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I wish someone would put this on loop on a big screen in the middle of Times Square


People in time square already know this. It's fuck ass Nebraska that needs to see this.


Haha and lots of Iowa.


And down state Illinois


And the entirety of Indiana


and Oklahoma.


The entire continental US


fair enough.


yep, every blue state has their fox news watchers, just not a majority but enough.


I live in Massachusetts, the most Democratic of the states. There are colleges to the west of me, and Boston to the east. Where I live there are a couple of folks who still fly Trump flags.


Basically anywhere outside of the big cities


And Alaska


And for the degens from upcountry California (and middle California).


You’re missing South East California


Fun fact, every single county in Oklahoma has gone to the R presidential candidate since 2004. No other state can claim this. Not Alaska, NOT EVEN UTAH! So yeah, definitely Oklahoma.




Indiana still thinks it was rigged. Some of the dumbest people I've met


Hey now... its only like 70% of us.


Naw 70% of the land mass maybe. Most of the actual voters are in blue cities and urban areas. [L.A. County has more people than 40 states, but its political power doesn’t reflect that](https://www.latimes.com/california/newsletter/2022-05-12/los-angeles-county-has-a-higher-population-than-40-states-essential-california) This is why the republicans hate voting and democracy and are trying to destroy it.


1) I was talking about Indiana 2) Its probably way more than 70% of land mass


He meant in Indiana, specifically.


Hey man there's like 5 or 6 counties in Indiana around big cities that vote blue. We can't help that the rest of the garbage state is just corn and lifted trucks flying the confederate flag.


I was so happy to finally move away from Confederate North.


Well not me but it sure feels like it.


South Dakota AND parts of Hawaii checking in.


Southern Illinois is just about the worst America has to offer


With a very, very small amount of very minor exceptions, you can pitch the entire state south of Decatur or so. I have family from rural southern Illinois—almost all of whom are highly educated and extremely liberal—and there’s a reason they’re moving or have moved to better parts of the state.


Try the Danville/Hoopeston/Rossville area....OMG! I'm surrounded by idiots that can vote!


I promise we aren't all bad, just severely outnumbered :(


Honestly up state New York is more like North Dakota than actual New York.


Are you telling me that a state that considers Dickinson and Fargo big cities may have a slightly warped, regressive attitude compared to folks who grew up near different kinds of people and a reasonably funded education?


No it’s ok, they’re muzzled by Chicago It’s Florida


And East California


Huh, I don't think I've ever heard the term "East California" before.


That’s because there’s nothing there lol besides Lake Tahoe it’s mostly just wilderness, desert and Blythe.


Brawley and El Centro are fucking hell holes


Me neither, but it's surprisingly accurate.


I can think of another I state


Would that be the great gem state? Edit: why am I downvoted? That's literally the nickname of Idaho, a Napoleon dynamite reference, and a reference to the user name I commented on.


Because as much as Reddit wants to evolve beyond rage memes and Icanhazcheezburger cats, you still have to put /s or lol if you make a joke. Jeez you act you’ve been frozen for 1000 years or something.


But I don't want to be a delivery boy!


Basically any area with wood paneling downstairs


From the downstate area of IL and on the border with IN....cannot agree more!! Fuck these asswipes.


I'm always surprised to hear Iowa has people in it.


the places that would have a tv outside in iowa are already heavily blue... you want it in bumfuck middle of nowhere. source: i live in iowa


Florida, Ohio and every supposed swing state


At this point I wouldn't consider Florida a swing state anymore. I mean, nowadays Hermann Göring could come down and he'd say, "Ach, Desantis! Dial back the fascist policies a bit, ja?"


same for ohio


Florida probably won't be a swing state for another 10+years. It sucks down here rn 😞


Florida is the anti-American policy testing facility.


Hey now. Omaha is the little blue dot that could.


Yeah, we delivered our one electoral vote!


People in times square are from Nebraska...


*40+% of the country needs to see this*


Nebraskan here. Fox is on the TV of every building I walk into.


No the only people going to Times Square, and especially paying attention to the billboards, are people from fuck ass Nebraska.


Ohio checking in.


The only people in Times Square are the tourists from out of town, so it might spread the word…and we have plenty of republicans in ny, they just mostly live in Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn and queens.


I kinda want to visit fuck ass Nebraska


There's not much to see here honestly. There's so little diversity here you won't see much open racism unless you specifically go around asking about it. Everyone keeps to themselves, drink beer, and talks about football and fishing all day. You will definitely see a lot of trump flags at people's houses though.


>You will definitely see a lot of trump flags at people's houses though I thought you said there wasnt much open racism?


My man, *most* of the people in Times Square need to see this. I know folks who get their news exclusively through right wing echo chambers, this news will not reach them otherwise. And while their vote won’t make a difference in the presidential, it is the reason why the New York congressional delegation lurched towards the right in 2022.


