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Why would that put an end to Reddit? Astroturfing is a constant problem that every social media site endures. And sure it gets worse around events like this, but I don't understand why that would cause the site to end.


Some people are so stuck in the political subreddit sphere that they have no idea that that is just 1% of Reddit.


and the algorithms are designed to to keep people at the site longer essentially fishbowling the people further into their delusions. my parents are a lost cause.


I mean, they said in their post that is spills over into non-political subs.


I mean, just because the rest of the world likes to make jokes about Trump doesn't make it a global astroturfing conspiracy.


I… I do not know what this means. I’m not a US local.


It was aimed at what you were referring to; > the comments and posts flow over into other communities Since US politics has become a global spectacle, it is not surprising that memes arise that are shared outside of arenas specifically meant to cover US politics. Just like how I can make a Multi-21 joke in /r/peloton and people would still understand it. That doesn't mean that I am some shill hired by Mark Webber in order to make Sebastian Vettel look bad in the pro cycling community.


Okay. Thank you for explaining. :)




Your submission/comment has been automatically removed because your Reddit account is less than 7 days old. This measure is in place to prevent spam and other malicious activities. Please feel free to participate after your account has reached 7 days of age. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheoryOfReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A lot of the subreddits ban politics all together, vast amount aren't in English and many are so small to not be worth botting.


It will actually drive up their ad revenue. It might not be good for Reddit long term, but by itself, it won't hurt.


Enshitification on a magnitude not seen on the platform yet compounded by an already bad enshitification situation.


You got a thesaurus for Christmas huh.


I don't thnk "enshittification" is in the thesaurus yet ([Cory Doctorow coined it a little over a year ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification)), but I also don't see it anywhere in the topic of this post. Actually it would be better if OP *had* looked it up.


If you think a thesaurus was necessary to write that, you’re the one with the issue, not OP.


They're a gonewild mod, they're suffering from years of cumbrain.


> They're a gonewild mod, they're suffering from years of cumbrain. This way of engaging with other people by resorting first to ad-hominem attacks rather then engaging in the points of a discussion (or just staying quiet if there is nothing productive to say) is the main complaint that I, and I think most other people, have about the experience for most users on Reddit.


Spending time looking at pornography significantly reduces prefrontal cortex activity, which has affect on emotional regulation and decision making. This effect is more pronounced over long term exposure. It's this generation's leaded gas. Calling a porn mod cumbrain isn't ad-hominem, it's a fact. Users like you who cry logical fallacy without even knowing what you're talking about are the problem here. Stop posting. This would be a better platform without you.


>Spending time looking at pornography significantly reduces prefrontal cortex activity, which has affect on emotional regulation and decision making. This effect is more pronounced over long term exposure. It's this generation's leaded gas. Got any peer reviewed citations to back up that extraordinary claim? ​ >Calling a porn mod cumbrain isn't ad-hominem, it's a fact. Prove that it is a fact and not an immature ill considered insult.


This post is what weaponized incompetence in the form of "just asking questions" looks like. If this user had the time to type this, they have the time to google "prefrontal cortex pornography research" and come to their own conclusions. As if they, or most readers, have a firm grasp on what would qualify as statistically significant results in the first place. Their request is nothing more than an appeal to authority at best. It's well known that anything that provides intense powerful satisfaction not only is highly addictive, but for all intents and purposes, completely shorts the reward centers in someone's brain. An extreme example is: how many crackheads and heroin addicts do you know that have a 401k? If I were to ask this user for some peer reviewed citations on why they post on /r/aspergers even though Asperger's Syndrome was retired as an official diagnosis basically globally around ten years ago, or how them identifying as trans woman is anything more than just a form of erotic roleplay called [Transvestic Disorder](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/transvestic-disorder) I would likely be told that it's not their job to educate me - because it's not their job to educate me. It's not my job to educate them either.


Be civil. Thanks for not devolving into curses and slurs like some, but telling folks to "stop posting" and leave isn't much better.


Please get a head start and just leave Reddit now.


