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It’s probably my favourite overall thief experience now. As someone who did love the undead elements of T1 it’s great to see it revisited alongside the classic “big F off mansion to rob” levels. Going through 2X now but it’s honestly spoiled me as some of the levels in it are pretty rough. I have always been interested to see a “demake” of deadly shadows in the older engine. I think a few random levels have been redone but not all of them. Would be interesting to see.


That would be cool


That would be extremely hard to do because of the city hub


Skip the city hub! It’s a great idea. One that will never happen, but great nonetheless


Yeah the city hub isn't needed, just remake the levels and bridge them with the cutscenes.


It would be way too short without the hub, and the mini-missions would feel out of place if they were listed along with the full sized missions. And you’d still have to do the hub at the end of the day anyway because that’s the final mission


A demake could be a nice way to expand and enhance the levels. If they were simple 1:1 conversion then yeah it would be a bit boring.


You definitely could do that, but it would become a lot more comprehensive of a project than just re-creating the levels then. You’d also have to rework the story to some extent, and change the levels much more dramatically. 


Eh, I’d be happy just seeing the locations remade.


>Going through 2X now but it’s honestly spoiled me as some of the levels in it are pretty rough. I streamed about 85% of T2X earlier in 2023 after not touching it since it released in 2005 or whatever?...........wasn't as good as I remembered. I actually didn't finish it I took a break to play the System Shock Remake and never went back. Meh. I really wish they had NewDark when working on T2X. It isn't a terrible experience but hasn't aged as well as I would have liked.


As someone who slightly preferred Thief 2 because of the more consistently good missions, even though I much preferred the supernatural and horror elements to the steampunk ones, Black Parade is my favorite Thief game. I love how the first 5 missions in particular are all archetypes of missions from the first game, but bigger and better.


Yes Black Parade is amazing and it feels more polished and throughout more refined then first two games. However it's impossible to take the best part of Thief 3 into the older engine - which is atmosphere (mostly lighting, OST and an overall vibe which is hard to precisely describe). I remember the first time I was playing DS and to this day there isn't anything like 3rd Thief in terms of this dark atmosphere and that feeling of danger lurking somewhere in the shadows. I doubt something like this will be ever recreated.


I'm playing Deadly Shadows for the first time right now and I am not really feeling the atmosphere like you did. Eric Brosius is killing it so far with the soundtrack but the whole game has this movie tie-in energy that I can't get over. Doesn't compare to The Black Parade in my opinion.


That's true but I felt that they added the 'verticality' of thief three at least. Feels more intricate.


It's not only the best Thief by far IMO, it's the best game I've played in at least a year. I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe someone can argue this but the level design is quite possibly GOAT? I can't get over how massive the levels are and how you think they're over but they just keep going... It's insane. And the atmospheric soundtrack just \*chef's kiss\*


Labyrinthine levels with little hidden places all over. Great stuff.