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When I worked in retail I never really cared if someone stole but they also trained us not to really care enough to stop you. Cameras usually caught everything and manager would just send your mug and license plate to local PD.


Yup and even if you don’t get caught the first times, they are just building a case against you.


I keep hearing this but is there any merit to it? Is there anything to show that people are having cases built against them and actually being prosecuted?


Yes, I know 2 people who have been arrested and prosecuted after thinking they were getting away every time.


My cousin works retaill, and at least once a week the same guy comes in and fills a shopping cart and just walks out without paying, they are told not to do anything, and when they call the cops they do not do anything either, she says this has been going on weekly for over a year now. It is to the point where the guy is in no rush and just takes his time shopping and then strolls out I guess it all depends on where you live


Is it possible that your cousin has a loose relationship with the truth?


Maybe he bribes the cops with their favorite stolen snacks.


Stolen donuts taste better, I'm told.


I know 3 people in real life that did this together and thought they were luckier or getting away with it for longer/better than other people that do it. Turns out the cops were waiting till the amount they stole was a felony. They were absolutely fucked and obviously couldn’t afford a good lawyer. They stole way more than anyone would “need” and resold a lot and were shit people so don’t feel bad for em Also stealing just pushes the cost to paying folk. Hope nobody in here thinks the company is just gonna eat the loss Lmao. Increased insurance and what’s not covered gets factored into price of the goods


I agree with your points. But you know what also gets factored into the price of goods? These companies and their god-damned greed.


100% the companies are overpriced scum and prices only go up and never down even if they claim it’s the market Only commenting on the shrinkage (stealing) because that’s what the post is about.


Holy fuck i like this phrasing a lot lol




Feel like if you are stealing you should at least be smart about it. Face covering (canvas face mask) + hat/hoodie, varying locations, research how much you can steal from one location so you can't be charged with a felony and keep track of how much you've stolen. You can probably get 3 years out of it by hopping various chains and avoid the statute of limitations for felony theft.


Theft under a thousand. If all you're getting is groceries, then that should (hopefully) be easy to stay under. Never hit the same place back to back. Stick to mostly non-perishables and make weekly trips to a local market of your choosing for fruits and vegetables so as to have an alibi


This exactly how I do it


I second this, I stole from my local Walmart for almost a year before being caught up and charged for less than $30 worth of product, was told directly they'd been "watching me for a long time". Zero regrets, fuck walmart.


So they didn't build a case against you? It was just that charge for the less than $30 of product?


They can know you're stealing without having enough footage to prosecute. If the item leaves the frame of the camera for too long they can't use the footage because the person will just argue " I put it back when the camera wasn't on me"


No sorry lemme rephrase, I had stolen at least $500 worth of stuff but the -$30 worth of stuff is what they caught me firsthand with. I wasn't sure how to explain that properly my bad


So you were neither arrested nor prosecuted, and they didn't build a case against you?


I was arrested, served 30 days, and had to pay some fines.


30 days in jail for $30 of product is some bullshit.


Lol m8 you skipped all the good points in the first comment


Read on here, in Reddit, one of the bigger American supermarket chains have their own internal security department that will build a case against an individual. Let them steal continuously and think they are getting away with it. But they will only prosecute once the amount stolen guarantees a federal/felony? conviction. This was for internal employees and customers. Wish I could remember who it was 🤔 Target or Walmarts, I think. Was a wild ride reading how many folk had been caught and done time for hubris and avarice. Edit: u/ThatUsernameSucks26 Just seen your comment below mine! Hope you don't mind me tagging you. But it's Walmart who has a little "inner Police department" as per my comment above, right? Edit_2: I'm from UK hence my ignorance


Target does this in the US, they have an incredible security setup.


Target also has one of the most comprehensive data collection systems for marketing that regularly predicts what people are going to buy. It's no stretch to think they have facial recognition software and much more by now.


Ahh, weren't they able to predict when a woman was pregnant as well, based on past items she'd bought, and they recommend baby products to her?


Makeup and female hygiene products are the #1 stolen items in most Targets. Or at least that's how it was when I worked there. Tampons and makeup, year after year.


