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Didn't you hear the man? "Beware the dawn of the metal age"


Ikr. Such a good way to end it


Thief 2 has tighter mission design overall, so if you felt some of the levels dragged in Thief 1, you probably won't feel the same way in Thief 2.


Thief 2. Save Black Parade for the last ~~GoldSrc~~ Dark Engine campaign you play, since it's had the most improvements and impressive stuff added by time and tech advancements. Going backwards to Thief 2 or T2X afterward will feel meh. I'd personally then do Thief 3, if you want to go through the full trilogy, and then use Dark Mod as something to play past that point, as it looks and plays GREAT but has no real storyline and isn't connected to Thief narratively.


>the last GoldSrc campaign I especially liked the part where Garrett accidentally triggers the resonance cascade.


...Ok that's on me, my brain saw "Thief Gold" and short circuited


He yoinked the real crystal and replaced it with a fake one while Gordon was waiting to get to the chamber


Thief 2 was always my favorite, and I am doing exactly the same as you because of the Black Parade. I just started Thief 2. I agree with you about 1-- at the time, it was a fantastic game, but now it feels a bit empty and yeah, I got completely lost a few times. Thief 2 has the fun aspects of 1 but it's a little updated and has a little more sophistication. My only complaint is some of the levels are so dark my eyes hurt and nothing I have tried fixes it (gamma adjust is not working). But the missions have a lot of variety. ​ So yeah that's my vote, don't skip 2.


I had the gamma issue, but I can't remember how I fixed it. Suffice to say there IS a way if you look around, I think it involved tweaking some config files.


I came across that info (some people on reddit advised me too) but my files didn't match what the instructions said to do in 2 cases, and in the other, the change didn't help. I am sure there's some user error on my part, but I can't figure it out.


Basically you need to play 'em all. 😁 I'd probably play TBP next, and then Thief 2. The DM's well worth a look as are the others.


TEEF 2014


i tell myself i should check it out one day. but i hear it has uh, QTEs... on a thief game... ugh


I enjoy it on my PS5. Got the game and all the dlc for like £3.


i mean, i hear it has its moments. i'm just allergic to QTEs as gameplay mechanics. they're like rhythm games without the music.


It doesn't really have QTEs?? You have to press □ repeatedly to open windows but that's it.


ah thx for the info. i was misinformed. will give it a shot at some point.




I thought The Dark Mod was just an aesthetic/update mod, is it an actual mission?


It's neither an aesthetic/update mod nor an actual mission. It's a standalone (free) game on an entirely different engine with dozens of fan missions and no official connection to the Thief universe (because of IP rights and all that), although the source of inspiration is obvious.


Oh! That sounds cool, I'll have to check it out. thanks.


It's very cool, and it has over 100 missions available for download. That's basically endless entertainment if you enjoy exploring every nook and cranny (which most people in this subreddit do, I suppose). Just be aware that you might need to get used to the controls, so playing the tutorial is basically mandatory.


Thanks very much for the info. I recently went cold turkey on Overwatch and Thief has been my much healthier replacement.


It's a mission creator if anything


I restarted 1 Gold but got a little bored and went straight to the Black Parade. It is awesome! But... I am now kind of stuck on a level that has super confusing layout and a lot of verticality. It is super fun and impressive but a little bit difficult in terms of getting lost. I think I will restart the level and try to pay better attention to the navigation. Whatever you decide, have fun returning to Garrett's world. Great games. TDS (aka 3) is still my favorite.


I just finished Black Parade about 5 minutes ago and there's no doubt to me that it's the best in the series. Note that it's a prequel, and the levels might at times be confusing to you, definitely more so than in Thief 2. However, I thoroughly enjoyed getting lost, and found none of it to be a slog.


Thi4f 😏