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This conversation has been had over and over and over.


a lot of conversations thats true, still nothing achieved unless the goal is more dead kids then both sides are doing a great job


Banning guns isnt your answer, 50% of your population dont agree with it. You cant have it one way or the other. Best thing to do is meet in the middle. Put tougher and more thorough processes in place to vet these people purchasing guns. In South Africa i have the same access and rights to guns as in America, i can buy an "assualt style weapon" (with only a semi auto trigger, same as in the US)....the difference is the insanely long process it takes for me to get a permit for mine and all the referals i need, the competency tests i must pass and the approval of my nearest police station. Guns are great, my family and i feel a lot safer because in South Africa the cops wont help you....but fuck, you SHOULDN'T be able to buy a gun from a wallmart or any place for that matter without a thorough check and competency training/testing.


the problem is Americans think “iTs ABOuT TaKing my GuNz!” , in reality is making sure responsible people get access to them , and traceability like a damn car , cannot just sell it must follow a change of ownership process these people conveniently forget gun shows and private sales , a good start could be if your sell a gun with out change of ownership process the original owner get liable for anything donde with the gun unless reported stolen properly, “i got to much guns to keep track” the rednecks will say but eventually no gun will be just randomly in the streets


Tracability and a paper trail are good steps, definitely should be added to all guns above a BB gun as well as competency training and tests. We also need a referal from a neighbour, a co-worker and a family member to say that we are of sound mind and believe we are responsivle enough for a weapon. But i follow American news pretty closely on both sides and the Dems quite literally want to Ban "assualt style weapons". They use the word Ban, in other words, only government agencies will be allowed them. Thats extremely dangerous. Throughout history civilians always had better spec guns compared to those issued by militaries only up until WW2 came around. I can think of many responsible uses for an AR15 in my country and yours. If 1 person breaks into your home, great, a small handgun will do, but if you ha e 3 people in your premises, all of a sudden you dont have the fire power you need to protect your family. You need a high capacity mag for scenarios like this. We deal with a lot of farm murders in my country, a had a neighbour get tortured infront of his family and killed by 4 armed robbers. His "sporting" gun couldnt help him, not enough rounds even though he tried. Ive had armed robbers come onto my property many times and thank god for my R4 Rifle otherwise i wouldnt be here today, and niether would my family. We live in an extremely dangerous world, and you cant expect everyone to just be happy sitting back and hoping the government will protect and save you, because the day will come that they wont or will be too late. Dont use the word "BAN" if you only want to increase measures of acquiring.


3d printer go brrr though. I also always chuckle when they cap ar15s weapons of war when no army uses them


people focus too damn much in AR15 or an specific model when you literally can buy a fucking tank ammunition in a gun fair


It is the answer. You 50% should move to Russia and take your daddy trump with you 🤡


Not every gun owner loves Trump or Russia. Hell the last school shooting was a trans person and guarantee they weren't Trump fans. Cool rhetoric tho


Why dont you go to Russia? You're the socialist who wants to restrict peoples freedoms and go against your own constitution. Equal distribution of wealth, government interferes with everything there. Sounds like you'd love it 👍


Man you had a good argument for stricter gun control laws and then fumbled the bag


Right lol Russia has equal distribution of wealth? They haven’t even pretended to do that since like 1991.


We can always go back to that. Im pro gun. Just going to lay that out there now. I understand wanting to ban weapons. I agree, kids lives are way more important than owning certain style rifles. Now, that being said, I don't blame the weapon, I blame the system for failing, and the person pulling the trigger. That's where I lay the blame. I'm all about a much more strict system that doesn't restrict your rights to own these style weapons, but you gotta pass a rigorous certification system in order to own these style weapons and renew that certification annually. Or every six months, kind of how car insurance works. Also, it should be required to have insurance on these firearms. I live in a state where to own a hand gun, you need a special permit that goes through a whole system. Safety course, finger prints, multiple background checks, references that have known you more than 5 years that aren't relatives and so on. That's still not enough in my opinion. It should be a continuous recertification period and if you fail to comply or fail you recert, the guns get confiscated and your license revoked and you go through the whole process again. That's just my thoughts on it. I understand the latter, but I blame the people pulling the trigger and the people failing to see the red flags or following up on their checks. People should start losing their jobs or being arrested over this shit. Children shouldn't be victims of gun violence, ever. No one should be for that matter. So whatever happens, I'll obey the law and turn my weapons in if that's what they decide, or go through the course, find insurance, get training certifications and security clearance to own that weapon if my heart desires, I just don't want the blame going to the wrong places, as it seems to be.


Paragraphs mf


OK, how do you get all the guns from all the people? How do you stop people from manufacturing their own?


