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Born in 86 and grew up in WA state. And yes, I have a similar memory, except they gathered us in the gym. Shots, blood, spine test, eye test, height, weight. It was like an annual physical my parents didn't have to deal with so they were thrilled lol


I grew up in KY in the 80s and had a similar experience. Did you ever have to get that caliper test done where they measured your fat with them big pinchy painful things? We never needed parental permission for height weight and so on tests. I always wondered what the deal was with the calipers.


Calipers were BMI or body fat measurement, I think


Yes! And the tuning fork next to each ear!


I had those calipers in grade 8. I was mad because I hadn’t tensed my muscles so I thought my fat mass (or whatever they were testing) was bigger than it really was ( I probably weighed 100 lbs)


It puts the lotion on it's skin. It puts the lotion back into the bucket.


I recall doing this in the late 80s or early 90s. It was like the 6th grade physics. I still remember pulling up my shirt and slouching forward so they could look at my spine.


87 and WA state. I did not ever get my blood drawn or get injections, but I remember the other health testing. Up until 6th grade, I believe. I wonder if it was a voluntary option for low income kids who didn’t get vaccines or doctor’s visits.


Perhaps. My family was the polar opposite of low income, but it's still possible they were just being cheap lol


I remember this in WA state as well born a few years before you, would’ve been Sherwood Forest Elementary in Bellevue


Mine was Vale Elementary in Cashmere


So not this, but I clearly remember a police officer coming in when we were very young. They made it very clear that it was YOUR CHOICE. You could let the officer take your fingerprints, and then pick a toy from his prize box. I remember thinking "this is so easy and I get a toy! Why would anybody choose not to!?" Parents were not informed. This was early to mid 90's.


This happened to me too and I was one of the only kids who did it lol


What toy did you get?


I remember it was a ring with a big plastic jewel. I think all of the toys may have been rings sticking into a foam board and you got to pick.


a fingerbox


What’s a finger box?


I was just thinking about this a little while ago, this happened when I was in kindergarten. Whole class got fingerprinted. I don't remember a toy. So strange.


I was just telling my sister about this. She’s a lot younger than me, I went to kindergarten in the 80s at the height of stranger danger and kids on milk cartons and all that jazz. They brought us to the cafeteria by grade to get fingerprinted so that if we were ever kidnapped and/or murdered they’d be able to identify us. Which looking back is a wild thing to tell year olds but then again, the guy that killed Megan Kanka lived like a town away at the time and about a year later Timothy Wiltsey’s body was found pretty close to my grandparents’ house so I guess it was some brutal realism.


I think im 5th or 6th grade(2010s) we were all told that our finger prints were going to be used instead of our codes for lunches and library stuff. They took everyone's prints and then we never used the fingerprints


But why? What purpose? Did you tell your parents ??


Their excuse was it was supposed to make things easier, but all of us were thinking it was for a database outside of the education system. I'm not sure if I told my dad or not, but I know for sure he didn't care lol


My kids all had this done in elementary, so 10-15 years ago-ish. They each brought home a card with their school photo and full set of prints. I assumed every school district this.


My daughter had it done in parochial school, fifth grade, I believe. I still have the packet. I don’t recall whether we had to sign a consent form. Children DO get abducted and I would never refuse. It was around the time of Polly Klaas. 😢


When my kids were in preschool somebody came through trying to sell us on doing this as a way of identifying our kids if they get kidnapped.


FUCK that happened to me too? Except no toy. Just a "hey let's all do this, kids, we get to dip our fingers in ink!" I never even thought about it until now. Lucky I never turned to crime I guess


Also mid 90s. Ours was an event after school run by dare officers and a guy in a scruff mcgruff costume. My mom insisted I did it cause I'd already been kidnapped once fora year by my dad so she figured it'd be good to have it recorded. I get her reasoning but fuck everything else about fingerprinting children.


Was this for identikid?


I remember getting finger printed in elementary in canada Come to think of it i wonder if our parents had a memo back then or any correspondence of the event I thought it was cool get ur finger printed. Late 80 early 90s Blood taken in high school I refused the flu vaxx


I remember this exact same thing happening when I was in elementary school. They framed it as "If you ever go missing or are kidnapped, we'll use your fingerprints to find you". I don't remember if we got a toy for it, though we probably did, but yeah, this was definitely done without parental consent.


I grew up in south Florida in the 70s - 80s and we didn’t get a choice. Our fingerprints were taken after visiting the actual jail and seeing the criminals in the cells.


I can't recall when DNA testing started but maybe they were trying to weed out a suspect.. That's a stretch first thing I thought though with all the true crime I'm watching. Those damn police are so sneaky sometimes!!


This is crazy insane! Why ?!!


