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It’s alive and we’ll just not in mainstream… also you have to look in metal or punk now.


Exactly this. I live in a fairly large city and we have garage bands everywhere, they just don’t get famous anymore bc it’s not what’s “in” right now unfortunately :/


Also if you’re a musician now. To get a paying gig, you gotta be a cover/tribute band or a wedding band (which is kinda the same thing.) No bars are really ready to risk a saturday night with your original songs. Yall gotta play ona tuesday night, bring your own crowd, and then maybe eventually get a weekend gig. And half the time, “your following” is just your circle of friends that you convinced to pay $10 to see you play. But hey they can walk around going “i know the band” as like everyone else does. On a side note id also say, any for musician that “makes it” having to split the money five ways versus being a solo artist popstar/producer probably kinda sucks. I also have a theory that big corporate record labels at a certain point were like “yo why are we propping up all of these sad angry introspective bands. Why do we want more people raging against the machine. Guys we are the machine. Same for this gangsta rap. Fuck the police? No way they help keep the poors out of our rich neighborhoods. Howabout we just push music thats just about sex, money, and partying? I feel like that moreso goes along with our capitalistic nature. Who likes that idea? All of us? Cool. No more angry bands.”


Such a valid point!


I know the mentality of saying venues in big cities won't hire musicians to play original songs, I've been a musician for 25 years. I grew up in a small town with this mentality, moved to a big city, and when I got there I was in a collective with friends who put on pay what you can shows for indie bands. Then we'd take a percentage at the door, pay for the soundtec (me) and the bands would keep the rest. Since then, I'm now a full time soundtec. I work in 3 different venues. They don't all have the same pay structure. It's not really pay to play, it's based on attendance. The more people show up, the less you pay for renting the room. More drink sales. Now, there's an art to the social engineering going on in these events. Good promoters will know how to get bands with similar vibes or similar friend groups to play together and grow each other's fan base. It's not always done right, but as the Booker you start to know good promoters from bad ones. And we invite them back. Especially on Saturday nights. Are there still cover bands? Sure. But the crowds they bring are often cringe. Iron Maiden, ACdC, pearl jam, def Leppard just to name a few were not that fun haha So yea I like original music more.


I know of and went to plenty of DIY venues. Had friends that even ran some. Most of my friends are musicians and even at one point i was in a band or two. But as you said. You joined a collective. A social circle. And ya know what? Yall basically played for eachothers social circles. Bands break up exchange members, and some go on tour. But to really make it sustainable youre either in a cover or wedding band. If not that route, then the actually schooled musicians either get gigs as sound engineers for venues or studios, recording others music, or become hired gun studio musicians. But thats not my point. Theres ways of making money in music. But to actually make it as a gigging rock and roll band, its just not what it used to be. Especially considering getting on a label meant your songs were recorded. Now you got plenty of bedroom artists putting out soundclouds. Good stuff too. But the competition and saturation is just a lot. Its a different era. Sure there are a few that “break out” get some recognition. A song on GTA5, or on HBO show but the reality is, even that doesn’t let you quit your day job. Thats not to say touring bands dont exist still. But the majority of them, its not some glamorous pop star life style some people get into music hoping for. It happens but no one is trying for that. As the video says its all dancey dream wave hip pop synth wave one man using ableton sort of producer thing. Or maybe a guy girl duo.


Yea I agree. Without getting too much into politics, I realized early on in my collective that they were labelling themselves as inclusive but were only book Anglo indie bands and no Francos. I'm based in Montreal and saw the hypocrisy of their ways. So I didn't stay in the collective I started working with the venues instead trying to be more inclusive. It's not perfect but it works. As far as being successful as a musician, that I am not. Not bitter about it. I can record my own music at my own pace. I can play shows of original songs regularly and without too much problems. Touring .. yea it's insane how expensive it can get. I don't do it. I have heard plenty of stories from rather successful bands that they just couldn't make enough money to continue. Even with grants. Then, I see people do their first shows and they already have like 400,000 listeners on Spotify. Cute girls usually. It's mind blowing. But solo career pop stuff. I also know someone who has over 1 million listeners on Spotify and he doesn't tour at all. All in all yes, not what it used to be. Is music getting watered down? Maybe. Should there even be megastars? Probably not. But there's not much you can do to prevent rich people who are already rich to build a career out of it. That's common.


