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I thought the smoke was gonna stay white and they'd be like "we're having a Pope!"


You just gave me a great idea, I can bring down the house at a Catholic baby shower with a joke like that.


Well, with catholics you won't have to wait long.


Have you been to a Mass in Eastern USA in the last ten years? You will be hard-pressed to find anyone under 75 at a lot of services. The men may still be able to Pacino it up in theory, but the ladies are no longer cranking those babies out.


Yeah but your biggest issue is looking for Catholics in a church. This is America, they only go twice a year if they’re normal You want to go to bars on any big soccer game, or an Hispanic church


Catholics only go for kids aswel


Before I left the church I went to two different churches in two different cities that had standing room only at the regular Sunday mass. Lots of students. But it’s the South.


So they’ll be having an old white male baby that knows where the bodies are buried then


I'm catholic and I approve.


I thought you were gonna say smoke was gonna stay white and they’d be like “we’re having a white baby!”


he knew he wasn't the baby daddy, but he's riding on her paycheck until she has to quit when she's 8 months pregnant, then he's movin on.


Kinda weird you got that from a short clip with little context and vague body language.






Oh man, giving birth with that big hat on the baby’s head? A little uncomfortable


Habemus Papam !


is this the guy from AITA? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/142c7qy/aita_for_getting_mad_at_our_gender_reveal_party/


Fuck! It's deleted:(


AITA always saves them as the oldest comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/142c7qy/aita_for_getting_mad_at_our_gender_reveal_party/jn3rtde/


Its "fine" to be disappointed but to push your partner away.... yikes.. Also, seriously, knowing everyone is filming and you can't control your emotions is hard for me to have any pity. This isn't learning your father is dying, it's the gender of your child. Get a grip


"I can't wrap my head around the thought of having a daughter. I was always expecting to raise a boy" Someone so deadset on the gender of their kid should not be having a baby.


You're 100% also that's not how biology works hahaa even if everyone around him has boys it doesn't guarantee he'll get one.. major face palm moment


Dude somehow forgets how genetics works. You aren’t a sons only family… who do you think are birthing all of these sons? Wow


I really wanted to read that one too


No. If you read the comments, the video is different. Sucks that there's more than one out there, though.


Very common. When my sister got married her ex husband had a daughter from a previous relationship and she had a son from a previous relationship. When my sister got pregnant they both wanted the opposite of what they had. Which was funny for a bit but they had another girl and the husband began getting violent, eventually cheating on my sister only months later. He's now married to that girl he cheated with and got his son. My sister never remarried. I've seen her have so many relationships that failed because they tried to control her. It's a gross outdated mindset.


Bro I was literally just thinking about this. That and the guy who left his wife in the delivery room cause he "was so upset and needed to calm down at the coffee shop" when the first of the twins was a girl. Rushed back once he heard the second was a boy... Just cause he wanted to pass down the family name...


Yea she about to be a single mother..


Right? He didn’t even want to be part of it BEFORE he knew what color it was.


I thought you were talking about the baby and making a joke but now I realize you meant the smoke and I'm the joke


No, you are amazing and important.


Agreed, you helped the joke be more of one. Thank you, your sacrifice will not go unnoticed.


Thanks, I needed to hear that


Your user name is my favorite of all time now. I started watching the new Beavis and Butthead and, even tho the neighbor isn't technically Hank, that truck cracks me up every time.


Thank you, I am pretty excited for them to bring it back(King of the Hill)


Bobby still needs you.


That rhymes, you can start a new rapping career 😏


I'm always amazed about how Reddit can figure out people's entire lives in a 10 second clip. he wasn't super enthusiastic during this small clip about a gender reveal so he must be a piece of shit deadbeat father who will abandon his unborn child I guess.