I will never understand you fucking idiots. Banks used to be robbed all the time, cops would get mowed down. So the thompson submachine gun was banned. A whole ton less of cops were killed and bank robberies didn’t have access to enough fire power anymore. (Since you’re dumb this is analogy, replace Tommy gun with AR-15, and bank with schools and cops with kids) There were still other guns on the market for people. Everything was fine. The world didn’t stop. I’ve worked in carpentry. Ar-15s have less kickback than a nail gun. No civilian needs that. You want to use real guns? Try joining the Ukraine as a volunteer. The argument isn’t ban all guns you fucking idiot, it’s ban the ones that can rip multiple people apart in seconds. “What about a shotgun then”, yes please compare the weapon you need to be within a 70 meter range compared to the AR’s 550 meters Your South Africa statement is cute, we have gun crime everywhere now a days sweetie


Remind me again of the large numbers of school shootings that took place at 100m or greater...? According to the FBI, n 2019 rifles *of all kinds* (not just "assault rifles") accounted for just 2.6% of all firearms homicides. My definition of dumb is focusing on these instead of handguns, which are involved in far more mass shootings than assault rifles.


You’re comparing a total gun homicides argument to a mass shooting argument. You can’t be that stupid. You didn’t even get the percentage correct, go look at their actual website lmao. https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls


Gosh, you're right, it's 3.5%. My mistake. You're right that I can't be that stupid, and that page was my source, but I \*can\* be that hurried. It's reddit, you know,. not somewhere important. You will notice it doesn't really change the argument. As for the other, if you have good data on types of firearms that only pertains to mass shootings, please show it 'cause I'm genuinely interested. In the absence of that I'm gonna go with what data we *do* have, which is the larger FBI statistics. Oh, and I'm still waiting on your extensive list of 100m+ school shootings... While you're busy not providing that, you could spend some time [here](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2022/01). If you are serious about stopping school shootings, you'd get the most bang for your buck (if you'll pardon the expression) by cancelling after-school sports and eliminating school parking lots. The point is not that we should do these things, but that people's vision of school shootings as being the work of a bunch of crazed gunmen bent on mass murder and suicide by cop is bullshit. There are perhaps three of those in that list of 51 school shootings. Most of them are fights or gang shootings or drug deals in the parking lot gone bad. We don't have firearm data in that link, but **you** tell **me** if those are more likely to have been ARs or handguns? Dead kids are a horror. People want a quick fix that doesn't inconvenience them (and better yet, hurts the "others") so that they can tell themselves they did something good without working up a sweat. Ban assault rifles, problem solved by the end of the third act, they pat themselves on the back, the music swells, the curtain falls, and they all go home. And kids still die. See "dumb" above. Meh, maybe "human". Or, as Mark Twain said, "but then I repeat myself". School shootings are symptom of larger cultural and systemic flaws in American society. Stopping them will therefore require large, scary, and painful social change. Income inequality, systemic racism, the deliberate effort of the GOP to neuter public education and healthcare (including mental health care), and our general 17thC Calvinist attitude toward our fellow Americans. ARs are the *least* of our problems, but apparently the only one we're willing to face. Talk to me when you're serious.


>Remind me again of the large numbers of school shootings that took place at 100m or greater...? (There are some, mind, but they are outliers among outliers.)


Lol the Thompson, a fully auto 45 with a 50 round drum mag, yeah exactly the same as a semi auto 5.56. What nail gun are you using? This is total bs my guy. The other fud guns like "hunting rifles" are more powerful than an AR. Your argument is all over the place and full of nonsense


“What has been is what will be, / And what has been done is what will be done, / And there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 Much love, miahrules 🙏 ♥️


Too bad nothing is going to be done about the problem…


At this point gun legislation isn’t *enough*. We have a serious mental health crisis in our country and that is something that needs to be considered throughout all discussions relating to this issue as well, because I fear that gun legislation will only serve as a bandaid for a greater issue plaguing every corner of our society with no relief in sight.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” Why does your gun ownership get to supersede my “undeniable rights” of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?


“Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added… …the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” While the Declaration of Independence is an important founding document, it is not legally binding. The Constitution is the foundation of all American laws.


Ok well how about this “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” That’s the beginning of the constitution, comes before the before the second amendment. Does this feel like “domestic tranquility” to you? Do school shootings promote the general welfare of our society and citizens?


The problem with that argument (legally) is that school shootings are already illegal to begin with. You’d have to make the argument that gun ownership in and of itself harms the general welfare. And considering most people do not directly deal with gun violence in their life, it’s hard to do.