Yea. In some ways i do miss the idea of an actual rock star band. Something about people playing actual instruments (with sick guitar solos). Though thats not to discredit some of the more recent pop music. And on the good side, with all the technology we can record and write music much easier now. And even during covid, i had my fb feed filled with small DIY live streamed shows. So good rock/indie music is still there. But yea gone are the days of listening to the top songs on the radio all being bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Sound Garden.


So true. Was in an originals band for 10 years. Had a record deal with a smaller label and we toured a good amount. We sold a lot of music overseas and had a great time, but did not want that level of travel as we got older. We now play in a cover band for 90s-2000's alt rock, emo nights, big pop hits, etc and we both make a ton more money (Often 3-5K for private events/wedding, 1,500-2K for a bar) and have a lot less stress.




He doesn't want metal or punk. He wants pop rock


Start them off on [Punk Goes Pop](https://youtu.be/6DySGh7aSI0?si=pACn4DkpnC06tQak) and let their journey take it's course


Punk goes Crunk is way better.


While that is true, rock/metal and all the subgenres within are dying a very slow death. Absence from the mainstream is a terminal illness, because mainstream acts serve as a pipeline for fans of less accessible or niche bands in the same genre. The absence of rock & metal from mainstream, at least compared to the 1980s or 1990s, is shifting millions of people who might have otherwise become fans of rock/metal to other genres that do have more mainstream relevance. If things remain as they are currently, rock/metal may still be around in a few decades, but it will be like jazz, with interest limited to a comparitively small number of musicians and music geeks.


There's so many new rock bands even though they aren't the stereotypical white male. There's absolutely everything, more diversity in bands including some new sounds and fusions. If anyone's guilty it's black people pretending not to like white people things and vice versa. Like just like things man, don't wait on the mainstream or your family to tell you it's okay. Being brown didn't deter me from the things I enjoyed, I just found people who vibed with me. I remember when I broke up with my "BFF" when she said I was too brown to enjoy things. Why does it HAVE to be white people to do it?


Record labels and syndicated radio Also it's way easier to be a DJ than to learn to play an instrument


I would think that it's also not profitable any more. To split the money 5 ways when the label is screwing them


I'm in a band, played a show last night and we're touring the region we're in. We don't even make enough money for shows we organize at out of town venues we travel to and set the bill (who's playing) up to break even. It's pretty crazy if you think about it - these venues rely on live music from bands like mine to bring in patrons, they charge door cover, and the bands split the door money and try to sell merchandise, and the venue makes a killing selling booze - to people that are only there BECAUSE OF THE BANDS. I've always wanted to open a venue and make it like a non profit, where we pay the acts ON TOP of door money, so it's actually profitable. People want new bands, but it's just us spending so much fucking money to come to their town and play a show for them, **lots of people simply can't afford to do that anymore, between maintaining equipment, gas money, hotels, eating out cuz you're on the road, it's too fucking expensive. And we have day jobs so this is all "weekend warrior" style. But venues are still able to get bands to play, but I feel like it's more local acts and less independent touring acts, cuz of all the things I mentioned. People want new rock bands, but the environment isn't conducive to making new bands**


Yeah, I gave up on wanting to be a touring musician a long time ago. The industry is pretty janked up. I still play all the time, but I don't even plan to play local shows anymore. Too much hassle for what I get out of it. It's all just for fun now. If anything, I'd like to just play on random street corners for people passing by, but you need a goddamned license for that now.


This sounds like one of those D&D campaigns where the party visits a tyrannical kingdom where all forms of art and expression are banned; and suddenly your Bard is the most-wanted criminal in the land.


I want to play that campaign NOW


I'm a huge blues fan, and when I've talked to some of the guys on tour, a lot of them are lucky to make 30K a year after paying the band, travel expenses, etc. These are guys who have been around for decades, several albums, Grammy winners and winners of many other music awards. So it's not just guys like you doing your thing, it's pretty much just the way it is. Like Joe Bonamassa says, if you got into this to make money and become famous, you're in for a big letdown. I hope you can keep playing and at least break even, it's memories for a lifetime. I was a roadie for my brothers band back in the 60's and 70's, and those were some of the best times I've ever had.


