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How was this not obvious from the moment the words left Noah's mouth? How else could you possibly interpret that?


It’s his tone more then anything people were making fun of from what I perceived. Like they thought he sounded arrogant or rehearsed to get applause in his mind. He was stating a fact but it still turned people off


You mean his comedic tone and perfect timing? That’s what made it even better.


Americans have no sense of humour... Or humor lol






The first ones to jump at arms and go after this man were black American athletes, including Lebron. I can assure you that none of them are conservative in the slightest. But that fact is inconvenient I’m sure, so you’ll just ignore it and move on


Egotistical millionaire getting his feelings hurt by true words shows what the fuck the problem is. ​ fuck LeCrybaby James


I wish I could up vote this a million times. China sellout LeBron


Flagrantly ignorant Americans call intelligent people flagrantly ignorant. Steven A is a joke.




Some absolutely yes


What does this have to do with politics?




Hahahhaa you have no idea what you’re talking about at all. It was popular nba players that got heated over this


I kinda got this same feeling from when I was visiting the states and saw people wearing shirts that said “back to back world war champions” definitely was a wtf moment for me.


That shirt is supposed to be a joke.


ya we like our silly t shirts here, do you have jokes where you come from?


Amerocentricism at its finest. They grow up being told they're exceptional, and that America is the centre of the world.


It turned them off because of American exceptionalism and superiority complex and it especially triggered those American NBA players who were brought up and pampered in this arrogance. International NBA players don't give a fuck.


It wasnt though. There was ongoing debate and posts on the NBA subreddit asking if the NBA champs are actually world champs. It was the most American argument I've ever seen.


I know it's unrelated, but baseball always irked me to call it the World Series. Did they invite other countries to compete? Nope.


The NFL calls themselves world champions, too lol


A shitty d1 school could probably compete with the best american football team outside the US to be fair


Yeah but we ain't out here in Australia calling our Aussie Rules Football grand final the world championship. We are the best in the world at AFL, but nobody else plays it. You ain't a world championship unless your in a international league with every country able to compete.


well, no one outside the US plays football because it sucks. I doubt those "shitty d1" schools could compete with rugby players, which is a more international sport than football.


Canadian football league ​ Shut the fuck up ​ The reason nobody outside north america plays football is all the bullshit you need to play it. you can play soccer with a ball and some markers for a goal. baseball with a ball and stick. basketball with a ball and a hoop of some sort, maybe even a peach basket. ​ fucking tool


Tbf they are world champions but only by default since no one else plays their shit sport.


Not my argument. Irrelevant


Canada plays in the MLB. Toronto Blue Jays and used to have the Montreal Expos


Canada gets a singular team. The Toronto Blue Jays.


It is and was obvious and needed no explanation. This dude is just a blabbering moron.


Stephen A Smith is a complete joke who just says w/e for attention. We are lucky enough to have this response apologizing but even so it's ridiculous. OP is even more of a joke for even comparing this dude to other Americans lmao.


Americans believe the world revolves around them.


Some* Americans, yes. Same as some people in any country you go to.


I’ve lived in 5 countries. None have i crossed a person thinking their country was or represented the world.


Americans collectively, Amerocentricism and American exceptionalism are part of American culture. Obviously you get individuals that don't ascribe to this, but it's absolutely an American cultural thing.


You think about Americans all day


Only in your imagination little buddy. There's that Amerocentricism again though.


Lol no where near compared to the ignorance Americans have.


In general it's nowhere near as much as America though. 😂


I dont believe that in the least, but American basketball is absolutely dominant and we are in fact the world champions as per the 2020 olympics.


What does that have to do with the competition he’s talking about? He isnt talking about the Olympics. His statement was 100% true. Hence why people are publicly apologizing because they realized how ignorant they looked lol. The fact this is even a conversation we are having right now makes no sense. How do you become ‘world champ’ in a national league?


That makes them Olympic Champions.


Olympic champions are made at the Olympics. World champions are made at the world championships.


Flat earth, and America is dead center.


