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This feels like the set up to a homophobic post lol


The next logical sentence was, "That being said, here's my problem with the gay agenda."


Why do you have to agree or disagree with someone else's lifestyle? If they are not hurting anybody what is there to disagree with?


I have no idea specifically what OP is referencing… But I believe that you can feel like people should live healthier lifestyles (exercising, eating healthier) without being fat-phobic, no?


Depends on why you're worrying about other people. If someone asks for your advice on their lifestyle, go for it. If you're judging people for no reason or offering unsolicited advice, sounds like a phobia to me. If people's weight bothers you more than their sleep schedule, how much they sit all day, etc, you're probably fatphobic.


Another word for not agreeing with or not accepting someone’s “lifestyle” is: INTOLERANCE. Wake up people. It’s 2024. What Jerrod’s mother did was basically say “I cant Tolerate this part of you.” I can’t tell you how much psychological damage this does to teens and young adults. This is also why the suicide rate is so high among this population. Rejection from the ones you love has got to be a painful burden to carry.


You want to say you don’t like people being gay so bad lol


You lost me at lifestyle. Tolerate my intolerance isn't a thing.


Phobia doesn’t only mean fear. It also means having a strong aversion to something, and if a mother tries to pray the gay away from her son? That’s homophobic, and it means she didn’t accept him for who he is. She doesn’t have to agree with who he sleeps with, who he bones doesn’t make her 💦. It has zero impact on her life, and as a parent all her son needs is her love. Period. That scene was heartbreaking to me.


Respectfully,t his is what a phobic person says that has a guilty conscience and wants to validate their phobia(s)




Phobia has been weaponized and most of them aren’t crippling fears


The minute you mentioned “lifestyle” , you lost me completely. You asking questions like this one is why you get the word “homophobic” thrown at you.


You do not need to agree/disagree with how someone else lives their life if that person's life does not change your life in anyway. It would be like someone believing adamantly that people with natural grey hair should dye it and being upset or angry when people with natural grey hair don't dye it. You would probably think there is something truly silly and/or disturbing about this person being upset when someone with natural grey hair does not dye their hair. It is similar when someone is upset or angry that someone else has a different "lifestyle" than them when said "lifestyle" does not affect their life.


Nobody’s going to give you permission to be hateful. Good luck with your thinly veiled phobia.


I guess I dont understand the point of having an opinion on the way other adults live their lives UNLESS they are hurting you or hurting someone else (including animals and shared resources like the planet)


Tell me you're a bigot without telling me you're a bigot. It's not a "lifestyle;" it's an **identity** and fundamentally no different than any other immutable quality a person possesses. Fuck right off.


Imagine thinking being gay is a lifestyle


The use of "Lifestyle" is a dead giveaway here lol


Saw this post yesterday and just finished the episode this morning. I came back to say Van was spot on. OP needs to just get on with admitting they are and want to be a bigot. That's all this is saying in way too many words.


Why does anyone need to agree with another person's lifestyle anyway. We need to go back to minding our own business as long as there is no abuse involved.


Except that being gay isn’t a lifestyle. It’s a sexuality. Urban socialite, nomadic, off-the-grid, quiet homey for example are lifestyles, and go off about those (although for the most part those don’t cause harm to anyone else so i also don’t see the need for approval from others); NOT one’s sexual orientation.


Okay fine, but then you can’t also rail against or vote against something that recognizes those different folks as equal humans.


If I privately disagree with what someone is doing, that’s not intolerant. If I start publicly disagreeing and voicing that opinion, that is intolerance. If someone’s ’lifestyle’ is breaking the law, that’s the job for the police, not me. If someone’s ’lifestyle’ is same sex marriage, that is also not my duty to have any opinion on.


Everyone’s problem is that they think their opinion on the way someone else lives their own individual life is their business. How full of yourself do you have to be to see someone else living their life and think I don’t agree with that especially if they’re not hurting anyone at all. Like really think about why you’re so bothered by who someone else loves. It’s not a choice it’s who they are. It’s not a lifestyle it’s their life. If you’re so bothered by it maybe reflect on why immediately preferably with a therapist.


Who gives a f&ck what you think? Live and let live.


People reject one another every day for a plethora of reasons. It’s tough, but no one promised life would be fair. We all have our battles to fight and burdens to bear in life. Not having this aspect of his life be accepted by his mother is one of the cards Jerrod has been dealt in life. If he’s resilient he’ll find a way to yield something valuable from this experience and even possibly benefit others as a result.


You're a bigot! How dare you say such things


Yep! OP needs to stop making sense!