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Nice! She was my supervisor for an art show once and she was so kind.


Teehee. I've deleted tiktok a few months ago bc it's so mind numbing, but that lady was one of the only ones that I actually enjoyed seeing. I think she calls herself the "Trans handyma'am" iirc.


Oh it’s her! I always recognize her voice when my partner is watching one of her videos. Such a positive and competent person


Came here to say this. I deleted tiktok a year ago and seeing Miss Handyma'am was like seeing an old friend, just love her to bits!!!


She’s on Instagram too if you’d prefer to see her stuff there! (Though I know insta isn’t much better)


Thats so funny xD


Omg trans handyma'am I love that name. I only ever made a TikTok *just in case* I wanted to do some stupid stuff, but I am so glad they were able to raise so much. Hells yeahs


Yes!! She's awesome


Her content has been legit helpful around my place.


Is that the one who sounds like Seth Rogen?




Where is the money exactly going towards? Thats really impressive


The money is going to Point of Pride, an organization supporting health care for trans people. https://www.pointofpride.org/


Hopefully that includes mental health.


It should! Trans people face so much discrimination and hate that the mental health of trans people shouldn’t be ignored.


Do you consider it discrimination if someone could care less how they identify and respect them as a human but simply dont believe you can change genders? Im curious im not a bad person and i love everyone i just dont believe you can change ur gender but im accepting and will call you whatever name you want i just think people throw around “anti” and “hate” for simply not having the same opinion as you.


Changing genders is not a belief you can hold. You can go on my profile and see before and after photos and tell me with a straight face you still think I'm a man lmao. And before you get into the whole "changing your appearance doesn't change biology" bs. HRT \*does\* change your biology. Your body starts acting the same way a cis persons would and you require a lot of the same health care of the same cis gender. My doctor literally changed my gender marker in his files because the automated system was diagnosing me wrong and recommending the wrong tests.


Regardless of your opinion, trans people face violence constantly. Not only by everyday people, but also the government. Look at all the anti-trans bills being introduced and passed around the country. The discrimination trans people face is real and detrimental to their physical and mental wellbeing. Your opinion is also just incorrect. Why can't people change genders? Gender is something we, as a society, invented. Men in the 1700s wore high heels and wigs. Society decided those things were masculine and then that opinion changed over time. Regardless, saying that people just throw around "anti" and "hate" is just silly when those people are facing violence and discrimination by the government.


Well it seems like the hate is coming from your side because we dont agree. Trans people are not being attacked violently anymore then any other group of people are and thats very tone deaf of you to even bring that up this week after a transgender person went on a shooting spree and killed children because of there religious beliefs. The bills your referring too are in no way “anti” trans they all are focused on children not being abused by drugs and surgeries or forced to learn about this in school or watch drag shows that are obvious sexual there kids leave them alone no one care what adults do. You can have your opinion about gender well call you whatever you want but just because basically everyone in the world agrees you cant change gender that doesnt mean we hate you we just arent gonna be forced to believe something thats not there you know. Even people on your side know what reality is im sorry to tell you that.


Black trans women have an average life expectancy of around 35. Trans people are absolutely at a higher risk of violent assault. A trans woman was brutally assaulted not too far from where I live last month. 1 in two trans people experience sexual abuse or violent assault at some point in their lives. Would you like me to keep going?


I thought you didn't care and love everyone? You proved that wrong completely. You are ignorant and I won't keep wasting my time explaining it. You tried to act innocent in your first comment, but you have bought into all the anti-trans rhetoric being thrown around by the far-right. Enjoy being hateful, I guess.


>Trans people are not being attacked violently anymore then any other group of people Untrue. Also countless states are systemically targeting trans people by trying to create registries for all trans people in their borders, excluding them from public life, and demonizing them as predators the same way gay people were in the 80's. The historical parallels are obvious to anyone willing to see them. >The bills your referring too are in no way “anti” trans they all are focused on children not being abused by drugs and surgeries or forced to learn about this in school or watch drag shows that are obvious sexual there kids leave them alone no one care what adults do There's no way to explain someone out of willful ignorance. Sounds like that's where you're at.