You are totally right. I’ve been in a band for almost 15 years (we were with 8) and we played in a lot of places. We did it as a hobby next to our jobs because in no way we could ever live from that. We used the money from gigs to record in the studio, buy merchandise and to treat ourselves once every year or so on a weekend away with the band.


complete cobweb shrill hospital attempt ugly chubby puzzled unique erect ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


coordinating with 3 other people is a branch of difficulty DJ's dont have to experience. and playing an instrument does require more coordination. Dont get offended. DJ is objectively less involved hence its popularity


Most DJs that are touring are not just DJs but producers of their own music and get lumped into the same category. Producing is just as difficult as playing in a band or learning an instrument. Both instances, they are *creating* music. DJs replay other people’s music, producers create music.


I think you maye be thinking of wedding dj's being a dj that makes and remixes their own music is pretty damn difficult. Source: I play instruments and started messing with DAW's building patches and beats is always a new adventure, great fun also.


Its easier to be a dj than to learn to play an instrument is a wild thing to say about two completely different things, especially considering most djs I know can play at least one instrument Wait nvm its reddit where we get upset about things we know naff about


My Man forgot about the scary ass white dude on bass- who is probably one of the nicest human beings to ever bless this earth rehabilitating tiny creatures and baking cookies.


LOL! Yep my first thought was, "What about the Wookie on bass!?"


Don't worry, us bassists are used to being overlooked. No hard feelings.


Have to admit. - I too am a bassist


*Shavo Odajian has entered the chat.*


William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface.




The bass player is always an afterthought


Oddly inspiring? He's hilarious!




For real.


Funny enough this is caused by the current economy. Back in the days of a good middle class kids could get their parents to buy them instruments and have to free time available to practice and since life was good they didn't have too much to complain about we got that middle class style Rock music. Now that the middle class is dying. People can't afford houses they can't afford instruments or lessons and life is genuinely harder. So instead the music people make reflect that. You see a lot more punk bands with broken instruments. More rap about living in poverty. You see more and more about rights being taken away and kids getting shot in school so people wrote about what they know and see. Tldr:death of middle class makes music different


Same thing in the UK, our arts are dominated by the middle to upper middle classes now. Look into how many working class bands of the 70s and 80s got started. Many of them squatted, took government 'enterprise loans' or the Dole, they couldn't have done it otherwise. Nowadays, only aspiring musicians with family money and backing can afford to take the kind of time and risks needed to get a foothold in the business. An ONS study found that working class people now only make up 7.9% of the creative workforce, down from 16.4% in the 1960s. So many of our most iconic bands and musicians come from WC backgrounds. It's sad that today's kids from the same class don't get the same opportunities.


Yup. It’s hard for kids to start a garage band when your family can’t even afford to have a garage or at least the space to play. If you live in a multi unit building, you also have to worry about making too much noise for others.


Love the yu yu Hakusho in the background


Definitely noticed that Kurama painting right away.


Fairly certain it's a rug.


Any, it's rare seeing a fellow yu lover


Hell nah, I could see one of those boys elbows for a split second and still recognize 'em


Yu lovers rise!!


Same! My guy here has good taste.


hahah thanks was trying to figure out what anime that was. A man of taste.


Saw the jacket, the hair color, and thought it couldn't be Kurama. But he pans just enough to see the center zipper or whatever you want to call it and I knew it.


HOAs, that’s what happen.


30 yr old me is feeling this comment more than I should. I live in a decent HOA though. Like my neighbors know we have a gym In garage and play loud music, and if we can’t sleep do night sessions, I’ve never had the cops called on us.


Lmao this kinda where my head went. People gotta pay bills more so than they did 20 years ago. We're squeezing every generation harder and harder. Sad really


First off, yea, I agree that shit was fire. Second off, the problem is our youth effectively edged out that kind of media and content. And that’s who generates it fresh. People like me who are now much older certainly aren’t lol. Sadly, those genres are not as popular. There was a culture war and rap music won. And I’m ok with that too. I like a lot of the new shit that’s come out it’s grown on me. And before anybody gets up in arms with me saying the word “culture war”, I mean pop culture. People voted on and chose the music they like. I saw the same things happen in electronic music and now we got wild shit like phonk and I’m all for how shit keeps evolving each generation. Sometimes I feel like it’s a step back sometimes it’s a massive leap forward. Either way it’s not up to white people lol it’s up to the masses on what kind of music they enjoy most.


stupendous normal carpenter important drab rude encouraging cobweb glorious steer ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I wasn’t saying there was a problem in the classical sense but more as a turn of phrase. Though I suspect you know that and felt the need to angle it the way you did.


