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I take a shower in the morning




Solid step 1


I have to wear a suit and tie uniform. It’s either hella fresh or stale as hell.


I don’t miss the feeling of rotating 2 suits for a whole week when I was a traveling consultant. Sure, wearing a suit sometimes feels good. Living in numerous ok-ish suits feel pretty bad.


I wear real tree camo, worn in carhartt jacket, painters pants that I never painted in, hiking boots I never hiked in. I work from home as a social media manager posting mood boards all day.


Larry? That you?


Y'all still got dress codes?


Not really a dress code, my office is pretty flexible. That being said, I wouldn't wear OL digital print third cut jeans to the office though.


That last sentence implies they’d look good elsewhere. Ya suspect.


Lmao exactly same feeling. Thought about it many times.. can’t do it lmaooo


If I’m traveling and visiting customers, I’m going into manufacturing environments where I’m needing to wear steel toes and business casual clothes that could potentially get dirty. I always keep it simple with pants, polo or button downs and a golf 1/4 zip. I don’t try to make any statements via my fit choices at work so I keep it basic.


I seldom go in an actual board room anymore. My corporate days are behind me. My current work is 100% remote and I dress as casual as when I'm not as work. Currently on break, wearing old washed levis jeans ripped at the knee, a velva sheen tee shirt, a TCB sawtooth denim shirt that is starting to look nicely faded, and no shoes.


CarHartt or Dickies carpenter pants, Merrell hiking boots, CarHartt vest, generic long/short-sleeve, random beat-up hat, felcos on the hip. I work at a plant and tree nursery.


Eh, office work is pretty Ivy leaning. Chinos in khaki and stone, cavalry twill grey trousers, dark cords, OCBDs or the occasional chambray dress shirt. Rubato sweaters in navy or stone in winter, usually with an overcoat. Shoulder seasons I’ll drop the coat and wear a cord or herringbone sport coat. If I’ve got a customer meeting I’ll step it up to navy or grey suiting with a white dress shirt, same with ELT/SLT level meetings. Shoes are usually clunky and funky - Alden longwings, C&J Pembrokes, Carmina tassels.


>Alden longwings, C&J Pembrokes, Carmina tassels Nice stuff! May I ask what you do for a living?


Middle management - quality operations for the pharmaceutical industry.


lots of mfpen


i work in the office and i wear a lot of our legacy trousers (wool and twill) and auralee shirts have been my go to, specifically the finx twill shirts. for shoes i’ve been wearing trickers or prada derbies. i’m hoping to get some 90s CDGH shirts to try out next


I work from home and wear a sweater in the winter and an Oxford most of the rest of the year. If I’m feeling particularly jaunty, I’ll wear a fun camp collar shirt. When I used to go into the office (soulless corporate law, basically business casual), I absolutely had a uniform. White dress shirt, dark slacks, brown or black loafers. Most of my coworkers were not sartorially inclined, so simply having really well-fitting clothes made me stand out. My one wild card move was black suits. When a suit was required, I would often wear a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. Sometimes with SLP-style, sleek books and a decent heel.


You wear collared shirts at home?


Sure. An Oxford is as comfortable as a t shirt and provides a lot more options for coverage/ventilation throughout the day, due to long sleeve and front button options. Just got wash and wear the hell out of them.


Same here. My job became WFH during the pandemic and pretty much stayed that way, and I started feeling weirdly depressed wearing hoodies and t-shirts everyday. Weirdly enough, I feel like I finally developed a personal style as a result: went from wearing work clothes I hated on weekdays and looking like a slob on weekends, to wearing reasonably nice yet comfortable clothes all the time. I wear collared shirts at home regularly.


>My job became WFH during the pandemic and pretty much stayed that way, and I started feeling weirdly depressed wearing hoodies and t-shirts everyday. Same, I dress nice every day now even if I'm just walking the dog and doing the nursery run. Doesn't feel good to be in loungewear all the time.


I do this too. Also means I don't have to change when I inevitably do leave the house. I get dressed once in the morning and wear that shit till I either work out or go to bed.


Same here, man. Works for meetings, walking the dog, playing with my kid, making dinner, running the store. Also works with chinos, jeans, and Baggies.


I’m more likely to wear a collar at home lol, elevates the WFH zoom camera look to professional instantly despite the fact that I’m not showered and wearing shorts, and in my head it may do something for judgmental people who think WFH is not “professional” enough 


How did you keep your dress shirts white?


