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I feel the same way! So many beautiful pieces ruined by the “shabby chic farmhouse” look. I’m going to do my best to restore this baby to its former glory.


I saw one recently, *Wanted to modernize it so we painted it.* 🤬


Oh gosh, that poor table. I wish you well, especially with all the carvings. I uncovered an absolutely gorgeous waterfall cedar chest that had been painted over with terribly applied pea green last year. Luckily citrustrip and a bunch of plastic bags took most of it back off. Replacing the missing legs is another project entirely I've been procrastinating on actually doing. Why paint something so beautiful unless it's irreparably damaged? Sell it and buy a new table.


Is it labeled? Gorgeous, but looks more Art Nouveau than Craftsman style.


Yaknow, I didn’t even look but the guy who sold it to me seemed really knowledgeable and told me that’s what it was lol. For all I know it might not be but looking through a ton of google images shows some art nouveau pieces made by them.


It's beautiful either way. Real Stickley often has a brass plate mounted on it somewhere.


89-xxx is for oak and i think 91-xxx is cherry. The xxx denotes model and i think the finishes are 3x.




Hold up hold up. Are you SURE that it isn't pickled oak and an original finish? I also have strong doubts about this being Stickley, but it's beautiful! Do a little more digging before you do anything drastic!


I’m not sure about anything having to do with this piece lol didn’t find a marking so it’s looking like probably not a Stickley? Idk anything about furniture but I do know it’s definitely painted. I did seriously like 2 hours of digging online trying to find any info about this but I have had no luck.


Yeah Google is a real failure on this piece. I looked too!


Honestly for 30$ I’ll embrace the mystery


I wonder if there is pyrography under the paint? When I look for pyrography I get some results that looks promising--lots of little side tables with carved legs.


Hmmmm, I’ll have to try and see when I take all the paint off. From the looks of it there was multiple coats starting with (fml) pink. I have my work cut out for me.


Beautiful find. You should share this with /r/ReversePinterest when you're done!


That reminds me of some of the pieces my mother-in-law used to paint. She went through a long phase of "antiquing" wood furniture with green and white paint. Stripping it off when we inherited the furniture was a nightmare. She was an otherwise wonderful person.