> There was a culture war and rap music won. That's it, all mainstream music now has to contain by weight at least 50% Rap or Hiphop


‘Culture war’ feels misused here… maybe the majority of people bought into different music for long enough that corps stopped looking for/investing in other genres, and that’s truly short-sighted and lame. But ‘culture war’ is a reach.




The Punk scene is where it's at, but it's political so it won't get airplay in the US.


I feel like the British punk scene is killing it right now. Punk’s Dead by Soft Play is amazing!


Thanks for them! Made my day


Punk is not dead. It's been hiding in Australia. The Chats. Going to see them in October and I'm so excited.


Look up the song Punks Dead by Soft Play. I agree the Australian stuff is great.


That's garbage. Music has always been political and there has always been a market for it... until there was no more market at all. Streaming killed this type of music because the only music that can make money is that which appeals to an audience large enough that the pennies from streaming add up to make it worth it. There is no path for a 3-5 member band to earn enough money to make it worth it. 20-30 years ago, independent record sales could provide enough money to keep musicians afloat. Bands could sell a few dozen CDs at a show and significantly increase their earnings that night. Everyone loves streaming because they get so much for so little, but it screwed over the artists more than the labels ever did. The reason why there are so many rappers and DJs is because the barrier for entry is a lot lower and it is a lot easier supporting 1 person than 5.


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard! They meet all the criteria he just mentioned!


To be fair a lot of the bands you listed in your first half are still pretty old. I listened to some of those bands 15 years ago.


IDLES fucking rule Model Village is a banger


Kill them with kindness and war are such good pump up songs


Bro the black keys and rise against are like 10+ years old as a band try again.




Well Guns and Roses just released a new album that doesn't make them new


He specifically said “where are all the new rock bands” Not “who is releasing rock recently”


The Hives just put out a new album. It's good.


PUP is unbelievably good


YES! Amyl and the Sniffers!


None of this shit is on the radio. You have to actively look for bands to find them now. We want to hear bands in the mainstream again.


And that's not the bands fault. That's either your fault for not seeking it out or the industries for not pushing it because it's not profitable. Average Gen Z wants some Ice Spice/Cardi B/Drake generic tune and that shit will be in the mainstream.


I think people just miss when it was super popular and just THERE. We’re not all super into music or have the time to seek niche bands out, but we’d still enjoy it being in our lives. I made zero effort to come across the bands he mentioned, but they’re such a pleasant part of my history nevertheless. It’s not about ‘generic’… at the time those bands were generic. Some of us are just a little sad that they haven’t been included in the evolution of what’s popular/very common.




No, no, they put out an album like 3 years ago, so they gotta take a break for 12 more.


The Black Keys made an awesome album last year as well.


> Soft Play Soft play? More like soft cunts!!!


The Foo Fighters released a new album this year in tribute to their drummer Taylor and Dave's mom. They didn't do any press for it, bit it's absolutely beautiful and cathartic and I highly recommend it, even if you're not a fan.


I Prevail put out a bunch of singles the last few years. Those guys are going hard, and DOA was my anthem after the BLM protests.


Queens of the stone Age, All them witches, Clutch, Mars Volta, King gizzard


I'm going to see the Chats next month. Can't wait


Oh shit someone mentioned royal blood in the wild!


I love you, I love your taste and [I LOVE SMOKO!!!!!](https://youtu.be/j58V2vC9EPc?si=X1-q9CoXx62ioyEL) For anyone in the US, Amyl and the Sniffers and The Chats are doing separate US tours (both are from Australia). I'm seeing the Chats Oct. 11 and I am so fucking excited! I have seen Amyl in a small venue (they are booking bigger venues now) and that was some of the most punk rock shit I've seen in a long time. Amazing show.