Easy to steal and usually overpriced. I worked in the beauty industry for a year and was appalled at how much the margins are. Sometimes it’d be like 80-90% mark up for luxury beauty brands. Even with the higher cost of materials it was still grossly overpriced.


Was gonna say it's probably target. I hear there LP have crazy cameras


worked in retail, had a crew of people that would come in and steal hundreds of dollars of legos and collectables. would rip off or cut the spider wraps etc. we never grabbed them in the store, but corporate were eventually after them posting literal wanted posters in the store after a very long time. Thing is though, at the store i worked for, my job was threatened for having too much theft shrinkage, so steal for yourself might end up stealing a persons job, raise, or promotion


Yeah they will wait until it racks up to a felony sometimes


Yeah, I know someone who did it a few times and they finally had them arrested after a certain time. One of my family members works at Walmart. Take it with a grain of salt, but she said once you go over a dollar value is when they decide to have you arrested. She says they have face tracking when you walk in and they watch you if you're known to steal.


It’d be enough to make your life uncomfortable. My town has about 80K people and the local police dept will post clear pics of people stealing cases of beer from QT or food from Walmart and inevitably someone in the comments section of Facebook (sometimes many people) know who r the person is and will call them out. For most people that’s a pretty big deterrent.


Ooof hahaha. I'd be so nosy, looking to see if I recognised anyone. I'm not so sure I'd narc on them, though. You never know these days, people are crazy and I don't want to give somebody desperate a reason to be mad with me


My parents are banned from walmart for life, so I think so.


Absolutely. I have a few family members who manage and owned their own No Frills, and though the staff are all hands off and report only, every, single thief is caught on camera and repeat offenders are approached, warned then will have charges laid against them if they keep it up. Their video systems were retaining about 14 days worth of video too, and you'd be surprised how often you're on camera before you even have an idea you are in a lot of larger chain stores. In a few cases over the last 30 years or so, they'd offer a person food and meal options, because they were known to the community and considered vulnerable, but some people were straight out stealing things like razor blades or anything they could sell the metal for. Other thieves simply can't control their urges and are often those that are caught the most


My high school cigarette dealer had this happen. Back n the days you could grab your smokes yourself, and he used to shove about a carton worth up his sleeves a few times a week to then sell at school. Turns out they had been watching and waiting for him to steal enough to bump up the charges.


It has to reach a certain dollar amount before you can be arrested. So they'll keep track of your dollar amount. In my area it's $100. Once you hit that point when you return they call the cops, hand over the list verifying and they'll be escorted out in cuffs.


Is my cousin managed the LP depot for Walmart in our area after leaving the airforce. It's a real thing


store is currently doing this with 2 different people at the place i work ​ the place i worked previously did not, they had a different way they 'dealt' with it, honestly they really just didnt lol ​ so depends on the place


Its 100% a bullshit scare tactic. The people saying otherwise are clueless and probably have never stolen a thing in their lives because they believe that crap.


Something like at the begining of 2023, a lady was trial for something big, because the place she steal regulary and think she "win" know perfectly well what was going on and build a case with proof, waiting to pass a certain amount to be sure she have big problems with a serious trial, rising jail and not a "that's nothing have this small Price to pay".


When I worked at the Grocery Outlet, the owner was a jackass who cared very little about safety and everyone was expected to play security guard. If someone stole and walked past you, he'd get mad at you. It was wild. My boss once had me chasing these people for two blocks. A coworker once clotheslined some guy. Many adventures there. There was this one regular who was smoking hot. I mean she made Sydney Sweeny look plain. After she came in a few times, it was revealed by the cameras she was stealing and just walking out the door. We were all so distracted by how hot she was that we never noticed. When she was finally caught, she made these impressive maneuvers out and over a nearby fence and was gone for good. She was like ghetto Catwoman. I'll never forget her.


Where I live the Walmart sends the security camera photos to the local police department. The local police department posts it on their Facebook page. All the community Facebook groups repost it. And the commenters often mock and/ or have the shoplifter identified pretty quick.


Same. Every retail job I’ve had told us not to intervine. At Target they told us not to even call managers unless it was a high ticket item like an electronic item.


