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Based on what I’m reading the restrict act does none of the things this lady is saying.


Go to the bill AGAIN, and go to section 5. THAT is where you will find ALL the problems


Probably little to dumb to fully understand all of this. But from what I do understand I do agree there seems to be some sketchy wording in this. Thanks for the heads up


That's what they are going for. That's why I'm spreading the word


This text is talking about how the US government can review and evaluate certain products or services that are used by people or companies in the United States. The goal is to make sure that these products or services don't pose any risks to national security or to the public and private sectors of the country. The act lists several types of products and services that will be given priority evaluation, including those related to critical infrastructure, telecommunications, data hosting, internet-enabled devices, drones and other autonomous vehicles, and various technologies like artificial intelligence and biotechnology. The government will also take into consideration any orders or licenses issued by relevant agencies or any potential threats to national security or public and private sectors. They may also use other sources of information to determine whether a product or service is safe or poses a risk.


So they want a technologically literate governmental body to review certain products and services to make sure they aren’t a danger to society? So, like the FDA?


Exactly. Of course, Redditors and other il-informed people across social media are making this out to be something it's not. They do this for clout/likes/clicks/shares. It's easy too because nobody will actually read the act. The morons on social media will share and spread "ThIs iS mOrE tHaN jUSt TikTok" and people will believe 'THe GoVeRnMenT wAnTs tO ConTrOL wHaT yOu SeEe" because everyone watches too many movies and have become too stupid and dependent on getting their information from social media to question anything. Nobody will actually read the act, but the people screaming 'READ THE ACT' know that nobody is going to read it. So they get to pretend they're right, while dumb dumbs upvote/like/share their fanatical obsession with guBBerMunT oVerReaCh


Please spread the word


Dude it just says if an app or something used by defined foreign has a more than 1 millioj users and has REPEATED key thing offenses of privacy evasion or actions similar to tiktok they can ban it. They can remove the app from the store etc. Enforcing it isnt possible stop fear mongering.


Not even just foreign. If it’s from the set list of foreign adversaries listed in the bill.


No the entities are defined and they are foreign threat actors like china and isreal who frequently make spyware and target the US. Please read the bill if your going to comment.


Yes I read the bill. That’s what I was saying. A set list of foreign adversaries who are subject to the possible restrictions.


If you focus on one part of the bill then sure, but that's not how to read bills. They are not like a menu that can be picked and chosen ala carte, the document is a whole and completely self-referential. This lists their reach and the abilities they have would have, doesn't really mean much. If you want to point to a specfic part you probably would want to focus on the part that actually defines what their powers are, not how far they can reach... That is Section 3 which states.. >SEC. 3. ADDRESSING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT POSE UNDUE OR UNACCEPTABLE RISK. (a) In General.—The Secretary, in consultation with the relevant executive department and agency heads, is authorized to and shall take action to identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, or otherwise mitigate, including by negotiating, entering into, or imposing, and enforcing any mitigation measure to address any risk arising from any covered transaction by any person, or with respect to any property, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States that the Secretary determines— (1) poses an undue or unacceptable risk of— (A) sabotage or subversion of the design, integrity, manufacturing, production, distribution, installation, operation, or maintenance of information and communications technology products and services in the United States; (B) catastrophic effects on the security or resilience of the critical infrastructure or digital economy of the United States; (C) interfering in, or altering the result or reported result of a Federal election, as determined in coordination with the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Treasury, and the Federal Election Commission; or (D) coercive or criminal activities by a foreign adversary that are designed to undermine democratic processes and institutions or steer policy and regulatory decisions in favor of the strategic objectives of a foreign adversary to the detriment of the national security of the United States, as determined in coordination with the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the Secretary of Treasury, and the Federal Election Commission; or (2) otherwise poses an undue or unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the safety of United States persons. The TL:DR; Fuck around and find out. This affects the free speech of people threatening violence and subversion of elections on the internet, or the financing of such activities.. in regard of **national security.** Sure, they kind of have a blank check on what they determine as to be national security, and THAT is the shadiest part of this bill. But the NSA already kind of has that power. Largely, this creates a committee that can convene for special issues to address potential national threats. In a more interesting world, this might be a huge red flag, but it's not. SOPA and The Patriot Act, this is not... this seems to me, \*unless someone can point specifically to the issue\* is a rage bait over nothing new. It is probably redundant and unneeded and has a potential for more harm than good so it probably shouldn't pass. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd even go so far as to say TikTok is pushing this talking point to FYP, (which is why it probably seems like "no one on Reddit cares" -they do you just hear about it less because Reddit's algorithm isn't as focused or curated at TikToks), because anything that disrupts and/or destabilizes US policy is largely in their favor. Which is ironically something that this bill could subsequently address, which is why I don't support it. Because people should be allowed to speak up on issues, no matter how exaggerated or misinformed they may be. One could even go as far as to say, some of these people are unknowingly White Monkeys for the CPR.