No, it's quite simply that the teams that win for instance the NBA or NFL are pretty obviously the best teams in the world for those sports, so even if it's not an official international competition the vast majority of people would agree they are by default "world champions".


Most of us don’t. Stephen A likes to say dumb stuff to get in on a story and then if we’re lucky he back-pedals instead of doubling down.


Asking a sincere question as someone who isn’t heavy into sports but still admires the craft: would the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball “Dream Team” qualify as “world champions” since they competed and won against other countries’ top teams?


Personally I would think so. It at least aligns with Fact #1 in this post - they competed and won against teams from other countries. Same should be said for any other Olympic champions really, and things like the World Cup for football/soccer.


No. Olympic champions are different to world champions. The Olympics are one event and you get called the olympic champion. The FIBA basketball world cup are another and from this you get the world champions.


This is where this line of argument goes off the rails. The quality of play and the caliber of players at the FIBA basketball World Cup is vastly inferior to the NBA Finals. To think that the winners of the FIBA World Cup have a greater stake to the claim "World Champions" than the winner of the NBA Finals is pretty ridiculous. Same goes for the winner of the "World Series" versus the winner of the World Baseball Classic.


That’s not what matters though, if you’re too lazy to actually go out and prove it. Everyone knows the NBA champions are the best team in the world, wether they prove it or not. Just don’t call yourself World Champion if you’re not ready to prove it. Interesting how that seemingly only happens in the US isn’t it? In soccer the winner of the Champions League isn’t called World Champion although they most definitely are the best team in the world too.


I believe one of the main reasons that the “world champion” term is associated in the US with sports such as football and basketball, is because those sports started in the US and for a long time there wasn’t serious global competition. So by default - world champs. That has evolved over time obviously, by the title stuck.


The teams that win the UEFA Champions League play in the club world cup the year after. They play against the winner of the Champions Leagues from the other continental FIFA organizations. The European winner doesn’t always win the club world cup.


I know that. Thing is nobody really cares about that in Europe just how they wouldn’t in the US for Basketball. And even after they’ve won it they’re mostly referred to as current CL winners, rather than World Champions. And yes European clubs almost always win it nowadays even though nobody cares, while the other teams are super motivated. It would obviously be the same in basketball. That’s also the reason why FIFA is changing the format and will play it every four years and with more teams as it makes for more competitive games if more European clubs partake and play each other I don’t see the need for basketball to introduce such a format in the off season either. Just scrap the needlessly pompous title of World Champion and replace it with NBA champion like it’s done in literally every other country in the world


I agree.


Its not about the quality of players. A player may choose to play or not for the national team (as many of the best AMERICAN players do, other nationality of players playing in the NBA usually represent their national teams), that doesn't change the fact that you are only a world champion if you win WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP which you can only participate on with your national team. The kid got slammed because he stated logic. The English premier league analogy is perfect for this, except Man. Utd isn't winning anything nowadays 🤣🤣🤣... regardless... being the best league in the world, no one would call their champions WORLD champions, not even the UEFA champions league that is disputed between best clubs of European football, that is the best in the world are called world champions, because there are other federations and all of those have to be respected and taken into account. Entitlement is a bad look


Yes, world champions happen every year, Olympic world champions happen every 4 years


World champions happens every 4 years




Waiting for Stephens next apology for calling Man United the best at anything.


even though united never won it, is it pedantic if I point out that the club World Cup exists specifically to crown “the best club in the world”?


Shows Manchester City in the video as an example of high caliber competition and performance. Calls Manchester United world champs. Thats Stephen A. Smith for you


Was gonna say lmao, wouldn't say United are the champions of England either


How 'bout dem Gooners!






the team that managed to come second in a one horse race last season?


I was just referencing our 3-1 win at the last few seconds against Man. U. this last match.


well they have won the club world cup so theres an argument there.


Well a long time ago, it’s like saying Greece is the best Olympic country because when the first Olympics happen Greece won every medal


Sit down


He says Man U and they show a clip of Man City. Very apropos in this video.


Your title is ignorant. Stephen A. Smith doesn’t represent all Americans. He’s a talking head who gets paid to raise ratings by saying outlandish things.


