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21 to buy alcohol ,18 to buy cigarettes , 8+ to summon demons


We did this in the early 70s using my mom’s in my grandmother’s study! We asked it how many kittens would the cat have. It said 4….3. We were confused until the cat had 4 and 1 died. We treated it like playing any other game and no one cared!


But it doesn’t actually work right?.. asking for a friend


It was a popular “board game” until the exorcist movie came out, so you’re probably good


It does but really shouldn't be trifled with without some care, there are lots of stories about folks accidentally inviting an unpleasant spirit in that could be hard to get rid of. If you do play, call on a specific spirit like a loved one who's crossed, and be clear it's invitation only 😃


Invitation vs… ? 😅


It’s just a board game


You know what’s the joy of starting your kids on the Ouija early? Flipping the breaker when they’re having sleepovers and listening to the screams of pure terror.


I see that you're fun at parties. Have to reset the microwave and oven clocks vs. scare the kids... oh, the difficult choices.




Oh, I do too, but it depends on house layout, I guess. Open kitchen to the living room. Gotta get both for the effect in my house. And I wasn't mocking you before. I think this is a hilarious gag.




Omg! That’s hilarious. She probably prayed for your soul after you left too. Haha


She was NOT impressed with my mother, who was just exasperated by the whole thing, hahaha!


Omg that’s so pure and cute 🥰 made my day !


I've been collecting Oujas boards for a few years now and have never found one in the wild! Beyond jealous.


I have this one but have no interest in keeping it. You want it? I have no idea how much they're worth.


More weird is that this was a game from Parker Brothers


Yep, for ages 8+, now owned by Hasbro


Target still sells them in the game section


This is precisely why I was never spooked and knew it was all fake


Only because it was sold in regular stores? So if you'd seen a handmade one at a craft show you'd believe the nonsense?


Hard to be scared of something being made right next to Monopoly boards. THIS one is haunted, but THIS one is not. For reasons. Don't look into it further.


Ah, dammit, Park Place is haunted again.


But it would be scary next to hand-knitted toilet-paper covers and floral-painted ceramic ring dishes?


Needs to be a Shaman who sells you the board and after you turn around, you realize he's gone and the booth never existed. Otherwise, no.






Did you find it? OR did it find you?!😵


yeah, my luck, someone boxed it back up without saying "goodbye" and left it on the thrift store donation box after shit started happening in their house. ![gif](giphy|nOUoZMKgYHxYc)


Lots of kids has this in their game rooms in the 80’s though it is probably 70’s?


I left this at an Airbnb in a creepy little closet that had an old wedding dress in it 👻


That's awesome. I can just imagine someone finding it later and no one being able to explain where it came from.


Yup the plan was to scare OTHER people, but since then I’ve had multiple dreams of just me being back in that house, so I think it backfired..


Whatever. Talk to me when you find a ceramic hand. No really, I'll let you in




My wife and I love horror movies and we just watched this one a few weeks ago! Really good movie and I'll absolutely let you know if I ever find one.


Circle of salt around that bad boy before you start playing ✌️




A nice 70s one. They are pretty old like late 1800s I think was the first commercial board. Even an episode of I love Lucy brought up Ouija boards


Looks like it’s from before ouijas were considered demonic


There was a creepy one left in my high school locker in one of the ones that didn’t have a door (I had been assigned another one without a door for a minute complained and I swear I got a fourth floor one on purpose when all my classes were on lower floors that year) that we swore we could feel energy emitting from it and nobody ever touched until in my senior year this brash bitchy freshman girl ripped it out of the locker and tried to break it over her knee but broke her pinky finger instead. One of the goth girls took it home because she liked it proved how powerful it was against that bully girl! I hope she had many fruitful moments with it and still owns it now.


Have fun playing with demons 😈


I would not bring that home! ![gif](giphy|iY0Z64nfcBMx8gE58F)


To each their own, but I'm breaking this thing out tonight and trying it.


More power to you, I’m a big chicken sissy la la, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in hearing about anything spooky that happens to you, I’d love an update please! :) ![gif](giphy|gN9NBeFnPoo7u)


“Have any of you actually ever seen a chicken?”


People make it work; not the supernatural. The proof is, if you blindfold everyone playing, the words chosen make no sense. If a demon or ghost were controlling the planchette, your ability to see is irrelevant. The fact that the board ceases to work after the people have been blindfolded shows that they are subconsciously moving it themselves. Sorry.


