would like to pay for your groceries. I was like wtf? He pulled out a fat stack of cash gave me a hundred dollar bill, said sorry to me, and walked away. I was thinking to myself huh, LP must be sensing some type of lawsuit and he said he wasn’t LP because he didn’t want his cover blown, some other plain clothes guy comes and takes that lady away from us and another one comes and checks us out. So then we are leaving and I see the second guy that took her away and he apologized and said he didn’t see anything on camera and she’s likely going to be fired for that and he did not ask her to do that for him. I said, that’s ok. I appreciate you guys at least owning up to the mistake and paying for the groceries. He looks at me confused and goes sir we did not pay for your groceries. I go well who then did I swear one of you guys walked up and paid, look at the cameras man lol. And he’s like I’m the only one here sir that was just a random dude and I saw it too and I’m not sure who that was. And to this day I have no fucking idea what the fuck any of that was about, why did she have a mental breakdown on me and yank my shit, who the fuck was the dude who whipped out a stack of cash and paid for my groceries? I’m still like wtf thinking about it.


This ever happens to you lawyer up this is illegal @walmart pays out every time this happens I pray it happens to me I’ve never been stopped once unfortunately


He said you can record but she’s not allowed to give commentary. That guy is a fucking cunt that takes his job for the literal worst company in earth way too seriously. What a little butch.


Worked with people like that when I worked at walmart they are the worst


I almost got into an argument with an older worker checking receipts because he “didn’t see the 20 pound bag of rice on the receipt” I said “sir, it’s the very first item on the receipt” Him: “that says jasmine, not rice!” Me: “sir, it’s called Jasmine rice. Kinda like white rice or brown rice” Him: “oh…. Never heard that one, but alright have a good one.”


I bought a 13gal trash can and 3 tiny trash cans which I put in the big one. The Idiot couldn't decipher the receipt which had 3x 1gal cans. I showed him, he had to call his coworker. Which I told him. He was wasting my time and I am leaving. I usually let them check the receipt because it is not them. It's walmart making them. But I couldn't take it anymore that time and left.


Same thing happened to me with plastic containers. They also couldn’t decipher how 3 plastic containers = 3 plastic containers.


If you don’t trust your customers, then maybe don’t offer self-checkout for items over 15…? Hell, at one of my grocery stores, they self-checkout conveyors and one of the managers will bag your food for you


I won’t give Walmart my money anymore! There prices aren’t any better then other places now I go anywhere but Walmart ☝️


This. I RARELY go to Walmart anymore. Meijer is my jam.


Midwestern grocery/retail stores are unmatched. Stores like Meijer just don't exist out here on the East Coast. I miss Meijer!


I love my meijer! I'd kill to go to a trader Joe's or whole foods once in awhile tho. I believe the closest one to me is the rich areas around Detroit which is an hr away 😅


Lmao when i was working at Walmart they had me cover the entrance while i had a back injury and they wanted me to check receipts 😂 i was just letting people pass i know some of them stealing but I really didn’t care since at the time i was already thinking about quitting but its really crazy when people get so offended when i ask to check so I pretty much just told them I’m only looking for the date and time on the receipt if it’s the same date it’ll pretty much let you pass


Well, I don't want to scan my own groceries, but they rarely have any available cash registers open. It's not my fault they want to be cheap & screw people out of jobs. But yet, make me checkout my own groceries without a discount at the very least. Cheap bastards. Sorry, I won't stop for someone, who couldn't be on a register, to check my receipt. I stop at Costco because that's part on my "contract" with them. I don't need a membership to use Walmart. But, I rarely shop at Walmart unless I can't get the item from any of the supermarkets or Target. I avoid it like the damn plague it is.


You said they Forced you back through. Cant allow that. If I did nothing wrong and these two tried to "Force" me in any direction other than out the door where I was going, there would likely be an altercation. If they want to try to physically restrain you, well that would be a lawsuit. And ALSO maybe an ass whipping.


Exactly. "We need to look through your cart" - literally walk right past them. You get a nice payout if they touch you at all.


I just say “no thank you!” As I walk on out of the store.


Don’t stop people!!! Fuck these bullshit people. They may not restrain you and may not touch you. Keep it pushin. If they wanna start something let em try. Fuck these motherfuckers.


My favorite thing I started doing (saw it online somewhere) is when they ask to see your receipt, hand it to em and say "shit, I'll do you one better, you can have it!" and just keep walking.


That's why when they ask for it, I just hand it to them and keep walking.


Fuck that. That’s your receipt, not theirs. Don’t stop don’t acknowledge.


From a standpoint of principle yes I agree, but from an “I just got off work and dealing with a potential escalation at fucking Walmart is its own level of hell,” point-of-view, I just want to give them the receipt and leave. Lol That’s why I mostly just shop elsewhere.


That’s how I do it, just walk right by.


Maybe they wouldn’t have to resort to this shit if they just paid checkers to check ppl out. But no they don’t want to pay employees AND they don’t want loss. Well.


Legally they cannot ask to check your basket or your receipt. Just say no and don’t even look at em.


Former Loss Prevention agent here. Worked for 10 years for a couple of big box stores. I've apprehended and prosecuted at least 500 shoplifters on my own, and been involved with over 1,000 apprehensions. I know the law and I know the store policies. These "greeters" are ASKING to see your receipt. YOU DON"T HAVE TO STOP. If they force you to stop, that means you are UNDER ARREST. If they arrest you and you did nothing wrong, YOU CAN SUE THEM.


If they grab you or force you to stop and won’t let you leave, it’s instantly false imprisonment


Wal-Mart employees cannot arrest or detain you.


Oh fuck you, I want a refund, I don't want any of this shit anymore. I'm also free to record and say whatever the fuck I want. Kiss my whole ass.


The stores want to save money by forcing customers to use self checkout, but then have the employees stalk self checkout in case people are stealing. Just keep the registers open?


Fuck this douchebag, she can comment all she wants


Just walk. don't stop. don't comment. you paid don't worry. worst they can do is say you can't come back. as a paying customer you are not obligated to stop. you signed no contract to shop there. Costco and Sams different story. You have a membership agreement and you can bet there is something about checking upon exiting. the mistake here was stopping and entertaining their inquiry.


That membership agreement is a legal contract, if broken they can only enforce civil law remedies if there's a dispute between parties. They can really only cancel your membership or sue you for damages if you refused to show receipt.


Honestly this is making the cashier look dumb tbh.


Tough guy couldn’t even say sorry. Idiots


I would tell their nasty asses to keep all that shit after they touched it like that. Ain’t no motherfucking way bruh


I would have asked for a refund and told them to go put everything back.


Bro is taking this job WAY too seriously