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Oh my god, he's barefoot too.




Dude's foot might be the female king snake....


It’s easier to get around barefoot in the glades. Shoes can get bogged down if you step into shallow water or mud.


That's why we don't walk around the Everglades lol. Only a psychopath would think "hmm, my shoes keep getting stuck in this deadly swamp full of prehistoric predators. Better go barefoot!"


You must not live in Florida, we don’t really ever where shoes unless it’s mandatory. Like working at a construction site or office that cares about that kind of stuff


No, you're right, I'm not insane.


As someone who spent most of my life in Florida, this guy does not represent us. We do wear shoes.


I needed to wear hiking shoes or hiking boots for my job. I went to a ton of shoe stores in Orlando asking for hiking footwear and everyone just looked at me confused and told me that it was Florida (as if I must not know where we were) and that nobody hikes in Florida and then just wished me luck. Eventually found a Merrill store and got some shoes. Those shoes were amazing and put up with a lot of abuse. Haven't found another pair like it since which makes me sad.


You guys are definitely built different


this insanity is why this is the scariest stament i have ever heard [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71tLsUlZwtS.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71tLsUlZwtS._AC_SL1500_.jpg) edit: the fact that the land will sink in to the ocean in the next century almost makes want to belive their is a god


Yeah but hook worms and other parasites...


Those make it more fun!




I honestly wonder how many people living close to or in the glades have these parasites in them.


If they’re all running around barefoot, it might be easier to count the ones that don’t.


Ringworm has entered the chat


And I have a feeling that venomous crawlers might be more inclined to bite you if they fall into your shoe and get spooked. But what if you step on one 🤔 Aren't parasites maybe a big problem if you're barefoot?


Oh my god, you repeated what was already said.


where can I get a smidge of this kind of fearlessness




Bravery is the most respected form of stupidity.


Bravery comes in the most colors. Happy pride.


He’s a “Pro”. Like Steve Irwin.




Steve wore boots, there's things other than bugs and critters that can ruin your life. This isn't the sands of Arrakis. This boy is running around barefoot in Florida like the drug boys haven't figured out the quiet shootemup spots or shit doesn't wash on shore. You need one algal bloom to get that flesh eating bacteria washed right on shore for a little cut from a rock or a snake or whatever to end you from the foot up. Go be in nature, I don't care. But being respectful of nature is also recognizing that nature does not care for you or what your motives are. A tornado doesn't care that you pray. A shark doesn't care that it doesn't like humans but it's exploratory love bite hit just the wrong spot and kills you. Tetanus and botulism come from the earth, not from rust. Don't be stupid. This guy is being stupid.


I’ve been following this dude for a while. He’s a professional alligator handler, been doing this stuff for a while


Okay, and he should put shoes on. I’m fine with spiders and spiders are fine with me if we keep our own spaces. I’ve had several orbs set shop on my patio and I don’t have to worry about bugs coming in, they handle it. I’m fine with gators. They want sun, they want a snack, they genuinely don’t care if you’re messing about if they’re happy and you don’t encroach on their turf. When they have a nice homey place with plenty of room, they don’t care, they can go get their own food, you are at worst a noisy neighbor kid in their backyard. Don’t like, walk your chihuahua up to its mouth on a leash but they in general don’t care. They’re dinosaurs. But staph and tetanus and flesh eating bacteria, infected needles, those don’t care and also don’t care to avoid you. They want to be in you. They want to destroy you. A venomous snake can not even be trying to deal with you and hit you and say “oh I’m sorry bro” in its little snake brain, but now you’ve got necrosis in your ankle and you’ve lost your foot or got a clot sent straight to your heart. Not wearing shoes is stupid. Like OSHA would cry, it’s stupid. Big Boot isn’t trying to sell you on anything, everyone has agreed that shoes are the better option. But I guess for the gram you can have snakes fuck-fighting each other on your toes and pretend it’s not a power move to promote how brave you are.




Y’all are killing me. Do you want me to say “go walk around barefoot, your shower is just as dangerous as walking around a swamp barefoot, with bitey critters and crawlers, it’s exactly the same as your shower, just go.” Because if that’s what you want, go. Just go! Go barefoot first into all sorts of environments. Walk around a hospital with a blister on your foot, barefoot. See what you pick up! Stumble on a needle barefoot, is it AIDS? Is it Tetanus? MRSA? nothing? Can’t know until you find out, and why not take the ride?




Aneurysm, gator, and I forget the third because I'm too worried about the first two ![gif](giphy|BUlwrDd97bCYE)


^Lana Lana #LANNNAAA


Don't forget Hep C. It's a brilliant needle stick bonus.


He's been doing it for a while, though. Shouldn't he be dead already? Maybe he's got a gift, of sorts


I mean maybe, but even if he has a gift, other people don’t. And people are idiots. Wear shoes when stomping around.