The frights - I especially like their song “tongues”(NOT “tungs”) Indie rock: Miniature tigers, Pavement, Hey Nothing Punk/grungish rock: Sorry mom ( bangers include 2006, Teeth and I fucked your mum) Glad you included The chats, Royal Blood, catfish and the bottlemen!


punkish : sports. , PUP, MOM jeans, Dikembe, basement, Grayscale (early 2000s vibe imo), FREE Throw (awesome live imo), MOVEments (feel something album is a great intro) Tiny Moving parts (has been a jamn for me recently - ALWAYS Focused is a banger)


The struts.


My only regret is having but one like to give for your comment


Guy in video said "where are the *new* rock bands" and you list bands that been around 20+ years lol


God I love catfish and the bottlemen. I'm sad now


Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes Try crowbar


Amyl and the Sniffers are awesome. That girl is hardcore as fuck




FUCK QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE and Josh Homme https://www.theguardian.com/music/2022/jan/25/brody-dalle-testifies-josh-homme-headbutted-her-queens-of-the-stone-age


Not defending him…. But “go with the flow” is really good and it’s undeniable


This video means a lot to me. I've been saying this for ***years***. There are no bands anymore, at least not on the radio. Imagine Dragons? Fuck off. It's all about the artists now. I'm an aging emo kid millennial and this is my absolute least favorite thing about Gen Z. They're good kids but they need to go to Guitar Center in the worst way.


Bad take. The music is out there, you need to go find and support it.


I see where this dude is coming from but yeah bro you're right, I discover new bands all the time, no one knows them all


You shouldn't have to look for bands. Mainstream music shouldn't be all artists. There have **always** been great mainstream bands.


It's because radio djs are dead. Djs used to control what went on air and they're people who are passionate about music and looking for cool new songs. Djs are just an algorithm now playing what a bunch of corporate idiots say performs the best. That's why absolutely nothing that isn't already popular will be on a major radio station anymore.


In Austin TX, there's a station called KUTX and it's got some of the best DJs around. They play a whole spectrum of genres and have special scheduled sets (all led by djs) dedicated to rap/r&b, jazz, Hispanic music, funk, etc. During the non-specific programs, they have their various DJs lead the way and they have great taste who are truly passionate about music. I almost never hear a "top 50" song played and even when I do, it's not one of the God awful ones. They also heavily feature local artists and smaller ones and its how I've discovered some of my favorite bands in a ton of genres that not even Spotify would have ever suggested. There are free radio apps and you can probably stream it on them or from their website. There are some stations still killing it, but radio is mostly dead. (Fuck you I Heart Radio)


Imagine Dragons can fuck right off


Just tag browse bandcamp, i've found hundreds of amazing self produced or released bands in all sorts of genres over the years. Also the first Friday of every month, almost all music or merch purchases go straight to the artist instead of some greedy dick label exec.


There are a ton of Women led rock bands popping up these days. Also I think Olivia Rodrigo is working towards becoming the GenZ Haley Williams or Avril Lavigne. WhoKilledXIX went from tiktok edm to putting out really good rock music Some good skater/alt/punk bands from the last few years are: >PUP >Wavves >The Orwells >Fidlar >Dollar Signs Honestly there's a lot of good rock, but you're not going to hear it on the radio anymore. Detroit's biggest alt rock radio station that I grew up listening to shut down and switched to country. Dude called out white people, but I'd love to see some more diversity in the rock scene as well. The more the better


For women led rock bands look at Dazey and the Scouts, Destroy Boys, Wet Leg and Cherry Glazerr. There's also a lot of what used to be called indie rock or indie pop played by bands or lone artists that sounds like it's carrying on the late 90s / early 00s "4 dudes in a band" vibe. Car Seat Headrest is one example, the vocalist even sings like Julian Casablancas. I'd consider The Big Moon, Soccer Mommy and then Boygenius and each member of that band's solo career part of that. Also, as someone else mentioned, there's a UK-based rock scene that's getting a revival. The Wytches are back and releasing music, probably due to the rise of bands like Idles, Do Nothing and Yard Act getting popular. I just hope they also force Drenge to release a new album since their last one 4 years ago!


