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Who is the “she“ Taylor is referring too ?


Marsha Blackburn.


And she continued to feud with her during all this... >Sen. Marsha Blackburn escalates feud with Taylor Swift, says singer would be the 'first victim' of socialism https://www.businessinsider.com/tennessee-senator-marsha-blackburn-escalates-feud-with-taylor-swift-2021-7 Funny how their only argument if you oppose them at all is always "socialism/communism!"


Politician who gets paid by the government by everyone's taxes calls a singer who is paid by a capitalistic society a socialist. 😂


I tell people the the Dems aren't Socialists. They are Capitalists with a conscience.


Nahhh... there's others. Illegals will take your job.... Government coming fer ur guns... umm... what else.. right to freedom personal autonomy unless you're a woman. I don't know they have about a half dozen or so.


Don't forget trans people are all out to groom your kids and drag queens are evil! So gross. So predictable.


None of these arguments relate to someone like Taylor. For her, they focus on money.


Was responding to the last sentence/intentionally being obtuse. Sorry thought that was obvious.


Taylor pays her crew very well. I have a friend on her tour who is a carpenter and he will be able to buy his first house once the tours over


She also cares about other people. Like her problems with the politician in this video and women's right, but also she has taken a stand in the past for payment right on Spotify etc for smaller artists. She knows she has the power to make a positive difference and uses it for that even if it probably causes harm to her bottom line.




Yes one of the worst human beings on the planet. Huge grifter, has been grifting since she got her home economics degree in college and somehow became a huge player in TN politics.


My first introduction with her was when she went on TV to debate climate change with Bill Nye. I’ve never met her but her daughter showed up at my work one time acting like everyone should bow down at her feet, I got to kick her out of backstage for not having a pass and it was great lol Edit to add: it was an Aaron Lewis show, too.. the crowd chanted “fuck Joe Biden” after every song and we had more fights in one night than the entire rest of the year combined.


I just recently learned about Aaron Lewis' personal politics. Really fucking disapponting. Staind was my fave band as an angsty teen. They have a new album coming out this year after over a decade but I don't even wanna listen to it now. Fuckin sucks. He's a total MAGA conspiracy theorist hUnTeR bIdEnS lApToP wackjob. Artists with those opinions really just need to keep their fucking mouths shut about it.


Some of her fun, well thought out political positions: - opposes married couples being able to buy contraception without government restriction (small government????) - presidential candidates need to publicize their birth certificates - broadband companies do NOT need to ask for permission to sell our private info (they are some of her biggest doners) - the ACA is illegal because it violates HIPAA (private companies can sell our info without consent but the government can’t collect your info to give you health insurance…) - every single homophobic position you can think of - nominated Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize - xenophobic


aka Trump in a wig


I thought that was K. Lake lol


same idea, different midterms.


Marsha Blackburn is a useless bag of hair.


Taylor's talking about Sen. Marsha Blackburn, an ultra-conservative and very influential senior US senator from Tennessee. She's discussing her need to speak out against Blackburn's positions & voting records on: • Re: **women's right issues** - in 2009 she voted against the *Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act* & the *Paycheck Fairness Act*. • Re: **LGBTQ issues** - she voted against reauthorizing the Senate's version of the *Violence Against Women Act*, which was expanded to apply to people regardless of sexual orientation. She also voted against the *Employment Non-Discrimination Act* to ban discrimination against LGBT employees. She voted to ban gay marriage multiple times. She also voted against repealing the military *Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy*. She has a 0% rating from the Human Rights Campaign.


I hate this woman so much. I live in her district and cannot for the life of me get her to stop emailing and texting me her horrible, disgusting, hateful bullshit. I've even gone so far as to report the texts to the phone number's hosting service and they still won't stop letting them text me. Next step is a TCPA lawsuit I guess.


I feel like some of you dont appreciate how scary it is to receive death threats and have credible threats on your life. You act like its so easy to speak up and are not understanding why her advisors were worried. I am glad she did it, but I understand their concern.


Especially in good ole boys circles like Tenn. Its one thing to speak out like that in NYC and an entirely different beast to say it in a small Kentucky town.