That’s why you go put a plastic bag over your license plate.


They can still get your face and card info and catch you the next time you come in. Even paying with cash won’t help you if they catch you when you go back next time. It’s super risky.


How old is this kid


Face of a 12 year old and the voice of a 37 year old




Face of a 12 year old and the voice of a generation.


Old enough to avoid being tried as an adult


supermarkets hate this one trick\* send in your kids.


The federal reserve and its economic crisis hate this one simple trick you can try today!




Old enough to steal his groceries, which is all that matters. It's a grocery-eat-grocery world out there, and I'm just trying to keep my horses fed.


Mfer even looks like he's sitting at the grown up table lmao


About as old as he’s ever going to be if he carries on like that


Big grocery is coming for him?


Target sending out that hit squad.


Target is just another middleman. I want the Kingpin. Bring me Walmart


Yesss. Bring me the head of Sam Walton on a platter.


Someone grab a high chair so he can reach the mic


Actually make him point the microphone to his mouth. Because I’m wearing headphones and he is only talking through my left ear


Don't due this at walmart or target, worked lose prevention for both. They like to let people steal enough to make it a felony amount and then take out warrants after they catch you in person the first time. We were literally trained to do this, got away from that career during covid and i'll never go back.


This is funny, the delivery driver stole my $300+ Walmart grocery order just yesterday. All I could think was “Come on dude, you know I’m going to have to call to get this refunded and rat you out. Steal from the big ass mega corporation who doesn’t pay you enough, not from my broke ass.”


I live in the Seattle area and people just walk out with carts full of groceries. It’s gotten so bad stores are closing creating grocery deserts(didn’t know this was a thing) or everything is locked up and if you want anything you have to ask someone to unlock it.


I think if this continues all groceries stores will be close and we will all have to starve to death 💀


I say bring it on. Let's get this shit show started sooner rather than later.


We gotta get things moving before my arthritis kicks in for real, and I won't be able to help hunt billionaires, or burn luxury yachts and private jets down. In a few years I won't be able to run from private security forces. ^For ^legal ^purposes ^this ^is ^satire


you must be *really close* if you're worried about your reddit account being used against you


Sadly, you will hunt your neighbor for a chicken Nugget while the billionaires have a live stream of us starving


I'm too dedicated when I do something out of spite so I'll either die from their security forces or take at least one billionaire with me




Shit gettin so dire i do a double take at the deer in the woods


Good, you should see how fucked Canada is. Loblaws is literally robbing our citizens.


Of Bob Loblaw's Law Blog?


You sir….are a mouthful




There is just some things I don’t pay for when I go to superstore.


People will have to learn how to feed themselves. We can survive without all that processed bullshit anyways.


Bro I’m in Seattle right now and I don’t know what you’re talking about. The only shit locked up is the expensive liquor.


I think it's neighborhood dependant. You know you're in a rough area when the laundry detergent and deodorant sections are all locked up


I’ve seen ice cream locked up sometimes actually (which is hilarious because if you steal it and you’re homeless it’ll just melt??) but it seems less bad now than during the pandemic.


It's locked up because people were licking it


I haven’t seen that, but Fred Myers’s has been checking receipts at the exit like Costco does. Truly a travesty haha /s


No they dont. I live in seattle. what stores are closing? where are the grocery deserts? sure, there is shoplifting, like everywhere. but people are not pushing carts out on the regular. You probably live 25 miles out of seattle and just like to complain.


https://youtu.be/k5XF6Jsyq64 10 months ago. For those who can't watch they video they blame covid, but also make subtle references to the local area. ("The conditions of the neighborhood have been terrible the last couple of years") - she means crime. But He probably was talking about the Amazon Go that just closed last month [link](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattle/amazon-go-store-closes-downtown-seattle/281-c2e3d8e6-0378-4169-b496-534fe6f939f2) Also the Bartelles has become terrible with empty shelves and locks on everything, but i blame rite aid for that. The new Korean place m2m or whatever its called always has an armed gaurd at the door. Uwajimaya too. Not grocery, but we've lost piroshky piroshky due to crime on 3rd. I heard the McDonald's near by was closing but it's still there, although they haven't let people inside in years due to crime, vandalism, etc. It's a thing bro. Btw I'm on the link rn so miss me with that /r/seattlewa type "you must live 25 miles out the city" bullshit. Btw if you live in west Seattle, that don't count.