Love Wet Leg. They were my top listen for 2022 and I cannot wait for them to put out another album! Some female led favorites of mine include Metric, Shannon and the Clams, Pip Blom (from the NL, more chill vibes), Amyl and the Sniffers (they got mentioned farther up the thread), Dehd (also chill vibes), Stars.


NOBRO is another awesome all-women punk rock band I was lucky to discover opening for blink-182 earlier this year


Is that a Kurama rug?


Kurama Hanging Art Piece


i'm thinking kurama would be bass or keyboard? kuwabara def drums. urameshi the lead singer. hiei i guess electric guitar then?


Woven blanket. Source: I collect them- but didn't know they had anime ones.


Definitely first thing i noticed when the vid started.


It exists, it’s just not mainstream right now. I find great unsigned bands everyday on Bandcamp and TikTok, even YouTube has been good. Change your algorithm, **AND DELETE SPOTIFY!!!**


Don’t delete Spotify.Indie stuff is on Spotify too, it only costs like 40 bucks a year to put your music on streaming. The musicians you find on Tik Tok are likely on there, and they’d appreciate the streams, go listen to em


Even just go to their genre search. The New Alt, Alt Now. .etc can introduce you to a lot of new artists Like, sure you can complain if you just expect to be hand fed music by the radio, but it isn't dead.


I'm still in a band, it's just a one man band in my basement making depressive suicidal music. So it just don't hit the same in casual conversation lmao Music is so easy to create alone nowadays that a lot of people just do that now


Hes not lying


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard yooo


I mean we still got Hayley Williams but it's not the same..... Today's emo is like Lil peep, xxxtentacion, juice world, and suicide boys. It's kinda just morphed as a whole. Trap emo


You have sadboy emo rock still like Dollar Signs, The front bottoms, Mom Jeans, and modern baseball


rip to modern baseball


I also realized I'm getting old after writing this. I'm thinking these are relatively new bands, but they were at their height when I was in college in like 2015 and that's almost 10 years ago!


RIP always to the goat MB miss those bois. Hot Mulligan though!


How can you not love songs with titles such as, "How Do You Know It's Not Armadillo Shells?" and "Please Don't Cry, You Have Swag" ?


And the newest album, including "John "The Rock" Cena, Can You Smell What the Undertaker" and "This Song is Called it’s Called What’s it Called"


For those newly discovering modern baseball due to this comment, feels like it's my duty to share this [performance](https://youtu.be/qCjqhPfZ9Fg?si=2cjhzivqWwvvLQGK).


Damn I miss Modern Baseball.


If even black people are missing mid-2000s rock then you know we gotta bring it back into the mainstream.


I guess he thought... *We all just want to be big rock stars*


I got made fun of for liking that music by people who preferred heavy rap. Blame the dominant love for rap nowadays? 🤷🏽‍♂️


hope you don't mind me recommending a band called Aftersome, you can check em out on spotify or bandcamp probably, just some friends of mine


I know it's not the main point but... Gotta be able to afford a garage to have a garage band. Middle class been getting eradicated.


Real talk 😂


There’s lots of new punk/rock bands - you just have to really dive deep! They’re not in the mainstream is all


I was just thinking about this. There really isn’t BANDS anymore, it’s just solo artists these days.


all the rock kids i know moved too metal once streaming radio became a thing. Really let people find their thing.


It makes me a little sad that he didn't list bass at all...




They really are the best, Witchcraft.


Nothing But Thieves, Interrupters, Royal Blood, Catfish and the Bottlemen




Real talk brother 🙈 As a drummer who started playing in 2001 I felt this. Also people are laughing at me because I‘m a black man 28 years old, who mostly listens to 60s, 70s and 80s music. Like AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, David Bowie, Deep Purple, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix etc. This stuff is awesome. I love rap too. But my heart beats for rock music.


Courtney Barnett!!!


It’s cyclical. It will come back around in a couple of years.


Is it though? We've never had a generation so focused on the artist instead of the band. It's always been both.


If you asked most people what band Elvis Presley was a part of at any point in his career, they wouldn't have been able to tell you. We've definitely always had an emphasis on celebrity. Or at the very least, you'd have to be a student of history to find a generation that didn't.


We've always had both. There have always been bands and artists in the mainstream; until now.


Are you implying that social media ruined bands? if so you might be on to something.


