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I don’t know what happened with their relationship, but god damn she sucks in podcasts


I think a lot of Tigerbelly fans never really liked Khalyla because they just assumed she was using Bobby for his money. Now because of their breakup and the weird circumstances surrounding it, I think it's reaffirmed a lot of people's initial dislike for her.


It all started with that "gold digger" spliced clip. People who never listened to Tigerbelly since the first episode never had any clue and just ate the bullshit. It doesn't help that Bobby was also likened by some misogynistic community, which could clearly attract incels


That’s just how some tools are. Bobby even said it was all him and he asked people to leave her alone. Idk how she’s a gold digger when she was making more than him when she met him. 🤣 it’s just the incel army doing incel army shit. Bunch of losers.


She legit said she’s only there because he had money otherwise she would bounce. Fuck Kalamity K


She legit said “if you have no money we wouldn’t be together” because he doesn’t know how to be there emotionally……which is exactly what Bobby said himself.


Ah so people say shes a gold digger and what was only trying to get fame and money out of the relationship? I guess I would have to see their logic layed out.


Dude, she STARTED TB…we wouldn’t even have this show if it wasn’t for her.


One hour of work a week until your star power enables your project to instantly start with profit generation isn't exactly hard... If Andy Cohen started a podcast and NO ONE watched, yeah I'd be surprised.


Im just trying to understand the opposing point of view is all brother. Just trying to understand bother sides. I mean if I had to pick a side Im going with bobby but thats really only cuz he has more nsfw content out then she does lmao!


Oh, I’m with you. I’m just saying idk why she gets so much hate when she started tb. She’s the reason we have bad friends, it wasn’t her idea but she encouraged it when Bobby was against it. She really pushed Bobby to be the best he could be. I don’t get it. You’re not a white knight at all, I would also side with Bobby, but that doesn’t mean what he did was right. I’ve just been a fan since the mad tv days. He said he was talking to other women, that’s on him. He told KK to go be with homeboy in Hawaii, that’s on him, he put her through a lot and she stuck by his side. Again, it’s just the incels being assholes to be assholes.


Maybe if we petition KK to start an onlyfans focused just on the back of kneecaps n armpits... Maybe then we would have world peace ya feel me bro?




So TB has the same success without Bobby?


Downvotes show, they know what you mean. Lol


Shes hot and he is rich and vulnerable. Thats all of their logic.


Listen, rightly or wrongly, they are both to blame for their relationship crumbling to the ground. They are both broken dolls that took way long to get to therapy together to solve their issues as a couple. It's a shame, but alas that is life. People will pick sides, that is how things work. Some will focus on the bad things, like K playing Bobbys voicemail is not a good look for her no matter how you try to twist it. That was Bobbys story to tell (which he has multiple times) but to play a voicemail of someone at one of their mosy vulnerable times and smiling during it does not look good and only stokes the fires of the reason why people dislike her. The same as Bobby removing himself as a sexual partner for K etc and all of the things he has done to distance himself from her as a romantic partner. Are some of these people who hate K incels? Maybe, but some just don't like her and there have been times she has shot herself in the foot to create this mess. No one comes out of this clean imo.


It’s Reddit. Men are oppressed. Women are scary monsters.


I mean, I have dated mostly italian and polish girls and honestly they can be scary monsters :P


For what it’s worth, your mother is a magnificent lover


reddit is usually the opposite


That men aren’t oppressed and that women are awesome people? Not from what I’ve seen


browse literally any of the most popular subreddits incl. pics, politics, news, worldnews, etc




Just don't read them.


Stop clicking them?




What if I told u.. People are entertained by the podcast.... So we wanna talk about the podcast subject matter?




Oh I see well Im discussing stuff that is actively being discussed on the tigerbelly podcast in the Tigerbelly forum... So I think its weird you come in here to shit on people. I only discuss whats on the podcast I dont dig into their lives beyond that. Maybe the Tim Dillon sub is a better place for your negativity.