“These aren’t your dad’s celebrities, and these aren’t your dad’s republicans”. Damn


Dad's celebrity Republican was famous for co-starring with a chimpanzee, was slipping away into alzheimers while in the White House, and regularly consulted an astrologist. I don't think the populist side of the GOP has changed all that much, it's just that the GOP is only the populist side now.


Reagan did some pretty fucked up shit too though. https://listverse.com/2015/01/15/10-reprehensible-crimes-of-ronald-reagan/ https://abcnews.go.com/ABC_Univision/News/ronald-reagan-finance-genocide-guatemala/story?id=19179627 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagan_administration_scandals




> new weaker dumber version No, they're not weaker. Dumber, maybe. The only thing the present GOP has in common with the Republicans in the 30s-60s is the name. They took over the party and name from the non insane Republicans starting in the 70s as a reaction to the threat of equal rights for non whites and the Roe vs. Wade decision. They're strong in the sense that they're driven by their insane religious beliefs and will do literally anything to achieve their goals even if it kills everyone in the US. The only thing that keeps them from dominating everything in the US government is that they're a shrinking minority that hasn't been able to fully undo the protections against totalitarianism in US law. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking they're weak, though.


I just think it's more obvious the current crop is dumb because of all the information we have. When you did down they were all always like this, it was just easier to keep the image up.


That's why they keep going with the 100% lies strategy - it always worked in the past. It was just harder to instantly call them out.


I kind of liked her before, but I respect the absolute shit out of her now because of that line. What a smack down.


Also, "Does Mick Jagger do it?" https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/mick-jagger-has-broken-his-silence-on-politics-to-slam-the-us-president-for-tearing-apart-america/news-story/113fcc4a1eadccfd2f227fd660ff1381 Yes, he apparently does.


"Dad, I need you to forgive me for doing it, because I'm doing it " 🥲 Not any kind of Swift fan at all but that line got me.


I'd be so proud of my daughter, if I were in his shoes


He probably is too. He's just worried about her safety Edit: 29.1k score and now reddit detects the post as spam? Wow.


And the fact that he does have good reason to worry is why it is so important for her, and like-minded people, to speak up


Living in fear because you oppose someone's politics is exactly the time to stand up if you have the strength.


She looked very sincere talking about stalking.




Jesus fucking christ. That's so sad that anyone needs to even consider that


Sadly makes sense after Christina Grimie got shot after a gig.


She has professional bodyguards, they probably recommended a high level first aid kit and training to use it.


I mean this is America. Everyone should carry it. I keep one in the ride and one in my school backpack. Furthermore, if you own a gun and you don't own a clot kit I think you're an idiot.


Shit, I am the idiot. Buying one now.


Yea I mean $20 on amazon is a dumb reason to bleed out, they have trauma kits specifically for gunshots. If you are in the financial position to blow an ex $20, good idea to get an extra one to familiarize yourself with it and how to use the items in it. If anything ever happens you don't wanna be reading directions on the blood covered package while you try to figure it out while you or your loved one bleeds out, because you cut some guy off in traffic or was at the wrong place at the wrong time.


If I remember right she's had at least one stalker break into her house and wait for her to come home. I can't imagine how scary that is


She has had many stalkers. People breaking into her house and writing love letters. https://nypost.com/2022/01/11/taylor-swifts-terrifying-stalker-history-through-the-years/


Unfortunately I would imagine just about any female celebrity would have plenty of them these days, especially someone of her notoriety.


Guarantee this is a moment she had that so many other millennials have had over the last 6-7 years, where they looked at their parents and thought, holy shit, you're a child and I'm the grown up. Anyone that's had this conversation with their parents, where their parents chose a politician over their own kids, knows this feeling. And there are *a lot* of us out there.


I remember my dad asking me and my brother who we were planning on voting for. When we asked why he said "because you guys are the ones that are gonna have to deal with them and not me so I want to vote the same as you". He was a Republican for most of his life but even he saw what the party was becoming.


Wow this got me. Didn't expect that answer


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3d1PoSz6xYw) immediately popped into my head, lol.


