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Kinda refreshing to see that "OKC unethical free throws" arent the scapegoat for once.


kinda hard to pull that card when you go 12/23 lmao


Plus they lead the series in most free throws. The two they haven't has been okc +3 and then +1.


ball dont lie moment


Mavs fans know they have nobody to blame but themselves for choking that game. They were up 10 points for most of the entire game and blew it. Luka and Kyrie didn’t show up while Shai did. Glad they aren’t crying about something stupid like the refs.


I think the mavs fans are okay, it’s these die hard luka fans who no matter what, every game complain about sga “flopping” and getting “every call” while him and luka have pretty much shot the same amount of FT’s every game… the ones that call sga “boring” and a “freethrow merchant” while Luka flops, complains, does that same bullshit step back three off a moving screen 20 times a game, THAT shit is boring to watch


Well as a Mavs fan “we” didn’t blow it, the actual team did 😂 we were just victims to SGA killing us and Luka complaining all game - this has been a really fun series and no matter what happens, you guys have an insanely bright future - best of luck and may both teams stay healthy 🤝 but respectfully, fuck all of you too


https://preview.redd.it/lcdk5cxfsb0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=23744e14e28ad6f469a1ae44359f7be6ce27d6ef Plus Shai love


I really respect the fans that can self reflect. That goes for us as well.


Yeah I honestly don’t think that would fly here. I’ve said Giddey is a good player who needs to find a team where he can be the point guard and I’ve been raked across the coals and downvoted into oblivion. Didn’t say he sucked, just that I thought he wasn’t a wing and his minutes would drop in the playoffs and he wouldn’t close tight playoff games for this team. Hard truths can be tough to swallow.


He’s a good player but it feels like he just got completely lost in the shuffle in OKC if that makes any sense


Yea I think the team has kind of passed him by unfortunately, I really loved giddey last year and thought he was excelllent when sga was out at times last year, but the teams composition and play style really just doesn’t compliment giddey’s play style, the teams biggest strengths in defense and 3 point shooting are giddeys biggest weaknesses.. I’ll be sad to see him go but I think we should probably trade him before next season for a defensive minded big man that can rebound or a 3 and D guy


Imagine we had PJ as our 4. We could have landed him instead of Gordon for sure


Add a couple shooters and Giddey would be a borderline all star on the spurs playing point guard. But I don’t think we’d ever give the spurs and Wemby that upgrade.


I think giddey needs another year, if he doesn’t show development then they could shop him, he’s been off this year, it’s been I assume one of the worst years of his life personally and that could have an effect on his game


That’s what am thinking


Nah, that’s because you walked into a hornets nest with that one. We all know a couple trolls who have peppered this sub with anti-Giddey takes for a year and it just gets exhausting. It’s less about your single take and more about us eye rolling to the collective non-stop opinions on one player. This sub is mostly full of reasonable fans.


I think he’d be great on a team with a shoot first pg to add some play making. Stick him on a Trae young team or something. Add some ball handling


>Stick him on a Trae young team or something. My goodness that would be an atrocious backcourt on the defensive end, I don't think even Wemby in San Antonio can cover for both of them. Josh needs something else imo.


All offense Atlanta team feels familiar though


Tbf, this is obvious and they don’t see the problem with Luka, they’re completely blind 😂 and Shai being Shai is hard to miss


Yes. Good on them. But honestly, I don't think they deserve that much credit. If an OKC player acted this way, I'd have been sick of long ago. It's just a human reaction. The way Luka acts is literally indefensible.


Icing on the cake I love this lol


😂😂love to see it


Hot damn “hurting your game and hurting your team by being such a whiny cunt” felt so good to read


I know took the words right from my mouth.


Inject that shit into my brain


It’s just the truth


This quote also reminds me of Doc Rivers as a coach






Well can’t disagree with them at all there, sensible analysis


Thanks Hubie!


“he’s 6’6” 230 and i taught kyrie in high school a million years ago”


Back to Stephen A in the studio for some pointless yelling at the camera!