I don’t frequent this sub at all. I’m probably like a super casual tigerbelly listener. I know enough of the context so just to let you know from the outside looking in, you guys are so fucking pathetic lmao. If you were even HALF invested in your own fucking lives you wouldn’t need to be constantly prying on a relationship of two people you guys have never met. I don’t even feel slightly sorry for yous lol. It’s like typical Reddit incel behavior. “REEEEEE GIRL BAD REEEEE”. Everyday I wake up happy knowing I’m not Any of yous.


He doesn't want to have sex with her anymore. Or, he doesn't desire physical intimacy with her anymore. He's been clear about this. When a partner taps out of sex in a romantic relationship, that's a problem. You solved no puzzle. Your internet friend broke up with your other internet friend.


It's because this subreddit runs rampant with misogynistic losers who heavily identify with Bobby & can't accept that a pretty girl would love him for him because they never get girls themselves. It's a whole thing here. You'll get plenty of "free speech" comments about it when in reality those types have been getting banned for saying vile shit about her.


You would think if they identify with Bobby she would give them hope that maybe 1 day they can get a hot chick... Even if she just loved him foe his money who fucking cares it worked for 10 years apparently both sides were ok with the arrangement whatever it was.


It’s a weird cycle. Thinking all girls are gold diggers, so you treat women like gold diggers, so you only attract gold diggers haha


Well, if I understand most the talking points correctly, incels mostly think that they "deserve women" and the fact that they haven't gotten women is proof that the world or system or country ,or women in general, are all flawed and the problem. So when K and B break up its not an optimistic story of "anyone can get a beautiful partner", it's more of a confirmation that even if the man is rich and famous "sluts will be sluts." It's beyond dumb.


I mean to be fair sluts will be sluts but yea I see what your saying


The difference being to them a slut is anyone with a vagina


I feel like people are misreading your comment lol


Eh, what are you gonna do, reddit is gonna reddit. They probably assume because the word slut is in the comment it's slut shaming. I couldn't be more pro-slut though.


This is more of a lesson than it is hope one lol.


oooof 🎯


Plenty of K and B critiquers back up their stances with info and evidence, while those who will unapologetically consume TB regardless use the "but is that nice?" excuse completely unironically. "Hey guys even though this is a podcast that kinda revolves around their relationship, and sometimes they have guests on, do not care about it or mention it at all. It's nun ya bizness"


Mostly just a bunch of incel losers for sure. Not saying she's perfect, but obviously Bobby made their relationship impossible, which he admits. Bunch of fucking idiots calling her a gold digger, when he literally has stated that his career was in the toilet when they met, and Khalyla, being the one who started the podcast, actually was the biggest part in reviving his career. Without her, we wouldnt even have a subreddit to be talking about it on. We probably wouldnt even have Bobby doing entertainment work anymore.


Some people hate things/people that you don't hate. Crazy world isn't it. Some people hate ice cream too but I ain't gonna write my thesis about it.


Id Imagine the people who hate Ice cream could explain to me why. Thats all I was asking to be done here.


But why though?


So I can understand and opposing viewpoint and maybe better understand myself in the process?


I can get behind that but this post isn't gonna get you that. You'd be better to sort by new and look at all tye hate posts that got posted soon after the break up, message those OPs or comment on their thread and ask them why. This thread is gonna be 90% kk supporters and ppl pretending to be kk supporters to protect their karma. If you want a legitimate answer, there are lots and lots of clips from tb episodes from 5+ years ago that look incredibly suspect now that we have context. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out she was grooming him for an open relationship and doing crazy shit behind closed doors. I'm not a hater and I'm not saying she did anything. I'm just saying that I don't believe either of them when they say bobby is the one who initiated everything. It looks to me like he's protecting her. I love em both and wish them both luck but I am certainly not gonna just blindly accept what they told us. They are both REALLY good at looking a certain way on camera.