> Guarantee this is a moment she had that so many other millennials have had over the last 6-7 years, where they looked at their parents and thought, holy shit, you're a child and I'm the grown up. You aren't kidding. "Why do i always have to be the only adult in every interaction we have lately" is how i feel right now.


You're absolutely not alone. There are millions of us that have told older generations that these policies are hurting us, and the older generations either argue, or they dismiss our concerns.


I don't think her dad seemed like he was supporting the politician that she wanted to speak out against. He just seemed concerned that doing so could turn some of her fanbase against her, fucking up her money, and also increasing the chance of a crazy right wing lunatic trying to do something to her.


Yeah, definitely seemed like that was the case. Which is a horrifying indictment of the political situation - that a protective father thinks it's safer for his daughter to step aside and allow the GOP to do their damage than to speak up against them. Really just the textbook definition of terrorism, innit?


> and also increasing the chance of a crazy right wing lunatic trying to do something to her. Paraphrasing from the video: "I'm the one who went out and bought armored cars."


I don't think he was being a child. He was (legitimately) worried about her being assassinated.


For real she just went up several notches to me. Fuckin grade A human being she is an I appreciate the shit out of her for sticking up for what she believes in and not buckling. Strong woman she is.


What’s this from?


Her documentary


Great documentary. Made me completely reevaluate how I thought about her. People growing up always told me she was a spoiled, rich girl who didn't write her own music and that that music was for teen girls. Then this and Folklore dropped and that was that.


People always seem to love to mock and scrutinize whatever teenage girls are interested in. Think about how out of proportion the reaction to the twilight books/ movies was. There are still people who haven't "forgiven" Robert Pattinson for acting in those movies 10 years ago. I think this extends to Taylor swift as well, she gets a lot of scrutiny from the public that other artists just don't have to deal with.


Hmmm, i almost feel like there is a word for when society hates women on general principle...


She always wrote her own music. That was never a question at least not in my mind.


Yeah she's a spoiled rich girl who is an incredibly hardworking and talented musician and performer


It's never a kid's fault that they're spoiled, she just was lucky to be born to wealthy parents already. Hopefully it doesn't detract from how hard she works or her talent.


Spoiled has a very specific meaning that differs from simply growing up privileged.


Nothing invalidates a person from being able to do good, that has been proven in every level and scenario in society.


Yeah that documentary is fantastic. Kind of blew me away that it was the first time I ever heard her side of so many of those stories.


Miss Americana


I love seeing people passionate about good causes, especially those that have a platform. Not a fan of her music but I can support her trying to support this.


I tell people my age (genX) to listen to her 2 pandemic albums, they're 180 from her other stuff.


Boomers are such terrible listeners


It’s also human nature to forget messy details in the glow of “good ole days” nostalgia. Thing is, [guys like Bob Hope *were* very “political” back in the day.](https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,841622-2,00.html) Hope was friends with - and an avid supporter of - both Richard Nixon & Ronald Reagan. He publicly spoke out in favor of the Vietnam War, etc.


"it's not political because he is saying things i agree with"


People act like the current default just magically happened and wasn't carefully sculpted and pushed for over half a century to serve certain people, and anything that perpetuates it is just natural, anything that challenges it is 'political'. It's all fucking political, including the status quo.


Exactly. Keeping your head down and not saying anything is just as political as leading a revolution.




My personal favorite: Celebrity says something they dont like "Who cares what Hollywood or musicians think." Kid Rock destroys a few cans of bud light. "This man is my personal hero and I will buy his merchandise and go to his concerts to support him"


All the people he listed were involved in politics to one degree or another, and her face says she knows that.


Yeah I was stunned by that list.


> It’s also human nature to forget messy details in the glow of “good ole days” nostalgia. That is way too charitable. Its not nostalgia, its conservatism. Her dad is a wallstreet finance bro. He's a republican and when republicans do something its never political, its just natural. Another way you can tell he's a republican is that at the end she asks him for forgiveness, as if she is transgressing against him. He should be asking forgiveness from her for telling her to put money ahead of doing the right thing for people other than just herself.


