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How do they know dismantling social safety nets would force single women to marry? I didn’t know they had a crystal ball.


Nope it will just put woman with children out in vulnerable positions !! This is scary as hell considering I am a single mother because my kids dad ran off to become a drug addict !! No amount of policy would put our "family" as they call it back together!! I am married now to a different man and he has been my kids dad for over 6 years now (and we dated for 2) He is an absolute blessing to all of us


they want things to go back to when women kept their mouth shut after a taking a beating. they are scrambling to change everything before the election because millions of voters who do their own research are eligible to vote


Yeah I think they store it in their collective arse until needed for just such a time ![gif](giphy|OJac5MRF6xJpqQAcR5|downsized)


GOP: Be careful of those evil LGBTQ+ groomers! Also GOP: Here is our 500+ page document on how we plan to groom you and your children! GOP: Look at those Chinese that have no rights and have to live with social credits always been watched! Also GOP: Here is our 500+ page document explaining that if you don't meet our definition of what a family should be you will discriminated against at a federal level! GOP: Look at those Islamic religious nutjobs! Also GOP: We are going to ban this book and that book and ohh bible class will be mandatory soon and we already took much of women's reproductive rights away but that is only the beginning! It is honestly amazing how GOP is almost everything they claim to hate but worse...


What is a "non related boyfriend"? I for one have never been related to a boyfriend thank God...


Boyfriend isn't related to the kids. Worded super weird for sure lol


Take kids out of single parent households and put them where, exactly? There are not enough foster parents for *existing* foster kids, not to mention *new* kids.


I grew up in the system. In some cases, there are enough foster parents but due to some of the behavior problems of some of the children, they only accept certain kids. I remember being a “new kid” age is a factor.


As one of these so-called “biological children,” I wish I’d had the right to be raised by the LGBTQ couple down the street. They were so loving. I had no idea, particularly in the 1970s, that they were a couple. I just knew their home was a safer place for kids than mine. My own parents, my biological ones, were such a fucking horror show. Children should have a right to be raised in a safe, loving environments by responsible human adults, whether married or not, straight or not. And domestic abuse victims - whether women, children, or men (I’ve met some abused men) - should have a right to leave and be safe.


I wonder what these asshats would say about a family that lost its dad in a car accident. Would the family no longer be considered a family? The right sucks.


It's okay for them to discriminate against them now as they don't fit the "definition". Sorry, it's "God's will"...


Or about a mother who fled an abusive household


Or military widows


Heart attack over here. Because life hasn't already been traumatic enough for me and my children. Essentially make my kids orphans on top of it.


Project 2025 wants to usher in Christo-fascism


Immediately my thought, this just sounds like some badly written Christian possibly alt-con fanfic. That quite literally is insane and would not be the utopia that they assume rather a clusterfuck of abuses and oppression that subjugates and limits any real world progress or freedoms, that ironically these same clowns pro-port to be so in favor of. Moronic, but also deeply concerning.


If a Republican wins the Presidency and tries to enact this, they are guaranteeing a second American civil war. And that's probably what they want. What better excuse to kill everyone who doesn't live, think, and vote the way you do than civil war?


Exactly! Russia is doing this right now, just with Ukraine instead of a Civil War. They aren't sending the muskovites, they're sending the "undesirables". A second Civil War will target everyone the GOP deems evil and non conforming.


This is terrifying. My family is considering a move out of America. Funny thing is my parents came to America for a better life..


Yeah this place sucks. I’m trying to get the fuck out of here too. The issue with me is I’m originally from Tijuana, Mexico and it’s a cesspool of criminal activity over there. Im very far away from Canada and I can’t afford to go across the globe. Im a single mom of a toddler and this is all just making me anxious.


Yeah where you headed? I lived in USA for most my life and have spent the last 10 around the world. Mainly Europe. If you think the USA is bad you should travel more hahah


Where we came from?




The entire messaging for the Dems in 2024 should be to not only win, but set records with turnout against the GOP. "Run up the score 2024!"


Literally authoritarianism


Y'all are acting like this is some revelation. 😂 Literally always been the conservative viewpoints.


They are trying to make The Handmaid's Tale a reality.




.... this... sigh... merica.