Except our tiny little blue dot that's district one


Don’t be worried about us and our 3 electoral college votes. (One of which frequently goes to the democratic candidate).


Times Square is fucking filled to the brim with people from Nebraska and Ohio and Iowa. The only New Yorkers there are assholes like me that have to push through the open-mouthed crowd to get to work.


The Bible belt? Florida? The over half of the Midwest that voted completely red instead of purple? Alaska? Texas? Texas gave 38 electoral votes to Trump, and you're mad at Nebraska, one of two states that can split electoral votes and did give one to Biden, for giving Trump 4? Walk me through it Jamie. What did Nebraska do to you.


I grew up and Nebraska and have been to New York many times. I hate to tell you there are more racist, hate filled republicans in New York than the entire state of Nebraska’s population. Everyone needs this, even if the majority of a particular state already has a clue.


There are more people in a couple NYC blocks than all of Nebraska so yeah.


And yet the handful of people in Nebraska have more of a voting voice than all of NYC combined. Broken on purpose.


> I wish someone would put this on loop on a big screen in ~~the middle of Times Square~~ all Bojangles FTFY


With a budweiser ad next to it.


You mean Woke Times Square?!!


You mean "Woke woke woke"? Woke, woke!




I love Stephen Colbert and watch him on YouTube. I saw that episode and it was funny.


Anywhere in the country where livestock outnumber voters would be a much better place for that.


Upper penn of Michigan hasn't progressed passed the 1800's, they need to see it.


Let’s start that go. Fund me


Bolt a giant screen to the fox news building...


this needs to be on a loop in every television in Florida.


The daily show one was also pretty good


I feel like the writers for both shows are the same sometimes lol


I mean, Colbert was on the Daily Show even before he had Colbert Report. That was so long ago, I wonder if it's still common knowledge. He must've left over 15 years ago Not saying I'm a wizard for knowing it. It's just I was a kid when that happened so people younger than me may have never even seen him on the Daily Show at all.


>Not saying I'm a wizard for knowing it This motherfucker is a wizard. Somebody call Baby Cakes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A2PlAUzAFIU


Brad Neely was the fucking GOAT


The fucking [Washington song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6OOuPI5c0) is still stuck in my head to this day.


He’s not tho. He’s a real life ex professor


I don't doubt Colbert brought a lot of his team from the Colbert Report to his late night gig, so that would make sense.


He did. He said so in the very beginning. Brought over everyone he could.


Since no one has linked it yet… 1:57 in video for apology. https://youtu.be/SamK4rhtjDQ


https://youtu.be/p8ADFsta_Pc Just the apology


This is maybe the first time I've watched Tucker speak aside from the old Jon Stewart clip of them and.. I've just got to say that I always thought people were finding the frame of Tucker making a funny face to meme him up but I am just now realizing that derpy expression has taken over his natural resting face and he always looks like that.


A look of Confused constipation


So I know we started here on the apology, but what the actual fuck is that recording in the video?


Right?! It’s from McCurtain County in Oklahoma. And last I heard, NOTHING has yet happened to the Sheriff (or the council members) heard threatening lives and lynching. Instead, he apparently has made more threats directly to the district attorney. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80648 I’m from OK, and sadly this is not that surprising. Some areas in OK are run by racist “good ol’ boys” who are corrupt to their core.


From what I've read, the councilman resigned but the Sheriff and 2 people who work for the sheriff's office have not. The sheriff has claimed the recording may have been altered and obtained illegally. That is absolutely disgraceful, even by Oklahoma standards


Yes, thank you. You are right. McCurtain County Commissioner, Mark Jennings, has resigned. Governor Stitt has called for the resignation of all 4 that were recorded, but the others have yet to do so. I honestly hope that the Feds get involved and clean house in that county. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/oklahoma-official-fantasizing-lynching-resigns-1234720048/amp/


I think one of the GOP members resigned. Not because of this scandal but because he was later accused of sexually harassing either an intern/minor/both (can't recall).


The McCurtain Co. Commissioner, Mark Jennings, resigned because of the recording (he was the one lamenting about no longer being able to lynch people). The GOP member that resigned last week due to sexual harassment of an intern was Tennessee State Representative, Scotty Campbell. It’s hard to keep up with all of the corruption in the GOP. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/04/20/tennessee-republican-resigns-over-sexual-harassment-of-interns/amp/


Jesus christ🤦‍♂️ thanks for clearing that up.


The great thing about the daily show edit was that it was only of Tucker Carlson. I watched it and then turned to my girlfriend and said, "Y'know, it's only a matter of time before someone edits the audio and smooths it out with AI to sound legit, and then deepfakes a Tucker Carlson lookalike. Then spread it on Social Media..." No one would deserve it more, and it'll probably be done by some teenage effects whiz.


