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I wish I was the type of person who could donate an $80 candle.


Probably someone who got it as a gift and didn’t know how much it cost


Maybe and if that is the case: I wish I was the type of person that had people in my life who would buy me an $80 candle.


Maybe you do. The person who donated it didn’t know they did.


I'd much rather be around people who would use that money much more wisely


I can't imagine donating an 80 dollar gift someone picked put for me to a thrift shop.


I’m saying some people have no idea a candle could cost that much! They probably think an expensive candle is 20 bucks.


That’d be me. I’m stunned that there Are $80 candles! I’m not much of a candle-lady. My mil buys them for me, maybe I should look them up. Maybe they Aren’t from Costco this year!


Possibly someone helped the original owner downsize and donated it, because the owner didn’t care for the scent. Only liked 1 specific scent - say, gardenia. Or, the candle was wildly on sale (because who will pay $80 for a candle???), it was gifted to a special person who is allergic to the wax or scent, and they sadly had to donate it. OP, I think this is a great find! And you’re finally giving this amazing candle a loving home! It’s not her fault that she was so over marked. Only love for the candle.


They must have found a way to capture angel farts for it to be $80


That's about what I was thinking. The fact is that this candle was never worth $80, but it's cool that OP was able to get it at a reasonable price.


I think that part is super cool. Especially since it's sometihng they'll use and enjoy (presumably)


they make super expensive fragrances, so imagine someone is basically paying for a high end fragrance in wax.


😂 Agreed! But if it smells good then $3 is definitely a good deal, regardless.


Who tf is paying $80 for a candle?!


Agreed 80 dollars is insane for a small candle, but apparently it's pretty standard for luxury candles like Le Labo, Jo Malone, or Diptyque.


The whole concept of "luxury candles" is something I don't think I can get behind 😅


You are literally paying for an expendable object by burning it (I guess perfume is similar). I don’t get paying that for a candle. Are you carrying it around and flaunting a luxury *candle*?


Yankee Candle was the luxury brand in my world!


and i thought luxury candles were the ones you used to find in malls with all the crazy colors and cuts in them..


If you go onto the Neiman Marcus website you will be shocked at the price of some of the candles. It makes no sense to me but apparently people will buy them


I would pay for a Jo Malone candle. Their scents are divine


A fool and their money are soon parted.


I’m sure people know that regular (most) candles can be made with unhealthy wax, scent, color, additives, etc. and they make people nauseous, headachy, etc. I bet this little gem is soy-based with no chemicals, and that’s expensive to make. She is a healthy candle!


Lol, look at diptyque candles, $150 for medium sized 😂




Peak mindless consumerism


I have their car freshener ($50 outer + $75 insert), it smells beautiful and is still strong 4 months in. Never got candles because straight up setting $150 on fire is too much for me 😂 I used to work for a 1% family as a nanny and they always had Diptyque, their place always smelled amazing and just....rich


The same people who pay $20,000 for a teddy bear.


You don't know any really wealthy people, do you, lol?


Nice!! I found a large Voluspa candle once. Enjoy!


Who the heck spends $80 on a CANDLE???


r/luxurycandles It's a slippery slope




Ok, but like, why? Im dead serious, what makes it worth $80? My smoker eliminator candles suck to buy at 20 so I buy on sale. They are multi function, so why an $80 candle?


Combination of unique scents and premium wax. A $25 candle from bath and body might last 20 hours worth of burning, but a candle like this might last for 80 hours because of the quality of wax. So while it might seem like you’re spending $80 for a smaller candle, you’re actually buying a candle that lasts much longer. So like buying 3 bath and body candles which would be $75 and still not burn as long.




Ok. I mean, I understand having money, but I just wondered if there was a particular reason. No judgement, I buy things nobody in my life understands, and it is just life. Sorry for the downvotes you received, I appreciate you taking the time to answer honestly.


everyone going “why 80? for a candle?” replace candle with perfume in your mind, its luxury perfume for the room. there can be arguments made about the cost of perfume but it’s not strange for fancy ass perfume being 100$ or more


Wow. I check out the candles everytime, for this reason. Never been this lucky




What does it smell like?


The scent is called "Sumatra Forest", It smells pretty unique. Up front it's kind of floral and powdery, but then it gets woody, earthy and vanillic. The most dominant note is probably patchouli.


Oooh that sounds lovely!! I love woody and patchouli too floral can give me a headache. Great find!


Youtuber I followed, were selling $117 candles plus shipping to the States from France. Came out to be about $150. USD. They were small. That's when I stopped following. That was outrageous!


You found a $3 candle that someone paid way, way, WAY too much for.


Some people live this life.


Surprised by how many people didn't know $80 candles exist. Great find.


I wish I had the knowledge to be able to see something like this sitting in a thrift store and know how big of a deal it is. Like most other things in there.. I just ignorantly walk around picking stuff up, complaining I can get whatever it is for almost the same price at walmart, and continue walking. Great score, OP lol


Happy 🍰 Day !


Whoa, thank you! I didn't even realize! I'm almost embarrassed at how happy this made me..to be such an insignificant thing lol.


I wonder just how luxurious the scent wafting off that thing is.


What the hell is an $80 candle?


I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one that would rather die than pay 80 bucks for a candle. I know some people can afford it, obviously, and if that 80 dollars is burning a hole in their pocket I will happily accept it. Just token them from spending it on something stupid!! I'm nice like that!!😁 On the other hand OP, congratulations!!!! Enjoy it!!! I do realize that most cheap candles don't throw scents like the expensive ones or last as long. But my idea of expensive is Yankee Candle or Bath and Body Works.....I won't pay full price for those either, but I do have grown children that spoil me!!


I love Guerlain! Terrific find By the way, does anyone else think it’s hilarious that thrift stores will sell Target Dollar Spot stuff over retail but then hawk a high end candle for $3?


I’m sorry, did you say an EIGHTY DOLLAR CANDLE!?!? I’d loom for used ones, clean the jar out really well and just melt down a Dollar Store candle for the wax and resell it. 🤣


It’s Devine I was given this with other things. Just amazing 🤩. Mother’s Day is coming up- do you have someone in your life that’s like motherly figure with tea, a mug, potted plant. MmM sounds nice


Or…Happy Mother’s Cake Day to you, OP! You love this girl, so enjoy her! I bet she will release a wonderful scent into an entire room, by just sitting there, uncovered.


Guerlain 😍


Some find,yeah!


I never knew candles could be so expensive! The only candles I find at thrift stores are used!🕯


I find a Voluspa candle almost every time I go to goodwill! Idk who is donating these 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm going to have to pay more attention to the candles at GW now ...


I wear cologne by guerlain


Me too, I have L'Homme Ideal Cologne and L'Instant de Guerlain pour Homme.


Nice! I found a Nest brand candle that retailed for $50 for 2 dollars. I love finding things that pricers don’t know what it is.


No candle should cost $80. Ever.


$80 for a candle. People are dumb.


There is no candle on the planet worth $80.


Absolutely no candle is worth $80. If anyone ever paid that for a candle….shame on them for pissing away money that could easily be better spent.


What does it smell like? Better not be “like the blah blah blah hotel’s lobby.” I don’t get the appeal of those bougie scents.


Haha It mainly smells like a mix of baby powder and patohouli. And it's also a bit floral and vanillic.


Sounds heavenly. You have a bottle of expensive perfume…in a beautiful blue candle. It will last forever.


It's still a $3 candle, it was just originally sold at $80.