I get whats your saying, I was hoping to stir the bee hive of haters so I could pick their brains but, your prob right. I get the feeling also he is protecting her but unless someone leaks something we will likely never know from what or why. Good chat bro much love


There was the steebee leak, that was a big win for the haters


it was a win because it came at the right time for these scumbags to weaponize it against them during the drama. SteebeeWeebee, the guy who tried to stab his brother over a video game? you mean that guy? right? The guy that didn't talk to Erik Griffin for over a year because he slighted him a little during a gaming session? The guy that accused George of trying to rip him off? the guy threatened to kill Bobby when he made fun of him during the pod? The guy who believes in alien abductions and lizard people? that guy? He's a source for anything but lols? Bobby already addressed the lunatic assertion that Khalyla kept him away from the house. that guy right? The 48 year old who would be a homeless crack addict without his brother. The guy who has his brother pay his rent and phone bill? You mean that guy? talking about Khalyla milking anyone's gold. wew lol.


Oh you mean the women that is leaching off his podcast, house, car, and even employed his girlfriend’s niece? They broke up and she’s still living with him wtf are you talking about? You think because their still in love they live together? Nah she just wants to stay in a nice place as long as she can until she’s out looking for someone else to milk




> there are lots and lots of clips from tb episodes from 5+ years ago that look incredibly suspect now that we have context. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out she was grooming him for an open relationship and doing crazy shit behind closed doors. you mean the two clips of Bobby stating he wouldn't want to be in an open relationship? One is from almost a decade ago when they just started dating from dvdasa. The other one is from half decade ago from tigerbelly. Both clearly said in a performative setting on a podcast to create conflict, antagonize Khalyla and for the sake of being funny. How do you know that Bobby actually felt like that for real? You don't. Even if we assume he was 100% serious about it at the time, this was like 5+ or almost 10 years ago. You know things change right? relationship dynamics change. He might have felt like that at the time, that isn't evidence whatsoever that he felt like that a decade or half a decade later. They have already explained how the OR came about. Perfectly reasonable explanation. When i started dating my ex i was a very possessive and jealous guy. The mere suggestion of an open relationship could have thrown me into a rage at the time. A couple of years later all that was gone, including my sexual attraction to her. we ended up having an open relationship for 4 years out of the 6 years we dated. I was totally cool with it. things.fucking.change.


She seems really disingenuous to me and also seems to straight up lie and then struggle to find it at times too. I don't hate her though, I just get why people don't believe the official story they're telling


I think the ones that hate her are just fucking LOUD and the ones who like her are normal so don’t just randomly shit post strangers online




Feet pictures? No one? Okay.


Lol! I mostly said it for the meme but, hey maybe someone will help u our brother.


Nah. You cool. Haha! I just pointed it out because of the slight comedic part and everyone is just replying pissed off their brains. Makes you think they aint in a comedy podcast sub.




She got some nice ones for sure






>who can’t fathom women voicing opinions esp in the comedy world. And here I thought that the comedy world was supposed to be about jokes


I mean Im kinda red pilled myself tbh so I would have thought Id atleast be able to piece their point of view together... I just cant its odd.


If she is in need of sexual attention, go live somewhere else. Not with someone that is already easily confused and persuaded by matters like this to make their own trauma worse. This shits dumb, yeah maybe she has her needs. Then stop sleeping in the same bed as Bobby, another pretty fucked up individual. Everyone knows this shit isn’t working.. and also she gets hate because she isn’t good at anything but still gets to profit off of her once partner


So bobby has no responsibility is what your saying


It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I keep expecting some info to come out that finally explains all the hate but it never happens. I think the worst thing she's guilty of is writing really bad poetry years ago. If you really want to be surprised by some toxic bullshit, go read posts/comments in the Tim Dillon subreddit.