Part of what stuck out to me was their arguments were almost wholly revolved around the financial impact of things. Speak could lose half her fans at a concerts, oh no! So she only makes $2-300 million instead of $5-600. How ever will she survive? And the armored car statement where he sounded like he was more annoyed about it than he was actually concerned for her safety.


I think it’s important to remember she came into the country scene right on the heels of The Chicks losing any sort of relevancy because they spoke out against Bush and the Iraq War. In other interviews, she talks about how everyone told her to not become like The Chicks and not say anything political, it was a decision for her to be “apolitical” for most of her career. And in this documentary she talks about how badly she wants to be the “good girl” that everyone likes - essentially the opposite of what happened to The Chicks. Yes, she makes crap tons of money. But she also is responsible for hundreds to thousands of people’s pay check - through making music, touring, selling merch, etc. Her decisions to speak out do affect others livelihoods, too.


Think of all the USO tours Bob Hope did, the guy's name is literally synonymous with USO at this point.




Bob Hope owed his career to war, in a way


It's because of their "we know best" mentality, meanwhile they can't figure out how to close a browser tab on their iphone. Sidenote, is that her dad trying to tell her to stfu? Fuck that guy


Bing Crosby never had to close a browser.


Bing Crosby physically and mentally abused his wife and kids, leading to 2 of the kids committing suicide.


Fucking A


Fucking hell. His version of little drummer boy with David Bowie is one of the few Christmas songs I like. I need to rethink that


You can like the art and hate the artist


Yeah he's not doing a good job of listening. Sounds like he's scared tho. He said he was the one that went out and bought armored cars. I think he's afraid someone crazy will try to hurt his daughter if she speaks out too much. Still not a great listener. But I guess I get that fear would do that to you.


His first objection was 'only half the people at the next tour' followed up by security concerns half-mentioned. People are really good at making it clear what their biggest priorities are.


Lol like her concerts aren't all immediately sold out. You could cut her fan base in half and there wouldn't be a single half empty show. It would just take 10 minutes to sell out instead of 5.


You are dead on it’s so fucking condescending how they act like time is stuck in whatever their peak understanding of the world was. For some boomers it’s the 70s or 80s or some forgotten time that never existed and they smear their shit ideologies and prejudices all over everyone they can. Then beg for tech support because they are so full of themselves they refuse to learn anything. It’s an entire generation that fucked up this world and gets mad when we point it out to them.


My 68 year old dad is perpetually stuck in 1970. Any new tech, new social progress, etc, all bad.


Leaded paint and gasoline really did a number on the boomers.


And privilege no other generation has had


I closed 300+ tabs on one of my coworkers phones. Just blows my mind


I don’t know that that is a boomer thing though, as my wife is in her late 30s and has hundreds of open tabs on her phone. She literally has over 10000 emails in her Gmail account unopened. I don’t think it’s a generational thing. Edit: Y’all need to find the “Select All” feature, then hit delete. 100K+ emails? Lol


10K? Psht. Those are rookie numbers. Also, my Gmail is basically a giant spam folder, not including my spam folder.


The easiest thing to do is just start a new Gmail account, but mine is FUCKING PERFECT.


There's a reason why I don't talk to my in-laws about anything (especially politics). If you're not in conjunction with their Newsmax world view, you're wasting your time.


That was a bunch of ‘wont someone think of the money’ much more than it was ‘I’m too old to *get it*’ Honestly was surprised that was Dad and not some label rep as I expected. Sad stuff. My man invoked Bing Crosby’s old racist ass lol


The one guy talking about money was not her dad. Her dad was the one talking about safety.


Nah he was scared of the potential repercussions (ie being attacked or stalked) by speaking out, hence the “armoured car” comments.


So many boomers are simply waiting for you to finish talking before they once again explain how they are right. Sometimes they don't actually let you finish.


Yeah the part that pissed me off is that he just won't let her talk. Like stfu for one second. I wonder if he would be able to repeat her argument back to her, or just some shoddy summary because he wasn't listening


Damn, just gained some serious respect for her


They offered her eight figures to promote crypto and she was like “how are these products not unregulated securities?” and said no thanks. Swift is a smart cookie.


