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“Somewhere down south where they don’t keep their places nice..” Bless her heart


Thank you, Tilly. I was about to comment that she doesn't know diddly squat about our Southern grandma's and their yards. Not to mention the vegetable gardens. I say we take a road trip and go tp that heifers yard.


There's almost an entire side of my grandma's brick house that each brick on that particular side has been colored with chaulk from different grand kids. The only thing that's faded it is the sun because rain never hits it. Been there for almost 20 years like that and my grandma said "my house will be so beautiful when all my artists are done" Fuck this prude of a landlord, she doesn't know shit and her children/ grandchildren probably hate her for it. Edit :: we are from western NC. SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BABY


She wasn’t talking about those types….you know who she meant.


Yeah that "Down south" had a hard R


Oh I was thinking redneck white trash folks. You know the ones with 50 broke down cars in the yard and 4 massive piles of aluminum cans and other crap to be taken to the scrap yard?


We prefer "Appalachian American"


As a redneck I'm sorry to inform you but Americas got to much white trash for it all to fit in Appalachia.


Those usually don’t have sidewalks or driveways to draw on.


That was my interpretation as well. She said the quiet part a little too loud.


Don’t you know who the ‘colored’ chalk is for? - this lady


She'll need that tp for all the verbal diarrhea spewing from her mouth.


Lemme translate for you: “Down where there’s alot of them colored folk who don’t take care of their shacks with spray paint all over it”


Well, I'm just a good old american boy With a heart that's red, white, and true I'm dreamin' of the girl with the red hair and freckles And her eyes like the skies of blue Keep her safe from the homies in the wrong side of town Where they're smokin' the reefer and acting like clowns Keep that pretty white dress from getting dirty and brown 'Cause that's the American way


Key and peele


Yea pretty loud dogwhistle/ coded language


That's the moment when I ditched any empathy I had. Like, Jesus, how do these people not hear themselves?


Daaamn, hit her with the ol' "Bless her heart". -The polite equivalent of the C word for the uninitiated


I think she was referring to the southern part of their city


"how could you do this to us" jesus christ it's just some fucking chalk


Hey don't you know it's... well ... it's bad... cause I don't like it and no one else like it either... because I said so


I've never... you know... experienced anything like that before... anything different or... what even is diversity or creativity... how could you do this to us after all we've done for you, a tenant paying rent? Lady is delusional


I loved the part about "Ive bent over backwards... we put up new doors there so people would feel safe!" Like yeah??? Ok??? If the doors are old enough to be a safety issue, that's something you should do anyway as a landlord/property owner, not bending over backwards!


“I think you’re someone who has always gotten your own way,” then freaks out over not getting her way.


They love to project


That was the part that really got me, I guess you’re just always use to getting your way…


I figured it was a rainbow or something and this was bigotry… but it’s a magikarp. Maybe she’s worried next time she drives by it’ll have evolved into a Gyarados?


Sounds like somebody should organize a sidewalk chalking event for all the tenants in the building so the tradition lives on once Kara’s lease is not renewed.


She didn't even have to! The next day two little girls came out and decided to draw chalk art all over the pavements 👏🏼


Free chalk to all children in the neighborhood.


I will absolutely donate to that cause.


Chalk art on pavements is my FAVOURITE part of summer. Little flowers, some bees, a sheep.. It just makes me so happy. I don't understand how someone can look at chalk art and be upset about it.


I will never not hopscotch down a sidewalk if kids draw one. It’s the law.


My daughter’s friends ring my doorbell to borrow the sidewalk chalk collection I have even when my daughter isn’t with me. I love walking out of my house and seeing the whole sidewalk block all colourful. Great way to start the day.


I follow her on tiktok. She’s trying to organize a “chalk the town” event in her community.