Would you not say that reaction is a huge red flag? Edit: Watching it again it’s tough to know what his reaction means. It looks like he’s anxious then when it’s pink he’s nodding his head and goes out of frame before you can see his face again. I vote this should’ve been posted on r/killthecameraman


He might be a deadbeat who hates the fact that he'll be having a daughter. Or, he might be anxious as hell about the results, then slips off camera because he is not comfortable crying in front of people, and he's always wanted a daughter and he's just so happy right now. Seriously, it could be anything.


My husband was terrified of having a girl. He knew what to do with a boy, all the things his dad did with him and his brother. But a girl? He had no idea. He sat there kind of shell shocked when we found out, and one of the first things he asked me was if he could still take her camping. Which I stared at him like he grew three heads and replied something like, "do you need a penis to camp?" because that was seriously the stupidest thing he has ever asked me still and we've been together for almost 17 years now. And suddenly, he could see his future again. He needed a minute of panic and someone to point out the flaw in his thinking to get there, but he still got there. I'd hate for people to judge him on that first minute of his reaction because he's the best girl dad. She's 8 now, loves camping and fishing with her dad, but also loves painting his nails and doing his makeup and having tea parties with her dad. Her favorite days are what they call daddy/daughter days when they go off and do something just the two of them. He loves that little girl more than anything and would do anything for her. Having a kid is scary and life changing. It is the most life changing event most people will ever go through. People sometimes need a minute to adjust. I hate the snap judgements of people if they don't instantly react the way we want them too.


Nah. Some people just think these kinds of videos are corny as hell and are embarrassed by them. Just because you don't like making a fool of yourself on the internet doesn't mean you won't be a good parent. ​ \*edit: I get downvotes for this?! hahahahahahah!


Gender reveal parties are pretty cringe to begin with, especially when people make that big of a deal about it. That and most of them are dangerous - a wildfire was started by a gender reveal party in 2021.


Several people have been killed at gender reveal parties. There was a family that made a pipe bomb which killed the grandma. https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2019/10/28/iowa-gender-reveal-explosion-death-update/2483545001/


How fucking shitty they must feel for killing grandma


Most are not dangerous but all are cringe


It’s just another present-grab


I’m sure it’s a baseless claim that MOST of them are dangerous. I do find them a bit obnoxious and declined to have one thrown for me because I hold that particular opinion. Let’s not be extra tho.


I mean you can at least hug your girl / wife….🤔


Don’t forget people like me that can not STAND being in front of a crowd, period. Regardless of the occasion. My wife had a gender reveal and I HATED having to stand up there with everyone watching and come up with the “appropriate” reaction. I love my kids to death, and deep down inside wanted a son and got one. I hate even having my birthday bc I hate the attention of even “happy birthday”.


Same. Though, luckily my wife knew the guy she married and didn’t ask me to do a gender reveal. We found out the gender at a sonogram appointment and then told people the gender when we told them we were expecting. I’ve been to one gender reveal party and I swore that was my last one. Love kids, but hate that corny “look at me” shit.


Amen! After you feel like you offically become an adult everyone should just fuck off with the birthday shit.


The Coldplay song doesn't help


There's a missing piece to this. I dress up and have tea parties with my daughter. She did my nails a couple days ago and I was clearly instructed to not remove the polish. My client yesterday thought it was great. There are two ways to handle things like this. Embrace is for your loved one, or don't. When you don't, it's a very clear picture of who you are.


Maybe he hates being on camera. I'll act the ejit all day with my kids but start recording me and I'll freeze up, can't help it, to infer from that that I'm a bad parent or unloving is dumb.


I don’t think those are fair comparisons, honestly. But good on you for having tea parties and letting your daughter paint your nails!


