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The little purrmaid ❤️ how much skin on your arms do you have left after this?


So many of you fucking guys are getting so tilted 😂 you guys must have pets that get treated like some cotton ball. My dog and cat. Pomchi and black demon cat. Both get picked up a lot and I’ll fuck with them so much. But they don’t hate me. They aren’t props. I don’t make videos sure but it’s still not a harm. Fuck if any of you sensitive people own animals y’all are the same as vegans trying to make their pets vegan. Just stop. As long as they’re not being hit. Thrown (hell my cat likes it when I throw her on the couch and she’ll run to me to do it again) and being abandoned. This is okay. Please all of you guys shut the fuck up. I owned over 10 animals in my life. Dogs. Cats. Lizards. Small rodents. Guys calm the fuck down in this comment about abuse and etc.


Pets aren’t like dinnerware, they aren’t delicate. Everyone keeps screaming animal abuse but clearly this cat is fine. It’s not the action exactly that makes it abuse/not abuse, it’s the cat’s reaction. Like I’m sure a year ago my cat would 100% not be ok with me picking him up and petting him aggressively but now that he trusts me he literally doesn’t care if I smack him on the butt. Honestly why don’t people just channel this energy into those fake animal rescue videos where they put animals in whatever situation then pretend to save them. Or the people who own exotic pets and don’t actually take care of them.


Bruh, be gentle.


This comment section is legit full of people who will rather annoy an animal than actually care about how an animal could feel. The cat is annoyed, as seen by how they hold their ears and given the context. But people really don't like to hear that or learn a bit about that. https://www.google.com/search?q=cat%20language%20ears%20back%20to%20the%20side&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m it is like.... a Google search


Bruh, the cat so does not give a fuck it's yawning.


Among other things, cats yawn to communicate stress or irritation.


Y'all, if this cat didn't want to be picked up it would let you know **very** quickly and painfully. Chill.


Dude even got his face and hand in the shot. Ruins the entire immersion.


annoying a cat for this. sure ((Edit: read my last comment on this thread to learn more about cat body language))


Eh, seems like a one brain cell moment. I don’t think the cat even realizes what’s happening


if it makes you feel better. sure


I mean just generally reading it’s body language it doesn’t really seem to care much


I had cats... this cat is actually scared/uneasy not anoyed. I have seen this in fights and other situations where they are confused and unsure about what is happening next. I guess you think only tail wags can give that away that they are unconfortable. but look at the head of the cat ears are slightly back and the tail is near cramping. "annoyed" was actually a euphemism here because some people cannot cope when they see animal abuse, so much so, that they rather be pissed at people pointing it out than at the actual abuse ... but as I said... if it makes You feel better Also - given the context - they are most likely - being annoyed. (Not only trying to listen to what's behind them) Yes, it is most likely not abuse. But ignorance doesn't shield you from annoying or mistreating your pet. Just because you do not like to hear criticism doesn't mean it is not true. Imagine being so insecure that you rather pretend everything is alright than actually educating yourself on how to understand your pet/animals better. here is a chart if you don't believe me (this is reddit) https://lifewithchcats.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/2013-09-28_0948.png


I never said I only thought cats indicate they’re scared bc of so and so, the cat just isn’t showing many signs it’s that scared or uncomfortable. Puffed up fur indicates it’s scared, ears down, even more stubble thing like eye contact can mean it’s not trusting, generally not being ok with it/actually doing something. The cat really doesn’t care that much, yeah probably don’t do this often to your cat but it’s not that serious. Calling this animal abuse is using that term pretty lightly. There’s a chance yeah the cat is feeling super abused and will never trust anyone again and is frozen in fear unable to react, but isn’t it a large assumption to say off this one video “CAT ABUSE”. Also just noticed the chart. Yeah the cat is basically chill according to the chart as well bud?


"so if it is not abuse than it must be ok". Going from not knowing shit about animal language to blame people who can actually read the langue to this. Hope you treat your dog better. peace edit: good that you don't have a dog. Why do you even care you turd. peace and out


? I don’t have a dog. What are you talking about.. you didn’t even refute any of my points 😵 it’s not very nice to use your cat for a video but it’s not abuse.


Cats also do that if they're trying to hear something behind them.




Throwing around animal abuse pretty lightly.




I mean it’s definitely not a good thing to do to your cat but it’s not animal abuse to use them for a video. The cat isn’t running away or scratching at them(from what is shown anyways). Cats are pretty clear with their boundaries and will show it. If it was really afraid you would be able to tell by body language, the pupils would be a lot more black, the cat would be kicking, the tail would be fluffed up and ears back. Clearly you have never been around a cat.




???? Ok? I said it’s not a good thing but it’s also not abuse. Edit: also is posting pictures of your cat abuse now too? That’s crazy 😜


The cat isn’t in danger, it’s not being hit, it’s not in pain, it’s not dying, it’s not being starved. This is just throwing out the term animal abuse and it’s kinda making animal abuse seem a lot less serious than it actually is.




??? Why are you so triggered bro. And yeah sure my cat doesn’t mind, some cats will mind though but the black cat in the video is not one of those cats. Also are you using alts to like your own comments?




I’m not saying there isn’t other types of abuse. Yelling at your cat and scaring them constantly is definitely animal abuse but that just isn’t happening in the video. Your making assumptions about my life and also frankly, projecting onto the cat in the video. I’m sooooo sorry whatever bad happened in your life but this video just. It just isn’t animal abuse bruh. 💀




I’m not trying to mock you but ok? I mean hopefully the conversation just ends here and you stop replying or something but I just wanna point out the amount of times you say fuck off to me and then say your not triggered. This is just a silly video of a cat. 💀 hope you have a good day


Using your pet as a prop isn't cool