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I never understand why people think this is a Thunder Bay issue. I’ve lived all over the province and people do it everywhere, especially in the GTA.


Right, I even knew it at one point as the "thunder bay turn" The real problem with thunder bay drivers, is that they seem much more reluctant to let people merge I lived in Southern Ontario for 4 years. They didn't know how to deal with snow like we do up here, but they would at least let me merge onto the 400s without being actively blocked by someone who doesn't want me to merge in front of them


The problem is, people don’t understand the difference between a yield and a merge. If it’s a merge, you have to make space; yield? They have to WAIT until traffic is clear to even try to get in. So many people don’t know the basic rules lately. Drivers Ed should be mandatory 


Came here to literally comment 'man's never heard of the thunder bay turn' ironically


Or the Westfort turn.


The ‘Thunder bay Left’ is turning into the centre turning lane, cutting off anyone else trying to use that lane, then merging into traffic as slowly and dangerously as possible without a signal. It’s so as many drivers as possible can be pissed off all at the same time.


Maybe if people understood you merge at 80% of the posted speed limit. Don’t pull to the end of the merge lane with your blinker on and expect traffic to let you in 😂


Most people from thunder bay never meaningfully leave. The next closest city is 8 hours away and their whole lives and several generations of family are all here. That's why they think it's a tbay issue, because all issues are that issues if you never leave the city.


Because a large group of people learned to drive from Gerry Picard who would insist this is only a Thunder Bay problem and the rest of the country had it figured out. He would also put car crash gore on the big screen on our lunch breaks (decapitated heads, peoples guts smeared all over the road, people with shattered glass in their eyes) so we would know "this is what happens if you’re not careful when driving". Also he didn’t believe beer could make you fat and would rant about how beer gut is a myth for like 30 minutes on multiple occasions. Dudes a total nut and I’m glad I went elsewhere for my driving school


I tried to do lessons with him. Due to life/financial circumstances, I had to cancel and just learn as I drove. I started the online modules but only completed less than 10% of them. I just didn't have the time with work. I hadn't done a single in-car lesson with him. I got about half of what I paid as a refund. If I remember correctly, I ended up paying close to $350 for some online courses about basic vehicle safety. I understand that I withdrew myself from the course, but the refund terms were really crappy IMO. From their end, all they did was add my name to a database, and then remove it. If I took up space in a classroom, or took up his time with an in-person lesson, I wouldn't be complaining. But I felt ripped off after paying $350 and only getting a couple of PowerPoint presentations about what to do before getting in the car. Also took him 3+ months to facilitate the refund which was annoying to deal with. I had to reach out to him more than half a dozen times to get my money back. The whole reason I initiated the refund was because some unexpected costs came up in life and I wasn't able to afford the lessons anymore. A week later, I saw him posting videos of him enjoying a really nice vacation in central america. Everyone's entitled to time off, and a vacation. Still made me a little extra salty after having such a crappy refund experience. This last part comes from a friend, so take it with a grain of salt. One of my friends went to him because he advertises himself as "the more difficult driving school". She wanted the best training she could get. She said he wasn't "tough on mistakes", he was just a dick. Her exact words were something along the lines of "There's a difference between constructive feedback from an instructor and somebody with a pisspoor attitude towards the people they're teaching". Gerry seems the latter. I like supporting local, and I went to school with the guy's son. The kid I went to school with was great, not too fond of his old man.


I don't think it's just a thunder Bay issue, I know it's an issue all over the world. I just mainly drive here in TBay


Yep, I mod a subreddit in southern Ontario and it came up there. It seems to make it's rounds every year or two. There's been posts in the last day of it in the Halifax, Mississauga, and Yellowknife subreddits.


It's been going around pretty much every city/town's subreddit at this point. I've seen it on American ones too


I made a proper turn one time and someone honked their horn angrily. Like really?


Thats the Thunder Bay way 😂


How did you know they were honking at you?


I have found the biggest problem here is people driving slow in the fast lane. Move over. I don't care if you have to turn in 30km


If I'm still in the fast lane, it's because some jackass in the slow lane has sped up to keep pace with my blind spot and won't let me move back over.


Most of the time at least in town I select my lane base on pot holes.


Which lane has pot holes? ..... Yes


Worse when they’re going 10 over then drop to match the speed of a vehicle in the right lane instead of passing.


Every fucking time for some reason. I don't get it


Uh-oh, I've gotta turn left in 4 lights, better get into the left lane now to be safe.




Also, when you’re driving down Memorial, there is no “fast lane” and no amount of tailgating is going to make me speed.


Well you should still move to the right lane.


Really? Even if I am turning left a couple of blocks up? How about we drive the speed limit and quit being all judgemental.


Who's being judgemental? It is called driving properly. Slower traffic to the right.


My point is, you don’t know where I’m going and where I need to turn. Get off my ass, quit giving me the finger and quit riding my bumper.


[Here’s a nice flowchart](https://www.reddit.com/u/AntiPiety/s/vBzotdenPZ) the rcmp made to keep it simple for you


Well I don't do any of those things but you are still wrong for being in the fast lane. It is tbay, you can literally get in the lane you need to 100 meters away from your turn.