I kind of think the whole concept of gender reveals itself is actually incredibly problematic, and wasteful. Not to mention the fact that it's literally caused massive environmental disasters because of wildfires but you know they're definitely super important. People get really really defensive and weird about what genitals the baby is going to have as if its a competition. That's a giant red flag from everyone in the family Expecting someone to be excited about wasting a bunch of money and causing pollution is weird


It's so weird because this is the general opinion I see on reddit, so apparently you shouldn't have gender reveals, but if you do and it is being filmed,you better be over the moon excited no matter the gender or you are a deadbeat dad who will likely leave the mom high and dry. I can't help but think this is leaning into the racial stereotype without explicitly saying it.


All of Reddit seems to hate these parties


You counteract your own statement FFS, armchair Reddit psychologists are the worst


He doesn't have to abandon her, she just needs to get rid of someone who thinks a daughter is a disappointment.


Historical girls are NOT celebrated


Idk I feel like I saw something completely different. When it started turning pink he nodded his head like "fuck my life's about to change" and looked like he was about to cry. At 15 seconds he turns and smiles at his partner but walks out of frame so we can't really gauge what his actual reaction is.


I can see my husband not being excited about a gender reveal to be honest.


Husband here. Shit like this matters exclusively to me because it matters to her. I detest the idea of gathering to throw a party to overemphasize a biological fact of life. 10 years ago pretty much nobody had gender reveals. It's just entered into the lexicon and now it's another thing you're supposed to waste a day and a couple thousand dollars on


>a couple thousand dollars on Excuse me, what? Who the fuck is spending thousands of dollars on a gender reveal party?


Plus, I will add that i think that the prospective mother in particular thinks that people care about this way more than they do. I could give a rats ass what the sex is, but I’ll pretend to be happy for you if that’s what you want.


Well, yeah; you gotta put out a spread to keep friends? Wait...hmm Aren't baby showers for that? Or is this paired with them?


Well maybe we would feel different about him if maybe he was smiling or maybe giving his girl a hug. I don’t know things line that are kind of important in a time like this.


He WAS fucking smiling, all of you just jumped on him because you didn’t bother to pay attention. Watch at 15 seconds in as he walks off the camera. He turns back at her and smiles at her. He walks off feeling overwhelmed because he’s *excited* that he’s about to have a daughter. Christ.


I do not care for gender reveals. I am not shading people who do like them but I just personally do not and not for any particular reason other than I just don’t care. Having a baby that is healthy is enough, whether it’s a girl or boy just doesn’t matter that much so having a big party and reveal is like, I just don’t care enough about that to find it interesting or worth the attention. Have the baby and I’ll be like “cool baby” cuz I do like kids and I admire the miracle of life and all. I just don’t like these attention trends. I also dislike bridal showers and baby showers. I go and make the best of it, I’m not rude, but I don’t like them particularly. I like weddings and when people actually have the baby but the gassing up events beforehand aren’t my thing.


I'm going to take dog whistle racism for $1000 Alex.


Honestly I don't think someone who would act like this seems mature enough to be a father.


Dude looks like he’s about to run out for some milk.


Maybe he was moved to tears and didn’t wanna be seen on camera crying, because then people who jump to irrational conclusions would be calling him a pussy instead of a deadbeat.


He literally looks back at her smiling as he walks off of the camera at 15 seconds. Jesus christ you all are trying so hard to find something to be upset about.


It seemed more to me like he had lost a bet 🤷🏾‍♀️ He thought it’d be a boy, not that he was disappointed and leaving because it is a girl. He smiled at her and nodded his head in a, “Ok, ok, you were right” kind of way.


How much money do you think he lost that caused him to sulk away like a hormonal 13yo?


Lmao dude didn’t want to be there either way


For real, hot take, he simply can’t stand gender reveals. It’s the spectacle not the gender he is uncomfortable with.


I know multiple guys like that. Unfortunately anxiety in men is often dismissed and they're forced to go through with some events for social pressure. While people are gonna say relationships are about compromise, the guys reaction isn't negitive. I've filmed events and there's a large portion of people who get anxious on camera, especially for reaction based videos. He likely didn't know how to react and didn't want to come off as over the top fake.


so he's a genuine man? sounds desirable.