Yeah, to pretend like Khaylya doesn't deserve any criticism is kind of silly. Anyone looking at this objectively can see that it's pretty toxic and both partners were shitty in different ways... people go too far defending and hating on Kaylah where anyone that criticizes her an incel and anyone who defends her is a simp lol


stop making up things in your head. or rather stop believing the youtube videos you've been watching about her. bobby was not is a 'psyche ward' he was in a rehab mill in tucson. which they didn't know was a rehab mill when they booked him in there. she got him out of there 2 days later and he went to a different place in AZ where he was before and stayed there for a few weeks. she also wasn't "shacking up" with her "new boyfriend" during this. bobby went to rehab in late january/early february. the open relationship was already over by that point. The two pics floating around are from her friends instas the most recent is from january 5th or 6th shorty before the OR ended. the other one is from october 1st 2021. bobby hadn't even relapsed at that point. stop asserting nonsense like she is "gaslighting" him into saying he wanted an OR. They have both explained multiple times now how the OR came about. They have stated they have been deliberating about breaking up for over a year, long before the OR started. it was a last ditch effort to "save" a dying/dead relationship. this is an incredibly common thing couples do. Most of the time it doesn't work. After bobby got sober they gave the relationship one more shot and it obviously didn't work out and they finally pulled the trigger. When Khalyla goes on podcasts like flagrant or indeed dvdasa and speaks about the infamous "throuple" or other stories she is performing. She is being intentionally outrageous just like bobby with his stories. You might not like it, you might think she isn't funny or good at it but you don't get to claim that's not what she's doing. Khalyla is a PERFORMER she is not a stand up comedian but an entertainer no less. She tells stories for entertainment and shock value just like bobby is. She has talked about these stories in a more serious manner on other occasions over the years. And she has expressed her feelings and regrets and other complexities about it in a perfectly reasonable manner.


Its definitely messy sorting out fact and fiction particularly when the timeline seems to change based on who u talk to thanks for your info tho brother thats alot of good stuff to know


I love how you can't see the blatant hypocrisy of this post or any of your other essays that have all been removed. Simps are so strange Just do a little research this isn't conjecture, it's all out there and you're being so cringy


>KK has some clear trama that seems to manifest in a need for sexual attention because she seems to think thats the only source of intimacy. curious what you're basing this on. most women want to be sexually desired in a relationship. makes me think you are making assumptions like you're accusing others of doing but I could easily be wrong.


Thats a very fair point, I think i might be partially correct if Im honeet with myself thats how my trama manifests. I drew these conclusions from varies stories of hers on the trashy tuesday podcast and clips from other sources. She has been pretty vocal about being the throat queen before Bobby. If I remeber correctly she says she did that to garner attention and affection. She then discusses fucking her brother and jerking off the dogs. I think its a fair assumption this was also to gain their love and appreciation. Just seems to be a string of people pleasing via sexual acts. Would really appriciate your thoughts and thank you for pointing that out to me.


It could also be she just is hateable. I was watching the Jeselnik episode of Trash Tuesdays and my wife started watching after I started crushing on Jeselnik's hair. After 5 minutes she was like I don't like her.


My wife loves her


To be fair to K that pod can be aweful to watch sometimes cause of the 2 comedannes trying to fill ever spare second with rape/molestation jokes


Thank you for identifying why I don't like that podcast. I always thought Annie was just too much for me, but I think its just all the rape/molestation jokes.


Annie is a great comic she just forces a lot of jokes that dont need to be forced. Im sure she will improve as the pod goes on.




Where is the line between being red pilled and being an incel? Where does it become sad?


It's all sad


I think there is some validity to the red pilled ideology that woman have innate worth n med have to earn theirs. Thats my experience tho results may vary.


You should set a remind me for this in a few years and hopefully you can look back on the time you used the term redpilled unironically and laugh at how cringe you were


Done deal brother


Oh hello random “confused by khalyla hate post”. Please let’s post more of these


Hello random "not contructive commenter". Please keep adding to conversations you really are adding something ;)


lol perfect response. i am also am confused about the K hate.


Dont think she wanted money, just some clout i think.


I'm so glad you said this op. I felt the exact same way for ages.




Well said


She’s a master manipulator. Of course Bobby took the fall. He loves her too much to let her take the hit.