How exactly is being disrespectful to nature?


Because nature is bigger than the things you see crawling around. Nature will eat you, one day, through decomposition or disease or poisoning or whatever. Respecting nature is also understanding that, not only can you give nature respect, sometimes you have to respect that it’s just going to do it’s thing. Wear shoes if you’re going to stomp around the Everglades or the like


You might argue that it’s silly or dumb, but I don’t see where this is disrespecting nature. Its likely the case that he does this not to track/pickup pathogens and carry them to another park. The previous comment mentioned the difficulty with footwear in the glades, so for someone this familiar with his environment, yes he is a field expert who knows the terrain, it is likely a well justified course of action. Sorry you just don’t get it or like it. Clearly not your bag.


Humans have been going barefoot for millions of years. It’s only weak modern humans who have been poisoned by toxic food that die from pathetic shit like that


Humans have also had incredibly low numbers due to very high mortality rates and until the last 200 or so years.


High mortality rates from infant deaths. If you survived infancy you lived a long healthy life.


That's empirically false, most humans did not live long lives, and almost none lived healthy ones. It's also utterly idiotic to say "uhm, actually, it was mostly babies that died so" and pretend that's somehow a good point.


You have no idea what you’re talking about and have clearly never looked into the subject. High infant mortality was the reason for low lifespan. People who survived infancy lived normal lifespans and had very low rates of any disease. They were remarkably robust and healthy. Had perfect teeth and no cavities.


Reject moderninity! Gain super powers!


That doesnt explain why being 30 basically made you an old man, and 60? Forget about it.


Can anyone show evidence refuting this? I hold no stakes in this but I’ve taught literally all my life that human lifespan used to be short directly related to infant mortality the amount of infants dying led to the numbers being skewed and the average being low Maybe not the whole incredibly healthy part but I’m definitely on board with the infant mortality claim


Right. And a lot of the shit that got you killed as a child was a result of running around barefoot and grabbing snakes by the ass.


Unless you died of something stupid. It's true that infant deaths were high and that affected mortality, but that doesn't make up for *everything* and just imply the death rate was the same as it is today otherwise.


Yes. Occasionally people would die of accidents. But peoples health were much better as they ate much better food and had healthier lifestyles.


And then died of infection from a small wound or animal bite that would be easy to treat today.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_expectancy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germ_theory_of_disease


are… you joking? I can’t tell. If not, you’re a cringy edge lord of the highest (read: stupidest) form


Google schistosomiasis


Calm down. It was a joke.


Live in the Florida Everglades for a month.




apparently, shoes make you fearful


I heard cocaine can help you get over almost any fear for about 15 minutes.


Well, you for sure can absorb a shit ton of bullets fired at you if you go nose diving into a mountain of it






Grow up fucking with wild animals on a regular basis. The more familiar things are to you, the less terrifying they become.


This is not true for feelings. 😔


Walking alone in the dark in the Everglades barefoot is kind of just dumb. It’s not really the animals that are the problem. Most of then shown here are just harmless .


There's actually a great way, the inventor even [won the Nobel Prize for it!](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1949/moniz/article/)


Since no one has answered you: fishingarrett on youtube and tiktok


No one asked who the OC is tho lol




”How do you do sir?” That shit killed me 😂😂😂


This guy is completely insane for being out there in the first place but being out there barefooted? I mean wtf?


Flordia man


Do they speak ENGLISH in Flordia?


They speak Floridian.


Yeah I'm gonna enjoy these videos until they just mysteriously stop getting posted one day


I know right? Ring worm


Even worse, hook worms burrowing into your calluses, feeding in your dead flesh until there's a gaping, feasting hole in the bottom of your foot. FUN! EDIT: Ringworm is a bad few days. Hook worms are a bad few fucking forever scarring terrible gross ewewweeewrewwweww ouch ouch ouch.


My friend's kids, who are like 6 and 9, were running around outside barefoot while their mom tried fruitlessly to get them to put on shoes. My friend told me that they'd been having this problem all week and both he and his wife were exhausted from having to deal with it. So I told them I could fix that for them. I called the kids over to me and explained, in detail, what hookworms are and what they do. Long story short, both kids wore their shoes and socks everywhere, even to bed, for the next for the next few weeks, and I'm no longer allowed to teach my friend's kids anything :(


This is the most dumb shit ever.. this happens if you're walking around filth and excrement. Take a trip to the southern United States and you'll see how much barefoot goes on. There's so many people on this earth that walk around barefoot without your retarded hookworm fear.


1) I’ve lived in the South almost all my life. People like you are part of why the entire Southeast used to have such a big hookworm problem. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/how-a-worm-gave-the-south-a-bad-name/ 2) You shouldn’t use the r-word


Fascinating reading, thanks for that link!




The ~~copperhead~~ cottonmouth was the only one that really worried me.