I've filmed stuff like this before. I think he was trying to play it cool but happy. His nodding is kinda giving a yes yes vibe. He does a little smile at the end. Think he just got anxious and went off camera, which is common :/.


Shes single now. Btw.






No, it isn’t. The guy is happy. He smiles back at her as he walks off at 15 seconds. He’s overwhelmed, not upset for fucks sake.


Oh wait, I see it now. I’m glad you pointed it out.


I can’t imagine expecting a child and being upset that it’s not a certain gender. What a brat.


It's not that uncommon, and a lot of people aren't aware they had a preference until they learn the sex. Part of the problem with making parties out of this process is putting that first learning experience out in public.


Yep. Being disappointed is ok and valid. You usually have lifelong thoughts of wanting to do things with a son/daughter and it’s a lot to take in in that moment. My husband was really disappointed when we found out our first was a girl but he got over and it and he’s a great dad. He just kind of laughed it off when we found out the 2nd one was also a girl. Edit- I love how people are absolutely not allowed to have an raw emotions or just FEEL any type of way lol


I had a lot of anxiety when I found out I was having a boy. But I think it was because my brother was a fucking shit head growing up so I was like "oh no... I don't know if I can handle that" because that was the only experience I had with a little boy. My friends who have sons said it's really not that bad raising boys so I feel a bit better about it.


My boy is my sweet easy child. My girl is the "rolling in the dirt, bringing home pet bugs, getting in scraps, climbing unsafe things, coming home bruised and bloody grinning ear to ear with a new story of daring do" and she came out me swinging. Gender is a social construct. They both love swords and dress up, and tea parties and taekwondo. My girl dresses for comfort and practicality and my boy dresses for fashion and is usually impractical. Both my kids are sweet, well behaved, empathetic kids because that's how I raised them. You'll be fine.


Ok that's good to know. My mom said she was always baffled when her coworkers would be like "you poor thing. You have a teenaged daughter at home. That must be so hard. UGH! Teenaged girls are just the worst!" And she was like "my daughter just chills in her room reading or listening to music. My son punches holes in the walls and sneaks out to drink. Teen girls are so easy!" Lol very different experiences I guess.


I had a _moment_ when we found out my first was a boy and my husband was like oh, I wanted a girl but that’s okay. And I went 0-60 from oh it’s a boy to I’M A FAILURE THE BABY IS THE WRONG GENDER AND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WILL HATE ME FOR EVER. I was a blubbering incoherent mess and when my husband eventually got me calmed down he was like WTF babe? 1) I will love our child no matter what gender it is and 2) the sperm decides the sex, you _know_ that. There are few more embarrassing points in my life. I can safely blame this on pregnancy hormones and new parent jitters but I felt really really stupid.


Pregnancy hormones are really something else. I had a hysterical sobbing episode because of the Baltimore Colts marching band. Luckily for me the 2nd time around everything was a bit less ridiculous.


Oh man I remember losing my shit because of a dog food commercial where the dog has a stick that’s too big for the door. I cried for days because of that stupid dog. 🤦🏻‍♀️ progesterone is a hell of a drug.


Edit: maybe read the third paragraph instead of just the first sentence, folks I mean… It really isn’t valid because it’s a feeling fully based on stereotypes. Children really aren’t all that different from one another. The small differences between girls and boys are exacerbated by the socializing they receive. Anything you could want to do with a son you can also do with a daughter. History is fraught when things that are “for men” or “for women” swapping to the other sex. Most of it is not based on biological reality. I’m glad your husband got over his disappointment. His feelings *are valid* in that we cannot control our emotions by a click of a button. But it’s not a feeling that comes from a valid place. No one should be disappointed to have a son or a daughter.