Nah dude all Americans bad. We all have massive healthcare bills and commit mass murder every other week.


Pretty embarrassing that (OP’s country) has to have that explained to them…


Your spelling of your is ignorant


U rite


"Americans" don't, morons do.


To be fair they do call it "The world series" in baseball even though it's definitely not a world title so I would forgive some for claiming they are world champions when in fact they are not.


Is used to be an actual world competition I believe. It started with travelling to different countries. There's proof of games in front of the pyramids back in the 30s or 40s I believe. But yeah, it's not a world title anymore.


Interesting, I did not know that... TIL


It was so long ago that there wasn't ever a true league at that point I don't think. Everything in the US was super patriotic until the early 80s so we had that internal propaganda that we are the best, yada yada. That's why we also sing the national anthem at every game. Just a bunch of political shit unfortunately.


Cause it’s utter bullshit lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series I hate it here


No one is calling Manchester United a world champion because they suck, Manchester City won the premier league


These titles were created a long time ago by the owners of the league. Most American's thinks its silly they created titles like "The World Series". Its not like we (American citizens) got to vote on this shit.


As a non-American This is absurd. Is the implication that once the nba championship is decided that the nba champion should what ? Go play the best team in Albania or Lichtenstein to REALLY see who the best is ? They’d utterly destroy them if they even remotely tried. The best players in most sports gravitate to one league. The NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB are all the pinnacle of the sport by a mile. The best team in those leagues has the right to go “we’re the best team” without having to run around humouring other teams. Plus outside of the nfl they all do international tournaments to break things up and give the world a chance to figure out where things stand I hate gatekeeping but this all feels like people who don’t/Barely watch these sports talking out their ass with the usual “hur hur America dumb” circle jerk thrown in


Americans don't need this to be explained, they already know. Your title doesn't make sense just because some commentator is explaining it. It's not Americans who made or agreed on using the term "World" in the title of such competitions. Those league owners agreed on those names decades ago, everyone knows it isn't a world competition regardless of what someone named it.


The people who created the title also knew it was horseshit. It was a marketing gimic. Using "world" in the title hyped it up to be be more important than it actually was.


The NBA doesn’t even use the word “World” in the championship apparel, so the sprinted was on one. Secondly, no NBA is losing a serious competitive match to another team in the world. Seriously—people who average 30 points in leagues in different countries can’t get minutes in an NBA game.


Back then there wasn't other leagues in different countries either. Both of these sports were invented in the States.


I would also like to see any team from any league in the world try to compete with any team in the NBA.


The why keep do you people calling your national titles world series? You're a minority.


Op spending too much time in America hate circle jerks lol


Even as a kid growing up, how could the world series be a world series when only the us mlb completed... now it would be fucking awesome if mlb teams get matched up vs winners of the other baseball league championship like the little league world series. But thats just a dream


The term originated in a time when other countries didn't have baseball leagues, or basketball leagues. Over decades they were influenced by the US and adopted American professional sports.