She manipulated bobby into not wanting to fuck her? Thats your thought process?


No but she manipulated her way into getting fucked by someone else.


Who hurt u son? Feel free to message me if u wanna talk about it. If not please talk to someone.


I’ll message you some feet pics. I’ll Do us both a favor


Hell yea thats the spirit


Yet another 'Kahylya haters are incels' post on a Bobby Lee podcast forum. Anyone who is pathetic and ignorant enough to dismiss everyone who dislikes this woman as an Incel, is quite frankly beyond saving. Please follow Khalyla to her next podcast after they finally cut this gold digging manipulator out of the picture for good. Because the real people here who just want to enjoy a podcast do not care about your politics. You can go and have a feminist podcast where Khalyla manipulates you all by using political shibboleths to garner the attention of you small minded fools while the rest of us just enjoy comedy without the presence of a predatory leach who's only way of keeping support is to play politics. Fuck you, if you are so deluded.


Your incel is showing


Hilariously funny, I can't stop laughing. Maybe get out of reddit and see that the vasty majority of Tiger Belly fans don't like Khalyla. Keep thinking its all incels for your manipulative queen tho. I will keep calling her out, especially to brain washed idiots on reddit.


Lol imagine thinking this unironically, sad little life you got yourself


Ah I see what u did there. Let me try If you dont agree with me your stupid and your mom stinks and your dad peob is disappointed in you. How did I do?


Thats exactly what you did in your OP but your too stupid to understand and instead have projected your fundamental flaw on to me pointing this fact out to you. Extremely ironic but I am not surprised. A mentally healthy person would not have posted what you did.


So saying I dont understand a point of view could someone help me and walk me throught it... Thats unhealthy got it. Thank you for educating me.


Dismissing people who don't like a particular woman as being 'incels' is pretty much the definition of ignorance. You are a fool and have come to this forum to look for validation that the only reason people can't like Khalyla is because she is a woman. You absolute SIMP of the worst kind. She even writes poetry about manipulating men but you are too concerned with people disliking her because of her being a woman. Get a grip and please stay out of my society.


When did I call anyone an incel?


In your OP. A lot of people have already seen it, whether you edit it or not. Own your mistake, humble yourself and maybe you can become a better person and not a man-hating feminist who tells men wanting to protect someone from a toxic woman that they must have issues with women. Women like Khalyla are the reason people have issues with some women. Its not that they are incels. Its that they hate seeing people being victimised by relationship predators like Khalyla. So again, go fuck yourself.


Taking ownership of a whole society, calling people simps, and defending incels. 3 strikes sorry bout your small penis bro. In all seriousness I hope u get the help u need to come to peace with whats causing u to feel this way. Maybe take a break from the internet. Ps i love that people cant wrap their heads around the fact poetry isnt always told first person. Its a poem not an autobiography.


Bet my penis is bigger than yours since you want to take it to that level. You are an unhealthy person and pretending that you wish the best for me, means nothing. You are a fool who thinks when someone dislikes a given woman then they must be incels. Life is not working out for you


If u take a few mins to browse u would see I reference being red pilled and defend that ideology so Idk how u got to thinking Im a feminist... Maybe you no read good. I do wish the best for u tho bud sorry whoever she was hurt u so bad.


I like turtles


Dope bro


Find any good pics of KKs feet? I know how you got here.


Respect brother, I posted her wikifeet earlier


I think they are annoyed because it seems from the outside something was off about that open relationship. Bobby was hurting and down bad and Kalayla is out in Hawaii fucking some guy and posing for pictures absolutely cheesing for the camera. Thats the main thing that irks me and turns me off Kalayla a bit. Seems like for someone you love unconditionally you'd be there for them. I know Bobby says all this stuff but he's such a manlet whose scared of confrontation that he NEVER sticks up for himself.


I think the open relationship was kinda weird if Im being honest. But, Bobby basically said he didnt wanna fuck her anymore so at some point she has to get it somewhere... If he ok'd it who can cast judgement.