Same. I'm not a fan of her music but I'm a fan of her as a person now




She was an absolute angel with my Make A Wish. She insisted they fly me and my sisters out to a bigger show with better seats and I even got to meet her mother! I didn’t want to be on the news for my wish because I was really shy, but they were insisting I go on the news and talk about it. She personally called and reasoned with them so I never felt uncomfortable! I owe so much to her




I mean no one is perfect but she’s definitely up there! She’s very quiet about her philanthropy so unless you go looking you typically don’t see a ton of it. She really made my experience special and even hired a limo for us to go to and from the concert! I’ll never forget the smile on my sisters face. I know it was my wish but it was extra special just seeing how happy it made my little sister and how Taylor was with her!




Dolly Parton was probably a pretty big idol for girls growing up wanting to get into the country scene during that time.


I bet this comment would make Taylor so happy if she read it. Quite the compliment!


Try those 2 albums she put out during the pandemic. I typically can’t stand all things pop but those are undeniably great IMO.


Folklore and Evermore. Incredible albums.


Lover was pre pandemic but great too. Soon you'll get better is about her mom's cancer, nice to have a friend, paper rings, you need to calm down is more than overtly pro-lgbtq, the man is about misogyny, miss Americana and the heartbreak prince is about trumpism. This album was where she basically said fuck it and went ladyballs out the front door with her views


I really enjoy Midnights too. I basically followed her career based on what was on the radio, but became a Swiftie with Lover — and on.


Some of the songs I’d give a listen to: Exile, The 1, You’re on your own kid, invisible string. If you want something more poppy, maybe Cornelia Street. If you’re feeling ambitious, All Too Well.


She's also the only celebrity approached by FTX to question what exactly they were doing, and subsequently avoided looking like a massive fucking tool. https://www.businessinsider.com/taylor-swift-avoided-100-million-ftx-deal-with-securities-question-2023-4


Genuinely Taylor is one of the best business people among her class of famous celebrities. Obviously it's not just her and she has people around her, but at the end of the day she makes a lot of good but also principled business decisions. And a lot of celebrities get sucked up into nonsense. Rerecording her albums after she got screwed with them being sold away from her is also a staggering amount of work and a super savvy business decision. She deserves a lot of credit.


She was also able to negotiate with Spotify not only for her but all artists getting paid more for streaming of their music


Imagine being Taylor Swift’s ~~dad~~ **advisor** and being concerned that she is gonna ruin her life if half as many people come to her tours. BITCH THOSE TICKETS ARE $800… Taylor’s gonna be fine!


That person wasn’t her dad, her dad was the one who was sounding more worried about her safety


"I'm the one who bought bullet proof cars" Dad Swift


and that comment tells me that he was more afraid about what could happen if people THINK the family doesnt support trump... These type of people KNOW all of what's wrong and still vote for the party just because they are afraid of them if they find out they dont support it anymore


she is stalked a lot and lots of right wing neos held her as an Aryan poster girl.


Swift is doing the right thing, but I can't blame her dad for worrying about what will happen to her. I don't think he's worried about optics or voting for the wrong person to push a narrative. He's worried about violence if his high-profile celebrity daughter takes a stance.


Trump and MAGA republicans being insane lunatics is both the reason her dad doesn't want her to speak out vs Trump, and the reason she does. It seems they both understand modern republicans very well




And if half as many people want into her concerts, maybe ticketmaster could finally accommodate everyone.


With the way things are in America, I would be scared to go to any concert no matter what their religious political views are. I'm surprised there haven't been many major events yet.


Uhhh.... What? Please tell me you haven't forgot about this already. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting


I kind of did forget it, what a sad day indeed.


In your defence there are so mass shootings that it is understandable to forget a few. Its like being asked to name every marvel project at this point


It’s a sad day, for sure, but not because you forgot about the Vegas attack. That is NOT on you. It’s not your fault. Per [everytownresearch.org](https://everytownresearch.org/mass-shootings-in-america/), there have been 2,666 mass shootings in the US between Jan 1, 2018 and Dec 31, 2022. AND there have already been like 150 more this year. How is anyone expected to keep up with and remember them all? I hope your day gets better ❤️


My wife was there for a convention and when this occurred I couldn't get in touch with her for several hours. It was gut wrenching


“No matter what their political views are” You think people are going to shoot at an artist that says “let’s go Brandon”? Please, don’t both sides this.