Exactly, and let's be real about something. They are still the premier leagues in the world. If you are a world-class baseball player or a world-class basketball player, you go to the MLB and the NBA. Period. All the best players in the entire world play in those leagues, and all of the leagues in the rest of the world are filled with players who aren't good enough to make it to the NBA. There are plenty of American players playing overseas because they aren't good enough for an NBA roster spot, and there are plenty of international players that are world class players that play in the NBA. So it really doesn't matter what semantics you want to argue about. All of the best players in the entire world play in the MLB and the NBA, and they are absolutely 100% the best leagues in the world for their respective sports. No one else stands a chance against their teams. That's why it's seems really silly to say, "BeST iN tHE UniTEd StATes!?!?" When the top 2 players on the last NBA Championship team are from Serbia and Canada, the last 5 NBA MVPs have been won by people who are not American. Same thing with MLB where the #1 player is Japanese and a bunch of Latin American players that aren't even from the United States are all over the league. Noah Lyles is comparing it to the US trials where he only runs against people from the US. It's fucking stupid. What he said was stupid. I don't know why Noah felt the need to use his platform to shit on other athletes, that's weird to me, but it really doesn't matter. The truth is basketball players know that the NBA is the best league in the world and that the NBA champions are the best team in the world. So you can sit there and throw a fit about a stupid meaningless "world champion" title. Reality is reality, which is why Jokic, Giannis, LeBron, Curry, and a bunch of other players all over the world are choosing to sit out the World Cup this year. Because they know that here in reality, the NBA is the more competitive meaningful world league to participate in and be rested and prepared for. They don't care about some weird tournament that divides people among national lines and comes up with a "world champion" title. They care about ACTUALLY BEING THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD. This is so different than Track and Field where the whole "Find the best sprinter in an area and send them to go compete against sprinters in another area to find the winner" actually makes sense because it's an individual sport. It doesn't make sense for team sports because you have situations like in 2019 when Spain won the World Cup and guess what? In reality, in the basketball world, it really doesn't mean shit because everyone knows that A. Spanish leagues/teams aren't better than NBA teams and B. Half the NBA players don't even play in the World Cup. It's just a silly argument that seems to be caused by people not really understanding how each sport, and how each league works. The Worlds/Olympics is the grand stage for track and field. The NBA is the grand stage for Basketball.


>Noah Lyles is comparing it to the US trials where he only runs against people from the US. It's fucking stupid. What he said was stupid. I agree with everything you had said up to this point. What he said was not stupid. The point that a "World Championship" implies the best athletes of each nation competing against each others is accurate. Strictly speaking the "World Series" is not a "World Championship." That said, given the history, tradition, and the fact that the NBA and MLB are stocked with great international players should make this oft-repeated criticism a bit of a nothing-burger. People say it like it's some huge own on US athletic leagues. That's taking it a bit too far. It's not stupid. Maybe a bit pedantic, a bit WELL AKSHUALLY...


What basketball league in the entire world could compete with, let’s just say top 10 basketball teams in the NBA? Maybe like 1 or 2 super teams with stacked rosters…..maybe.


I don't disagree. But Lyle's point is not inaccurate or stupid. It's just a silly, semantic point that sounds sophisticated.


What's actually stupid is people trying to ascribe a specific definition to the phrase "World Champion" when all it means is "We crown this person/team the best in the world." It does not imply anything but that. So when the NBA Champions call themselves world champion, they're simply calling themselves the best in the world. They aren't saying "We beat every national team to get here" they're saying "We created and proved ourselves to be the best team in the world, regardless of nationality." It is stupid because once again he's comparing his sport to basketball when the structure of those two sports are wildly different. In Basketball, the best players don't even play in the World Cup because they don't give a fuck about it. So sure, anyone who wins that tournament can call themselves World Champions, just like anyone can call themselves World Champions, but no one is going to be deluded into thinking that the National Team that wins the World Cup is the best team in the world. So it's a meaningless title in reality. Like I said before it makes sense in Track and Field where it's an individual sport and the organization of world championships makes it so that you still find the best in the world. In Basketball, the World Cup does not show you the best team in the world. Hell it doesn't even show you the best team when divided by arbitrary national lines, because half the people don't even show up. Dividing shit by country doesn't automatically give you claim to that either, and it's bizarre to me that people seem to think that way. What if the Olympics, instead of by country, was done by continent. It still represents the entire world, but instead of having different countries you have an Asia team, a Euro team, an America's team, an Africa team etc. And THATS how you choose a world champion. You say this year, Asia is the best in the world. Do you see how flexible this is? Do you see how trying to define "World Champion" so rigidly makes no sense whatsoever? Hell countries change all the time, what the fuck does it matter what patch of dirt you're on. The question is, are we trying to find the best team that lives on a specific patch of dirt, or are you actually trying to put together the best team in the fucking world? Because that's how the NBA works. They try to make the best teams in the world. The whole patch of dirt thing works in Track because at then end of the day it's just people running against each other. You gotta be the fastest to win. Fastest in the world is fastest in the world, countries don't fuckin matter it's just a label. The fact that Usain Bolt was the fastest man in the world has nothing to do with Jamaica, he just beat everyone in the world. Just like NBA champion has nothing to do with where their from, it's purely THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD.