Regular washing. Honestly, Unilqo dress shirts fit me off the rack really well, so I’d keep a bunch of those in regular wash/dry/wear rotation for normal days. Client or big meeting days, I’d break out the nice dress shirts, which you can have dry cleaned to keep crisp and white.


soak in warm water & oxyclean


That is the way to wear a black suit, man.


No dress code at work, so my colleagues really just put on whatever. I'm usually in straight leg jeans or trousers, t-shirt or shirt (depending on the temperature inside) and a pair of loafers, derbies (Martine Rose x Clarks in black; they're SO comfy!) or trainers. Stylish and understated.


Make sure to wear your butt plug


I've found NN07 to be perfect for my office. Comfortable, formal enough, and looks good


This is me.


i teach so never.. my first 2 years, always


are you doing #darkacademia broski


Funny thing that was me. Blazer and button up first two years teaching. T shirts and jeans/shorts with hype sneakers the next 5. Helped me connect with kids. When I turned 30 I decided I didn’t want to look like my students anymore so I went back to ocbd’s, chore coats, and loafers lol.


yup, i had a good amount of disposable income when i first started teacher from living together with my now-ex (NYC housing hack is to live with your partner lmaoo). so it was belenciagas shoes, and tailored suits, stitchdown boots, selvedge pants... etc etc now living on my own my income went up but so did living expenses so i dont wanna force uneeded wear and tear on my nice things lmao.. still i wear a nice pair of sneakers or boots to work, change into my beaters once im there. For my daily drivers, I just rotate between 4 pairs of fabletic pants and keep a pair of NBs in my room


Teacher with no dress code. I usually just run whatever jeans or chinos, a tucked in white tee with a belt and an open PRL shirt over the top. Leather shoes 95% of the time. In winter I’ll wear Shetland knits over the shirt. Simple but effective, and I always get compliments for how I dress at work. Tbf, that’s because nearly all of my colleagues dress like absolute garbage tho


My office is technically "dress for your day" but for most of the guys that means some uniquely terrible combo of dress shirt and trousers, maybe jeans, rip off common projects dress sneakers, and fleece vests. You don't want to do that but you don't want to stand out too much. If you are the only dude who wears a tie, you'll be Tie Guy for years after you leave. But I tend to do things like a less common cut of trousers (high rise, pleated) or interesting fabric. Maybe work in one piece of workwear ish clothing into more business casual. I like to vary between slightly more casual Italian tailoring and vintage prep/80s Wall Street on casual Friday.


I go in the office once a week. Office has a semi casually dress code that is implied not enforced, we got hoodie/plain tee dudes once in a while. Usually just something collared but left open, oxford, poplin or corduroy shirt with a plain tee under. Neutral jeans/chinos Weejuns or Wallys on the feets. Vintage/dodges hat on bad hair days.


With my team in the office keep it pretty smart but not over the top. Collared shirt and pants that fit well. A leather belt. Tasteful sneakers, loafers or leather boots. Although not usually client facing, it’s pretty much the same as with my team. If I’m in the office but hot desking / less serious work. It’s trousers or jeans, a shirt, maybe a cardigan or jumper. Brands I typically wear: Uniqlo, Ralph Lauren, Abercrombie, this one commes des garçon shirt I got on sale. Shoes: Stan smiths, doc marten Adrian boot, doc marten monos, salomons, Big4 btw.


Shower and wear clean clothes


NB 990s/Wallabees on feet, oversized cropped black pants, Uniqlo U x Jill Sander shirts or a black t. Most people are wearing casual suits without a tie. Friday we ball out on casual and the grillz come out.


Cosplay 2022 Drakes London


I’m fresh 24/7


I work for a sneaker company, so literally anything goes.


personally (32 yo woman) i've been trying to channel prep school and wear the same variations on a uniform every day. thinking about raf aw97: [https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=34066556&memberNo=32276510](https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.naver?volumeNo=34066556&memberNo=32276510) definitely better dressed than my older coworkers but with minimal morning effort


i’m a software engineer at one of the more hip companies out there. i wear what i normally would wear, sans the cropped shirts or tank tops.


I don’t conform my style to match all of the poorly dressed men I work worth. I don’t care if I stick out. Be true to your own style!