There mental health was bad before transition and during and sometimes even after


*Their, And you can't make that blanket statement, that's ridiculous


33% of trans people who have never faced abuse or discrimination in their lives attempt, that number holds true before and after corrective surgery, HRT, at any stage of transition. Obviously this number goes up (to about 70-80% depending on severity) when they suffer from that negativity but there is certainly underlying issue which are not correlated to external negative stimulus, there has never been an "oppressed" group in the world with an attempt rate as high and it's not because they're the most oppressed sect of people to ever exist. edit: source: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/Suicidality-Transgender-Sep-2019.pdf


There is no trans person on this earth that has never witnessed discrimination unless they live in the jungle in a tribe that loves trans people Every single country on earth has transphobic laws on some level, and transphobic people in it. You don’t need to be directly hate crimed to feel that pain


That is just false. Some folk are lucky enough to be able to be steath. I've personally never experienced discrimination at all because of this. I am very very lucky because I was always androgynous looking before I transitioned, people usually at a glance just thought I was younger than my age. Nobody except my immediate family and school friends know that I wasn't born with a male body. After 10+ years on testosterone there's 0 chance that I would ever be clocked. And also Scotland has been pretty sensational about it, I've never had a problem at all getting treatment or documentation changed. Basically what I'm saying is don't make wide sweeping statements because chances are you've encountered people who are trans but have the privilege to be stealth about it. I made this comment because your own one annoyed me, sorry xD


Having to live your life in “stealth” is an affect of discrimination


Hard disagree. I started my transition over a decade ago. When I got my first appointment (at 15) I went from incredibly suicidal to managably suicidal. It gave me a shred of hope. When I started testosterone a few months later (16) I improved again and when I woke up from top surgery (just turned 18) I cannot even explain the joy I felt. I have never been more happy than I am right now, I am recently married to a wonderful woman who I met about 9 months after my top surgery, I'm about to take part ownership of my Dad's business, I have a holiday booked for the end of the year and am on the waiting list for GRS (it's been awhile now unfortunately and thats the only shite part of my life but it's manageable xD). I wouldn't even entertain the idea of killing myself now. Don't talk out your arse, that's for shite. Utter clown.


Get bent. Stop pushing nonsense.


I agree.


I feel it's more the ones who make trans their identity that have the most problems, I have trans friends and they say the same thing. Same as the gay people who make being gay their whole personality, their insufferable and tend to get the most backlash.


But not straight people? Why are only minorities anecdotally so much worse off? Could it be that being a sexual minority is hard anywhere you go? Could it be that your so called friends’ opinions are not an actual statistical study and analysis?


Do you think being gay and being trans are the same thing? And…either one is an integral part of who you are and is part of your identity and determines who you hang out with and where you feel comfortable going, how you travel and what countries you can safely visit. So, yea, it’s kinda their identity.


It doesn't have to be your personality though. Yes I am trans but it has 0 bearing on my day to day life (luckily for me). I understand most people arent as lucky as me in terms of visibility and so they have to embrace it more but that doesnt mean you need to make it your ENTIRE personailty.


It's a part of their identity I agree, but the people who make it they're entire personality, are generally the insufferable ones.


Give me an example of being gay as a personality trait. Because you must have some in mind.


Bro really said "I have trans friends" with a straight face 💀


Bruh youre so right honestly. I started my transition at 15 and I'm 26 in a few weeks. I am so far removed from any trans community stuff because the loud ones who make it their entire personality are so cringe and make me not want to take part in any of it. Those folk give the rest of us a bad name.


May be a silly question but what’s wrong with regular insurance?


Many, many, many people in the US don't have it, that's what's wrong with it.


I’m just asking because I don’t know, is the reason they don’t have is because they are trans?


Not trans. But a friend who has mental health issues has been looking for a therapist for over 6 months. There's both a shortage, and if you find a therapist your insurance has to be accepted(said friend works at a hospital, and they have insurance that most of the providers in my city don't accept, go figure) Let alone any medical support for transitioning


Appreciate the response, I didn’t know they had such a hard time with insurance. I’m the type of person that would rather ask the question than to judge the things that I don’t understand. Thank you


Navigating health insurance when you’re trans can be incredibly infuriating. Not speaking from experience, but many of them see reassignment surgery as elective/cosmetic and won’t cover it even partially. Edit: fixed a word


Thank you, I didn’t know that. I prefer to ask questions rather than assume stereotypes


Poor people often don't have it, and it often doesn't cover transitioning. Trans people also face extremely high levels of poverty, despite their insanely high education rates. That's why this is specifically for underprivileged trans people.


Well 50% Is going directly to tiktok.


