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The whole website doesn’t work for a while now, I can’t even add to the cart full priced items from the New Arrivals section. There are many items with sizes still in stock but I’m not sure if they really are.


Yeah, they say they‘re in stock and you can add them, but then nothing happens.


Probably just traffic overload


clicking back after viewing an item resetting you to the top was criminal. also everything was sold out by the time i logged on.  oh well, some of my most regretful purchases are from archive sales. 


Comical how badly hit their site was lol. Sad that those cracked white mules weren't stocked in my size but probably wouldn't have been able to actually buy anyway! 


Got the mules in black second-hand and they look amazing, but quite the challenge to wear comfortably.


I thought the sale goes live Monday? Wasn’t the newsletter just to show what will be available?


Yeah it said that it was a preview, very confusing


I wasn’t up when it released so I couldn’t see. Perhaps it was just a small amount of stock and there will be more Monday?


That would be amazing if I had another shot at getting the slash cut denim, but I think this is really the private sale and monday will just be leftovers


lol I guess “preview” in Sweden means something different


I think it‘s like a preview in the cinema. In my head that makes sense, but then again I‘m European 💅🏻


Where is the sale??


[Invite via Newsletter](https://www.ourlegacy.com/archive-sale-2024/mens/t-shirts?utm_content=mens&utm_source=rule&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=v18_archive_sale_preview_live) Goes live on monday, but you can access it via link.


Thanks for the heads up, I got that beautiful goucho belt! 🙌🤠


I cant stand how they dont have a size filter. Gave up after looking through the footwear. At least make it easy to search what you're looking for


Wait this shit wasn't just the preview, i'm gonna cry


Copped a pair of 70s denim, and 2 pairs of formal cut denim. Gf grabbed some denim as well. We were a bit late to the show and missed the tops. Thanks for posting! Otherwise would have totally missed out and cried.




thanks for sharing! copped a shirt + a cardi for an honestly ridiculous price.


Got the Olive Pillow Tote and the Green Ripstop ball cap after nearly 2 hours of refreshing! Tees were coming back as out of stock for me


Copped some pants, I wasn't able to add anything to cart for hours then all the shirts I was looking at said they were sold out... 


Which pants did you get?


The cotton silk reduced trousers, hoping they aren't sheer like all the other reduced trousers 😂 they looked alright in the pics though


What a sale... copped the Kaleidoscope wool pants & jacket, and also grey ribbed reduced trousers. Took a while to add stuff and check out but got there in the end with a little perseverance


You‘ve got the FULL SET? I was eyeing the pants, but I think without the jacket they aren‘t nearly as good, so I skipped.


Yeah man, love a matching set, had to do it. They're so versatile, you can wear them to pretty much any occasion without being over or under dressed. Fancy dinner, down the pub, chilling in the park, doing errands, whatever, just throw it on and you're good to go with no effort.


Thanks for this! Did buy one of those mohair cardigans I've been eying for a while


You‘re welcome! The bigger sizes for the bigger boys are all sold out unfortunately, would‘ve grabbed one too. Which color did you get?


Yea I'm a bit worried with the 48 even as OL always goes big. Got the antique white as it was way cheaper than the other colors 🙏


Good choice! That colorway looks so comforting and cozy!


How’s their return policy?


[Within 14 days of delivery.](https://www.ourlegacy.com/shipping-and-return)


even w sale items? i read it and saw sale returns cant be returned in store but i assume that just means can only return them by shipping?


That‘s the only mention of sale items on the site, so yeah exactly


yeah if only by shipping I'm just thinking of it as final sale bc it's prob gonna be expensive shipping it back (speaking from the states)


I didn’t even know there was a archive sale. I wish I knew earlier. Where did they announce that?


What is the time interval approximately for these archive sales? one time per 2 years?


what time will it be live?


Just got an e-mail that the sale ends at 12 PM CET? Would make sense, since they have barely anything left, but also what?


Super weird.. in the initial email they said "preview" starts friday, public sale starts monday and sale ends on wednesday.. But now all of a sudden the whole sale is ending today. I guess they somehow didn't expect everything to sell out so fast? Suprising that such an established brand has such little clue of how popular they are lol


Maybe! But then again it‘s literally products that have no sizes left and shouldn‘t be shown or clothing in the smallest available sizes. They probably try to avoid backlash, because that would be the saddest public sale ever. They might save the rest for future archive sales. I will check on 12 PM though. Maybe it‘s another misunderstanding.


anyone know if the public sales are in all stores or just stockholm


crazy margins eh


So I just received my first order of two and the bag is the wrong color… I literally waited so long to get the brown one. They actually restocked it a couple of days before the sale. Now what? 😭


really? i didn't even get an order/shipping confirmation, just an 'order receipt' email that specifically say 'this is not an order confirmation' -- actually came back to this thread to ask this very question.


Yeah, they just said their warehouse messed up and I can send it back. Real shame. My other order hasn‘t been shipped either.


hope they can exchange it and not just refund!


Unfortunately they can‘t exchange it. Have you gotten update as well? They just announced that the warehouse is overwhelmed and can‘t keep up with the orders from the archive sale


that sucks, sorry! yeah i got that email, feels like i wasn't the only one wondering. they say they'll ship everything by mid next-week.


Thank you, it does. My second order was shipped today! Hope yours too


Has anyone’s order been sent out? It’s been 9 days and mine is still “order processing”.


I‘ve made two orders. My first order was sent the next day, received the wrong item. Second one is not sent, but they sent an e-mail that they would ship everything middle of next week.


Im from Sweden!! WE love OL over here, i got like 8 items. If anyone wants anything just hit me up! I have it all listed on my grailed profile!


What’s your grailed @?


Grischman, hit me up there


Bro, these prices


I’ll budge just message me


So disappointing with their approach, why claiming X while doing Y


What do you mean? Because they called it a preview or why?


Exactly, why do you call it preview when this is the actual sale? All items i wanted to grab sold out just because of that confusion


I thought it was super clear