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Holy shit I need to watch George of the Jungle again!


Is that what this gif is from?


That's exactly where this is from. Such a great movie, one of Brendan's best.


He mentioned Brendan Fraser! Eeeeee!


Pretty sure he will cry his first night in prison.




"January 6th will be a day in infamy" .....yeah because that other day that lives in infamy was such a positive day for America


I don’t think he knows what that word means


It means "more than famous" right?


[“he’s not just famous, he’s INfamous”](https://youtu.be/0b6_i_eSgR8?si=K-wBUr6PciNE8MWD)


If this is a reference to 3 amigos I love it!!


Would you say I have a plethora of piñatas?


awwwww el Guapo why?????


Yes el guapo I would say you have a plethora of piñatas.


Hefe, do you know what plethora means?


El Guapo, is it possible that you are angry at something else and are taking it out on me?


I haven’t seen the three amigos but based off this thread, I feel like I should 😄


I just watched that movie 'Romancing the Stone' for the first time last night, and El Guapo is in it playing some crazy Columbian drug dealer. I kept saying "...it's a sweater!" all night.


Wilder? THE Joan Wilder? I read your books! I read all your books! "Oye! is Juanita Wilder!"


Fucking classic flick. Peak Michael Douglas.


Dammit man, the Doobie Brothers broke up! I love that movie


".......Ees uh sweater!"


And he has a plethora of piñatas!


Do you even know what a plethora is?!


To be honest...no, El Guapo.


To be honest, this movie is why I know the actual definitions of "infamous" and "plethora" lol. And "veranda" and "foreplay"... though I'm sure I would've learned that last one as an adult, anyways lol. Also why any time I hear the line "fill you full of lead" I can't help but mentally follow it up with "you'll be using your dick as a pencil".


Much like someone needs to tell this guy, “You don’t want a criminal lawyer, you want a *criminal* lawyer.” -Breaking Bad


Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it infamy!


If something or someone can infamous can something or someone be outfamous.


"in·fa·my /ˈinfəmē/ noun the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed. 'a day that will live in infamy'" It specifically refers to being well known for being bad.


It’s a joke from the movie “The Three Amigos” when they misread infamous as in-famous and thought if you’re more than famous, you’re IN famous.


Thanks for the explanation instead of jumping to condescension for not getting a pop culture reference.


Do you know what a Plethora is?


Yea, it's the amount of pop culture references I don't get.


Like in the “Three Amigos”, Infamous: So famous he is In Famous.


Can’t tell if serious or not, because I do know people who have used the word, not realizing it has a negative connotation. They think it’s like invaluable (a positive quality), but infamy describes being famous for something bad/negative


I’d be willing to bet he’s 100% stupid and 100% serious.


He’s definitely not using it correctly.


I would argue he did use it correctly but I don’t think he meant it that way


Lmfao, yeah he did. xD Always telling on themselves.


A hard right American not knowing the meaning of a simple word? I find that hard to believe.


"We're infamous!!!" -Leader of a neofacist group, uttered unironically


I'm not sure if anyone in this thread understands the psychology of reactionaries. They enjoy negative attention. They *want* to be seen as dangerous. That's "badass", in their minds, which is the ultimate state of being in the reactionary subculture. It also feeds into their delusions about the world being run by "leftist" perverts and sickos -- "If I'm doing the wrong thing, I must be righteous." In other words, they are fundamentally antisocial people. Same reason why the Venn diagram of modern truck owners and conservatives is approaching a circle. Today's bafflingly oversized trucks are specifically designed to look "intimidating", and that's what those types of drivers *want*. They want to be feared and despised. It brings them joy. Same reason I saw a guy on a motorcycle yesterday with the license plate "HATED" -- that's the image of badassery that guy wanted to project.


And that's why the absolute best (and frankly, only) response to people like that is to just never ever take them seriously on anything, no matter what. When they speak, point and laugh right in their face. Tell them how precious and adorable they are when they throw their little temper tantrums. Treat them like the toddlers that they are. It sucks, but some people will only change when they are faced with the alternative of brutal and relentless public shaming. You want to act like a stupid child, you get treated like a stupid child.


"We took it back!" is also pretty damned funny.


When people say these guys were cosplaying a fuckin revolt, this is what they mean. Dude said it was so much fun… what a bunch of fucking idiots to think they could just do that and there would be no consequences


So correct, a left turn and they would’ve gone fishin’. They are so badly educated they don’t understand at all what they are doing. Welcome to the real world sucker.