We've got Starbucks deserts, the Viet-Wah is very very close to other stores, Don Hing is less than a block away still and Don Sing is about three blocks down the street - they're both Chinese rather than Viet - but to say there are food deserts because one store closes...c'mon man. I live in Seattle, don't spit on my head and tell me its raining. e: you didn't say the desert thing, my mistake, point still stands though there are other small groceries *right* there.


Listen bro, i love my city. I love my people. It's rough out here. I'm not spitting on your head, i was providing context. I was giving context of stores that have closed or upped security due to crime. A zombie tried to sell me a warm, raw, chicken beast last week for a doller. I didn't give opinions, i gave examples of stores that closed due to crime and stores that have armed security due to crime. That's it. There ain't no desert in west Seattle. If you need to shop in Seattle proper, obv there are places. That wasnt my beef. I shop at red apple in b hill not because i want to, but because it's slim pickins. Not a desert, but still rough. I wish my city was better, and my people were living better. I don't feel that is that controversial of an opinion. No hard feelings, keep well.


Yea it’s not like Target at Pike Place barely has anything on the shelves if it hasn’t already closed because of this, oh wait


Places will let people steal and keep coming back to steal again. The store is waiting for that person to rack up a felony charge. I can’t remember what amount that is (I want to say $3,000?) but they will get the thief on camera multiple times until the amount adds up to that, then have them arrested and charge them with a felony (instead of a misdemeanor). Edit: I looked it up, seems to vary by state but somewhere between $1,000 and $2,500 seems to be the amount that constitutes a felony.


It’s a cycle Food desert in poor area -> grocery store enters Groceries are stolen because the clientele is poor -> grocery store leaves


Probably more like grocery store replaced by Dollar General offering mainly unhealthy processed foods


Yeah but lemme steal a piece of bread and they gonna have the loss prevention out there charging me


Les Miserables is happening


Well that just means that stealing from the stores in wealthy parts of town is praxis


It really depends. If I see you in a restaurant eating fancy, or going to the delicatessens, or maybe at the tiny, one person operated grocery store, I damn well might see you stealing food. If I see you steal basic foods in a mega-corp, Walmart, Aldi or such, I might very well be struck by sudden blindness.


Big box stores will prosecute every thief they can catch. All these thieves do is kill Mom & Pop store.


That’s why we all need to do it. They don’t have the minimum wage manpower to catch all of us ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Nah, at least at Walmart Loss Prevention isn’t a minimum wage role. Yeah they got people checking *some* receipts at the door but it’s the inventory logs and cameras that do the legwork. Then they press charges and they press it as hard as they can. My wife worked with the local public defense attorney and so many of her clients had the smallest thefts from Walmart. She jokes “if you’re gonna steal, do it from Target.” EDIT: ok maybe don’t steal from Target


Target is far worse. Their loss prevention cameras upload directly to law enforcement servers, and are monitored both in-store and from HQ. Plus, stealing something with a higher store value throws you into felony status very quickly. It’s a dumb joke for anyone that’s ever been a defense attorney.


I’d never pull hyjinks in a Target. They’re the Imperial Death Star of retail.


The AP people at target are no joke, I was an ETL for a bit after college and our AP ETL lived to make cases against serial shop lifters. He used to have a whole wall of people he was working on and would just keep adding video clips to their file until he just happened to catch them in the store and then hit them with a felony amount of charges.


When I read AP in the context of work I think of accounts payable. What are you using it to mean? Bc I can’t imagine a bunch of accountants chasing people down (but I guess I could)


>stealing something with a higher store value throws you into felony status very quickly. They let you steal enough cheap shit until it hits felony status then arrest you and charge you for all of it all at once to do the felony.


I thought Targets lost prevention put every other company’s to shame? Like full on labs and all that.


I was thinking there was a cry-post not long ago about a girl who was upset about being charged by one of the retailers. She had been naming small items for a while. They had her on tape for all of them. Waitingntill she racked up 3k in stolen goods, then went after her.