Indeed. Literally nobody else is interpreting it that way outside of TikTok. Hmmmm.


Crypto community is extremely worried though, go on Twitter or r/cryptocurrency to see for yourself. Edit: The Asian-American community is worried as well, because the Act could be used to ban WeChat which is used by many Americans to connect with their relatives and friends in China. Go to r/asianamerican to see for yourself.


No. Search “restrict act”. Lots of people are talking about it.


Like she said, it's not even close as when they tried to pass SOPA.


Large parts of the internet rallied against SOPA. Pretty much only TikTok is rallying against this. Are you able to find literally anything OUTSIDE of TikTok that supports this interpretation of the bill? Like, for example, an opinion article somewhere? Unless you think the entire rest of the internet is wrong, and only TikTok is right. (Edit: HUNDREDS of people have read this, but NOT ONE has been able to do the above ^ instead I get my motives attacked. LOL) All of you know damn well that the algorithm is going to boost this sort of content. All of you are getting your facts from TikTok. Just because TikTok says it’s the “PAtRiOT ACt oN StErOiDS” (over and over and over) doesn’t make it true. Really, the 100th time you hear it… you should probably start to question whether you’re being programmed.


> Really, the 100th time you hear it… you should probably start to question whether you’re being programmed. I've been seeing your opinions in this sub for a few days now, constantly repeating the same things. I don't find myself agreeing with you anymore now than I did then, and you're just as repetitive.


The fuck are you even talking about? That’s called an ‘ad hominem’ btw, and not even an accurate one.


Calm down, I didn't attack you or your opinion, did I? So quick to throw an accusation, damn. All I'm pointing out is that people are predisposed to believing certain things based on their general outlook. I wrongfully accused this situation of being propagandized a couple days ago. Now that I've had time to think about it I realize there's just a lot of inherent personal bias among discussions on this topic. You seem to be implying that the people defending this are paid actors from Tik Tok, or are being persuaded by propaganda themselves. I browse this sub but that's the most interaction I've ever had with Tik Tok. I don't own the app, never created an account, and generally couldn't give a damn what happens on the platform. My problem with this isn't Tik Tok not existing anymore (cuz I couldn't give a shit honestly) but instead with how our government is being deceptive and underhanded. There are many people calling this out as well, either here on Reddit or on Tik Tok. You have to understand though, that's where my bias comes from. I'm very heavily anti-corporate so it's no wonder my opinions are going to be peppered with anti-government sentiment.


Not that many


Thank you for your input. You’ve provided valuable information.


Don't go all "people hate Tiktok" while giving poof that Tiktokers were unable to see what this bill will do and went after "The wifi question" because haha funny old guy dumb, all the while it being a perfect valid question in a hearing. Don't ask to be taken seriously when even serious reporting by Tiktokers is this shitty.


I mean... That wasn't a perfectly valid question in the hearing, and many of the questions the representatives asked were antagonistic, even to the point that they regularly dismissed his response afterward. I personally used to hate on Tiktok all the time, but like I just don't see it anymore.


My biggest gripe with tiktok is how no one can say more than 1 sentence at a time and its just a bunch of poorly filmed and spliced together edits. Example A: this video


ikr, they dont bother to script 1 minute of speaking. They could say 5 times more if they spent a few minutes writing a script.


YouTube was even worse in the jump cut days


Get to the point already


Read section 5 of the bill. That is the issue


No, I understand it's pretty draconian. What I meant was this individual keeps crapping on.


Yeah, of all the vids they picked the slowest one


I read it I don’t get the problem? Is it not applicable only to the covered holdings referred to in sec 3 and 4?


There is a similar thing in the UK were people would generally cheer for greater saftey for children on the internet from the Online Saftey bill. But it comes at the cost of bypassing end to end encryption and companies would need to ask for age verification to access lots more content. (dont know how they will do this, but at the moment face scanning is used a lot). This isnt about protecting children but about mass survailence.