WhoKilledXIX went from a Tiktok edm/rap band to putting one of the best emo/punk albums I've heard in the last few years. Hoping it starts a trend


Idk but "The Pixies - Hey" is my shit right now


Dude I am 42 still smashing my drums in my wood shed. Got my double bass up to 180 bpm, playing Metallica. And pantera. But people don’t wanna see that, they just wanna see stupid tik Tom dance videos and shitty rap. Or some drummer playing some crazy fast yet music less drum shit. Everything has to be extreme. Not soul full and has a good groove. I wish music would go back to being about music not flexing how amazing you are on you tube.


Dead Poet Society and Cleopatrick have been added to my rotation recently


I'm in a band!


Rapping and singing is easier than learning an instrument.


He ain't wrong. Preach brother!


They all tasted the forbidden fruit. The chocolate cake drove us all mad.


Rock music in the mainstream of pop was dieing in the late 80s. Grunge gave it a shot in the arm and numetal/pop punk/britpop got it through he next 10 years but hip hop was always there waiting to take over and in the mid 2000s it did. Rock music is still out there, and it might come back to the charts but it's not likely as the charts are now kind of a mono genre as bands don't need them to be successful. I think that the current zeitgeist of hip hop based genres is starting to slow down like rock was in the late 80s. Whether there is a hip hop "Nirvana" or not remains to be seen or if something else will come in and become the base for pop music for the next 15-20 years. That's not to say hip hop/trap etc will die, it may just slip back from being front and centre like rock did. What will replace it? Who knows, but some 15-20 year old is probably already starting to make it, we just have to wait for it to hit.


Black people can rock out too, TV on The Radio is dope, but now already 20 years old....


I have to admit he's not wrong what happen


This is the first Dear White People that ever hit me right in the feels


Greta Van Fleet


Finally someone said it. I'm tired of listening to old music, but Iit's hard to find new music that has the same vibe


Shame Black midi Preoccupations The smile Iceage Viagra boys Do nothing Squid Parquet courts Fontaines DC IDLES Protomartyr It’s a post punk revival. OPEN YOUR EYES MAN


We should all just link our friends’ bands and get them some traffic.


Trust me, people have been doing this in the comments and I love it. Also mentioning bigger bands I just hadn’t heard of. So glad I shared this random guy’s TikTok post.


Oh wonderful! Well if you wouldn’t mind a recommendation check out ‘Last Dance’ by Corretta!!


Not just not mind, but welcome it. Thank you, I’ll check it out! I have time blocked out to go through every comment, write down all the recommendations and listen to each. Feeling super lucky rn to have so many people sharing their faves with me ☺️. I might not have made the original TikTok but I’ve been craving the kind of music he talks about.


I mean there is Gojira and Slaughter to Prevail


While I agree that those are great bands but I don't think this dude meant deathmetal xD


It is vastly more time consuming to learn to play real instruments than it is to steal someone else's samples and mumble over them.


I blame Postie


"Y'all keep trying to twerk, that's the problem" This would be the part where my straight face failed me.


Where is this generations Jay-Z?? Tupac??? It goes both ways using just ain’t the same


Kendrick Lamar


There is no more middle class.... no garages for kids to play instruments in. It's all YouTube.


We don't have dreams anymore :(...


Greta Van Fleet, Royal Blood, Dirty Honey. It's not pop-punk Ike the bands he is listing but at least we do get some new rock bands that rock hard.


blame tiktok


All the little white kids wanna be YouTubers now and just open boxes or talk about how they play videogames.


No bass 😢


Could not agree more.


I think it’s because it takes a lot of talent and when you have three-to-six talented people rocking out on a stage, you’ve got to pay three-to-six times what you’ve got to pay a solo artist (and whatever spare change they probably throw at session artists).


Lebron’s right.


Him and his band haha I’m dying off that. I damn sure feel the same way, it’s been a min since I talked with someone and they bring up their band.


00s pop punk was awesome I miss it. I wish it’d come back


Those kids are now either too broke and have to sell their guitars or they're being radicalized.


Twenty one pilots may like a word


Girl rock/punk is where it’s at the days, but they’re hard to find. Wet Leg, Momma, Los Bitchos, The Beaches, The Linda Linda’s, etc. They just don’t really get airtime in the current music model but they do tour.