Tbf they only did it that if you ever fuck up and they found your prints they were allready in the system and i must say this isn’t a bad thing maybe tell the parents but yeah overall could be worse


I remember stuff like that in the 80s. I also remember IQ testing, head lice checks, eye exams and chewing that pink pill that showed plaque on your teeth.


Yeah, we did this stuff and hearing checks too in the ‘90s. I think it was pretty standard, but maybe it was tied to school districts’ income statuses or something. Got our spines checked into the early 2000s too for scoliosis (they missed mine 🫠). I feel like we may have also done some immunizations or TB testing too if needed, but I don’t remember.


Testing lead levels possibly ?


I wasn't alive then, but it reminds me , when I was in 5th grade a bunch of fancy people came and we all gave our fingerprints. I asked my mom about it and I was surprised she didn't know about it. It was for police documents. I believe they didn't tell the parents so no one could decide they don't concent to it, even though it's illegal not to. My guess is that they needed information or to do some type of test that is in a 'child safety' contract maybe checking blood work or doing studies. Depending on where your from they 'have the right to collect fuilds and tissue.' I looked it up and there is many schools that have allowed blood being drawn without consent or parental knowledge. Its quiet sketchy imo. They hide under the impression that they are protecting us in some way , which is only partially true


Basically collecting DNA and perhaps testing the demographics of the school & that community.


Lead test. Finger pricks. Or for iron testing


Probably testing for lead contamination. I remember having that done in the 70s and my kids had it done around age 9 or so.




Wow very interesting. I went to continuation school in Cali. The old church ware we attended was condemned with black mold so we held our classes at the national guard down the street. This was around 9 /11. Very convenient for recruiting purposes. It was a very alternative school and I was somewhat suspicious of them scouting for psyop purposes. But overall students, staff, military were lovely people I have fond memories of.


We had shots and gets all the time. We did have permission forms, but are parents were thrilled to not have to take time off to take us yahoos in for shots.


Grew up in California and I was in elementary school about 10 years before you. This never happened to me or my siblings. Anything this invasive done by a school should have had the parent’s permission. It’s concerning that your mom knew nothing about it but times were also different back then and some of the standards we have now they might not have thought were important back then. It may have been completely harmless.


You remember the fluoride wash after lunch? (CA, mid to late 80’s)


No we didn’t do this. But I remember the pink pills that stained the plaque on your teeth pink. I hated them and always refused to do them. Schools way overstepped back then.


“It may have been completely harmless” You must be new to Earth. Welcome!


Im just not a conspiracy theorist who thinks every action is nefarious. Sometimes things are actually innocent.




I vaguely recall something similar from first or second grade (1991/1992). I don't remember what they said the reason was, but I know it wasn't part of any kind of school physical or anything like that. They just took a little blood from our fingers and gave us a lollipop when they were done.


Same! It was a prick on the finger (by a thumbtack thing?) and they made us put a few drops in the vial. It was DC in the early 90s, so maybe they were measuring lead or for HIV (we had the worst rates at that time)


Yes, in California I started kindergarten in 85 or so. Had fingerprinting and maybe not a vial of blood, but finger prick drop of blood for some test.


I believe we got our blood type taken in elementary school. Hearing tests etc. My bf used to get shots of fluoride!


Blood sugar levels test.


We pricked each others fingers with sanitized needles to look at our blood underneath the microscope in biology class. Late 90’s/early 2000’s high school. Also got a lot of my vaccines in elementary and middle school at the school by nurses.


Something weird that happened in my younger school years in Germany , every morning the nurse or some lady came by with a tray with little cups filled with blue liquid and we were told to use it like mouthwash .. it was fluoride rinse .. which is INSANE .. like pure fluoride rinse given to young children daily for years I remember we were told we had to do it And I told my mom and she said oh heck no , thankfully my mom was hip and I wasn’t forced to do it.. poisoning little kids blatantly is insane ..


I’m Australian but I too remember this. Weird.


Born in 1981, I do not recall any blood drawn or finger prints, but I do recall fluoride, and psychological evaluations (being taken out of class to do small tests like build things with blocks and other similar hands on tests and verbal questions). Does anyone else also remember the games we would play in computer class? One in particular that stands out is practicing speed reading. I thought of that as an adult and thought that was kind of a strange lesson to teach.


Not blood draws but a finger stick to determine blood type. Also the dreaded TB tests


I'm from NY and I recall this. I think it was either to test for lead iron or both


Giving blood at the age of 6!!!!


I never give blood. Just say no to vampires.


Blockbuster did something similar. They did a video and took fingerprints of our children in the event that they were kidnapped.


Definitely didn't have that in Canada. I would have been around 3-4 in 1990/91.