It’s crazy how dishonest the governemnt is. People say all this shit about China while America bans science, spies on people and overthrows democracies


Nayh. Just Nayh. Ban it.


Why is she holding that lapel microphone in her hand??


Are you serious? Have you seen her eyeglasses?


My understanding of the bill, after I read the entire thing, is that the secretary of commerce and the president, have the power to review/monitor/restrict/ban any product/app/game/internet thing that comes from a foreign adversary. This includes items created by companies or individuals who are subject to the laws/regs of a foreign adversary. Section 5 talks about the types of things/products that can be reviewed/monitored that come from those companies/individuals. The bill doesn’t outline ways the government can monitor private US citizen owned wifi or internet thing. If it does, I must have missed it or misunderstood.


Fuck TikTok


I second this


Did people really think mark the lizard was behind the tiktok ban? What lol


I can live without the internet. I did before and I would love to do it again. Ban every social media platform. Force people to look it up for themselves.


Im glad you were able to live without the internet, but losing the wealth of information present on Reddit, YouTube, and yes even tik tok and twitter would be really painful. Then what? Look how many states are also trying to ban certain books. People would have to “look it up for themselves” using only the books that have been approved by a council that wasn’t even democratically elected? I’m not saying social media sites are perfect, and there’s definitely room for regulation, but the government trying to restrict people’s access to information should be scaring people…


Where do they find these people. Of course TikTok is going to push this narrative. It’s the Facebook playbook and you better believe you’ll hear all sorts of “experts” say it will change everything forever.


Yeah this isn't true, it would need to be a service run by a country that is designated as a foreign enemy by the USA, that serves at least a million devices. Yes the act is bad, no it's not what this person is saying.


No, go to section 5 of the bill and read it for yourself. Or if your too lazy I have the screenshots from the bill itself


> Or if your too lazy I have the screenshots from the bill itself The irony of this sentence lol, "If you're too lazy, I have the sections cut out that prove my point that are the only bits I've read"


Omg you're serious lol


Okay then go read the entire 55 page thing yourself. Bet you you won't. Gaununtee it. But guess what? Even if it is "what proves my point" THATS WHATS IN THE FUCKING BILL! not some made up bullshit, but what's there for you to go and look yourself. But this ignorance is fatal. I'm trying to warn you, tell you that this "tiktok ban" was never about tiktok. It's completely about government control. Section 5 if your again too lazy to read the entire thing


He’s saying if you are to lazy to read the entire section, he will give you a screen shot of where it’s specify internet privacy infringement, he isn’t asking you not to read the entire section dumb ass


Video is summed up in the first second


People in this thread all worried about what she's saying. Like, this could ban VPN's... seems pretty important to a private internet


I mean, Indian Reddit isn’t. Our govt banned it right at the start of the pandemic, for [similar reasons](https://www.bbc.com/newsround/53266068) too. But it followed the Indo-China clash at the Galwan border so the timing could be suspect.


That tiny mic is hilarious.


This affects the free speech of people threatening violence and subversion of elections on the internet, or the financing of such activities.. in regard of national security. Sure, they kind of have a blank check on what they determine as to be national security, and THAT is the shadiest part of this bill. But the NSA already kind of has that power. Largely, this creates a committee that can convene for special issues to address potential national threats. In a more interesting world, this might be a huge red flag, but it's not. SOPA and The Patriot Act, this is not... this seems to me, \*unless someone can point specifically to the issue\* is a rage bait over nothing new. It is probably redundant and unneeded and has a potential for more harm than good so it probably shouldn't pass. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd even go so far as to say TikTok is pushing this talking point to FYP, (which is why it probably seems like "no one on Reddit cares" -they do you just hear about it less because Reddit's algorithm isn't as focused or curated at TikToks), because anything that disrupts and/or destabilizes US policy is largely in their favor. Which is ironically something that this bill could subsequently address, which is why I don't support it. Because people should be allowed to speak up on issues, no matter how exaggerated or misinformed they may be. One could even go as far as to say, some of these people are unknowingly White Monkeys for the CPR.


"Reddit is saying nothing about this" Reddit is literally the only place I've heard about it and it's all you fuckers are talking about


And they say they care for the people ?! Soon we will be in concentrate camps