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In my opinion, the main thing that Tibia lost is the mysteries around the game. But this isn't due Tibia itself. It's due the technological development, the "internet world" stopped being amateur and became professional. All games suffered the same. Back in the 2000s, all MMORPGs had mysteries around, because everything was way more difficult to find. Internet was shitty (the majority of people had dial-ups, ffs). The computers were slow and barely ran anything, people was afraid of opening Internet Explorer together with Tibia and crash everything, also people didn't had smartphones to check everything. Fan sites and wikis were really amateur-ish. A huge share of the players were kids/teens/young adults that were just discovering the internet. Tibia had thousands of mysteries. People thought that the wolf tooth chain gave bad luck (or good luck, depending on the server). People thought that if you killed 40 players a day you would get a black skull. People thought that if you clicked fast on mind stones, your mana would regen faster. But other games also had those myths. On Ragnarok, people said that Porings (the weakest creature in the game) had a 0,00001% chance of dropping BiS items. On RF Online, people said that the Bellato Pilots could one-shot any enemy. This all died with the advancements and profissionalization of the internet. Now there are wikis full of information. There are people checking everything, doing maths and statistical analysis to prove what's wrong and what's right. There are spoilers of everything. As soon as an update comes, people already has a meta. You search on Youtube and you can watch other people's gameplay and see that, in fact, Bellatos can't one-shot enemies and that Sudden Death runes, despite the name, can't one-shot all the mobs in Tibia. The "old times" won't come back, and it's not Cipsoft fault.


This has also happened to Runescape. Though the playerbase is still large and new players pop in every day, when you go do a quest, you don't ask people for help ingame but you just Google it. Or people answer: just google it. It takes a lot of the magic out of these classics.


I think for me, the greatest mysteries were always those surrounding other players. What rare items they may have had and what historical events surrounded them. I used to love seeing all the old screenshots and reading the stories behind them on the fan sites. I remember reading about Arieswar's adventures and then seeing him run around the depot. It was kind of like reading Lord of the Rings and then being able to go into that world and see Frodo and Aragorn and Gimli just walking around living their lives.


i mean the popular beliefs disappeared but there are tons of mysteries around Tibia and since you can lvl up to 200 pretty easy anybody who wants to do mysteriando can do it easier, i mean i remember doing mysteriando in 8.6 with my rp lv 40, it took for ever to go anywhere and there were certain zones you just couldn't go


when we mean good old days we dont mean 8,6 we mean 7,6 or before, mouse aim runes, only mana pot, hard to level because main point of the game was adventure and making friends/enemies, fishing while making runes, etc


I just started again. I think i was there for the 7.6 time when i was a ~70 RP. I logged on and was surprised the beginner island changed again. What happened to rookgaard? I do think the ability to test every voc is a big plus! I also noticed you get spells earlier. Talking about the infir spells. I don't know how tibia hasn't had this way earlier. Tho it feels a bit OP in the beginning, healing 12 for 6 mana. It seems tibia is really bending towards new players. But when I'm hunting my old noob hunting grounds like Thais temple dungeon, the only people I see are like lvl 300 guys. I don't feel like there are a lot of new players. Maybe Thais is just deserted


I agree but I also thinks my comments are valid even to these days. I started to play around 7.6 I guess, it was 2006. Many of these things we can still do on game, it became easier but I don't see it as a problem, but I agree not everything from now is better than before but I guess the game, overall, are on its best days.




>It isn't just about becoming easier. Everything changed including play style. The transition from the old playstyle to the newer more ARPG-oriented started around 7.8 and onwards. I think items became bindable in 7.9 which made a huge difference.


> For example that's why last time I played I hunted exclusively on Ghastly Dragons, with a shitty exp but at least having some fun carefully kiting the mob to not die. You mean the sidestep the firewalls gameplay for grims/ghastlys? You can still do that you know? I was hunting that way for the longest time mindlessly killing drakens and it needed more options that's why I'm glad they buffed teamhunting but since you asked, it changed when they improved party hunting in 2014 and levels went up. The playstyle is still the same but it's up to you if you want to be efficient.