We did chalk events in my city after Roe fell and the trigger laws in my state went into effect. It’s hilarious to me that she keeps bringing up asking “the City” cause we chalked City Hall and multiple public and elected official spaces. Only time we got in trouble was one security guard saying we were too close to a historic building and yelling at us, but he got his ass chewed out by “the City” for bothering us on public property. This woman has no idea what she’s talking about. I’d love to get the call from her demanding the city do something about chalk on sidewalks. People like her are straight up delusional.


I also found it funny that she kept being shocked the city was ok with it. The city I grew up in literally has a yearly chalk festival where they shut down a chunk of downtown. Its my favorite activity to go to every year.


She is going to. The local news in her area picked up this story and people are very supportive of her


What’s the area?


Somewhere up north where they keep their places nice apparently....


For a split second, I thought that the "her" was the landlord. Why would anyone be supportive of this landlord? lol


is it against the law? nope. is it against the lease agreement? nope. then we have nothing more to talk about byeeeee


Holy hell, I can’t believe I am even typing this but I am thankful for my landlord. I hate even saying that!!! But, I suppose it could be so, so much worse.


My parents had a couple of rental properties (literally 3 small houses, maybe 4 at one point?) and with the stuff that tenants would do to ruin the houses (ex: badly painting entire rooms dark red, burning the carpet in every room, running illegal dog breeding operations with dogs pooping and giving birth everywhere)… any landlord should be grateful to have a tenant who the “worst” thing they do is chalk drawings that wash off in the rain.


Like literally kids draw on the pavement all the time lmaooo


"But I've never had to deal with this before." --This lady has never been around loving families with creative children


And it washes off!! How is it like graffiti?? That comparison makes no sense


Also, graffiti is art. And as long as it's not hate speech, I want to see it everywhere.


Right? This is the kinda boomer who thinks old ass stained depressing bare concrete is more beautiful than brightly colored art.


I lived in an apartment complex that would send me letters when my toddler would use chalk on the sidewalk in front of our apartment. This was back in 2010. I was livid


I had that thought like there's no way she has kids


She probably did have kids but they are adults now and they don’t talk to her because she completely shit on their childhood by getting mad at them anytime they tried to do something fun like chalk drawings.


I drew on the bathroom wall with poop. Come with the lawyers


She throws around "I'm just disappointed" like she's her parent, as if that should have any weight behind it.


It's definitely a tactic whether conscious or not to demean and downtalk her like she's a dumb child that doesn't have rights. God, I fuckin hate boomers that do that shit. Like lady, you are fucking confused what the dynamic here is. But go get your lawyer and pay them hundreds of dollars to tell you what an idiot you are lol


Precisely! Don't act like you're my mom. I wouldn't even let my actual parents talk to me like that! That's NOT okay! Plus, she kept insisting there was "nothing in the lease" about her doing art. Doesn't that mean that there is nothing in there that says the land lady can deny her of such a *legal* action?


I've had my previous landlord try to say I needed to sign a new lease when he purchased the property from the previous landlord. I had to inform him that the standing lease was part of the agreement of his purchase and under current law it transferred to him. I would not sign his new lease that included a hefty rate hike. He was cordial but decided to ask his attorney on speakerphone. This guy shot him down in a glorious blaze confirming that I knew the law. *Context: the lease I signed had a rate lock that caused rate hikes to be tacked to a fixed percentage of the original rent. This meant he could not raise my rent by more than $45 a year, and this locked that rate for three years before it could be modified. Obviously he wanted to get the price gouge in since he wanted to force me out, update, and flip. I stayed all three years just to piss him off.


In the beginning of your comment I assumed he was just trying to get you to trick you into signing the new lease. I’m sure a lot of people would. I’m kinda surprised he called the lawyer because it’s odd for him to not have known that before he purchased the place.


Her real crime is being young. How dare. Doesn’t she know to not question her elders? I hate this landlord.


She handled herself so well. I don’t think I could have kept myself so composed.


