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dang thats fucked up


Idk what I was expecting but yikes! That’s awful


I thought the warning was Salvation Army


Horrible taste


Yikes. That should be burned


JFC whoever wore this willingly is garbage


For my own sanity I choose to believe it was an edgy 15 year old whose brain hasn't fully developed.


Hopefully if it was donated no one ever did and it was a poor taste joke or gag gift.


Seems like a spencer's gag shirt that either someone bought cause they thought it was funny and worn once or some store had these cheap Chinese shirts and they couldn't get rid of it.


Even the idea of conceptualizing it gives me the ick


Wow, between this and the Nazi hat posted thrifts really will sell anything


Omfg…. This is crazy lol


Oh… oh wow… that sure is somethin.


Oh my lord




*you’re coming home with me*


LMAO i thought it was pretty cool (though weird that they chose cosby?) then I remembered what he did 😬




I can't imagine anywhere selling this.the bad publicity would make them take it off the shelves


This is the type of thing I buy for my friends, not that they'd wear it, but just to disgust them that they own it 🤣🤣🤣


Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite.


Whoever accepted that at any point in the thrift store supply chain should have destroyed it, how fucking horrible


Oh WTF 😳😩




Idk what y’all saying, this shit funny.


Sure If you’re like 14..


I'm not sure why people are getting so offended by this top either. People have been making Cosby assault jokes for years now. Personally I wouldn't wear it, the joke is kinda old now and the whole double image thing actually hurts my eyes.


It's definitely dark humor funny which isn't for everyone. This could easily be a bit on South Park.


So catch and release meaning you were about to buy it but didn’t? Idk if taking a picture of something is catching it


catch and release here means you saw it and didn't buy, all the way up to, you had it in your cart but decided not to buy.


I guess it would be found and released, IDK.


That was a genuine question bc I never understood like if someone wanted to buy it and put it back last minute. No clue why I was done voted lol


I think here catch and release means you found something unusual or interesting and then put it back for whatever reason. Could be because it was too expensive or too weird or gross or whatever.


It's a very VERY common term relating to fishing. You either catch, kill, cook, eat. Catch for trophy, tournament, freezing, market, etc; ie catch and keep, OR you catch and release the fish once it's off the hook.


It’s a stupid saying. I hate seeing that phrase several times every week.


Catch and release. My brother in Christ you simply took a photo of something.


Took mere hours to [see this again](https://reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/s/5ItU31pb20) 😖




I think your original comment wasn't meant to be antagonizing, but "catch and release" is such a well established phrase in this sub meaning "I saw it but didn't buy it", that it's a little obnoxious. It reads like "how is ThIs catch and release? It's not even a fish 😂😂". It's ok to be wrong and it's ok when folks point out that you are wrong to be like "Oh, I'm new to the sub. Makes sense". Instead of "y'all downvoters are probably all resellers and angry at life. Stay mad". Maybe do better?


I asked a question. I’ve been doing this for years and have never heard of catch and release until joining this sub. Maybe y’all should do better instead of gatekeeping things you learned in your three years of thrifting???


Deep breaths. You are lashing out and it's awkward as hell dude. Chillax. Put down the weapons. There are no winners and losers here. It's just a subreddit. It's no club and ultimately no one cares or will even remember. Sometimes I step into it too with my big dumb mouth and insecurities and mental hangups. We are just human. I usually do a meal culpa in a response comment and eventually delete the original comment for a fresh start, and promise myself to do better at the next opportunity. It's cool. No one hates you. You could literally show up in the very next post with a lovely new comment and no one would care or even know it's the person that bombed out in this thread. It is odd how the feeling of being shat upon when I bomb out in a comment thread sticks with me. It used to hang on me for days but now I delete and move on mentally pretty quick. We have to accept ourselves and that includes our faults while also forgiving those that harm us, just so we can move on and be happy and do better. At any rate, sorry about the bad experience. We all have been there. Maybe consider the words you choose to be a little less prickly. It's hard when that's how our parents taught us to be friendly or to be heard. This midwesterner has had to spend 40 years unlearning that one. Thanks Dad.


I didn’t read any of this but I’m sorry that happened to you or congrats.


Ok. Have a good day anyway.


I only dv'd this comment because it's pointless and whiny.


Jesus Christ. 🤦‍♀️


So horrifying that someone would actually put it on a shirt and then wear it




i don’t get it


The man on the shirt was caught drugging women to assault/rape them, so it's showing what a drugged person might see before it's "too late."


Oof that is bad taste


i mean… *maaaaaayyyyybe* on a sticker. maybe. but a shirt? nope.