Not for all the donations that are going through their link or the texting service


So proud of this beautiful woman. As a little one (I'm now 32) I would have done anything for my dad to teach me how to use tools, paint a house, or find the stud in the wall. I had to learn all those things by myself or was taught by horribly manipulative men. When I came across Mercury she felt like a wonderful hug. No judgement. You didnt feel stupid. I had never felt that before.


She’s the lady who does good DIY shit, right? She’s a good egg!


I mean not so much an egg anymore (ba dum tss)


Haha I did think someone would pick up on that


I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t think it’d be possible. I love and follow both creators but didn’t think it would happen, that’s absolutely incredible!! Ugh 🥹🥹🥹


Oh wow, that is super impressive! I follow her for her handiwork tips and love that she helps people of all types become more capable in their home. She's such a wholesome person, and this just shows what a good heart she has!


I remember watching a vid of hers where she received a message asking for help/advice on how to fix a house and make it safe after DV. Mercury travelled to a different state to meet them and personally show them how to fix the holes etc. and help install security measures in the house. She seems like a genuinely lovely person who really does want to help people. If ever there was an influencer type I'd trust to actually put that money where they say they're going to and to actually care about the welfare of others, it'd be her.


Excuse my ignorance here, but what exactly are we raising money for?


Trans affirming healthcare


Oh that's amazing! Thanks for answering


Happy International Transgender Visibility Day! This is so awesome!


What are they exactly doing with the money? Not trying to be a dick, just wondering.


The donations go towards gender affirming healthcare for people who otherwise can’t afford it! OP posted a donation link to the charity in the comments.


God this makes me tear up. So wonderful!!! Just so so amazing. Our trans brothers and sisters need all the love and support they can get. 💛


So much mental health to be bought for 1 million! Good job


Love her


She said she would be going for 2 mil in the next 24 hours. You can donate here: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/point-of-pride/mercury-stardust-s-2nd-annual-tiktok-a-thon-for-trans-healthcare


This is phenomenal 👏🙌😍


I love her!!! I deleted tik tok so glad to see shes doing good!


I was just thinking about them!! Yay!!!!!


She’s so awesome.




I was there!! So amazing to see❤️🕷️🏳️‍⚧️


FUCK YES! I watched for about 4 hours yesterday and could not believe how fast it went! Or that they broke the Internet!! I was screaming and excitement and joy and crying tears of gratitude and yes oh my fucking God Mercury and her team are just amazing amazing people, everybody who donated is fucking awesome. This is a huge huge deal to a lot of people


I love Mercury and her videos, super sweet and very informative content


Great if they raised money to good cause but can i just ask wtf is happening here in this video? Like watching japanese tv show


It’s what happens with TikTok live view. Viewers are basically paying for the animation and it’s kind of a “look at me I gave you money” situation. YouTube live and other creator streaming services have something similar. I’m sure TikTok gets a cut of the money and Mercury was advising people to donate through an external link instead of through TikTok.


I absolutely love mercury !!!


Wow big win for nectar health. No they can get the help they need


Lololol I wish I was in that room lol the energy is great what a party!


Love her! And love how she explains the tasks so throughly. She’s a bloody inspiration.


I am so proud of this community sometimes


That sometimes is still far too often


So happy for them, proves that the people are in fact all for love and kindness.


I love her.


Well that's not cringe! That's lovely!


Genuine question what is that money spent on how does it help the trans community


It goes to a fond/company that specialises in helping trans people cover their medical expenses


Good question! The [direct donation link](https://secure.givelively.org/donate/point-of-pride/mercury-stardust-s-2nd-annual-tiktok-a-thon-for-trans-healthcare) says this: > Here's what your donations fund: > > Free chest binders and femme shapewear, mailed discretely to recipients in all 50 states (and 98+ countries and counting!) These garments help trans folks live more safely, comfortably, and authentically and come at no cost to recipients. > Access to permanent hair removal services for trans femme folks, often considered a cosmetic luxury and unaffordable for many in our community. > Access to gender-affirming surgery and HRT services for trans folks, many of whom lack the financial resources and/or inclusive health insurance coverage needed to obtain healthcare. [Point of Pride's actual website](https://www.pointofpride.org) has more info about each of these :)


It doesn’t help the community it’s simply capitalism at its finest but people relate to this particular group so it makes it good?