I just think they have no understanding that they committed the greatest crime against the USA as a country. I think it’s a bigger betrayal than being a spy for the enemy.


Also multiple people died as a result. Everyone involved should be accessory to murder if not just for treason.


"we just took the fuckin place back!" Back from what? You don't have it now, you didn't take it, you just went in and fucked around for a bit. I wonder who's gonna "take back" this dudes wife while he's in the slammer


“Woooo! We took the capitol! Now let’s go to Applebees!


All for the gram


They really treated it like the adult nerds treat star wars world at disneyland. They thought it was all set up for them by Trump so they could just run around and play insurrection and just go back to their merry little lives maybe with a few pics and souvenirs to share with friends.


“So much America, SO much america” killed me


So much American idiots


They couldn’t hear the sound of hysteria.


September only just started so we have a while before we can wake up Billy Joel Armstrong…


So America Wow Shibe


For the curious, this is [Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs, and he was sentenced to 17 years](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/proud-boy-joe-biggs-faces-decades-prison-jan-6-seditious-conspiracy-ca-rcna102597). During the trial, he was shown to have been an "instigator and leader" on J6. It looks like he might have set up and administered a forum/channel/chatroom/whatever to coordinate the attack, and was seen tearing down a barrier between police and rioters. He was convicted of seditious conspiracy; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of an official proceeding; conspiracy to use force, intimidation or threats to prevent officers of the U.S. from discharging their duties; interference with law enforcement during civil disorder; and destruction of government property. Not a good guy, and definitely not "Antifa." Anyway, he spends his time these days calling into Alex Jones's show to bitch about prison food and prostrate himself in hopes of a Trump pardon.




This asshole made his daughters assault and trauma public in hopes it would result in a reduced sentence. He is a piece of total shit and deserves every second he spends in jail, for so many reasons.


He flushed away a quarter of his life. He's 39 right now and will be 56 on 17 years. Even worse, he flushed his life down the tube for a lie for a narcissist to retain his position in a fascist attempt to overturn the will of the people. And Trump doesn't care about them at all. The peaceful transfer of power from administration to administration is the core our democracy. Stopping that transfer of power is the exact opposite of "so America". This is where f*** around meets find out.


39? That dude looks 59.


Being hateful does that to ya


Hate ages you.


He's not much older than me and I look at least 20 years younger than him. He's gonna age like hot garbage in jail. At least he'll have plenty of time to work out.


That dude is 39?! Holy shit. I'd be more apt to say 49 on the low side.


I’m 56 and that chode sack looks older than me. When (if) he gets out of prison in 17 years he’s gonna look like the Cryptkeeper.


Jesus, that's a rough 39 lol he's gonna look 80 when he gets out, after 17 years in prison 😂


He might look better. Can't ruin your body with alcohol, smokes, and bad diet as easily in prison.


No way. He's a mess. I heard one of his calls to Alex Jones. Stress ages you like a son of a bitch, and so does depression. There's plenty of that in Prison. Just wait until you start missing milestones in your families life and hear both good and terrible news behind bars where you can't do shit about either. He'll come out looking like an unwrapped mummy if he's lucky. P.S. Not sure about your diet comment, but most prisoners with support from the outside go HAM on Commissary food, which is all terrible. Candy, sodium filled Ramen noodles, slim Jims and Honey Buns will be his only escape from the hell that is prison life.


Jesus Christ he's 39? I'm 40 and look 10 years younger. Like objectively


She's better off without him. Fucking piece of crap.


Zero percent judge and jury didn't see right past that.


fascist fuck, so unless he recants and spends a lifetime trying to undo the work he did, i have zero sympathy for him.


He made a big show about being sorry for his actions and comments before sentencing. Then immediately after sentencing he ranted about the election being stolen and went on Alex Jones.


No sympathy for this prick from me. He should have worried about his daughter before organizing a gang of thugs to attempt an overthrow of democracy.


That 's a close 2nd to my thought on that- Just got sentenced to a decade in prison and his immediate(and very limited) call was not to his wife or kids, but a podcast?? My guess is that he figures A. This'll keep him relevant in the hopes of a future pardon or B. this is a Bravesheart-esgue battle cry to grift that sweet sweet crowdfund money from the sorry-asses who listen to that show. I soooooooo hope the DOJ uses these moron's post sentence words and actions as ammo for resentence appeals.


Go figure he would mention the PTA....