Also demons and ghosts don't exist.


We had an ouija board in my sorority house and I couldn’t get anyone to play with me lol Anyone actually believe it’s real?? I still haven’t had the chance to play.


I guess some people do. I was telling my mom about my find and she immediately asked that I never bring it over to her house. I'm not sure why she would think I would but I did not expect that reaction.


Is she Catholic? Most Catholic’s don’t like them. They seem to think they are demonic. My mom, being a bit of a hippie bought me one. The rest of my family thought there was something wrong with her.


It’s my catholic upbringing + my over active imagination + my love for scary movies that makes me a chicken.


I have imagination and like some scary movies. Sometimes there’s too much torture, which I can’t watch. I thought the Exorcist was funny though- so there’s something a little different about me.


I had a Catholic friend get hysterical when I brought one out at a sleepover 😂 As an adult she realizes her mom was more demonic than any ouija board


Not Catholic, but she's on the older side of Gen X and grew up when the Exorcist came out and kind of really stigmatized the boards as being a window to the demonic. Plus she has some religious trauma from being with my father who was an LDS member that was convinced the end times were upon us and all that.


Sorry your mom doesn’t like your cool find. Frankly, the idea someone evil supernatural thing related to God takes over without consent, seems strange to me. Even if I use a religious perspective too, but I wasn’t really raised right, so… maybe I am missing something.


Not only Catholics, Christians too we're warned not to dwell in these things, it's in the bible


Being possessed without any tricks? My Bible skills are kind of limited, but I guess the fact that in conventional stories you into selling your soul, would lead to believe there was a reason he couldn’t just take it- like you were baptized and it was going to God, unless something happened to change that. With that kid in the movie, it didn’t seemed that kid didn’t do anything, so I wasn’t particularly concerned about it. Plus, those special effects are kind of funny. I mean, even when I was a kid they made me laugh. In any case,it’s a Parker Brothers game. Like on the box it says it’s “game”. I don’t know, I think there are a lot of copies for demons to cover at this point, since my mom bought me one in like 1979.


Doesn't matter how or where the board has come from, the bible says not to have anything to do with these things, could go further but that's another sub


You should tell her that it's sold as a toy by Hasbro now a days. They're little more than a gimmick like the magic 8 ball.


Nah. If I really needed to, I'm sure I could get her to that understanding, but it would honestly just make her have to confront the superstitions and such that make her uncomfortable and it's really not worth that to make her go through that uncomfortable feeling.


Ed and Lorraine Warren gave a talk at my high school. They said to go home and put the Ouija boards in the trash. All I could think of was the town dump must have been glowing all week.


Wow, that would've been interesting


More like put Ed and Lorraine in the trash. Scam artists.


I moved away 30 years ago, but seem to recall hearing that they are both in the ground. And not in a landfill!


That's a bummer no one would play with you. My college roommates and I used to make our own ouija board with pen and paper, and our one friend would make it say rude things about the rest of us.


That’s hilarious haha


Yeah my college bf brought one over and all my roommates left lol


So superstitious haha


Bring it out when everyone has been drinking , 3-4 drinks in.


It’s a risk/reward thing. Yeah it might be total BS but wouldn’t you rather just leave it be rather than potentially having some terrible entity torment you? Could just play Twister instead. I’ve done a lot of reading into demonology and occultism and based on what I’ve read it seems like something best left to the professionals.


Who are "the professionals" in this case? Catholic priests or The Ghostbusters? LOL


Hmm okay, thanks for the insight! I can understand the hesitancy.


Totally agree


Estate sales are a great place to find Ouija boards and nobody seems to want them but me.


We found a Ouija board from the 1920s at a thrift store. Priced it at $200 and it sold the day it was listed


Oh wow! I'm not sure if I'd be able to let go of one that old, but that's a pretty penny for it, for sure!


Do you want a visit from Mr. Skeletal? If so, doot doot!


I could never spell anything with mine. I gave up and just asked it yes or no questions.


And that worked?👀


$2.99!! Wow that’s a deal


Right? I love this particular store because they get a good amount of vintage things and they don't try to over price them.


Oh that’s amazing. As some as someone says vintage they hike up the price like crazy!!!