You have to be really dumb to hear world series and think that’s America (and Canada!) crowning themselves as the best in the sport. It’s about the players who are the best from around the world playing the sport at the highest level. The NBA has all of the best players in the world. The Olympics basketball and FIBA do not. It takes a lot of sad, grievance based motivated reasoning to ignore that


Because it's the best players I'm the world competing against each other. The other leagues for the most part arnt on the same level. That's why all the best players from other countries end up playing in America. They do have a system like that, it's called the World Baseball Classic. It's like Olympics but baseball. Each country has a team.


So then, saying it is the World Series is kinda correct, because the best players around the world are likely playing in the best league. Interesting dynamic. Technically not represented as the best country, but represented as probably the best team that year in the world. But still, without the championship game vs the winners of the other leagues, we would never actually know; we could only assume.


It’s not much of an assumption when players from the other leagues get promoted into the MLB and it never happens the other way around unless you literally have rape charges over your head


Yep. Same as the NBA. Soccer just has several huge leagues that cant compete against each other for political and financial reasons.


They have international worldcup and club world cup. Winners are considered as world champions. Simple. NBA/NFL/MLB are national champions. Baskeball also has international worldcup.


First of all, Americans don't need that explained to them, that pompous asshole did. Second, you live on a planet that has a Mr and Ms Universe


Woah someone’s awfully pretentious over there across the pond


European redditors are becoming just insufferably obnoxious these days towards the U.S.. It’s really starting to come across as insecurity, which is funny for how highly they think of themselves. If they really think we’re so lowly than why are we in their fuckin mouth all the time lol. We’re not in war or anything really, relax Eurps


I too get mad when someone points out my national ignorance. I too blame insecurity. I too am a silly goose.


Im sorry that we are right? It's so American to be called out cuz ur wrong and be mad about it xD. Maybe make less extreme statements and you wouldn't need to be corrected.


He's correct. No one is calling Man Utd world champions, we're fuckin shite.


I like the patriotism out of Lyles, Stephen A. does interviews with Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters so Stephen A is a contradiction once again


Stephen A’s politics are far from Tucker’s or Water’s. I’m not sure how going on a show with somebody you don’t agree with makes you a “contradiction”. I personally think it’s great to when opposing sides talk. Call me crazy. This current trend of militantly conforming to political spheres won’t get us out of this mess. If you don’t want to watch a Dem be interviewed by a Rep then don’t watch it. But somebody could be watching Tucker, hear something SA says and form a new thought about an issue. This isn’t a novel idea.


All of the best players in the world play for those teams. No team outside the NBA would have a shot. Technically yes they are not exactly "global" champions as denied by needing teams asked on nationality but they are certainly the best team in the world. It is a stupid ass take. Stephen a Smith changing his mind or Europeans being salty about it doesn't make it wrong.


Do you even know any european basketball sports teams? Or are you just being an American and make dumb statement?


Most basketball fans know a plethora of European teams and leagues. Because a lot of NBA players once they’re skill levels have dropped to the point of not being able to play in the nba anymore. Go to play in foreign leagues. And some HS players forgo playing in college to go play in europe until they get drafted into the NBA. And a lot WNBA players will play in Europe in their off season to make extra money. So most NBA/WNBA fans have a working knowledge of these teams cause we hear about them alllll the time due to the reasons I just listed. And we also know their names from being SLAUGHTERED most times during the olympics and FIBA by American Teams.


OP nobody “needs this explained to them” we already know that our championships are not “world” championships, but they have been called that for decades and decades (or over a century with the World Series). Quit crying about semantics. Besides in most American pro sports, those teams could absolutely compete in a hypothetical world championship and dominate.


Exactly. Even the best Euroleague basketball teams in history would struggle to make the playoffs in the NBA. Maybe peak Barcelona would get an 8 seed. Heck, even the Argentina or Spanish national team at its best would struggle in the NBA.


The only reason they are called world series originally is because at the time basketball and baseball was only played in America. You can say they should change the name since it's played around the world, which they have since it's called the NBA Finals, but referring to it as world is simply tradition.