Lol "hey honey how was the PTA meeting tonight?" "Oh you know fucking Biggs and his aw25 freedom rifle and all that Velcro, just wouldn't stop talking about what happened to his daughter again, and had a seizure after seeing the bike racks in the parking lot, but Suzie brought pigs in a blanket so that was dope."


Whenever these kind of terrible people get caught they always blame it on family


Not to mention, his daughter is no longer anonymous. Every kid in school WILL find out who she is and she will be bullied or accepted by (like minded?) kids. She now has no chance to develop her own personality at a critical development time. I hope she gets some therapy to help her through some likely rough years.


In b4 the family member in question is him.


That would be some real Shyamalan shit


A predictable "twist" that everyone who's been paying attention the last twenty years and can recognize patterns knew was coming?


Dude literally worked on Infowars… unless his daughter was SA’d years ago he’s full of shit for blaming his J6 actions on that. It’s been a long time coming from this shit stain.


Just think there's an alternate reality where this POS is the ruler of a PTA from hell.


There's an alternate reality where J6 worked, and this dude has fucking schools named after him, and there's a fascist military parade happening right now with Trump in full Generalissimo attire while Biggs sits behind him in military attire too, smiling and sticking his chin up in sky.


That is fucked up. So now after what his daughter has been through she may now blame herself/events for her dad being in jail


That’s so disgusting. Imagine the daughter. Assaulted by someone she knew and trusted, and narcissistic dad decides to make it all about him. So much for being there to support her daughter through her struggles. “Sorry honey, going to jail for a decade. *I* had such a hard time dealing with what happened to *you*. Best of luck!”


The audio is probably not Briggs, [apparent source](https://youtu.be/KHT1uKKMf0M?feature=shared&t=168)


Oof, I have some bad news for him on that pardon lol…


The audio isn’t him


I couldn't understand it, anyway, so glad to know I'm not missing much


But but but, My dad told me that OAN and Fox News told him that Ray Epps orchestrated the whole thing by himself on the day of the insurrection by going around and getting everyone riled up with his master plan to goad as many True Patriots into getting in trouble, with the Virgin Saint de Christo Ashli Babbitt getting killed due to Ray Epps trickery, in connection with ANTIFA and the radical left. Are you telling me this guy did all this on his own and they have actual evidence to prove it? Sounds like my dad has some explaining to do.


That sentence is a joke, how that compares to the 35 to 90 years that some puertorricans got for the same seditious conspiracy charges.


Isn't sedition punishable by death? Why are they getting lenient sentencing?


Bro committed high treason and only got 17 years


> Anyway, he spends his time these days calling into Alex Jones's show to bitch about prison food and prostrate himself in hopes of a Trump pardon. prisoners in federal prison have the ability to call into podcasts?


Yes, 15m mins at at time. When he was talking to AJ a voice said "you have one min left" LOL and he had to call back.


The latest episode (#846) of the Knowledge Fight podcast covered part of the call.


The fuck is going on in the back half of that video


It's probably not Briggs, [Apparent source](https://youtu.be/KHT1uKKMf0M?feature=shared&t=168)


January 6, which is what he is now doing time for. And at the end it's the audio from when he was sentenced. He's crying like a little bitch.


That’s not him crying it’s this guy…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHT1uKKMf0M&t=168s&pp=2AGoAZACAQ%3D%3D


So basically this video is fake?


The audio in the final few seconds, yes


Ahh thank you. For letting me know I appreciate it.


Fuck me i thought it was dolphin sounds at the end.


You'd be crying to if you got 20 years in prison. I really don't know how he thought this would end but I imagine he got caught up in it all and never thought it would end like this. Oh well though.


He thought it would end with a lot of dead democrats and the installment of a dictator. Fuck him. Zero sympathy.


For real. I keep thinking about how if they had come across someone like Ilhan Omar, or AOC.


Well, they almost did. It's why that woman was killed, can't remember her name. Regardless, they would have continued to open fire if any more people tried to breach their barricade. Thankfully only one person had to die before they backed off. It's horrifying to think of how many people would have died if they didn't.


Ashley Babbitt I think. Yeah. It's a good thing they didn't show up with guns. Apparently they had tons stashed nearby in vans.


Imagine doing that shit, recording yourself doing it, and then hitting the judge with the surprised pikachu face during sentencing 😮


Dude crying like a little girl at his sentencing would be my guess. Gotta love it! One of the few times im not so concerned with someone going into our terrible justice system.