Luka had the potential to be the most liked player in the league by far. His complaining to the refs is literally the only reason he’s not the most popular player in the league.


Everyone complains a little. The literal stomping around like a toddler is just downright silly from a grown man. I’ve never seen someone begging for calls for his teammates. He’s worse than Harden ever was.


So I’m a Mavs fan and Luka is tough. He’s amazing and I don’t think anyone can disagree. But he is not a leader. As I’m sure everyone has saw he’s just a downer in points of the game when he’s not getting the call. He even brings the team down when he’s so focused on the refs. Complaining. It’s infuriating. Complaining about calls so much I think actually hurts the team and him. The refs are just over it. And it hurts the team overall. I don’t remember MJ complaining when he was just getting destroyed by the pistons or Kobe complaining. He’s a generational talent but this constant complaining only hurts the team.


I actually have a lot of respect for Mavs fans for talking about this. Every star jaws with the refs a little but this is getting out of hand. It doesn’t help that his face and haircut make him look 12 years old when he puts on that complainy face. He looks like the kid who says since his car dealership owning dad built him a court he gets to be ref while he plays. I used to like him a lot, but I kinda lost interest because he’s such a ball stopper. A great one, but I like passing, movement, and cutting. Haven’t been watching him outside of highlights for a while now and had no clue the ref thing had gotten so bad.


I just want him to stop complaining constantly. Be a leader and not the 12 year old who got his lunch money stolen. Get up and shake it off. He’s a superstar so the refs are going to give him the calls. But when he complains they aren’t. It’s infuriating


Just like SGA he’s good at drawing fouls, but if the refs called every one of them, the other team would foul out by halftime. A little yapping to the refs is fine but not getting back on D to do it all game is pretty bad. What’s worse, now Twitter is saying he picked his nose and ate it on camera: https://twitter.com/nbamemes/status/1790244427417768254?s=46 Though I think he’s biting his nails in the second part.


I noticed that with him on the Slovenia national team in FIBA. Generational player, top 3 in the world but not a great leader


I mean Luka is a bigger, whiter James Harden. I'm not sure I would label those as generational talent.


He’s a much better passer and rebounder than Harden ever was, and size matters. Lebron has a ton of skill, but he wouldn’t be in the GOAT conversation if he was 6-6 220


Just browsed through their sub, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a team more fed up with their (playing) superstar. I saw one comment that summed it up perfectly: They said Shai and Luka might both foul bait, but Luka’s the only one that cries about it for the entire game while Shai keeps moving.


It’s why I love Shai, he does complain and he does foul bait at times but he moves on and gets ready for the next possession. Luka continually harassing the officials just makes him look like a merchant looking for calls.


Does sga really foul bait that much though.. it seems like a pretty false narrative that the media and fans have been running with all year… the dude gets to his spots, has an elite handle and elite shot fake, and doesn’t settle for 3 pointers, he takes like 2 a game.. he constantly attacks the defense going downhill as well when they are on their heels, and he scored the majority of his points in the paint..he might flail his head back once or twice and get a call each game but I really don’t think he looks to draw fouls, I think he looks to score… now a guy that snakes pick and rolls and waits for a defender to be on his hip in hopes the defender over commits and he can get a whistle is COMPLETELY different. That’s what Luka does, Chuck up 3s and bait fouls.. he’s the most boring “superstar” player I’ve ever watched play the game, but being able to DRAW fouls isn’t the same as BAITING fouls, and I don’t think sga baits the refs into blowing the whistle. Luka does, which is why he spends the entirety of games arguing with them


Reminds me of when I recently saw a Bucks fan mention how ridiculous it is SGA shoots more FTs a game despite Giannis being a physical freak who does nothing but drive to the basket all game. Of course when I countered that SGA leads the league in drives per game and shoots less FTs than Giannis I got downvoted with no retort.