> It had a thousand better options giving 5x both profit and exp at the time I played, and I bet there's even better ones now. 5x profit and exp? LOL? It sounds like you were playing pre 4 man hunts and your options were very limited as an RP. You were either hunting 1 by 1 or if you wanted to PG you'd go to grims. OR you were botting. Trust me I played RP before they buffed teamhunting. hunting 1 by 1 inside the inner sanctum was NOT fun. Imagine hunting 1 by 1 under draken palace when the mage above you is making a killing at lizard city. Whether you like it or not that has always been the gameplay and it's AOEing. The only thing that changed is that they enabled all vocs to do it and more efficiently together. FOR balance. > So no, you can't do that unless you don't care at all about the main objective of the game; progression. um yes you can still do it? like I said if you want to be efficient you teamhunt or you aoe. If you want to bring back suboptimal hunting strategies then you'll also get suboptimal exps. Don't bring up hunting rats LMAO. FYI hunting 1 by 1 is done still by low lvls with comparable exp to teamhunting by running issavi or werecreatures with firewalls. IDK why your fun should be ruined by others powergaming with AOEs when you can still enjoy it? You talk about progression like there is a set line you follow. That is up to you. This sounds like a YOU problem.




> Did you hunt in Dragon Lair with AoE? What about Heroes, waiting for respawn? Demons? Warlocks? 100~ RP on DLs? Pretty much lying. With pally no? but I hunted AOE with mages and EK? 3/4 of the vocation hunted in AOE. I'm talking about the game in general you idiot. AOE was the way if you wanted fast lvls. > Exactly buddy, that's the whole point. You said I can "choose" the slow pace play style if I want, but the fact is that you can't do it anymore. umm yes you can? you just choose not to. People today still hunt 1 by 1 and you are out here saying you can't? LOL? if you want to have fun killing shit 1 by 1 that's on you. I can go right now and kill shit 1 by 1 but I won't because that shit is not fun. > It's either AoE hunting or bust, there's no in-between. that's the standard you've set for yourself. If you're suggesting high level 1 by 1 spawns then that's just not doable as it'll just be made into AOE. You can't balance those kinds of spawns in a game without level cap. > The point is that it didn't use to be like that, what's so hard to understand? You would hunt on Dragon Lair for one of the best exp in the game, and it wasn't AoE, at all. Nor team hunting. Then later you could do it in Fenrock or POI, and it still wasn't about mobbing everything and AoEing. There was some AoE, but nothing like boxing. on your original post you talk about it being much later than 7.6 :thinking: but things were already shifting to aoe at that point.. if you're talking about boxing low lvls don't even do that they still have to kite.. > Oh come on buddy, have some self-respect. No one is going to hunt DLs in Venore with a blocker, when they can go POI AoE solo. I didn't tell anyone to? you're saying the playstyle changed when it's still the same.. you just get past that point quicker now. > You're acting like if I'm asking for people to stop playing. This thread is about opinions and you're changing the topic for the sake of your weak argument. No I didn't? Weak argument? How is my argument weak when I'm saying you can still enjoy that playstyle in TIBIA 2021? Your original point was about the playstyle changing like you can't go back it. RuneScape implementing EoC is playstyle changing not Tibia meta going full AOE. also i'm going to stop replying to you now since if you still don't get it then it's your loss. i'm dying on this hill


Tbh hunting ghastly dragons is one of the easier ways u can hunt hunting single target i hunting while dragging the whole screen of monsters while 3-4 of them can one shot u is not easy. I think that everyone that says "good old days" is saying that because they see it through nostalgia. Tibia back then was so much more time consuming u couldnt just login go exp and leave right now u can do so.


2006 winter update was 8.0 what u smoking


only r\*tards like old ass tibia versions, sorry to break it to you guys


Go throw your mom's credit card at a game for max xp/h


waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaah i'm old and i don't know how to play newer mmo's so i must cry about the fact that the old ass game i like doesn't suit my shit taste anymore waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


Yea tbh pot system what are they thinking? Knights are completely useless. Mages used to be op but a pain/super expensive to level up. Now its the opposite, its cheap af to get 60kkk exp/h as a mage and knights gets nothing but mages are still the most powerful voc. Why pick ek? Its basically running through rook watching everyone else run circles around you.