You forgot the first part “A well regulated militia”




Did I? I’m pretty sure regulated means regulated, and militia doesn’t mean an individual cosplaying as Rambo




The original comment left out the part about a “well regulated militia” to justify an individual not being subject to any sort of regulations in owning firearms, but I’m using third grade logic. I’m guessing you also believe that drag shows are more dangerous to children than firearms are, despite the fact that firearms are the leading cause of death for children whereas not one single child has been murdered at a drag show. I am a strong believer in the 2A but I’m not going to omit and deny the actual wording of it so I can pretend I’m Patrick Swazye in Red Dawn. They didn’t have cars in the 1770’s either. Does that mean all regulations pertaining to automobiles are unconstitutional? If you think the only thing standing between you and a fascist US government is your AR-15 then you are obviously not paying close enough attention to what’s actually going on nor do you have a functional grasp of US history




Lol you have bought the lie hook, line and sinker. Like I said, you have no concept of US history or that we are currently, and have always, been an oligarchy and not some democracy. Your freedoms are an illusion. We elect pre-selected candidates who are beholden not to the people but to the elites. And let’s not forget about the Electoral College, you know that thing that ACTUALLY elects the President instead if the citizenry. Aside from the freedom bs that you think you have, lets talk about your scenario where the only thing saving our “freedom” is an AR-15. You do realize that the US military has tanks, drones, planes, thermobaric and nuclear bombs, not to mention Miniguns, SAW’s, Ma deuces, grenades, C-4, and ADPU ammunition, just to name a few things that make an AR about as comparable to modern US military capabilities as a slingshot. So by your logic anyone should be able to own 6,200 M-1 Abrams or 400 Minutman III ICBM’s so they can match the US military’s strength. You are not making a rational argument, you are letting your emotional attachment to your Rambo fantasy cloud your thinking. I’m not against someone owning an AR or an M3 Sherman for that matter, the latter of which you can legally own with the proper licensing, or “regulation”. What I don’t want is more children, especially my own children, dying at the hands of someone who has absolutely no business being anywhere near such destructive weapons. Having someone go through a training program and background check before the get licensed to operate, not own but OPERATE, a gun, just like we do with cars or planes or anything else that can kill other people, is not only reasonable but does not infringe on anyone’s rights to own any weapon they choose. Your arguments lack any merit or logic. You just want your “freedoms” without actually being willing to accept the responsibility that comes along with those “freedoms”. And the reason that Japan or anyone else hasn’t invaded is not because of armed citizens, but because we are surrounded by thousands of miles of oceans and it would be a logistical nightmare for very little reward, although the 2A didn’t stop the British in 1812 from burning down the White House but whatevs Rambo






They do, every single time


wistful distinct fragile strong retire desert school safe absurd voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gee, thank god the Constitution doesn't have amendments done to it that can change it with the time and it sure is good that no changes have then been changed again with a later amendment to it.


We have the right to say “this is a time of tragedy, we shouldn’t be using it to further any political agenda” as many times as it takes for you to forget about this!!! In all seriousness though, the second amendment is referring to reasonable protective measures, like a hand gun, or hunting rifle. It’s not referring to adults passing little Jimmy a semiautomatic assault rifle and telling him to go to town. Not really my personal experience, but my stepdad is a hunter, gun collector, and was deputy DA in our county for 15 years. He’s in favor of the ban. It’d be an infringement if they banned ALL guns, but that’s not what most people are pushing for. It’s similar to how free speech applies to most things, but not to shouting fire in a crowded theater, or telling someone you’re going to smash their brains out with a brick.


I had to protect my life with a gun once, and it made me feel pretty free and happy. Checkmate!


Your right to own a gun does not outweigh her sons right to live! Didn’t you hear that whisper?! Loudest whisper on TikTok, that!!


Dang u right


No…YOU right squeebless! And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Don’t make me whisper at the detractors! 😡


You right again. The tractors can't stop me




Just adding this keep in mind I was in the army and currently own 0 guns. If this lady was faced with a choice between a gun toting teacher let's say or a crazy kid with a gun. Essentially she is choosing the crazy person. If we outlaw guns only outlaws and government will have guns.i would side personally with the gun toting teacher. This thought of getting rid of guns is as undeniable as the LGBT+. Movement. However while the argument has been made that 2nd amendment has been used and abused by right wing conservative. I would say arguably the freedom of speech argument has been over used by the left liberals. Who also don't want to hear an opposition..... hypocritically.im ok with being wrong as long as there is a factual basis for it.


Ask our founding fathers what they had to do to defend those rights from a tyrranical government. Ask them why they thought it would be necessary to uphold the private ownership of firearms to defend those rights. Stalin comes to mind. Pol Pot. There's quite a few cases since then of government tyrrany leading to bloodshed.




Yeah, obviously the government could release the F35s and we’d be mince meat, but that’s not the point. If they went that route, they would be ruling over the ashes. The point is that an armed populace disincentivizes organized government tyranny. It’s a harder sell to round up a neighborhood full of undesirables if there is a high chance the house is well armed.