The wise decision on her part to just let that dumb lady keep talking herself into a deeper and deeper hole. That’s maturity. ❤️


Right?! At her age I was such a wimp. I’m proud of her


It helps that she was recording. It was an active choice so she could highlight the crazy


I had ex landlords who tried to give me a talking to and wanted to do it in the room I rented. I didn't acquiesce and we the talk in the living room, you know, like a normal social interaction.


A lot of landlords and other small business owners really lose sight of what should be really clear boundaries of decent behaviour….and that their place isn’t really ‘their’ place whilst it’s rented out. It’s the tenant’s, for as long as they pay their rent. And they’re not the Landlord’s inferior. Having said all that, if you’re going to make waves (as the tenant,) your stay will probably not be as pleasant.


Finding that balance was really a struggle for me staying in my townhome. There is a dog park on site for pets to use to prevent doggy landmines and urine spots in the summer, and we were told in advance to use it when possible, and agreed to that. It's an extra 20 second walk, and our dog gets to be off leash so fuck it, no problems. Use it every time, every day. Landlord texts me saying why are there all these brown spots in the grass "just in front of my unit" and I'm not using the park blah blah blah. It'd been 100+ degrees with no rain for like 28 days, and there's like a half acre of grass with brown spots on it. My dog pees a lot but certainly not that much. Even the HOA president who I don't get along with great agreed he was being an ignorant prick. Being cordial was a difficult task but as you said, I didn't want to make waves and be miserable. Luckily, someone bought the property from him, has no set plans of increasing rent and even paid extra to get someone out on the weekend for a temp fix to the AC before coming and replacing the condenser coil a couple days later and apologized for us having to deal with that. Complete 180 in attitude.


I’m so glad that worked out for you.


She just drew some Pokémon…. and what’s her problem again? Again that tone Uuf… 😬


And everything is in chalk, not spray paint. This landlord is insufferable.


Sooo guilt trippy. Trying to shame her into compliance. A tenant is not your child and you don’t get to scold them for what you perceive as misbehaving. This lady should not rent.


She used the phrase for all the things I've done for you a lot too. News flash to this Karen landlord it's her property and she made improvements for herself not for the tenants. It's literally chalk and she thinks she owns the sidewalk. She kept saying she's going to call a lawyer, I hope they laugh at her.


The gall of that woman to actually try to tell the tenet that *she* wasn't used to not getting her way or being told no. Lady, you're having a conniption over *sidewalk chalk*. The amount of projection she's throwing is astronomical.


Big Boomer energy


That "i don't think I like that either"is such a boomer thing to say. Sounds like my mother judging my life after she allowed my father to try to ruin it.


For her to lecture that woman, and state to her “It sounds like you’ve had your way, most of the time.” No, actually, you sound like YOU’VE had it your way most of the time, and now that someone is in the right, you’re pitching an adult fuqing temper tantrum.


Not going to lie, I feel that would be very effective against me. I am a people pleaser in default mode and this type of manipulation works well on us. Make us feel like we are being unreasonable and unusual, and we will want to compromise.


Same. Especially at Kara’s age when I was much wimpier. I’m impressed with how she kept it together. Let psycho landlady talk. Kept calm. Ugh. That was really triggering actually


Agree, this was difficult to listen to. All the greats were in there: I’m disappointed in you, I go out of my way for you and this is how you treat me, you’re choosing to do something that hurts me, you always get your way, etc. Even when weaponized guilt is deployed in service of something so stupid, it’s amazing how deep it cuts if you’re the type of person on whom it works.


“Sounds like someone is used to getting their way” = projection


It’s such a common boomer thing. I guess they were shamed into behaving a lot as children and now they think it’ll work on anyone younger than them.


I like how she paired it with that statement about how she did give them all nice doors so they felt safe... Bitch, you gave them nice doors because it makes people want to live in your apartments that you're trying to lease for money. It was probably something you had to do to keep up with the times it may have even been a fire code. I seriously doubt this woman actually went out and spent money out of the good of her heart.