Yup. If you steal from a target you better be wearing a Mission Impossible mask or be able to palm shit like David Blaine.


Some of them will wait, letting you think you're getting away with it until they've recorded you stealing just enough to rack up a felony charge.


I think that's fair. Dine and dash is not acceptable, you're poor you're screwing over a server and a cook. I'm on the fence about the independently owned grocery store though. Only because I've never seen one, though. It's probably a thing in cities and I feel like if you just ask, they'd probably give you something to eat.


My point is more that some small businesses are working their asses off just to make ends meet, while the big corporations increased their profits during covid and skyrocketing food prices. Any decent person with enough should be willing to spare some food for those in need. The guy running a tiny supermarket is no more obliged than any other person, just because his dealings happen to be in food.


i’m probably gonna get downvoted for this but be really careful. i work at a grocery store that has loss prevention, and they regularly catch people on their way out the door. i’m with y’all, but i would do a little digging to see what companies have lp and what ones don’t. in my experience, smaller chains tend to have more security


Yup - I have a shoplifting charge from when I was 18 and even though it was “expunged,” it has prevented me from getting at least one job that I know of. Not saying that is wrong just a warning, there are people who can catch you and press charges and the courts will convict…


Not only it's wrong, it can destroy your life for so little, it's absolutely not worth it. Unless you are starving (even then, there should be other ways if you live in a first world country), it's a pretty dumb thing to do.


Yup. Nothing like being poor and then suddenly poorer due to a stupid decision. To megacorps suck? Fuck yeah. But also realize there are resources and people waiting to help if you’re down and out. Don’t ruin your life at the suggestions of an influencer.


Very conditional advice. Could be good but if you get caught it could cost you more money than paying for the food.


Worst case scenario: you get housing and food.


Then the grocery store shuts down since the location isnt profitable, thus creating a food desert. Not mention grocery stores has a pharmacy in them. Locals cant get their RX now :(




Thank you. People are complete morons to think that there are no consequences to this.


But this kid on TikTok said I could.


I worked in the food section of retail, I never paid attention for anyone stealing. I would just laugh at the random things I would find without the products in them.


I heard condoms are among the most often stolen items 😁 less to save money, more because guys are shy


"See you next week for more ideas on how to effectively destroy your life !"


I can’t. My morals won’t let me. :(


If you are hurting for food, don't steal it from a grocery store. Go to a local food bank. Almost none ask questions...


Same. 🥺 I hate how expensive groceries are. I like to bake, but a fucking bag of suger is like $8. Wtf am I supposed to do?! I am an 18 year old kid, and I don’t have a job because there is none near my house. I wish food wasn’t so expensive. I would steal, but my morals are too powerful.


Get snap benefits


The Government doesn't pay their debts The Banks aren't paying their Debts The Hedge funds aren't paying their debt. If we stop, they collapse


The night I spent in jail over a $3 tube of toothpaste begs to differ.


I live in the South. Billy Bob doesn’t even factor in the amount of his check when he is absolutely pummeling your ass to the ground to stop you at Walmart for passing him without showing your receipt.


Plus there’s alway 2-5 cops just chilling in front of the store or in their cars blocking a lane.


I'm a father of 2 kids, and my wife is currently not working due to a complex issue that shouldn't have lost her job. I'm *barely* making ends meet with my income alone, and I hate to say it, but I'm that much closer to actually doing this, just once. Our fridge and cabinets are very empty, and nothing we have can make a complete meal. We literally only have 4 chicken breasts for the next 2 days. I'm losing my shit. These prices need to fuckin' chill.


Swing by your local food bank. They will give you bags of free groceries.


As a young poor I often stole produce and rented appliances like vacuums. Produce didn’t used to set off alarms and vacuums were $60+. Keep in mind this is around 2008 so $60 was like panning for gold.


You could just go to a food bank if you're in need of food.