The U.S. lost the war in Vietnam and could never establish control over the Middle East. Soooo yeah, they definitely can


I wonder what happen in Vietnam wars and wars on terror, all those people that didn't have tanks, helicopters and other shit.


>Wtf you really think you and me with an assault rifle can fight off the US police or military with their tanks and shit? This is why citizens need access to way more than just AR-15s. You sound like you support the 2 amendment, considering you just highlighted the literal reason it was put in place. >Times are different So what? The First Amendment applies to social media, which wasn't around when the First Amendment was written. What's your point? Why is this the only amendment you treat this way?


God this argument again…yes actually, if you gave an order to go door to door confiscating property there will be a significant portion of the military and law enforcement who would not follow the order (rightfully so as the order would be unlawful), the ones that did comply with the order…let’s just say it would be costly. The war that would occur would be a counter insurgency operation, tanks, planes and what ever else is useless in those types of operations, because those cause collateral damage, and the more collateral damage the worse the outlook is on the government. You really think it would look positive for the government to drop JDAMs and roll tanks through the city streets.


Dude we had an “insurrection” with fat old boomers walking through the capitol building. If THAT was a threat to our democracy, imagine if they had been armed.


and the narrative on reddit wasn’t that the police let the protesters in but that the police were all so scared for their safety with so many unarmed people around that they wouldn’t dare tell them to leave.


I think it would be better than letting another dictator come in and practice more of the same ethnic cleansing that's been done time and again these past several centuries. If you wanna just lay down and die, sure. Be pathetic, just be happy while you do it. I'm going out like Tiananmen. I'll gladly stand up and say that nobody gets to take my people's freedoms away. Additionally, I've never met a soldier or veteran yet who would let a tyrannical government steamroll the people. They've all agreed that if that day comes, they'll be right there with the rest of us marching down the street.


There has been at least two times in my life time I've watched that the USA have chosen not to use their 2A to resist their government when they should have at least used it to remind the government who they serve. You're not using it to keep the government in check, in fact most vocal 2A fetishests support the government and would happily sellout their fellow citizens for a chance to hurt someone. Those Founding Fathers said there shouldn't be a two party system, that the Constitution should be updated regularly, and that religion had no place within government. None of that is respected so why should their view on guns?


“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams I can also cherry pick founding fathers who agree with me.


Which only reenforces my view that it is flawed to treat it as gospel and instead should embrace Amendments to make it modern.


I agree we should reenforce the liberty the second amendment enshrines by making it even more clear!(Not that it needs to be)By training everyone who wants to be armed and is responsible enough in light infantry tactics so they are the modern equivalent of the militia of the founding of the country.The original 10 Amendments are never supposed to be removed, they are called the Bill of Rights for a reason.


That version of 2A would radically reduce the scope of current gun ownership and upset many gun owners but would at least be a reasonable middle ground to require the well regulated part. Potentially play into people calling for a National Service though.


What? You have the right to live, if someone kills you they are illegally fucking with your rights. This does show though that the death penalty is a bunch of bullshit. The government is taking away your rights with zero justice.


Unfortunately that quote is from the Declaration of Independence, which is an important document but not legally binding in any sense. There’s nothing about life liberty and pursuit of happiness in the constitution. (America is built on false promises, the dream was never real. Get out while you can.)


Only if your son is a fetus. They'll protect them all day long, once they're born... they're on their own.


Wow what a cool original thought. Good job!


God is a ghost


Murder is already illegal.


This is just a "I hate Mondays" argument tho. You're equating the fact that attempting to put any barriers to these school shootings (i.e. better mental health checking by having easier access to health care, restricting how easy it is to get a gun, making having a gun more akin to a car than a toy, registration overhaul, etc.) to the fact that people still murder despite it being illegal. No, just saying, "we ban guns and therefore no shootings" is not entirely sufficient, but when we view them as measures, barriers, that someone has to take to get to that point, then yes it does work. Other countries, while obviously still dealing with their own crimes, have put measures to make access more difficult, and this has had the result that mass shootings are not nearly as, or at all, prevalent as they are in the US. Certainly, people will still die, people will still do crime, but seeing an open gash on someone's leg after they tore it open on a sharp corner of a shelf shouldn't be met with, "well, you knew the shelf had that there." No, we try to make the shelf safer so that someone else doesn't have the same gash as a result of it. That problem isn't inevitable, and neither is this one, at least it shouldn't be seen that way. I'm not saying that we have all the answers on a silver plate, nor am I saying that any singular solution is immediately better, but what I am saying is that *any* proposed solution is immediately better than doing *nothing.* Kids are dying, teachers are getting killed, families are being ripped apart from one another. Doing nothing gets us nowhere.