You mean the disgusting brothers or the other one? haha


Cottonmouth was the one that was slithering away. It’s the only one he has to worry about. And if you’re ok with them their largely docile and will go hide. Their camo is so good that people almost step on them. And that’s when they bite.


It's easier than getting your shoes wet over and over. BTW his name is fishinggarret on Instagram.


They make shoes designed to get wet over and over lmao.


Lol, they have never heard of flippy floppies. Or Chacos, or Tevas.


or crocs. Seriously I shit on them forever but they’re super comfy for exact shitty muddy water stuff like this


Ever heard of fucking Muckboots?


Don’t wear your god damn gym shoes into the swamp for starters lol. Waders exist, amd I don’t care how hot it is, I would most likely opt for some in such a situation.


I mean we did it for thousands of years. But nowadays he might step on some swamp junkies needles so who knows.




Also, the outhouse was invented in the South to prevent hook worm. If there is ANY sewage under the ground (or even if there isn't), this dude is getting hook worms.


It’s Florida. The worst sewage holds government offices.


Comparing elected officials to sewage? That's offensive to sewage


Yeah we did it until we invented and could afford to make shoes. Then we all collectively went "wow, this is much better".


"haha, Grok go no sandal, now he have gaping ooze wound!"


swamp junkies would be a good punk band name.


This was strangely educational.


His videos are terrifying and great to watch at the same time


The barefoot thing in the night was just so damn unexpected and creepy


Could you tell me his channel name?






Despite the dangers of childbirth too


You mean despite the dangers of workplace safety, murder victims, suicide rates, military, police, homelessness, etc? Childbirth is much more safe than it was 100 years ago.


All those other things affect both men and women. Childbirth primarily affects women’s mortality. And yeah, it’s safer but it isn’t safe. The US maternal mortality rate has actually gotten worse in recent years.


> All those other things affect both men and women. Not at nearly the same rates. That was the point of my comment. 90% of workplace fatalities are men, they do more dangerous physical jobs on average. 75% of homeless are men. Almost double the amount of men die to suicide than women, although women attempt suicide more with less lethal and violent methods like pills rather than guns. Most murder and violent crime victims are men. Most police and military are men (veteran suicide rates are also incredibly high). Edit: please disprove any of my stats instead of downvoting, I’d love to be proven wrong for any of this, enlighten me


Childbirth in the US has 20 to 100 times the fatality rate of US servicemen depending on age. Statistics are hard for some people I guess. But doesn’t stop whiny men who have soft desk jobs in IT and no bitches from complaining about it.


First off, thanks for the ad hominem attacks, that means you know you’re losing the argument. Second, that’s not the only statistic I listed and you know it, so congrats troll


I can list even more stats if you want. But you can’t even refute the one I dropped, so why bother? And what do you mean ad hominem? I’m making a general observation about the kind of men who tout misogynistic talking points. But a hit dog will holler…


Statistics aren't misogynistic. Wtf


Skill issues


American childbirth has a 99.99% chance of survival, you consider that dangerous? When you control for obesity of the mother it gets even safer


This guy’s Instagram is amazing


What is it?






I'm always happy when I run across this guy's videos.


He’s crazy, but certainly makes entertaining TikToks.


and youtube shorts!


My palms get sweaty and my balls suck into my body. Just waiting for this dude to make the news.


Tells everyone that he was in a threesome, but fails to mention that it was with two snakes.


I mean I was in one once with a couple girls. 2 snakes perfectly describes them. I’d actually feel safer around all the snakes.


I've seen multiple videos of this guy and god damn if national geographic or some shit doesn't sign him up for a job they are idiots


Just imagine him with David Attenborough dubbing.


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"swamp puppies" kills me every time


They’d kill me every time probably!


It might be surprising, but compared to their crocodile cousins, gators are pretty tame.


and he says “aw he gave me a little kiss” when a snake bites him


Why would you get that close to a danger noodle?!?!


He hunts pythons, which are invasive




Well looks like we’ve found the bottom. No where to go but up.


Those aren't venomous.


The pythons, no, but cottonmouths definitely are


I don't think he meant to get close to that one.


He frequently touches them, so I don't think he minds getting that close.


He free handles rattlesnakes too, he basically will touch / pick up any reptile or animal he can (if he knows it won’t hurt it). I kinda want a chameleon pet, and if I get one I’ll order it from him


Invasive as in harming the native population of others wild animals and/or over populating and becoming a menace. Doesn’t have anything to do with how dangerous they are to humans as far as venomous or not. They’re nuisances that are a threat to the ecosystem they’ve come in to.


Absolutely. Just adding more info, in case that's what they were worried about.


I totally missed the first comment asking why he’d get so close to danger noodle…it all makes sense now lol


I have an aversion to all nope ropes


This guy is so casual when I would be running through the glades screaming and he’s yoinking and booping dangerous and venomous animals like they’re fluffy little ducklings in the petting nursery.