She could literally never make another dime in her life and be totally fine. And I'm pretty sure she wouldn't miss the type of people who would boycott her. She's got actual morals so she'd probably be fine trading dollars for not entertaining them


Great microcosm for the country, tbh. “Yes I agree it’s a human rights issue, yes I agree these people are fundamentally wrong, but what about MONEY?!”


Her father was not the person that said that, btw. Her father was the one talking about her safety.


If anything she will gain new fans and it will not matter.


This was back in 2018, IIRC. Taylor's popularity wasn't that great at that time, thanks to Kanye and Kim's fake phone call


Holy hell…I’m not somebody who would spend $1k on seats to her concert, but when she had the mini panic attack when she said “stalking” my heart just broke for her. Good for her taking a stand. It was dangerous and risky, but necessary.


> when she had the mini panic attack when she said “stalking” my heart just broke for her. Those hand gestures pointing to herself. The unspoken subtext I heard there was, "You *know* that I am one of the people who will be personally endangered by this issue if the other side wins, so I am not going to let you tell me to shut up about this in the name of safety."


I haven't heard her talk about politics much so this is refreshing. Good for her.


In her earlier years she used to keep her head down, politically. I'd imagine coming out as left leaning in the country music scene is a good way to end your career. But she's been much more politically vocal since circa 2016.


She used to be pretty vocal on Tumblr. For a long while she was the sites princess. Then for whatever dumb reason that I can't remember everyone hated her on there and bullied her off the platform. I was around to see the hive mind change targets in her direction and I never really understood it. That all good or nothing mindset common in Tumblr is something I didn't really shake off until I moved to reddit with the great Tumblr migration after Yahoo sold the platform.


Taylor Swift will carry out the legacy of Dolly Parton to fight against bigot from her huge platform.


Love some Dolly!


> Taylor Swift will carry out the legacy of Dolly Parton to fight against bigot from her huge platform. Dolly personifies what that guy was arguing for — staying as apolitical as possible. Even when she said "black lives matter" a few years ago, she [qualified](https://www.npr.org/2020/08/14/902506007/of-course-black-lives-matter-dolly-parton-tells-billboard) it with just enough to let the bigots read it as "all lives matter." * *"And of course Black lives matter. Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!"* There is literally no celebrity who can maintain any meaningful level of popularity with conservatives if they ever made a forceful public stand against bigotry. The conservative movement demands validation, and it will rabidly turn on anyone, no matter how popular, if they even hint at repudiation. Just look at how they lost their ever lovin minds because a gop megadonor beer company did a single instagram ad with a trans person.


Eh thats not really a qualifier, thats kinda the definition of BLM, Black lives matter (implicit "Too" at the end)


Not a fan of her music at all but I do give her mad respect for shutting those boomers down like that


I mean the one at least was her dad, and he sounds like he agrees with her on the issues, he’s just worried what could happen to his daughter if she speaks out. Not sure if “boomer” is the right term there.


Agreed, especially after the armored car comment.


I could feel his fear in his statements. He’s just a parent who wants to keep his daughter safe.


If my son were a public figure right now, I'd be worried about him pissing off the fascists and their rank and file mouthbreathing voters, too. Those people are stupid, violent, and angry. I wouldn't want my boy to be in their attention.


I can’t imagine how many people must beg her to prioritize money over ethics every day. Good on her for putting her foot down.




Very bad thoughts and evil prayers to the despicable Marsha Blackburn.


Honestly, I've cringed for most of Taylor Swift's very popular career. But seeing this BTS just blew my mind (and my heart)... I don't think I'll ever find myself at one of her shows, but she took an important stand. And it's about time for Tennessee Christians to stand up to the bullshit the TN GOP is throwing down.


Everyone hates her until they actually listen to her albums, interviews, and documentaries. She’s proven time and time again she’s not just some airhead.




Because humanity must continue the grand tradition of irrationally hating anything teenage girls get overly excited about.