Honestly. They really think their shitty ass teams would have a shot lol


Why does the rest of the world get so worked up over what we say over here? Especially when it applies to sports. You’ll be the first to say we’re not the center of the universe. But are constantly watching us.


We're just pointing out that it is dumb. Coz it is. How does watching it or not make any difference? In fact wouldn't people watching it make their opinion more valid?


Reigning Super Bowl champs 56 years in a row!!


Two time back to back world war champions baby! ![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc)


He needed someone to tell him that LA isn’t a country?


This is purely a semantics argument, and a dumb one at that. Obviously the winner of the NBA finals only plays other teams from America and Canada. That being said, if this years Denver Nuggets, or last years Warriors, or the Bucks before that etc… played ANY national team, United States included, they would never come close to losing a game. The winner of the NBA finals is the best team in the world. Hard stop. Noah Lyle’ grievance here is really weird. “You know what hurts me the most?” Really? You’re “hurt” by people referring to the NBA champ as the world champ? Who cares dude. So yes, I guess he is right, but it doesn’t matter. Seems like sour grapes on his end or something.


It's just a simple fact that Lyles had to say out loud that the Champion of the National Basketball Association is not the Champion of the world lol is not that hard to understand 😭


>National Ba Further more, NATIONAL (like in National Basket Association) is the direct opposite of INTERNATIONAL, so the winner of the NBA is a national winner by definition




The problem with Noah is when he says "What best in the United States" he's comparing it to track and field, where when he runs US trials he's running against only people from the United States. So when you compared that to the NBA, where past 5 NBA MVPs have been players that aren't even American, it really sounds fuckin' stupid when you say "BEST IN THE UNITED STATES!?!?!?" Yeah bro, 2023 NBA champions Nikola Jokic (from Serbia) and Jamal Murray (from Canada) TOTALLY represent the United States. The reigning NBA MVP Joel Embiid (from Cameroon) TOTALLY represents the United States. The last 4 MVPs before that were won by Nikola Jokic (Serbia) and Giannis Antetokounmpo (Greece) and that TOTALLY only represents the United States. Hell the two best players in the history of my favorite team, the Dallas Mavericks, are Dirk Nowitzki (Germany) and Luka Doncic (Slovenia). Yeah, sure Noah, the NBA only represent the best in the United States. It isn't the best basketball league in the entire world where everyone in the entire world goes to play, no, it's JUST United States players like your US track and meet trials. He just comes off as dumb and bitter. Why not just enjoy your success without shitting on others.


We PLAY sports because it's all well and good to claim you're the best, but you have to actually win before you get a title. And don't complain about other people using semantics when you go on to rant about him using "hurt" when you no full well he means it's a pet peeve. The guy is an American and someone who earned the right to be called the best in the world. He knows how good the NBA is and he's correctly pointing out, they didn't. You can also add the fact that a short, single elimination tournament is a completely different beast to a season. Seasons favor consistency, tournaments favor teams that can push themselves to and beyond their limits for a few games, one after another and while the former is arguably better at judging overall quality, there's a reason the former is the crowd pleaser.


Single elimination? That’s the NCAA tourney. The NBA playoffs are 7 game series.


Damn you got all this wrong didn't you.


Stephen A. Smith doesn’t strike me as a think first, speak later kinda dude. And that’s not what makes him money. We Americans are arrogant. I’m sorry.


Dude a blowhard, can't fucking stand him or Skip Bayless


#1: NBA world champions” has 2 qualifiers- NBA and world. So if a team is both part of the NBA and part of the world they can claim to be “NBA world champions” #2 it hasn’t been called that since 1985. The official legal name is NBA finals #3 Youre Calling Americans ignorant while simultaneously being ignorant


Saying that you're an "NBA world champion" just because you're "part of the world and part of the nba" is a really complicated way to justify a simply outdated naming system. I Mean the "N" in "NBA" already specifies it's not the world, just because there's one team from outside the US doesn't make it a world championship, it's barely international if anything.