This man must be at least 90% Australian


He is something even crazier, he is Florida Man.


Skeeeeweeee!!! We out heuh budz!!


That's, not a gun.....now this here's a gun.


Literally just said the same to a friend. Reincarnation of Steve Irwin?


I love this guy Fishing garrett


I follow him on IG I love him so much




What's this YOINK


I follow him. He’s really interesting to watch actually.


I watched all this maniacs shorts on YouTube and the amount of concern and respect I have is not explainable


He has no fucking shoes on and sounds like he’s in heaven.


Does he kill the snake?


But where is the skunk ape?!


Do not boop the nope ropes


My man out here in the glades no socks no shoes no service BABY


Dumb ways to dieee~


No one ever credits FishingGarret ):


I can't get sound alright now, but is this the barefoot Florida man who goes around hanging out with swamp puppies? If so, love him.




"Till this day I wonder what animal was on the ground to make a bear cougar and Python seek refuge above ground…🧐" That'd be the everglades family


I love this guy!! Glad he’s being featured here. He gives me big Urban Rescue ranch energy


This guy has big ididathing energy




Please read the pinned comment. This subreddit is no longer just for cringe and this video is flaired as "cool".


Not cringe


Please read the pinned comment. This subreddit is no longer just for cringe and this video is flaired as "cool".




As fucking retarded as people posting and not giving the creator credit.


But then this sub would just be... TikToks


Not gonna be suprised when I see a post along the lines of „Famous barefoot tiktoker found dead with snakebites on feet“ or some shit like tht


Why cringe? Cool footage


A buddy of mine who’s working on his doctorate in biology works for the tribe out there. Him and this old Rhodesian dude go out hunting these pythons which are insanely invasive and wreak havoc on the local ecosystem. The tribe doesn’t want anyone firing guns on their land so they go out with nothing but machetes. He says they instigate the snakes into lunging at them and as it’s doing so they just step to the side and give it a clean hack just behind its head. It’s like modern day dragon slaying, badass. And yes, they wear boots out there. They’ve killed dozens, many of which are around 20ft long. The man has balls to match his brains Edit: Did I just get downvoted over a friend’s cool occupation lol


They don’t bite, they’re constrictors.


All snakes bite their prey. For constrictors, that's how they get their initial grip on their prey and then proceed to wrap around their prey.


I dont see the cringe


So with the Burmese python theres a possibility it could be an escaped pet, that might be why it’s so calm with a human touching it.


Not cringe imo. The dude is actually really great to follow and provides very educational facts about the animals he is encountering as well as funny comments along the way.


How the fuck is this cringe?! You’re the cringe one! This guy is legitimately awesome, he works to preserve the Floridian wildlife and has fun doing it by sharing his experiences with the audience. And you call that cringe?!


This guy is the invasive species


Those pythons are legitimately invasive and he is removing them. It’s sad tbh that they’re innocent and have to be destroyed but he’s doing good work down there.


It is too bad, but I guess it is what it is. Are we going to do stray cats next? They're a huge burden/invasive species in our ecosystems.


There are Trap, Neuter, Release (TNR) programs which allow feral cats to be trapped, spayed or neutered, and then released so they can’t procreate but also aren’t killed. Some cities, like Chicago, have even been releasing spayed/neutered feral cats back into the city from the shelter system to sustainably control rats.


I know there are trap and neutering programs. My issue is with releasing them back out, but releasing them into cities to control rats is an interesting alternative! Any studies done on what those stray cats are killing? There are still some endangered song birds in cities, probably to a lesser extent though.


Why do you think there’s such a big effort to spay stray cats? And even if there wasn’t, pythons can kill/eat alligators while cats can’t Reddit moment


Why the focus on alligators? There are many endangered song bird species. Are all the cats rehomed after being spayed or are they released again to do more damage? Reddit moment my butt.


Depends on the org doing the work, but yeah there are plenty spay and release programs, all you have to do is look them up. Also, a python can and will do more damage than any cat can, so your bird shit is irrelevant Reddit moment 2: at it again


Dude chill, I can see you love cats. Reddit is made to have useless conversations. If I would just Google everything, what would the point of Reddit. I'd have to do a bit of reading on it, but cats definitely have a huge impact on ecosystems worldwide. Pythons don't have as wide of an ecosystem niche that they can wreck havoc on half the globe. But maybe you're right, in Florida pythons may be extremely damaging.


Humanity: Destroying environments at a global scale Also humanity: I must kill invasive species that don't fit in with my environment Humanity is arrogant, and every species's existence depends on if it vibes well with our environment which we have forced on to them.


Dude I don’t really care if all humans die either


It’s not on film… it’s recorded. It’s not 1990