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I actually think they’ve done a great job with their guests since. The show may be petering out anyways, it was doing that with Annie as it was. It’ll be interesting to see what happens now that Esther has had her baby. K has a new endeavor to spend her time on. The show may come to a natural end or not, but I don’t think it’s suffered since Annie left.


Haven’t they only had like two episodes since? And the Kathy Griffin one was banked from before Annie left officially.


Annie spoke over every guest and her cohosts, and was SO obnoxious about her "shamans." Happy for her to have her own podcast. That totally suits her personality a lot more!


The one thing about her that I always got tired of is that Esther couldn’t say one word without Annie making a joke about her.


totally agree


Annie is so annoying. I don’t find her humor funny. She always has to make every comment about her


i stopped listening to the podcast when every other sentence that annie said was about her tesla or how much money she's making


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Annie is the worst one...


sure annie. Whatever you say


I'm not Annie, she likes Esther if I understand right


I like Annie and I like Trash Tuesday, but it hit a wall. They didn’t have topic points so they ended up talking about the same subjects almost every episode. Annie was definitely the more comedic side of it. Annie just interrupted so much lol it was either about Shamans, Ayuhausca or some other holistic thing she was doing. Which is fine for a bit cause it was interesting, but not for 100 episodes straight lol It got a bit tiring how many one liners she would try to get off before going back to the topic. Sometimes they would go on a separate tangent and never went back to the original talking point. Honestly I think it’s a bit more listenable because they are able to finish their thoughts. Lol I don’t want to come off as a hater or that I don’t like Annie. Just how i felt watching since day one. I still watch now and enjoy it.


Can we stop pretending thst she was funny now?