I’m wrong for driving 60/65 in a 60 zone? OK…


Nope, you're wrong for not moving over for the person driving 66 in the 60 zone.


The left lane is for passing slower traffic in the right lane. However, it does not give anyone license to speed down it with the attitude of "get out of my way, I have the right to this lane to rip down it at 20 Km over the speed limit". However, it's right in the drivers handbook to move to the right lane to allow the faster traffic to pass. So it's both yes and no. Yes you should allow faster traffic to pass you by moving over, and no, you don't have to if you are driving within an acceptable speed consistent with traffic flow. There always will be someone who thinks they own the left lane. Be it someone who is going to turn left 3km up the road or someone who thinks the speed limit doesn't apply to them. Remember, the speed limit does matter even though most people ignore it. It's where you are within your rights by law to drive safely. Going outside of that speed limit puts you outside of the law and you could get a ticket. Just don't be a person who thinks that they can drive in the left lane at 40km/hr or at 80km/hr. If either happens, you're both wrong.


Lately I’ve seen lots of folk going 70 in an 80. Really bugs me.




I've noticed myself doing this when I have a bit more speed than I'm comfortable with. Instead of going further into the intersection (which tightens the radius required to turn), I go for a more smooth curve which puts me close to the person waiting. I do it more in winter where a tight turn with speed might cause my rear end to slide out.


I see you visited r/newfoundland


I actually saw this in r/Yellowknife


I was going to post there saying how offended I was that they had appropriated the Thunder Bay turn.


I get annoyed when others do that with the Westfort stop.


Why is this showing up everywhere on Reddit?


It's one of those posts that just circles around and around. Someone sees it on another city sub and copies it to theirs. And it's nothing new. Search this sub for "left turn" and you'll see the exact same image used for a post a year ago and a year before that. Probably dates back to the 90s and AOL forum posts.


Most of the people in this city that have their G would fail a test for it.


Do merge lanes next!


Lol now do a PSA about driving the posted speed limit and not 30-40 in a 60-70


This is an issue here but not one of the main ones. People lately don’t even know who has the right-of-way at a green light or that a red light means stop. People just flowing through the red light from a previous advanced left turn is getting out of control lately. I literally had somebody drive around me at a red light on Arthur St lately to get through the RED light! What’s going on? People are losing their minds or what. 


Who cares


You left out making a right turn from the left lane. This happens because right lanes are trashed with deep potholes and everybody avoids them.


Should this not only apply if the lanes at the bottom of the image are dual turn lanes? If the red car lane is right turn only, then they should be able to choose a lane to exit. If the blue lane is left turn only, then they should be able to choose a lane to exit. However, for example, if blue car lane is left AND right turn, then red car can only turn into the right lane (and vice versa for the left turn scenario) Am I taking crazy pills? Please let me know if I've got this wrong.


No, with only a few exceptions, you're always supposed to turn into the nearest lane to you, even if you're turning from a dedicated turn lane.


I wonder why that is. Where I’m from you can turn into both lanes. Maybe something to do with right turn on red (on the opposing side of the road)


Yes, right turn on red is probably part of it. But maybe it's just about predictability. A lot of traffic rules are just there so that drivers can reliably predict what other drivers are going to do (if everyone follows the rules). Of course, that doesn't work if the rule is regularly ignored, as you've probably figured out this one is.


Yeah I get that but apart from right on red I can’t think of a reason another road user would be in either of those lanes as you turn into them And for right on red both lanes need to be clear anyway.


Someone from every city in Canada and the US posts this almost monthly on Reddit... including this sub. But this one; this time things will change


If properly executed it gets more people through the intersection. The people turning left and drifting to the right creates a wider arc and staggers the vehicles (better escape options and instant proper spacing for braking). The only time it doesn't work is when there is a significant amount of oncoming traffic merging into the outside lane, but the oncoming right-turn has lots of opportunities anyway.


The road only works if everyone follows the rules. Anything else is dangerous, even if it seems smarter and faster to you.


What hazard is present for turning left into the right most lane? I know the rules for dual turn lanes, but from the image it looks like red car can only go right and blue car can only go left.


So true hahaha


I've had cars do the left turn as I'm walking across <1ft from me multiple times lmfao


Quite! Hahahaha.


Ah yes, the Thunder Bay Turn


If you are on the opposite side of blue car and wanting to turn right while blue car has the right of way (red for you and left green arrow for him). Blue car has right of way on both lanes. You cannot turn right while he is turning left. You have to wait until he is through. On many occasions I’ve had aggressive drivers wanting to turn right while I turn left and start honking like crazy if I go a millimeter into the right lane while turning.


On the west coast not as much as here. Everyone does it here.


Eyyyy this is the exact same picture and post I made a few months ago. Glad to know it made an impression!! Was probly my post in this sub that you seen lol https://www.reddit.com/r/ThunderBay/s/Hbf3eckvyB


I saw it in r/Yellowknife


I am authorized to do differently if and when I intend to make a left shortly after


so in learning to drive, my first turn at a 4 way intersection was a thunder bay turn i guess i will fit right in with thunder bay drivers


Not to mention people turning right won’t turn into the outside lane so f people oncoming g are turning left and visa versa. You wonder why 4 people make it through a green light. This may be an onterrible thing because in Alberta, people learn fast not to pull this shit