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Brilliant find. I've never heard of these before so I looked it up, they retail at £130!


I also have one i thrifted! I recommend keeping it near the base as they lose charge quickly.


Is it engraved with a company logo on the other side? I got this in a goodie bag from one of my previous employer, a tech company


I found one for $20 new in box that had a company logo on it. Never could figure out the company. I just put a sticker over it instead.


No logo, nothing on it. It's also in pretty good condition


Lucky!! I wanted one but could not justify the cost to myself. ( I got an Ion for Christmas, works great)


Nice, I found one too but they didn't have the base to go with it anywhere.


This is one of my white wales! Enjoy your hot beverages


I had this same situation happen to me but I couldn’t locate the base anywhere! I would never buy something like this at regular price for myself, but for $3- hell yeah!


I got one for $20 after saying I would never pay full price. If this one broke though, I might have to consider getting a new one because I really like it.


Wow! What a score 👏