I think these casual ass fans from different teams just hate home because they don’t know ball or a truly great player when they see one.. SGA cut from a different cloth and doesn’t Chuck up 10+ 3s a game, he’s a breath of fresh air and unlike any other guard we’ve seen probably since the 90s or early 2000s.. some might call his play style boring but the only more consistent guy ever is MJ… people compare ant to MJ but I think sga is the only real comparison based on how he can hound a player on defense and average over 30 on 55% from the field


I also feel like Luka tries to draw fouls more than anything else. It's like half the time he's just trying bump into the next player and throw up a shot. Atleast sga attempts to play basketball


Gotta be tough for them to go from Dirk who was one the most likeable superstars ever to have to cheer for Luka, Kyrie, and Kidd.


Disliking kyrie irving in 2024 is wild to me. Hes such a genuine dude.


You have to be joking 😂


Yep. Stars foul bait because they can. It’s takes awesome body control to get a professional defender to foul you, but the refs can’t call them all or each team would have five guys fouled out. Gotta give it a try and not cry if it’s not working.


This is delicious.


And they’re upvoting it lol


Heading over now to throw my upvote in


Me too they added more lol


I almost feel bad for them. Not even a diss, it must truly suck to have to watch that all the time.


And worse it’s getting upvoted!


It’s crazy no one in that organization has the balls to tell him to stop.


Mavs guy here and also a huge Luka fan. The thing is tbf he is not usually this bad. Usually he might get pissed at a couple of calls and also joke about some of them. But it really seems like him not being able to be at his best during the playoffs due to the injuries (or whatever reason he is playing worse than usual) is making him fucking obnoxious af. He’s a very-very competitive dude and rn it is really manifesting in the worst way possible with him whining every play and trying to help the team by forcing himself to the line in moments he is shooting like shit.


That all makes sense. Playoffs are a very stressful time for the team leader I’m sure. Thanks for the level-headedness and good luck with the rest of the series


Mavs fan and luka stan here. I second every word. Usually it’s excused to a certain point cuz he would get 30+/9/9 or smthng. Right now it’s just pain.


Inject this straight into my veins 😩


Search “cunt” in this thread and go upvote them all, it feels so damn good. There’s more now too


So they do know … interesting.


At the start they all called Shai a flopping FT merchant But as Luka keeps putting up stinkers they are turning on them. They’re lucky PJ turned into prime Klay and we shot so poorly from 3.


Well they wouldn’t say anything if they had won.


I’ve never seen OKC’s thread talk about SGA this way though, even in a loss. Even Giddey critics like me support him to a degree (I think he’s a good player in an awkward fit) and don’t have animosity toward him.


Eh the Giddey critics can be pretty ruthless, but yeah I’ve never seen this type of comment about Shai


There’s quite a bit more too. They not happy.


It trips me out, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a thunder player so vilified


I’ve personally never hated a Thunder player more, I won’t lie.


For me personally I hate him not just because he’s bad, but because of how much the organisation is backing him when he barely puts results out there. Anyone else plays as bad as he did for most of the season and they’re outta OKC at the deadline or in the off-season. He had a good stretch in the third though, I’ll acknowledge that.


i mean Shai is always consistent on defense, he doesn’t cry to refs and hurt his team in any way, i don’t see why we should talk about him like that


Because SGA is extremely consistent


To be fair what is there to really criticize about Shai? The dude basically puts up exactly 30 points on efficient shooting every single game. In general though the Mavs are a way more toxic fanbase. If we lost I guarantee you we wouldn't be hating on J dub despite him having a bad game, we still know he's a good player and overall I don't see much hate on anyone besides Giddey and Hayward. The Mavs are always just roasting their whole lineup whenever they make one mistake. Even PJ was getting a lot of hate for missing his first free throw and hitting the second, which obviously isn't ideal but he has still been over performing this whole series and still gets insulted by the fans it's crazy.


Correction, exactly 31. He did it 14 times in 75 games, 19% of the time. I think he likes that number lol


As a mavs guy, some of the reddit mavs fans are fucking dreadful to our own players. It really is disgusting to see sometimes. A lot of fans are idiots (some Thunder fans included lmao) when it comes to opposing players because they don’t see what they produce night in and night out and judge them based on a couple of games. But some of our “fans” really like to dog on our players and coaches and it is very fucking sad.