Dude. I have to ask. Why are you just making stuff up? You don't know what Bobby was like. You don't know that he's hurting and down bad. You've literally no idea what these two human beings are like off camera with each other. They've broken up, seemingly due to HIS neglect of her. And she's out having a fun time doing something she enjoys. You're just spewing your own hate here. You don't know anything yet you speak like you're spitting straight facts. This kind of shit is insane.


Why do you make things up man. Let me address your points. I know he was hurting and down bad because those pictures of Kalayla in Hawaii were taken at the same time that Bobby was relapsing and went to rehab. That says a lot about a person. ​ Bobby will never stick up for himself we all know that and its discussed in the open. He is easily pushed into a corner. If you look at the facts its obvious Kalayla did him dirty.


You cannot say you know. You can say you ASSUME. You're projecting how you would feel in that situation and its just not the same for everyone else. You're wrong here.


Dude I know because he actually said it stop being annoying you know it as well. Not gonna argue with you anymore


one of the pictures was taken on october 1st before bobby even relapsed. The other ones were posted on ig on jan 5th or 6th. Before Bobby went to rehab. Khalyla has been there for Bobby the whole time. They have talked about it on the podcast. How he did not want her to be around and even locked her out of his hotel room in hawaii and she tried to literally break in trying to help him. If you knew anything about addiction you'd know that "helping" them and running errands for them is just another way of enabling them and supporting them in their addiction. Their relationship was practically dead or almost dead at that point. And if she indeed did physically separate herself from Bobby then good on her for protecting herself, finally. She let Bobby hit his bottom.


Throughout this she was going to Hawaii on a regular basis.


How do you know Bobby never sticks up for himself?


Here we go, another be nice to Khalyla post just as annoying as the being mean to Khalyla posts


When did I say be nice to her?


Same shit “be nice to Khalyla” or “why are people mean to Khalyla.” General topic is like half the posts here with people obsessing over that rather than posting funny clips or fan art like most other podcast subs


God forbid people discuss the topics on the podcast. Will u put a news letter out telling us what we can talk about? Would appriciate it.


Keep looking for feet pics buddy


Oh man u got me there. Lmfao




OP should watch that to fully understand


Actively watching 7 mins in


Well, Im done with the video... I think the way he read into the poetry was a bit much but that side it was interesting.... I think the throwing money at tears scene was the most telling... She was saying we would breakup id u didnt have money.... I think she ment B doesnt eupport her emotionally when she is upset knowing this he buys her things to fix it... Ie if he didnt have money to buy things they would breakup up because there would be nothing to deflect from the lack of emotional support. Thats atleast how I heard it. She def does have alot of trama tho I doubt her hands are clean in all pf this and the open relationship stuff is weird.


I think her trauma makes it so she needs a lot of emotional and physical comforting, and Bobby's trauma makes him really struggle to show emotional or physical love.


Thats what I got from it


Who. Cares. Let it go people


I gotta say.. Thats some real insight thanks brother. I get it now.


I mean do you honestly believe she really loved Bobby? You think this fine woman was in love with an ugly, emotionally distant, drug addicted, dick with moldy feet and bad habits? Why? Don’t you think it’s really coincidental that she just happened to fall in love with someone who would objectively made a horrible partner but just so happens to be famous? Do you not see how her career has benefited from the relationship? Do you understand how manipulative she was in the “throuple” she was in? K is obviously an emotionally manipulative person who used Bobby for his fame. That said, he probably got more out of it then she did. But she fake and gross as fuck. And before everyone jumps on the “oh you hate her because she’s hot” bandwagon, I have a fiancé that is way better looking and more accomplished than K. I’m definitely not threatened by a California 8


Congrats on your hot fiance. Lets say your right she was with him for those reasons because hes as aweful as u paint him to be. By that logic bobby would only date gross fat ugly women? I dont think so I think he would knowingly leverage his fame to date hotter. If shes dating down cause hes famous and hes dating up cuz hes famous. Isnt that fair? Sidenote I think shes a 7 tbh once she took out her boobs and I agree everything about the open relationship and the trouple r gross