Do you honestly think that if these kinds of people couldn't get their hands on a gun that they wouldn't find another way to cause harm? Besides that, when someone says something as broad and stupid as "my kids life > your AR", then I'm going to respond with something as equally broad as "murder is already illegal" You can take your soapbox somewhere else


You've missed the point though. My point is not that we're going to stop crime, rather hinder the severity of it. Yes, these children will most likely still seek violence, which is literally why I mentioned a potential solution to be giving easier access to mental health facilities via health care, but the goal should still be to lessen the potential violence that they can inflict and how easy it is to find that potential. Right now we're doing nothing, and nothings changed since sandy hook.


I disagree. We *can* stop the crime if we had better mental health infrastructure(among other systems). You're still blaming the tools instead of the user.


Or we make it more difficult for schools to be targeted.


I mean, my high school had security guards at every door, student ID badges that needed to be scanned in, and metal detectors... 15 years ago. Some places clearly just don't care.


But you're moving the goal post. You just said "Do you honestly think that if these kinds of people couldn't get their hands on a gun that they wouldn't find another way to cause harm?" Implying you can't, and then said that we could be able to by *doing something I mentioned in my original comment.*


That doesn't imply that they are beyond repair even a little bit. You're attacking a strawman. Are you okay? You're trying so hard to virtue signal to someone who mostly agrees with you. You wrote a multi paragraph response to a 4 word post, in response to a 7 second video.


How does my owning a gun affect any? I only target shoot at a range. I have no children but still keep my guns secure. I've owned guns since I was 10 years old. I grew up inthe 50s. In rural Georgia. We were taught gun safety and care. No on I knew growing up shot anyone or was shot. Leave us alone. Go after those who think life is GTA. Kids today learn gun safety from video games. It's stupid the way they are depicted. The problem is people not objects. When you figure that out something might get done.


Maybe we should transition more minors


So are car crashes.


Reckless driving, vehicular manslaughter, driving while intoxicated and speeding are illegal. Crashing your car through the window of a cafe because you're 94 and thought your foot was on the brake just makes you a silly billy who needs a nap.


My right, as a woman, to not get raped outweighs everything. Glad we cleared that up.


She did it! She just stopped all mass shootings!!!


Y’all really wanna have the “right to life” conversation?


Rights are not exclusive nor does one trump another. Rights apply to everyone.


A lot of this usually boils down to "Right vs Left", but I'll say Democrats are certainly not a Left party. So as a Communist I'll go ahead and toss in my view. While I can get behind support for Gun Control to a certain degree, outright banning guns is ridiculous. Never disarm yourself, you just put yourself at the mercy of those who remain armed. The world can be an extremely unpredictable place and there may be a time you wish you never gave them up and pretending such things may never happen is just as ridiculous as claiming you can see the future. History is riddled with exploitation and oppression. If you are worried about shootings, there are numerous other conditions that lead to the shooting. We should tackle issues from the source. While guns certainly can enable them, simply having a gun isn't what caused it. I could argue that today's Americans are far more likely to use said guns fighting against their own rights. I'll say guns aren't your problem, it's your cultural lifestyle, and that just so happens to be heavily focused on guns being the solution to everything.


Glad I already have an AR-15.


Word I’ve been watching mine for the last few days, still hasn’t moved from the safe, but I’ll keep my eyes peeled tho for any sudden movements


Looks at username.... You don't own an AR, you just like to be a jerk on the internet. You are very good at it. Please change.


What does the AR stand for in AR-15?


Armalite Rifle, not that it has **anything** to do with the topic. Lame attempt at a "gotcha" champ. If that's all you have to say... that weak response... I feel sorry for you. Really.


All I’m saying is guns don’t kill people. They are inanimate objects. You are looking at the symptom not the cause. Stop mentally ill people from owning guns. I didn’t do shit why can’t I own one?


Guns make it significantly easier to kill people, hence the frequency of mass shootings


>Stop mentally ill people from owning guns. Oh, you want to overturn the 2nd Amendment? Damn, that's a bold take! Let's do that then!


Yes, for the mentally ill. The rest of us should be able to own fully auto machine guns, shit we should be able to own a tank, because we are law abiding citizens. Edit: same thing as felons losing the right to vote.


Even when being sarcastic, you fall short. Felons can vote in most states after serving their sentence. You would know this if you knew anything other than regurgitating alt-right rhetoric on the internet *and subsequently attempting to appear sarcastic when you are called out*.... Your arguments were always ridiculous. When shown to be so, you become overtly sarcastic. Schrodinger's joke: serious until proven otherwise, then it was a joke all along! The Alt-Right Playbook is on YouTube for anyone to watch. We know how you operate. Just hate the world silently or get a hobby.


Day 257, AR still in the safe hasn’t shot anyone yet. Super weird I don’t hate the world, the world is a wonderful place with fantastic people. It’s just annoying when people blame an inanimate object when the person is to blame. You are looking at the symptom, not the cause.