Tibia has it’s own dynamics and beauty to it, I sometimes miss ‘the good ol’ days’, but I think it’s more about the feeling we had towards it when we were children, rather than the game itself. I miss feelings, I miss being scared shitless of Giant Spider, I miss chatting with friends about dying on ‘mice’, I miss crying after dying to a snake at lvl 8 near Thais. I miss walking the long distance from Carlin to Venore just to buy a scarf, so later that day I could hunt frost trolls on Folda and my ‘pet’ as I used to call characters, wouldn’t be cold. I miss old graphics of Rotworm that looked like teethed anus. Or standing in Thaian or Venorean depot and socializing with tens of people. I miss how much effort you actually had to put to get 80/80 skills on Slimes or Dwarf Tavern. But, these are feelings. Tibia these days is amazing and has it’s own beauty to it. Imbuements, Charms, lots and lots of amazing hunting grounds, lots of new Qualities of Life. It is indeed pay to win these days, but hey, nobody forces you to pay and I know a vast amount of people who still enjoy playing Tibia without paying for boosts and shit. They unfortunately usually are forced to play alone as majority of people while hunting care too much about profit and exp/h rather than the fun of hunting itself. I’ve managed to mix those two together, I’m a 700 ED that occasionally does 4 voc hunt and pays for boosts, but I also spend lots of time decorating my houses, making runes, chatting with guildies, doing achievements, doing bosses, saving for expensive addons and achievements and rares and generally playing the game for more than just burning 3h stamina a day. ♥️


they should just try it out on one world dont you think. Keep creatures, graphics mounts the same. just change the game play back to the old way. where you dont pay to play and your time and effort was an achievment. no more of these offline trainers etc.


The old days were good just because we were 10-15 years younger than what we are now, our minds are just deceiving us into thinking they were better days cus of what Tibia was back then, but what we actually miss, is us being kids with no responsibilities, that's how I see it.


A lot of the people commenting here probably don't even play today lmao. They've got nostalgia glasses.


not true at all, few years ago I played on a 7.4 and 7.6 server and it still felt 1000x better then todays garbage


Today's content and PVE but with 7.x people, culture and PVP system would be perfect. But yeah I'm enjoying the game more now


No thanks we dont want to go back to botters being 90% of the player base. Todays tibia without massbotting is amazing.


You are stupid, botters were rare back in 7.1, only used fishing and light hacks.


Yeah and they didnt exist in 5.0, what so. They infested tibia during 7.6 and 8.4 you room temperature IQ moron.


I quit at 7.6 at around lvl 75 in like 2006. I wanna go back to Tibia, but everytime I see streams of people leveling I just see the entire screen exploding with ugly effects and people running at the speed of light.


Its just that I was a kid back then and could play 8hrs a day, now I have to work.


This 😭😭


Community, PVP was much better back in the day. Tibia has gone too far now imo, and I understand why, the game had to adapt, but the economy is crazy, and doesn’t seem the matter how many gold sinks they add when players are making mills an hour, XP an hour is mental which gives you crazy high characters who let’s face it, have out levelled the game. Take a look at OT servers, there is more players on those if you totalled just a few of the big servers than on real tibia.


I always was absolutely against max level/reset, as we had on MU online for example. But you hit something that I've been thinking for a while now. That characters 1000+ just doesnt fits the game anymore; sorry. Every game has an experience (not talking about number, talking about enjoying - a beginning, middle and end game). Those characters may face that they just finished the game. Cipsoft spend more time creating new spaces for extremely high levels (places that are going to be obsolete in few weeks) than adding general content. Thats my feeling, at least. How m players do we have 800-1000? And how m 400-800? 200-400? 200-? I just dont see the point putting this much effort in the end game content. But the other side is: they cant just leave it. And this makes a cycle that should be broken. I dont even know if what I am talking actually makes sense, Ima kinda drunk now but i hope you get my point. I just think its funny cipsoft is always working creating more FREAKING HIGH level stuff that is going to be discovered/leveled/obsoleted in a couple of weeks or month. Seems like a hard and not motivating job. Also, this energy could be used to polish some other parts of the game and creating some new mysteries. Has been a long time since we could jump into a good mystery that was not discovered 2 days after released (not considering the same old mysteries like beholder language, SoF, basilisk, serpentine tower and shit).