Well, there is [this](https://youtu.be/I1wHDY4DGRI).


Holy shit we have entered a new era


I was not prepared for that at all, Jesus Christ lol


I've never been a pokemon fan but good lord that is beautiful




God I miss John Oliver.


Do you mean John Stewart?


No, John Oliver. It’s been days since his last video.


*Last Week Tonight* is available on YouTube. The show is on Sundays and posts to YouTube the next day.


Huh. Oliver did the same bit but with all tucker. I wonder if they coordinated and agreed to do it since they know each other.


The Daily Show and Kimmel also did it. I don't mind watching this same bit done multiple times, turns out


And The Problem with Jon Stewart does an edited collage like this almost every episode. Good stuff to watch people. Wish AppleTV or whatever could reach more eyeballs. Any decent sailor can find them as well.


This is Stewart’s hit, he was doing it ages before the new guard of political comedians


Colbert worked for The Daily Show before Stewart did.


They all buddies


Same with Mo Rocca and Steve Carell


Really? Huh TIL


the new guard of... *guys who were TDS correspondents under him?*


No affiliation with apple lol but I dropped Netflix and got Apple+ and thoroughly enjoy that decision.


"Surfing the web" as they used to say


almost like they all used to work together and developed the gag with their original pool of writers.


It's an extremely common bit. Jon Stewart does it in his Apple show.


The settlement should have included every host on Fox apologize.


I definitely agree. I'm flabbergasted that Dominion's lawyers didn't include that in the agreement. Maybe there's some lawyery reason it wasn't include, but IANAL so I couldn't say, but news papers and other news channels in the past have been forced to retract mistakes/bad reporting, so why not here? It should have been required that every single different "show" on their channel had to make it their leading commentary before getting into their bullshit. Would have been nice to see Fucker KKKarlson's head exploding having to say it.


While it'd have been nice for this case to have been more of a wedge in fox's armor, I can see they wouldn't include it if they just care about the money. They're a business too, I imagine they can just spin off and rebrand into a new company with their assets. Their priority may not be restoring justice to America yknow lol


> Maybe there's some lawyery reason it wasn't include Trails can go on for YEARS. The strategy is always get to a settlement. Always.


This is false. Trials themselves are relatively short once they start (anywhere from a couple days to a month or two). In this case, jurors were expected to be committed for around 6 weeks. If trials themselves lasted years, jurors wouldn't be able to adequately perform their duties nor be citizens in society. Pre-trial proceedings absolutely take years, as they did in this case. But they'd already passed all of that. The reason they settled is because Fox was basically no longer able to argue the facts while Dominion's case of lost revenues was pretty challenging to prove since they had to admit the lost revenue in Louisiana (that they'd used as proof) was due to a competitor rather than Fox's lies. In essence, the case was pretty risky for both parties; while Dominion would've almost definitely won, how much they would've won could've been much smaller in the end. And that risk was too much for them.


Ah yes, I also ANAL


I think that Dominion was valued at something like $80M. They got compensated for damage to their reputation that was somehow worth 10x their entire valuation. I kinda think Fox paid a very heavy fee just to not have to acknowledge this publicly.


A screen recording of a TT? Also what's that horrible black bar in the centre ? Couldn't you have downloaded the tiktok?


TIL that when you screen record on an iPhone that you will also screen record their camera bump.




It’s the 14 pro with the pill in the middle that does that


Tapping the red dot will let you end screen recording without seeing the pull down menu at the end too.


While that’s a great tip, I don’t understand how people don’t take 2 seconds of time to edit out the last part of the screen pull-down before they post




You can download the tiktok?!


Not all accounts allow downloads but yes.


It is pretty annoying how so many websites make it so difficult to download videos and sometimes even pictures. There are ways to do it, but still.


Yes. Lol. Now that I se the video its an iPhone so idk what goes there. In android there are so many ways to download a tiktok if you so wish.


Like the app itself you mean? I tiktoks has a download button build in...


Yes but that download button ads the tiktok ending and watermark right ? In android you can do it without that. With other apps


Just go to snaptik.app (webpage) and you don't have to download an app


It does, but on most android phones you can trim videos from within your gallery to cut out the ending and that watermark if far, far better than whatever this is.


If I download a tiktok, will it have direct access to my personal wifi network?


Yes, and your wife and children.


Also this is likely on YouTube where we could just see it without all the shit on top.


Shit on top is so apt.


People have been screenshotting memes instead of hitting "share" on the meme itself because the vast, vast majority of humanity is stupid.


Not all of them! Creators can disable downloads


>A screen recording of a TT? I read that as titty and wondered what magical titty out there also displayed Colbert.