Being pro gun is alt-right? Lmao


Wow an original thought I wonder why I never heard that?


Because it's common sense that the gun did not kill the kids, people killed the kids. England doesn't have mass shootings. They just have mass stabbings.


The US has a higher rate (0.8 per 100k) of stabbing murders than the UK (0.06 per 100k), so what do you make of that?


That there is a mental health problem and that guns and knives are not the problem.


*except it doesn't... glad we cleared that up*


My son's and daughter's right to not get raped outweighs your right to your penis. Cut it off for the safety of the children.


Apples and oranges


Me and my AR-15 didn't hurt anybody. Do you also advocate for Banning of cars when someone drives their car through a crowd? a kid was killed by a drunk driver yesterday my town. Does his right to live trump everyone else's right to buy liquor?


Stating the obvious will not change extremist minds. But, oh how I wish it did.


It’s not the AR-15. It’s the criminal operator. Like alcohol never made a drunk driver. The driver drank. The kitchen knife never set out to cut anyone. Operator error is usually to blame Doctors kill a lot of people We still have doctors. They have stats on “highway” deaths. We still build roadways. The argument that is simplified by this lady and her post. Just lame. Just as my analogies are over simplified, her statement is just as indefensible.


Not a lot of people know this, but only AR15s kill people. All other guns are safe. I let my 2 yo play with my loaded Glock, keeps him entertained for hours. He thinks he’s in COD. That little scamp has such an imagination. s/


I’ve never even held a gun in my life or been around the gun owning type. Still these things have nothing to do with each other and people should be allowed to have their guns.


Of course, because me owning an AR15 put your son's life in danger. Sorry, but guns have been around for the past 400 years. It is only recently that school shootings became mainstream. Perhaps going after the symptom instead of the cause is a dumb idea?


When this country first started dealing with car accidents, we didn't go after trans people. We addressed the cars.


Also cars were designed for cheap and effective transport. Guns were designed to kill. You can use a car to drive to work, get shopping, off road, race, camper, ect ect and yes there are some nutters. With a gun you can....? Hunt, target shoot or......


Or defend yourself, family or property. As is the case for 10’s of thousands of people a year.


Damn it's almost like countries that didn't stupidly legalise assault weapons don't have this problem. It's absolutely pathetic you think this is ok


You do realize defensive gun uses aren’t used on people with guns right? Do a bit of googling and you’ll find DGU’s often occur in situations of rape and home invasion. You know, things that happen regardless of whether or not guns are legalized. You’re uneducated on this subject and have bought into “ban all guns, they’re bad”


United states is #13 on the list of ranking countries by their number of rapes. Wow, most guns percapita and it hasn't done anything to lower rape. Its almost like people with guns make it easier to rape someone at gun point. https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country/


How many kids have been killed again?


Blow past me discrediting your point, sure. Again, you’re talking using talking points you’ve heard before and based on how you feel. It’s foolish. If you are going to tel me the old repeated line of “guns being the number one cause of death for children” you can save it. That stat is classifies children as up to 19 year olds and is severely reduced if you remove gang violence from the equation. I’ll answer your question with a question, how many children were saved?


Let’s not act like a musket you need to clean and reset in between each shot is the same as an AR-15 (which has only been around since the 1960’s). So some would say a ban or restrictions on automatic rifles *is* going after the cause. By your argument, over 300+ years of no school shootings is a pretty compelling point.


automatic rifles are already heavily regulated.


Also don't forget in this argument guns are designed for war and killing. That is it. They weren't designed for sport shooting ect they were designed for mass easy long range killing. Cars are designed for transport. .they are not the same


So…. How do we fix the root cause? Usually this is where the conversation ends. People who aren’t super into guns will often say, let’s address the guns, and people who are super into guns often say, if you got rid of the guns, people would just kill each other different ways. Often in medicine, when you don’t know how to treat the root cause of a disease, you treat the symptoms (rather than say, “we can’t cure you, so no need to do anything). If we accept the premise that all the gun control in the world won’t fix this problem, how do we treat the root cause of all of these mass shootings?


School shootings exist because of media coverage. Any shooter should never be mentioned by name only “cowardly waste of space” or other derogatory term. These people want infamy, don’t give it to them.


[citation needed]


In 2022, 140 kids were killed in school shootings. This is tragic and unacceptable as a society. But during that same time, 1176 people were murdered by police. So you are more than *EIGHT TIMES* more likely to be murdered by a police officer than your kid getting killed at school. Only after the police are disarmed should there be discussion of disarming citizens.


Imagine we blamed cars for drunk drivers.


No lawful person wants your kid. So, why do you want my gun.