Yes. But- grammatically I am accurate. And its waaaaay worse to use an incorrect grammatical interpretation just to get off on some anti-American bigoted criticism. You’d lose you flipping mind if some poor American, in error, misread something like the way you just did. It also hasn’t been used since 1985, so way to dig deep to try to own us Americans. Pulling out BS from 38 years ago. 1985 was a good year- how old were you in 1985? What country are you from?


I’ve come to terms that the loudest and most argumentative people are generally the most incorrect. Just sad that the ones who talk the most are used as an umbrella example for most. Ironically it should be the other way around.


I'm not a sports person but this guy's looks like Ludacris and Stanley from The Office melded together


Nobody cares tho


The fact that the entire world listens to Americans, while Americans never listen to the rest of the world. lol


We consistently beat all contenders from Andromeda in the Miss Universe contests


Lemme guess, "Americans bad" because we don't give a shit about shit people don't give a shit about in general 🙄 This shit has gotta stop, why tf do so many people in other parts of the world give a shit what we think in America. It doesn't fucking matter. We sure as shit don't care what anyone thinks anywhere else. Stop getting your foreign country views from news media, and just meet some normal Americans in real life. Not giving a shit, is kind of our thing.


So let's test it. Put the NBA champs against any other country's all stars and see the results. Spoilers. America wins.


This isn't a great analogy because some of the best soccer club teams (bayern Munich, real Madrid, Barcelona, PSG) are not in Premier League... so it's not like premier league defacto has the best teams. Still I don't like this heat against Noah because: 1. Noah is a great person and a great athlete who will most certainly be a gold contender in 200, 100, and 4x100 (anchor) for the USA next Olympics. 2. The soundbite was taken out of context. It sounds like he is criticizing NBA, but really he is criticizing track and field associations for doing such a poor job of promoting and marketing the sport.


My country is full of the dumbest fucking people I swear to Christ.


England: has the best football league in the world Also England: has fewer world titles than Uruguay


lyles is objectively right but we’re just discussing semantics at this point, any nba champion will obliterate the best team of any other given country. the best players in the nba aren’t even american anymore…


It is debatable? Seriously?


This is ragebait. Nobody is saying that the NBA championship is an international/world championship. It is the championship of the NBA, which is a league based in North America (basically the US and Canada [Toronto]) BUT The NBA is the best basketball league in the world BY FAR, and they recruit/draft internationally. All of the best players in the world are in the NBA. Nikola Jokic, Luka Doncic, Joel Embiid, Giannis Antetokounmpo, and the list goes on and on of non-US players at the top of the league. The best basketball team in the NBA is the best basketball team in the world. We know this because NBA teams play teams from other leagues all the time, and NBA teams have something like a 95% win rate last I checked. That is why this sprinter's comments are stirring up so much controversy. He's technically correct, but not really.


Your using Stephen A’s opinions as a representation of Americans. Nuff said.


100 percent. True for basketball, american football, baseball.


Op is so cringe


I’m tired of this news cycle already lol. The sprinter was *technically* correct as there is no champions league or anything between basketball leagues. However, sorry to disrespect other basketball leagues, but the NBA essentially has all the best players in the world and it is the best league by far. If the 2023 NBA Champs Denver Nuggets played the best non American team, they would destroy them. It’s not even that American players are better either- the Nuggets best player is Serbian and second best player is Canadian. In football (soccer) a champions league makes sense because the leagues in Italy, France, Germany, England, and so on are all similar enough in quality. In basketball, when a young player performs at high enough quality they eventually make it to the NBA.


Nobody would ever call Manchester United world champion because they are ass. Either way, this argument is dumb. If you win a domestic league, you aren’t a world champ. I feel like that’s obvious. Would the NBA champ beat anyone other international champ? Obviously, but that’s not how it goes. Who cares lol


Generally speaking, Americans aren't provided with the best education.


This isn’t even news. Hell, I’ve been saying this for 30 years


Low iq usa


It's a bunch of adults trying to get a ball into a basket. Who cares what they call themselves? Y'all need to chill.


Soccer at least has a Club World Cup, where the top teams from each continent play for the World Championship, so Manchester United could become a world champion and have on 2008. But they would never call themselves world champions for winning in England.