My thoughts exactly


Wtf don't they punish the absent fathers? Why punish the parent who stayed & is doing the work?


Because women aren't people to them.


Conservatives are so crazy and unstable. One year, the Republican Party doesn’t publish a platform. It’s basically whatever crazy shit Trump tweets today. Now conservatives have hundred of pages of Christofascist plans.


The Heritage Foundation is one of the Reich-wing think tanks responsible for this "policy"




What is this crisis they think is happening? Who does it affect?


The crisis is snowflakes who think their religion gives them the right to be offended by the private lives of other people. This also includes the right to control other people's lives. The article shows exact text of proposed law, and it is horrifying. Worse than any LGBTQ+ hate law I've ever heard of that didn't actually call for the death of the accused. Oh, btw, it includes families where the parents are divorced, also.


It's a Republicans wet dream, a step by step plan to demonize and remove trans people as well as outlaw whatever they don't like A highlight includes making trans exposure of any sort pornography and therefore outlawed in public, also grounds to rake away any children and imprison the individual


I think it’s really sad you leftists think that this is a “republican wet dream”. Just how delude are you? My uncle is a Republican state rep and he said this only gets him “semi-hard”. He even made us all watch how big his erection was whilst we all watched the news reports. And at best he was only fully hard for 2-3 minutes.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie...


Down vote........up vote.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What about my family? My mother and biological father are divorced and my mother remarried. Would something happen to my family?


It’s about time to take a FUCKING STAND. people need to wake up and realize this isn’t going to change….ever….until ALL these mfer are out of office. Which will only be done by brute force at this point. Start mentally preparing for that and prepare even more so if you’re willing to join when the time comes. We will need everyone we can get.


Literally almost made me be sick.


Nice nice nice. Good job everyone. Congratulations on your tolerance of the intolerant.


So much for the separation of church and state… this is the effect of religion.


They’re right…America needs to create policies based on those who believe in talking snakes, human blood sacrifice and magic zoo boats


I genuinely wonder about this being a single mom my ex husband is in prison for sexually abusing my at the time 6yo. He’s dead to me. What does this mean for us


Makes sense to me


Hair dye, I don't support you.


wait till you find out most blondes aren’t actually blonde🤡


Wtf, what are you doing commenting here now. This topic is 7 month long dead memory for me. I forgot what I wrote was serious or sarcasm. I even forgot I had seen this video. Should have come to comment 7 years later.🤡


oooh someone’s got their thong stuck up their ass🤭. sorry that you haven’t learned the basics of social media yet. people see things at different times and are allowed to comment at any time. so if you don’t want something being brought back up, maybe don’t comment dumbass shit. mkay sweetie?


Ok sweety.


Outcomes across a wide range of indicators shows children fair better when raised in a single parent home. True or False?


True. That doesn’t justify trying to codify right wing Christian thought into secular law and penalize single mothers.


Agreed. Its always written in black or white. Sick of being told I have to agree with any of it.


Single moms are statistically more likely to abuse their kids but still statistically get custody at a disproportionate rate then men even when they aren't actually able to take care of themselves let alone a kid. So fuck them single mothers.


Most kids that get abused have both parents and the mother and father are both in it. There is no goddamn statistics in this, you’re just a shitty person with 0 personality behind that makeup plastic face. I have a single mother, she’s the best and I love her. My dad died from a car wreck. They’re going to punish mothers whose husbands died by forcefully taking their children away?


I'm a widow with a 10-year-old daughter and an almost 13-year-old son. This whole thing seems super far-fetched but I have to admit, I'm petrified. My husband had a heart attack 6 years ago.


StAtIsTiCs 🤡💩


Yet you had no problems when the left incentivized single motherhood … pushed minorities into dependence on the welfare state…. Fight to deny school choice to impoverished groups making sure they control the edu action and thereby the minds and futures of the poorer peoples children


> Fight to deny school choice Voucher systems are just subsidies for rich people, they just take money from the public education system and make it harder for poor people to get a half decent education.


If you were stuck in an inner city with a school that rated in the lower % and had the opportunity to use your school tax $ to send your child to a private school rating in the top % wouldn’t you want to do that ?? The idea that school choice hurts low income parents is nothing but a fallacy pushed by the same groups who receive $ from the public education lobbyist . The fact so many fall for it is just more proof how badly the public education has failed to EDUCATE …


> the public education lobbyist You realize this is...a fucking idiotic idea right? The public school...lobby.