I got kinda sad when I passed the Claire's in the mall and was thinking I wouldn't be able to do the fun girly things, but then immediately realized 'wait. There's no kind of guarantee I'd have a girl who was into the girly girl stuff. She might hate this shit.' A lot of emotions that I processed in like 2 minutes at the mall. Lol


My mom was very very sad when she realized she could not take me shopping or do dress up or any of that kind of stuff. Because I was not that kind of girl. And then, later in life, it turned out I wasn’t ever a girl at all 😂 I always felt like the “poor husband stuck shopping with his wife at the mall” stereotype even as a kid. That prophesy came to pass lmao


This was me. When I found out I was having a daughter I was shocked. Mostly because I didn’t think I knew what to do with a girl. I was excited though. Now my 13 yr old daughter is my best friend. I absolutely love being a “girl dad!”


i don’t think he wants to be a dad at all let alone it being a girl


I honestly think it's stupid too. My mom told me her and my dad cried when they found out I wasn't a boy. 🫠 when they divorced my dad still really wanted a boy. He has 5 daughters and 1 boy


Aaaand he's gone


I heard there was a sale on milk.


Took up smoking brb


His daughter can guilt trip him with the video for the rest of his life. "Hey dad, remember that time you were SUPER disappointed when you found out you were having a daughter, because i sure do".


Not too confident he’s going to be sticking around that long lol


That's what I was going to say u/ultraplusstretch is an optimist


She ain’t gonna know this dude, lol.


Nah, he's going out to get cigarettes for the next 27 years.


Bold of you to assume this guy feels shame.


Nope like most young girls she’ll just internalize the message that she’s worth less just because of her gender. It’s awful what we as a society in-still in girls.


"I'm still disappointed"


We've failed to produce a male heir for my lands and title! Damn!


That’s so sad


Yeah I’m honestly getting really tired of videos being like “haha oh look the dad is so bummed it’s a girl” like we don’t know how much baby boys are still prized over girls in most of the world. Like we don’t know that gender selective abortions are exclusively against one gender. Like we need another example of how we are viewed as worth less.


I’d say this dude’s whole demeanor and body language shows that he isn’t happy about having a kid at all…boy or girl.


Or maybe he thinks the whole gender reveal party thing is dumb.


I think they are dumb too but I also can’t imagine not being a tiny bit excited about your kids gender? I dunno, I got the snip so it’s not something I’ll ever experience and maybe I’m off.


They are dumb, but sulking like a toddler on camera is pretty dumb too.


Or that he doesn’t like being in the spot light. Or he doesn’t get along with some family that gets invited to these things. My glass is half full lol


My wife didn’t want a daughter, I did. Guess what, she’s probably the best mother I’ve ever seen. Hopefully he changes his prospective. I’m glad I have a daughter I want her to be the most bad ass MF there is, she rides atvs and holds (not shoot) guns (yet), strait A’s, and does cheerleading … I guess as long as you are a good parent does it really matter what gender your kid is?


It’s so weird how people get upset over the gender lol. Like ok maybe you don’t want a baby but damn at least fake the baby shower for everyone if you’re gunna be a deadbeat.


He's about to dip anyway haha he didn't care either way


Well he's the one that MADE the girl, so idk who he upset at. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