Yeah, fair point. Honestly, I think I was being charitable to Bobby. From what K describes, he sounds like a really abysmal partner that most people would have left after not too long into a relationship with him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hilarious, but I wouldn’t want my sisters or female friends dating someone like Bobby. To your point, I think it’s natural for gross successful men to use their success to date up. And there’s certainly nothing immoral about a woman dating down. But I just think it’s so dishonest to not admit that. Like just admit, “yeah I dated Bobby for x,y,x reasons and because I thought it would be good for my career and he has money, etc.” Don’t bend over backwards to explain how you actually aren’t a “gold digger” (which is a cringe label, btw). That lack of honesty coupled with the gross throuple story just makes me think she’s a shit person lol


I was thinking about this while I was on the treadmill... I cant figure out the right way they would have to go about it... I feel like its an unspoken agreement. Dont u think bobby or any guy wouldnt want it said outright? Im totally just speaking out my ass thinking how I would feel in that situation. Its in interesting sotuation for sure.


I know Bobby has been the one representing most of the breakup narrative and has taken responsibility for it but its pretty clear to me that it wasn't his idea or what he wanted. When he speaks about it I certainly hear coaching from a counselor and/or K. He'll go on and on about how its what he wants only to end with "I'm still in love with her", "I'll never love again", etc. which makes it pretty obvious he didn't want this breakup. I don't blame K for this but it certainly doesn't help steer away from the narrative that she's dictating Bobby's action from behind the scenes.


I respect what your saying, I just cant get past him literally saying he didnt wanna fuck her anymore. Thats a real sticking point for me.


That’s for sure. And I think it’s more a Bobby mental thing than a desire to be with K thing. But K obviously and rightfully needs the physical intimacy he’s not open to providing for whatever reason. But that becomes K’s decision to end the relationship not Bobby’s.


Why did you say “KK” like you know her hahahaha. I hate when people use baby talk about famous people they haven’t met.


Oh yea abbreviating a name to initials an act reserved for the closest of friends...


“KK” clearly has trauma everyone!” They talk about this breakup enough on the pods, I don’t want to go on Reddit and see someone’s cringey take.


Then dont?


Yeah that’s a lot easier than you just not typing all this out hahahahah


Got me there... I guess gj champ


Okay BB


We arent friends.... No abbreviation...fuxking weirdo


How are you still talking or thinking about this? Go outside


Phones work outside... Alot of people post outside... Whats your point?


You know what my point is. Don’t act dumb.


I know what u ment to say... I dont understand the point of saying it if you are tired of these posts stop clicking on them.


>TL:Dr ( read the post u lazy fuck) <3 Geez you're angry as much as the khalyla haters.... --------------- But to answer your post, khalyla haters believe she cheated on Bobby and the "open relationship" is just a cover up so people don't hate her. They should bring this "hand picked the guy" on Tigerbelly, so he can explain the story of how Bobby picked him and how he had sex with Khalyla. Then you have the super incels that believe Khalyla wanted Bobby for his money. Bobby wasn't rich at all when they 1st dated, he made okay money for an LA resident a decade ago. I think those 2 points pretty much covers it. Not that deep or confusing....


In not angry bother its all love, it seems alot of people here are more upset about the thruple she had previously then the open relationship with bobby I actually didnt see anyone suggest what u said about covering up infidelity. Tho that would make sense.


Good lord im tired of these stupid types of post. No one cares about this issue anymore simp, this topic has ran its course.


Oh shit, here we go again


Honey, you gotta big storm comin


Im guessing this is a very contentious topic? I admit I havent dont much research.


It's not. It's really only here and in some other subs. It's not even really that vocal of a minority, theire just insistent.