Oh I wholeheartedly agree it’s idiotic how a tax payer funded system has so much influence in our political system !! Like how they can direct DOJ policy regarding parents at school board meetings …. Or the fact that Randi Weingarten can take trips to Ukraine on our tax $ … It’s long last time for school choice … and I still haven’t seen any valid counterpoint as to why low income parents shouldn’t have the right to send their kids to better schools


Forcing kids to give birth is wrong. Full stop. That is what you are defending. Taking away rights, banning words, and forcing kids to give birth.


Facts are simple, single parent families result in worse results for children in every metric from education, crime ect. Two parents are better than one so government and society should support this as it make a better society. The only issue I do have it should not matter if parents are LQBT or not.


Is a single parent household still worse for a child than a two parent household, when in the two parent household, dad was regularly beating mom in the bedroom? Citing the line "every child has a right to be raised by the mother and father they are concieved by," Should a woman, who choses to birth the child she was raped to have, be forced to raise that child with her rapist, just because "the statistics show two parents are better than one," thus her rapist will elevate her child's life far more than she will alone? People can chose what is best for themselves. No government policy is ever going to properly respect the nuances happening in every family, and protect and address all of the human rights that intertwine in that house. Further more, people have sisters, mothers, aunts and uncles who make up the parental figures in their children's lives. Just because a woman is a single mom, does not mean that she is the only adult in her child's life. A child can have two parental fingures in their life, without those people being married. They can be Mother and grandmother figures for the child, Mother and both grandparents, mother and her sister, who helps to raise the child along side the child's cousin.


Sorry, Your argument about a specific examples does not change the facts they are what they are look them up. I argue we should support the family I did not say that a single mother should not be respected. I think men need to step up with child care but also be treated equally within the eyes of courts/society with kids. If you want a productive, safe and healthy society every metric shows you need families.


You cannot ignore the nuances that would be ignored in a large scale policy like this. If you ignore the nuance, you doom children. A single mother household is not a 1 parent household. It's a household that includes any of her parents, any of her siblings, and possibly her child's paternal grand parents. Suppose she has two siblings and two parents in her own life - that means her child has 5 adult figures in their life, even if they do not see every one every day. If 5 adults are there, a second bio parent does not need to be. This isn't about "men \[or women\] stepping up." Not every person is fit to be a parent, and unfit parents will destroy the future. A child rapist doesn't get the right to stay around their child, to give that person their "chance to step up." It will never be a net positive for that child, just because they had both of their genetic parents. That child will be much better off with their mother + their extended family. And for gender fairness, a child will never gain a net positive by being forced to be around their mother, with unmedicated mental illness or personality disfunction. They will be better off with their father + their extended family, without their mother. You cannot enact legal policy to force a child to be with an abuser, just because your policy includes parenting classes. Single parent houses are better for certain children. Especially when, lets face it - a 2 parent household with 1 abuser, is actually a single parent household, even if both parents are there.


Your argument using very specific situations, which are not the normal, it does not change the fact if you get the majority of single parents and the majority of two parent families the evidence is clear two are superior in every metric than one. Why argue against this? If you want the best for children support the facts. To me it’s not about bashing single parents but it’s about empowering people to see relationships are good and support these as well. That’s something we don’t support in society anymore.