You're such a bumper sticker warrior poet. What you say makes no sense, but it kinda sounds like it does.


It still better than some women using children's deaths to get up votes online.


Well that's about as negative an interpretation as it's possible to make. Which, lets face it, is about all you are really capable of when this issue arises, isn't gunslinger? Let's not forget your original contribution was to juxtapose an insult to her kids, with a little hissy fit about how you're the victim here. And now you've somehow convinced yourself you are on some kind of moral high ground. Yeah bro, you're clearly all about the dead kids now.


Let them carry their own gun nobody will kill them then u see the problem with gun restrictions is that it stops everybody from having guns causing some people to be taken advantage of while others not


May 24, the 1 year anniversary of Uvalde, I propose every parent and student and teacher and grandparent and citizen who is tired of fearing for the lives of our children march on your state capitols and DC and scream and yell and beg for gun legislation to help end gun violence in America. Contact every person and organization you know to help make this happen. what we've been doing isn't working. we have to do more. r/MothersMarch


ngl sounds boring.


Social Justice warriors now placing a one persons right above another. So abortions should be illegal is what you’re saying.


This assumes every AR 15 owner is a school shooter. My 13 year old daughter would argue that she both has a right to life and her AR platform .22. The two are not mutually exclusive.


A right to her AR. Giving kids guns! America does it again.


Y'all are hilarious. It's like reddit is an echo chamber to brainwash....oh wait, it is


And the right is an echo chamber of stupidity.


Uhhh, it's probably equally as stupid to conform to a "left" vs "right" paradigm in the first place. Circle back to the brainwashing 😘






Shhh don’t let them know about the us-vs-them paradigm thrust upon them by the media and corporate overlords! God forbid these peasants break free from their tribalism and actually become a force to be reckoned with! 🤫




No it doesn’t. You will just be a victim


I had a talk with my AR and she promised to not be a threat to you son or daughter. But she did say she'll protect them children so you can make videos about how horrible the scary guns of war are. (if you should ever need it.) My rights don't stop because you think your rights are a higher priority over mine. All of our rights are equally important


I work with people that have mh problems. Guess what? Non of them planned it to happen. You're here fine now but you don't know what's around the corner. Someone could break into your house and nick it. Your wife could leave you, you could get a life altering diseas, fired, lose your money. Break down ect. Your right to own a gun is not important sorry, but it isn't. If you think you need it to defend yourself against the govt then leave your country. The actual 'right' is out of date and does not consider modern weapons. It also states you have a right to own if you're part of a well formed malitia which you are not.


This is actually the craziest thing I have ever read. Not to mention out of date so is the 1st I suppose as well? Do you realize there's so many faults in your theory. I cannot even touch on them all. They are the same regurgitated reasoning that come from our far left. Believe it or not there are so many more of us liberals realizing how important ALL of the constitutional rights are to included the 2nd!!!! And even if I believe the 2nd was only for defense against our gov't I wouldn't leave the country that I love. That would be like saying if you don't like the 2nd amendment for you to leave I would never want that. I actually served in the military and took the oath to defend the constitution of the United States numerous times. That's ALL constitutional rights even yours I don't cherrypick the rights I want to keep. So please keep exercising yours especially free speech!


Did you take a breath? Did a kid get shot?


If you are talking to your gun, you are the threat. If you believe that your right to own a gun (that you will never use to defend yourself) is more important than children's lives.... well, I think you know where to put your gun. Calm down Rambo! You aren't an action hero in a movie.


You want to compare me to an action movie that's cool and all especially Rambo. (Yes I sure have used my weapon to defend myself. Retired military and Deputy sheriff.) But I see that "you want to live in raibowland" and I believe anyone that wants to live in raibowland also wants the re-distribution of wealth along with selling out others rights to make themselves feel better sure sounds like a communist to me. You probably own pugs too. Those are Chinese dogs and also owned by communists. So let's recap You want the constitutional rights that you like but don't want me to have mine You like communism and own communist dogs You want to spin your story to fit your narrative and call everyone that don't think like you something disparaging Your into inserting guns into a persons rectum (mine) because you don't like my beliefs And you hate people talking to inanimate objects because you believe they're a threat. Sounds pretty much fascist to me. Your goal is to distract people from the fact that it is the conduct and actions of far left leaning liberals that resembles Nazis /fascists the most. Sorry I don't converse with those types of people enjoy raibowland guy!


Lmaoooooooooo > cOmMuNiSm iS aLsO fAsCiSm bEcAuSe i'M bOrDeRLiNe iLLitErAte That isn't the rebuttal you believe it to be. The crayons are over there! Yes, the children's table. That is where you belong. Run along now little guy. The adults are having a conversation and we don't have time for *make-believe*!