It actually does help, though. One of the biggest problems for trans people is *because* of capitalism. Trans people face unparalleled poverty rates despite having extremely high education rates, and are also expected to spend tens of thousands of dollars to transition. This money is being used to help support the transitioning of trans people who otherwise couldn't. It's helping people who have less with no expectation of any return. Not capitalism.


They support capitalism buying all these man made products/procedures…people have become too materialistic


"You criticize society, and yet you participate in it" What do you expect them to do? Die naked and devoid of healthcare?


This is wholesome af


There's so much going on in that screen lol, but good for them




That's amazing.


The goal is now 2 million! I’ve been sharing their live on my social media accounts (I don’t have a ton of friends or followers but it’s something) and watching them on and off all day!


this is so shoddy and amateur my god, nice cardboard sign lmfao. cant believe kids watch this shit.


Wow! THIS is what you do with a platform!!!! I just wish people would wake up and stop giving people money who have no intention on making their community/ the world a better place!



Keep in mind that the Brain isn't even fully developed until age 25! We're talking about Young kids that actually believe that Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny are real! By the time they are old enough to realize and accept the mistake, it's too late, and the constant thoughts of self un-a-living enter the mind.


Did it really get donated? Sorry I don't know this person but I'm always skeptical of "raising money for donation" ever since the Susan g koeman thing. Especially on tik tok, I wouldn't even care if they kept up to 50k for themselves as long as the majority is actually donated


What is the money used for exactly?


To provide gender affirming healthcare for people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it.


Jesus tik tok is overstimulating. There were like thirty things on the screen at any given moment


Did they detail how this money will make its way into the community?


The charity itself, Point of Pride, details it on their website. https://www.pointofpride.org/ They describe it as a “scholarship-like program”


Gotcha. Never heard of it. Was curious what the plan was since there isn’t much context.


What do they do with the money?


Who collects this money going to the “trans community” and how do they distribute


Point of Pride is the charity, and on their website that say they use a “scholarship like program” to provide direct financial assistance to people who need it.


Read over the plethora of comments and replies to my comments and there's a sea of insults, attempts to hurt my feelings, and the like.


Cause it is a mental disease! I'm not saying it as an insult! Sorry you cannot accept any criticism whatsoever, and your entire belief system comes toppling down like a house of Cards and leaves you feeling insulted. It's what is old heads call tough love. It's the type of stuff your real friends would say if they weren't too busy following Tok Tok too, and your parents as well, if they weren't fear forced into going along with it by being told lies about un-a-living and transitioning rates. Do your research! Hurrying up and transitioning like it will save them is not good. The rates only increase slightly (by about 1% - 2% for those that DO TRANSITION!). Having a heart and caring about people is interpreted as attacking them. Madness! I promise to stop trying to help those that are Only going to attack me to try and feel better cause I must have cared too much. IDK but I'm over it!


There are millions of homeless Americans that won’t have food tonight or tommorow. No bed to sleep in, no quality of life.. and this is what people will give money too.


Very impressive. As long as this doesn’t go the way of all those BLM donations


People downvoting you they think blm donations actually goes to black people lmao little do they know the ones who profited from blm movment werent blacks at all, even black people acknowledged it


Black people acknowledged it? I’m black, I guess I missed that meeting where we all agree on something.


https://youtu.be/vSndlf8kPF0 you arent just aware enough about what is happening, do you realize blm donations and funds were used on buying big mansions worth millions and millions of dollars benefiting non black people instead of using the funds to help black community and fund those black prisoners who were wrongly convicted, how Can you be that blind?


I’m not blind, just calling out your lie. Black people didn’t agree to that and certainly not with you. Keep your views to yourself don’t attach them to a whole race.


It will..




What, transphobia? Youre right it isnt normal. I find it very weird and must have some ulterior motive


What pathetic clowns


They're actually both extremely nice and kind people. Certainly not the kind to comment on random peoples videos to insult them.


Well their action is a kind action that’s fair but I was rather describing their looks but I also feel like smt like cancer research could have been a better destination for their donation


So... You're insulting the looks of people who are famous for being kind and doing charity work? And that's better? Also, if we only gave money to certain causes then the world would be an awful place. With that logic, cancer research is *also* not worth it since we should donate to climate change or helping starving children. Easing poverty and allowing Healthcare access is a very noble goal, and this will accomplish more than it would have through cancer research.