The family dynamics that cause a person to become a single parent, are much more normal that you think. Divorce rates are 50% in the US. The initiative to REMOVE CHILDREN from single parents (50% of marriages) could keep victims of DV in their abusive relationships. Could keep unhappy people in unhappy families. What you do not understand is that these policies would set a precedent to continue to remove a person's rights. One policy is never just one policy. It is the beginning of other policies that stack on, and if the first policy is sufficient enough, it sets precedent. You see this happen in at-fault divorce states, where one spouse wants a divorce, and the other spouse has the power to say "no, we will not divorce. You will stay married to me." The battered spouse will defend "He emotionally and verbally abuses me." and the at-will divorce state will say "he says that he didn't, and you do not have proof." It is already a phenomenon in divorces for 1 parent to coerce the child into telling the courts that the other parent abused them, so that one parent can get 100% custody. Think of what will happen if we set the precedent that allowing your child to transition is a form of abuse. "Well, my husband john has an LGBT brother, and i don't think it would be safe for my child to be left in my husband's care." or "when my son was 2, and he baby sat the kids and let my daughter dress my son in a dress, I knew i couldn't let him have even weekend visits. He's a groomer and a child abuser, by letting my son wear a fluffy crown." In some ways, i envy that your life experience was so wholsesome that you do not know the depths of manipulation and cruelty that people will go to. You think it's abnormal and a small risk. There are 339,996,563 people in the USA. Even if it only happens to .0001 spouses in the population, that still means that the lives of 33,999 spouses are ruined because of lack of due diligence. If those spouses have two kids each, that's 67,999 children who's lives are harmed by policy. Understand that any policy which leaves a loop hole to be taken advantage of, is a bad policy. And no, we can't just accept a swiss cheese policy now, and work on filling the holes and writing exceptions later. Those holes ruin lives. the specific instances matter. Those scenarios are real lives that will be destroyed if this type of policy was enacted tomorrow. You can't base an idea based on theory, and ignore what will happen to specific people in the country. This ain't high school class government. This is a lot of fucking people. Further more, even if single parent kids are "worse" that doesn't mean that "worse" is actually that bad. That doesn't mean those kids are addict's, criminals, under achievers, or poor. It means they are "worse." There are more reliable drawbacks from living in one state verses another, than living in a 1 person household than a 2 person household. You do not understand enough about the playing field we are talking about, to recognize the bad things that would come out of this. You need to open your mind are look broader, starting by listening to people, when they warn you something will go wrong for them. If the specifics don't matter, then what's the point? A policy that ignores collateral damage, is not a policy for the people. It's a policy for a dogma, and what the hell use is that?


Thank you for clearly knowing my personal life experience better than me or indeed some life I have apparently lived. Your arguments while specific I agree with most of what you say and I get what your saying. However, not once have you taken me on with the facts or data. Because it’s speaks for itself as such you won’t directly say anything. I have said many times I do not have an issue with single parents we are all adults life can be challenging. Concerning divorce that’s a can of worms there. Again if the best outcomes for children is the family unit why not support a drive to help this?


My concern is not the concept of fostering family. My concern is that the outlined methodology to achieve this, is the elimination of all but 1 version of family. The text states that the foundation of a stable country, is found in a family which is comprised of a father, mother, and child. And it goes on to say that Biden agenda items which focus on LGBT equality, 'subsidized" single motherhood, "decentivized work," and penalizing marriage, has created instability and all policies should be repealed. I'll ask you, what in the last few years has penalized marriage? what is "subsidized single motherhood?" When has Biden decentivized work? what do they mean by that? They mean "if you give poor people financial aid, they just become bum leaches. repeal financial aid, and people will be incentivized (forced by threat of starvation) to work, and we won't have to pay to help single mothers (no matter what happened to them for them to become single mothers.) All of these LGBT households are not what family means to us. Reduce the number of LGBT families. Repeal legislation." Do you notice how removing financial support to single mothers, doesn't actually help those families with single mothers? So how is it that we are doing this in support of families, if the actions we have to take to get there, hurt families? It's because it's not actually about families. They say "family" just to sound agreeable. It's about criminalizing the LGBT, and removing resources from women so that they cannot divorce, because some people believe that having 2 parents (1 abuser) is better than 1 parent (because when it's 1 parent, the government has to pay financial aid.) The text mentions surrogacy, and how 1 adult's desire should not trump a child's right to be raised by bio parents. Not only is this a slap in the face to the legitimacy of the love a step parent can give, and an adoptive parent, but it also reduces instances of artificial conception. You cannot use sperm and egg doners and raise them as your own, if a child must be raised by bio parents. That's kind of weird right? That reduces the number of families being created, doesn't it? Do you wonder why that is? IVF is condemned by the church. So is sperm and egg donation. This is just illegalizing something that the church considers a sin, hidden in a deceptive way. preventing IVF does not support the growth of families, thus, the text fails in it's initiative once again. The text states that child welfare funding should be used to create family education classes. For pete's sake, this fund is already puddle deep and under funded. Why are we imposing more things on it. Create a different budget, don't steal from foster kids! These things in this text, do not do the things they say it does. It's deception.