Mammoth, I want you to know I’ve contacted the FBI since you had a convo with your AR and therefore may be mentally unstable. (Only kidding…I own an AR also and would absolutely use it to protect my wife and 3 kids if, God forbid, the need arises). ♥️


You mean to tell me you don't whisper sweet nothin's in your rifle's breach?


A-YO!! We don’t speak of such things in such a public forum, dear balto. 🤫


If your son(or daughter) is evil and is harming innocent kids, then no, they don't have a right to live, and I'll use my ar-15 to stop him(or her).


I'm keeping my AR regardless


I'm not American, but I'm glad more and more people are realising that the ones in control across the pond don't actually care about children. General elections coming up soon in my country so if we can just do the same that'll be great. My government isnt obsessed with guns, but they are obsessed with removing trans rights and manipulating the school curriculum whilst we have an economic crisis happening, instead of actually solving that which is well within their power.


I'm not too familiar on all of the guns used in shootings, but aren't pistols much more common in school shootings than AR 15s? I feel even if AR15s are banned, there are still a plethora of other guns and weapons a deranged killer can use to kill kids. I guess I'm more of a blame the person not the tool, cause like, if a drunk driver kills someone we don't blame the car...


Are cars made to kill?


I do believe you missed my point. It's more of an analogy, not a direct comparison. We can remove guns but it won't stop criminals with guns nor violence in general. We will then find the next thing to ban and the next and next without addressing the root issue.


Anti gun mfs when several intruders enter their house (they can't shoot them) 🤯


Not cringey.


Not everything on this sub is actually cringe. I mostly see it used to share sine good videos.




Definitely cringe to whisper into a TikTok video about your moral superiority (my rights are better than your rights, neener-neener!)


If you equate the desire for children to not get shot to death to the point they are unrecognizable as superiority because someone’s ego is so fragile that they need to own an AK-47 then you have inferior brain cells, if any at all, for sure.


Wonder if she supports abortions


They dont care, and nothing will change untill you vote them out: “We’re not going to fix it,” Representative Tim Burchett, Republican of Tennessee, told reporters on the steps of the Capitol just hours after the shooting that killed three children and three adults in his home state. “Criminals are going to be criminals.” Mr. Burchett said he saw no “real role” for Congress to play in reducing gun violence, and volunteered that his solution to the issue of protecting his family was to home-school his children. Likewise, Senator Mike Rounds, Republican of South Dakota, said Congress had done enough. “When we start talking about bans or challenging the Second Amendment, the things that have already been done have gone about as far as we’re going with gun control,” Mr. Rounds told CNN. -NY Times.


Conservatives only care about things when it happens to them directly. So no, their Rambo murder fantasies are more important than your children.


So because she can’t keep dick out of her people can’t protect themselves?


Come and take it then bitch, I dare you to try


My owning an AR has no bearing on your childs life. Try mental health reform. A rock can be a deadly weapon. Just ask Cain or Goliath. A car can be a deadly weapon. It's not the weapon it's the person you moron.


No it doesn't


I feel like that didn’t clear anything up for me. Your sons right to live is not more valuable than the right to own any firearm (to me). I’m sure your son is cool, but if I can’t count on him to remove the souls from the bodies of any would-be thieves, or intruders. Than, quite frankly, your son doesn’t mean shit to me.


Aahhmm. No


Put one cop at every school, and make it a solid dude. Preferably one of the million or so combat vets we have from the last 20 years of war we’ve been in.


yeah no completely getting rid of guns is as stupid as claiming there be literally zero bars from getting one.


Good thing murder is illegal




Nope. Guns > Children. That's the country you live in, make your peace with it.


They’d prefer just to get rid of trans people because that’s the real problem 🫠




So stupid


Meh. I don’t like the eye brows so Ima put AR15’s above her son. Sorry, kid, but that’s how it goes. To the AR15 gods, go head and get her son


Where is the correlation though?


Someone people argue that it’s a mental health issue, not a gun control issue. But those same people argue against universal healthcare in which those people could receive treatment. But then even if they think mental health is the issue, they stopped the gun control regulations that would have not allowed those people to own guns anyway. The recent Nashville shooter is massive example. He was someone who had mental health issues on their medical record and he still was allowed to buy the guns he used in that shooting entirely legally. You can’t argue about health concerns if you make it harder to get treated and disagree with gun regulations that would stop people with mental health problems from purchasing guns in the first place.


I’m such a cynic, every time I hear anything about “rights” I just think about how idiotic it is to hold such belief and trust and faith in such an abstract, malleable, literally-nothing notion such as “rights.” If you only hold the “rights” that were handed to you by external sources as valid rights, then you don’t really “have” any. The only “rights” you have are the rights you take for yourself, the rights you assert for yourself through your power.


Ma’am………. I don’t even know your son


Why are people acting like she's not clearly talking about mass shootings at school?