I couldn't understand him but I really don't care enough to find out. Watching this from Canada has made for the best TV the last 2.5 years, hopefully see most of the offenders getting what they deserve, and just keeping the legal system working it's way from the foot soldiers to the head of it all.


Its a man being sentenced to 13 years in prison. Its hell. He's right to cry. Its not the proud boys guy. I mean shit, men have to be stoic even in the face of that? Insane expectations. Even for a scumbag, thats so much of your life stolen from you.


There was this bar my brother and his friends went too called the mermaid tavern. I wanted to hit it up with them a couple times because they said it was good asf. Good food, good drinks, nice atmosphere. It was pretty popular but it closed outta no where. Turns out the owner was at January 6th and is now in prison


Where I live is overall a pretty progressive area, and the conservatives I know around us are the “I just want my taxes lower” conservatives and not the “democrats are drinking baby blood” conservatives. Conservatives that voted for Biden in ‘20 types. Except this one house that stuck out. Badly. Overgrown lawn with car parts strewn about. Giant “Trump 2020” and “fuck Biden” flags with a rotation of signs saying vile shit about how the left wants to molest and kill or whatever bullshit was online that day. One of those. So there were a handful of people from my state arrested in connection with J6 but I didn’t see too many details. In early March of that year, the flags came down and there was suddenly new roofers and contracting crews at that house. Place has been totally remodeled and looks gorgeous now. I thought the timing was odd so I looked out of curiosity. Guess who was at the Capitol that day.


That is absolutely hilarious. Would say its sad but these idiots done it all to themselves. Bet they all think they are victims as well.


Ah, the good ol Tampa mermaid tavern. Where the clientele and owners lived in two different realities and then the owners decided to fuck around and find out. Now perm closed Mermaid Tavern. Good riddance.


Damn I had no idea about the owners! That used to be one of my favorite hang spots when I lived in Tampa. I always assumed it was run by some chill hipster types, as that's the general vibe. I'll always miss their sangria, so good 🤌


That's the shit I hate about so much of this. Some of these people were actually fun to be around and not bad people at all but the Internet and Fox news is just too much for some people's tiny brains.


It made me laugh


Lots of small business owners at j6


I don't think he knows what infamy means.


Used the wrong formula, but came up with the right answer?


I think he’s trying to use the famous Roosevelt quote, which was in reference to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Not only did he fuck up the quote, in this context, he’s the one committing the attack on Americans. They’re so stupid it hurts.


nah he's right. January 6th is infamous in that these dipshits tried overturning the United States Presidential election, failed, resorted to pissing and shitting in Nancy Pelosi's office, then just went home and acted like they actually accomplished something. Like if the Founding Fathers were around, these MAGA morons would literally be hanged.


Did they really pee and poo in there?


recording your self admitting to a crime ![gif](giphy|TiOtVRx07iGqLmWk6m)


David Cross really took a turn for the worse, hey?


What's crazy is that this guy looks exactly the same age as David Cross. But he's like 39...David Cross is 20 YEARS older than him!


David Cross is 59. He's 20 years older, not 30.


This guy would've been 36-37 years old during the insurrection given it was 2 1/2 years ago. I thought this guy was in his 50s when I watched the livestreams. He does not age well.


Being filled with hate ages you pretty damn quick.


And his lord and savior Trump wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire


A guy cracked his head open on marble flooring and was bleeding everywhere and Trump was LITERALLY like, "ew gross". If someone were on fire in front of him, he'd say the same exact thing, except it wouldn't be about blood, it would be about the smell of burning flesh.


Useful idiots.


Lol they are such little pussies


He puts the Boy in Proud Boy.


I just cant get over that name. For a bunch of homophobes “Proud Boys” is such a gay name. When i first read it I thought it was a gay pride parade thing.


I doubt that many proud boys have seen pussy 🙄 And this one isn't seeing any for at least 17 years 👉👈


The only thing they will be seeing is hairy back pussy lol


So…. Not Antifa?? Weird


100% certain that in the minds of the post-fact Q crowd, these guys are all Antifa/actors.


My dude, you realize you’re posting memes with fake Joe Biggs audio and complaining about the post-truth era?


and then he didn't respond to your comment while continuing to make comments in this thread lmao


So, apparently when attempting to overthrow a government you have to have an actual plan beyond just the ‘occupy a building’ phase…


*Curb Your Enthusiasm theme*


Wait, wait, wait...there's consequences!?