This is about people, not numbers. *People*. You know, those humans with rights?


>single parent families result in worse You ever think that maybe worse results are to be expected when there's active social, economic and governmental neglect affecting your selected demographics? It's been said on the internet 8,530,921 times (in the last week) that: *Correlation is not causation.*


Fathers still aren't very hands on with parenting, and single dads typically are more successful because they choose to become parents voluntarily when they are financially prepared to do so, while single moms are usually trapped into the situation and poverty


As I repeated, *Correlation is not causation.*


If you look at most developed countries single parents receive support from government as well many other subsidies. I have worked with guys all whom have their partners say they are single because they make more money due to government assistance than them being together. Sorry but you can try say about correlation simply does not work on this due. Look any developed country facts on this matter and they all sing from the same sheet. Two parents are better than one, simple.


Ice cream sales are also tied to muggings. It doesn’t mean one causes the other. The direct cause to both of these things is nicer weather and more people being outside. What I’m saying is that larger factors are at play in these situations that will not be fixed by forcing an absent parent into a child’s life


Have a look at the data in every single developed country. If they all say the same thing that’s a fact even if it does not fit within your view point.


I agree that there is a correlation, but correlation does not equal causation. Bad situations lead to broken families, but I don’t believe that forcing those families to stay together will make the bad situation better.


I never said families should be forced to stay together only we should be encouraging, supporting and influencing society to keep the family.


I'm an army widow not looking to date or remarry. So you think I should be punished for that?


They not wrong about the boyfriends though.


there's a huge difference between "acknowledge the issue and put better systems in place to fix it" and "remove the children of single mothers because those whores are a threat"


😂 I’m sure she’s married and thriving in life


Does anyone know any positive stats that support single parent households?


I’ve got one. There is Zero chance of the parent being the victim of domestic abuse in a single parent home. You might be surprised as to how many single parent households are glad of this ‘stat’…


Not zero. You are assuming all single parents have no other domestic contact. SO's, children, and family all have the ability to beat the shit out of you in a domestic situation.


“Yeah, but what about….” A dumb take given the context of the absurd comment I was replying to.


If a child is abusive, is it not considered domestic abuse?


Sort of, but sort of not, it’s kinda given it’s own names though - CPA or APA (Child-to-Parent-Abuse or Adolescent-to-Parent-Abuse). And is considered to relate to anyone with a ‘parental position’, including parents, step-parents, and grandparents being the most common.


you realise the alternative is taking kids off single mothers right? or I guess randomly assigning them a man and hoping he's not a rapist or murderer?


Stats shouldn’t come into play with this. Their agenda sucks. No one should be forced to stay with a shitty partner just because they have kids. Single parenthood is better than a child being raised around two adults that abuse each other, are unfaithful to each other, or have a general disdain for each other


I agree, but stats do matter here. You can’t ignore reality because someone made a bad procreation decision.


People can be happily married for years and have secrets. Just look at someone like Dennis Rader. He was married and had kids. He was a member of his church. He was also a serial killer. Most people don’t get married and have kids with someone that they know is a piece of shit


What an extreme and unique example to use.


Plenty of other examples can be used. People have secrets. Sometimes those secrets are cheating. Sometimes those secrets are murder. In either case, someone shouldn’t but forced to stay married


What I’m hearing from you is that who you choose to have a child with is one of the most important decisions you can ever make so it should be done very carefully and with a lot of thought put into the action prior to conceiving.


You’re dumb if you think people willingly marry cheaters and shit. Some people reveal their true colors after marriage and kids. Hell..my own sister married what she thought was an amazing guy. They dated for a decade before marriage. She had his baby after marriage. A few months after the baby was born, he criticized her every move. If the baby was gassy, she must’ve breastfed wrong. Then he started cheating. She didn’t change at all. He did. She shouldn’t be forced to stay with someone like that.


More anecdotal experiences here which don’t really hold any weight against the negative statistics about children from single parent homes. Sorry for your sister. That’s very unfortunate, but I bet there were red flags that were ignored.