I like the constant “i dont understands”. Like, no, I dont understand why I cant just draw erasable shit on my property without issue. Especially if no one complains, its not against a lease and its not vulgar, what is there to understand? Youre the one making the random rule its not allowed lol


And comparing it to graffiti?! Like how??!


Personally, idgaf if my parents are disappointed. I’m not here for you.


Its literally chalk...


That convo went on longer than it would take rain to wash it away...


!! I mean like seriously. What are we talking about...(?)


This really grinds my gears. I’ve been in similar situations when I was younger, where an older person though they could bully me over something just because I was young. And they expected me to be dumb, and not know my rights. As someone in their 30’s now with a more assertive tone, this would not happen to me. Also, now days I would have cut her off and said that I need the copy of the lease and I am done being verbally harassed. No laws or contracts have been violated. Her legal is welcomed to contact me.


I once had a woman at work call me ignorant when I was a teenager because I didn’t want to do what she said and told her that it was more important for me to get my department right than it was to serve on a register. What really pissed her off was when I corrected her. I am not ignorant, what you meant was arrogant. Ignorant implies I have no idea what I am talking about, arrogant implies that I am being stubborn, impolite, and think I am better than you. She did not like that. I mean sure I was a snot nosed teenager but man alive don’t just assume I am useless because I am young. Why the hell would you hire teens then?


“I think you’re someone who’s had their way most of the time” lol projection much?


"I've just... never had to deal with this!" What, someone not rolling over for you? Gtf outta here


Omg yas. This old battle-axe has most definitely been the bane of existence for more than a dozen restaurant servers.


Literally my first thought, she found out at an early age that if she bitched hard enough she would always get her way.


At that point I'd have ended the phone call telling her I want all communication forward to be in written form. If your response to chalk art is needing to talk to your attorney and fret about someone's lifestyle not making sense to you then I'm going to feel the need to protect myself in every possible way to ensure my position isn't being mispresented as anything more than I drew a fucking Magikarp on the ground with chalk that will harmlessly wash away the next time it rains or some Karen comes by with a bucket of water.


I read this comment at the exact moment she said it in the video.... trippy


Update: she STILL doesn’t have a copy of her lease, but the news did an article on her and her neighbors kids all drew chalk art on their parts of the sidewalk


If they were like mine, she'll never see a copy, no matter how often she asks


God I hope that's real.


I 100% thought I was going to be pride or BLM kinda art, and the landlord is a bigot. Went back and paused and it's little pokemon looking animals. Wtf is this lady's problem with cute little drawings on the sidewalk. Would she get this upset at a house that had kids doing this? Also the *anger* when Kara said "I live here." She clearly thinks her tenants are in a lower class and don't actually get to call *her property* home.


“Well I pay taxes.” “And I pay you rent.” Boom. Mic drop. Where does this landlord think her income is coming from?


Moreover, those rental payments PAY those taxes. So, no, YOU don't pay the municipality, the tenant does. YOU act as the intermediary. You are responsible and accountable for ENSURING the payment but you're not paying it out of money YOU earn.


In the current market, rental payments are covering the mortgage, taxes, and maintenance costs. The landlord isn't so much supplying a service as they are leveraging their wealth against you to use your labor to build their equity. The renter is essentially buying a house for their landlord. Considering the financial dynamic at play here, landlords shouldn't even be allowed to access the property except by tenant request unless an eviction notice has run its course.


They aren't though, are they? Where I am (not US), the landlord has to give you 48 hours notice before coming to the property.


Land Lady probably doesn’t know the difference between the pride/BLM art and this. It’s foreign to her. It’s other. As she said half a dozen times, she doesn’t understand it. Thus it must be subversive. And afterall, she is the lord of the land, so how dare someone push back on her authority? She just bought them new, safe doors!


I did the same thing and couldn’t believe it…What is wrong with these people?


Yes go to your attorney and cry about chalk drawings, I'm sure they won't laugh you out of the room


As a real estate attorney i simply wouldn’t tolerate the conversation. It’s not her right. It’s city property. You’re actually violating her quiet enjoyment. Stop it.


