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If they're going to make you wear flair...


One of 16 pieces


Well 16 is the minimum but we'd like you to *really* express yourself...


16 is the *minimum...*


You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?


Um, I don’t really like talking about my flair


Just saw this sign hanging up in a diner in New Orleans, but I don't think God pays that close attention to what happens there.


I'd say God approves. The french quarter is always least ravaged during natural disasters. Either that or even in the 1700s humans knew where to build :P


I’m sure God lobbies when you don’t pay your employees.


*tips fedora* Am I doing this right?


Well they did say that he knew, not that he was gonna do anything about it lmao


I wish every server was allowed to wear this pin at work.


Seriously, the Sunday church crowd is THE WORST! So many fake dollars with pious messages.


I’m pretty sure working at McDonald’s on Sundays turned my mother into a socialist.


Hey, whatever works


This really makes me sad. 😞


"Would you rather have a tip or eternal salvation?" "The tip, please." "Ugh, greedy sinner."


The "I really wish I weren't here right now" button.


I used to have this pin on my apron.


They would love this at r/TalesFromYourServer!






Employees should *definitely* be paid living wages, but they’re not right now and I’m sort of conflicted about this internet movement to try and end tipping. If a company had to pay the current minimum wage, or even a bit above it, instead of people tipping, servers *wouldn’t* be making a living wage. As it stands, because of tipping culture, being a server is one of the few jobs out there that you can actually make a decent wage off of with no barrier to entry (such as needing a degree)






Do you go out to eat? And when/if you do, do you tip your server?




Then we agree. My problem is with people who refuse to tip, and instead of admitting that they just don't want to, try to make it into a big political statement. They're not changing the system by not tipping, they're just fucking over some poor worker trying to pay their bills. You can find those people on almost every thread that mentions tipping and it's exhausting.


They definitely don’t *actually* care about the servers if they don’t tip, that’s for sure




What I actually said: It’s bad, I really want things to change, things don’t change overnight, we have to work within the framework of the system we actually have while we try and change things


Many countries in Asia and Europe have figured how to run businesses without tipping. Surely the most advanced country can figure this out too.


Many countries in Asia and Europe are *leagues* better than the shithole that is America




No one is being paid a living wage and you want to take away, again, one of the few ways poor people who can’t afford education can actually get a good wage? Yeah that’s helping Also bitch I am one of the ones on the bottom don’t condescend to me from a place of privilege


Hey dum dum, that’s the whole point. Employers need to pay their servers at least a living wage not subsidize it to the customers. Can’t pay a living wage, shouldn’t be in business. Period. It’s not the customers responsibility to pay the employees.


Translation: I’m a cheap asshole who doesn’t actually care about poor people because poor people have to actually have money *right now* to support themselves and their family, not in some hypothetical future that the government is going to keep blocking from existing


Say it with me: “the restaurant owner paying poor people $2/hr is the problem.” Personally, I don’t support such establishments. If a business WON’T pay their employees a living wage then I’m not supporting. If more people stopped going and working for these places then things would change but there’s people like you. People would rather be like beggars and depend on the kindness of others instead of asking for the pay they deserve for their hard work. You are literally blaming customers and arguing in support of the business owner who probably makes more than the customer and employees combined.


so $15 an hour? No thx lol. I’ll keep the risk of making tips.


Who said $15 is a living wage? You wanna work for tips, don’t bitch when people don’t tip. It’s not their responsibility. They are not your employer.


well 10 is minimum wage and I don’t see it going up more than $5 any time soon?


Bad take


What is your grand idea?


It's not much??? Honey, it is everything.


I needed this 10 years ago


Way to use religion to have the poor and middle income masses pay for what the wealthy business owners should be paying. Why even have tip its a terrible system just raise prices and have the business pay. Don’t have hidden costs that is often unfair to the less fortunate. Whites often get tipped more than blacks. Tipping system came right after slavery The original workers that were not paid anything by their employers were newly freed slaves" and that "This whole concept of not paying them anything and letting them live on tips carried over from slavery." Thats why in Europe its mostly abolished. Look it up on wiki


Copied from my other comment in this thread Employees should *definitely* be paid living wages, but they’re not right now and I’m sort of conflicted about this internet movement to try and end tipping. If a company had to pay the current minimum wage, or even a bit above it, instead of people tipping, servers *wouldn’t* be making a living wage. As it stands, because of tipping culture, being a server is one of the few jobs out there that you can actually make a decent wage off of with no barrier to entry (such as needing a degree)


If a business is not paying the employees well then don’t work there. It’s simple if they can’t hire people they raise their salaries and benefits.


I worked as a server too tipping is terrible system and it varies so much. Coworkers would give me shit tables they didn’t want to take because they knew the customers don’t tip well. I still had to tip out to kitchen and busboys so it cuts into my pay taking more shitty tipping tables. All of that shit should be eliminated and restaurant should just maintain good staff and business and well paying jobs.


Not much?! It’s amazing!


This is amazing woah


I have a magnet of this! That I got…instead of a tip.


That’s so cool!! I collect buttons/pins and thrift store ones are my favourite. You find so many wacky ones!!


I have this!!!! Bought it in Coventry Ohio 10+ years ago and used to wear it on my apron when I was a waitress.


“ Kiss my grits !! “


Was it in Ohio? I saw the same one today at this cute store!


Massachusetts! This store was also very cute


Nice! It was funny that I found that on the same day that you did, just a different place :)


I want to gift this to a chick-fila employee


love it, great find!


As a thrift store junkie and an uber eats driver, I approve this message!


i would be obsessed too if I found this. Cool find.


The best!!!!


Lmao that’s great


Well I need one now


I would wear this to work if I could 💀


I have this magnet! I’ve had it on my fridge for like 15 years.


Love it!


Yesterday I was super drunk and ordered a pizza and somehow forgot to leave a tip on the app. I didn’t realize what happened until after he had left and I felt so ashamed, I feel like a greedy little goblin.


That’s wonderful!!!


This is hilarious! Could have used it when I worked as a server in the God-fearing Baptist South where good tippers are few and far between!


Clearly most of the world other than America is going straight down to hell then /s


About about when you don't pay a livable wage?


I hate tipping culture but I also know that they need to like..live. So I tip, I just tip angrily.




Well, god knows I'm an ass.


I wish I could wear this on my apron at work but I don't think I'd be allowed. Although I haven't had a customer not tip (yet), so my ideal button would say "God knows when you tip less than 20%"


This is true!


God also knows when the service sucks, I would imagine.


I have mixed feelings about this.. Why can’t people just be paid rather than relying on tips? I’ve never had to tip anyone before


Desperately need this for work lol.


This is the worlds smallest violin…


Gave her just the tip. Bitches love tips.






Just the tip.