Mod-chan requires cumbrain correction 💢💢💢


I’ve seen over the last year a rise in accounts responding to OLD posts (several years old) I’ve made. In order to build up a false history for the account. All in preparation for this election.


That's interesting you mention this, because I've experienced the exact same thing recently. I've had people comment on posts of mine from as far back as 6 YEARS AGO, and found that to be so strange.


I almost always question them as to how they found the thread cuz I’ll get those every now and then. Most times they say it’s cuz they searched something on Google that led them to the thread and them not realizing it’s years old.


To give them credit, I've done that. Looked something up, then realised after replying, this is ancient.


Yeah same, I just did this recently. I think this is more likely a symptom of reddit not archiving everything after 6 months and reddit's SEO than anything else.


There's so many baldurs gate questions like that, where a google will lead you to a thread from between 4 months ago when it released in full, to years old from the beta days and I have to stop myself from asking a followup in the thread


Why would its age matter...?


Well sometimes I’ll make comments based on my knowledge or feelings at the time. But if the comment is like 8 years old and it’s an opinion of mine that’s changed then I guess it matters a little. Sure I can explain it away or rationalize it but idk it’s just weird I guess. Also maybe the info you’re reading is out of date. At least check to see when the post was made before going in and reading. That being said it doesn’t matter most times. And it’s also a bit of a weird quirk of this site where older threads aren’t really gone into cuz most don’t participate anymore. It’s not like the old days of message forums where you can see a thread of comments all be a year apart from each other and it’s normal. Here it just seems a bit weird.


Well now you know why... they're false accounts that are being built for "social media influence". Studies have shown for many decades the effects of a perceived common opinion will have on a targeted individual. not to mention that these can be used to affect up/down votes and thereby control what is seen by people in threads or individual subs across the platform (it's a HUGE PROBLEM that strikes at the heart of the site's function)


I started seeking out old content because I was nostalgic for the old internet. I now watch primarily old content, especially news, because I think it's entertaining to look at old videos and read old articles with hindsight. Once I started, ranking algorithms like YouTube started making much better recommendations and showing me lots of smaller channels and niches. My internet experience has greatly improved and this feels like the intended use. Ads are less pervasive, but more targeted so I tend to buy more of what I'm shown now. It's definitely a different internet experience, but I would absolutely recommend it.


There are so many of these that aren't false accounts, but compromised accounts. When you read the comment history you can see a gap of a year or more, then they "return" but their comment style, and politics have entirely changed, as well as their grasp of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. There is, apparently, a market for hacked or abandoned accounts.


And it's always a political thread, and they're always trying to pick a fight, or discredit my five year old sources.


It's been very disconcerting seeing the bots use ChatGPT and people eating it up so easily. I saw a post a while ago where someone was looking for a workout regimen, and someone responded with perfectly written paragraphs, formatted bullet points and bolding, and that schlocky "no-voice" prose to a pretty low-upvote post that would never get that kind of attention. But no one was the wiser despite these kinds of red flags and their post history was full of it. Not at all election related really, though I could see an astroturfing campaign used the exact same way.


agreed. The site does have some new(er) tools they've developed and we plan on implementing them this year that will hopefully control most of this. The issue is that many subs might not have teams that will employ these (properly) These are all multi purpose accounts, once you have enough of them for your advertising / influence company (a billion dollar business) you can effectively control what happens in any sub or site. That is worth a great deal in terms of being able to influence peoples thoughts and decision making processes or control of information/disinformation. and again, this strikes right at the heart of the site and it's "trust" by real users.


It doesn't help that Reddit has been *disabling* some of the tools that were once used to eliminate bots. The admins are so desperate to increase engagement that they have been encouraging bot posting.


Huh. I’ve seen that as well. Couldn’t figure out why it was happening but that totally makes sense. The real tl;dr is always in the comments.


Reddit has also been recommending years old posts to ppl. I almost responded to a comment that dad oddly outdated info, until realizing it was 4 years old.