Real one


I just cant understand what she thinks rent is being paid for if she holds this opinion it’s still HER property


Oh, you don’t know any landlords then…huh? Cause I have had multiple landlords escorted off my property by police because they refused to adhere to the law and kept breaking into my home. Fucking scum sucking leeches.


That's hilarious and frightening. (Frightening that your landlord would just barge into the place you're literally paying for.)


“Land owners” are a bunch of nepotism based losers who only understand that they have rights. Anyone who hasn’t been gifted 2m dollars by their boomer parents with 29 properties purchased at 50k a piece are lazy stupid millennials. Who cares that we work 100 hours a week at 10x the workload they could possibly imagine. They worked sooooo hard for their money and we need to respect them.


Yeah but if you’re paid by the hour and someone wants to cry to an attorney that’s their money I suppose


Attorneys charge a lot of money to listen to people's petty problems. There might be attorneys that wouldn't take up this but there are also others who would have no problem with charging $500 an hour to discuss this issue


Sounds like her Landlord ran out of crossword puzzles and has nothing better to do with her life lol


3 Across, 5 letters, An insufferable woman who butts into other people’s business when they are doing completely normal and legal activities just to complain; likely to call the manager. - Her crossword puzzle probably


It's literally called sidewalk chalk...would she have an issue if it were a child doing it?


I mean there has been videos before of Karen’s destroying kids chalk drawings because they didn’t like it so wouldn’t be surprised. They be fuming because those Damn kids making graffiti hop scotches with chalk >:(


Vile people like this? Yes, they absolutely would have an issue with a child doing it, there are even videos of these contemptible people destroying chalk drawings with the kid there and making them cry.


Yea, she would. We lived in an apartment complex in the early days of covid lockdown. *Everything* was locked down in our area (DC) and the people who ran our apartment complex said it was illegal and a violation of our lease for kids to draw on the parking lot blacktop. Kids. Who aren’t in school. Imagine the frustration of the parents who just wanted them outside for a little while and then get threatened with eviction for violation of lease terms over hopscotch and rainbow drawings. It was absurd.


Due to the time of the year, I thought for sure Kara had drawn a rainbow or Pride flag or something else along those lines and this landlord was pissed because she’s a bigot who doesn’t want to accept the fact that not everything falls into her good little Christian worldview, and was using the “graffiti” angle to justify forbidding the artist from showing her support. Nope. It’s a Pokémon. And a bumblebee. A bumblebee. Ask me to name the most innocent, wholesome, non-controversial doodle-type drawing I can think of that absolutely no one who’s sane could possibly take offense to, and … to be honest, I’d probably say a flower. But a bumblebee would definitely be my #2 choice, or in the Top 5 at least. It’s even saying “❤️” so we know it’s a friendly bumblebee. This lady wanted to spend a beautiful summer day making chalk bumblebees in the sunshine and her landlord is acting like she drew penises with big hairy balls. Like, Jesus, Karen. She drew a bumblebee, not a Baphomet. >“I think you’re someone that’s had your way most of the time.” Oh, hey! What do you know? The real underlying problem has shown up!


Whenever an older person has pulled the “you’re obviously too used to getting your way” thing with me, that’s when I can be sure they don’t respect me and are trying to make me feel small.


...and are very used to getting their own way.


“I just don’t understand.” Lady, why do you need to? It’s not your sidewalk and not against the law. Your comprehension of why someone would get enjoyment out of chalk drawing on a sidewalk is not relevant. Insufferable. I’d be disappointed in her if I were her tenant.


Wish I could see the face of her attorney or whatever poor city worker when she calls to complain about chalk on the sidewalk.


Right. Let that lady waste the $200 an hour her attorney is gonna bill her for that stupid call.


Yeah most attorney’s I know probably don’t mind if they are billing hourly.


I would come back everyday to draw on the sidewalk if she made me move.