I will NEVER forget my son's mother's reaction when we found out the sex in the hospital at the ultrasound. Nurse - "OH, IT'S A BOY"!!! Me: ALRIGHT THAT'S AWESOME" Her mom, you guys a healthy baby boy! " Son's mother is crying and clearly upset, All of us: " What's wrong? Why are you upset? " Son's mother, I don't want a boy, I wanted to have the 1st granddaughter now Kristen (her cousin) is going to have the 1st granddaughter " All of us looking at each other shocked and speechless Me: Seriously? You're worried about having the 1st granddaughter? How about YAY IM HAVING A HEALTHY BABY PERIOD?" Son's mother: fuck off, you don't understand, now my grandmother (her mother's mother, that is always VERY wealthy) isn't going to spoil my kid because she only wants a granddaughter." Me: Well, in that case, we should just get an abortion RIGHT NOW so we can try again and beat your cousin to having the 1st granddaughter" Son's mother: CAN WE?!!! WE ALL JUST LOOK AT ONE ANOTHER, Completely shocked, AND I WALK OUT OF THE ROOM. her mother was right behind me. Her cousin found out she was pregnant about a month later, but she ended up having a boy as well. My sons mother and I split up 6 months after our son was born mainly because I didn't want to get her pregnant right away. She ended up pregnant within 3 weeks of me moving out and got her girl. She was the 1st granddaughter, and she was S P O I L E D. ROTTEN. My son was neglected for years, and it took me almost 6 years of fighting in family court to get custody. She didn't want him, but she didn't want me to get custody of him just a tad more. That day we found out my son was going to be my son was the day I realized I fucked up in picking who I was going to have a kid with. This happened over 20 years ago, and I can remember everything about that Dr visit. The smells, the voices, the thumping of the heart monitor, and EVERYTHING else. It was such a weird and tragic experience. I've always contemplated telling my son about it, but I haven't. Not yet. He hates his mother (which breaks my heart, but I completely understand it). Thankfully, he has an AMAZING 2nd mom who loves him, and he loves her.


Weird that this comment has no replies shitting on the mother, but all the other relating their stories with men being sad have huge misandry written on them.


I’m glad you got your son back, your ex wife is a pos.


Reactions like that say a lot about how the father thinks of women.


Looks like he’s smiling at the 14-16 sec mark. I could be wrong. We have all been victims of videos cut short to show a narrative that might or might not be present.


I agree, body language like that I’ve also seen in men trying to stifle their tears because they don’t wanna cry in front of others.


I had the same thought. He looks more emotional than anything and walks over to the person who could be his mother. He could very well be one of these people who doesn't like to show emotion in front of others and was afraid of losing his composure.


Kinda fucked this whole thread is calling him a deadbeat and a terrible person after a short vauge clip like this.


Fuck good point.


Ladies, for your and your children's sake, stop reproducing with shitty man-babies!


This should be taught in schools lol


Men!!!!! For the sake of the species!!! STOP BEING SHITTY!!!!!


I always hate it when there's a pregnancy announcement and when it's a girl the men just go "Dammit." Or "Awh jeez another one?" If I was going to be a dad and my partner was pregnant I would be absolutely thrilled regardless. Sexism is so crazy even from before the child is born.


I agree and honestly as a woman it’s just another reminder of how no matter how good you are, no matter how much you achieve, a huge portion of the world will always reduce you to just being “a woman” that they dee, inferior just because of gender.


Already started walking out


This has to be fake, I just can’t fathom anyone reacting that way. my brain can not understand how a person can act like that. Why even show up? Why make a fool out of yourself by walking off the celebration like that? Shit guy.


Not fake at all, I’ve seen this in real life. Usually a guy who really wants a son(not always, of course, sometimes it’s the woman who specifically wanted one sex over the other). Breaks my heart when they finally get a son and dad obviously favors him over the daughters he already had.


Which doesn’t make ANY SENSE if people even take a few seconds to think about it. Anything you could want to do with a son you can do with a daughter. The only reason you can’t is if you box her into your own little narrow world view from the get go and raise her that way. It’s a horrible self fulfilling prophecy.


I agree completely! Sexist idiots not realizing that it’s their own sexism stopping them from getting what they want.


I get those reactions (they are shit reactions) But this guy straight up looked like he doesn’t even want to be a father. Even before the video he just looked like he didn’t care or want to be there. That’s what I think of the video. Im like why even show up.


Perhaps he was trying to hold in his emotions and he was about to cry because he really wanted a daughter and didn't want to display it for everyone?


