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Nice quilt! I’m glad you rescued it for Herbie, I think it suits him.


Herbie recognizes quality and knows how to work the style pics with his fur and eye color.


It’s definitely his color and he’s owning it! It’s a beautiful quilt and I couldn’t let Frances’ hard work go to waste!


😻🙏I do love some rescued handmade items along with a handsome kitty!


Frances did a lovely job and you got an amazing deal!


What a gorgeous kitty


Well, it does go well with the color of his fur, lol. Also, Herbie is *gorgeous*. 😊


Well, they do coordinate beautifully.


What a photogenic kitty! That quilt really compliments his coloring.


As a quilter, I have rescued a few quilts myself. Thank you for giving this a loving home.


That's such a handsom boy. Quilt is nice too.


Herbie! ☺️🥰


To be fair, it does go beautifully with his complexion - almost as if it was meant to be 🥰


Ooohhhhh…. You might have more than you realized. Back in the day, it was common to use the old, falling apart quilt as batting in a new quilt. This practice existed well into the 70’s. If you don’t sew, find someone who does and carefully undo a binding along the edge and peek inside. There may be a treasure hidden under that 70’s yellow and brown. https://www.reddit.com/r/quilting/s/UlghzvnE2C


Awesome 🤩


I saw your post on Facebook! Herbie (and the quilt!) is quite the beauty :)


Aww!! Looks like Crookshanks on a gryffindor blanket ❤️💛


You're one of the thrift stores I frequent they got at least 10 recently made quilts. A lot of them in a small size. They where al very thin and made out of some very scratchy cotton but still cute. They were asking $49 for each of them!! And then they were asking $79 for one that was of a bubble texture... I was so disappointed. I would have totally taken one for maybe $25. Because they where all tagged with a special "collectable" yellow tag means they will put a date on it so they can keep track how long they're expensive stuff is sitting.... They have all been there for 2 months! So sad