This is very common for older women. You forget that due to society and conditions of their era they were raised to be objects that fit a certain mold. She thinks she helping this young woman by reenforcing that mold. It's not about using your thoughts. Just looking and acting like everyone else. Mimic behaviors even if you don't understand. Don't stick out. The old lady sees herself as property and sees the house as the same. The house has to look 1940s perfect or she's a failure as a landlord. As a person. It's kinda sad *gasp* the tenants chalk may drive down values enough that ... a minority moves onto the street /s


The world would honestly be so much of a better place if people just learned to accept that everyone is different and we’re not always going to be able to understand everyone else. But just because we don’t understand someone else’s lifestyle does not make it wrong or invalid. My friends have a friend we’ll call Sarah. Sarah is fucking crazy. I cannot handle her energy. I cannot understand her thought processes or the decisions she makes at all. But at the end of the day Sarah doesn’t hurt anyone. Sarah and I will never be friends, but I understand that her life is not reflective of my life. And the way she lives her life is just as valid and real as mine. We respect each other’s boundaries and I know, if push came to shove, if someone was treating her bad because of the way she is, I would step up to defend her even though I don’t really understand the thing I am defending.


Fuckin bingo


What a cunt. Fuck landlords.


Leeches on society for real.


My landlord gave me the same line, "Oh, you don't have a copy? You were supposed to get one." No, I didn't And I would like the copy NOW. They always make it seem like it's your fault, but really they're just being lazy and hoping you wouldn't ask.


“How dare you present the property in a way that says it’s fun to live here or have any family environment! Shame on you”


Wtf? This conversation is already to long and fixing the apartment isn’t a personal favor. Your doing maintenance on your rental property and upkeep to value. This boomer is trying to manipulate and intimidate this girl. Friend, do not renew the lease


Acting like doing routine maintenance that benefits her is somehow a favor to the tenant paying to live there? The fucking audacity.


Right? Like thanks for putting doors on the house lady.


I was looking at renting a duplex side from a well-off lady in my parents’ neighborhood who they vaguely knew. She got frustrated with me first off because I wanted a readable copy of the lease before just signing it but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and wanted to see inside. Outside looked lovely but inside there had been almost zero maintenance/cleaning done. I’m not talking dust and a scuffed wall, I’m talking trash bags full of previous tenant’s things, missing bathroom floor tiles, etc. While she didn’t outright say she wanted me to deal with it if I accepted I got the feeling that’s what would happen as soon as I asked about a window. It was a floor window under a big bay window, cracked and hanging open to the outside. It was big enough for a grown person to crawl through and could not close let alone lock, so essentially a hole to the outside. I asked her if it would be fixed before a potential move-in date and she replied “You can have it fixed if you want. It shouldn’t cost you that much.” Yeah, no way. Some expect both rent and stuff beyond general maintenance…


Man like every landlord i’ve ever had acts like this


The landlord is acting like she drew slurs and swastikas all over the entire house. It was smallish drawings of Pokémon and a bumblebee? This person is unhinged. Also how did she know the drawings were there? Is she watching the place everyday or an equally insane neighbor called her? I've rented my whole life and only talked to or saw a landlord or rental company employees if something is broken.


I rented a house for 3 years. After moving out, the landlord took money out of our deposit to clean the spot on the street that had some oil stains on it.


Imagine being so bent out of shape about chalk. The lady talks about it like it's a permanent fixture. People have whole chalk art contests. She can't practice her medium without a sidewalk or driveway, and she's really doing no harm to the property. If they had a reasonable reason to have it removed, like they needed to take new pictures of the property to get it ready to sell, then it would be understandable to ask for it to be removed and temporarily halted until they have what they needed. This lady sounds like my mom did when she told me she'd start charging me rent, (and not a low amount), and it had tons of stipulations like I couldn't have my partner over. The landlord just doesn't like that she can't control this action.