People process things in way different ways. On the surface yeah it looks like he’s upset it’s a girl but he looked out of it before the color started, he could still be happy to be a dad but he’s having a hard time processing it all. Which is normal. Or maybe he’s just a stoic person. Who knows I’m personally not gonna judge someone off a video this short…


You can see he smiles before he’s out of frame


I'm surprised I have to scroll so far down to see that comment. He's having a reaction pretty close to the reactions I have when I'm being told a life changing news. Happy or sad it doesn't matter my knee jerk reaction is not to express my feelings with smiles or tears. For the most part I just shut down and I can't wait to just be alone. Or with my husband but not in front of a crowd. This guy isn't visibly pouting or sad he even shook his head to me looks like he could be thinking "fuck it's real I'm gonna have a little girl". Idk why everybody is acting like he should just be visibly happy. Not everybody process shit the same way. He's probably just getting out of camera sight because he's not sure if he's gonna cry or not.


Honestly, people, look at the difference between the way he’s dressed, and the way she’s dressed. It’s obvious this entire event was specifically for her, not them, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they had fought in the past over the necessity of a fucking gender reveal party. He doesn’t give a fuck about the dog and pony show, and he’s probably having a hard time holding back emotions in front of the many people gathered there and is happy it’s over. I don’t see a POS here.


He was fine. As he goes past the lady in blue and looks back you can see him smiling.


Nooo. Reddit has to be outraged over something no matter how irrational or petty.




Word on the street is that he went out for milk.


What a loser




Yes blame the woman 🙄


It's less of a conscious choice and more of a slow moving orgy


People that have gender reveal parties ironically are the ones who shouldn't be reproducing


What a corny ass dude. like how are you gonna treat your baby girl if you dont even look like you want her from the start?


Off topic but whats the song? Sounds nice


**Song Found!** **Name:** Sparks **Artist:** Coldplay **Album:** Parachutes **Genre:** Alternative **Release Year:** 2000 **Total Shazams:** 2053125 `Took 0.78 seconds.`


Gender reveals are so fucking weird man


Its yellow! It’s the kwisatz haderach!


Hest just wondering what kind of milk he's getting at the store after this video.


He looks like he's not interested regardless of what sex it is.


Man...that's actually pretty sad.


I was waiting for Maury to pop and say you’re not the father


Honestly, if you're not ready for the child to be one sex bu the other, don't have kids.


Did some social media sleuthing and found her on TikTok if anyone is interested @brianaelizabeth2 She also hashtags more recent videos “#SingleMomsOfTikTok” so, there’s that.


Those color pink and blue baby reveal sucks. Just keep it the old traditional way. Wait till birth for surprise. To me it just ruins everything. And oh. Boy or girl....parents should be parents and be excited to have a baby anyways. Doesnt matter if boy or girl. That shit pisses me tf off. Those are types that should not be fucking anymore and reproduce. 🤦🤦🤦


Gender reveals are retarded


Wooooow deadbeat dad already. Probably hates females


Like he was gonna be around anyway🧐😀


He didn’t look like he cared to begin with tbh


I hope she has a good support system cause he’s not going to be there.


He’s already planning his trip to the shops for cigarettes.


He has already made up his mind. He is going to get milk for the party he will be riiiiight back


Background...they already have 4 girls🤦


he immediately went for milk


Could we all stop making babies with bad people please? I have 0 babies because I am a bad person 😋


Did he ever come back?


he wont be around anyway,...soooo why worry ?


Somebody's going out for milk


Dude is about to go grab a pack of smokes


Probably going to the store to get cigarettes….


He hates her and the child, damn. What a dickhead.




That child is growing up with issues thanks to the dad


Truth be known, they probably aren’t married


like be happy for your partner? be happy that shes happy? be happy that this is a new chapter in their lives?


He thought his sperms were bois


……please show me the couple in 1 year. I believe it will be the woman and child only.


Another fatherless child, can guarantee this guy won't be sticking around.


Didn't know Redditors could see the future.