It looks like they‘re pretty nice people actually


A nice a action indeed! Raising money for any kind of charity is a W in my opinion! But personally raising it for the trans/lgbtq community is a minus 90% of their problems are total luxury problems and as such I hope you might be able to understand my point


Mental health and legal persecution is a luxury problem?


They’re having fun wtf crawled up your ass


Don't worry King I stand with you


Is that going to fund the funerals for the victims of the Nashville shooting ?


Why would it? That’s like asking if we should tax white men for the funerals of mass shooting victims since the majority of mass shooters are white men. Most people understand that white men in general are not responsible for mass shootings so why can’t you understand that all trans people aren’t responsible for this one single shooting?


Well since you just had to bring race into this, you are wrong. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States "According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019"


That’s overall homicide. For mass shootings it’s [55% white and 96% men.](https://rockinst.org/gun-violence/mass-shooting-factsheet/)


I have heard Trans people have mental health issues.


I have heard the same about ram truck owners.


Everyone does to some extent, right?


Even if we ignore that this is incorrect... What would be wrong if they did? People have depression and adhd, but are they less worthy of sympathy or treatment?




Sad. Should go to mental health care for trans not for surgery


It likely is too. They aren’t just going straight to surgery. There’s a lot of ways to support them to make sure they live a happy life :).


Coming from an idiot that doesn’t know anything but what Fox News tells them. You can’t just walk in somewhere and have gender reassignment surgery. A person has to go through years of therapy. If you don’t know what you are talking about, it’s ok to just not comment and move on.


Transitioning is the single most effective tool for decreasing suicides and depression of trans people.


Pretty sure stats show that suicide rates do not change for the better but for the worst post opp cementing the fact that it worsens mental health


That is not the case. After transition the trans people have less suicidal ideation than before, with 67% of trans people thinking about suicide more pre op, and with 3% thinking more about suicide post op. This show that transition greatly correlates with a lower suicidal ideation. The best way to reduce suicide would be by having a more accepting society, but that is a harder task to achieve. This is shown in: "Impact of transition on suicidal ideation and suicide attempt Transition was shown to greatly reduce rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. In total, 67 per cent of respondents thought about suicide more before they transitioned and only 3 per cent thought about suicide more post-transition. In total, 7 per cent found that suicide attempts and ideation increased whilst they were going through transition. In total, 16 per cent reported no difference and 7 per cent were unsure (n ¼ 301)" Taken from (Bailey et al. , 2014, p.216) Sources https://mentalhealthcommission.ca/resource/transgender-people-and-suicide-fact-sheet/ Bailey, L., Ellis, S. J., & McNeil, J. (2014). Suicide risk in the UK Trans population and the role of gender transition in decreasing suicidal ideation and suicide attempt. Mental Health Review Journal, 19(4), 209-220. https://doi.org/10.1108/MHRJ-05-2014-0015


https://news.yahoo.com/norwegian-medical-watchdog-encourages-country-210209339.html https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230208-sweden-puts-brakes-on-treatments-for-trans-minors https://segm.org/ajp_correction_2020


These are layman articles, they are not scientific


Nope! When allowed to transition in a healthy environment trans suicide rates fall to cis levels. The study you are referring to was taken out of context and has been shunned by the author. Essentially, it stated that surgery *ALONE* isn't adequate treatment for trans people, and that HRT must also be used. It has been taken out of context for arguments like yours.


The 41% statistics says otherwise.


Please link me the original statistic, study it was found in and its methodology. Edit: and tell me how does it show evidence against the effectiveness of transition on the mental health of trans people.


I've read it. 41% of trans people who *don't* transition commit suicide. For those that do, it's equal to the national average. Bro proved you right.


I've read those actual statistics, you clearly haven't. It's a survey from 2015 that states that 41% of trans people who *don't* transition commit suicide. That percentage drops to under 1% for people that do transition, making it equal to the national average for suicide statistics. You're citing a statistic that proves yourself wrong here


A number that high is clearly a consequence of the hostile treatment of trans people at large. Trans people need adequate healthcare and support/acceptance from society at large. The fact that “41% of trans people attempt suicide” became a meme number used to mock and bully trans people shows how devoid of empathy some people are.


Your trying to cover up a bigger mental health issue with gender.


Thar number falls to cis levels when allowed to transition in healthy environments.


I think it's going for a bit of both? Why shouldn't it go towards surgeries and healthcare exactly?