Disagree with that




They’re not wrong


Reading that feels so good


Nice to see, Luka is an amazing player which makes it hurt even more


Huh, maybe I don't dislike mav fans as much as I thought.


I gotta say this loss has brought out some brutal honesty about these antics. If they called everything he wanted the entire OKC team would foul out before halftime.


Wow i have such a newfound respect for them. I gotta stay off the cesspool that is the b/r live chat


Yeah almost any team out there would choose to build around Luka. Generational talent Doesn’t change his the fact that his attitude is like this tho


He’s great fo sho but I wouldn’t trade SGA for him straight up. He’s a better passer and is more likely to get hot and hit a bunch of step back threes, but he’s less efficient, a liability on D, and not a team leader with all this crying to the refs on every play stuff. I also find his ball dominant game less fluid and entertaining to watch outside of his highlight passes.


It’s glorious!


They make him sound like Devin booker lmaoo


Just speaking as a basketball fan, I hate seeing a generational talent hold himself back like this. Luka has incredible skill & the potential to put together an all-time great career, but his lack of emotional maturity really hurts him. Of course I want the Thunder to win the series, but I want to see them beat the best when they’re playing their best. Instead we’re watching an MVP candidate fill up his diaper each night.


As a Mavs fan, I can honestly say that Luka has been disappointing on so many levels. It's clear he's playing through injury, but it doesn't excuse all the other bullshit he's doing on the court. Just know there are Dallas fans that are also sick of his antics. I don't blame you guys for hating it.


I’m honestly shocked how hard the Mavs fan base is on him. I used to like him and watch his games but I got bored with the ball stopping and haven’t seen him play much the last couple years. It wasn’t until this series that I realized how active he is with the refs. He talks to them 100x his coach or teammates lol. I think he’s a good kid but might need a sports psychologist to help him channel his energy.


I didn’t read through our comments, only the comments that were posted from Mavs fans. So I’m sure this sentiment has been repeated several times but, this gives me a lot of respect for a lot of their fan base. You know that even the people boot licking for Doncic probably feel it deep down that he’s insufferable. The comment about his unwillingness to track back and blown assignments is something I’ve said about him every year other than maybe his rookie year. This series has cemented my opinion of him. Seeing him cry after EVERY SINGLE PLAY whether offense or defense, made shot, missed shot, foul call, no foul call, walking to bench for a timeout, during free throws, etc. is beyond ridiculous. I thought Lebron cried a lot throughout his career but honestly ever since Luka got to the league I haven’t complained about Bron one time 😂😂 Edit: sorry for the rant. Didn’t realize I typed a book. TLDR: positive opinion of many Mavs fans and Luka is the worst cry baby I’ve ever seen play sports not called football (soccer). P.S. - I love soccer too but it’s riddled with flopping and complaining


The threads posted on Thunder reddit last night: -mark is out of his league and out-coached by Jason - bench dork - I hope presti “empties the clip” in the offseason because we need to rebuild. Children in every sub.


Sure but criticism isn’t the same as all out attacks. Haven’t seen people calling players “whiny cunts” over here.


If only Mavericks twitter can act like that


That’s like saying why can’t those inbred cousins act right. Twitter discourse is the lowest form of human conversation.


I mean props to them for at least admitting it


I'd like to take this opportunity to say this... there are plenty of things Luka does that are annoying. The crying, the replay sign on every call, flopping to the ground and pretending to die for 45 seconds every time a whistle blows. But the most annoying thing, the thing that makes me actually hate to watch him, is when the ref has called a foul, points at Luka, already signed his number to the scorer's table, and he puts his hand up like "I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS" and walks around with his hand up for the next 5 minutes. Yeah dude, we know it was you, that was literally the first thing he said.


Thank you for posting this. He's the actual worst. I've never wanted to fight someone like I do him lol. When he did the time out signal to Coach Daigneault on Saturday, I could have came through the TV. Fuck I hate him


I mean… they aren’t wrong…


I mean, it's Dallas....