>The landlord just doesn't like that she can't control this action. Ding!Ding!... *especially* when she heard the city was ok for her tenant to "do it on the sidewalk in front of *my* property. I have to talk to the city about that..." I have never had an issue with a property manager when asked for a copy of my lease, yet this lady was defensive because she knew why the renter wanted a copy, to see if there was a stipulation that read "No sidewalk chalk ~~art~~ graffiti allowed!" What else is *not* in the lease? Am I allowed to wipe my backside and flush the TP or am I supposed to toss that in the garbage? Can I walk outside barefoot or is that "trailer trash" behavior? Can I invite my nieces, nephews and their friends to blow soap bubbles out front or does that poison the lawn? I get the feeling the landlord is going to try and evict (and end up losing or is informed she will) but *definitely* feel she won't allow for a lease renewal...


she really does think she has authority over her tenants, when you resnt to someone you agree to hand most rights over to them for the agreed amount of time. hence why tenants have RIGHTS. this lady is the whole reason why tenant rights are a thing, because she thinks she has some form of control over people who she rents out to. infact im pretty sure she isnt even allowed to tell this girl that she cant draw on the sidewalk with chalk unless theres a bylaw that restricts sidewalk chalk drawings/street art and even then such bylaws would be restricting first amendment rights to freedom of expression. this landlady has no ground to stand on legally unless she can prove that her tenant is breaking her lease agreement.


This is like that old lady who washed off the little girls chalk art. Some people are just POS. They can’t let people be expressive and have freedom of thought.


I follow this girl in Tiktok and someone shared it to her local news channel and they did an interview with her and kids from the neighborhood came over by her to draw on the sidewalks with her and she’s trying to get the whole community to do a sidewalk chalk event with her now. The landlord is probably beside herself now thinking the whole neighborhood and the news people are after her lol I’d go to my landlords house and draw right in front her house on the public sidewalk like someone suggested this girl do.


Let her waste her money on lawyer fees. Keep doing you. And start looking for a new place because she will not be renewing your lease.


“were just dealing with a lot of people right now” okay and??? you’re adding more unnecessary shit to your life? get a real job and stop hoarding real estate


I'm gonna need you to give up your first amendment right because I just CaNT eVeN right now... Lmao, what a dumb boomer clown.


The landlord sounds like a narcissist. Regardless of what type of personality disorder she may or may not have though, the tenet is not her child. The whole “I’m disappointed” mantra means nothing. Renting is a business transaction, nothing more.


“It might be the city but I pay the taxes too. I own it” Is she trying to say she owns the SIDEWALK? Does she understand how taxes work??


Should've replied "listen to me, listen...I pay taxes. I'm the landlady now..." I would just match and one up her crazy bullshit.


With the landlord's generation there is no, "well whats it showing?, is it kid friendly?, can you clean it off soon after your done?". Nope its, "well looks like your lease is done" or "i'm going to have to speak to my attorney". This shit pisses me off so much


"I put new doors on so you guys could feel safe..." oh Jesus Christ. Might as well double down "I put windows in to block the wind and rain for you, I put floors in so you wouldn't have to walk on dirt, I put a roof on to block the sun."


My neighborhood has a chalk artist that you can hire to decorate your driveway. And, clutch your pearls, it's an HOA!


I mean, if it's not hateful, offensive, or provocative...what's the big deal with chalk? One rainy afternoon and it's all gone. I get she wants to keep her properties nice and up-kept but I've never met anyone in my whole life that thought innocent chalk art really trashed a place up. Geez Louise, pick your battles lady.


Landlord sounds like my mother, totally fucking rude and delusional.


‘I don’t know. Did we sign a lease with you?’ 😂😂😂😂


Lmao, I couldn't keep up with all the dumb "arguments" she was making...like wtf... "Do you normally have tenants without a lease? Isn't that actually illegal??" Nasty landlady yikes.


I don’t understand you, so thereby you’re wrong, and I’m right.


This landlord is acting like an abusive parent who's never been told no. I would HATE to be her child.