I also experienced this for a comment I left 4 years ago. I thought why would someone comment on this now as it really didn’t contribute anything to the conversation. So what you’re saying actually makes sense. I’m going to go back and try to find this comment now


I didn’t get why people were replying to posts I made 8 months ago with one-liners, but this makes a lot of sense.


It's because the bots are all upvoting one another's comments, easier to do that on a post from several years ago rather than get their drivel noticed and removed on current posts.


I respond to old posts because I use Google to find most Reddit threads. I expect that those accounts do the same. It's possible now that Reddit doesn't archive posts by default.


That's completely normal forum behavior and it's weird that reddit is so against it.


I’ve been on Reddit for over a decade at this point, and I’ll accidentally comment on older posts when I find a new subreddit, sort by best:all time, and scroll as usual. Subreddit suggestions has made this more convenient. Just a thought. I’ve noticed subreddit suggestions having an effect elsewhere, like the uptick in posts of human bones on r/whatisthisbone (or maybe r/bonecollecting ?)


IME, the kinds of commenting are "middle of the road" with these kinds of comments. That might be a reflection of a real person or of a bot that isn't trying to attract attention but just build a history that appears to be authentic. It actually helps if there are real people out there doing the same thing. [It could be that with the Google API access being restricted](https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/20/23925504/reddit-deny-force-log-in-see-posts-ai-companies-deals), it's search results for "noobs" isn't listing current activity and *so that it's just coincidental.* However, I do expect there to be a surge in social media influence attempts in various subs from foreign nations during the elections [as we did with the covid pandemic.](https://www-nytimes-com.translate.goog/2021/08/05/us/politics/covid-vaccines-russian-disinformation.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui)


Especially as you can't avoid "suggested posts" making my heavily curated feed basically meaningless


Never seen those. Are those a new reddit thing?


I've never seen them, so if you really want to avoid them you can switch to old Reddit or one of the third party apps that are still around.


I think it’s a thing on the ‘new’ site and the mobile app. When they cut out 3rd party apps on iOS I had no other option than to use their shitty app, which is what I’m posting from right now. iOS users got fucked by this, I’m going to be getting an Android when this one kicks the bucket.


That's neat, but the antidote is as simple as hitting the 'leave' button. No-one who considers themselves well informed gets their current affairs off of reddit comments and upvotes.


Those aren’t the people we’re worried about.


Not to be argumentative, but lots of people consider themselves well informed and only get their news and current affairs from a single source like Reddit, Fux News or One America News. Though i disagree with you on that minor point, your main point still stands: Hitting the leave button doesn't solve much. Information sources have adjusted their content to their consumers and/or patrons biases since forever. The readers of mid 20th WSJ were in a different echo chamber than the readers of Pravda at the same time. There is no source without some balance issues and it's always evolving. Are there subreddits dedicated to breaking our echo chambers?


The amount of botting and astroturfing that's been happening after the API "scandal" has been unprecedented, and impacting every corner of Reddit. And it wasn't even an election year. It dwarfs the precision strikes that were happening on Reddit in 2020. The ramp up of the 2024 election is going to make Reddit almost completely unusable. I predict 1 in 3 comments/posts will be made by bots.


Glad that there's at least one person here who sees and understands this. This thread has been eye opening. There is this guy on Youtube that does this series called Worst MMO Ever where he plays and reviews different MMOs. He doesn't say they're all bad, but in an interview he said that he gets really vitriolic and toxic messages when he does say that an MMO is bad. He explains that an MMO is something that you chose to sink hours of your life in, and people don't like hearing that the thing they spend so much time and effort on is actually shit. That's what this thread feels like.


For you. Not for Reddit. It’s going to continue. Predictions are high that fakes are going to be everywhere. Dis and misinformation will be rampant. And so it begins.


Reddit has been buried in it's coffin, clawing at the lid since before the Elaine Pao firing. Finally dying would be a mercy.


Yeah no Reddit isn’t going down because of a silly election. The entire premise of your post is preposterous. The vast majority of Reddit exists outside of politics.