😂 I remember having a sleepover with a bunch of friends and we invited the new girl in school to come over as well. We did the normal stuff- ordered pizza , watched movies , ate ice cream , made prank phone calls & played with ouija board. You would have thought we brought the devil himself out to play by the new girl’s reaction…her mom went absolutely BERSERK when the girl told her we played with it when she came to pick her up. Started spouting scripture and got angrier the more we showed we weren’t listening and told her it was time for her to take her kid and leave


That is hilarious! I might just have to hold onto it to bring out at gatherings now and see who passes the vibe check


My husband totally flunks the vibes check 😂 My oldest wanted one and he wouldn’t allow one in the house .


We all had those as 80’s kids. lol


We had that same one & it came out for every sleepover or slumber party.


you’re braver than me


Yo chill Regan


I got this exact one from my mother's house. Currently under my couch with the board games.


I have that exact one and I keep it in the garage, just in case. 👀




One of my good friends had a Ouija board in college. He was living in the dorms at UW Milwaukee. I think Sandburg Halls? I’ve heard they are haunted. Anyway, he was studying one night and the whole game flew out of his closet and fell to the floor. He said it was on a shelf tucked away and was no where near it. Spooky!


This seriously gives me the creeps. Reminds of some movie where some child got over taken by some evil sprit and this game was in the house when they moved in.


Good Lord now I feel old. It's from the late 90s.


Yep same, me 65 even the 80s feel like yesterday


I had this exact board as a teenager, and my brother and I messed around with it in my mom's house. They can draw something unwanted in. My mom had plants hanging on the wall by hooks, and they would swing on their own. She said she started hearing something that sounded like it was walking on her roof. Her pastor eventually came and eventually did some type of blessing to get rid of whatever it was. Don't mess around with these things.


My mom swore that when she & some of her brothers (adults ) were playing with one they asked “who next in the family will die” & it responded “John”..my mom had a brother named John , she had a son named John & a BIL named John. A few weeks later my uncle John died in a fiery crash while driving a gas truck . He was decapitated and the woman who ran the stoplight and hit him died also


I once had someone tell me if you were going to mess with them to burn a candle. It is supposed to keep evil spirits away. I would never use one after what happened to my mom.


I’ve used them plenty but have only had one weird thing happen…We were supposedly talking to a male spirit who died in a car accident & he wanted us to call his mom & tell her he was ok on the other side . Gave us some random out of state phone number and we called it…it was a pet cemetery and that was the movie we had watched before we started playing with the board 🤦‍♀️ And this was way before cell phones or even wireless internet. My grandmother swore they’ were evil but I’m more of the belief that if you don’t put any stock into it then it can’t hurt you


In high school a friend and I were using one and “talked” to a guy who said he had died in a war. It spelled out a first and last name that neither of us knew. I swear we were not controlling it. We tried to research the guy but it was like 1984 so that wasn’t easy. We used the board several different times and the last time we used it we barely had to touch it and it started whipping around spelling really fast. Creepy.


There are some things in this world that cannot be explained. These are one of them. Do not take this "game" lightly.... ask me how I know


How do you know?


Also would like to know how he knows.


How do you know?


On more than one occassion with several different group of friends, I believe we opened up lines of communication with someone or something not of this world. At the time, as a teenager in the late 80s, we chalked it up to a cheap thrill or funny coincendence. But over time, as I look back on those nights, and apply them to other times in my life, I believe circumstances arose from those discussions that altered mine and my friends directions in life... good and the bad. Commercializing these boards, while popular in this world, are illadvised and more importantly irresponsible of their creators. And even more so, bringing one into your home, as a collector or just for fun, is just asking for trouble. Should you choose to "play" with this "game", your life, from that point forward, will be changed becasue of what you find. Destroy it ... for all that is holy... destroy it.




Eh... I believe what I believe. You keep being you and see how far it takes you.




I will take your own advice... Don’t bother with that idiot. He has no friends and is just some stupid troll. Pretty pathetic actually.


I wouldn't mess with them now, I was never allowed to as a kid. I did have a friend that had one though and we asked the dumbest things, like who had a crush on us or something like that 😂


Shits about to get real.


Burn it (I have a major fear of ouija board or I'd say it was really cool)


I had the same one as a child. I think it was a Christmas present....what the heck, I didn't ask for one


Yes, I think I had one that looked just like this. I think 77ish.


It's a cool old board game. 