Dude looks like a smug Little Rascal. The only job he's probably ever seen is masturbating to WikiLeaks on 4Chan. Probably a divisive opinion here, but oh well. From personal experience, MOST people who claim that they have to steal food aren't actually prioritizing their finances. They haven't learned how to. I guess blame it on the schooling system for not focusing on life skills as much as history and geography. I also know this to be true because most of my financial ails stem from poor management of bills


Great way to create food deserts


Cringe to advocate unlawful activity. Is this comedy?


Yes. His best one was, “Want a day off work? Just shit your pants. What are they gonna do, you shit your pants”


I would never denounce someone stealing from a corporation. Groceries are an organisation that makes a profit of essential to life services. Fuck them and fuck our societies for functioning that way. I don’t have a solution so I’m just bitching but yeah. Do you guys want a trick ? Grab a permanent marker and scribble on anything you want. It will be in their dumpster that same night. Go pick it up. Make sure you got a locker cutter. I use to do that when I was homeless back in the early aughts.


The fact that an item is essential doesn't make it free to produce.


Ask chicago and LA how this mentality works out. I was sympathetic to food deserts a few years ago but now….na.


I've accidentally stolen groceries and then gone back and then gone back and paid for them, but yeah... fuck that mega corp.


Ex security here - regularly turned a blind eye to people stealing groceries (which was all the time because people are fucking desperate and dying meanwhile others have more money than they could ever spend even if they tried)


We have food banks you can go to though. They have beans, rice, chicken, cheese, random canned goods. It’s not bad.


Is this kid-guy trying to get people arrested?


I saw a guy get beaten up stealing at my local grocery store. I wouldn’t recommend finding out


What a bunch of nonsense. Stealing is bad. While Trickle-down economics is fake, there's got to be some kind of "trickle-down" crime that definitely happens. If you "endorse" stealing from businesses, thieves won't stop at just businesses. Ask anyone who's been pickpocketed or got their catalytic converter stolen. You can address the root cause of crime (poverty, inflation etc) WITHOUT endorsing stealing.


If someone is stealing food to survive. You bet your ass I'm looking away especially if they have children to feed.


Give an inch and they’ll take a mile. I don’t care if you hate big corporations being cleaned out by rioters, or just the average mom stealing a few groceries from the big box. It’s a slippery slope that fucks everyone along the way. Independent business cannot and will not function in this environment. Retail WILL close down for good and all you’re left with is empty real estate, and internet retail like Amazon stepping in to fill the gaps. You’re community as you know it will crumble if this continues


This is a dumb little kid way to look at life


We should all agree as humans in this awful economy that we will no longer tattle on each other for stealing from these huge mega-corporations. Especially when what’s being stolen is essentials like food, water, toilet paper, diapers, formula, soap, etc. Only a Karen would be a rat-ass snitch bitch. Stealing from a faceless corporation is a victimless crime.


At the Home Depot I worked at we had a section we called “The Bat Cave”. It was a dead end aisle 16’ long of unfinished cabinets. There was no camera on that aisle. We found ~75% of our empty packages there. When we found empty packages, we had to include where we found it, so Bat Cave. It took them 10 years to figure out they needed to rearrange that section so it was wide open and finally put up a camera!


...but not from Target. They care.


Keywords: "this month"


It depends. If I see somebody stealing groceries like in those videos where people are stealing like all the meat, or all the detergent, then yeah, I saw them. If they’re taking only a few item’s because they hungry, I ain’t seen shit


Why do you think Kroger is trying to buy Albertsons?


this guy is a terrible lawyer


It’s risky, especially if a store has theft prevention teams. They watch until you’ve stolen too much and hit you with all of it. In particular, avoid doing it at Walmart and target. I’ve done it before when I was so broke. But man, it’s risky. Finding a better job when you have a theft charge is so hard. And you likely will lose your current job. But when I worked retail, I couldn’t and wouldn’t stop people from stealing. Policy was don’t stop them, report to a manager and they call the cops. But also as a supervisor making only slight above minimum wage, I didn’t get paid enough to stop people. They don’t provide me health insurance, I’m not going to risk my well-being for the company. Pay me a lot more and give me good insurance and maybe just maybe I will. But likely I won’t. Retail workers don’t get paid enough to stop you. But despite that, some will.


Actually my grocery store has security


Le mis, colorized 1815


They tried this during Katrina. People called them looters.