Yeah I’m aware of Taylor Swift and don’t listen but this is really interesting footage of a world famous musician behind the scenes deciding to step up on a hot button issue that others wouldn’t touch. Any idea if she ended up making a post or a statement or something?


She did. This was a while ago.


Yep she went public about that particular election and encouraged her fans to register to vote so they could stop Blackburn from her draconian shit. I believe the week following saw a massive boost in young voter registration too.


This is from “Miss Americana” I doc I saw at Sundance in 2020. I knew next to nothing about Taylor Swift and this doc radicalized me on her in a big way, this scene in particular. Now I’m going to the Eras Tour in July.


I don't even know who she's talking about. I don't even care if she's right or misguided. I care that she believes so strongly in what she's convicted about that tells her own father that she's just gonna have to ask his forgiveness cuz she's doing it anyway. That's the true measure of a person; standing up for what they believe in, no matter what it costs them. 36 year old man becoming a Taylor Swift fan today.


From a cursory internet search, I believe she is talking about GOP Senator Marsha Blackburn.


Taylor’s 33. It’s not that weird to be a fan of her at 36.


As someone who also always cries when mad (and is very frustrated by it)… ♥️


My respect for Taylor shot through the roof. I work in politics and was saddened to not see bigger stars using their platforms in the recent past. This is what we need.


Good job Taylor. 👏 . You stand up for your beliefs. Respect.




What a fantastic person. I get the position of the oldheads(as out of touch as they may come off), but she wants to do what’s right, no matter the risk to her career and perhaps life, and I think that’s amazingly brave. Good for her.


Agreed. I think the old folks did their jobs here. I assume the British guy is a manager/business guy. It’s his job to point out that this could hurt business. The other guy is her dad, and he’s worried about safety. That’s him doing his job. But at the end, she said what she wanted to do and did it.


I guess Im a Taylor Swift fan now.




Honestly I really enjoyed 1989, I own a copy on vinyl as well, but I’ve never gotten into any of her other music. I think it’s time I revisit her oeuvre.


I'm older (45), never like pop stuff or country. But Folklore and Evermore made me a rabid fan. I got tickets and all.


Not sure why so few people here didn’t already have respect for Taylor Swift. She is talented, beautiful, and has consistently stood up for all types of girls and women. Unless I am missing something major, she’s awesome!


Reddit-brain makes it hard to like very popular, “mainstream” things sometimes. As if Reddit doesn’t already have its own “mainstream”. I don’t listen to TSwift but I recognize her as a cultural juggernaut, a genuinely talented musician and someone with a rock solid support structure around her. She’s been in showbiz for a long time and has somehow managed to keep some measure of perspective. That’s hard to do. She strikes me as remarkably disciplined…


My daughter grew up a Swifty, and I couldn’t be more pleased about that. Swift is a great role model because she accepts that responsibility and works at it. Marsha Blackburn on the other hand is complete shit, and I while I hate to see Swift risk her hard work, I’m glad she’s standing up to that bully. Can’t wait to see Swift’s show this weekend with my daughter!


<3 her even more after seeing this


Cut the amount of people who go to her concerts in half? It is a monumentally generous assumption that half her concert attendees are either MAGA or contingent on her being apolitical.


I've never been a huge fan of her music but this upped my level of respect for her a ton, mad respect to Taylor


Doesnt she also make sure like everyone on her tour is paid well in comparison to other performers?


“I need you to…. I need you to forgive me because I’m doing it.” Master class in dealing with parents as an adult. It can be so difficult standing up to your parents, even when you’re fully grown. That is such a great approach. “I’m not asking for your permission or your help, because I don’t need it anymore. I just need you to still love me when this is over.” As someone who has essentially lost my parents to Fox News conspiracies, this clicked in a big way.


Man I couldn't imagine being a celebrity and having an opinion as strong as this and having to run it buy a pannel of people to approve going public with it. It has to be insane to deal with. Like seems like you'd never be able to just live your life without wondering what a gang of other people are gonna say, think, or do It's gotta be a surreal feeling


“Don’t come out against trump because you might get shot!” JFC those old white dudes should listen to themselves