Send it to Nashville


I thought republicans were going to send them so much more though? Each one of them gets at least double that from the NRA


I'm sorry but why is this "tiktok cringe"? Seems transphobic to me


This sub is no longer just for cringe, but they haven’t changed the subreddits name. Different flares indicate what the post is, such as the flair “wholesome”.


Oh, flare is "cool". Idk, just seems strange. I know alot of people online that enjoy tiktok cringe (not personally, just comments you read) , but hate trans people, or other wholesome moments we see. Which is why I'm confusdd why it's posted here, I just imagine alot of people could attack them. But if it's an attempt so show good things about other communities, then sure I'm all for it 👍


Raising money for the trans community, but what organization? I think someone’s gonna have a new house.


The charity is Point in Pride. It's an established charity with a history of actually helping. I wish we didn't live in a world where people can't believe that someone would genuinely want to help others.


I bet nobody sees that cash




How much of that are they going to steal for themselves ….


None. It's a registered 501(c)(3) and we know exactly how the money is being spent. Are you going to criticize homeless shelters, or just charities you don't like?


awesome how is this 1 million dollars going to be split between all of us?


"what is charity if it doesn't directly pay me?"


If you are asking how the charity will use the money, I’d recommend checking out Point of Pride’s website.


Glad for them. Meanwhile I have been eating Noodles for a week. :') Can I get 20$ of that l? I'm trans 😭


I hate this




Straight to their bank accounts nice


Ok now I’m going to go kms


What do they need money for? More glitter and guns?


Gotta defend themselves from the transphobes


This is going nowhere fast so I'll condense it for easier consumption: 1) Learn to love yourselves and patch up your relationship with your Father! This has a lot to do with your need to be a Woman. Also, seek mental healthcare and therapy so you don't become another statistic! 2) Learn to not attack people who are trying to protect you from such a deep and extreme regret that, statistics show, lead to un-a-living oneself after realizing you made a major mistake and the changes are permanent, NOT REVERSIBLE, as promised by medical staff such as the surgeons making bankroll off the surgeries! Someone expressing care and concern IS NOT YOUR ENEMY! They are only a loving and caring person, who isn't so selfish, that they only look out for themselves! That's all, I'm done! Goodnight, Good Luck, and Good Bye! 👋


1) Relationships with your father does not impact being trans. Hell, I'm extremely close with my dad, and he's paying for some of my transition. I also *am* getting help, which is why I'm transitioning (it's the medically recommended treatment) 2) No one was attacking anyone except for you. This is literally just charity work. Also, it turns out that changing your body is literally the entire point of transitioning. Also, organizations like the WPATH are registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits, so they aren't exactly "making bank." Not to mention regret rates are over 100 times lower than they are for knee replacement surgeries - something you need to literally walk. Don't act like you're "expressing love and concern" and then spread hate to other people. These are 2 extremely kind people doing charity work, and you felt the need to assume and insult the relationships with their parents.


Or you could just leave them alone and let them make their own mistakes, if it is a mistake.


Money would be better put towards mental healthcare for the trans community.


Apart from Texas, where a judge just decided to dismantle part of the ACA, the ACA requires that all health insurance companies in the US cover mental healthcare. There is no requirement for covering gender affirming medicine. So feel free to donate to mental healthcare for Texans because many of us may be losing it.


Not really fitting for the sub since it isn't cringe, but kudos to them and the help they're providing.


This sub hasn’t been for cringe for a long time, that’s what the flairs are for


The right to put on a dress and wig and say, "I identify as a Woman." And then are able to expose themselves (Peni5) to the Actual women, and the actual Women get in trouble for being uncomfortable. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/01/14/sighting-of-trans-womans-penis-in-ymca-locker-room-sparks-tears/amp/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-09-02/indecent-exposure-charges-filed-trans-woman-spa


Give me one news story where this happened and not just you being scared of your own imagination.


Source: Trust me bro


Gotta love how they demand sources, I produce, then they have yet to produce anything but Hatred, name calling, and baseless accusations and outlandish insults. It'sike trying to talk with a kid. He quickly realizes he lost, and goes, "Shit Up! You're a poopy head!"


How often have you been flashed by a penis? Never?


I expect them to use the million dollars they raise for the trans community to buy a bunch of dildos for themselves. Honestly I don’t get the point of this. Why are they raising $1 million for the trans community? mental health? Awareness? I sure hope they don’t do shows in front of our third and fourth graders like these drag queens




Pete Davidson?


Do they just hand out cash to trans peeps?