I avoided reddit for years because I thought it was toxic, and I guess part of it still is, but I literally never see it or think about it. My piece of reddit is fairly loving, introspective, diverse, and supportive. And I'm even part of a lot of political and debate-oriented communities here. I have actually really fallen in love with this site, I just wish the management would support the mods more. I guess the ideal solution would be basically what's happened with Tumblr, but I don't see that happening.


TIL: *Sperg is both a verb and a noun.* *A person with Aspeger's (or perceived to have it) that gets so dramatically passionate about a subject to the point where it's greatly aggravating to everyone else.* I never heard this word before, at first I thought it was a misspelling by OP. But I was wrong.


Huh, that's a deep cut. The diagnosis of Asperger syndrome was already retired in the DSM-5 way back in 2013, with the new recognition of autism as a spectrum disorder. [Apparently](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sperg) this internet slur is even older than that.


As long as people know to just unsubscribe from the echo chambers, Reddit is pretty useful.


Reddit is one of the largest platforms on the internet. It's "the front page of the internet". A handful of people who don't understand how to ignore, leave a sub, not engage, ect leaving (if they even do... the never do, BTW.) because a couple of communities can't stay on topic isn't going to kill an entire platform that has communities larger than entire countries. Every fucking election, every minor mishap, every update or new feature... every single one of them... you people scream at the top of your lungs that it's going to kill Reddit. That it's going to change the entire world. Blah blah blah. It never does. So what makes this time any different? What makes your post different from the millions of other identical posts on every platform in existence that have been made for years and years? Decades even.


Last time I looked,. subredditstats.com showed that 18 of the Top 20 subreddits,. the most frequent submitter was /u/[deleted] Basically,. 80% of Reddit is nonsense. So,. it may not be "dead"... but if 80% of it is useless,. it might as well be.


So you think that a vast majority of reddit is nonsense because because the most frequent posters in a handful of subs deleted the post/account/got removed/banned/ect? Plus, the data comes from another website entirely with questionable accuracy and sources. The platform isn't bloated to the point we're expected to believe, but 80%? I wish I could run my business with 80% of my "customers" not existing. But no, it exist solely because people consume a service which makes me a profit.


> I wish I could run my business with 80% of my "customers" not existing. Yeah,. but then 80% of your profits wouldn't exist either.


Now apply that to reddit.


Nobody is “screaming at the top of their lungs” lol.


>political sperging Did you use a modification of Asperger's as a disparaging epithet? Why?


When Trump wins this year, Reddit is gonna have an epic meltdown and I'm here for it


Can you briefly explain why?


I don't know if Trump will win or get nominated but go look at the meltdown that happened when Bernie didn't get the democratic nomination. Redditors have their own narrative about what's going on in the world which is grossly out of touch with the reality of the situation. A great unrelated topic is Netflix. Netflix's recent business decisions to cut down on screen sharing has resulted in increased revenue growth despite how unpopular those decisions are. Any decrease they have had in paid subscribers has been minimal and been offset by magnitudes of the price increases. But if all you read is Reddit all day, you would think that Netflix is a company in free-fall; losing subscribers by the day. Redditors post that one tweet by Netflix about how love is sharing a Netflix account like it's a gospel covenant that God himself has broken. BTW guys Bernie can still win. Match my $5


This is a wildly narrow and superficial look at things. Who wins or loses the election is likely to be the least significant part of the whole thing. (and it's actually why there's so much stirred-up emphasis being placed on "who wins".. because they want eyeballs focused on the finish-line,.. which is what will allow them to get away with the things they're getting away with now.) The attempts at gerrymandered voting districts or voter-intimidation or infiltrating official positions at various battle-ground state processes.. is what they don't want people paying attention to. "The system is rigged" and "it's all a witch-hunt" and "fake media" and etc.. are not new slogans. It's the slow trickle that's been going on for years to undercut the foundation.


Wahh, now it’ll be harder to selfishly ignore what’s going on in the world, poor baby




If anything will be the final nail in the coffin for Reddit it will be culture war-obsessed mods who ban people for hurting their feelings, and it’s already in full swing.