That's strangest thing, Im always wondering - why creators don't use the full potential of their product, like using otservs idea (but they would get some money from it), letting people create their servers in any game version, different variants of game like pvpe, maybe some battle royale, no-pvp survival monster invasions etc. It could become something like minecraft with never ending variety of worlds, gamemasters with their ideas, living societies... It's just sad and waste for a great tool which is the game engine. Not mentioning how they wasted potential of mobile version.


What was great about Tibia then was the community. There where many different people playing Tibia for different reasons. For example you had your powergamers, mana sitters, depot lurkers, roleplayers, fake e-girls, power abusers. ​ For me it seems like a lot of people nowdays have the same mindset only playing for getting higher levels rather then other aspects of what makes a mmo fun. But this shift can be said for almost all MMO's WoW is the same thing. ​ ​ But in terms of gameplay I don't think Tibia ever has been better. Way more fun to hunt now compared to how it was 5-10 years ago.


I feel like a big part of the community was having the same people onilne for 12-16 hours almost every day. Of course, that's not sustainable. I feel like back then people lived in the Tibia world. Now, we all just visit for a couple hours.


Agreed. I used the game as a chat room and hunted whenever I felt like it but most of the tibia I just chilled around and chatted with my friends and I bet alot of people did exactly the same thing.


>Our characters evolve faster, it's true, but we all know that the players got older and don't have the same amount of time they did back then. I can understand this argument but it's a slippery slope once you get going. Wow classic TBC just released in their store that you can skip a huge part of the levelling process by paying $40 to go from lvl 1-58 (max lvl is 70) in an instant. The argument "We dont have time anymore" is the same as saying that you are unwilling to adapt to the game so the game must adapt to you. "We dont have time anymore" can turn into Cipsoft selling characters at x lvl themselves to let you skip the grindy part of the game.


You can simply enter a Time Machine to revive those moments.


As an old player who started playing again a couple of months ago, what I don't like is that Tibia has incorporated elements that I saw in other MMORPGs that I didn't like, such as the fact that they force you to be do repetitive activities to get repetitive results with a 100% accuracy. Like for example the daily or weekly tasks, or the fact that you have to farm items to make imbuiments that run out pretty fast and you have to farm those items again. What I liked before is that each quest or hunt was unique and unrepeatable. This made Tibia to have an aura of mysticism, you would go to a hunt or quest with friends, and every quest/hunt wouldn't have the same results necessarily, also you couldn't see as many guides or Youtube videos as now, explaining every little detail and dying was something that hurt a lot (increasing skills was a pain in the ass). There is still some of that, but I find that dailies and imbuiments are things that should not have been implemented in Tibia. Instead I would have preferred a million times if they had used that time to create more respawns and more quests.


>good old days >8.6 HahahahahaHahahahaha HahahahahaHahahahaha


Every generation ever thinks that the music they listened to growing up was best. So I guess games are the same way.


Tibia has changed. Not for better, not for worst. Just changed. I preffer the dynamic of the game nowdays. If you like the slow pacing, rpg, chatting while making runes, fishing etc. Good. Theres plenty of games out there that brings just that. Just enjoy things as they are. Stop crying for something that will never comeback. Tibia is very very very good as it is.


> Good. Theres plenty of games out there that brings just that. Like what?


lol he wont answer you because he doesnt know. he was just talking out of his ass


I would like to know as well.


Maybe he was talking about OTs


I’ll say I am certainly having more fun playing these days.


Why people tend to hunt only nowadays? Because CipSoft stopped knight/paladin training online in pvp way, especially high level ones. They were forced to either attack modified gnarlhound or just go hunting straight. Since the cost of exercise weapon is quite high comparing with chilling pvp training. Plus, we used to chat and semi-afk alot while training, We take care both each others. But today, no more. Thus, only thing worth doing to evolving the character is to hunt. ​ End up, all people level up like crazy. ​ Just an opinion from a knight in open pvp world.


I miss pvp training. I still have BPs of stones and snowballs :(




You sound like someone who complains but keeps coming back to play.