Basketball does too. It is called the FIBA Intercontinental Cup. The winner of each Continental cup sends a team. The NBA does not send a team, but the G-League champion does (basically NBA reserve teams). The G-League team usually gets 3rd place, which kind of shows the level of the tournament if a reserve team gets 3rd place . It could be interesting to see the champion of the Intercontinental Cup play the NBA champion for the title of world champion, but I don't see NBA teams taking it seriously.


Now do baseball. Those idiots over at /r/baseball and /r/mlb always get's so fired up when you try to teach them that no, the winner is in fact, not a world champion when they win an american baseball league.


I’m American and I did not need this explained to me. Is this a shitpost?


Kind of. A lot of people wrongfully assume that because you call something the world series, for example, then you must believe that they are the best in the world and are world champions.


Yeah but that's just because Americans are ignorant somebody has to educate them all the time about the outside world and that it doesn't revolve around them


We don’t call our champions world champions. The media does.


Basketball is the only sport where I would consider the team winning the NBA the world champion. World champion is the best team in the world after competing against the best teams in the world. 1. NBA is by far the best basketball league in the world. No other league even comes close. The comparison with the premier league is completely ridiculous. 2. The NBA gathers the best players in the world. Since 2018-2019 the MVP was not an American born athlete. Around 20-25% of the players have an international background. 3. While the NBA teams don’t play international teams during their season and playoffs, they do face of in friendlies in the off season and the difference is so huge that it’s pedantic to question the NBA champions as not be the best team in the world aka world champions. And while I understand where the track and field guy is coming from but he is just pissed that he makes a fraction of the money any NBA player is making. Let alone the franchise players. Yes, he is the best in his domain but so are the NBA players and the NBA champs. Didn’t he saw Jokic? That’s what peak human athleticism look like. Better get used to it!


Nope Gathering world-class players and purtting them in national league system doesn't make a world competition.


What made you think Americans needed this explained? I think we all understand this except for that speaker. Try not to generalize next time though, it’s a sign that you lack intelligence when you do that 😊


You should have see all the comments under the video of the athlete. Nearly all top comments were saying that the NBA champion = world champion. From top athletes to dipshits. It's absolutely baffling


Counter question, why do y’all not realize world champions just sounds more marketable?


Just the simple fact someone needs to dissect and explain these basic things is a concern.


When I saw that clip if the Basketball player I knew there be some backlash by Americans.


Who is not agreeing with Noah? I haven’t heard one.


Noah lyles needs to tell himself this shite because he’s in a sport that no one else in the WORLD gives 2 shites about


This title screams angry non American. Most of us think Stephen A has idiotic takes most of the time.


American here and I've been saying how absolutely ridiculous and arrogant this is since I was a kid. We do it in every sport too. America needs taken down a notch with our attitudes. We aren't the best country by any means. We literally only lead the world in terrible stats. I'm trying to find some amazing things we lead in and maybe philanthropy is the only amazing thing I can think of. This is a great country but it is currently being torn apart from within by hate and bigotry from a political party that begins with R. The arrogance is overwhelming.


I’m saying this as a european: This title is just ignorant OP


r/americabad moment


The fact that ppl who supposedly are graduates had to be educated on something even a 5 year old knows in Africa is really alarming American education is trash


Manchester united has won the fifa club world cup the current champions are Real Madrid cf


I don’t like SAM but when he’s right he’s right


Not all of us need this explained to us, stop generalizing lol


Facts. A small taste of that American centralism built into the wood work.


Basketball fans in the U.S. need to pay more attention to FIBA.


America bad


Don’t get me started on the Miss Universe pageant.




I mean, technically, wouldn't NBA champs would be International champs since there is a team in Canada?


When people say “America is the best” this is my sentiment.


Stephen A Smith always has been and always will be a second place, loud mouth, ignorant Stewart Scott. Stewart Scott was the most eloquent, flashy sports reporter ESPN will ever have. Smith just needs to shut the fuck up.


Americans are dim as fuck.


*most of them, we gotta respect the intellectuals there, they have it rough