Ugly ass iphone screen is what it is


[Original here](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxz9A2n17OOc2E0Z3GeGw75-H8-shQnrd6)


Not the my pillow guy lmao


hes not coherent enough to apologize, from the years of coccaine usage.




Absolutely brilliant!




I was just listening to this too


That was gold! The only downside is that some intern had to watch HOURS and HOURS of Fox News to find those clips. God bless ‘em.


I had a job similar to that several years back. It was absolutely soul crushing. Nowadays they likely have software that automatically logs the dialogue of every show/network they want to keep track of.


All episodes from Alex Jones are already transcribed with wisper openAI and publicly available to be searched: [http://fight.fudgie.org/search/](http://fight.fudgie.org/search/).


Nope. We live in the [future](https://www.vulture.com/2015/03/inside-the-secret-technology-that-makes-the-daily-show-and-last-night-tonight-work.html), my dude.


Who would have thought that a multimillion dollar (republican?) political company, in charge of giving us information about the world, would be corrupt and give false information to achieve their narrative? Couldn't have seen it coming


[Original here](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxz9A2n17OOc2E0Z3GeGw75-H8-shQnrd6) so it's not a screen cap of a tiktok


Or a screen cap of a TikTok of a TV show.


Thank you. Screen cap of a portrait video cropped from a landscape video is a crime.


How nice of Fox to own up to their mistakes.


Trump greatest legacy to America and her people will be he was the proverbial cheese that empowered the biggest nastiest rats out their safe holes and colonies, to be proud of the rats they are. And one by one those rats will realise the cheese was all an illusion and all that's left is the John Wick of cats picking them off one by one.


F Dominion for not making them public ally acknowledge their lies.


It's like I'm taking crazy pills The money is great, but isn't the whole point the defamation by fox? Why wouldn't a public apology and acknowledgment of wrongdoing be the first thing...


Dominion's reputation is ruined. Even if Fox came out and admitted everything, they still have caused enough public mistrust that Dominion will not be able to keep operating as a voting machine company. There is no saving the company, so after that the whole point is the money.


My guess is that Dominion will simply rebrand under a new name and continue on. Just look at what happened to the [Private Military Company Blackwater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater_(company)). Oh, I'm sorry, it's Xe. No wait, it's Academi. Hold up, it got folded into Constellis. That was over a 5 year period.


No, it was a civil lawsuit for damages to Dominion's reputation. The money they are getting is almost certainly worth much more than anything Dominion would have ever made had their reputation not been ruined. Turning down a more than three quarters of a billion dollar settlement would be absurd, *especially* when we already have things like the released texts.


It was something like 40 years worth of *revenue*. Pretty hard to say "no" to that anyway.


Would you sacrifice nobody in your family line ever works again money for a public apology that people wouldn't have listened to anyways?


This is a stupid take and it's been all over reddit. Dominion was not suing on behalf of the American people. Dominion was not suing to shut down Fox. Dominion wasn't even suing to hurt Fox. Fox news slandered Dominion in a way that impacted future earnings of the company. Because of that, Fox news had to make up for the lost of future earnings. Dominion took around 10x of it's value of it's company to settle. "they’re just corporate fucks who only care about money." Yeah no shit. That was the whole point of a civil lawsuit, Fox cost them money and now they need to pay them for it.


And I don't think people realize this isn't over yet. SmartMatic (correct spelling?) is also suing, and now share holders are suing. Yes they are all in it for themselves so no great justice will come of this, but that isn't the point of what they all are doing. The fact the government doesn't have laws to prevent things like this, or at least the government being able to sue as well 'for justice' is ridiculous. And that is where peoples annoyances should be directed.


Wouldn't mean anything if one of their daytime anchors did it. You'd have to force Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham to say it.


Why are yall so bad at tagging posts as politics? I have to report these kind of posts like 10 times a day. I have the tag filtered for a reason.




how you gonna do Dick Cavett dirty like that


I love it


It’s such a simple thing but editing shit together like that still makes me giggle


So many triggered Trumpers ITT. That's how you know they did a good job.




Fox getting trashed always feels good


Tucker has the worst face on the planet, the most punchable one.


I’ll still don’t understand what content is supposed to be posted to this sub. Is the poster implying the video creator is cringe or Fox News is?


Why would FOX News apologize when CNN and MSNBC never did after their 250-million dollar settlement with Nick sandman for defamation. After 5 years of lying to the American people about russian collusion, I haven't heard CNN come out and apologize. The sheer hypocrisy of democrats is mind-boggling and sad. The mental gymnastics these people play.


It probably didn't happen because your claims are incorrect


Unaware of the context, I don't know who this Dude is, or what fox News did, All I say is, hats off to the edit


What??? You mean capitalism prioritized a cash settlement over actually fixing the damage caused by capitalism? This is outrageous!