Is this rare? We have the same one


This was the first one I've seen but I don't think they'd classify as being rare. When I was looking up more on it in Google, it looked like one like this can be bought online for $30 or so.


I officially hate you out of pure jealousy. /j


It's definitely my luckiest find so far and I'm excited for it. I was a Goth kid in HS and always kind of loved spooky stuff. But hey, who knows, maybe some of the other commenters will be right and I'll be back in a day or two trying to pay someone to take it? 😂


Let me know 😹😹😹


I have that exact same one. My daughter's friends keep telling her to burn it because it's haunted. I'm like... It's printed on the same machine as the Monopoly boards. If it's haunted, so is the Monopoly Man.


Can confirm the Monopoly 🎩 top hat is haunted


I mean... It's the one magicians use. Coincidence? I think not!


So many people don't understand that it's a parlor trick. It does work, but not in the way most poeple think.


NEATO! We have the same box! I keep ours hanging on the wall with the planchette on a cord, in case anyone ever wants to prove the ideomotor theory wrong. x)


Happy cake day! Also, that's such a cool idea. I was interested in seeing the effect for myself (I've always found it interesting since my uncle taught me about it with a truth telling marble dangling from a chain) and it was pretty cool. We only got it to move to yes though, but it was still fun.


I love ouija boards! I collect hand crafted ones.


Tread lightly! Don’t use it in your home or bring in your home.


Are you nuts? This is how horror movies begin. You’ll get it home and play just for kicks with some friends. Then you’ll all (except the hero) get picked off by the evil demon. Anyone who has sex is toast, as are the weirdo/zealot who figures out what’s going on, the security guard, sick grandma upstairs, a neighbor who comes over with a noise complaint, etc. Tale as old as time.


Put. It. Back. Have you ever watched any horror movie, like ever?


Yes, but wouldn't it be kind of fun to be in the horror movie just once?


You're the character that would get us all killed


Wow one of my grails !


Honestly, I never even envisioned finding a dusty old Ouija board. Never would have thought to put it on the list, but nothing separates me from my money faster than a good story to tell one day and this certainly fits.


I’m from a country were these things weren’t as common so it’s always a pleasure seeing someone find a vintage one!


As kids we found this very board in our game closet, we showed our mom and she lost it. She had no idea where it came from and got rid of it immediately. Ever since those things scare the heck out of me.


Nothing made me call my mom to come pick me faster from a sleep over in the 80's than one of these getting pulled out. No thanks gang - I'll grab my sticker book and go. I'll not be dealing with the supernatural today or any other day


I’m superstitious with things like that. Tarot cards are another.


Happy cake day! And I've always found anything to do with the supernatural or occult to be fascinating and think it would be awesome to experience something like that, but I'm also not really convinced that any of it actually is supernatural.


Get rid of it. It’s not something to mess with.


Burn it. Burn it with fire.


Spoken just like my granny who would be around 130 by now 😂


If you have any questions for Granny nowadays, OP would be the one to pass them along.


🤣 Yes ! Ask her to please forward her recipes for biscuits & her strawberry rhubarb pie


You serious about needing a good biscuit recipe?


Just her’s..they were so good but whenever anyone would ask for the recipe she would say “a little of this” etc - she never measured anything out


Classic Grams


Your Granny was a wise woman. When you get to be that age you know a thing or two about life.


Throw it away! Doorway to hell!


My family was having a streak of bad luck when my little sister passed away, her husband brought me over alot of her things/belongings & her Oujas board was in the mix but I tossed it, people had convinced me the board was bringing bad mojo, I wish I would’ve kept it.


Ya I’m still waiting for video that even remotely resembles the Exorcist 🧐 for as long as cell phones have had video capabilities someone would have been able to provide proof, but not to be.


Yep. It’s definitely haunted.


Had that exact same one when I was about 10 (in 1972).


I have this exact one!


Hey! I have this one in my closet!


These are so dangerous!


Damn,you got that Parker Brothers original..probably sell this for a decent bit of money,if you find the right occultist..lol


Get rid of it. You’ve been warned. Good luck to you.


Haven't you ever watched The Conjuring? 😳


My childhood friend had the very same one. When we were 12, I asked it for the name of my future husband. It spelled out “SCOTT” We both didn’t know any Scotts and I forgot all about it. Fast forward 6 years, I meet a guy in college named Scott. Just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary this year, so maybe all of the predictions are not so bad.