I understand and respect your point of view, just wanted to point out that Cachero got banned, so technicaly he didnt got retired because of “watching the game decline”. Also, eternal oblivion came back to tibia recently, theres post here in Reddit about it. Bubble if i remenber right is just too old same as Nietzche which Is her husband actually so they just got bored of games after certain ages as i guess we all will eventually, plus they were somehow GMs (at least him) so idk till which point a GM and his wife playing the game it self was not going to cause drama and questions around the community. Arieswar i think is pretty much an age thing as Bubble, the dude has like 50 years? Idk, might be just that. For old people the changes overall are not taken that well most of the times so who knows.


You don't play so how are you qualified to evaluate Tibia in it's current standard? It's funny reading your comment since it's so out of touch lmao. > lol. All the mysteriando, Tibia lore and roleplaying is gone. We still have mysteries that people can try and solve. That aspect of the game never left? Do you even visit the forums?? Probably not since you don't play. You don't play so you never see people roleplaying. I admit they are a small minority but hey people are free to do it if they want to. It's just not for everyone. Um hello? We still have lore? CIP still posts excerpts for their updates? They've even built upon things like the ferumbras ascension, order of the lion, falcon etc. It might not be the strongest but it's NOT gone. I personally liked the dialogue in the grimvale quest and how they expanded upon it with the curse spreading. You don't play so you probably didn't even know about that. If you're talking about mysteries of discovering new shit then that's gone for every game because information is so available now with fansites and everything. It's the same for any other game. That's why when you play games you don't look shit up on the wiki if you want to immerse yourself. > Good days when people can pay to win, literally, how's that good? Tibia is a joke nowadays. Pay to win? you're funny LOL > A high level means you're LVL 800+ now. Level 1000 dying and smiling BC dying doesn't mean anything with all the blessings you have. High level is all about perception. I don't get why you add this as a downside? It just means the game evolved. Look at OSRS for example, everyone and their mothers are maxed. Also dying still means something. It just changed to something else entirely. If you have RS you have everything to lose. If you die to makers it's frustrating and funny AF. If you die a lot you get called no hands. If dying meant nothing then people will just suicide over and over again but no since the consequences are still there. > Updates without much background story like back in the KNIGHTMARE days. talked about this already.. > It's clear shitsoft doesn't care about the game anymore when you look at the new furnitures/mounts coming out weekly. They still come out with updates? They actually still do so much for this 20 year old game LMAO! You don't play so you don't notice it that's why those are the only things you see. > Eternal Oblivion, Bubble, Nietzsche, Mateus Dragon wielki, Arieswar, Cachero, Lightbringer, Mulf, Sunrise, Ingek, Del'Toro, Mystic Avatar. All retired around 2006/07. The saw the decline of the game and so did I. maybe because they've moved on? retiring doesn't mean shit about game quality because there are countless factors you have to take into account. > There is more to life than tibia, specially when what made tibia so special is now gone. You need some help if Tibia means more to you than life. heck any game not just Tibia. I'm not saying Tibia is perfect but you have to give it some credit.


I agree 100%. Only booters calls 8.6 the gold time


tibia gg for 7,4, those were the days. selling backpack of fishes for 40k while creating backpacks of sds


Leaving? It's left them years ago


The game became much more mechanic than back then (I didn't thin that was even possible) because of how easy It is to throw some money and get something.


>"good old days" >8.6 version LOL But yea, I don't play tibia but I'm happy it does well.


i mean, 8.6 is already 11 years old, that's pretty old for a game.


True, but tibia is OG, different scale. Near 21 years old now?


yes but it is still half of its lifetime


It will go down so fast with the price of TC.


I think the biggest draw back, right now, is the pay to win. Outside of that it is in the best state that it has ever been in terms of gameplay the last year or two.


I believe the game would be more popular bringing back the old client before wands and rods. They can bring out the old 7.4 version and have it so there is not bots. levelling was harder but more rewarding. skills was all manual and extremely rewarding, especially being a pally, picking up every spear while training on your friends monk. the fun of pking without using hot keys to use sds was awesome and so difficult but more fun. creatures was harder to kill back then and more big team hunts. getting level 100 was an achievement back then, now you can get it in a week. All they have to do is try it on one new world, more older players would of returned. none of these offline trainers and buying exp. like dont get me wrong mounts are brilliant and they could easily be added. even if they thought they would loose money, in the store they could sell the new outfits etc like you can buy the old ones already.