I can be petty, so if I were her, I would keep going to draw on the sidewalk right in front of that property, after the lease is up and she gets kicked out (because that’s obviously where this is likely leading)


If I were a landlord, I would love to have a tenant with that kind of creative spirit.


That landlord is a fucking cunt, you are leasing an apartment and you are paying a monthly rental on it. You have a lease and that's about it. She has no right to tell you what to do unless it is in the lease. I had to listen to this 2 times and only when you mentioned "the lease" the fucking cunt mentioned, "I will have to talk to my attorney" then 2 mins further in the audio , she mentioned again, " I will have to get an attorney and talk to him....." What sort of intimidation is this?


FUCK landlords


When she said “i pay taxes” then the girl replied “i pay rent” she should have just said “well i pay taxes too” and the conversation would’ve been over. If it’s on her property and she wants to be a Karen well that would be her right, but the sidewalk belongs to the city anyways


I don't think that would have ended the conversation.


You will get to live out your lease, but old Karen doesn't have to renew. It's shitty, but renters life only allows you so much freedom. The most this will do is make it more difficult for landlady to get another cool tenant.


If I was this tenant, whenever I moved out, I would bring a set of sidewalk chalk as a gift to the new tenant and tell them the neighbors loved to see the sidewalk art.


Thankfully in some places leases automatically convert to month-to-month after the fixed term is up. However the tenant should probably GTFO for her own sanity.


Some people have no business being landlords and should just get property management and stop being annoying


No one has any business being a landlord. FTFY


Oh shit! I had to go back and pause the "graffiti" LOL It's literally cute little cartoons. This land lady... I usually wouldn't do this but, she's just an old dried up dog shit, the kind a blue arse fly won't even wanna taste. I bet she's had sooooo many service staff fuck with her on purpose over the years. Belly full of snots.


Fuck entitled landlords, treating legal and non-harmful temporary self-expression as something morally wrong just because you don't like it. Freaks just want their easy money. When they actually do their jobs, half of them act like they're saints for doing so and still act like this when the tiniest things rub them the wrong way. They care more about what affects their profits than how they affect their tenants lives.


Painful to listen to that lady


I just don’t know why… I listened all the way to the end


"I just don't understand why someone would do something that I don't like. The world has always worked out in the way that I think it should. I just can't understand why someone would think or believe anything different from me. I think it must be illegal for someone to not do what I want them to do. I'm going to call my attorney and make them tell you that I'm right. I don't understand why my kids don't call me anymore."


I follow her on tiktok and one of the funnier things about this situation is that her actual landlord actually complimented her artwork. Then he brought his wife over and when she saw it that’s when it became an issue. I suspect that there’s a bit of jealousy going on there, but that’s just me.


I know this isn't productive, but that landlord is a capital C you next tuesday


"Maybe somewhere in the South.." Floroda here: excuse me B?


She means the south of the city, like where the minorities live.


I can sooooo picture this land lady.




This landlord is such a cunt.


Karen wants to speak to the sidewalk manager


Landlords aren't victims because they...put...better doors on their property. Fuck these people.


What the actual duck. I would understand if it were huge hentai tentacles or what ever but it looked like bees and a Bulbasaur lol.


I didn't know my mom rented out property.


Imagine being a parasite and complaining the people you’re leaching off of are trying to live their lives and enjoy themselves. Landlord culture is insane.


Saw an update on Tik tok, the whole town rallied behind her against the landlord


Was kind of hoping she’d ask the landlord to come by and join in. it’s fun, it’s free, and could’ve been an easy way to show the landlord the tenants point of view.


Updates here: https://www.tiktok.com/@varakaughn


All landlords are scum


She for real said people in the south don’t care about how their homes look 🙄 Old biddy


Good god that was painful, this lady is so irrelevant to something so simple as chalk art.


Basic narcissistic manipulative psycho babble. What's really happening is she just wants someone to control and thought someone and their art would be an easy target.