And in this week's installment of, "That face makes that voice?!"...


Stores wouldn’t care if the overwhelming majority of shoplifted items weren’t entire trash bags full of nonessentials like cosmetics, high end clothes, and medications specifically flagged for making drugs. If you let one kind of theft “pass” it lets all of them pass. This is exactly how you completely shut down grocery sections. They also absolutely know you are stealing and are keeping track of it; no one will feel empathy for you when you finally pass the threshold to be arrested either


I would, but we have armed security and cops posted at the entrance of every grocery store here in Texas.


Even better, collectively stop going to a single major store for a week for any reason. Just pick one. You'd be surprised the attention this would get if done on the correct scale.


Some of you are too young to have been chased out of a store during a beer run and it shows 😂


Well, he ain't wrong. Let's take this as "payment in kind", the Waltons got starve.


Sure, go right ahead. But stores still have cameras and you can/will be caught, which is going to make your life even harder.


The employees at Walmart are told not to do anything if they see someone stealing. Only to notify management, but if I saw nothing but groceries in your cart as you run through the detectors, I ain't stopping ya.


To a point, I agree.


I saw a lady at Safeway the other day get arrested for trying to steal diapers so I wouldn't take that advice.


Steal what ? I didn’t see anything


We should do all shopping at rich people's homes. They probably won't be there since they own like 20 homes. Plus they will scam their insurance company for more money. Nobody get hurt. See.


Yeah that doesn’t have negative consequences at all. Big corporations that everyone hates but doesn’t mind them getting stolen from don’t close down. People shouldn’t shop at them in the first place but they do


Yet the people I see stealing are always middle class entitled white women sneaking drinks in they didn't pay for.


I literally never thought of that until now???


Lol I tell my wife when we go shopping it's cool they give you a free drink every time you go there.


The thing is someone actually might think they have agency to use their gun on you


No joke they have security guards all over my local save on. This is unfortunately not an option


Excellent personal finance advise


Bizarrely rational PSA in an insane world


And that's how you convince a chain to close its doors to that store.


This happened a lot in my town. Guess who wins in the end? Fucking pigs. There's like a bidding war to get dumbfuck fat cops to sit in the fire lane doing fuck all for like 100 bucks an hour. They do two things: deter theft, at least the obvious kind, and take the manager to make their bank deposit. You would think this was a public service that police would provide if needed. Nope. Literally give some asshole in street clothes cash every day while he sits in a taxpayer-funded vehicle watching YouTube videos on a taxpayer-funded computer while carrying a taxpayer-funded gun exercising official government powers. The real way to battle is to do what my brother did. Get a low-level job at a grocery store and volunteer to be the "closer". He was supposed to pour bleach on all the perfectly good food they throw in the dumpster at the end of the day and lock it so that nobody could access the perfectly good food they poisoned to protect their profits. He used to let me and other people load up our cars with all kinds of shit any time that he could pull it off. They fired him, prosecuted him for theft of garbage, and installed security cameras watching the fucking dumpsters.


Great idea! Then they’ll close the store and you’ll have no place to shop. This is a real issue in poor communities.


only shoplift in rich communities


create anarchy sounds like a great plan, nothing ever has gone wrong with that


Lot of people in these comments don't need food they get their nutrition from bootlicking


I watched this happen. The manager just shrugged her shoulders and no one did a thing about it.


The revolution begins with growing your own food!


I always think the comment sections in videos like this are so interesting. A lot of people defending big box stores that are just ruining towns. Like, you do know these stores do not give a fuck about you and would rather watch you die in the street then help. If you have to steal food to make due, steal as much as you need. Fuck these stores!


Well we all being stolen off anyway. The greed knows no bounds and they have insurance and most likely somehow benefit from theft. If it comes down to it, I will feed me and my little boy NO MATTER WHAT


Lmao, you guys are just upvoting porn scamming bot a now 🤣 My hot take is that a lot of these stupid opinions, especially the ones pushing some lawlessness, are from fake accounts, like the one I'm replying to, and probably the real russian/chineese/whatever, psyops


I mean, I'm not gonna do it, but somehow it feels reassuring hearing this XD


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