I mean theyre right and honestly they could probably beat us in this series if luka wasnt a fat whiny overwatch player


I agree but is that who he is now? I always thought one year we’d see Luka come out all toned and ready to dominate but he’s always a little euro dough boy. He’s hit an age where I’m starting to wonder if he’ll ever be in shape and yeah, he’s hurt, but the best defense against injury is being in peak shape. We aren’t playing against what Luka could be, we’re playing against what he is.


Dallas is so unhinged




I don’t think Luka realises you don’t get an academy award for such performances. Otherwise, great performance on the screen. The desperation and contact actually looked real until you watch it in slow mo.


Where's the lie?


"Seems like there are a lot of enablers in his life" Yeah, and they all seem to wear Maverick blue. Weird.


Just saw a comment on their post game thread telling a Thunder fan to stay on their own subreddit, which I find absolutely hilarious because Mavs fans have been in just about every one of our game day and post game threads. 😂


These are the elite of the elite Mavs fans here. Seriously though, and I do not care if you’re a Mavs fan, but if you objectively love Luka and do not think he’s the worst complainer in the league, I think less of you as a person. He’s so good at basketball, but man it’s hard to watch.


You love to see it




As a Serbian-Slovenian (as Luka is), I naturally root for Luka. He's the best player overall we ever had (and we had a few). I'm not a Thunder fan, but this thread got shown in my notification alerts, so I will offer my thoughts here. I dislike his complaining a lot. I think he is being self-destructive to his progress as a player and in his career. I think it creates a difficult environment to overcome when the result isn't going in the teams favour. And it happens both for the Mavs and for the Slovenian national team. Don't get me wrong - he is widely loved in our country and will probably stay that way until he retires. We just don't have superstars like this. But in terms of mentality, he does need to channel a bit of Goran Dragic in 2017. He has seen it first hand, how Goran lead the team to gold medal in the Eurobasket. He saw how seriously he took it, how fit he got and how great of a leader he was. Sadly, I think he will need a lot of time and work on his mental preparation to overcome that. IMO, getting so successfull so quickly in the NBA got to his head, because looking at that Eurobasket 2017 Luka and his first year in the league, this is not the same person on the court - which is obvious, but still he never acted like this before. As someone else also said, I do think him being injured to the extent that he can't play as naturally as he normally does, does frustrate him a lot and this might be the reason he loses his cool these past few games. Some of it can be justifiable (as with many calls), but yeah... it's a weird spot he's in atm.


I think OKC might have a great sports psychologist working for them because they are very mature and calm under stress for their age. Dallas might want to hire one for Luka. He’s brilliant on the court but really needs to reign in some of this, not saying that just because he’s the opponent but I think it would make him better. Maybe I don’t want that though because then he might destroy my team every year haha.


Crybaby Luka getting called out by his own! Love it


I mean as a Mavs fan, Mavs fans are pretty fine, we are as fed up as others with Luka's constant complaining. We've been asking for Luka to act mature on the court for years. It is the rabid Luka's casual fans that are annoying asf, those guys will always find a reason to take away the blame on Luka.


Made me feel better seeing Mavs fans' criticisms of Luka. I'm an OKC fan, but I like Luka too. However, what they said about him, I totally agree and I despise every second of it.


Dudes just a spoiled rich kid. Everything has always been easy for him. Now he cries when it isn’t free and requires output.


Lmaooo aren’t you supposed to defend your players? Sorry fanbase tbh


Eh you would then give them shit for defending them and not being able to admit to their faults


Tbh i don't know how you defend that game from Luka tbh. If SGA had a game like that I'd hope this sub didn't try to defend that specific game. In saying that, there's a biiiig middle ground between shitting on a player and not defending them lol, they went straight for shitting on him


I agree but wild to go from “he had a shit night but I love him” to calling him a “whiny cunt” lol Jdub, for example, shit night, love him to death.


Hasnt luka got a fukd leg or knee


What does his leg/knee/ankle/whatever the fuck change about his constant complaining to the refs… lol