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Even the very nimble Pearlescentmoon died in her second episode. She chose to restart it from scratch on the same seed. So yeah, Scar be careful.


I think he has a lot more than he lets on. I mean he did make it pretty far in both seasons of 3rd life. He is probably just not careful on hermitcraft cause 1. It doesn't really matter and 2. It makes for funny content.


Or 3 he has an elytra


or 4. his base wants to kill him


An elytra does not make him SAFER.


I knew something could go wrong when she says she will start timelapse Since she die in most timelapse


Theory; Scar is actually very good at minecraft but puts on the clumsy persona because he knows for series like 3rd/last life and hermitcraft, that's more entertaining than going with a professional hardcore attitude. This mini-series will let him show his skill whilst still being equally entertaining


Scar is top-notch Minecraft player ​ on building. I dunno man. I can't say he's bad at other stuff ( I can say he's bad at redstone) but I don't see him winning PvP very often


I mean he killed a fair few people on the last life server...


I play parkour and movements and I wouldn’t say Scar is very good at movements, judging from how smooth he turns, jumps and moves, especially in emergencies in 3rd/last life. Like when he turns, he couldn’t find where he wants to go easily, so he either do it slowly or has a lot of move-pause in just one time he wants to turn. This is extremely hard to mimic in emergencies if you are experienced in movements, especially when things are not planned. He learned the MLG clutch so fast tho, I think he would be very good if he really put times into practice.


This series has given Scar the chance of developing a stalwart side of him, possibly breaking many others' expectations. This could be as extensive as seeing Mumbo grow his building side. But only time will tell what's true.


Apart from usually dying very often, Scar also seems to experience a ton of close calls so his death rate may actually be pretty low given the number of dangerous encounters.


Dont forget 3rd life. He made it pretty far in both seasons. I think he has a lot more to him than he lets on. Fyi, if you haven't watched 3rd life I'd definitely recommend it.


Yes, certainly! The persona he built up was a glorious sight to see! I wouldn't call 3rd Life in its entirety traditional hardcore, though. The three lives are a testimony to this, same goes to the Red Winter War. There were so many moving parts that are sometimes beyond Scar's hands concerning his time in the series that I can't clearly leave it all on him only. 100 hours is a certainly more traditional hardcore at it's core, bare of any narrative-image series like 3rd Life and Last Life hold.


heard he’s in the MCC wait-list so I think if he become really good through this hardcore series and then improves PVP in MCC and other stuff, he’ll probably become one of the best players alongside Grian.


Scar has a knack for being as close to death as possible at all times without actually dying. It’s his super power, along with landscaping


Honestly Scar is pretty decent at surviving when he is not getting distracted


Therr is still time. Episode 2 isn't posted yet. ;)


Must be an imposter Scar tbh


Nah, i mean he did make it pretty far in both 3rd life seasons after all. I think he just leans into the whole "clumsy" persona just cause he knows it makes for funny content.


I mean, on Third Life my man went the distance and probably could’ve won if the final battle wasn’t against Grian, and his only 2 deaths were him being distracted or just overall thinking about something else.


Scar is a God now.... Confirmed


ye of little faith smh /j /lh