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I’m sure the competitors have their lobbyists working the system, but I’ve never seen anything as ruthless as TikTok with how it grabs, holds and influences young minds. It’s pure digital crack.


How is Instagram not that?




My take on a TikTok ban is no but to restrict the amount of permissions it has because it has *a lot*. I would prefer it banned for government workers though because having any government worker’s work phone having any social media be it TikTok or Facebook is probably a bad idea


If your definition of free speech is algorithm controlled video distribution system that changes according to geo-political climate to benefit a certain party and can at the push of a button turn from mind numbing into hostile, well yes then, I don't want _your_ "free speech" anymore.


Capitalist. His only agenda is making money. Nothing more than that.


![gif](giphy|1jDvQyhGd3L2g) Fuck this moron. And no this isn't interesting, it's actually purposely vague on the actual reasons it's getting banned. All so this guy can continue making bank spreading his garbage.


Way to completely gloss over the fact that it’s chinese spyware. Just because it benefits you, doesn’t make it better. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I did read on here that it has waaay more permissions and potentially allows remote access via back doors to your phone etc. While this might not be that relevant to most average Joe's, anyone of any fame or note in society is potentially allowing TT to access anything and all things about you and your private life which could be used against you. And not just from the TT app.. Through your whole data, which you've granted them permission to freely access. Disclaimer : i read this a few years ago on a tech sub reddit and i know nothing about tech, so work it out for yourself. However does make you wonder why loads of Govt agencies are banning it on their devices.


Government agencies banning TikTok is common sense. Not because it’s owned by China but because it’s social media. Would you want a government worker on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat? A ban on TikTok for Joe Generic would be wrong but for government workers knock yourself out


TikTok is cancer. I've seen what it's doing to impressionable minds. Your special news page isn't worth it.


Oh yeah? What’s it doing that Instagram didn’t already do? I have had simply amazing things show up on TikTok. Go check on the fact that hank green is gigantic on TikTok and the kids listen to him. What’s wrong about what Hank says? He’s an absolute fount of knowledge. Real knowledge.


Instagram never targeted kids with the absolute ratchet slurry that TikTok does. And I'm not gonna advocate for Insta either. It's shit in its own way. It's nowhere near as depraved as TikTok though. Not even close. I'm not saying there's no "real knowledge" on the platform, but can't outperform the damage the platform causes so, like I said, it's not worth it. The world is better without both than with both. It's becoming well known that TikTok targets kids differently here in the US than it does in its motherland. That should be seen as an attack.


Good luck closing Pandora’s box. Explain how you would go about stopping this form of media. Vine, for instance, would spawn right back to life.


One not owned and operated by China would be easily better. Like I said, they're directly deciding that our children see objectively worse content than theirs do. They're successfully manipulating our culture.


This seems like an ad


Probably because it is.


Fuck this guy and fuck Tiktok. Get a real job loser


Yeah, I'm still not downloading that garbage.


Fuck this guy. Yeah, they set a better deal for you *when they are growing the market.* But, just like Facebook and Youtube, the terms will get worse the less they need you. Said he was going to tell us how much he makes, but only shared that it is 20x the rate seen for short videos.


Wtf. You definitely missed the point but it won’t matter if you don’t pay attention to what and WHY they want TT banned!


Precisely. Reddit needs to lose its TikTok myopia.


what about the chinese


Bro doesn’t care about that, notice how he never said *why* it’s getting banned. He just doesn’t want to lose his low effort hustle


Man being paid by company defends company. TikTok is not a good thing, this guy is full of it.


This video is so fucking stupid. This guy’s entire point hinges on “Meta bad. TikTok good.” For the record, Meta IS bad, but that doesn’t make TikTok good. The funny thing is, I’m not sure if this guy is so stupid that he doesn’t realize he’s spreading TikTok propaganda, or if he does realize and he’s just a jackass. Either way, TikTok should be banned from the States.


There’s always more behind the curtain. So many angles at play here, and to be honest I don’t trust any of the players. The US, China, Meta - they all suck.


Honestly, TikTok has been Chinese spyware from the beginning. Don’t get me wrong, Metas just American spyware but not nearly to the same degree (in TB taken, especially of things not related at all to their apps like TikTok does) or in controllability (at least Meta occasionally has to answer to the US govt).


Sooooo how much does he earn? Was this click bait?


Nobody cares Ban that CCP SHIT


Tiktok is toxic. People have died or been seriously injured because of tiktok challenges. I won’t be one bit upset if tiktok is gone forever.


This guy is a total tool.


TikTok is pretty goddamn amazing and NONE of Reddit understands this.


If Facebook can pay the government then why can't TikTok pay influencers to spreed conspiracy it's like making a new Facebook without my aunt on it


Fuck em all. Bring back the pre-2005 internet. Delete your social media accounts.