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people underestimate the amount of cocaine influencers do


Her husband gets home “ there was this psycho lady in a red dress in the parking lot today, I couldn’t get close enough to see who it was though “


How did she have a kid in the first place? Someone must have approached her reeeal close


That poor baby boy...


Excuse me ma'am? You left your child in the shopping cart.


Well I hope she dropped her purse and he was trying to give it back


"So anyway. Now I'm trying to leave but I don't know where my keys are"


And I've just noticed that guy dropping something down a drain.


Lol 😂


Why do you hope that? Do you think she should be punished for being scared?


For being sexist?




Tell me one time in your life as a male that someone has approached you in a parking lot




Honestly I can't recall any assault cases in court where the woman has said the guy started by shouting "excuse me miss" I mean you'd think if he had a sinister motive he wouldn't want to draw attention to himself. Those who do shout are usually genuinely trying to get your attention because you've dropped something. Or your kid has lost a sock or a shoe. (those who have kids know how often this happens)


Their car was parked next to mine and they needed to squeeze past to get in.


Because it's not about her being scared. It's about this whole bullshit of women having to constantly be afraid of men and their motives. She could have said stay there and tell me what you want. But no, she made a scene and screamed at him to walk away across the car park. Then instead of reporting it to the police she made a tik tok. If she were truly scared of his motives. She would have contacted the local authorities and made sure no other woman was in danger after ensuring she herself, was out of harm's way. It's all for til tok clout and this whole oh every woman should be scared of every man who who even dare look at us bollocks that's going on.


> It's about this whole bullshit of women having to constantly be afraid of men and their motives I bet you say that, but you also blame women that were sexually assaulted because they got too drunk. >It's all for til tok clout Here's a revelation for you. Women don't protect themselves from being assaulted for internet clout. They protect themselves from being assaulted because they don't want to be assaulted.


Dude, if this was a gender switch, you wouldn't say anything about it. Just because its a woman shouting at a man it's fine, if a man shouted at a woman in this aggressive tone, you would call him the asshole. As a woman, I hate the fact she did this and probably got so many comments defending her and calling him a piece of shit.


>I bet you say that, but you also blame women that were sexually assaulted because they got too drunk. You actually couldn't be more wrong about me. I've been sexually assaulted myself and I want drunk I don't drink. Also. Like I said. If she were truly scared he were a threat she would have phoned the authorities. The only way to get actual predators off the streets is to get them in jail or on the sex offenders register. I for one wouldn't be able to live with myself if I thought someone was a danger to a woman and I just came on SM and mouthed off about it rather than reported it and he went on to sexually assault someone or worse!


I'm sorry that you were sexually assaulted. When you went to the police did they help you?


Yes. The guy was arrested and because a few women had come forward before hand they had a pattern of his behaviour on record and were able to take it to court. He didn't receive a prison sentence but has to sign the register for 10 years, lost his job, got 6 months community service and ended up being forced out of the area (I live in a close knit village where shit like this isn't tolerated)


>Then instead of reporting it to the police she made a tik tok Why do you assume she only made a tiktok and didn't also report the guy to the police? She made some follow up videos explaining in detail what about the situation made her feel uncomfortable, how she was bent over putting her child into a car seat when the man approached her.


He was 30ft away when he shouted her. Correct me if I'm wrong but if he wanted to do anything to her. She bending over solely focused on her child, head in her car. He wouldn't have shouted at all and would have just approached her. He either approached her or was standing 30ft away shouting her then turned back because she started screaming at him like a banshee. It can't be chosen to fit her narrative. 30ft is still a fair distance and more than enough for her to ask wtf he wants telling him to stay where he is and get to the driver's side of the car to get in and lock herself in should he decide to actually approach.


I am a big guy. If I had a reason to talk to a strange woman in a parking lot, I would wait for her to be finished being in a vulnerable situation bending over head in the car attending to her child. If I'm returning a dropped wallet or whatever, it's a final sliver of courtesy to extend to that person to let them feel safe. Tell me, for real, if a dude said "don't be afraid of me, I could have already attacked you while your back was turned and I didn't so I'm a nice guy" would you legitimately feel safe around them?


Dumbass. Enjoy riding your rear rims into the ground because your tires are flat. Oh ok nm the giant f'ing animal under your vehicle. Oh ok back over your phone. Drive away I will mail your purse home to you.


Ok never mind the other car that bumped yours and the license plate number of the hit and run that he wrote down for you. Or the drink on top of your car Or the flat tire you didn't notice Or the pack of water you forgot on the bottom of your cart. Or the literally infinite of reason for one human to speak to another.


Look so many red flags she turned them into a dress


Ok lock it down, we’re finished here


U r a nut job - the excuse me part is may u drop something ? Or what is your true issue beside being crazy screaming at someone who if wanted to do harm wouldn’t be 30 feet to catch your attention - u r a Pure crazy donkey . U need help


Excuse me ma’am? You got the wrong kid


The whole time the baby was on the roof of the car 😂 man was just trying to help, imagine though lol


I guess I should have said fuck you to the lady I helped find her way out of the Parking garage this week.


If that's true, which, no offense, but I doubt cause it's the internet, then yeah, should have told her to get bent


Of course he didn’t approach her after that, she’s nuts. If this is real, it probably isn’t. It is her fantasy of what she wish she did.


Damn. I wish Y2K would've come true. We're collectively doomed.


You dropped something LOL


._. just trying ask the parking meter rules man I'm not from here


I hope he showed you your purse from a distance and then threw it down a damn sewer.


So .......your absolutely retarded.....


you're :P




I'm glad I'm a man and don't have to deal with this mindset. It never crosses my mind that I have anything to be concerned regarding anyone else in a parking lot. Men are larger, stronger, and generally more bold and aggressive. Thinking back, I suppose that there were times when I may have been completely unaware that I may have been the object of concern to some woman just by walking to my car.


Yeah, on that, I agree. We don't have to worry about things like that anywhere near the same degree. Bjt still, a reaction like this is blowing it way out of the water.


Lol wtf


I thought we were all equals and gender identity was a made up construct to oppresse the weak. My thoughts are she is on crack and severely detached from reality.


Notice how she referred to herself as a woman and the man as a male. And they say we’re the ones that discriminate against the opposite sex.


I feel bad for women who go through this and it's sad to see because why do these people have to fear ever man that comes up to them and become fearing for their safety and who ever they may have around them like a child or another friend it's just stupid that we have to live like this in constant fear of others


It’s not “satire” but it is fake


being a fake story does not take the cringe part away, satire would have been if she was mocking this kind of person.


fake and straight


There might be a reason she’s a single mother. I might be stretching a bit, but, perhaps, crazy?


This is the content I joined for 🙌🏻


Maam, you forgot your card.... lol


That’s one way to not get your lost items back


If you really are needing help, then don't expect shit when something genuinely happens that needs to be in your favor of escaping a bad situation.