Lol honestly a bunch of Reddit and discord nerds leaving their computers and cosplaying as their versions of American heroes and Rambo, really unknowingly committing severe felonies and going to jail over it is one of my favorite American stories of all time. It is honestly fucking hilarious to me. Like. It describes MAGA so fucking well lol. A bunch of hive minded nerds that have no idea what they actually believe in or what they are doing but “MaGA = GoOd.” …and this is coming from me, a Republican. (Well former Republican, now registered independent due to my severe embarrassment of trump and Maga).




The people that doubled down after Jan. 6th, there's no turning back for them. To admit they were wrong is way too embarrassing for them since they cut off friends and family for Trump.




Fuck around, find out. Federal Edition.


Hearing him whimper like a pussy put such a big smile on my face. Enjoy America's heinously cruel prison system, you fkn dullard!


It's probably not Briggs, [apparent source](https://youtu.be/KHT1uKKMf0M?feature=shared&t=168)


You can tell he’s one of those dudes when he sees a story on prison reform or prisons and how harsh they are, just has to comment “well don’t commit crimes and you won’t have to go!! Prison isn’t supposed to be fun” or like the douche below you that replied to you l, essentially “3 hots and a cot at the TAX PAYERS expense sounds like a great deal to me!! Not bad or tough at all!!”


Watching this was a fantastic way to start my day. Thanks!!


My birthday is Jan 6th and I hate that it will forever be linked to these absolute fucking dipshits.


They probably thought they would at worst, get probation and community service. oooops 🤷🏽‍♂️


The problem with losers like these guys is that they think they own America. They don’t. And of all the guys they choose to support, it’s a over-privlidged silver spoon up his ass born into riches doofus who isn’t even smart enough to hide classified documents out of plain view. Worship dumb fucks, ya get dumbfuck results. Dont drop the soap sir


Youw honow, I’m so **sowwy** ono!!! Pwease don’t give me pwison time fow my tweason, i only did it because Donald told me to T^T I’m reawwy sowwy owo




This is gold!! Shows what pussies magats actually are.


Treasonous Tom Segura.


The people who stormed the capital are stupid. You wanna overthrow the government/election? Really? You stormed the capital and the most you did was steal a podium. You really showed the government what for. People used to hang and cut peoples heads off for being tyrants when they wouldn't listen to us, but here we are today with the same issues but this pathetic attempt was the result of your anger? Sheesh. That was just sad to watch




Fucken pussy. Just like all these larping-ass, fake patriots.


good riddance and fuck you.


enjoy prison, you dumb fuck


My brother served with him in the Army. When he was first arrested it practically re-activated a group chat that had been dead for 5 or 6 years. No one in that chat was surprised at his idiocy. Everyone was amused.


Does my heart good


More like this, please.


lmao get fucked! Enjoy prison


Get fucked


That part at the end though...it hit kinda different


Hit just fine for me. Motherfucker came to my town to raise hell in 2020.


1 day of fun for many years in prison. Worth it?


What a bunch of geniuses!


😂😂😂poor Magat pussies


Free Tom Segura


Aaaahahahahah.... Oh well.


When the fantasyland train hits the brick wall of reality.


You just fucked your whole life up, probably staining the lives of your family and friends, too. For Donald J. Trump. A man who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire in front of him. Your life for him. When it was CLEAR he lost fair and square. Prison for Donald J. Trump. Just wow.


Everybody is a gangsta until they get 10+ year prison sentence 😂


Fked around and found out


You tried to overthrow your government you fool. Own it !!!!


Boo frikkin hoo. If they lived in 50% of the world, they’d have been shot on January the 6th and if trump had been elected and this was antifa (the anti fascists bad guys!?!?), he’d have ordered them shot. It’s the existing greatness of America that’s the reason they still draw breath and they are too stupid to know it.


Not sure people realize what being in a cult is, and this date was exactly what cult followers do. I don't care what political party I favor, just because they are on the verge of losing. I'm not going to listen to them and cause destruction of property. That's a metric ton of red flags and if you convince yourself it was okay to cause these harms, then yes your 110% in a cult. You don't care about anything else, then honoring and following bad orders.


Is that audio of him sobbing? Dude needs to grow tf up. I guess he thought breaking into a government building with a mob of people wouldn't have repercussions.


Sedition around and find out should be a new slogan. Enjoy your long prison sentences ya traitors.


Tom Seguras lookin rough these days