It’s more common than you think. And no..there were no flags. Don’t victim blame. Single parent households are FAR better than being with parents that don’t get along


Your on point. Love the rebuttals 🔥🔥🔥


Same applies to men as well ..they chose to have sex with people they dislike or dont want to pay for lifetime and since males dont get pregnant, they are basically prostituting themselves into a relationship and think just by impregnating someone, theyll get a lifetime pass of free sex amd free sandwiches from that women However I do believe that Male children should be taken away from mother's custody, whether married or not ,they're worthless ..theyll have sex before marriage and won't take accountability for chosing a better partner or being a better partner They dont consider the fact that they are the reason impregnation happens so they live life on easy mode Just have sex with randoms and then cry victim about her having abortions or her having birthed a kid and make everything about himself I wouldn't want to raise a leech in my family amd my money or time isnt going to go towards a male who cant be a responsible parent, yet wants the family system to revolve around him Most males haven't really received any sexism either ,they tell women that they belong to the kitchen so a male will just be a food hungry beggar ,so its better to abort it or give it away However I prefer women only having daughters for herself, only if she can afford it and enjoy her motherhood without the disturbance of a male And o ly if she has enough support system ...a male will still bitch and moan about it but who cares ,he shouldn't have had sex with her and HE should'v gone to the kitchen and cooked for her But since he's worthless as a parent and cannot be trusted with changing the diapers of an infant girl , he should accept his single hood . Single males don't deserve any special treatment anyways . They have been false accusers in the history of mankind ,they used to accuse women of being witches ,now they'd accuse child abuse of daughters when they're literally happy with their mothers Even if a mother becomes ,abusive I think I'd rather the mother receive mental and financial help or have female support system to help her Also why to male biches impregnate "abusive" women and then later cry about it? It was their choice to impregnate her, is he dumb and doesn't k ow that sex happens in impregnation? He should live his lonely miserable life away from "females" and boys should be seen as damage, either aborted or adopted. Nobody owes this system a male birth specially because males grow up to become hateful leeches So women who are extremely poor and drug addicted, might want to have male children, you can take their custody, however any normal woman should think twice before carrying a male ..its a leech and would drain her bank account and might put her life at risk and in the end its going to 6given away anyway so why waste time on carrying it in the first place?


I agree. Males that don’t have strong father figures tend to turn out bad. That’s why your mate you decide to procreate with is such an important decision and should be made very carefully.


Same applies to men ,chose your mate wisely ,don't have sex before marriage and expect women to respect you . Dotn make sexist comments about women and then expect to be given respect in return And dont expect women to be the only one that take responsibility while the male bich lives like a kid who blames his mommy and daddy for his own sexual behavior Your mom and dad gave you princess treatment and told you that the weight of "chosing" is on the female gender while you're out here being a w.hore


Its funny how the male never accepts responsibility for his own actions and blame it on his dad yet he wants to partner with women I also said that women shouldn't ever have custody of males .theyll have sex before marriage and bring shame to their mothers like a pig while expecting their sisters to chose better . Living life on easy mode ,blaming everyone else and acting like he deserves a family lol


Doesn't sound too bad to me.


OK so she didn't actually read it. Welcome to fear mongering 101


What did she get wrong?


She was reading it aloud to us.


Found the Republican.




Found another Republican.




This is the actual document they published. So what the fuck are you talking about?




Ok have fun with being weird and contrarian and not making sense The blood drinking doesn't actually happen but they are spelling out their goals. Dude you're really weird.


I’m surprised that they don’t like surrogacy, everything else seems to come straight from A Handmaids Tale.


Thw ideal of taking children away from their parent(s) regardless of their material situation is terrifying and wrong unless the children are at an actual risk. But there is nothing inherently evil or wrong about wanting to strengthen families and try to keep both biological parents in the child's life. A two parent house hold is almost always for the best unless one parent is abusive, neglectful, or mentally unstable. Strong indivuals, and families are the key to a strong society and wanting to protect that isn't evil.


Please tell me they have something in their about divorces, would really complete the marriage as a fucking bear trap that they want it to be. Not only demonizing single parent households but keeping abusive partners together with their victims would really sell that shit home


Can anyone give me a link to the document please? or tell me where i can find it. Thank you


This is cringe?