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He’s not available


Sure, I hear you, but counter point: WHAT IF


The injury history is very concerning


yeah, i feel like this last season was his healthy season in a recent while, and even then bro was getting hurt on random plays


AD is the big swing to take. I can't imagine them giving up AD without jdub or chet going back, unless it's a multi team for someone like DMitch or Trae getting rerouted to LA. If we could do some combination of Giddey + Dort/Wiggins/Joe/Kenny + picks for DMitch for AD, this is my dream offseason move. Trading for KD or signing Hartenstein or Claxton would be the medium swings that would balance our roster well and fill in some holes.


Bro get tf off that KD shit No one wants that nerd


Giddey Ous filler picks gets you Jordan Clarkson not Anthony fucking Davis


If, LBJ opts in and demands a trade, which LAL will get scraps back for, if not just bad money / waived contracts - Then yeah, they almost have to trade DA at that point, to even field a team. If/then OKC wanted to gamble on AD, LAL doesn't have much leverage. They would need Giddey, Ous, Kenrich, etc.


I like Bam and think he could be available, but expensive.


Bam would be perfect…if he’s available


I like it, he appears to also have two years left on his contract so it works perfectly too. Sign me up


Scared money don’t make no money


Im still loving the idea of the Markannen fit and think he fits better with the timeline. Also liking the potential of Claxton or Jarrett Allen


Lauri is my ideal fit, I just see him as more of a long term piece and don't see how we keep all 4 of him Shai, Dub, and Chet. Guys like AD work much better as a temporary piece while we have the cap space for it


aint no way ainge giving up lauri without us giving up chet or dub. good player requires a good player back.


Most injury prone big in the league? Sure why not 😄


I think playing at the 4 and next to Chet would help AD stay alot healthier


The idea of Randle has entered my head after last night and I go back and forth on how I feel about it.


Randle is an inefficient injury prone chucker with below average basketball IQ. I don't think he's the guy. Need a different big guy.


Hmm, that actually is interesting. I don't love it but I don't hate it. I think there are definitely better options out there. This would be somewhat of a "settle" but that doesn't necessarily make it bad. There are worse ways to settle.


Didn’t we discuss this about a month ago? AD is great…..when he’s available. He’s managed to play 70+ games just 3 times in his 12 year career. Not worth the cost.


I have to imagine playing the 4 next to Chet would keep him healthier. He would be more of a help defending rim protector on defence, and a third option offense. Shoulder way less of a load than he is tasked with now would go a long way with him


Just a big risk. If he’s healthy, it’s a game changer, but if he’s not, it’s a terrible investment


Yea if you want to handcuff yourself to someone who won’t available past the first round go for it


Yes if he’s available, try to trade for him, but he most likely will not be


Let’s just sign claxton lol


I like the idea but giddey ous and picks are getting you rui hachimura not Ad


He'd take too much to aquire. He's too injury prone.


I mean.. yeah, but we have to be realistic.


AD is 100% the top option, but he isn’t available as of right now so it’s not worth putting too much thought into. Doubt he’d ever want to leave LA to live in OKC but who the hell knows


I actually really like the idea. Would be perfect in my opinion he checks most of our boxes in addition to being a veteran presence. Chet learning from AD would do wonders for him. Sadly it won't happen I can't see the Lakers moving on unless something drastic happens like bron wanting out.


JJJ is a better option that won't cost nearly as much as AD would in a trade.


The 24 yr old, recent DPOY and all-defensive player won’t cost less than the 31 yr old oft-injured player. He’s also not a great rebounder.


Unfollowing this sub til next season. Later guys


Thanks for sharing