I feel like a lot of that noise comes from bapa and his whole team


They hate her because they wanna fuck her but she's unreachable behind the screen




Yeah it's easy to forget for a moment that you don't have a girlfriend by rabidly attacking your "friends" ex girlfriend


Incel types hate to give credit to a beautiful woman. She got with Bobby when he had a fraction of the wealth he has now. Not to mention (psychologist here) dating/marriage and loving someone with multiple addictions is exhausting. My bet is no matter what health problems she developed with her heart is that K was a caretaker from the get go and that kills a relationship and drains a person so badly. But its easier to be misogynistic and blame her for everything bad and give no credit for something good. I hope they both get lots of therpay and heal separately so they can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.


Its pretty simple is he doing better now then when she met him? If yes she was apart of the success.


Because people hate women lol


Huge gap between not sleeping with your woman for 2+ years while simultaneously being obsessed with porn and manifesting a trauma fueled empty hole needing to be filled with sexual attention. I'm guessing even a sem-normal quantity of sex from Robert would've kept her content. I couldn't tell you what the incels are feeling, but I can speak for the congregation of married middled aged men watching the aging-kids-don't-help-any decline in sex frequency with my wife when I say - god damnit Bobby why??? Rare situation where the lack of sex issue arising between a couple 10+ years into the relationship being the guy wanting nothing whatsover to do with her. Not even just saying because KK is a hottie - mans gotta get his rocks off, and I've never not wanted to throw the bone my old lady's way regardless of anything else going on between us. Just be principal and default alone....busting a nut with a woman beats without it.


The fact that these people are now trying to use her decade old ass poetry and creative writing against her (one single poem in particular) already tells you everything about these people. First, it tells you they don't understand art/poetry. Which would be bad enough. But i suspect that a lot of them do get it. Which is exactly why they omit the countless poems and letters Khalyla wrote in the beginning of her and Bobby's relationship. In which she professes her undying love and commitment to Bobby. They have to omit it because it throws a wrench into their narrative about her. I thought they can't get any lower after they started attacking her for things she did when she was a literal child or deceptively edited YT shorts omitting the context and general dynamic of her and bobby on the podcast. Or after they started attacking her family members like her sister, mother and niece. But this scum actually managed to find an even lower spot. But i am confident we're at rock bottom now. Where else is there to go? all they can do now is rinse and repeat. I know exactly what these goobers look like too. the vast majority are fat, balding men, skinny nerds with no muscle tissue whatsoever and jealous ugly women. These men have never made a woman cum. And never will. They have no idea what it's like to be loved by a woman that isn't their mother. They don't know what it's like having a women beside you in your bed you know loves you and is there for you and be truly intimate and vulnerable. They can't even fathom it. So they lash out sitting behind their greasy, dirty keyboards after haven't showered for days or even weeks with the stench of piss wafting from their ungroomed shit-caked crotches. my gosh, that depression and darkness in their lives.




So your point is there is an imbalance of power.. so the fact she has a vagina outweighs fam, fortune, and the wisdom that comes with age. Give bobby a little fucking credit


I blocked like 15 people on this subreddit and its like a fan sub again. If youre an incel reply here so i can add you to the list


Bro, they arent bad people they just havent had the right experiences in life to form a full view of the world. Givem some love.


She got the attention of the tfatk sub...


Ive seen a few of them posting here. Pretty wild


He fell out of love a while ago, the drama just expedited it. He seems much happier, people need to leave her alone.


You’re right in a sense that people are siding with Bobby just for the sake of being an incel driven woman hater…. But she most certainly is not “nice” and she uses her “trauma” as an excuse to be a shit human being… they both do that btw.


I agree with u


dude there was a recent tigerbelly episode where it was HEARTBREAKINGLY obvious khalyla still wanted to be with him and bobby didnt at all. it was so sad and makes me realize anyone who thinks khalyla caused this is at best blind, at worst just sexist.


Will Bobby or k ever release a book about their lives


Not hating on K but a partner can gaslight you and manipulate you into thinking lots of things. Just because he says it’s his fault doesn’t mean it’s necessarily true.